Vaginal discharge and odour: top facts
Vaginal discharge and smell can tell you a lot about your health, and even help you when you are trying to get pregnant. Get all the facts here!
Vaginal odour, or smell, is normal. Every vagina has its own, individual scent, and you shouldn’t try to change or disguise it.
However, changes in odour can be a sign for something that’s not right, so keep an eye, or a nose, on it.
What is vaginal discharge?
Vaginal discharge is the fluid that comes out of a woman’s vagina. Usually, it’s clear or whitish. The consistency of vaginal discharge can vary between thick and almost crumbly or even be similar to egg-white.
It is totally normal to discharge this fluid. Most women have it at least sometimes. Some women have discharge all the time, and yet others never have discharge. That’s all okay.
What does it do?
Have you ever heard someone say that the vagina can clean itself? That’s actually true and the reason for that is vaginal discharge. Its main function is to keep the vagina clean. It flushes away dead cells and bacteria and prevents infections. Not the sexiest thing, but pretty genius, isn’t it?
That’s why it’s so important to be gentle to your genitals. Keep in mind that discharge and smell are normal. Harsh soaps and douching can disturb the natural balance and cause discomfort.
Does it change throughout your cycle?
Over the course of your menstrual cycle, vaginal discharge changes considerably. For most days, it is sticky, milky, and whitish. Around the time a woman is ovulating and fertile, it will become clear and more gel-like. It’s also normal to have more discharge when you are ovulating, breastfeeding or very aroused. Women who go through menopause will usually have less discharge.
When should you see a doctor?
As vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and healthy, usually there is no need to discuss it with a doctor.
What may be normal for one woman may look completely different for another.However, if you see any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked.
What can change vaginal discharge?
Infections and STDs can affect the colour or odour of your discharge. It may change even if you are taking antibiotics or using a new birth control method. Overdoing female genital hygiene (or not doing enough) can cause issues. Medical conditions, such as cervical cancer or diabetes can affect it. And a lot of other things.
It is very important to keep an eye on changes in discharge. Consider vaginal discharge as a mirror for your sexual health. This may still not make it sexy, but it is actually cool.
Vaginal odour
Every vagina has a natural smell. That’s absolutely normal and nothing to worry about. Slight changes in a vagina’s scent are normal throughout your cycle or after you had sex.
You shouldn’t try to mask the smell with douching or vaginal deodorants or harsh soaps – that can cause irritation and possibly lead to infection.
A drastic change in odour can be a sign of something abnormal though. For example, fishy smells can be a sign of infection such as bacterial vaginosis. If you notice other changes alongside the smell, such as itching or burning, you should get in touch with a healthcare professional.
Are you worried about your discharge? Or have you got any other questions? Join our discussion forum to have your questions answered or connect to us via Facebook.
Is it normal to have a pale…
Is it normal to have a pale yellow discharge
Hey Eunice, discharge is…
Hey Eunice, discharge is usually clear or whitish in color. If you see any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity like in your case, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked.
what if you see a sticky…
what if you see a sticky white discharge with a smell what could be the cause
Hi Sharon, an unusual smell…
Hi Sharon, an unusual smell could be a sign that things are a little off. The person should see a medical practitioner as soon as they can for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
How can one stop away from…
How can one stop away from masturbation
Hello Clin, thank you for…
Hello Clin, thank you for reaching out to us. If you are absolutely sure you want to stop, you should know that it will not be easy. This is because sex leads to the release of endorphins which is better known as the pleasure hormone. Second, masturbation has now become part of your arousal template which is the total amount of thoughts, activities, stimuli, smells, etc. that arouse a person sexually.
To stop masturbating, you will need to identify the things that lead you to masturbate like seeing something, or just boredom. Also, when you get the urge to masturbate occupy yourself with another activity.
Please note that it could take you 21 days to 6 months to work on this and it might not work. If you are really committed, try, and find a counselor or a therapist to help you through. Good luck!
Hope d discharge can’t…
Hope d discharge can’t affect your partner. Doing a sexual intercourse.
Hey Zee, vaginal discharge…
Hey Zee, vaginal discharge is normal and will not affect your partner unless one has an infection which can then be passed if one is exposed to vaginal discharge. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/sti-prevention/staying-safe
It’s normal to have white…
It’s normal to have white fluid discharge during an early stage of pregnancy?
Hey Pinky, it is normal to…
Hey Pinky, it is normal to have vaginal discharge during pregnancy. The discharge is usually thin, white, milky, and mild smelling. This is normal and nothing for you to worry about. However, if the vaginal discharge is green or yellowish, has a strong smell, and/or accompanied by redness or itching, you may have a vaginal infection and it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Check out the following article for other changes you should expect;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
is it normal to have a…
is it normal to have a smelly brownish blood stained discharge
Hello Jane, it’s not normal…
Hello Jane, it’s not normal to have a blood stained discharge that is smelly. It is important that you seek medical attention for clear diagnosis and treatment.
Pls am new here I always…
Pls am new here I always taught vaginal discharge is an infection which has to be treated like is not good having vaginal discharge. I need your answers please thanks
Hi Pretty, vaginal discharge…
Hi Pretty, vaginal discharge is normal. However, what is normal for one may not be normal for another. However, if you see any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, one must consult a doctor and get checked.
Hello, I just read this,…
Hello, I just read this, today, my vaginal discharge was way too plenty, no smell and no itching, I don’t know if its Normal?
Hello Sarah, vaginal…
Hello Sarah, vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and healthy, usually there is no need to discuss it with a doctor. However, if you see any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked. In your case it appears only quantinty has changed, observe to if other changes will come along.
Having a yellow discharge…
Having a yellow discharge after taking levestrogel(backup)pill, does it mean the pill worked and I won’t get pregnant ?
Hi Susan, the discharge…
Hi Susan, the discharge doesn’t tell whether it you won’t get pregnant. Vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and healthy, what may however be normal for one woman may look completely different for another. If you however, see any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked. Check out the following articles for more information;-
My private part is itching…
My private part is itching me and am having serious thick dicharge but it does not smell bad, is it infection or is normal
Hi Genny, if there has been…
Hi Genny, if there has been a drastic change in either smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with the itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. It is important you seek medical advice as soon as possible.
How about smelling urine is…
How about smelling urine is it normal
Please I’m also need new here… Need your help?
Hi Mercy, welcome to Love…
Hi Mercy, welcome to Love Matters Africa. This could be the result of the concentration in your urine. Try and increase your water intake daily.
But d discharge is not…
But d discharge is not drawing way is d necessary self medication plz it urgent
Hi Esther, have you seen…
Hi Esther, have you seen drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity in your discharge, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness? This could be a sign of infection and in that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked. Try not to self medicate because it may not be clear to you what has caused the changes.
Pls my breast use to pain me…
Pls my breast use to pain me well well pls wat is De cause
Hey Treasure, breast feel…
Hey Treasure, breast feel sore and swollen just before your period and this is normal. If you however, feel pail all the time or consistently it may mean that there is an underlying issue and you need to seek medical advice.
Is it normal to have thick…
Is it normal to have thick white discharge throughout
Hey Fei, vaginal fluid is…
Hey Fei, vaginal fluid is usually clear or whitish. The consistency of vaginal discharge can vary between thick and almost crumbly or even be similar to egg-white. If you have seen any drastic changes in either smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked.
It is normal to have fishy…
It is normal to have fishy smell but no itching nor pain
Hey Carol, this maybe a…
Hey Carol, this maybe a bacterial infection. Do consult your doctor for a check up and possible treatment.
Some articles says it’s OK…
Some articles says it’s OK to treat vaginal infections with garlic..and am not sure whether one can use it while pregnant. Thanks
Hey Beneth, we do not…
Hey Beneth, we do not recommend that you put garlic in your vagina. See this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/garlic-is-for-vampires-not-vaginas
Have a look at the following article to see what you can do to keep your vagina healthy;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/8-tips-to-keep-your-vagina-happy-and-healthy
Can someone have virginal…
Can someone have virginal discharge during her safe days, and how can she tell the safe days
Hi Bella, vaginal discharge…
Hi Bella, vaginal discharge happens all through your cycle. However, the discharge changes in color and texture all through your cycle. On the other hand, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
What could be the course of…
What could be the course of pain during penetration and after sex like pepper
Hi Luv, pain during and/or…
Hi Luv, pain during and/or sex can be caused by a number of reason including having dry sex where penetration happens before the vagina is well lubricated. It can be caused by the presence of an infection, the position during sex or the size of the penis. The first step toward addressing the pain is getting to know what is causing it. Have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-time-to-listen-up
I have issues on the…
I have issues on the Discharge it’s soo thick with a bad smell and sometimes I feel itchy what might it be,am so worried because sometimes am always uncomfortable
Hello Peris, a discharge…
Hello Peris, a discharge that has a bad smell coupled with itchness could be an indication that you have a vaginal infection. It is therefore important that you seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.
How about smelly urine
How about smelly urine
Hello Lorna, smelly urine…
Hello Lorna, smelly urine could be indicative of dehydration, a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or a bladder infection. It is advisable to see a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Hello is it normal when…
Hello is it normal when having sex white discharge comes out like a soap foam
Hello Janeffer, it is normal…
Hello Janeffer, it is normal for women to produces a thick, milky fluid when they orgasm during sex. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
What is meaning of brownish…
What is meaning of brownish colour coming out of the vigina after being discharged sperm inside the womb
Hello Phina, thank you for…
Hello Phina, thank you for reaching out to us. A browish discharge is usually not a good sign. Just observe and see what other changes you observe.
Please is it normal for a…
Please is it normal for a nursing mother to be having discharge whitish mix with milky and odourless almost every day, and my cycle has change, I am nursing a baby of 11 months and am TTC, is it normal?
Hi Faith, discharge is…
Hi Faith, discharge is normal. However, when there is a change in smell or if it is accompanied by pain, it is strongly adviseable to see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
after having sex for the…
after having sex for the first time, i used postinor 2 for the first time and the third day i discharged brownish fluid all thru whenever i wanna urinate it feels like my vagina is burning what should i do?
Hello Sasha, discoloured…
Hello Sasha, discoloured discharge and burning as you urinate is a possible sign of infection. Kindly see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis.
What if I initially…
What if I initially experienced the itching, strong smell and discharge and did not treat it, and later on I didn’t feel all these again, is the infection still in me?
Hi Helima, sometimes it is…
Hi Helima, sometimes it is possible for your body to clear an infection on its own. However, the infection may progress or go dormant for a while. It is advisable that you see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
what causes ironish smell…
what causes ironish smell and itching of vagina plus the discharge increment while its abit pale
Hello Sally, a change in…
Hello Sally, a change in smell, consistency and amount of discharge is usually a sign of an infection kindly see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
What can cause yellowish…
What can cause yellowish discharge from viginal and alsowat can I do to it pls help me
Hello Amidat, a yellow…
Hello Amidat, a yellow discharge is likely a sign of infection. The best thing to do would be to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Am having a little discharge…
Am having a little discharge that was not thick and drawing, does it mean am pregnant
Hello Goodness, the best way…
Hello Goodness, the best way to find out if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test, You can take the urine test which is sensitive from two weeks after suspected conception.
I’m having milky discharge,…
I’m having milky discharge, redness of vagina and mild itching. please what could that be?
Hello Peace, kindly see a…
Hello Peace, kindly see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
mine is reddish but…
mine is reddish but no itch.
is it normal. this is actually the first time i’m experiencing this. my period ended about 3weeks ago.
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for reaching out and sharing. What you are experiencing could be contributing to an early period but if you are experiencing any discomfort, we recommend that you visit a doctor to provide a better diagnosis on the same. Stay safe!
Is brownish discharge normal…
Is brownish discharge normal and if it’s normal, what does it stand for?
Hello Efie, thank you for…
Hello Efie, thank you for reaching out and asking a great question. Brown vaginal discharge may look alarming, but it isn’t always a reason for concern. You may see this colour throughout your cycle, usually around the time of menstruation. When blood takes extra time to exit the body from the uterus, it oxidises. This can cause it to appear light or dark brown in colour. If you’re experiencing brown discharge, take note of its timing and other symptoms you encounter. Doing so may help you pinpoint the underlying cause.
Pls am new here i have…
Pls am new here i have infection i have taken so many drugs but it will stop after a month it will continue it yellowish,itching an redness d last medicine i took was was a natve medicine along side sitting on a buckect of water mixed with dettol day and night but now and still discharging ,i found out is not yellowish but whitish it does not have strong smell like before
I want to ask if it normal now
Hello Precious, thank you…
Hello Precious, thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry to hear you have had such a hard time. The truth is, some infections are more stubborn than others and can take time to clear. If you are not sure if you are better, please go to a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
What causes vaginal…
What causes vaginal discharge and I will like to know if you can sex when you experience such like itching, pain and redress
Hi Sophia, thank you for…
Hi Sophia, thank you for reaching lout to us and we are sorry to hear about what you are going through. What you are describing are signs of an infection. Please refrain from any and all sexual activities and we strongly advise you see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Please what does it mean to…
Please what does it mean to have a normal discharge six days to my period?
Hello Remy, thank you for…
Hello Remy, thank you for reaching out to us. Discharge is normal throughout your cycle.However, when there is a change in colour and odour then that would be a sign that something could be wrong and you woould then need to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice.
l discharge yellowish fluid…
l discharge yellowish fluid everyday
why wont it stop and it smells like rotten egg always itiching me.
Hello Edna, thank you for…
Hello Edna, thank you for reaching out to us. Since this is a medical issue we strongly advise you see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Is it normal to have a…
Is it normal to have a brownish blood stained discharge but not smelling?
Hello Dami, once there is a…
Hello Dami, once there is a change in color or smell, it is time to see a medical practitioner.
Please i saw a brownish…
Please i saw a brownish blood discharge on my ovulation day not smelling and quickly went to complain in hospital and the doctor gave me some Antibiotics..The brownish blood has changed to whitish discharge…. Hope am safe now
Hello Funky, it is great…
Hello Funky, it is great that you went to see a doctor and got the help you needed. If you feel that there is still an issue with your discharge, go back to the doctor.
I’m expecting my period to…
I’m expecting my period to come in few days time and I’m having white light discharges.what could be the cause
Hello Emmanuel, thank you…
Hello Emmanuel, thank you for reaching out to us. What you are experiencing is completely normal vaginal discharge and it is called leukorrhea. Most women produce just under a teaspoon, or 4 milliliters, of white or clear discharge every day. Discharge before a period tends to be cloudy or white, due to the increased presence of progesterone, a hormone involved in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
Hello Emmanuel, thank you…
Hello Emmanuel, thank you for reaching out to us. What you are experiencing is completely normal vaginal discharge and it is called leukorrhea. Most women produce just under a teaspoon, or 4 milliliters, of white or clear discharge every day. Discharge before a period tends to be cloudy or white, due to the increased presence of progesterone, a hormone involved in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
Am having white vaginal…
Am having white vaginal discharge and at times I find my panties with yellow stains I don’t know is it because of the urine or is it an infection or is it pregnancy or is it just normal
Hello Mary, if this is a…
Hello Mary, if this is a change from your normal discharge then we advise strongly that you see a healthcare professional at your earliest convenience.
Hello,is it normal to have a…
Hello,is it normal to have a viginal discharge that is yellowish without itching,pain or it has no smell?
Hello Becky, a yellow…
Hello Becky, a yellow discharge may or may not indicate an infection. If the yellow discharge is a new thing then you should definitely see a medical practitioner for diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
My discharge is not slippery…
My discharge is not slippery but it used to be before when ovulating…is there a problem
Hello Opeyemi, during…
Hello Opeyemi, during ovulation your discharge should be stretchy and clear. What is the change you have noticed? What does it look like now?
Recently got Pinkish and…
Recently got Pinkish and sometime bloody discharge.
Today the discharge is white but with foul adour. What could be the problem
Hello Arinze, thank you for…
Hello Arinze, thank you for reaching out to us. Since this is a medical issue, we strongly advise that you see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
This link has a list of clinics, find a facility next to you.
No itching… No redness…
No itching… No redness.. Whitish BT smelly.. Is it normal
Hi Mema, thank you for…
Hi Mema, thank you for reaching out. Whitish discharge and odours are completely normal. If it smells, consider maintaining a healthy diet with probiotics, stay hydrated, wearing cotton underwear and avoiding tight clothes will definitely help. Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.
What causes yellow discharge…
What causes yellow discharge after sex and when trying to use toilet roll to clean itis stain with light blood and I had the sex a day after my ovulation
Hello OYETUNJI shidroh,…
Hello OYETUNJI shidroh, thank you for reaching out. A yellow discharge and light blood mightg be an indication of an infection.Since this is a medical issue we strongly advise you and your partner see a medical professional as soon as possible for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
I am 1 month delayed I have…
I am 1 month delayed I have a 5month old baby three months ago I used injectable but now it expires and still waiting for my menstruation to come but im delayed can I be pregnant without any vaginal discharge? Help me please
Hello Riri, thank you for…
Hello Riri, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. Sometimes with these forms of contraceptives, they can delay your menstruation cycle in which case you simply need to be patient and wait for them to come. As you wait, you could also take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
Is it normal to have a thick…
Is it normal to have a thick whitish discharge which may be painfull in the morning?
Hi Shirleen, thank you for…
Hi Shirleen, thank you for reaching out to us. If there is pain, especially if it is a new occurence kindly see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
If you have sex with your…
If you have sex with your partner and suddenly you start seeing whitish fluid coming from her vagina, what could be the reason
Hi Clin, thank you for…
Hi Clin, thank you for reaching out and asking a great question. If the man has not yet already ejaculated his sperm into her. “Vaginal discharge” is the medical term used to describe the fluid that comes out of the vagina. Discharge is a generalized term and is made up of cells from the cervix and vagina, bacteria, mucus, and water and is released to help lubricate her vagina during penile penetration and is also a normal, natural sign that she is very sexually aroused and stimulated!
Is it normal to have…
Is it normal to have discharges daily.its very thick but no smell no itching
Hi Moreen, thank you for…
Hi Moreen, thank you for reaching out and asking a great question. Vaginal discharge can be abnormal or normal. In many cases, it does not signify a problem. Normal vaginal discharge is clear, maybe thick or thin, and is usually odorless. The amount produced and the consistency may change at different times during a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle.
What if you have done sex…
What if you have done sex and then you find discharge from the vagina the next day
Hi Faith, thank you for…
Hi Faith, thank you for reaching out and asking a good question. As the article above states, it is normal to have vaginal discharge that can be colorless or sometimes white in color as long as it does not have a foul smell and is another color. Why do you ask?
I have an infection at the…
I have an infection at the vagina,,its itchy ,bad smell,,and it has developed to things like vidonda,they look scary ,,what could it be
Hello Jossy, thank you for…
Hello Jossy, thank you for reaching out to us. Since this is a medical issue we strongly advise you to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
What causes a white thick…
What causes a white thick discharge especially when I’m aroused
Hello Shee, thank you for…
Hello Shee, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. During sexual arousal and sexual intercourse, the amount of fluid in the vagina increases due to the engorgement of blood vessels surrounding the vagina. This engorgement of blood vessels increases the volume of transudate from the vaginal walls. Does this help? Please let us know and have a wonderful new year ahead!
My periods has delayed wat…
My periods has delayed wat could be the reason??
Hi Penina, thank you for…
Hi Penina, thank you for reaching out to us. The reasons may vary. Best option is to take a pregnancy test to rule that out and then see a medical practitioner to help you find out what the issue could be.
Hey,what if I get treated…
Hey,what if I get treated and then after one month I get the same symptoms does it mean I have a serious
Hi Nancy,
It is important…
Hi Nancy,
It is important to note that the effects may not clear up immediately unless that’s what the doctor said. The pace at which they clear depends on how severe the infection was and how it was treated. However, if there are still drastic changes in your vaginal discharge after treatment, you need to visit your doctor immediately for further analysis. Your doctor should recommend best treatment option and also advise on how long it should take for the discharge to return to normal. Read this article to learn more about what each color and smell of discharge says about your health: Is my discharge normal?