Period sex: no big deal
Women are often horny when they’re having their period. Janette no longer regards her period as a deterrent to having sex. Orgasms even relieve her cramps.
I have sex on my period and I don’t plan on stopping.
But it hasn’t always been that way. When I was younger, I had heard of stories of girls having sex on their period but I didn’t dare to try it out myself. I always thought the guys I dated would be disgusted by me and think I was unclean.
But Alex, my boyfriend of two years, made me see things differently. A few months ago, he visited me over the weekend and I was on my period. I didn’t know when I would see him again and I really wanted to have sex.
Super horny
I had not seen him for a while and because I usually get super horny on my ‘red robot’ days, I was completely aroused by his mere presence and couldn’t keep my hands off him. When Alex made a move to head over to the bedroom, I panicked and told him I was on my period. He wasn’t too bothered by that fact: ‘Do you really think that I can keep my hands off you just because you’re on your period?’ he said.
So I was finally going to experience my first period sex.
Related: Can I Get Pregnant On My Period?
Cramp relief
I laid a towel on the bed before we got on with it to minimise the mess on the sheets. Since this was a first for me, I didn’t want Alex to get too excited and start using his hands on me down there. Alex slipped on a condom. He knew that I was nervous and I was already cramping, maybe from too much excitement. I was blown away by his gentleness and consideration. By the time he penetrated me, I was really wet and ready to go. The sensation was amazing. It was the same and yet different. Every point on my body felt sensitive and ready to burst.
Later, as I lay in his arms, I noticed that the cramps had eased and were manageable without the need for painkillers. The sex had been amazing. Now there’s really no reason why I would not have sex in the future while I am on my period.
Have you had sex on your period? How was your experience? Leave a comment below or check our Facebook pages for Naija and Kenya.
sex on periods is more
sex on periods is more sweeter…I do it and I dont intend to stop
Nice. Thanks for sharing
Nice. Thanks for sharing Achieng.
LEVITICUS 18:19-Do not have
LEVITICUS 18:19-Do not have intercourse with a woman during her monthly peripd, because she is ritually unclean…That is already a sin!GOD DOES NOT ALLOW US
Thanks for sharing that but
Thanks for sharing that but People have different religions and different beliefs. Scientifically there is nothing wrong with it.
Sex is so nice wen in my
Sex is so nice wen in my menstruation my dear nakuambia…i do enjoy till i say ooh mu swr@ nitombe hapo tamu usitoke
Ahh good for you Eunny 🙂 .
Ahh good for you Eunny 🙂 .
Yes, I had my first time just
Yes, I had my first time just this month and will still do it! Why not?! I thought at first it was painful but I was all wrong. It’s even more heavenly and it’s not that messy if you are prepared like putting some towels in the sheets. And yes, I am hornier during my period. Penetration was easy too because of extra ‘lubrication’ 😉
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Adler.
it was yogoyogo
it was yogoyogo
What does that mean Juma?
What does that mean Juma? kindly clarify for us.
yes buh dint enjoy coz i
yes buh dint enjoy coz i did it with someone who loved me buh i dint love him not even feeling him so i dint enjoy…i gess ill try it with my boyfriend..
Tell us how it goes next time
Tell us how it goes next time Shiru. Thanks for sharing.
the first time i had sex with
the first time i had sex with my periods it was good bt letter on it was so painful that i had to see the doctor so fo me it’s not safe
Hi Veronica, thanks for
Hi Veronica, thanks for sharing your experience.
with me, io hapana
with me, io hapana
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
I doubt if I could do that..
I doubt if I could do that…is that blood/fluid during periods not smelling bad?
No Benson it does not smell
No Benson it does not smell bad. You can give it a try and tell us how it goes.
I should try sex on my
I should try sex on my periods,coz that’s when am more horny.
Great! Tell us how it goes.
Great! Tell us how it goes.
sex during period is not good
sex during period is not good since alady is unclean!
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
It eases de cramps n i like
It eases de cramps n i like it!!
Good , thanks for sharing
Good , thanks for sharing that Jay.
mmmmh…mean it sweet….have
mmmmh…mean it sweet….have never tried bt i will soon..
Great! Tell us how it goes
Great! Tell us how it goes Sheps.
sex while in period is not
sex while in period is not advisable. My aunt was an addict of same and hated meeting with her husband on normal days, having had a child before marriage, she never had an oppotunity of having another for every moment she conceived, it resulted to a miscarriage due to failure in lmplantation for the uterus had grown too slippery dat could not support lmplantation. Besides her husband had developed complecations of spinal cord and as they went for medical attention, the research turned out to be negative in that they had been affected by tgat act of having sex while in periods. Also its risky becouse incase it comes in contact with urethra it will lead its way into the penis and cause irritation to an extent of interfering wi testis. l opposse the act.
Hi Mourine, all that is a
Hi Mourine, all that is a just myth and is not factual. Scientifically it has been proven not to cause any harm to either party. Thanks for your input.
I have had sex so many times
I have had sex so many times during my period,and for real,it’s damn sweet…I don’t see any problem with that
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Loise 🙂 .
it somehow helps reduce
it somehow helps reduce painful period and its very sweet
Thanks for sharing Hench.
Thanks for sharing Hench.
not realy
not realy
sex during the periods is
sex during the periods is more swty than the other days
Thanks for sharing Vikie. 🙂
Thanks for sharing Vikie. 🙂
mine was very painful…I
mine was very painful…I will never repeat again
Sorry to hear it didn’t work
Sorry to hear it didn’t work out for you. Thanks for sharing.
mine was very painful…I
mine was very painful…I will never repeat again
Thanks for sharing Ighodaro.
Thanks for sharing Ighodaro.
i like she realy lovex it…
i like she realy lovex it….i c nothing wrong abt it…
Thanks for the input Allen.
Thanks for the input Allen.
Is it safe doing it without a
Is it safe doing it without a condom?
Yes it is Kev. There is no
Yes it is Kev. There is no that.
ma boyfie visited n was to go
ma boyfie visited n was to go back. couldn’t wait til wen he’d be back again ati coz I was in ma red days. I went for it n da feeling ……….sooo kul n swt.
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Cheche.
hwzi pata mimba amr n lzma
hwzi pata mimba amr n lzma utmie condom
There are still possibility
There are still possibility of getting pregnant so taking precaution and using contraceptives would still be a good idea.
sex during de period is more
sex during de period is more enjoyeable,wowwwh!?xmat.!
Great, glad you like it.
Great, glad you like it.
Will try.
Will try.
Great! Tell us how it goes.
Great! Tell us how it goes.
its sweet but my gal’s pussy
its sweet but my gal’s pussy gets looser during her period, makes me bored some tymes
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Goef.
Will try it out
Will try it out
Do people get pregnant during
Do people get pregnant during period or after period ?.Let me know please
Can I get pregnant when…
Can I get pregnant when having sex during my periods and my periods are irregular is there a way I can. Tell for sure when am ovulating since I want to get pregnant? Thank you.
Hey, there is a chance that…
Hey, there is a chance that you could get pregnant if you had sex during your period. The chance is however very small; a man’s sperm has the ability to survive inside the woman’s body for a few days and there is a small chance that an early ovulation could cause pregnancy. If you want to avoid getting pregnant, it is best to use contraceptives. https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
On your second question, usually, you bleed up to the seventh day of your cycle, and ovulation usually starts 12–16 days before your next period. This means you ovulate between day 12 and 16 of your cycle. If you have an irregular cycle, lasting just 21 days or as long as 42 days, it’s more likely that you could ovulate soon after your period. For instance, in a 21-day cycle, you may stop bleeding on day seven of your cycle, but you may ovulate between day five and day nine of your cycle. Check out this article which also provides you a link to work out when you are likely to ovulate;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation We wish you well.