Fertility and infertility
Fertility is a word to describe whether someone is capable of making a child. For a woman this refers to the health of your eggs and ability to get and stay pregnant.
For men, fertility refers to whether your sperm is healthy and potent. Most healthy people who want to get pregnant can.
Only when a woman ovulates during her menstrual cycle is there an unfertilised egg waiting for a sperm cell. Once an egg comes into contact with sperm, it becomes fertilised and attaches itself to the womb. This starts the conception process and you become pregnant.
If you have sex before you ovulate, sperm can hang around for days in your fallopian tube waiting for an egg to pop out. If you have sex after you ovulate, the egg will be ready and wait for the sperm to arrive.
But remember, having sex only at other times of the month is not a reliable way to avoid getting pregnant!
Fertile and most fertile
What’s the difference between being ‘fertile’ and being ‘most fertile’? If you’re fertile, it means you’re able to get pregnant – you’ve reached puberty and your ovaries are working properly. You’re most fertile around the time of ovulation, so you’re most likely to get pregnant if you have sex at this time.
Ovulation roulette
You can get pregnant from the first time you ovulate, so even before you have your first period. On the other hand, just because you’ve started your periods doesn’t mean you can get pregnant.
In the first year you have your periods, an egg might only be released one in five times. By the time you’ve been having periods for six years, an egg will be released nine out of ten times.
But remember, if you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t play ovulation roulette – use contraception.
Less fertile
As you get older, especially over the age of about 30, you tend to become less fertile, and eventually, you stop ovulating and having periods. On average, women are able to get pregnant between the ages of 15 and 49.
Fertility and weight
If you’re too big or too thin it can affect your chances of getting pregnant.
To get a rough idea of whether your weight could be affecting your fertility, you can work out your BMI.
BMI the complicated way
Your BMI is your weight (in kilos) divided by your height (in meters) squared. So if you weigh 72 kilograms and your height is 1.72 metres, your BMI is 72 divided by 1.72 x 1.72 = 24.9.
BMI the easy way
All that arithmetic sounds too much like hard work? Don’t worry, just go to an online BMI calculator like this one and it will do the maths for you!
Your BMI is considered to be ‘normal’ if it’s between 18.5 and 25 – though this is only a rough guide.
If your BMI is lower than about 18.5 or higher than about 28, you could be less fertile. So it’s important to eat as healthy and varied a diet as you can, and try to get your weight closer to the ‘normal’ range.
Fertility testing
So you’ve been patiently trying to get pregnant for 18 months or more. And you and your partner have tried all the tips. But you’re still not pregnant.
You might want to start trying to find out if there’s some medical problem that’s stopping you getting pregnant.
The easiest place to start is with the man. Men often assume that it’s the woman who’s got the fertility problem if she’s having trouble getting pregnant. But it’s just as likely to be the man.
For men, it’s pretty easy to have your sperm tested to see if you’re producing enough healthy sperm. For women it takes more trouble and detective work, involving a variety of tests. So usually it makes sense to start fertility testing with the man.
Tests for men
Fertility testing for men is pretty straightforward. You need to provide a sample of sperm, and they’ll check it out for you in the lab. When you visit your health professional for a fertility test, first of all, he may well want to ask you some pretty personal questions about your sex life, and also examine your genitals. Then he’ll send off a sample of your sperm to have it analysed.
Of course, you might want to say no to any embarrassing examinations and just provide a sperm sample. Though be grateful, it wouldn’t be an option for your partner to skip uncomfortable and intimate examinations!
Providing a sperm sample
You usually provide a sperm sample just by masturbating and squirting the sperm into a clean container. And if you don’t have to travel too far to the clinic, you may well be able to produce the sample at home.
If for religious reasons you object to masturbating, you can collect the sperm in a special condom when you have intercourse. And if also for religious reasons you don’t want to use a condom, you can always prick a hole in it first.
The result
The lab will give a report on how much sperm is in your semen, and how many of them are healthy – whether they can ‘swim’ well and are able to fertilise an egg.
You may find you have plenty of healthy sperm, so at least you know the problem doesn’t lie with you. But it could also be that you have relatively few healthy sperm, which makes it harder for you to get your partner pregnant.
The best thing then is to make sure you follow all the fertility tips for men – like not smoking or drinking, and keeping your testicles cool. If there are no sperm at all, then you can get medical help to find out what’s causing the problem, and see if something can be done about it.
Home testing
If you really want to avoid any embarrassment, you can now get home kits to test your sperm. These kits aren’t as reliable as a proper test in a lab. They only tell you how much sperm there are in your semen, but not how healthy they are. You can order a kit online for about $ 30 plus postage.
Tests for women
Fertility testing for women is more complicated than it is for men, basically just because there are more different reasons you could be having trouble getting pregnant. This means you might need to have various different tests.
They could include:
- A cervical mucus test, to see if sperm can survive in the mucus at the neck of your womb.
- An ultrasound scan to check your womb and ovaries.
- Hormone tests to check your levels of the hormones involved in getting pregnant.
- An X-ray of your womb and fallopian tubes to see if there is a blockage. First, some dye is injected through your cervix.
- A hysteroscopy, when a flexible tube like a tiny telescope is inserted through the cervix to look inside the womb.
Home testing
You can also buy a home fertility test for women. This measures the level of the FSH hormone in your body, which can show how likely it is that you’ll be able to get pregnant. The test indicates how many eggs you have left in your ovaries, but it’s not necessarily very accurate.
I need fertility drugs
I need fertility drugs
(No subject)
Hello Robert,
What makes you feel you need fertility drugs?
You may need to visit a specialist for them to find out what exactly is the issue is after which they will be able to recommend or prescribe what steps or drugs you need to take if any.
thats good
thats good
I need fertility drug
I need fertility drug
Hi Ngesa, What makes you…
Hi Ngesa, What makes you feel you need fertility drugs? You need to visit a medical centre for tests and a prescription for such drugs if the test will indicate you need them.
I need fertility durg
I need fertility durg
Dear Precious, what makes…
Dear Precious, what makes you feel you need fertility drugs? Have you consulted a health provider? Consider visiting a health centre for a check and further on what exactly you need. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/female-fertility-top-five-myths-busted
It’s helpful thank u
It’s helpful thank u
(No subject)
We are glad that you found this information helpful Abigail.
Can masturbation cause…
Can masturbation cause infertility
(No subject)
Hi Jamal,
Masturbation will not cause infertility, this is just a myth. As long as you are health your body will keep producing sperm. Check out the following article for more information;-
I need to know if my hubby…
I need to know if my hubby read to make me pregnant coz he does not even care or want to be party of the action help.
(No subject)
Hello Sherlin,
Have you talked about having children with your husband?
What action does he not want to be party to?
You may need to talk about having children and whether this is the right time for you both to have children. Having children is big decision and you have to think about this decision and agree on how to proceed. We wish you well.
I am 31 yrs old, i have been…
I am 31 yrs old, i have been sexually active sinve 18. I have never even been pregnant. I have been trying seriously for 9 yrs and nothing. I am so miserable
Hey, …
First, you are not alone in this and for this reason you are not worthless. You can still get pregnant and go on to be a great mother.
We are so sorry about this and we can imagine the frustration and distress this has caused you and perhaps your partner. There is no correlation between when one starts to have sex and whether they will get pregnant in the future. It is important you seek the services of a specialist specifically a Gynaecologist so they can help determine what could be going on and prescribe a solution for you. We wish you well.
I need to be educate more. …
I need to be educate more. Thank u
Hey Precious, Feel free to…
Hey Precious, Feel free to ask any question and we shall be more than glad to respond to you.
What make a man to be weak…
What make a man to be weak after first around of sex that he fine it difficult to got hes second time
Hi Gift, it’s completely…
Hi Gift, it’s completely normal for men to have what is called a refractory period, where it cannot get hard after ejaculation. There is no real way to change it or make it happen less, so one should just try to work with their own body. If one is really hoping to have more sex, then it helps to take this time to recharge and focus on ones partner. This is a good time to focus on their partner and give them pleasure.
So interesting am learning a…
So interesting am learning a lot. Thanks team #lovematters.
We are glad that this…
We are glad that this information is useful to you.
I need fertility drugs
I need fertility drugs
Hi Omondi, What makes you…
Hi Omondi, What makes you feel you need fertility drugs? You need to visit a medical centre for tests and a prescription for such drugs if the test will indicate you need them.
Its helpful thanks.
Its helpful thanks.
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
I have been using 3months…
I have been using 3months injection of family planning for 2 years and i stopped so that I can conceived. Now it’s 2 years again. How do i do?
Hi Viona, It’s expected that…
Hi Viona, It’s expected that one will become pregnant soon after they stop using birth control. Now that you have been trying for more that 12 months it is important you need to visit a specialist with your partner for a check up and a advice. Do visit a Gynecologist who will be able to advice. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Hallo shagazi my period was…
Hallo shagazi my period was on 19th Oct 2017 .. I did sex on date 1,2,3 and 4 which are my fertile day but still this month got period which is is so light what might be the problem
Hi, It is likely that you…
Hi, It is likely that you could be pregnant but to be sure do get a pregnancy test.
Hi,am one month pregnant but…
Hi,am one month pregnant but the problem am having is too much headache every now and then,what could be the problem and how can I do away with it
Hi Tally, Headache is one of…
Hi Tally, Headache is one of the signs that you are pregnant. You can consider you using over the counter pain killers to manage the frequent headaches.
Am Maggy,how can I trap…
Am Maggy,how can I trap pregnancy despite having irregular periods? Please help me
Hi Maggy, Even with an…
Hi Maggy, Even with an irregular cycle one usually ovulates mid-cycle. Ovulation is the process where the egg is released from the ovary to fallopian tubes and during this process a woman is most fertile. Some of the signs include change of texture in vaginal fluids, increased desire for sex, bloated abdomen among other. Check out this article:- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Cn one get pregnant after…
Cn one get pregnant after
b done B.T.L.pliz help.
One can’t get pregnant after…
One can’t get pregnant after a BTL. It is also permanent birth control method but the procedure can be reversed in some cases.
what do I do to get pregnant…
what do I do to get pregnant. I have stopped using contraceptive but still no result. please help.
Hey Vivian, If you have been…
Hey Vivian, If you have been trying for longer than one year after you stopped using the contraceptive, it maybe important for you and your partner to visit a specialist for a check. If it has not been this long yet, I suggest you keep trying. Have a look at this article with tips to increase your chances;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
What makes some one fine it…
What makes some one fine it difficult to have sex after the first around?
Hi Gift, it’s completely…
Hi Gift, it’s completely normal for men to have what is called a refractory period, where it cannot get hard after ejaculation. There is no real way to change it or make it happen less, so one should just try to work with their own body. If one is really hoping to have more sex, then it helps to take this time to recharge and focus on ones partner. This is a good time to focus on their partner and give them pleasure.
consiquences of masturbation…
consiquences of masturbation,if any ,PLZ
Hi Josiah, Masturbation has…
Hi Josiah, Masturbation has no medical effect. It can be a great and safe way to explore ones sexuality. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/ways-to-make-love/masturbation-myths-busted
Ilost my kid in 2o16 but…
Ilost my kid in 2o16 but upto now have failed to concieve i dnt knw wat the prob z pliz help
Sorry about your loss Joan…
Sorry about your loss Joan. You have been trying for longer than one year, it is now important that you consult a Specialist Gynecologist who will advice you and your partner. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Hey SXSX, what can we do for…
Hey SXSX, what can we do for you?
If you have sex after one…
If you have sex after one wicked can a woman gets pregnant or not.
Hi Ojok, if you have sex…
Hi Ojok, if you have sex with a woman who is fertile she is likely to get pregnant even if it was once or one weekend.
When using epill for a long…
When using epill for a long time can it cause infertility or failure to get pregnant in future?
Hi There, using the E-Pill…
Hi There, using the E-Pill has no such effects. The side effects one experiences are short term and usually appear after taking the pill. Check out this article for more information on Emergency Contraception;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
What me medicine can I use…
What me medicine can I use to increase fertility
Hey, what makes you feel you…
Hey, what makes you feel you need fertility medication? I suggest you visit a medical centre for further advice including whether you will need any medication to improve fertility.
I stopped using the Depo…
I stopped using the Depo Provera injections about 1 year ago and I have not been able to get pregnant, why am I not getting pregnant?
Hey Liz, this can be…
Hey Liz, this can be frustrating. One of the expected disadvantage is that one won’t be able to immediately get pregnant when they stop using the injection; it may take around ten months for one to get back to your normal fertility. It is not possible to tell how long this will take for you, but going with this this maybe the time your fertility is getting back to normal and so you could get pregnant. Check out the following articles for additional information;-
We have been trying to get…
We have been trying to get pregnant but it has not worked for the last one year since I got married. What could be the problem?
Hi Angie, if you have been…
Hi Angie, if you have been trying for over one year it is important that you now seek the services of a Specialist Gynecologist for possibly a check up and further advice. In the meantime have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
how long does it take for a…
how long does it take for a man to form enou
gh sperms
Hey Kevo, what do you mean…
Hey Kevo, what do you mean by enough sperms? Check out the following articles with more information on Sperms and Ejaculation;-
We got married in Dec of…
We got married in Dec of last year and we have been trying to get pregnant ever since with no success. I have never used any family planning drugs and I have never had an abortion. What other reason could be delaying me from getting pregnant. Please help, my husband really wants me to get pg.
Hello, the key to getting…
Hello, the key to getting pregnant is getting to know when it is you are ovulating since this is the time you are most fertile hence most likely to get pregnant. Since it has been less than 12 months of trying, it should only be an issues of concern and at which point you need to consult a Specialist, if it has been longer than 12 months. Check out the following articles for more tips;-
I got married to my wife…
I got married to my wife about 2 years ago we have no children as of yet I am now getting much pressure from my home to bring the first born. We have tried but in vain. What can be the problem, where can we go for help?
Hey Tom, if you have been…
Hey Tom, if you have been trying to get a child for longer than 12 months, it is important that you now consult a Specialist. The Specialist Gynecologist will be able to carry out tests as appropriate and then advice you on the next what to do. If you don”t know any Specialist you can go to in your location, it may help to visit a government run health facility, they will be able to refer you to one if there isn’t any at the facility. We do wish you all the best. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
We have been trying to get…
We have been trying to get pregnant for 9 months but I am yet to get pregnant. I am not sure what my husband thinks about this since he wanted me to get pregnant soon after marriage. Now, I overused the P2 when I was younger could this be the reason why I am not getting pregnant? What should I do?
Hey Val, it may take upto…
Hey Val, it may take upto one year for one to get pregnant. This means you are still within the expected period of time. There is evidence that the use of P2 stops one from getting pregnant in the future. However, if after one year you are still not pregnant, it will be important to visit a Specialist who will conduct tests and advice you and your partner. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts We wish you well.
I use depo before i ever had…
I use depo before i ever had a child I am not pregnant after trying for close to 7 months now. My menstruation is regular. What are some of the reasons that can make this happen?
Hi Marrianne, using Depo as…
Hi Marrianne, using Depo as a birth control method will not have an effect or stop you from getting pregnant when you stop using it. One disadvantage is that one won’t be able to immediately get pregnant when they stop using Depo; it may take around ten months to get back to normal fertility. This means the immediate following 10 months after one has stopped using Depo they may not be able to get pregnant. If you just stopped using it then this is expected. On the other hand, even in normal circumstances it may take upto one year to get pregnant. You are still within time, if after an year of trying you still don’t get pregnant it will time to seek the services of a specialist. Check out this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
What medicine an I take to…
What medicine an I take to increase my fertility? I want to be pregnant, I have been trying for 5 months with no success, pls help..?
If you have tried to get…
If you have tried to get pregnant for more than a year without success, it is important you discuss this with a doctor or a pregnancy or fertility specialist. Usually a Gynecologist will help or atleast refer to a Specialist. This will help identify any problems and help you and your partner find ways that might make it easier to get pregnant including whether or not you should use any fertility medicines. Check out the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
How can I know for sure…
How can I know for sure which are my safe days?
Hey Max, Safe days are one…
Hey Max, Safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Hi I have low sperm count…
Hi I have low sperm count and it turns immediately when I remove my dick ,,,what can be the problem
Hi George, what do you mean…
Hi George, what do you mean by ‘it turns’? I suggest you visit a health centre for a check up, where you will also be advised on what steps or treatment to take.
We have been trying to get…
We have been trying to get pregnant from April without success. Where can I get the fertility tests?
Hi Jean, it may take upto 12…
Hi Jean, it may take upto 12 months to get pregnant, this means you are still within what is normal time to get pregnant. Gynecologists usually provide comprehensive reproductive health services and they will be able to advice on what treatment or tests one may need. Have a look at the following article for more tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Hi, I want to confirm if I…
Hi, I want to confirm if I can impregnate my wife. Have been in a marriage for 1year and there is no signs what can be the problem…?
Hey Wycliffe, there is no…
Hey Wycliffe, there is no way to tell what could be the problem other visiting and seeking the services of a Specialist. If you have been trying for longer than 12 months, you and your partner need to visit a specialist for a check up and further advice. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Thanks for the advice…
Thanks for the advice…
You are welcome Wycliffe.
You are welcome Wycliffe.
What is the problem when you…
What is the problem when you see a tiny bubbles in your sperms
Hi Nickson,
Gas bubbles in…
Hi Nickson,
Gas bubbles in semen are not semen normal as they can be a sign of inflammation in the seminal vesicles called seminal vesiculitis. However, there are other causes, see a healthcare provider for tests and treatment.
Hi,first I had a miscarriage…
Hi,first I had a miscarriage, two months later the gynaecologist recommended I use clomid and I have used them this was the second cycle now,am expecting my menses on 14th this month,no sign of pregnancy nor menses am just feeling my body confused. What d problem.thnkx in advance
Hi Eva, sorry about this. I…
Hi Eva, sorry about this. I suggest you talk to your Gynecologist for purposes of followup. We wish you well.
I want to have a son, I have…
I want to have a son, I have 2 Dora’s. How?
Hi Fransisca, I suggest you…
Hi Fransisca, I suggest you speak to your Gynecologist or Midwife for further advice. All the best.
Which FP method should I use…
Which FP method should I use after I give birth? I am due in 4 weeks.
Hi, congratulations. This…
Hi, congratulations. This really depends on you and your preference. Think about when you want to get pregnant and then discuss your options with your health provide to see what options are available for you. Check out the following articles for further guidance;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/how-to-choose
what medicine can I take to…
what medicine can I take to increase fertility? I am a man I want to marry soon.
Hello Ssembewa, what makes…
Hello Ssembewa, what makes you feel,you need to take fertility treatment? If you have concerns, I suggest you visit a health facility and a health professional will be able to advice you.
If I ejaculate too fast can…
If I ejaculate too fast can I impregnate someone?
Dear Evans, you can make a…
Dear Evans, you can make a lady pregnant even with premature ejaculation. Conception happens when a sperm meets an egg and this can happen even when you experience premature ejaculation. Check out this article for more information: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts
Can overusing P2 have a…
Can overusing P2 have a negative effect on a woman’s fertility?
Hey, there is no limit as to…
Hey, there is no limit as to how many times you can use the emergency-pill in a year. However, the e-pill does have short-term side effects that mean it should not be used as a normal form of contraception, but only in case of emergency. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Tell me about safe days?
Tell me about safe days?
Dear Linet, safe days are…
Dear Linet, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/safe-days-pros-and-cons
Can you point me to a…
Can you point me to a fertility specialist, we have been working on baby number 1 for 2 years without any success. Please let me know where I can get specialized services in Nairobi.
Hi Agnes, you may want to…
Hi Agnes, you may want to start by talking to your Gynecologist who will further advise or refer you to a specialist as appropriate. Have a look at the following article;-
Is there a fertility clinic…
Is there a fertility clinic you can refer me too for fertility services?
Hi Carol, a good place to…
Hi Carol, a good place to begin is by seeing a Specialist Gynecologist who will be able to refer you should you need specialized services beyond what they are able to offer. Visit a specialist who will further advice.
For women is the kit found…
For women is the kit found on chemist or hospitals and Wats the name of the kit
Hi there, you can find the…
Hi there, you can find the kits at a chemist. I suggest you visit your preferred chemist to get to know what brands are available or those you can choose from.
How can I make sure my sperm…
How can I make sure my sperm healthy?
Hello James, you can begin…
Hello James, you can begin by eating healthy including making exercising part of your regular routine. For additional tips have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/eight-tips-to-keep-your-sperm-healthy
What can I do to keep my…
What can I do to keep my sperm healthy?
Hello Hakhim, you could…
Hello Hakhim, you could start by eating healthy and avoiding processed foods. You can also include exercise in your regular routine. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/eight-tips-to-keep-your-sperm-healthy
I am in my late 20s I have…
I am in my late 20s I have trying to have a child for 8 months now what should I do?
Hi Emily, it can actually…
Hi Emily, it can actually take upto to 12 months for one to get pregnant. Since, you have been trying for less the the 12 months I suggest you keep trying. However, if after the 12 months you are still not pregnant, it will be important that you seek the services of a specialist. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
How do women increase…
How do women increase fertility?
Hey Rose, lifestyle choices…
Hey Rose, lifestyle choices can help improve ones fertility. These include cutting the use of drugs which include smoking and drinking alcohol, keeping the right body weight, regularly exercising and getting enough rest. It maybe useful to speak to once health care provider or midwife for further advice when one is getting ready to conceive. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Hi. Where can I get the…
Hi. Where can I get the fertility test for home?
Hi Joan, you could try…
Hi Joan, you could try checking online stores.
I took pills for abortion 7…
I took pills for abortion 7 years ago, since then I’ve never been pregnant again, will I ever get pregnant again?
Hello there, usually after a…
Hello there, usually after a safe abortion one can still get pregnant. If you have been trying to get pregnant for longer than twelve months, it is important you consult a specialist who may conduct tests and further advice. In the meantime, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
iv been in marriage for…
iv been in marriage for close to 10 years now with no kids.Im under immense pressure within myself,at 33 no signs.I visited a fertility clinic,had my semen tested and was told im ok.my partner though shes not comefortable visiting a fertility clinic,however,of late im noticing strange issues with my sex life:premature ejaculation normally the first round,ifi were to comeback I would last longer but a feeling of dry orgasm even though when I look after ejaculation,semen comes out of my partners birth canal.what do I do since if im ith e process of getting another partner to bare me kids cozi see no hope with the first one?
I am 33,she is 35!
Hello Job, it is normal to…
Hello Job, it is normal to sometimes experience premature ejaculation in the first round usually because of the excitement. Do you think it is better to have another person bare children for you as opposed to convincing your partner to get help from a specialist? Have you considered what this choice will mean to your partner and marriage? You may want to consider talking with your parting to your about seeking the services and advice of a specialist before making a final decision especially if you are thinking of getting someone different. Have a look at the following articles for more information;-
How do I know when I will…
How do I know when I will ovulate next if my period started on the 1st of November?
When you will ovulate…
When you will ovulate depends on how long your cycle is. Use the following ovulation calculator provided in the link to try and determine when you are likely to ovulate next;- https://www.babycenter.com/ovulation-calculator
Can you make someone…
Can you make someone pregnant for the first time you have sex and only one round..thanks
Hello Kenneth, thank you for…
Hello Kenneth, thank you for reaching out to us. You can indeed make a person pregnant even if you have sex just the one time.
Does 20% of sperm well…
Does 20% of sperm well enough to fertilize an egg?
Hello Jatau, thank you for…
Hello Jatau, thank you for reaching out and asking a great question. The male ejaculate produces over 250 million sperm. Even if you were to take 20% of that figure, you would still be capable of producing 50 million sperms at minimum. Sure your chances of conceiving are lower but you are still fertile enough to become a father some day, it just requires more effort from your end. For more information on the same, follow these links which are sure to give you solid advice on how to become a happy father some day soon 🙂
Hi I tested a sperm and its…
Hi I tested a sperm and its 20%.
1. Is that low sperm?
2. Is the 20% too low to get a woman pregnant?
3. If too low what is the way out?
Does a thick sperm…
Does a thick sperm determines a healthy semen, or does it also determines a fertile sperm
Hello Roys, thick semen…
Hello Roys, thick semen usually results from a higher than normal concentration of sperm in a typical volume of semen but this is normal and no need for concern. High sperm concentration often indicates that you’re more likely to impregnate a female partner. Thick semen is also less likely to drip out of the vagina. This increases you and your partner’s chance of conception hnece, yes, your fertility is higher. If there are any other symptoms aside from thickness such as odour you may need to consult a medical professional but otherwise, you are good to go!
Hello Johny, thank you so…
Hello Johny, thank you so much for reaching out to us and we are so sorry you are going through a difficult time. Experiencing multiple miscarriages can cause a toll on anyone, emotionally, physically, psychologically, and even spiritually. Because this has happened before, the best thing to do is for both of you to go consult a doctor and find out what the issues may be as there could be an underlying medical problem. Secondly, we are glad that you are aware of your drinking habit and therefore, its highly recommended that you reduce on your alcohol consumption, not only to increase your fertility and overall health but to also prepare you to have a clearer mindset when you become the amazing father we know you will be. Lastly, we also highly recommend that you and your partner visit a counsellor to help alleviate whatever stress may have accumulated as a result of the miscarriages as stress can play a big negative role in foetal development during pregnancy. Everything will be okay buddy. Hang in there, you both got this! Have a lovely week ahead and stay safe!
What’s is the colour of…
What’s is the colour of healthy sperm
Hi Daniel, thank you for…
Hi Daniel, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Semen is normally a whitish-gray color. Changes in semen color might be temporary and harmless or a sign of an underlying condition that requires further evaluation. Why do you ask?
When I have intercourse with…
When I have intercourse with my wife…after how long do the signs of pregnancy appears
Hi Daniel, thank you for…
Hi Daniel, thank you for asking a great question. Finding out you’re pregnant can be a joy or a nightmare, depending on your situation. If you’re pregnant by accident or your partner is, what next? In this section, you can find out what your options are and learn what happens to the body during pregnancy. https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy
We hope the information helps and feel free to reach out and ask any more questions should the need arise, we are here for you. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
4 months of unprotected sex…
4 months of unprotected sex but no pregnancy.didn’t use any contraceptives and periods have become irregular for the 4 monts..help
Hey Aggy, thank you for…
Hey Aggy, thank you for getting in touch and we are so sorry you are going through a hard time. Getting pregnant can be difficult at times for various reasons but do not despair, we are here for you. Please click here to find out more about what you to do:
We hope this information helps. Please feel free to get in touch with us in case you have any more questions and have a lovely week ahead!
nice presentation
nice presentation
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your feedback, we appreciate it.