Menstruation and ovulation: here’s all you need to know
Towards the end of puberty, you start having periods. Having a period means losing some blood through your vagina approximately once a month.
Most women and girls lose between two and four tablespoons of blood each month. You can use tampons or sanitary towels (pads) to soak it up.
How does it work?
When you reach puberty, your ovaries start producing oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones make the lining of your womb get thicker once a month and ready for getting pregnant.
Meanwhile, there are hormones also signalling your ovaries to produce and release an unfertilised egg. In most women, this happens once every 28 days or so.
No fertilisation = getting your period.
In general, if you don’t have sexual intercourse around the time of your ovulation (when your ovaries release an egg), it’s unlikely that any sperm reaches and fertilises your egg. So the womb lining, which became thicker to prepare for pregnancy, is shed as menstrual blood. And you get your period! This cycle is called menstruation.
Related: How Many Days Should Periods Last
Changes over time
If you’ve only just started having periods, you might not actually ovulate yet. This is a natural way to protect you if your body isn’t actually ready for pregnancy just yet.
During the first year you have your periods, you may only ovulate (release an egg) 20 per cent of the time. So, if you have 12 periods a year, you probably only release an egg two or three times.
Remember, every woman is different and once you’re sexually mature you can get pregnant any month! You can even get pregnant if you’ve never had a period. Don’t think just because you haven’t been having periods for long you don’t need to use birth control. That could be a very big mistake!
Fertilisation and ovulation
Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries.
When you ovulate, if there are no sperm cells in your fallopian tube – either because you haven’t had sex or you used a contraceptive – then the egg won’t be fertilised. Your body then gets rid of the lining of the womb, so mucus and blood come out of your vagina. This is called menstruation, or having your period. In general, it lasts between four and seven days.
Your menstrual cycle runs from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. This takes about 28 days (four weeks), but different people’s cycles vary between 21 and 42 days (3–6 weeks).
Related: Menstrual Cups: 6 Women Share Their Experiences

Phase I: Menstruation (day 1 to day 5)
On the first day of your cycle, the tissue from the lining of the womb, the blood, and the unfertilised egg cell leave your body through your vagina. You have your period. In a 28-day cycle, this phase lasts between one and five days. Don’t worry if your period is as short as two days or as long as eight days. This is normal.
Phase II: Follicular (day 6 to day 14)
After your period ends, your womb lining begins to get thicker. Also, one of your ovaries produces one mature unfertilised egg. You may notice changes in vaginal discharge. It may become stickier, white, milky, or cloudy. These changes may signal that you are entering the fertile time of the month.
Just before you ovulate, your vaginal discharge may change to a texture and colour similar to a raw egg white. This discharge can be slippery and clear, which can help sperm travel to the egg. Like the menstruation phase, the length of this phase varies: it can be as short as seven days or as long as 19.
Phase III: Ovulation (day 14)
During ovulation, the ovary releases a mature egg, which passes into the fallopian tube. Some women may feel a slight pain on one side of their lower back or abdominal area around the time of ovulation. This too is normal. Ovulation takes place about 14 days after the first day of your period. Meanwhile, the lining of your womb gets even thicker.
Signs of Ovulation
Some women experience changes when they are ovulating like:
- A change in vaginal discharge.
- A brief pain or dull ache felt on one side of the abdomen.
- An increased desire for sex.
- A bloated abdomen.
- A keener sense of vision, smell, or taste.
Phase IV: Ovulation to menstruation (day 15 to day 28)
The released egg travels down the fallopian tube to the womb. The womb lining gets even thicker to receive the egg. If the egg isn’t fertilised by a sperm cell, it dies. Your body gets rid of the extra womb lining and egg cell, and your period starts again.
If the egg cell is fertilised and it settles into the lining of the womb, and your period doesn’t come: you’re pregnant. The menstrual cycle stops until after you give birth.
Can I ovulate right after my period?
It depends on how many days are in your cycle.
If you have a regular cycle – with 28 days from the start of one period to the start of the next – it is less likely that you will ovulate right after your period.
You may bleed up to the seventh day of your cycle, and we know ovulation usually starts 12–16 days before your next period. This means you ovulate between day 12 and 16 of your cycle.
If you have an irregular cycle – lasting just 21 days or as long as 42 days – it’s more likely that you could ovulate soon after your period. For instance, in a 21-day cycle, you may stop bleeding on day seven of your cycle, but you may ovulate between day five and day nine of your cycle.
How can I work out when I’m going to ovulate?
Well, it takes a bit of maths! You have to work backwards from when your period starts. The time you’re likely to ovulate lasts four days, between 16 and 12 days before the first day of your period.
If you have a period every 28 days, take 16 away from 28:
28 – 16 = 12
That means the four days you’re most likely to ovulate begin 12 days after your period starts. So your period starts on day one, and you ovulate between day 12 and 16.
If you have a period every 21 days, take 16 away from 21:
21 – 16 = 5
That means the four days you’re likely to ovulate begin five days after your period starts. So your period starts on day one, and you ovulate between day five and day 9.
Puzzled? Try an online ovulation calculator!
Could I ovulate without having a period?
You could ovulate without having a period if:
- Your body weight is very low.
- You’re breastfeeding.
- You’re approaching the menopause.
Getting pregnant
You’re only able to have a baby during certain times of your life. For many girls and women, this is between about the ages of 15 and 49, when you have monthly periods and are ovulating regularly.
Most girls or young women ovulate every month, in between their periods. During ovulation, an unfertilised egg cell travels out of one of the ovaries and down the fallopian tube to the womb.
To get pregnant, you have intercourse with a man around the time you ovulate – usually about 14 days after the first day of your last period. After sex, the sperm swims up the vagina and into the fallopian tubes. If there’s an egg waiting in one of the fallopian tubes, the tiny sperm tries to burrow their way inside it. If one sperm gets inside the egg, it’s fertilised.
The fertilised egg then moves down the fallopian tube to the womb. Hormones make sure the lining of the womb is ready to receive the egg. If the fertilised egg nestles into the lining of the womb, you become pregnant.
Can I get pregnant when I’m having my period?
Yes. Since sperm can live in the vaginal opening for up to five days after sex, if you have unprotected sex during your period and you ovulate soon after your period, the sperm can fertilise the egg. And you get pregnant.
Period pains
You may not feel so good when you get your period, or right before your period. If this is not you, count yourself lucky!
Many get stomach aches and get in a bad mood. Sometimes you may feel tired, grumpy, or sad right before your period. This is pretty common. Most of it’s related to the changes in your hormones levels.
What can you do when you’ve got period pain?
The best thing to do is look after yourself. Here are some suggestions:
For stomach aches:
- Use a hot water bottle/bag on your stomach to ease the cramps.
- Take a paracetamol or aspirin.
For a headache:
- Take a paracetamol or aspirin.
For bloating or swelling:
- Cut down the amount of salt you eat for a few days before your period.
For tiredness:
- Take vitamin supplements that include calcium (or drink milk).
- Have plenty of rest and try to get eight hours of sleep.
For moodiness:
- Exercising regularly for up to 30 minutes a day helps maintain a happy outlook on life
- For food cravings like chocolate:
- Eat dark chocolate, yoghurt, or drink milk
If you’ve got extreme pain, and these suggestions don’t help or you have problems with irregular cycles or excessive blood flow, contact your nearest health care provider for more guidance.
Wonderful information
Wonderful information
En if ma back is paining to
En if ma back is paining to
(No subject)
Hi Alice,
Try the paracetamol, you could even talk to your pharmacist for something that will work more effectively.
Thank you ma
Thank you ma
You are most welcome Maribel…
You are most welcome Maribel 🙂
Hae doctor
Hae doctor
Hi Maximillian!
Hi Maximillian!
(No subject)
Great to know that information is useful to you Rogers.
U have educated me ,thanks…
U have educated me ,thanks alot
You are welcome Mirry.
You are welcome Mirry.
nice information.But am…
nice information.But am experiencing more pain during my period plz heip
Hi Juliet, it is important…
Hi Juliet, it is important to distinguish between what is normal and what is not normal pain. Pain in the lower stomach that is throbbing, as well as aches in the lower back and thighs, are common symptoms. However, for some women, the pain maybe accompanied by nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, and dizziness. Understanding the causes of pain is essential for the right prescription. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/dealing-with-period-pain
My June period is 9 and my…
My June period is 9 and my July period is 11 how many cycles did I have and when is my ovulation date
Hey Bola, use the following…
Hey Bola, use the following Ovulation Calculator to determine when you will ovulate. Follow this link and enter required information;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
28 days circle
28 days circle
Hello Anonymous, what about…
Hello Anonymous, what about it?
Repeat procedure
Repeat procedure
Repeat procedure meaning,…
Repeat procedure meaning, Euan?
Thanks a. Lot, this article…
Thanks a. Lot, this article was very helpful
You are welcome Maureen.
You are welcome Maureen.
You are welcome Ijeoma.
You are welcome Ijeoma.
My cycle is 33 days?and my…
My cycle is 33 days?and my last period is July 11 when my ovulation start
Hey Bola, use the following…
Hey Bola, use the following Ovulation Calculator to determine when you will ovulate. Follow this link and enter required information;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
Thank you for this…
Thank you for this information. Though I still did not get it well
Hey Pat, is there anything…
Hey Pat, is there anything you would like for us to clarify for you?
My period cycle is 28 days…
My period cycle is 28 days when will I have my ovulation?
Hi Joy, use the following…
Hi Joy, use the following that has an ovulation calculator to calculate when you will next ovulate;-
Ok thanks. I which to have a…
Ok thanks. I which to have a boy
Most welcome Joy and good…
Most welcome Joy and good luck! There is no sure-fire guarantee of having a baby of a particular gender. Hoping and trying for a boy or girl is just that, and does not influence the odds in either direction but here are some tips to help you along:
Time for sex should coincide with the day of ovulation (no earlier than 24 hours before you are about to ovulate), deep penetrative sex is preferable. It helps if the woman reaches orgasm. Have an energy drink, a cup of coffee or some chocolate before having sex for energy and get your partner to trade in his tight undies for some boxer shorts.
I won’t advice any body take…
I won’t advice any body take any drug.it might affect you in the future when trying to get pregnant later in life.I will advice you take ordinary hot water to flush the thickness out.
Hi Rashidat, to deal with…
Hi Rashidat, to deal with the pain one can use pain killers and this is perfectly alright among other remedies. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/dealing-with-period-pain
Please I need help,my wife…
Please I need help,my wife is 47years and she normally see her period 12th or15th of every month and it last up to five days,when did I suppose to get her pregnant!
Hello Msen Chichi, thank you…
Hello Msen Chichi, thank you for reaching out and asking. For many women between about the ages of 15 and 49, they have monthly periods as you said your wife does between the 12th and 15th of every month and which means she is ovulating regularly. To get pregnant, you have intercourse with a her around the time she ovulates – usually about 14 days after the first day of her last period.
But when can someone get…
But when can someone get pregnant?
For many girls and women,…
For many girls and women, this is between about the ages of 15 and 49, when you have monthly periods and are ovulating regularly. Most girls or young women ovulate every month, in between their periods. During ovulation, an unfertilised egg cell travels out of one of the ovaries and down the fallopian tube to the womb. To get pregnant, you have intercourse with a man around the time you ovulate – usually about 14 days after the first day of your last period.
Pls I gave birth am still…
Pls I gave birth am still breastfeeding and have not seen my period,is it possible to get pregnant even wen d period has not come
Hi Joy, thank you for…
Hi Joy, thank you for reaching out to us. To answer ou question, it is indeed possible to get pregnant before your periods resume after giving birth. You’ll ovulate about two weeks before you have a period. This means you’ll have been fertile again during that time but you won’t necessarily know it. How long has it been since your last delivery?
Am thankful to your advice
Am thankful to your advice
Always pleased to help 🙂
Always pleased to help 🙂
Thank u,I pray it works…
Thank u,I pray it works for me I really need a baby
Hi Favour,
you are most…
Hi Favour,
you are most welcome dear, we are always here to help. Please do check out this link for all the information that you and your lucky partner need to know about getting pregnant:
My last period was 9murch…
My last period was 9murch and I got my next period on 1april is that cycle regular or irregular please help
Hi Joyce, to know whether…
Hi Joyce, to know whether you have a regular or irregular period you need to monitor your periods for about five or six months. During this time, count how long your cycle takes each time. Your cycle lasts from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. You could use a period tracking app to help you.
I have learnt a lot from…
I have learnt a lot from this. Thank you. But I want to ask, after my first issue, I started having irregular period, so I can’t easily calculate my ovulation period and besides, wen I have sex, part of the semen comes out. Hope all these doesn’t stop me from getting pregnant?
Hello Doyeen, thank you for…
Hello Doyeen, thank you for reaching out to us. Having an irregular period does indeed complicate issues and makes it a little hard to determine your ovulation dates. On the other hand, your period suddenly getting irregular could be a sign that there is an issue with your ovulation. You could keep trying to get pregnant and if that does not work, then you could go have tests done.
In regards to semen coming out, that is perfectly normal. Sometimes semen leaves the woman’s body after sex. But enough is retained in the body to make you pregnant.
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
Hi Precious, we are always…
Hi Precious, we are always pleased to help.
Itit has been helpfullf
It has been helpful
Hello Zipporah, we are glad…
Hello Zipporah, we are glad to have been of help.
my husband is complaining of…
my husband is complaining of me not getting pregnant, my period is ok, ovulation is ok, i dont know what is correct with me. please help me out.
Hello Rafat, thank you for…
Hello Rafat, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry you are going through a difficult time. The best thing to do is for both of you to visit your doctor and both of you do a fertility test to identify exactly what the cause may be dear.
After having miscarriage in…
After having miscarriage in early pregnancy and have tested negative when is your fertility and ovulation date
Hello Chiom, thank you for…
Hello Chiom, thank you for getting in touch and we are so sorry to hear about what you went through. You can ovulate and become pregnant as soon as two weeks after a miscarriage. Once you feel emotionally and physically ready for pregnancy after miscarriage, ask your health care provider for guidance. After one miscarriage, there might be no need to wait to conceive.
wow, it so educatvive…
wow, it so educatvive article.congrats
Thank you, Anonymous for…
Thank you, Anonymous for your amazing feedback and we are glad you are able to learn! Have an awesome week ahead and stay safe!
its a wonderful information…
its a wonderful information. congrats.
Thank you for you epic…
Thank you for you epic feedback buddy and we are glad you benefit from ou content! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
hey…today being my 2nd day…
hey…today being my 2nd day of having my periods i had unprotected sex but immediately used a birth control..can i get pregnant?
Hello Imani, technically…
Hello Imani, technically while you are on your period, chances of getting pregnant are reduced but not eliminated. It is great that you took an emergency pill. It is highly unlikely that you could fall pregnant.
Thanks,have at least gained…
Thanks,have at least gained something new
We are so glad to hear this…
We are so glad to hear this Ian, Please feel free to look through the website to find other articles that may be of help.
Thanks and i got some…
Thanks and i got some knowledge but I want to ask you you a question please,_what if you have unprotected sex a day before your period but you feel uneasy and take P2 before 24hrs but More than 12hrs but still your period doesn’t come more than 72hrs, is their chances that you might be pregnant?
Always pleased to help, Kate…
Always pleased to help, Kate. Using the morning-after pill may delay your period by up to one week. If you don’t get your period within three to four weeks of taking the morning-after pill, take a pregnancy test
Kate,I have the same issue…
Kate,I have the same issue with me.kindly allow me to ask you,,, didn’t you receive your periods?
Hi Cate,
When did you last…
Hi Cate,
When did you last receive your period?
Very helpful ?,
Very helpful ?,
Always pleased to help,…
Always pleased to help, Reign. Feel free to go through more of our content to help you make more informed decisions and do not hesitate to get in touch with us in case you have any questions. Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
Doctor I have a problem I…
Doctor I have a problem I noticed spots of blood 3 days back….I used a pill before could it be the cause of the spot of blood
Hi Cathy,
Many women…
Hi Cathy,
Many women experience some irregular bleeding, or spotting, when they first start taking birth control pills. This is totally normal and there is no reason to worry. On the other hand, it is important to know know that the spotting could be caused by something else that, in rare cases, requires immediate medical attention. If you’ve noticed other symptoms (like abdominal pain or dizziness), if the spotting lasts for more than a few days, if it starts to get heavier, or if you’re just worried that it might be something serious, visit a doctor.
wow that’s good knowledge I…
wow that’s good knowledge I got thanks
(No subject)
We are glad you found the information useful Vinet.
So wonderful
So wonderful
Thank you fro the feedback…
Thank you fro the feedback Shady.
Very useful information
Very useful information
We appreciate the feedback.
We appreciate the feedback.
Does this mean That ghu can…
Does this mean That ghu can get pregnant sometimes without having ang intercourse
No Caro, you would have to…
No Caro, you would have to have intercourse around the time you are ovulating to get pregnant. If you are not having any intercourse then there is no chance off getting pregnant.
When using contraceptives…
When using contraceptives,why is it that some one can have period that’s last for three weeks
Hi Lilian, it is expected…
Hi Lilian, it is expected that there will be bleeding in between periods as a side effect within the first 2-3 months. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/the-pill
I can’t understand my …
I can’t understand my cycle
Hi Rahel, What exactly is…
Hi Rahel, What exactly is confusing so we can support you…
Tanx very much have learn a…
Tanx very much have learn a lot about it
You are most welcome Shatu…
You are most welcome Shatu and we are always pleased to help!
Totally I have a big problem…
Totally I have a big problem with my periods I experience severe pain very sharp piercing one also I do vomit during my periods have been taking painkillers buti would like to have s permanent solution ….I became sick for real
Hi Beatrice, Sorry about…
Hi Beatrice, Sorry about this. This is normal an experience that most women go through. You can do a few things to manage the pain. Check out these articles;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
If it is 28 days for a month…
If it is 28 days for a month why mine is coming 2 × for a month
Hi Mildred, Is this…
Hi Mildred, Is this something that has always happened or started recently? If it has always been this way it just means you have a shorter period. If this just started do visit a medical centre for a check up.
Ever since I gave I have not…
Ever since I gave I have not seen my periods, tell me why?
Hi Nancy, If you are…
Hi Nancy, If you are exclusively breastfeeding your child your period will not resume until stop or when you start bottle feeding your baby alongside the breastfeeding.
So wonderful
So wonderful
Thank you Stacy.
Thank you Stacy.
True story is wonderful this…
True story is wonderful this is not simply
Hey Abdulmajid, we hope you…
Hey Abdulmajid, we hope you found this article useful.
My circle is always between…
My circle is always between 28 to 31 days, should I be worried it’s not stable ma?
Hi Joy, it depends with…
Hi Joy, it depends with whether this has been the experience for you always or it started at some point. If your periods were regular but changed at some point, do talk to your health care provider to determine what might have caused the changes and prescribe possible treatment.
Are decrofenact good when…
Are decrofenact good when having stomach pain
Joy, Diclofenac is used to…
Joy, Diclofenac is used to treat pain. Talk to your pharmacists if you are looking for pain killers for period pain.
Very educative
Very educative
Thank you for the feedback.
Thank you for the feedback.
I fee alot of pain in right…
I fee alot of pain in right stomach and back and ma cycle is not active and wat could be the problem
Hi Rose, if you are…
Hi Rose, if you are experiencing pain that you can’t explain then you need to visit medical centre for a check up as soon as possible.
Wen u went for medical why…
Wen u went for medical why is Dr saying different result? What Mr told u isn’t what Mr c will tell u . why is it like that ?
Hey Chris, you didn’t say…
Hey Chris, you didn’t say exactly what results were different and what the tests were about. It maybe important to discuss this with your health care provider to get to know what the difference means.
Please when a woman see her…
Please when a woman see her period two times a month please what is the cause?
Hi Luke, If a woman’s cycles…
Hi Luke, If a woman’s cycles are short, they could have their period at the beginning and end of the month with no reason for concern. If however this is a drastic change from what is normal it is important to seek medical advice since this could be a sign of an underlying issue.
Iam worried,its now 4 years…
Iam worried,its now 4 years since I started using constracective and I have never seen ma period. will I get pregnant immediately I stop using it?
Hey Millie, If you are using…
Hey Millie, If you are using a hormonal method like the pill, it contains the hormones that stop ovulation (the release of an egg) each month hence no menstruation. When you get off the method it is expected that you will get pregnant soon after. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/8-common-side-effects-of-contraceptives
After having sex how long do…
After having sex how long do u take to realize a woman has become pregnant what are the signs
Hi Ben, a woman may get to…
Hi Ben, a woman may get to know that she is pregnant after 14 days. A pregnancy test test will help determine this. Some of the early signs may include, Tender, swollen breast, fatigue, slight bleeding or cramping, nausea with or without vomiting, food ravings, headaches, constipation, mood swings. It helps to get a pregnancy test since different people may have different reactions.
Nice one
Nice one
Thank you.
Thank you.
Wow thanks for educating
Wow thanks for educating
We are glad that you found…
We are glad that you found the information educative.
My periods has not been…
My periods has not been regular whatsoever,sometimes it comes on 25th other times on 29th,can you pls do that calculations for me to know the exact days of ovulation,I’ve tried to conceive three years now in vain, his can I do,I’m confused and stressed up
Hi, If you have been trying…
Hi, If you have been trying for three years it maybe important for you to see a specialist for further examination. You however use this link to try and calculate when your fertile days will be. Just enter the details and the site will calculate for you. https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
Hi had sex two days before…
Hi had sex two days before my period last month and still had my period the same month.. But I was supposed to get my period on 30th of November but til now I haven’t.. Could I be pregnant?? Am having the period signs but no blood.. Did a Hcg blood test and it came out negative.. Could I still be pregnant.. Please help
Hi Angy, the chances you…
Hi Angy, the chances you would get get pregnant having sex 2 days before your periods is really minimal unless you have a short cycle. Also if you did a pregnancy test after 14 days and was negative then you are probably not pregnant. Lastly, other than pregnancy other common causes of delayed periods include hormonal imbalances, extreme sport and even stress.
How does having sex with a…
How does having sex with a woman during affect a man? I HAVE HAD MANY COMPLAIN OF BACK ACHE, IS IT TRUE?
Hi John, sex during periods…
Hi John, sex during periods does not have such effect on either a man or woman. If partners are comfortable, they can have sex. From a purely scientific point of view, sex has no effect infact it can be a great relief for period pain on the part of the woman. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
An irregular in my menestral…
An irregular in my menestral circle. How cam I time my self to get a baby boy?
I think all this answers…
I think all this answers. Will help those female and pls dont ignore. To seek for medical. Treatment
We appreciate your…
We appreciate your contribution Ibrahim.
Did sex two days after my…
Did sex two days after my period,, is there any possibility of getting pregnant?
Hi Nancy, the chances are…
Hi Nancy, the chances are very low. Check out this article for more information on Menstruation;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Very educative.
Very educative.
Hi Lilian, it is possible to…
Hi Lilian, it is possible to get a baby boy. Consider talking to your health provider or Gynecologist for more information and advice.
much helpfull but i hv tried…
much helpfull but i hv tried 2 get pregnet after my period immediately and be4 2 days starting my period, is it b’se i haven’t understand my cycle? plz teacher me more coz i need 2 conceive my dear
Hi Pavin, you are more…
Hi Pavin, you are more likely to conceive around the time you are ovulating. Ovulation takes place about 14 days after the first day of your period. Use the following Online Ovulation Calculator to estimate your fertile days https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator Also, have a look at the following article for more tips to improve your chances of getting pregnant;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
wonderful Knowledge. Then i…
wonderful Knowledge. Then i am asking why do i bleeding while having sex? Is it normal?
Hi Sharry, thank you for the…
Hi Sharry, thank you for the feedback. Any bleeding that is not normal should be a concern. It’s not normal to bleed every time you have sex. I suggest you visit a health centre for a check up and possible treatment.
hi,thanks so much for the…
hi,thanks so much for the knowledge.
Hi Monica, you are welcome.
Hi Monica, you are welcome.
thanks alot good education…
thanks alot good education for me
You are welcome Jacc.
You are welcome Jacc.
How can I get pregnant after…
How can I get pregnant after using contraceptives
Hey May, you would have to…
Hey May, you would have to stop using the contraceptive first. You maybe able to get pregnant soon after you stop using the contraceptives. However for some contraceptives and for some people it may take alittle longer to get pregnant. Consider talking to your health provider for more details concerning the contraceptive you have been using. Have a look at the following article for additional infomation;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Hi, is it safe to clean the…
Hi, is it safe to clean the vagina with salt water especially after periods?
Hey Eliza, It’s fine to use…
Hey Eliza, It’s fine to use soap to wash between your legs and your outer labia, but it’s not a good idea to use it to wash between your labia or inside your vagina. Which also means salty water is not good. Using soap or or even salty water to wash your vagina can upset the natural balance of bacteria, which may encourage yeast infections. It can cause itching and irritation and can be a cause of pain during intercourse. If you do use soap, choose a mild baby soap without strong perfumes. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/staying-clean
My wife has irregular…
My wife has irregular periods she is not even able to tell when she is ovulating. We have been trying to get pregnant what can we do to be successful?
Hi Dono, the irregular…
Hi Dono, the irregular periods that your partner is experiencing are caused by a number of issues including, eating disorders, excessive weight gain or weight loss, stress or emotional problems. Hormonal problems can also lead to irregular period. If you have been to get pregnant for longer than 1 year, it maybe important to consult a Specialist Gynecologist for a check up and further advice. Check out the following article for more information;-
Is it OK to clean vagina…
Is it OK to clean vagina with salty water especially during periods?
Hey Sera, To clean the…
Hey Sera, To clean the vagina, you can use warm water to wash your vulva, but it’s not a good idea to use soap, salty water or even an anti-septic, especially on your inner labia and inside your vagina. These are likely to upset the natural balance of bacteria and actually make you more likely to get infections including yeast (fungal) infections. They can also be a cause of itching and irritation or pain during intercourse. If you do choose to use soap, use a gentle one without strong perfumes like baby soap. Check out the following articles;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/genital-hygiene-dos-and-donts
Hi, I have missed my period…
Hi, I have missed my period yet I have not had sex with anyone. Why is this happenning?
Hi Laurah, aside from…
Hi Laurah, aside from pregnancy, there are other reasons that may lead to a delayed period including hormonal imbalance, weight gain or weight loss, change of environment, eating disorders and emotional issues like stress. A doctor can help to determine what exactly is causing the delay, it is important that see a doctor if you see the following symptoms; unusually heavy bleeding, fever, severe pain, nausea and vomiting and bleeding that lasts longer than seven days.
Is having sex without a…
Is having sex without a condom with my girl unhygienic during her periods? Can she get pregnant? Will the period blood affect me?
Hey Bob, it is not medically…
Hey Bob, it is not medically unhygienic, if you are concerned about the sheets however, you may need to put something underneath to limit the mess. If both of you are comfortable having sex during this time then there is nothing wrong with having it without a condom. Infact, sex can be a great way to relieve period pain for your partner. There is a small chance that your partner could get pregnant if your have unprotected sex and this is greatly dependent on the length of her cycle. The chance however is really small. The period blood has no effect unless your partner has a Sexually Transmitted Infection in which case you maybe at a risk of getting the infection. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation-myths-busted
I menstruate every month but…
I menstruate every month but I have failed to get pregnant!
Hey, it may take upto 12…
Hey, it may take upto 12 months to get pregnant. If you have beet trying to get pregnant for longer than 12 months it is important you visit a Specialist Gynecologist who may conduct tests and further advice. Check out the following article for more information;-
How to keep vagina clean all…
How to keep vagina clean all the time?
Hey Jennie, you can use soap…
Hey Jennie, you can use soap to wash between your legs and your outer labia, but it’s not a good idea to use it to wash inside your vagina. Using soap is likely to upset the natural balance of bacteria, which may cause infections. It can cause itching and irritation and can be a cause of pain during sex. If you choose to use soap, choose a mild baby soap without strong perfumes. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/staying-clean
I still dont understand…
I still dont understand which are my safe days…
Hello Lukela, first safe…
Hello Lukela, first safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body – so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will.
a fil pain in the lower…
a fil pain in the lower abdomen.tiredness n discharge from the vagina has changed.could i be pregnant
Hey Fanta, yes you could be…
Hey Fanta, yes you could be pregnant especially if you’ve unprotected sex recently. I however suggest, that you take or have a pregnancy done to be certain. You could do a home test or have one done at a medical center or lab. Check this out;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
Is it healthy to have sex…
Is it healthy to have sex when I am in my period?
Hi Juliet, from a purely…
Hi Juliet, from a purely medical point of view, sex during menstruation is totally fine. It even has a lot of benefits for both partners including helping with the period pains. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
I am 20 years and I have…
I am 20 years and I have never experienced my menustration periods what can I do
Hey Mercy, most girls begin…
Hey Mercy, most girls begin to experience their periods between the ages of nine to sixteen. For most girls, this happens around the age of 12. It is important that you see a Specialist Gynecologist for further advice. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
How do I know when my safe…
How do I know when my safe days are?
Dear Acheni, safe days are…
Dear Acheni, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/safe-days-pros-and-cons
i am 20 years and have not…
i am 20 years and have not experienced menustration can it be that i don’t have ova
Dear Mercy, this delay can…
Dear Mercy, this delay can be caused by a number of reasons including hormonal issues. It is important you speak to Gynecologist who will be able to conduct test and further advice you. All the best.
Why is that I menstruate…
Why is that I menstruate every 2 weeks?
Hey Caroline, all women have…
Hey Caroline, all women have a different experience when it comes to menstruation. However, normally menstrual cycle should be between 21 and 42 days. If your cycle is less than 21 days, you should seek medical attention.
Is it Okey to have sex when…
Is it Okey to have sex when you are menstruating?
Hello Dina, there is nothing…
Hello Dina, there is nothing wrong with having sex during once periods if both partners are comfortable with this. There is however, a small chance that one could get pregnant. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
I have not seen my periods…
I have not seen my periods for 3 months and am not pregnant. Why is this happening to me?
Hey Grace, there are a…
Hey Grace, there are a number of reasons that may lead to this. It is important that you see a health provider who will be able to carryout investigations and provide you with appropriate treatment.
When is a girl supposed to…
When is a girl supposed to start having period? I am 16 years no periods yet?
Hi Lizz, usually…
Hi Lizz, usually Menstruation or periods start between the ages of 12 and 13 years. I suggest you visit a health care provider who will help find out what could be causing the delay. We wish you all the best.
what can cause periods to…
what can cause periods to delay sometimes when you are not pregnant?
Hi Muteteli, missed or late…
Hi Muteteli, missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. Common causes can range from hormonal imbalances, stress, extreme exercises, change in environment, drastic change in body weight, use of birth control system among others. If this has been a recent change and continues to happen do visit a health centre for a check up.
Does it mean i cannot get…
Does it mean i cannot get pregnant after my periods start if i have sex?
Hey Jacquie, you can get…
Hey Jacquie, you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your periods. Since sperm can live in the vaginal opening for up to five days after sex, if you have unprotected sex during your period and you ovulate soon after your period, the sperm can fertilise the egg. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
My periods are always…
My periods are always irregular they unexpectedly all the time. What causes them to do that? What can I do to try have them become breakthrough?
Hi Phillis, having irregular…
Hi Phillis, having irregular periods is very common. The causes can range from something insignificant to something that requires treatment. Some of the most common causes of irregular periods include the following:
If this is happening consistently, I suggest you talk to a healthcare provider who will help identify what is causing the irregular periods and help you find an appropriate solution.
My periods are usually very…
My periods are usually very painful but I will tryout the suggestion you have put up ?. Thank you Love.
Hey Carole, we hope that the…
Hey Carole, we hope that the suggestions will work for you. We wish you well.
How will I determine when to…
How will I determine when to make love to have a baby girl
Hey Joy, the right to have…
Hey Joy, the right to have sex to increase chances of getting pregnant is to have sex around the time your are ovulating since this is time one is most fertile. Have a look at the following article for more tips;-
I wanted to know what my…
I wanted to know what my safe days are if I have a regular period?
Hello Kezia, safe days are…
Hello Kezia, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body, so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
As a virgin can I use tapon…
As a virgin can I use tapon during my period?
Hey, a
person who has…
Hey, a
person who has never had vaginal sex can still use tampons during their period. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/pads-and-tampons
Is it healthy to make love…
Is it healthy to make love when you are menstruating?
Hey Damaris, there is…
Hey Damaris, there is nothing wrong with having sex on your period if both partners are okay with it. There is however, a small chance that one could get pregnant. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Can you miss your period yet…
Can you miss your period yet you have not had any sex with anyone?
Hey Julia, yes you can have…
Hey Julia, yes you can have a missed or delayed period without having sex. There are a number of reasons that can cause this including, stress, change of environment, increase or decrease in weight, hormonal issues and some diseases like Diabetes. It is important to see a Doctor if this is something that happens frequently.
Which days are safe for u…
Which days are safe for u protected sex?
Hi Simo, safe days are one…
Hi Simo, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy. When your safe days are, really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body which means even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. Lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
I am 13 years but I have not…
I am 13 years but I have not started to menstruate but my friends have started is there something wrong with me?
Hey Triza, periods are…
Hey Triza, periods are expected to start between the ages of nine and sixteen years. You are still within this age bracket. Everyone is different and for this reason it will start at different times for different girls. Have a look at the following article for more information on puberty in girls;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/puberty-in-girls
Can I get pregnant ten days…
Can I get pregnant ten days after my periods
Yes Fridah, you can get…
Yes Fridah, you can get pregnant. Having unprotected sex exposes you to the risk of getting pregnant including the risk of getting infected with a Sexually Transmitted Infections. Using a condom each time you have sex helps to prevent both unplanned pregnancy and STIs. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/condom
If u do not have sex can u…
If u do not have sex can u be pregnant
Hey Chiamaka, you can’t get…
Hey Chiamaka, you can’t get pregnant if you are not having sex.
We are glad Nnenna.
We are glad Nnenna.
Please am 43 and I menstrate…
Please am 43 and I menstrate sometime for 3days and at times for two days,it keeps fluntating.how do I correct it,I really need to have a child of my own
Dear Fatimah, there is…
Dear Fatimah, there is nothing wrong having your periods for two or three days. Most women experience their periods for two to seven days and this is normal. The number of days you have your periods has nothing to do with your ability to conceive. Perhaps you may need to check your menstrual cycle and understand your ovulation days. Check the article above more information. In addition you may consider seeking advice and guidance from a gynecologist. Additionally, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Thank you so much for this…
Thank you so much for this opportunity to learn about my Menstruation, ovulation, and fertilisation.Am so grateful.God bless you.
You are welcome Favour, and…
You are welcome Favour, and God bless you too.
I don’t understand my cycle,…
I don’t understand my cycle, please help me out.
Hey Lilian, what exactly is…
Hey Lilian, what exactly is going on so we can help?
I had unprotected sex with…
I had unprotected sex with my husband during my ovulation period but am not pregnant what may be the cause?
Hey Mary, it may actually…
Hey Mary, it may actually take upto 12 months of trying for one to get pregnant even when there are no medical issues. It should only be concerning when partners have been trying to get pregnant for longer than 12 months without success. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
My period is alway irregular…
My period is alway irregular, is there anytvi g that can done to make it regular? Is it difficult to get pregnant if your period is irregular?
Hi Carole, it depends with…
Hi Carole, it depends with what could be causing the irregular period, for instance, if it is caused by the use of a birth control method once you stop it should regularize or if one is involved in sporty activities once they stop the period goes back to regular. It is important to get to know what could be causing your period to be irregular. One can still get pregnant with an irregular period, it may just be alittle challenging to know when one is ovulating. Even, with a regular period, it can still take upto 12 months for one to get pregnant. If one has been trying for longer than 12 months it is important to seek the services of a specialist for further advice. Have a look at the following articles for more information;-
Pls help, I had sex the 20th…
Pls help, I had sex the 20th day of my menstrual cycle that is the 19days after the first day of my period, can I be pregnant
Hi Sanctity, you can get…
Hi Sanctity, you can get pregnant anytime you have unprotected sex. If you do not wish to get pregnant it is important for you consider using birth control. You can also consider getting a pregnancy test after 14 days since you had unprotected sex or after you miss your next period. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/how-to-choose
Thanks alot
Thanks alot
You are welcome Grace.
You are welcome Grace.
My last period came 1st of…
My last period came 1st of this month and ended on 4th.I had sex on 12th of same month. so when is likely my ovulation starts and is it possible i get pregnant because im actually craving to get pregnant.
Hey PT, if you had…
Hey PT, if you had unprotected sex you could get pregnant. The only way to be certain is to take a pregnancy test atleast 14 days after you had sex or wait until your nest period before taking a pregnancy test. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I haven’t had sex but I have…
I haven’t had sex but I have missed my period. What can cause that?
Hi Jennie, missed or late…
Hi Jennie, missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. Common causes can range from hormonal imbalances, change in environment, change in diet, exercising among others. If this is something that is happening frequently it may be important to consult your health provider.
My vagina smells bad what…
My vagina smells bad what can I use to keep it fresh?
Hey Emmy, every vagina has a…
Hey Emmy, every vagina has a natural smell. That’s absolutely normal and nothing to worry about. Slight changes in a vagina’s scent are normal throughout your cycle or after you had sex. You shouldn’t try to mask the smell with douching or vaginal deodorants or harsh soaps – that can cause irritation and possibly lead to infection. A drastic change in odour can be a sign of something abnormal though. For example, fishy smells can be a sign of infection. If you notice other changes alongside the smell, such as itching or burning, you should get in touch with a healthcare professional. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/8-tips-to-keep-your-vagina-happy-and-healthy
So if women have an…
So if women have an increased desire for sex does it mean that it is ok to have sex during periods?
Hey, yes it is okay to have…
Hey, yes it is okay to have sex during your periods if both partners are comfortable with this. Infact it can be a great way to relieve some of that period pain. Remember, however, there is a chance one can get pregnant if they don’t use protection. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Ma, I had sex three days…
Ma, I had sex three days before my period and am suppose to see my period and nothing yet,but I have been feeling the signs of menstral pain,what will be the cause of delay
Hello Cindy, missed or late…
Hello Cindy, missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. Common causes can include hormonal imbalances, stress, change in diet, change in environment, extreme exercise, use of a birth control method or in some cases a medical conditions. You may want to give it afew more days before considering a pregnancy test.
Thanks your this information…
Thanks your this information.my period seem to be appearing less than 4 weeks every month. This month I had a serious signal in my abdomen like i was menstruating, but the blood never came for about 3-4days, then the.next day I would see little black blood which kept increasing till the 3rd day, on the 4th day i started having my usual flow but it was so so.heavy(so much blood), lasted for about 5 days, and almost immediately am ovulating (less than 5 days)and having serious cramps at the same time. (The mucus is flowing more than usual)
Please I know this is a lot but Just help me understand what is going on.Thanks
Dear Jenny, there seems like…
Dear Jenny, there seems like there is so much happening to you and your menstrual cycle. First its normal to have a cycle that is less than 4 weeks = 28 days. A normal cycle ranges between 21 days to 42 days. Second, some women experience pains in abdomen, back pains, nausea, fatigue when they are a week to their period day. From your message, from the first day you spotted menstrual blood to the last day it took 9 days, for this you may need to seek medical attention as a normal period should last not more than 7 days. I suggest that you visit a health facility for medical advice.
Your article seems to…
Your article seems to suugest that people can have sex during their periods??? Correct me if I am wrong.
Hello Jollie, yes you can…
Hello Jollie, yes you can have sex during your periods. Actually from a medical point of view, sex during menstruation is totally fine. It even has a lot of benefits for both partners. Check out this article for more- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Pls, I ‘m 42 years, my I am…
Pls, I ‘m 42 years, my I am trying to get pregnant, although my menses has stopped over a year ago and I ‘m underweight
Pls can I do, the drugs or way out.
Hey Bunmi, I suggest yo…
Hey Bunmi, I suggest yo speak to a healthcare provider who will be able to advice. In the meantime have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
I had sex two days before my…
I had sex two days before my ovulation and since then Ihave not seen my ovulation, is it possible that am pregnant
Hi Blessing, is it your…
Hi Blessing, is it your period that you have not seen? If you have missed your period, do get a pregnancy test done determine if you are pregnant. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I dont want to get pregnant…
I dont want to get pregnant but Ilike having unprotected sex, pls what can I do
Hi, if you do not wish to…
Hi, if you do not wish to use condoms, you can consider using other methods that will allow you to prevent unplanned pregnancies and still have unprotected sex. Have a look at the following article for the different types of birth control you can choose from;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control
I have failed to become…
I have failed to become pregnant for along time. The doctor has said i get scan done called follicular tracking. What is that scan for?
Hey Sally, this is a scan…
Hey Sally, this is a scan that seeks to determine when it is you are ovulating. It is important to engage your health care provider when you are not clear about a procedure or treatment. We wish you all the best.
This is the most I have…
This is the most I have learnt about menstruation. Thank Lm
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
Well done..this article has…
Well done..this article has helped me alot esp about my calculations thanks
You are welcome Omotayo.
You are welcome Omotayo.
Hi, please I need your help…
Hi, please I need your help. I saw my period on the 5th may of this month. And am seeing it again on 31st of may. How do I calculate my ovulation and is there any problem with me
Hi Angela, there is nothing…
Hi Angela, there is nothing wrong with you, your menstrual cycle runs from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. This takes about 28 days, but different people’s cycles vary between 21 and 42 days. Additionally, ovulation takes place about 14 days after the first day of your period. You can also use the following link to help you estimate when you will likely ovulate;-
In Stage IV, day 15 to day…
In Stage IV, day 15 to day 28 what us the egg cell is not fertilized by a sprem and the body fails to remove the lineing and thick walls of the womb… What becomes of the person? Thank you
Hey Caroline, iIf the egg…
Hey Caroline, iIf the egg isn’t fertilised by a sperm cell, it dies. The body then gets rid of the extra womb lining and egg cell, which leads to the period starting again. If this doesn’t happen it means a person will not experience their periods and it is important for them to seek medical advise.
When haveing a period…
When haveing a period sometimes I crave to have an inter course it is normal… Pls I need explanation
Caroline, this is completely…
Caroline, this is completely normal. From a purely medical point of view, sex during menstruation is totally fine. It even has a lot of benefits for both partners. Some women will have an increased sexual desire during their menstruation. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
There is something that is…
There is something that is disturbing me. I have noticed that my husband wants have sex with me when I am menstruating he even knows my dates and treats me nicely during this time ndio tuhavesex. What is the meaning of this please help me understand?
Hello Caroline, does having…
Hello Caroline, does having sex during your period make you uncomfortable? Sex during menstruation is totally fine. It even has a lot of benefits for both partners. Both partners however, need to be comfortable with this. If you are uncomfortable with sex during your period do let him know so that you can agree together on how to proceed. It may also be useful to get to know from him why he is always keen on having sex with you during your periods. Check out this article for more information on Sex during periods;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Nice one
Nice one
You are welcome Juliet.
You are welcome Juliet.
My period is nt active
My period is nt active
Hey Mary, what do you mean…
Hey Mary, what do you mean your period is not active?
hi,gud evening thanks for…
hi,gud evening thanks for this 1derful enlightment, but i have a question, is it true that 5days before ur ovulation if you have sex you could still get pregnant becox sperm last till the time of ones ovulation.
Hi Veekey, yes this is true…
Hi Veekey, yes this is true. Sperm can stay in the body for upto 5 days and for this reason one can get pregnant even if they had sex days before. If one doesn’t intent to get pregnant, it is important to always use protection like condoms which prevent both unplanned pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/condom
My period has come very earl…
My period has come very earl this month I usually have a 21 day period. Should I be worried?
Hello Agnes, an early period…
Hello Agnes, an early period from time to time shouldn’t be a concern but if this happens all the time it could be a sign of an underlying issue. Some of the reason that may cause an early period include stress, weight changes, intense exercise, change in normal routine, use of some birth control methods among others. An early period usually isn’t a sign of anything serious. But if you’re in severe pain or discomfort, you should see your doctor.
Good information, I love it…
Good information, I love it. Thanks you.
You are welcome Goodness…
You are welcome Goodness. Thank you for the feedback.
Period pain is usually…
Period pain is usually difficult for me but I will try your suggestions.
So sorry about this Kelly…
So sorry about this Kelly. We hope the suggestions help to manage the pain. You could also consider sex during periods which can help to ease up the pain. Have a look at the following article for addition tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/dealing-with-period-pain
I am kinda confussed. My…
I am kinda confussed. My period i usually 21 days. Which are my safe days?
Hello Trizah, first, using…
Hello Trizah, first, using safe days is one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, when you have a shorter cycle, that is, shorter than 28 days, or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body, which means even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will, for these reasons we really recommend a more reliable method. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
This article has really…
This article has really enlightened me about the menstrual cycle. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for the feedback…
Thank you for the feedback Jayde. We are glad you found this article useful.
This is very comprehensive…
This is very comprehensive. Thank you for giving us useful information all the time.
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
How can I get pregnant if my…
How can I get pregnant if my menstruation is irregular?
Hello Carole, it helps to…
Hello Carole, it helps to know when you are fertile or ovulating since this will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Have a look at the following to help you determine when you will be ovulating next using the Ovulation calculator;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator Additionally, have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-when-you-cant-seem-to-have-a-baby
What can cause this thing ma…
What can cause this thing ma, when u av ur period on 15 last month and this month on 10 what could cause the miss up there…. And is not much at all.
For my suggestions can contraceptic drug cause it?
Hello Young, the menstrual…
Hello Young, the menstrual runs from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. This takes about 28 days (four weeks), but different people’s cycles vary between 21 and 42 days (3–6 weeks). What you are therefore experiencing is within whats normally expected. However, as you have mentioned, using birth control can affect your period. Some methods can increase bleeding, other can decrease, periods can be longer, shorter even heavier.Hormonal methods are likely to cause spotting and irregular bleeding particularly in the first few months of using the method. Using emergency contraception can also affect ones period, notably the period maybe early or late.
What can you do as a woman…
What can you do as a woman if sex is painful all the time? Sometimes I even see blood after and it is not periods. Please help.
Hello Peris, so sorry about…
Hello Peris, so sorry about this. Sex is supposed to be pleasurable, it shouldn’t be painful for either partner. A good place to start is to figure out what could be causing the pain or bleeding. Many times the bleeding and the pain are caused by the same reasons. Some of the reasons includes dry sex where penetration happens before the vagina is sufficiently lubricated, the presence of an infection in the vagina, sex position and in some cases the size of the penis. Getting to know the reason for the pain is the first step toward addressing it. It ia also important to talk/communicate about sex before, during and even after to try address the causes of the pain. Have a look at the following article for more tips;-
I have learnt alot today…
I have learnt alot today from this information. Every girl should read this.
We are glad you found this…
We are glad you found this article useful Jael.
please after period how many…
please after period how many days can I wait before having sex to avoid unwanted pregnancy
Hi Lizzy, safe days are one…
Hi Lizzy, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. Lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
Van you start to experience…
Van you start to experience menopause at age 35?
Hey Jane, most women begin…
Hey Jane, most women begin menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, with an average age of 51. But for some women, menopause comes early. If you’re between the ages of 35 and 45 and have missed your period for three months or more, you may be going through menopause earlier than normal and for this reason you should see your doctor. It is also important to note that there are many reasons why you might not get your period besides menopause, such as, stress, pregnancy, illness, change in diet or exercise, response to a medication or contraceptive
My periods are usually very…
My periods are usually very painful but someone says you can have sex to deal with the pain. Is this true, it is healthy to have sex during your menses?
Hi Julie, yes you can have…
Hi Julie, yes you can have sex during your periods if both you and you partner are okay with it. From a medical point of view, there is nothing wrong with having sex during your periods and yes, it can help to relieve some of that period pain. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
I use EC as my preferred…
I use EC as my preferred birth control method and I have noticed it always messes up my cycle dates. I wanted to ask now that it has this effect can it affect a persons fertility?
Hi Leah, first the Emergency…
Hi Leah, first the Emergency contraception pill should not be used as a regular contraception pill. As the name suggests, it should only be used in the case of an emergency. If you then find that you keep having the use EC, it is time to consider a regular birth control method. The e-pill have no known effect on ones fertility, but using it affects a persons next period so that it comes early or late. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Is it possible to have set 2…
Is it possible to have set 2 to 5 days after the last day of your period and get pregnant?
Hi Grace, yes it is possible…
Hi Grace, yes it is possible. As long as one is having unprotected sex, there is a chance they can get pregnant. This is why it is important to use protection if one does not intent or want to get pregnant, for instance condoms.
As a virgin can I use…
As a virgin can I use tampons during periods?
Hey Anne, this is a just a…
Hey Anne, this is a just a myth a virgin can also use a tampon during periods. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/pads-cups-and-tampons
Can you please explain safe…
Can you please explain safe days?
Hi Jennie, safe days are one…
Hi Jennie, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/safe-days-pros-and-cons
I had my period on the 6th…
I had my period on the 6th of June and yesterday been 21st of June my period is coming out again please what could be the cause of it? (my circle is 25days) thanks
Hi Blessing, you are…
Hi Blessing, you are experiencing an irregular period and this can be caused by a number of things including hormonal issues, using some birth control methods, excessive exercise, stress among other causes. If this is happening for the first time there is nothing to worry about but if this continues you will then have to consult a healthcare provider.
I had sex on the 4th of June…
I had sex on the 4th of June my period suppose to come on the 9th of June but it came on the 6th of June and now its coming again on the 21st of June when it suppose to come on 1st of july. please I don’t understand what is happening can you explain to me? Thanks.
Hey Debby, you seem to be…
Hey Debby, you seem to be experiencing irregular periods. Irregular periods can be caused by a number of things including hormonal issues, using some birth control methods, excessive exercise, stress or in some cases it could be a case of miscounting the days. If this is happening for the first time there is nothing to worry about but if this continues you will need to consult a healthcare provider for a possible check up and further advice.
Hi. I thank you for this…
Hi. I thank you for this informative piece. You really know your onions. My bother is: I have been having irregular periods since I got to understand my body.. From September 2018,i have consciously monitored my period and realised my cycle has been 26 days on 3 occassions, 23 on two, 17,24,25 and 34 only once. Been in and out of the hospital with different medications for hormonal balancing and infection treatments but up to date, no pregnancy. What to I do? Thanks
Dear Elsa, it may take upto…
Dear Elsa, it may take upto 12 months for one to get pregnant, but after trying for longer that this period it is important to seek medical advice from a specialist.
Having irregular or regular periods does not affect your ability to conceive, this will only happen if there are fertility issues that you may have. It maybe useful to determine when you are most fertile, which is around or when you are ovulating during the month (this you can determine even with irregular periods) and have sex then to increase your chances of getting pregnant. We wish you all the best. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
I have not seen my period…
I have not seen my period ever since I gave birth, why?
Hi Doris, one of the major…
Hi Doris, one of the major reasons for not seeing you’re period after child birth is breastfeeding round the clock. When formula-feeding your baby, you may start your periods again any time between five weeks and three months after giving birth.
Is it healthy to ha e sex…
Is it healthy to ha e sex during periods? My girlfriend thinks it make her sick?
Hello Emmanuel, from a…
Hello Emmanuel, from a completely medical stand point, it is safe to have sex during periods and it doesn’t make one sick. Both partners, however, need to be comfortable with this. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Thank u very much for…
Thank u very much for dedicating me God bless you always amen
You are welcome Juliet and…
You are welcome Juliet and God bless you too.
Thanks for the information…
Thanks for the information. I wanted to ask my period cycle is different every month sometimes 28 days 20 and one time it was just 14 days. What does this mean and can it affect my fertility?
Hi Muhanji, it appears you…
Hi Muhanji, it appears you have an irregular period. Sometimes, irregular periods can be caused by some medicines, excessive exercising, having a very low or high body weight or change of environment. Hormone imbalances can also cause irregular periods. This, however, does affect ones fertility.
Thanks for this great…
Thanks for this great information,but I have a problem. I don’t ovulate regularly, Is it normal?
Dear Mrs Joshua, it is not…
Dear Mrs Joshua, it is not normal to not ovulate constantly which also means one has irregular periods. If this happens all the time it is important that one seeks medical advice to try and make it regular.
Is it normal to experience…
Is it normal to experience menstruation 2wice in a month
Hi Jedidah, in normal…
Hi Jedidah, in normal circumstances and for different people a cycle will last between 21 and 42 days (3–6 weeks). Is this something that has always happened for you or it started recently? Bleeding in between periods may indicate other underlying issues. Consider seeking medical advice from a health care provider.
Thank you Love Matters…
Thank you Love Matters Africa. Now I understand what has been going on in my body.
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
How soon can you if the last…
How soon can you if the last time you had sex you got pregnant? And what signs will you see o know?
Hey Devinah, some of the…
Hey Devinah, some of the early signs of pregnancy include missed period, nausea, vomiting, feeling tired, increased frequency of urination, sensitive breast, fatigue among others. There are test that can detect pregnancy as early as 8 days after intercourse. Do speak to your health care provider for further advice. Additionally, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Very educative and useful…
Very educative and useful information
We are glad Hormoh.
We are glad Hormoh.
Is there a way to correct…
Is there a way to correct irregular periods? I am trying to get pregnant. Thanks
Hello Jenniffer, first of…
Hello Jenniffer, first of all, having an irregular period cannot stop you from getting pregnant. You just need to figure out when it is you are fertile and have sex then to increase your chances of getting pregnant. You may only need treatment if there is another underlying issue that’s causing the irregular period or its just bothering you. Have a look at the following article on getting pregnant;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
What makes periods to be…
What makes periods to be late sometimes if you are not pregnant?
There are a number of…
There are a number of reasons that can cause a missed or delayed period including the following, stress, change in environment, weight gain or weight loss, use of birth control methods, hormonal imbalance, in some cases it could an underlying medical issue. If this is happening frequently, it maybe important to seek medical advice.
How much is a fertility test?
How much is a fertility test?
Hi Sarah, do check with your…
Hi Sarah, do check with your health care provider to see whether they are providing the service and what the cost is. On the other hand, is there a reason why you want to have a fertility test? If you have any fertility concerns, talk to your health care provider and they will be able to advice as to whether you need a test or what you need to do. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/fertility-and-infertility
Hi my question goes thus
Hi my question goes thus
My June period was 7th to 11th, and am to expect my July period by 6th but it never came even up until now, I had intercourse on the 27th of july, I wasn’t sure if I was pregnant so I got a home pregnancy test took it on the 10th of july it appeared negative so to be sure I went to a hospital and got a blood test on the 16th of july and came out negative, I did a home pregnancy test on the 18th and 19th of july it still came out negative. I haven’t gotten my period still, am worried ? plus this was my first time having intercourse. What could be the analysis.
I also experience a significant amount of back ache.
Hello Precious, usually you…
Hello Precious, usually you would have to wait atleast 14 – 21 days from the day you had unprotected sex or the day you expected your next period. There are some tests however, at medical Centre that can tell if one s pregnant much earlier. On the other hand, there are a number of other reasons that can cause one to miss or have a delayed period including, stress, hormonal issues, extreme exercise, change in environment, change in weight, using birth control among others. I suggest you give it a few more days for the 21 days to elapse before taking another pregnancy test. In the meantime, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I want to know more about…
I want to know more about safe day.
Hello Geo, safe days are one…
Hello Geo, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body – so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Only condoms will. We therefore really recommend a more reliable method. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
Is it normal to bleed in…
Is it normal to bleed in between periods?
Hello Selfa, it is not…
Hello Selfa, it is not normal to bleed in-between periods especially because this could be a sign of an underlying issue. It is important to seek medical advice particularly when the bleeding is heavy and it is accompanied with abdominal pain.
I started using…
I started using contraception but I have not seen my periods for 2 months what is this happening?
Hey Precious, using birth…
Hey Precious, using birth control like the pill can affect your period so that it makes your periods lighter and also reduces menstrual cramps. Check out the following article for more information on the various birth control methods;-
I experience pains in my…
I experience pains in my lower abdomen two weeks before my last period, is this normal?
Hi Syl, this could have been…
Hi Syl, this could have been signs of ovulation. Other signs you could be ovulating include breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, increased sex drive, heightened sense of smell, taste or vision among others. Review the article above.
I finished my period on the…
I finished my period on the 14th of this month july and i’m having pains in my lower abdomen which started on the 22nd of july up till now
It is really bothering me
Hi Pre, pain could be an…
Hi Pre, pain could be an indication that something is wrong. I suggest you seek medical advice to get to know what the issue is.
How do I get accurate…
How do I get accurate calculation of my ovulation period.
Hey Titilayo , follow the…
Hey Titilayo , follow the following link, enter the details and it will help you calculate your ovulation dates. https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
When is my safe days?
When is my safe days?
Hi, safe days are one of the…
Hi, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method.
I saw my last period on the…
I saw my last period on the 29 may 2019, and I had intercourse on the 13 and 14 of June. I am pregnant and the doctor says I am 7 weeks pregnant. I am confused.according to when I had sex I am supposed to be 5 to six weeks pregnant. Why is there an extra two weeks count?
Hi Uche, what the doctor get…
Hi Uche, what the doctor get was just an approximate date of when conception could have happened. You will need to get a scan do late in your pregnancy to get to know when exactly you conceived and when you are likely to deliver your baby. The difference in the dates or number of weeks shouldn’t worry right now.
I appreciate you for this…
I appreciate you for this. Help me with this please,Why do one experience pains in the breast few days to period?
Hey Emillia, most females…
Hey Emillia, most females experience breast pain as a result of hormonal changes toward and during their periods. Hormonal changes during this time causes the breasts to swell and retain water. A few days before your period starts, both breasts can swell and become tender, painful, or even lumpy. You may also feel pain around your breasts, including the upper chest, outer sides of the breasts, the armpit, and the arm. There are a few things one can do to try manage this pain as follows,Taking an over the counter pain reliever to treat the pain and reduce swelling, avoiding caffeine which can increase the discomfort, wearing a “period bra.” this is just a slightly bigger bra that won’t press on the swollen breast and trying to avoid stress which can also make the pain to feel worse. Do that which you do to relax including getting enough rest and sleep.
I saw my June period on 11…
I saw my June period on 11 to 13 Then July on 9 to 11 then this August 8 to 9 please how many days is my cycle & when is my ovulation
Hi Ifyrose, your is usually…
Hi Ifyrose, your is usually the of your circle to the next first day of your circle. For instance, 11th June and 9th July. Count the number of days in between to get to know the length of your circle. On ovulation, it takes place about 14 days after the first day of your period. Again you can count to determine. Look at the article above to see some of the signs of ovulation. You can also click on this link to know when you next ovulation is going to be;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
Thanks alot av learn more
Thanks alot av learn more
You are welcome Mildred.
You are welcome Mildred.
Hi? My cycle is 28days and…
Hi? My cycle is 28days and today is my 22rd day am I likely to get pregnant when av an intercourse.
Hi Belinda, the time you’re…
Hi Belinda, the time you’re likely to ovulate lasts four days, between 16 and 12 days before the first day of your period. With a period of 28 days, take 16 away from 28, which gives you 12. That means the four days you’re most likely to ovulate begin 12 days after your period starts. This means your period starts on day one, and you ovulate between day 12 and 16. You can also use this link that will help do the math for you;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator?cycleLength=28&year=2019&month=7&day=14
I av two miscarriages ,and…
I av two miscarriages ,and since I can’t feel any ovulation ,pls how can I get pregnant again,or what can I use to see my ovulation. thank u
Hi Esther, so sorry about…
Hi Esther, so sorry about this. Are you menstruating? If you are menstruating it means you are ovulating and should be able to get pregnant. If not, you may need to consult your health provider who will be able to advice you appropriately. Do note that one can still get pregnant even if they have had a miscarriage in the past. We wish you all the best. Check out this articles;-
My period is usually 31st or…
My period is usually 31st or 1st of every month wen is right for to have intercourse pls A baby boy.
Hi Funmi, do discuss this…
Hi Funmi, do discuss this with your healthcare provider – midwife or gynecologist for further advice on this. All the best. In the meantime have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
After having unprotected sex…
After having unprotected sex, what should be done to avoid being pregnant or what should you take to kill the sperm?
Dear Caress, one can take…
Dear Caress, one can take emergency contraception within the first 72 hours after sex to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Emergency contraception should only be used in emergency situations only. Have a look at the following article for more information on emergency contraception;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
When I use EC pill my period…
When I use EC pill my period delays for some days why?
Hi Sherry, emergency…
Hi Sherry, emergency contraception affects your next period so that it comes early or late. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Thank you Love matters now 8…
Thank you Love matters now I know alot.
We are glad Lue that this…
We are glad Lue that this was useful to you.
When should a lady with 24…
When should a lady with 24 days mensural cycle and doesn’t want to get pregnant have sexual intercourse with her man?
Hi James, she can have sex…
Hi James, she can have sex with her man anytime, only use protection like condoms which help prevent unplanned pregnancies including Sexually Transmitted Infections. Have a look at the following articles for more information on birth control options;-
You are welcome James.
You are welcome James.
Thanks for this article
Thanks for this article
You are welcome Queenlet.
You are welcome Queenlet.
why is my period getting…
why is my period getting late for like 3months before coming..
Hi Teema, do you mean you…
Hi Teema, do you mean you have not had your periods for three months? Have you had unprotected sex? If you have, it is important that you get a pregnancy test do to rule out pregnancy. If you have not had sex or you are not pregnant, do consult a health care provider to get to know what could be going on. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I was educated
I was educated
We are glad Nkechinyere.
We are glad Nkechinyere.
If you have sex some days…
If you have sex some days before you have periods can you get pregnant and still your periods coming?
Hi Bless, no, you can’t be…
Hi Bless, no, you can’t be pregnant and still experience your periods. Ones you become pregnant you will not see your next period. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I’m very worry have not seen…
I’m very worry have not seen my menses this month i was feeling the pain of menses but is not showing up but what am seeing is watery discharge and small…small whitish tin in my private part.what will i do plz i need ur advice
Hey Deborah, vaginal…
Hey Deborah, vaginal discharge is normal, however, if you see any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of an infection. In which case, it is important that you consult your doctor for a check up and treatment. On the other hand, have you had sex recently? If you have, it maybe useful that you get a pregnancy test done to rule out pregnancy. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
What could be the problem my…
What could be the problem my period is delaying, and not regular, my menstrual cycle after 35 days.
Hi Annabel, does this mean…
Hi Annabel, does this mean it was regular and has recently changed? There are a number of things that can cause a delayed period including the following, excessive weight gain or weight loss, stress or emotional issues, hormonal problems, travel or change in environment, over-exercising, use of birth control pill, breastfeeding and sometimes it could just be one miscounted the dates. If this has been happening for a couple of months, it is important that you seek medical advice for a check up.
My period cycle is 28 when…
My period cycle is 28 when will expect my ovulation?
Hey Joy, use the following…
Hey Joy, use the following online ovulation calculator to get to know when you will next ovulate.
My July period was on 17 and…
My July period was on 17 and my August period was on 20 how many cycles did I have and when is my ovulation date
Hi Blessing, a menstrual…
Hi Blessing, a menstrual cycle is the monthly series of changes a woman’s body goes through in preparation for the possibility of pregnancy. The ovaries releases an egg, this process is called ovulation. If ovulation takes place and the egg isn’t fertilized, the lining of the uterus sheds through the vagina and is what is referred to as menstrual period. To get to know when you will next ovulate, use the following link to help you calculate;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
My wedding is coming up next…
My wedding is coming up next month and based on my dates I will menstruate starting the day of my wedding. I am concerned about sex, can we have sex when I am having periods? My friend says yes but I am not sure. We have been saving it for marriage and my fiance will be disappointed if he has to wait for another 5 days. Please advice.
Hi there, first,…
Hi there, first, congratulation on you upcoming wedding. Speaking from a medical point of view, there is nothing wrong with having sex during periods. If you and you husband are okay with it, you can go ahead and have sex. Remember however, there is a chance that you could get pregnant and if you do not wish to get pregnant you will need to consider using birth control. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Will I conceive if I had sex…
Will I conceive if I had sex on the 4th day before of my menstruation
Hey Precious, the chances…
Hey Precious, the chances are extremely low. Whether you do get pregnant at this time or even during ones periods, greatly depends on the length of your circle.
I love this piece of…
I love this piece of information. God bless you
Thank you for the feedback…
Thank you for the feedback Chinenye and God bless you too.
When does early menopause…
When does early menopause begin? At what age?
Hey Zippy, Menopause starts…
Hey Zippy, Menopause starts around the age of 51 years when it happens naturally. But it can happen before one turns 40 years. This is called premature menopause. The age at which ones menopause will start is mostly determined by their genes.
dis article thwas b4 period…
dis article thwas b4 period until i rei never knew ovula
Hey Loveth, we are happy you…
Hey Loveth, we are happy you learnt something new from this article.
My cycle is 28 days and my…
My cycle is 28 days and my period was September 28, 2019 when will my ovulation start.
Hi Joy, use this link -…
Hi Joy, use this link – ovulation calculator to determine when you are likely to ovulate next.
my circle is 28day i want to…
my circle is 28day i want to track my ovulation period
Hey Ann, use this link -…
Hey Ann, use this link – ovulation calculator to determine when you are likely to ovulate next.
My 18years sister saw her…
My 18years sister saw her mensutral period for just one year that was 2014 to 2015 and it stopped up until today she hasn’t seen it again,its really giving me a lot of concern but she is trying to convince me that she is seeing her ovulation. Please am worried. Is it possible that she could be ovulating without mensutral cycle. And can she get pregnant when she is married??
Hello FavourAda, first, if…
Hello FavourAda, first, if she has not be getting her periods for such a long period of time it is important that she seeks medical service as soon as possible. If she is not seeing her periods it also means she is not ovulating. Again, it is important that she seeks medical advice as soon as possible.
i have been on…
i have been on contraceptives for close to threee years and i removed it about four months ago. But i noticed that i no longer have 28 days cycle, the cycle has reduced to 27 days with only 1 dat flow as against 4 days menstrual flow. Could it be my cycle has not returned? Can i get pregnant with one daymenstrual flow?
Helo Candid, your periods…
Helo Candid, your periods may be irregular when you first come off contraceptives, and you should allow up to 3 months for your natural menstrual cycle to fully re-establish itself. However, even with the changes, if you do have unprotected sex you can get pregnant. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/8-common-side-effects-of-contraceptives
For the past three months…
For the past three months now,my monthly circle varies. Three months ago,I had 29circle,last month was 30circle while this month 25cirle. I don’t know when am to ovulate this month. Please, assist me. Thanks as I wait for your favourable reply.
Hey Cheta, you seem to be…
Hey Cheta, you seem to be experiencing irregular periods which can be caused by the use of a birth control method, too much exercise, stress, hormonal imbalance among other issues. Click on this link which will help you calculate your next date of ovulation;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
Thanks for knowledge
Thanks for knowledge
You are welcome Goodness.
You are welcome Goodness.
I don’t fully understand…
I don’t fully understand this,im a novice,I have even tried to know my how many days my cycle is, could you please clarify me
Hi Gold, a menstrual cycle…
Hi Gold, a menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period. It is important to note, it’s not the same for every woman. Menstrual flow may occur every 21 to 35 days and lasts between two to seven days.
Can fibroid prevent a woman…
Can fibroid prevent a woman not to get pregnant if yes. What is the easy way to remove such fibroid.
Hi Chris, Fibroids usually…
Hi Chris, Fibroids usually don’t interfere with getting pregnant. However, it’s possible that fibroids could cause infertility or pregnancy loss. Fibroids may also raise the risk of certain pregnancy complications. It is important to seek prompt medical care if one has severe vaginal bleeding or sharp pelvic pain that comes on suddenly.
I learn alot from this page,…
I learn alot from this page, thank u
We are glad Maureen.
We are glad Maureen.
I finished my menstruation 2…
I finished my menstruation 2 days ago and I had sex the following day am I likely to get pregnant?
Hi Rihannat, the chances are…
Hi Rihannat, the chances are low but you could still get pregnant but this is depended dead on the length of your cycle. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
I menstrate on 3rd of…
I menstrate on 3rd of September in November I menstrate on 25th, when is my ovulation?
Hey Funmi, use the ovulation…
Hey Funmi, use the ovulation calculator in the following link to help determine when you are likely to ovulate next;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
My menstral cycle is 25 days…
My menstral cycle is 25 days when is my ovulation period?
Hey Funmi, use the ovulation…
Hey Funmi, use the ovulation calculator in the following link to help determine when you are likely to ovulate next;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
The best school I can say…
The best school I can say for me,please help me know if my periods are regular or irregular lemmi start the cycle from august my period started on 16th and ended on 20th august on 8th of September they came again and ended on 13th september they started again on 2nd of October and ended on 6th of October then they have started on 7th of November yet to know wen to end
can u tell me if wen it’s possible for me to get pregnant when should I count with 28/21/42
One is said to have…
One is said to have irregular period if, the time between each period starts to change, if one looses more or less blood during a period than usual or when the number of days that ones period lasts varies a lot. A few things can cause irregular periods including stress, change in weight, extreme exercising, use of birth control methods and hormonal issues. You can use the following link with ovulation calculator, enter the requested information to help you determine when you will ovulate next;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
This article is very…
This article is very educative. Thanks for the enlightenment.
You are very welcome…
You are very welcome Chinonye.
my sister period always…
my sister period always comes in black nd it does not flow very well for over 12 year. it only flow one day with little amount of blood in a dark colour. pls help me i have searched for solution
Hello there, when you say…
Hello there, when you say that it does not flow well, what exactly do you mean? Do you mean is not regular or? The colour of the periods changes from day one to the last day of periods. The quantity also varies from one individual to the other. Most women have periods that lasts for two to seven days. You may consider seeking medical advice from a gynaecologist on whether there is an issue with your sister or not.
my period is light since not…
my period is light since not steady since 1st of Dec, previously saw on 28th of october which lasted til 4th of November, what is cause
Hello Rolex, thank you for…
Hello Rolex, thank you for your question. Irregular periods are normal and common. However, if they are very irregular and this is a reccent occurence, see a medical proffesional to get a full diagnosis
Please am a bit confuse on…
Please am a bit confuse on actual time for my ovulation. My menstrual ccycle is 27 days, but after my period i will not experience any sign for ovulation. So I decided to buy ovulation kits for that but when am testing I will having negative results, it has been some month so I decided to ovulation test during my menstrual period, it positive this time bit now I don’t know the actual day for the ovulation. Please help. Thank you.
When you ovulate depends on…
When you ovulate depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, you should not be ovulating. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also, just like irregular periods, a person may have irregular ovulation. This is quite normal and happens in 1 in 3 women. If the issue is of great concern to you, see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
I love this is quiet…
I love this is quiet educative
Always pleased to help 🙂
Always pleased to help 🙂
I started my period on 1st…
I started my period on 1st of December and it ended on 4th to 5th
Then on 9th of December I had unprotected sex
Am I like to get pregnant
When your safe days are…
When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method.
My period always count down…
My period always count down wit 2-3 days every month.dnt knw hw to calculate my ovulation
When your safe days are…
When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary.
I did my period on 6 of…
I did my period on 6 of November and ended on 9 of November and I had sex on 14 of December and I have seen my period till now pls am I pregnant or not
Hi there, yes you could be…
Hi there, yes you could be pregnant but this is depended on your circle. To be certain however, consider having a pregnancy test done. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
i have three baby girls and…
i have three baby girls and now i want to have a boy how will i calculate ?
Hi Carlos, consider speaking…
Hi Carlos, consider speaking to your doctor or midwife for further advice. All the best.
Thank u for the information,…
Thank u for the information, it help alit
You are welcome, we are glad.
You are welcome, we are glad.
My period start on the 13th…
My period start on the 13th of Nov, so when will be expecting my next month period ?
Thanks it helped
Thanks it helped
We are glad and always…
We are glad and always pleased to help
I like this is really…
I like this is really educative
Thank you :), we are always…
Thank you :), we are always pleased to help
thanks i really learnt alot…
thanks i really learnt alot but i have an issue which i need a reply on. my period is just 2dyas is it normal and why?
Hello Misi, thank you for…
Hello Misi, thank you for reaching out to us. Anything from one to seven days of bleeding is perfectly normal.
My monthly flow came out on…
My monthly flow came out on 17 and I had sex on 30th night but was surprised to see my monthly flow again on the 17th of the next month…what could be d cause?
Hello Juliet, thank you for…
Hello Juliet, thank you for reaching out to us. Were you trying to get pregnant?
Nice information
Nice information
Thank you 🙂 We are always…
Thank you 🙂 We are always pleased to help.
I got my last period on the…
I got my last period on the 1st of this January. Now it’s back on the 29th of same January. Would you say mine is a 28day cycle? I don’t understand
Hello Zita, a cycle begins…
Hello Zita, a cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends on the first day of your next period. So in your case, yes, your cycle is 28 days.
How possible is Conception…
How possible is Conception after 10 years of chemo ?
Hello Maims, thank you for…
Hello Maims, thank you for your question. Chemotherapy works to kill rapidly multiplying cells which could include cells of the ovary. On the other hand, some chemotherapy drugs are more severe than others. It is best to have a conversation with your doctor to find out what exact drugs had been used, and what possible effects they could have.
my wife has been having…
my wife has been having problems in periods ,she had a period after 33dys ,23dys and now 15dys what is the problem because she is loosing alot of blood help me please
Hello Carlos, thank you for…
Hello Carlos, thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry to hear that your partner is having such a hard time. It is understandable that this would be frustrating to you too. An irregular period is quite common and so it is normal. However, considering that this is coupled with heavy bleeding we strongly advise that she sees a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward
Have not seen my menstrual…
Have not seen my menstrual flow for two months now and I’m not pregnant,have treated myself but still unable to menstruate. In situation like this how do I know when I’m ovulating?
Hi Betty, thank you for…
Hi Betty, thank you for reaching out and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. Your fertile window refers to a few days before ovulation and the day you ovulate. An irregular menstrual cycle may also be a sign of irregular ovulation. You may not ovulate every month or you may ovulate at different times from month to month. It’s possible to ovulate without later bleeding like a period. This often occurs because of previous uterine scarring or certain hormonal medications. It’s also possible to have menstrual-like bleeding without ovulation. This generally happens when the uterine lining becomes so thick it becomes unstable and naturally sloughs off. The uterine lining can become thick without ovulation if the hormone oestrogen, which is produced prior to ovulation, continues to be secreted unopposed by the other female hormone, progesterone, which is produced after ovulation. There are many possible causes for irregular menstruation, and many of the causes can affect ovulation or make getting pregnant more difficult. In some cases, the cause of irregular menstruation is unknown and as a result, calculating when you are ovulating is very difficult. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Perimenopause, weight and stress are contributing factors that may be causing your irregular mensuration, therefore, we highly recommend that you visit a doctor as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis that will then get you back on track to a regular mensuration/ ovulation cycle.
How many days after period…
How many days after period did woman conceive baby boy
Hello Celestina, thank you…
Hello Celestina, thank you for reaching out. Days after your period is not a determining factor as to whether or not you will be able to conceive a boy. Men determine the sex of a baby depending on whether their sperm is carrying an X or Y chromosome. An X chromosome combines with the mother’s X chromosome to make a baby girl (XX) and a Y chromosome will combine with the mother’s to make a boy (XY). Biologically, the probability to getting a baby girl is higher than getting a boy because of the chromosome of the parents, with male being XY and female XX. Additionally, the female chromosome in the male sperm cells are more resilient, hence have a higher chance of fertilising the female egg (ovum). According to fertility experts, the male sperm cells carrying the Y chromosomes are smaller, lighter, faster and more fragile than the female sperm cells carrying the X chromosomes, which are thought to be bigger, heavier and slower, but more resilient.
Though these points are not guaranteed,
You are likely have a boy if you do the following:
Be keen on your ovulation date: Engage in intercourse or use artificial insemination close to the ovulation date or the actual date of ovulation. The closer the date to ovulation (preferably a day or two), the higher the probability of conceiving a boy. Experts say that this will give the male sperm cells carrying the Y chromosome a greater shot to reaching the egg faster than the female sperm cells carrying the X chromosome.
Avoid acidic foods, instead eat more alkaline foods. According to the pH diet theories, you can shift the pH of your body toward being more acidic or more alkaline based on what you eat. Taking foods that are rich in alkali such as whole fruits and vegetables foods favour the Y chromosome and thus, tend to survive much longer and swim faster.
You are younger. According to fertility experts, the younger you are the better chances you might have a boy. Younger men generally have a higher sperm cell count, increasing their chances of a male sperm cell reaching the egg. On the other hand, younger women have more copious, alkaline-quality cervical fluid, which also favours the conception of boy.
Avoid being stressed. Stressful situations such as work or environmental stresses like tight clothes and heat lower the sperm count in males. This reduces the chance of the male chromosome reaching the egg.
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a method developed to help couples who have gone through genetic testing and know they are carriers of serious genetic disorders.
Used in conjunction with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), doctors extract one cell from the rapidly dividing embryo fertilised and examine it to determine gender. Only embryos of the desired sex will be implanted in a woman’s uterus.
Sperm sorting gender selection technique involves separating girl-producing sperm (X-sperm) from boy-producing sperm (Y-sperm) in the lab and then implanting the desired gender sperm into the woman’s uterus via intrauterine insemination (IUI) or using the chosen sperm to fertilise an egg in vitro.
Boxers vs. Briefs for your partner: Lab studies have found that X-carrying sperm cells can withstand slightly warmer temperatures than Y-carrying sperm. Based on this, for those that want to have a boy, men are encouraged to wear boxers. Briefs hold the testicles closer to the body, raising scrotum temperatures. Keep in mind that when you intentionally attempt to increase scrotum temperatures, you are at risk of lowering the overall sperm count.
All the best!
I really learnt a lot, thank…
I really learnt a lot, thank you for taking out time to explain carefully.
We are so glad Idara that…
We are so glad Idara that you were able to learn something from us! Have a wonderful Easter weekend and stay safe!
My last period was on…
My last period was on January 29 and from February 3 till 19 I have been having an unprotecting sex.is there any chance of pregnancy
Hi Isabel, thank you for…
Hi Isabel, thank you for your question. The answer to this question really depends on how long your cycle is and if it is regular. If it is 28 days long you ovulated between the 8th and 12th of February. Which would mean that you could indeed be pregnant. However, even if it is not 28 days 17 straight days of unprotected sex would increase the chances of you having sex on your ovulation date
Please how can I count my…
Please how can I count my ovulation and get pregnant it comes every 28 days
Hi Esther, thank you for…
Hi Esther, thank you for reaching out to us. Because you have a regular period it is easy to determine your ovulation period. Your ovulation day is the 14th day of your period but you are considered fertile from the 11th day all the way to the 15th day.
Nice information. Please I…
Nice information. Please I have a friend that don’t really know her cycle whether is 21 or 28 days. Right now she’s an expecting mother and She doesn’t know exactly when she took in because she doesn’t know when she ovulates and can’t trace neither. She told me her last menstruation was on the 28th of oct to 1st Nov, and she had sex on the 5th of Nov. She’s trying to trace the date of her conception is the confusion Whether she took in on the oct or on the Nov?
My period always comes 1to 4…
My period always comes 1to 4 and I don’t know when my ovulation day is please help me
Hello Loveth, thank you for…
Hello Loveth, thank you for reaching out to us. To determine your ovulation date, you first need to know how long your cycle is. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and runs to the first day of your next period. If your cycle is between 28 and 30 days then your ovulation date is around the 14th and 15th day. If your cycle is longer, shorter, or irregular then it may be a little harder to determine.
I have been having irregular…
I have been having irregular period since last year after a had a threatened abortion,but my first period of this year came on the 1st of January and my Next period came around Feb 27….How do i calculate my ovulate and wat can be done to regulate the period
Hello Desola, do you mean…
Hello Desola, do you mean that you had a miscarriage?
I saw my period on the 1st…
I saw my period on the 1st of march 2020,please when will I ovulate.
Hi Esther Jones, thank you…
Hi Esther Jones, thank you so much for reaching out to us. To find out when you are ovulating, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle. Some women do that simply by writing down the dates of their periods and then estimate their ovulation. This happens generally around the 14th day after the first day of the period.
I just saw my period today…
I just saw my period today and I really do not expect it, I wanna get pregnant. Pls when do you think I can have sex that will make me get pregnant?
Hi Bukky, thank you so much…
Hi Bukky, thank you so much for reaching out to us. Try have lots of sex but at the right time .
This seems to be a bit of a no-brainer. Of course, you can just take the simple approach of having lots of sex all the time – nothing wrong with that! But if you want to maximise your chances, there is a crucial aspect to it: you need to have sex at the right time of the month.
To find out when you are ovulating, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle. Some women do that simply by writing down the dates of their periods and then estimate their ovulation. This happens generally around the 14th day after the first day of the period.
The egg is only ready for conception for 12 to 24 hours, so it’s important to time it accurately. That gets difficult if you have an irregular cycle. The good news is that sperm can survive for a few days after intercourse. This means they can lurk around waiting for an egg to pop out. So you don’t have to hit that 12 to 24 hour window period exactly to get pregnant.
There are also apps and online calculators to help you estimate when you are ovulating. Another way is to measure your temperature in the morning. At the time of ovulation, your body temperature rises slightly, because that makes conception easier. And yet another way is to look at your vaginal discharge. Around the time of ovulation, it tends to get a bit sticky and there’s more of it than usual.
For more info, check out this link: https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
hae everyone am experiencing…
hae everyone am experiencing pain and av got irregular period cycle like this month have received twice what can i do please advice
Hello Movin, thank you for…
Hello Movin, thank you for reaching out to us. Irregular periods and cycle is rather common so do not worry. However, it is best to see a medical practitioner to check if it could also be an indicator of another issue. The doctor may also choose to put you on medication to help control the pain and make your periods a little more regular.
Please i need your advice
Please i need your advice
I had sex a day before my period and i notice some blood after the sex my question is How many percent Assurance ami i having for getting pregnant because having been looking for a Baby past 3
Months now.
Hello Grace, thank you for…
Hello Grace, thank you for reaching out to us. To understand what days you are fertile you will first need to know how long your cycle is, which means you will need to track it closely for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days. To get pregnant, you have intercourse with a man around the time you ovulate – usually about 14 days after the first day of your last period
My period is regular. I have…
My period is regular. I have between 27-29 days cycle. I also ensure that I have intercourse before, during and after my ovulation period. I’ve however not tested positive to a pregnancy test which is my desire. What do you think is going on?
Hello Chi, an irregular…
Hello Chi, an irregular period may make it a little difficult to pin down your fertile days. However, your cycle does not deviate that much. Truth is, getting pregnant may seem straight forward but sometimes it takes a little more time. Just keep at it.
Having irregular periods is…
Having irregular periods is it normal
Hello Nancy, irregular…
Hello Nancy, irregular periods are rather common which makes it normal. However, it could be a sign that there is a problem. Just to be sure, go see a medical professional for a diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Please, is it possible to…
Please, is it possible to 2periods within one month n I saw my period on d 12 of this month march n also seeing it again on 29th of march.
Please, is anything wrong?
Hello Precious, thank you…
Hello Precious, thank you for reaching out to us. It is indeed possible. An irregular period is perfectly normal. It ould be best to try and track your cycle for the next few months to see if a pattern develops.
Good information. Please…
Good information. Please may I ask if it is advisable for a woman to have sexual Intercourse daily if she wants to get pregnant?
Hi Chukwu Obasi Ogbonna,…
Hi Chukwu Obasi Ogbonna, thank you for asking such a great question. Having lots of sex is key to concieving a child. Have an open discussion with your partner and ask her if she is willing to have sex daily, if she is then go for it! It is important to note that the best time to concieve a child is when she is ovulating which is usually about 14 days after the first day of your last period. After sex, the sperm swims up the vagina and into the fallopian tubes. If there’s an egg waiting in one of the fallopian tubes, the tiny sperm tries to burrow their way inside it. If one sperm gets inside the egg, it’s fertilised. The fertilised egg then moves down the fallopian tube to the womb. Hormones make sure the lining of the womb is ready to receive the egg. If the fertilised egg nestles into the lining of the womb, you become pregnant. For more information, click here: https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/what-to-expect
Please how do I know my…
Please how do I know my ovulation day of 25days circle. Trying to get pregnant have been tough for me also have this back ache on or before my circle.
Please help with the calculation. Regards….Chi
Hi Chi, thank you for…
Hi Chi, thank you for reaching out to us. You have asked a great question. To determine your day of ovulation, halve your cycle, in your case you will likely ovulate on the 12th day. Your fertile days will be your date of ovulation and six days before.
Please I took…
Please I took contraceptives 20th January 2020, since then I lost counting of my 25days circle and finding it difficult to conceive. Please help me calculate my ovulation and also give me tips on getting pregnant.
Hello Chiamaka, what kind of…
Hello Chiamaka, what kind of contraceptives did you take?
Is it normal 4 a lady to see…
Is it normal 4 a lady to see her period twice once in a while
Is it normal for a lady to…
Is it normal for a lady to see her period twice once in a while
Hello Cynthia, depending on…
Hello Cynthia, depending on the length of her cycle, it is perfectly normal
Hi am mercy,my LST periods…
Hi am mercy,my LST periods appered lst months on 7th thn i made with man on 23 .upto now av nt seen my periods bt am experiencing lower abdominal pain this is dei four,wat might it be?
Hello Mercy, if you have a…
Hello Mercy, if you have a 28-day cycle then your fertile dates were from the 17th to the 21st of March and your period would have come on the 3rd of this month. However, if your cycle is longer or shorter than 28 days then your fertility window could be different. If you have not had your period yet, kindly take a urine pregnancy test.
Is it possible to get…
Is it possible to get pregnat when u r nearing ur periofs??
Hi Mercy, thank you for…
Hi Mercy, thank you for reaching out to us. You have asked a great question. Technically Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to day 26 or 30 are considered your infertile days. However, this may vary greatly based on the length of your cycle or if your cycle is irregular.
My last period is 31 I had…
My last period is 31 I had sex and my ovulation day 5 ….can I get pregnant?
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for reaching out to us. If you have sex on your day of ovulation or the 5 days before, then you can indeed fall pregnant.
Why is it that after my…
Why is it that after my ovulation i still feel some slime down there for like 3 to 4 days…is it normal?
Hello Ginika, thank you for…
Hello Ginika, thank you for reaching out to us. Throughout your cycle your hormones cause your cervix to produce cervical mucus which changes in colour and consistency depending on what point in your cycle you are. What you are experiencing is normal, you should only be worried when there is a change in colour and smell which indicates an infection in which case you should see a medical practitioner for a complete diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
This link has more information on the issue.
Hi, I’m grateful for this…
Hi, I’m grateful for this opportunity. My question is, I love my boyfriend and i can’t resist him when it comes to sex. How do I help myself? Thanks
Hi Lucy, thank you for…
Hi Lucy, thank you for reaching out to us. We can imagine that the situation is frustrating to you. If you do not want to have sex with your partner, the two of you can try and avoid situations that you usually lead to sex.
I skipped my period one…
I skipped my period one month and the next month it has come I had more pain…it had possibility of getting pregnancy??immediately after period can I get pregnancy. ..
A skipped period could be a…
A skipped period could be a sign that there could be an issue. We strongly suggest that you see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Is it possible to get…
Is it possible to get pregnant if you have sex after ovulation period
Hello Ola, technically you…
Hello Ola, technically you can get pregnant at any point in your cycle. But typically if you have sex after you ovulate your chances of falling pregnant are lowered.
I had my last period o the…
I had my last period o the 22 of March and I had sex on 7 of April I have been expecting my period but is not coming though I had a little pain on my lower abdomen yesterday 22 of April which a little drop of blood comes out. Is it possible that am pregnant
Hello Fatima, thank you for…
Hello Fatima, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. There is a chance that you could be pregnant or experiencing Vaginismus. It is a condition where the muscles of the pelvis floor contract making penetration quite painful. The condition may occur from time to time, it may begin to occur later in life, it may occur in certain situations, or it may happen throughout one’s life.
The level of pain may also vary from mild to severe and from short term to long term. Vaginismus may be so severe that even wearing a tampon or going for a gynaecological exam is too painful
Vaginismus could be triggered by many issues both psychological, emotional and physical. These include fear or anxiety, trauma like rape or abuse, infections, menopause, inadequate foreplay, surgery to the area, or even as a side effect to medication.
Vaginismus is usually treated through a combination of physical and emotional exercises. If you feel that you may be going through this, have a conversation with your doctor.
Either way, please do take a pregnancy test to confirm your status and do visit your doctor as soon as possible. Keep safe and have a great week ahead.
The ovulation topic used to…
The ovulation topic used to confused me but thank you for educating this to my understanding. Now I am no more novice about it. Once again, thank you so much it was very educating.
Thank you Anonymous! We are…
Thank you Anonymous! We are so glad to have been of help.
This is very educative. But…
This is very educative. But what happens when you don’t see your period the same date? That is, in the first month you saw it on 29th, second month 25th and third month, the same 25th. Is it normal? Secondly, how will one calculate her ovulaton? Thank you
Hi, knowing your ovulation…
Hi, knowing your ovulation date depends on how long your cycle is, and to know your cycle you need to track it. Your cycle lasts from the first day of one period to the first day of the next one. Most women have 28-day cycle but anything shorter or longer is fine. To understand how long your cycle is monitor it for a few months. Your ovulation date is usually in the middle and the 4 days leading up to your ovulation date are also considered fertile
An irregular length is also pretty common and normal but determining your ovulation date, in this case, is quite difficult.
Hello Chidi, thank you for…
Hello Chidi, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. How old is your wife? Menopause could be kicking in but then again, that is an assumption. For the best diagnosis, we highly recommend that you visit your doctor as soon as possible to get the best diagnosis and treatment/solution moving forward.
I have a question. From 22nd…
I have a question. From 22nd of march to now I have been having symptoms of pregnancy but Ive also seen my period twice (may period started this morning). I don’t get it. How can I be menstruating and feeling pregnant at the time. April period came with pains. I can’t go to the hospital cos my husband doesn’t want me to be disappointed. I need some form of medical advice cos I have never felt like this before. All day I have different times where I feel differently. Last week Thursday all thru the day. Saliva was gathering in my mouth every second that I had to be going to the rest room spit it out. Please advice
Hi Seun, you could take a…
Hi Seun, you could take a urine pregnancy test to determine if you are indeed pregnant.
I see my period on 20th of…
I see my period on 20th of April, but Ave not seen dis month own. But I don’t know how to calculate my ovulation… Pls help
Hello Joy, thank you for…
Hello Joy, thank you for your question. First, you need to determine how long your cycle is. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and lasts until the first day of your next period. To notice patterns it is best to track your cycle for a few months. Your ovulation date is usually in the middle, for example if your cycle is 28 days long your ovulation date is the 14th day. However, if your cycle is longer than 30 days or shorter than 20 days, your ovulation date may be a little harder to calculate.
Thanks.. i may ask can you…
Thanks.. i may ask can you get pregnant 7 days to the next period
Hi Annonymous. This is a…
Hi Annonymous. This is a really good question. It really depends on the length of your cycle.
Avoiding pregnancy with unprotected sex needs you to track your period. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.
To know how long your cycle is, you will need to track it closely for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
What causea irregular…
What causea irregular periods, because my periods was 14 April until now am still expecting it what can I do now.
Hello Ola, thank you for…
Hello Ola, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. We are currently living in unprecedented times and these things are not surprising. Sometimes, irregular periods can be caused by some medicines, exercising too much, having a very low or high body weight, or not eating enough calories. Hormone imbalances can also cause irregular periods. For example, thyroid hormone levels that are too low or too high can cause problems with periods. Reflect on what may be causing your irregular periods based on the above and act on them. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe! 🙂
Hello Olamide, thank you for…
Hello Olamide, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. We are currently living in unprecedented times and these things are not surprising. Sometimes, irregular periods can be caused by some medicines, exercising too much, having a very low or high body weight, or not eating enough calories. Hormone imbalances can also cause irregular periods. For example, thyroid hormone levels that are too low or too high can cause problems with periods. Reflect on what may be causing your irregular periods based on the above and act on them. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe! 🙂
4th of May was my last…
4th of May was my last period,plz when am I going to have my ovulation
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for your question. First, you need to determine how long your cycle is. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and lasts until the first day of your next period. To notice patterns it is best to track your cycle for a few months. Your ovulation date is usually in the middle, for example, if your cycle is 28 days long your ovulation date is the 14th day. However, if your cycle is longer than 30 days or shorter than 20 days, your ovulation date may be a little harder to calculate.
I concievE0 but the…
I concievE0 but the pregnancy usually come f DOwn within 8two 0 months. Why?
Hello Anonymous, the causes…
Hello Anonymous, the causes for frequent miscarriages vary and there could be medical implications. Kindly see a medical practitioner to give you a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
i do have regular periods…
i do have regular periods that last for 6 days how come i dont get pregnent?
Hi Anonymous, thank you for…
Hi Anonymous, thank you for your question. Getting pregnant may seem quite straight forward. However, sometimes it could take time to get there. You should keep at it and while at it try and have sex as close to your ovulation date as possible.
This article has more information on the issue. We wish you best of luck as you try.
Ma’am I saw my period 12th…
Ma’am I saw my period 12th of last month but till now I haven’t seen it yet but I’ve ovulated .
I haven’t had any sexual affair either
What could be the problem?
I’m I pregnant?
Hi Christabel, thank you for…
Hi Christabel, thank you for reaching out to us. Having an irregular period is rather common and normal among women. Try and wait it out a little longer, if it does not come then see a medical practitioner for a proper and comprehensive diagnosis.
Wow i love this
Wow i love this
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for sharing your positive feedback and we really appreciate it! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe.
I had my periods between…
I had my periods between 22nd and 25th does it means my periods are regular or irregular
Hello Carolyne, thank you…
Hello Carolyne, thank you for getting in touch with us and asking a great question. Your periods are fairly regular dear, you need not worry. If it is happening every month, then it is regular. Irregular periods happen when you miss them over a month or months.
Good evening
My question is…
Good evening
My question is that can someone get pregnant when the menstruation is irregular or the blood isn’t flowing very well?????
Hello My name is teekay,…
Hello My name is teekay, thank you for reaching out to us and asking a great question. To answer your question, Yes! Any time a girl has unprotected sex, she has the potential to become pregnant.
Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. This refers to the time that a girl is most fertile and has the highest chance of getting pregnant. A girl with irregular periods still ovulates, just not on a regular, predictable schedule.
All girls, especially girls with irregular periods, can ovulate at different points from cycle to cycle. That makes it impossible for a girl to know when she is most fertile. Irregular periods also can make it hard for a girl to know if she is pregnant since she doesn’t know when to expect her period. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor to find out what the cause of your irregular period is, and also you could track your menstruation cycle to figure out when is the best time to attempt to conceive. This all depends on your ovulation cycle which again can be erratic due to your irregular cycle which again you can consult with your doctor.
In my case of the…
In my case of the menstruction,I experience a lot of pain,such as headache,body weakness,stomach ache,body pain,actually during my menstruaction I stay on the bed for like two days.advice
Hi Ruth, thank you so much…
Hi Ruth, thank you so much for reaching out to us. We are so sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard time. Although it has now become the norm for you, your symptoms are not regular and could be a sign of a larger issue. Kindly see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
When does the lady sees…
When does the lady sees periods after delivery
Hi Mathew, after delivery a…
Hi Mathew, after delivery a woman’s period could come six to eight weeks later. However, if she is breastfeeding she may not get her period for the entire time she is breast feeding.
Doing sex three months after…
Doing sex three months after delivery cause?
Hello Mathew, three months…
Hello Mathew, three months after delivery should be fine. However, check with her doctor to be sure that she is fully healed. Also, if she is breastfeeding you may be told that she cannot conceive. This is not true for all women so if you are not trying to get pregnant again, you should think of contraception.
3days after your period if…
3days after your period if you have sex can you get pregnant
Hi Anonymous, this is a…
Hi Anonymous, this is a great question whos answer lies in the length of your cycle and frequency of your period. You need to determine how long your cycle is. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and lasts until the first day of your next period. To notice patterns it is best to track your cycle for a few months. Your ovulation date is usually in the middle, for example, if your cycle is 28 days long your ovulation date is the 14th day. Your ovulation date is your most fertile day but because sperm can stay alive and viable for up to 5 days then 5 days before your ovulation date are also considered fertile. However, if your cycle is longer than 30 days or shorter than 20 days, your ovulation date may be a little harder to calculate.
Is it true that, you won’t…
Is it true that, you won’t get pregnant if you had sex
after your period?
Hello November 10, thank you…
Hello November 10, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. No, this is not true. There is still a good chance that you could get pregnant as your body has already gone through its menstrual cycle, gotten rid of the old egg and a fresh egg is in place to be inseminated during ovulation. If you want to avoid pregnancy, please use contraception.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Kindly how do I help these…
Kindly how do I help these two months before my periods were regular and two months after have missed my periods?
Hi Vivian, thank you for…
Hi Vivian, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Irregular periods can be caused by a variety of things such as the use of birth control pills/ family planning, stress, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pregnancy, and a variety of other things. The best thing to do is to visit your doctor as soon as possible to get a proper consultation to identify the issue and possible treatment. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!
Thankyou am expecting my…
Thankyou am expecting my piriod 26 of this month,when will i be able to get pregnant?
Hello Naxh, Well, it takes a…
Hello Naxh, Well, it takes a bit of maths! You have to work backwards from when your period starts. The time you’re likely to ovulate lasts four days, between 16 and 12 days before the first day of your period.
If you have a period every 28 days, take 16 away from 28:
28 – 16 = 12
That means the four days you’re most likely to ovulate begin 12 days after your period starts. So your period starts on day one, and you ovulate between day 12 and 16.
If you have a period every 21 days, take 16 away from 21:
21 – 16 = 5
That means the four days you’re likely to ovulate begin five days after your period starts. So your period starts on day one, and you ovulate between day five and day 9.
Puzzled? Try an online ovulation calculator!
Hi had sex after two days of…
Hi had sex after two days of my periods then took postinor 2 after an hour that same day started bleeding again after five days that lasted for almost a week but had an intercourse and this time did not take an emergency pill could I be pregnant advise
Hi Joy, thank you so much…
Hi Joy, thank you so much for reaching out to us. Because of how Postinor works, it could indeed cause you to bleed sooner than usual. Depending on the length of your cycle you could indeed be pregnant. To be sure, wait two weeks and take a pregnancy test.
Very educative site
Very educative site
Hello Frank, thank you so…
Hello Frank, thank you so much for your feedback. We appreciate it. Please feel free to look through the website to find other articles that you may find useful.
can i still see my menses…
can i still see my menses when i am one month pregnant
Hi Debbie, thank you for…
Hi Debbie, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. The short answer is no. Despite all the claims out there, it isn’t possible to have a period while you are pregnant. You might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually a light discharge that is pink or dark brown but that is about it. Why do you ask? Is this something you are currently experiencing?
If you are experiencing heavy vaginal blood flow while pregnant, this is a sign that something might be wrong in which case you need to visit your doctor as soon as possible.
Please keep us posted and have a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe!
Hi…i always get my periods…
Hi…i always get my periods btwn date 9 or 10 every month.,but this month i got it on 7th and it only last for 2 days..what does it mean
Hello Easther, thank you for…
Hello Easther, thank you for reaching out to us. It is perfectly normal for your days to switch around a little especially if you are on Birth Control, or something has distabilised your internal environment. If you feel that it is an issue of concern kindly see a medical practitioner for a proper medical diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Hi my question is that…
Hi my question is that usually my period last for three days each month so this month on my second day of menstruation I had an unprotected sex and my period stopped so I wanted to know wat caused this . should I be worried..
Hello Kaagee. thank you for…
Hello Kaagee. thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. First and foremost, we strongly recommend that if you do not want to have an unintended pregnancy, that you use protection or some form of birth control to avoid these kinds of scares. Although the chances of pregnancy are very small during your period, it is still possible so be careful. Secondly, having sex may make your periods shorter. Muscle contractions during an orgasm push out the uterine contents faster. That could result in shorter periods. We hope this information helps! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
I love ua teachings
I love ua teachings
We are so glad that you are…
We are so glad that you are able to help you make informed decisions in your life and are always pleased to help! Please feel free to go through more of our content and let us know what you think and do not hesitate to ask us any questions you may have regarding love, sex and relationships!
Very helpful information but…
Very helpful information but i have a question,is it normal to have meat like substance in your periods
Hello Reign, thank you for…
Hello Reign, thank you for getting in touch with us. People may worry if they notice clots in their menstrual blood, but this is perfectly normal and rarely cause for concern. Menstrual clots are a mixture of blood cells, tissue from the lining of the uterus, and proteins in the blood that help regulate its flow and this may result in what you are experiencing. Did you know that your whole menstrual cycle is more than just your period? Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation-an-overview
Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe! Let us know if the information helps.
Hi,I’m Mary .the script is…
Hi,I’m Mary .the script is helpful,,but my periods are too severe painful,the cramps….i can’t help myself out because painkillers makes me it longer than the normal days and too thick,the moodyness is too uncontrollable.please help
Hello Mary, thank you for…
Hello Mary, thank you for reaching out to us and we are so sorry you are going through a tough time. Click on this link to find out more about how to deal with period pain. Please let us know if the information helps and do not hesitate to ask us any more questions.
I had my periods on date 19…
I had my periods on date 19,date 21 i had unprotected sex,then date 25 same ,bt i was on birth control pill which i drop like 2 months down the line ,is there chances that am pg???
Hello Nandela, thank you for…
Hello Nandela, thank you for coming to us with this. Avoiding pregnancy with unprotected sex needs you to track your period. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.
To know how long your cycle is, you will need to track it closely for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter which may mean that your ferile days may not be when you think they are. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
Hello . Kindly may yew…
Hello . Kindly may yew assist me in calculating my cycle . My menstruation was like this march 10th&April 6th.wat I just want to know from yew is de day i normally ovulate.nimeshindwa on how to calculate. Kindly
Hi Lucia,
We are happy to…
Hi Lucia,
We are happy to help but first, kindly provide the following information: do you have regular or irregular periods? A regular cycle is about 28 days while an irregular cycle means having your period less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart. While the information you have provided is useful, it is not enough to gauge where your cycle falls since it could have been influenced by those factors between March 10th and April 6th. Is your cycle always 28 days?
Why is the 7th day and 14day…
Why is the 7th day and 14day considered in a menstrual cycle
Hi Msbanny,
This depends…
Hi Msbanny,
This depends. If you have a 28 days cycle, day 14 is around when ovulation begins while if you have a 21 day cycle, day 7 is around ovulation time. Days 7 and 14 are also among the most fertile days in the respective cycles.
I’m requesting to be…
I’m requesting to be directed,,, my wife gas a 28 days cycle,it is now two years and no pregnancy, in between have impregnated six ladies outside marriage to prove my assurity,,, I thought it wise and used fertilion-F drugs but still no response,,, any way forward or connection please,,,
Hi Major,
First, note that…
Hi Major,
First, note that the type of menstrual cycle that a woman has does not determine her level of fertility. Could be that your wife was using a long-term contraceptive? Sometimes, it takes up to 12 months, or a bit longer, to get pregnant after getting off a long-term contraceptive such as the IUD. Or could there be other underlying fertility issues? Or is it your timing – she is fertility around say 12, 13, and 14 after the start of her period. The best thing to do is to visit the doctor for tests and treatment recommendations. Good luck.
What causes hard lumps at…
What causes hard lumps at your pubic area
Hi Kims,
Some women have…
Hi Kims,
Some women have these lumps or pimples. This is likely a hormonal issue, a reaction to something, or an infection of the hair follicle. Read this article to learn more about this: Why do I have pimples down there? If these lumps have been there for sometime and don’r go away, consider visiting a gynaecologist or doctor for consultation.
From July to Sept I didn’t…
From July to Sept I didn’t receive my periods since I was using the three months family planning injection,October date 16th I received my periods and on Sunday date 14th Nov I had sex at night that is 23:00 then It happen on Tuesday date 16th Nov I took P2 pills of which am wondering why till upyo now I haven’t received my periods,can I be paged?or did the P2 interfered with the menses?kindly tell me more
Hi Catherine,
P2 pills can…
Hi Catherine,
P2 pills can sometimes delay or make your periods come earlier than usual. Second, you did take the P2 within 72 hours and this means that there is a likelihood that you prevented pregnancy. Yet, it’s important to know that P2 is not 100% effective thus there’s a small chance you could be pregnant. The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test. If the test is negative, be patient as you will get your periods soon.
I gave birth but after…
I gave birth but after delivery,i stayed for 9 months without my periods.What is the problem?
Hi Vivian,
Your period…
Hi Vivian,
Your period will typically return about six to eight weeks after you give birth if you aren’t breastfeeding. If you’re breastfeeding, the timing for a period to return can vary. Most breastfeeding mothers will resume their periods between 3 and 18 months after their baby’s birth.
The article is resourceful
Thanks for this information. Please my menstrual cycle is 25 days, is it possible for me to get pregnant