Sex-Ed Resources

In this section, we provide guidelines for you -parents and guardians, on how to navigate age-appropriate Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) with your child. CSE plays a vital role in equipping young people with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices in their lives, particularly in a context with easy-to-access, thus high exposure to, inaccurate information on sexuality and sexual reproductive health through the Internet and other media.


Why the gospel of abstinence is not bearing fruit

Why the gospel of abstinence is not bearing fruit

While promoting abstinence is well-intentioned and aims to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections like HIV, it hasn’t produced the desired results. Several factors contribute to its shortcomings: The limited scope of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) In Kenya, when […]

How to support your late blooming child

How to support your late blooming child

Your child is likely a late bloomer, and late bloomers are children who develop slower than their peers in various aspects such as academics, social skills, or physical growth.  These groups may face unique psychological challenges because of a lack […]

What is age-appropriate sex education?

What is age-appropriate sex education?

She says her parents never had “the sex talk” with her, even though they were both teachers and her mom was a Sunday school teacher. They never mentioned anything about sexuality, sexual abuse, body image, mental health or puberty.  Muthoni […]

Dads, here’s why you should hug your daughters

Dads, here’s why you should hug your daughters

In various African cultures, dads aren’t just breadwinners but pillars of strength, wisdom, and guidance for their families. But how impactful are hugs from these paternal figures, especially regarding their teenage daughters?  A recent social media survey sheds light on […]

How to talk to your teen about positive body image

How to talk to your teen about positive body image

Elema Joyce, Miss Universe Kenya Marsabit County 2022, shared on Facebook how societal conditioning during her teenage years negatively affected her self-esteem. In her community, not having a bright complexion was considered unattractive. Reflecting on her journey, Elema confessed to […]

A father’s guide to period talk with daughter

A father’s guide to period talk with daughter

For a single father, discussing topics such as menstruation with your daughter might be challenging, especially considering the African traditional beliefs. A recent study on social media revealed the different perspectives of men in Kenya about menstruation. As much as […]

8 tips to hep your child through acne

8 tips to hep your child through acne

Acne affects physical appearance and can impact self-esteem and confidence during a crucial developmental stage. As a parent, offering support, understanding, and practical solutions is essential to help your daughter navigate this challenging period. The following tips can guide you […]

5 things teens want to know about periods

5 things teens want to know about periods

To support you in #havingthetalk, I have compiled a list of five things your children want to know about menstruation: 1. What causes a period? Pre-adolescents are confused – and want to know, about what’s actually happening to their bodies […]

8 reasons why sexuality education is important

8 reasons why sexuality education is important

As parents, we often think of conversations about sexuality and relationships as something awkward, routine or even harmful. Many of us even try to avoid the conversation altogether. If you need inspiration for why you should starting having these very […]

Let’s break silence on menstrual health

Let’s break silence on menstrual health

Imagine this – a young girl, only twelve years old, finds herself huddled in the corner of her room, tears streaming down her chubby cheeks. Confusion and fear grip her heart as she discovers a big patch of blood on her school dress, accompanied by piercing abdominal pain.