8 types of foreplay you should try
Foreplay is everything that gets you in the mood for sexual intercourse… Kissing is foreplay. Flirting, touching, and talking dirty are all foreplay.
If you’ve been going straight to sex when hooking up with your partner, you are missing out on some good times. Try foreplay adding foreplay to your sex na utapenda.
Note that foreplay is sex. You can enjoy it on its own, and it doesn’t have to lead to intercourse. Foreplay is equally important as intercourse, and sometimes even more so. Women don’t usually enjoy sexual intercourse without some foreplay first. It also makes it much more enjoyable for men.
Almost anything you do with your partner that feels sexy is a kind of foreplay, but here are some of the most common ones.
8 common foreplay ideas
1. Talking sexy
‘Your pussy is so wet, ‘give it to me daddy,’ ‘You love that, don’t you?’ are all types of sexy talk. I am sure you have sexier examples.
Flirting can be very sexy, and it doesn’t have to lead to anything. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you can’t still flirt with your partner, and take it further by talking while you’re kissing and touching each other. Tell them what you like, what you want them to do, and what you’d like to do to them. Use your imagination! Language can build intimacy as much as touch.
2. Undressing
Ladies and gentlemen, there’s something sexy about undressing slowly and securing your partner in the process. Don’t just undress like you are being chased.
Never be in a hurry to get naked – unless it’s a quickie. Undressing in front of your partner can be a big turn-on for both of you – the slower the better. Or enjoy taking your partner’s clothes off and showing them how much you love their body.
3. Touching and caressing
Let your fingers do the walking.
You can enjoy the feeling of your partner’s body, whether or not you’ve got your clothes on. Take it slowly and make it playful.
4. Finding the sensitive spots
Explore your partner’s body and not just the obvious places. Everyone’s different, so you can enjoy finding out what works for your partner as you touch and kiss your way around their body. Some people have very sensitive ears; others love it when you kiss their neck or their toes.
5. Kissing all over
Kissing on the mouth isn’t the only kind of kissing. Try kissing your partner all over their body, and even nibbling them gently.
Here are kissing tips: How to kiss
6. Playing games
There are all sorts of games you can play to turn up the heat in the bedroom. These games can start much earlier, as you tease your partner with the anticipation of what’s coming later. Or try exchanging some sexy texts during the day. You could try blindfolding your partner and taking control – or the other way around. Or think of a card game you could play, and make a rule that the loser has to take off an item of clothing.
7. Cuddling
Cuddling is when you hold someone close in an affectionate manner.
Making love is not the same as cuddling. When you cuddle someone, it doesn’t have to be about sex. Everyone needs a cuddle sometimes to feel happy.
Cuddling is about warmth and affection. Making love is about sexual arousal and pleasure. A relationship should have space for both sex and cuddles.
8. Oral sex
If you love dining on southern cuisine, then you should definitely include it in your foreplan plan.
Others: Touching, hugging, playing games – almost everything that’s sexual, except for penetrative sex, can be described as foreplay.
What other types of foreplay do you know?
Nice advice
Nice advice
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Hi Teefah,
Thank you! Keep…
Hi Teefah,
Thank you! Keep it here for more amazing content.
I like the your discretion …
I like the your discretion ,we men we should know how to handle this ladies in matters bedroom
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution, Kipkemboi.
I have gained alot
I have gained alot
I have gained alot
I have gained alot
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice
A nice topic.love it more
A nice topic.love it more
I HV learnt alot change is…
I HV learnt alot change is coming
Glad to hear that…
Glad to hear that Jaschriscarlos!
Wowi like this
Wowi like this
You are welcome, Triza.
You are welcome, Triza.
Like it,wow
Like it,wow
We are glad Rose.
We are glad Rose.
good lesson.
good lesson.
We are glad you found this…
We are glad you found this useful MJ.
Necessery lesson
Necessery lesson
You are welcome Manaash.
You are welcome Manaash.
Wow gud
Wow gud
Thank you for the feedback…
Thank you for the feedback Odinga.
Women neva leave it there…
Women neva leave it there wen there emotions are at te peak
Both women are men, this is…
Both women are men, this is why this is foreplay that may lead to intercourse or not.
Thanks a lot…its very…
Thanks a lot…its very helpful
Thank you Rose, we…
Thank you Rose, we appreciate your feedback.
I just missed my boo after…
I just missed my boo after reading this…..it’s soo nice
Call them up, thank you for…
Call them up, thank you for the feedback Eliza.
I do agree wth you
I do agree wth you
Thank you very much for the…
Thank you very much for the feedback David.
That’s a nice one! Feel like…
That’s a nice one! Feel like calling her up, thanks LM
You are welcome Dico.
You are welcome Dico.
Nice one
Nice one
Thank you Rsae, keep reading.
Thank you Rsae, keep reading.
Its very helpful thank you
Its very helpful thank you
We are glad Cornelius.
We are glad Cornelius.
I have a problem…. how do…
I have a problem…. how do someone feel satisfied…i dnt feel any pleasure doing sex
Hello Vero, a good place to…
Hello Vero, a good place to start is to find out what will give you satisfaction especially because people are different, what one person enjoys may not be what another enjoys. After you know what feels good for you, tell your partner or show them what you want and what you feel will get you satisfied. Sex is better when partners talk about it. Talk about sex before, during and even after sex. Check out the following articles for more tips;-
Nice advice
Nice advice
Thank you for the feedback.
Thank you for the feedback.
Great advice. Keep it coming
Great advice. Keep it coming
You are welcome Chris and we…
You are welcome Chris and we will.
How much time can we spend…
How much time can we spend in foreplay for a lady to be ready and how can you know she is ready for the action?
Hello Kibe, foreplay is…
Hello Kibe, foreplay is really not just about time but it is an important part of sex, women like sex better when they have had foreplay and men enjoy sex more when their has been foreplay.Foreplay prepares both the man and the woman for intercourse, it is important that the focus is not how much time but preparing and more importantly enjoying each other. To know whether your partner is ready, communicate to see if your partner is ready to move to the next level. There is really no amount of time that is perfect for foreplay, some days one may want more than other days. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/foreplay-dos-and-donts
How can one control his…
How can one control his erection.Coz sometime one erects and reaches climax even before penetrative sex and this is embarrassing and disgusting..
Hey Mike, this can be…
Hey Mike, this can be frustrating to both partners. What you are experiencing is known as Premature Ejaculation, which is caused by a number of reasons including fear, anxiety or even stress. Anxiety that one will not perform can make him ejaculate much earlier or stress from home or work. In other cases, particularly in young men it could be the result of sexual inexperience, and so as the young man gets older he also gains more experience in controlling ejaculation. What you then need to have better control on is your ejaculation since, it is after you ejaculate that one looses their ejaculation. There are a few things one can do to have better control of their ejaculation, it takes time and practice but eventually one is able to control their ejaculation;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/how-to-overcome-premature-ejaculation
I like this a lot. My…
I like this a lot. My partner always wants to jump into sex after a very brief session of foreplay and I end up not enjoying sex. How can I get him to spend more time doing foreplay without killing the mood for him?
Hey Cate, taking about sex…
Hey Cate, taking about sex will hep to improve the experience for both yourself and your partner. It is important you find a good time and talk with your partner about what you like and what you want during sex, and also give him a chance to tell you want he likes and enjoys. Together you can then find a balance that will work for you both. Check out this article for more tips on talking about sex;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
Just be frank and tell him…
Just be frank and tell him the truth
Thank you for your input…
Thank you for your input Odiwuor. I agree, it is very important to have open and honest communication about this.
Hey, my boyfriend gets a…
Hey, my boyfriend gets a hard even before I am ready and he want sex immediately. I want us to spend more time in forplay ?
Hey Eunie, getting an…
Hey Eunie, getting an erection means your partner is aroused and this is a normal reaction. This, however, doesn’t me that you should have intercourse immediately, you can still spend more time in foreplay before getting into intercourse. Take some and talk to your about this, let him know that you would to spend more time in foreplay and this will help ensure you both enjoy sex. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
Mya partner doesn’t like…
Mya partner doesn’t like foreplay at all he always wants to go right to sex. What should I do to make him like. Foreplay?
Hey Shana, sex is better…
Hey Shana, sex is better when partners talk about it. You need to help your partner see why foreplay is important for the entire sex experience. He needs to see it as part of the experience and also enjoy it. You also need to talk about what foreplay means to both of you and how you both can enjoy it. Check out the followings for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
You are welcome Daniel.
You are welcome Daniel.
love it coz av learned alot
love it coz av learned alot
Glad you like our article…
Glad you like our article. Keep reading for more.
But some men don’t like to…
But some men don’t like to foreplay and then sex is painful.
Hey Nice, it is important to…
Hey Nice, it is important to talk with your partner and have them understand why foreplay is important for you since it makes sex enjoyable for you and your partner. Have a look at the following articles for additional tips;-
I ‘m a virgin and my…
I ‘m a virgin and my partiner too is virgin can we enjoy sex at all wen got married ?
Yes you can Peace. Take time…
Yes you can Peace. Take time and learn as much as you can about sex. After you get married and begin to have sex, it will be a time of self discovery for both of you as individuals, but you will also get to discover each other. Keep your communication open and honest, keep talking about sex which plays an important role in improving the experience for both partners. Have a look at the following articles for more information;-
I enjoy foreplay more as a…
I enjoy foreplay more as a girl but my partner does it for a very short time. How do I get him to appreciate foreplay as an important part of sex?
Hey Tessie, taking about sex…
Hey Tessie, taking about sex helps to improve the experience for both partners. You need to talk with your partner about what you like during sex, let him know you enjoy a longer session of foreplay. Do also have him tell what he likes and then find a middle ground that you both like. Check out this article for tips on talking about sex;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
my bf does not like foreplay…
my bf does not like foreplay. I like a long session of kissing cuddling caressing and all but he wants a short session then sex which also does not last. How can I get him like foreplay more?
Hi Wendy, have you tried to…
Hi Wendy, have you tried to talk about it with your boyfriend including what exactly he doesn’t like? It is important to talk about sex since this will help improve the experience for both partners. Your partner needs to know what you like and want during sex and the importance of foreplay during sex. You can then agree on a middle ground that you both are happy with. Have a look at the following article for more tips;-
What makes girls breast to…
What makes girls breast to be sensitive not to touch?
Hi Nick, breast can become…
Hi Nick, breast can become sensitive for a number of reasons including hormonal changes as a result of periods afew days before periods starts, it could also be a sign of pregnancy, side effects of hormonal birth control, when one is sexually aroused, while in some cases it could be an underlying medical issue. It is important to determine what could be causing the pain and find a solution. Remember, some of these causes are only seasonal. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
I like your article,very…
I like your article,very good to learn in future and for improving sex activity with foreplay having its importance
We are glad Chander.
We are glad Chander.
My girlfriend will not like…
My girlfriend will not like me to touch her breast when we romance. What else can I do to romance her apart from kissing?
Hey Michael, has your…
Hey Michael, has your girlfriend told you why she doesn’t like it? There are lots of things you can do during foreplay which may include hugging, caressing other body parts other then breast, kissing all over among others. It all depends with what you both enjoy and like, what turns you on. Talking about it may help including showing each other what you want and how you want it. Have a look at the following articles for more tips;-
I ejaculate during foreplay…
I ejaculate during foreplay especially round one. Is there a problem with me?
Hi Amos, this means you get…
Hi Amos, this means you get too excited during sex that you end up ejaculating too soon. This is known as premature ejaculation, which is caused by a number of reasons including fear, anxiety or even stress. Anxiety that one will not perform can make him ejaculate much earlier or stress from home or work. In other cases, particularly in young men it could be the result of sexual inexperience, and so as the young man gets older he also gains more experience in controlling ejaculation. There are a few things he can do to overcome this;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/how-to-overcome-premature-ejaculation
How can I make my boyfriend…
How can I make my boyfriend to like foreplay?
Hi Kate, you could by…
Hi Kate, you could by getting to know from him why he doesn’t like foreplay and then let him know why foreplay is an important part of love making. Here is an article you ca share with him;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/repulsed-by-foreplay
In Love It’s Interesting
In Love It’s Interesting
Being in love is definitely…
Being in love is definitely interesting 🙂
Thanks Alot
This article is…
Thanks Alot
This article is so helpful to me
Thank you love matters. This…
Thank you love matters. This is a nice and educative read.
We are glad to help. Feel…
We are glad to help. Feel free to look through the website to find other articles that could be of help to you.
Hi Elijah, what is up?
Hi Elijah, what is up?
for the first time i bet you…
for the first time i bet you will not since both of you have no experience
This can be very true Rowan,…
This can be very true Rowan, thank you for your feedback!
gd ideas luv dem.
gd ideas luv dem.
Hi Susan, thank you for…
Hi Susan, thank you for getting in touch and we are so glad you love our content. Please feel free to go through more of our content and let us know what you think and feel free to ask us any questions regarding Love, Sex and Relationships and we will gladly assist! Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Wow that is supper amazing
Wow that is supper amazing
Always pleased to help,…
Always pleased to help, David. Feel free to go through more of our content to help you make more informed decisions and do not hesitate to get in touch with us in case you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!
When a man is about to cum…
When a man is about to cum or when he is in the process…what should his partner do to make him enjoy it even more
Hi Carol,
The man is…
Hi Carol,
The man is already climaxing or about to reach climax thus the best thing is to continue whatever it is that you are doing to make him enjoy the orgasm. If you were riding him, continue. The best thing is not to stop what you are doing. Keep doing it.
Thanks for that lesson
Thanks for that lesson
Hi Paskal,
Glad you learnt…
Hi Paskal,
Glad you learnt something new. Good luck practicing.
I didn’t know all these…
I didn’t know all these especially the gaming part. Now she will know that am from school ?
Hi Franck,
Glad you have…
Hi Franck,
Glad you have learnt something new! Good luck in practicing! Wishing you a pleasurable and adventurous sex life. Keep it here for more informative content.
Very helpful
Very helpful
Hi there,
Thank you! Keep…
Hi there,
Thank you! Keep it here for more helpful content.
I have learn a lot and the…
I have learn a lot and the message is Crystal clear
Is leaking also foreplay. I…
Is leaking also foreplay. I really enjoy licking my partners pussy.
Yes, licking can be part of…
Yes, licking can be part of foreplay. Your partner is lucky!