Candida (yeast infections)
Candida is a fungal infection. It’s also known as yeast infection, candidiasis, thrush, or genital candidosis.
Candida usually exists as a harmless fungus that grows in the vagina, anus, mouth, and under the foreskin in uncircumcised men.
However, when yeast grows in excess it causes irritation and unpleasant symptoms in these areas.
It’s not actually a STD. But you can pass it on by a variety of different behaviours including sex. This is why it’s included in the STD section.
In general, you don’t need to treat it unless you experience symptoms.
How do you get candida infection?
You can get a Candida infection when this yeast grows in excess. Generally, this happens only when your body’s system is out of balance. And the balance of bacteria and yeast in your body has been disrupted, resulting in this excessive growth of yeast.
Common causes of yeast infections are:
- Taking birth control pills or other hormones
- Changes in hormone levels before your period or during pregnancy
- Taking antibiotics, particularly ‘broad spectrum’ ones such as penicillin
- Taking steroid medicines
- Having elevated blood sugar levels
- Having vaginal intercourse, especially dry sex
- Using spermicides
- Leaving a tampon in for too long
- Using harsh soaps
- Douching
How do you protect yourself from getting Candida?
There are several ways to prevent a yeast infection or thrush.
If you’re a woman:
- Wash the inner and outer labia of your vulva where yeast is likely to grow
- Dry your vaginal area thoroughly after taking a shower/bath
- Avoid using harsh soaps or perfumes, including talcum powder
- Wipe from front to back after using the toilet (vulva to anus)
- Wear 100 per cent cotton underwear
- Use hot water to wash underwear and avoid using fabric softener
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting slacks or shorts
- Use unscented sanitary pads instead of tampons
- Change sanitary pads or tampons often
- Eat foods like yoghurt that contain ‘good’ bacteria known as lactobacillus acidophilus
- Avoid having dry sex – use lubrication
- Use a water-soluble lubricant when you have sex, such as K-Y Jelly
- Avoid using spermicides
- Ask your partner to wash his penis and hands before having sex with you
- Use a condom
- Avoid vaginal douching
- Switch to a non-hormonal method of birth control, such as condoms, inter-uterine devices, diaphragms, or withdrawal
If you’re a man:
- Wear 100 per cent cotton underwear
- Use hot water to wash underwear, and avoid using fabric softener
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting slacks or shorts
- Wash your hands and penis before having sex
- Use a condom
- Avoid harsh soaps and perfumes, including talcum powder
- Eat foods like yoghurt that contain ‘good’ bacteria known as lactobacillus acidophilus
- Use a water-soluble lubricant when you have sex, such as K-Y Jelly
- Avoid using spermicides
What are the signs that you’ve got Candida?
Generally speaking, most people infected with Candida – or yeast infection – don’t have any symptoms. You’re more likely to notice it if you’re a woman than if you’re a man.
If you think you’ve got a yeast infection get it checked out. Sometimes, a yeast infection is confused with an STD infection like trichomoniasis.
A doctor can use a speculum to see inside the vagina.
In women, symptoms of a yeast infection are:
- Irritation, itching, redness, soreness and swelling of the vulva and vaginal area
- Thick, curd-like vaginal discharge
- Vaginal odour
- Pain when you urinate
- Pain when you have sex
In men, symptoms of a yeast infection or thrush:
- Irritation, redness, and scaly look on the head of the penis
- Swelling of the head of the penis
- Difficulty in pulling back the foreskin of the penis
- Whitish discharge from the penis
How do you get tested for Candida?
If you think you’re infected with Candida, you can go to your doctor to get tested. Your doctor will examine the infected area and may take a swab and test it for Candida.
How do you get rid of Candida?
Candida or thrush is easily treated.
The symptoms of irritation, itchiness, and discharge don’t cause serious health problems.
You’ve a few options for treatment:
1. Natural remedies such as Acidophilus tablets
2. Over-the-counter creams or suppositories, such as Monistat, which come in one-day, three-day, or seven-day packages.
3. Prescribed medication such as the one-dose fluconazole (Diflucan)
Depending on how bad your symptoms are, your doctor may recommend any of the three treatment options.
Keep in mind that over-the-counter creams or suppositories may contain oil that can damage condoms. So speak to your local pharmacist to see whether your suppository or cream contains any oil. If it does, avoid using it with condoms.
i lyk love matters
i lyk love matters
And Love Matters is very
And Love Matters is very happy yo hear that!
i lyk love matters
i lyk love matters
how will you know that the
how will you know that the man is just after sex? or if the man loves you? ?
Ah, Janey, that’s a difficult
Ah, Janey, that’s a difficult question. In the end, only time will tell. But you can tell by small things. Are you making future plans together? Does he introduce you to friends and family?
U can b loved in these ways
U can b loved in these ways:Being introduced to family members n sharing ua vision with ua lover…
Those are great examples,
Those are great examples, Tonie!
I jst love my partner fo he
I jst love my partner fo he is proud of me n we hv big plans fo future…i love u danny whrever u are
Awwww, Fyna, that’s sweet.
Awwww, Fyna, that’s sweet.
Tell us procedures of great
Tell us procedures of great sex
Hi Sharon,
Hi Sharon,
communication! Only if you communicate your needs, and your partner does as well, you will have great sex! It doesn’t matter if you know of 300 positions- if you don’t communicate, this won’t give you great sex.
I dont sim 2 get a crious
I dont sim 2 get a crious being. Wat shld i do?
Hi there,
Hi there,
curious about what?
How could know that the gal
How could know that the gal loves u..?
Hi Roba,
Hi Roba,
everybody is different, so there could be a 100 different ways to tell. In general, look for a few things: does she call or text you? Does she make plans with you? Does she talk about a future that includes you? Does she introduce you to her friends, or even her family? And then… do you have any reason to believe that she doesn’t love you?
i have a son met with this
i have a son met with this guy at my grandpas burrial introduced by my cousin n yeah sartd dating he claims he loves me n ma son n even adds he cant be kidding arnd wit my feelings bcoz he respcts ma son n ma cousing.he wants to introduce me to his parents ,does this mean he realy loves me?
Hi Annie,
Hi Annie,
Love is elusive. It is hard to describe but you know it when you feel it. The same goes for your partner, there is no way to know for sure but it’s a feeling. Trust your gut, you know more than you think. Just remember that everyone expresses and feels love a bit differently.
am in luv n really luv my guy
am in luv n really luv my guy. we have already introduced ourselves to parents n we hv big plans
Yay! Congratulations!
Yay! Congratulations!
what if u r having sex bt
what if u r having sex bt never feel the pleasure…..does that mean there is something wrong with u?
Dear Eunice,
Dear Eunice,
there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Most women have trouble having an orgasm without the clitoris being stimulated- and most men don’t know this. This has nothing to do with size, as the in-and out movement of sex alone won’t get you enough clitoral stimulation. Check out this section to learn more about the clitoris, and have your man stimulate it during foreplay and intercourse: http://lovematters.co.ke/resource/vulva
Do aperson feel good when
Do aperson feel good when having anal sex?
Hi Jerry,
Hi Jerry,
some like it, others don’t. Check out this article for more information on anal sex.http://lovematters.co.ke/resource/anal-sex
i lyke that…
i lyke that…
We are glad to hear that,
We are glad to hear that, Fulani!
How do you no whether your
How do you no whether your patner is realy love you
Hi Alex,
Hi Alex,
Love is elusive. It is hard to describe but you know it when you feel it. The same goes for your partner, there is no way to know for sure but it’s a feeling. Trust your gut, you know more than you think. Just remember that everyone expresses and feels love a bit differently.
I wish to get a guy who will
I wish to get a guy who will give me a full package of love making
Hi Lennah,
Hi Lennah,
don’t expect anyone to magically know what you want and need in bed- sex is about communication, so only if you tell your partner what you want, you will get what you want.
Hi Lenna, Email me.
Hi Lenna, Email me. [email protected] sure we’ll work something out
how many times do sex your
how many times do sex your partner in a month you both together
how many times do sex your
how many times do sex your partner in a month you both together
Hi Jatson,
Hi Jatson,
there is no minimum or maximum. It’s really up to you and your partner to decide how often you want to have sex!
der r some mens who wants sex
der r some mens who wants sex every day, how can we help doz mens? if sombody was not feeling 2 have sex.
Hi Mkubwa,
Hi Mkubwa,
have you tried masturbation!
That can take care of the sexual urge.
Have a quiz;
Have a quiz;
Tell us, Ann!
Tell us, Ann!
Hw do I hold it whn its
Hw do I hold it whn its inside(read tyt grip)?
Hi Sua,
Hi Sua,
we are not quite sure what your question is, could you try to explain again?
Wat should i do if i feel
Wat should i do if i feel like having sex and there is no man around
Hi Shantel,
Hi Shantel,
have you tried masturbating? That can take the sexual edge off!
How can i suck a woman vagina
How can i suck a woman vagina real to get pleasure,
Hi JD,
Hi JD,
have you checked out this yet? http://lovematters.co.ke/news/oral-sex-dos-and-donts
Ilv u all
Ilv u all
Love you too Lucy
Love you too Lucy
is it true that when a man is avin sex with a lady en afta ijaculation u dont lyke the lady agani,?
Hi Isaac,
Hi Isaac,
well, some men are indeed only after the trophy- once they have had sex, they are no longer interested in the lady. But it has nothing to do with sperm or ejaculation.
hi , if yu luv someone (a
hi , if yu luv someone (a lady) & care for her , then suddenly he changed & doesn’t speak to yu , what does she indicate ?
We don’t know Sam, sorry.
We don’t know Sam, sorry. Talk to her and ask her, only she will be able to tell you!
nothing to comment
nothing to comment
I want to stop masturbating.
I want to stop masturbating..help plizz
Let me ask you first, Kush,
Let me ask you first, Kush, why do you want to stop? Masturbation is a normal part of a healthy sex life.
I.like.love matters very.open
I.like.love matters very.open.minded and they.understand that.the.world is evolving and changing we are not in the kunta kinte’s time. keep telling.people things.as.they are and how.they.should be…keep.up.the.good.work
Thanks so much, Josephine!
Thanks so much, Josephine!
Am in luv with a girl whom I
Am in luv with a girl whom I luv xo much and we hv introduced ourselves to our parents but unfortunately my best friend’s girlfriend told me that she got her wit another boy,do my quiz is shall leave her or……?
Have you talked to her about this? What does she say?
Is true that when u don’t
Is true that when u don’t.have erection in the morning then ur not a true man
Absolutely NOT true!
Absolutely NOT true!
i like this
i like this
am in love wth my bf snc snc
am in love wth my bf snc snc 2007 to date en he has neva introduced me to da parents or family members always wen we mit ni sex. does he rly lov me or am his sex partner?
What about friends? Has he introduced you to them?
only 2 friends of him I know
only 2 friends of him I know day he introduced me to
That’s certainly better than
That’s certainly better than nothing, but after 7 years of dating, it sounds like it’s not enough.
Have you ever talked to him about this? Asked him why?
yeap. bt he tells me dat am
yeap. bt he tells me dat am nagging
Sorry, my dear, but that does
Sorry, my dear, but that does sound a but fishy…
I av a lady n i luv her so
I av a lady n i luv her so much we’ve been in a relationship 4 3yrs n we r still giving ourselves 3yrs then we marry each other…do u think dat period is long? we r only 22yrs of age!
I av a lady n i luv her so
I av a lady n i luv her so much we’ve been in a relationship for 3yrs n we r still giving ourselves 3yrs then we marry each other…do u think dat period is long? we r only 22yrs of age!
That sounds like a good plan.
That sounds like a good plan. You are both still young, and there is no need to rush anything.
Am deeply in luv with this
Am deeply in luv with this guy,he luvs me too but he gets mad on petty issues;it hurts me a lot n weneva I try 2explain 2him wat he does hurts me, I lack courage n just ignore wat do I do to overcome these mental torture?
You need to learn how to talk to him. Communication is crucial in a relationship, and both of you need to learn how to so it better together.
i have had sex twice and
i have had sex twice and noted that each time i have sex my penis does not get hard enough to penentrate. when it does it only lasts for about 2 minutes then it dies off. during foreplay it gets hard but when its time to perform it just cant harden enough. what might be the cause?
It sounds like you are coming earlier than you would like, this often happens to young men who don’t have a lot of sexual experience because they get very aroused very easily. With more sexually experienced men, it might be due to psychological problems, like fear, stress or depression.
Generally though go slow, enjoy the buildup of touching and caressing each other. Make time for oral sex during your physical interactions. Take time focusing on your partner as well as yourself. Communicate together about what feels nice, what doesn’t and what you would like to try together. Experiment, explore and try new things!
Make sure to use lots of lube and switch up the fun. Even if you do orgasm you can take some time to have oral sex with your partner until your body is ready to go again. Change positions and mix it up.
Some people say condoms help them last longer, while others may use cock rings (just make sure it is the right size and not too tight!).
Generally just remember that sex is more than just penetration and there are lots of ways to enjoy each other.
If you are finding that you really cannot maintain an erection then it might be time to see a doctor. There are some medical conditions that can affect your performance but would need to be looked by a professional.
You can also keep masturbating, however challenge yourself to last longer. Go slow, feel the way your body changes when you are getting closer to climax. Tease yourself, find tricks that help you delay the finish.
thanks team love matters. i
thanks team love matters. i will take your advice and see the results. many thanks!!!
You are most welcome, Dan!
You are most welcome, Dan!
Waoh I Ave Fallen In Lov With
Waoh I Ave Fallen In Lov With Ua Advices
Haha, that’s great, Betty!
Haha, that’s great, Betty!
I have a problem in reaching
I have a problem in reaching an orgasm every tym having an intercourse but when when doing masturbution I reach the orgasm what could be the problem
there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Most women have trouble having an orgasm without the clitoris being stimulated- and most men don’t know this. This has nothing to do with size, as the in-and out movement of sex alone won’t get you enough clitoral stimulation. Check out this section to learn more about the clitoris, and have your man stimulate it during foreplay and intercourse: http://lovematters.co.ke/resource/vulva
Can masturbating often make
Can masturbating often make someone not to get sexually satisfied by their partner?
Hi Shiru,
Hi Shiru,
no, it really shouldn’t. Masturbation feels good, but actual sex is a whole different story.
If someone masturbates a lot, it can take a while to get used to the different sensations of having sex, though.
my xchick needs my baby will
my xchick needs my baby will i give her.
That depends- are you ready
That depends- are you ready for it? Do you have the financial means? Do you want to stay with her? How long have you been together? Are you both stable?
seems no one is around
seems no one is around
My galfie has bled 3 times
My galfie has bled 3 times during sex…is this normal?
blood generally isn’t normal. Are you making sure she is very wet and aroused before you start having sex? Because dryness can cause friction and painful cracks and wounds.
i like ua advices..
i like ua advices..
That’s great!
That’s great!
Wow guys this is fun.we learn
Wow guys this is fun.we learn more
Glad to hear that, Whiney!
Glad to hear that, Whiney!
do u consider God in most of
do u consider God in most of your
sexual advices coz they are pervertious
Please do tell us why you
Please do tell us why you think so, Msela, we are curious.
How can you know a lady is
How can you know a lady is not in love with you after a long time together.
there is no formula to figure this out. You need to look for signs. Is she still affectionate? Do you share secrets, do you talk, do you fight? Or is she indifferent? Do you make future plans together? Have a critical look at your relationship, and you might be able to figure it out.
And, of course, ask her!
i love someone but I don’t
i love someone but I don’t know how will I start making sex
it’s best to start talking about it. Are you and your partner ready? Does one of you have experience? What are you going to do to prevent pregnancies? Have you thought about getting STD tests?
Also check out our ‘first time sex’ section, under making love.
if at all u fail to react second round totally and reacts after the sex when the lady’sfeelings are gone. what actually causes this?
that’s called the refractory period. It’s the time your body needs to recover from your first erection and ejaculation. It can vary from between a few minutes to several hours. All is normal.
That’s why it’s so important that quality is more important than quantity.
hello am 21 n single handsome
hello am 21 n single handsome brown guy of medium height..i want a medium height beautiful lady ready to get into a serious sexual relationship…kindly hook me up or if intrested send me an email through [email protected]
Sorry, can’t help you with
Sorry, can’t help you with that.
I love lovematters…kudoz
I love lovematters…kudoz for the good work
Thank you, Carol.
Thank you, Carol.
how will u know that
how will u know that ur parte lv u
everybody has a different way of showing love, so there is no universal way of determining if someone loves you.
Look out for general signs- does your partner call you when he/she says they would? Have they introduced you to friends and parents? Do they show affection and respect you?
i just luv ur work …
i just luv ur work …
Thank you 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Is it painful having sex
Is it painful having sex through anus!
Not necessarily. If you use
Not necessarily. If you use lots of lube and are very gentle and patient, it shouldn’t be very painful.
I hav boy who claim to hav a
I hav boy who claim to hav a wife although he came to me by him self and give me the nmr since then we communicate together I didn’t like him but I gaved him a chance every time we make SMS he always tell me I love u and I want u to love me but then after then I bigin to like him and I told him that I lik him
do you like him or do you want to like him? And what about his wife?
We hav make sex three times
We hav make sex three times now any time anque together he call me prostitute and that am not good in sex
Ouch, Jeny, he is not very
Ouch, Jeny, he is not very nice to you, is he? You deserve a lot better than this- don’t let him get you down!
i am 21yrs old and i hav a
i am 21yrs old and i hav a baby girl almst 2yrs old.i broke up with the father due to infidelity.i had a man who i thought would hv bn good 4 me but all over sudden he stops pikin my cals n wen he does he is so rude n also dsnt reply txt sms.i feel so tired of that.up to this point i fail 2 blv there is true lov.most men want sex n they dissapear.wats the problem wit this guy cz i askd wat i did 2 deserv that treatment n he said nothing.
sorry you had to go through all of that.
But don’t give up on love. Next time, don’t rush into a relationship. Spend time getting to know each other, being friends, and take your relationship from there. The better you know each other, the lower the risk you will get disappointed.
nice research.keep it up.
nice research.keep it up.
question,how wld you know if a lady is satisfied with the act or not
Hi John,
Hi John,
by asking her- that’s the best and easiest way to find out.
i love sex so much…any like
i love sex so much…any like me here?
Good luck!
Good luck!
when my husband feel like
when my husband feel like having sex to me we do, and when i feels that i want he dose not want even me to touch him
have you talked to him about this and explained how that makes you feel?
I got married to someone I
I got married to someone I don’t love and I have never forgotten the guy I had for five years …Am always thinking of him ,sweet memories follow me around that can’t help but cry a lot……Is there any chance that we were meant for each other
we really don’t know. How did you two part ways?
Can I get connected 2 a lady
Can I get connected 2 a lady who is crias In dis group?
Sorry, we can’t help you with
Sorry, we can’t help you with that!
i wanted to kno how to
i wanted to kno how to control my feelings when im with a gal…..coz my dick gets up easyly n its big so its hard to hide it so tht the gal u have nxt to wont notice.
That’s pretty normal, actually, especially if you are inexperienced and aren’t getting a lot of sex.
You can try to masturbwte regularly, to deal with some of the urges.
Also, when it happens. try putting your hands in your pockets, or covering up your erection with a newspaper or a backpack, or whatever else is near you.
And try to distract yourself, think of something sad…
Good luck!
Alexis it normal to men if u
Alexis it normal to men if u love the gal the dick must be up so don worry i to when am close to my man i must fil there is a connection
Hi Alexis, Its normal for men
Hi Alexis, Its normal for men to get turned on and get a hard on. You need to train yourself not to think of only sex when you are around your girl. Try and actually try to do things that are not of any sexual nature with her.
i have a problem i need ua
i have a problem i need ua advice if there is high risk of marrying a man who is not cut
As long as you have the right
As long as you have the right attitude towards the person you are marrying, Dick is Dick, Anny! Just learn how to take care of that uncut dick if you are new to that kinder thing
Thanks Annette for your input
Thanks Annette for your input.
There is no risk of marrying
There is no risk of marrying a uncircumcised man .
simply take him to hospital
simply take him to hospital en let hm be cut …uncut man in our tribe is a mare boy who cn do nothing to da community
Hi Ken thanks for your input
Hi Ken thanks for your input but people have different cultures and not all of them have the same beliefs.
what causes a man to b bi
what causes a man to b bi sexual?? he nids adha men n olso ladies… is ths normal
Quincy bisexuality is a
Quincy bisexuality is a sexual orientation, like heterosexuality and homosexuality sexuality.
Hy I have girlfriend who like
Hy I have girlfriend who like sex than me.She always ask for sex when we meet and I am not interested.what can I do to strengthen my relationship
Dominic it it will be good to
Dominic it it will be good to be open and honest with her. There is nothing wrong with telling her the truth so that you can deal with the issue.
Pls help me,I married when I
Pls help me,I married when I was a virgin,this is the 5th ia now n unless my hubby caresses me i cant feel lik aving sex at all.whats wrong with me?
Jannie has this always been
Jannie has this always been the case or its something that started after a while? In any case you need to talk to your husband about it and find out what could be the problem as this may be stemming from an issue in the relationship that makes you not be interested in sex. All the best.
Hi i love you work keep it up
Hi i love you work keep it up
Thank you Jane.
Thank you Jane.
Have been in a relationship
Have been in a relationship for 4 months en we lived together with him but Wen I got a job far from wea he worked he divorced me coz he said he never trusted me especially with my ex who lived wea I went to work. I never gave up for the job coz the man beat me just because of small mistakes en we were not yet married, wen I left he cried the whole night and I was wondering does this man really love me?
Carol, first of all
Carol, first of all congratulations on your new job! Its a good thing you left because a man that beats you does not respect you. You need to move on with your life and find a relationship where your partner trusts and respects you.
i usually erect faster n
i usually erect faster n ejaculate fastr bh nvr to erect agn wat th problem plz hlp
Erecting fast is normal with
Erecting fast is normal with all men because men are turned on instantly. As for the ejaculation, read our article on premature ejaculation you will find the answer you are looking for https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts
Hi..av had sex thrice with
Hi..av had sex thrice with the same girl but has never come she always encourages me to continue en that nothing is wrong with me.please help coz i really want to prove my manhood
Hi Mac, who has never come,
Hi Mac, who has never come, you or your partner?
Hi, we had been in love with
Hi, we had been in love with my real cousin completely and we had been making love, is there any problem?
Hi John, in most African
Hi John, in most African culture and in the current Kenyan laws its considered wrong and forbidden. Its called incest and one can be prosecuted under the law.
hi…I have been in a
hi…I have been in a relationship with this guy for almost two months now,but he always complain whenever we make love….he says am not mature in love making…. I wonder what I should do to make him happy
Hi Irence, tell him to teach
Hi Irence, tell him to teach you. If he tells you what he likes you can be able to enjoy sex together.
Hi jenny u really don’t need
Hi jenny u really don’t need a man who Neva encourages u but instead let’s u down.
Thanks for your input Zaid.
Thanks for your input Zaid.
is it true dat wen u lose yo
is it true dat wen u lose yo virgnity u hav 2 bleed
Hi Dianah its not true for
Hi Dianah its not true for every girl. Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/sex-first-time .
i thought the dat , the first
i thought the dat , the first tym 2 hav sex u can fill alot of pain en also u bleed bt 2 me it was different , i didnt experience anythg even a single pain
Every woman’s experience is
Every woman’s experience is different. Thanks for sharing that Dianah.
I’m in abusive rshp,wnever i
I’m in abusive rshp,wnever i try to walk out of it,i find maslf cptured to his lov,i dont kno whthr he lovs me bse wnevr he beats me up,he asks for fogvenes and we bcom happy again,wt shd i do bse i lov hm sooooo much
Hi Eddie no one deseves to be
Hi Eddie no one deseves to be in an abusive relationship. They can be difficult to get out of but it can be done. Check out this article and get more insight on what you can do https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/abusive-relationships .
Hmmm am hapi y bcos of dis
Hmmm am hapi y bcos of dis house a hole lot of pple don’t know abt dis tins sex make home n it break home learn to satisfie ur partner
Thanks for your input Joy.
Thanks for your input Joy.
After makin love I feel going
After makin love I feel going to toilet.why
Hi Abi, it could be because
Hi Abi, it could be because your bladder is full or you still have to ejaculate.
please help me, the is dis
please help me, the is dis girl we grow up together she knows my ex girl frid, we hav been in a relationshipe now for like two weeks, but any time i tried touchx her she run away,she aviods body contact between us, so pls wat eals can i do to make love to her?
Hi Clinton,
Hi Clinton,
Its only been two weeks. Have you thought that she might not be ready for it?
Talk to her and find out how she feel, what her expectations and fears are. Get to know her more.
It is also important for her to know what your intentions and expectations are for that relationship so that both of you understand each other.
All the best to the both of you.
I have been in a r/ship for
I have been in a r/ship for now its one n half yrs wth a man who has a kid bt broke up with his wife.He has already introduced me to his parents.Its a long distance rship n he rarely communicate claiming that he is always busy n whenever i complain,he change the behaviour bt after sometime repeats the same.I used to love him bt now i feel i dont love him anymore.I want to quit him n move on bt i find it difficult for me n i dont love him anymore,,,pls help
Hi Shiro,
Hi Shiro,
Sorry that things are not working out.
Here is an article that will help you with your issue https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/breaking-up .
I hv my guy i lov bt wneva i
I hv my guy i lov bt wneva i hv sex i enjoy bt afta hvng sex i wl stat filn stomch pain around my weste en serious headek lyk 4 2daz, wt brngz tht?
sex shouldn’t be causing these symptoms. It would be best to seek the help of a healthcare professional about this. All the best!
Does masturbations have any
Does masturbations have any harm wen done daily
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with that Har.
Read some more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/masturbation-myths-busted .
Hi guys I have this confused
Hi guys I have this confused thing in my mind about my friend we have been friend for almost 4 years now n i have been avoiding feelings for her and we have been a lot 2gether meaning help her with advice I know all her x bf and she knows mine too.I love her and she once also admited that she loves me too but she can’t it as like I wanted because we know each other for years help
Hi there,
Hi there,
What do you need help with? How to make your relationship more than just friendship, or how to avoid the feelings and keep the relationship friendly?
I met this beautiful angel,
I met this beautiful angel, she has been avoiding me to hav sex with her but I think is crazy! Is it proper
Hi Rex,
Hi Rex,
What is it that you feel is not proper? You wanting to have sex with her or her avoiding it?
hey guyz there is ths thng
hey guyz there is ths thng tht confus me much, when i had sexe with my g/frnd i felt strong pain my testis soon after i was done and what brought the hell is, i safocats and falls I really dont knw what the problem could be. do help
Hi Junior,
Hi Junior,
It sound as though you need to visit the doctor for a check up on what the issue might be.
Good explanation to our…
Good explanation to our bodies
Thank you for the feedback,…
Thank you for the feedback, Maggie.
you have really helped me…
you have really helped me with these tips i have problems whenever i play sex i feel uncomfortal down there when i go for the test they say bacteria infection after treatment the contion disappears for sometime whenever i do sex it comes again recent tests idicated that i have both fungal and bacterial infection whenever i tell my husband to go for the test he tells me he has no problem and it has come to a state of me ignoring him this is from since 2002 when my problem was diagonised what can i do?
Hi Scholarstica, So sorry…
Hi Scholarstica, So sorry about the painful intercourse. Sex should be enjoyed by both partners. If the reinfection keeps occurring because of the unprotected sex with your husband, he needs to also get tested and treated otherwise you will have to use protection always. You need to talk to him so he gets to know that this causes you physical pain and he has a role to play in lessening this pain. He needs to know it is not about accussations but it is about getting better. You can both go see a specialist so that this is addressed once and for all. We wish you well.
I have aproblem with private…
I have aproblem with private parts, it happens when i attend my period, my mouth start itching and turn reddish . I have tried several treatments but iam an able pli help
Kate, It is important you…
Kate, It is important you see a health provider or Doctor for a check and treatment. If you have been self medicating this may be the problem since what works for one person may not work for another.
Hi I gav a problem too with…
Hi I gav a problem too with vaginal odour its smells fishy like I notice this 5 months ago I have been given diffrnt pills and the spectrum insert meds I have used but then no change its getting worse
Hi Lizzy, one of the causes…
Hi Lizzy, one of the causes of vaginal odour is the presence of an infection. It maybe help to check if there is an infection and treat that as opposed to trying to address the odour. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/safe-sex/stds-stis/bacterial-vaginosis
I also have a problem on my…
I also have a problem on my private part.sometimes i feel the itching then it disappears.after sometimes i may have discharge that makes me uncomfortable.how can u help?thanks.
Hi Terine, Since this…
Hi Terine, Since this discharge is accompanied with itching, it could be an infection. Seek medical advice.
Thank you for this great…
Thank you for this great info. I’ve been following on series of your articles I just want to let you know that it has been so educating, with resourceful guide that has change a lot in the life of many. Thanks
Thank you Louis, we…
Thank you Louis, we appreciate the feedback. Keep it here for more informative articles.
Hi I have this discharge it…
Hi I have this discharge it make me wet every time have seen the doctor still no change
Hey Liz, it is normal to…
Hey Liz, it is normal to have vaginal discharge. Most women have it at least sometimes. Some women have discharge all the time, and yet others never have discharge. However, if you see any drastic changes in smell, color or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-top-facts
I’ve gained,,, thank you
I’ve gained,,, thank you
You are welcome Janet.
You are welcome Janet.
Thank you a lot for sharing…
Thank you a lot for sharing this with all.
Thank you Ashli.
Thank you Ashli.
Hi av this problem kindly…
Hi av this problem kindly help ihav visited medical checpup but no change ihave pain when pacing Irine always having more discharge day by day kindly advise
Hey Liz, vaginal discharge…
Hey Liz, vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and healthy, usually there is no need to discuss it with a doctor. However, if there has been any drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult a specialist Gynecologist and get it checked. Your doctor will recommend tests that will help determine what could be causing this. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
can you tell me what happens…
can you tell me what happens if a yeast infection goes untreated?
Hey Sandra, Yeast infection…
Hey Sandra, Yeast infection or Candida usually exists as a harmless fungus that grows in the vagina, anus, mouth, and under the foreskin in uncircumcised men. However, when yeast grows in excess it causes irritation and unpleasant symptoms in these areas. Usually, it will not cause serious issues such as infertility. However, if you trying to get pregnant, it would be important to get it treated since it can cause delay or prevent pregnancy. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/stds-stis/candida-yeast-infection
can you expln to me why…
can you expln to me why there are so many d8fferent hiv tests. why can you not use only one test.
Hi Tyron, the different…
Hi Tyron, the different tests have to do with the different brands in the market produced by different companies. There are however specific HIV testing kits that have been approved and are used for testing. One only needs a confirmatory test, to confirm a positive result and this is done with a different brand of HIV testing kit. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/stds-stis/hiv-what-to-expect-when-getting-tested
is a yeast and bacterial…
is a yeast and bacterial infection two difrent thingz.if you hav one of theze two does it mean you have hiv
Hi Sandra, yes they are two…
Hi Sandra, yes they are two different things. Yeast infection or Candida is a fungal infection. Yeast infection are therefore caused by Fungi. On the other hand, some Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) like Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea among others are caused by Bacteria. Other STIs are caused by Viruses. Check out the following articles for additional information of the different STIs;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/stds-stis
Goodday. Can you expln to…
Goodday. Can you expln to mewhat pmtct is and when pmtct is performed?
Tyron, PMTCT is an acronym…
Tyron, PMTCT is an acronym for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission which is are interventions to prevent transmission of HIV from an HIV-positive mother to her infant during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or breastfeeding. There are interventions that will help reduce the chances of transmitting the virus from the mother to child. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/stds-stis/hiv
Hello i want to know can you…
Hello i want to know can you test a child also with the 15min test
Hello Tyron, you didn’t say…
Hello Tyron, you didn’t say how old the child is…however a child can only be tested if the mother is HIV positive. The tests are done at birth, at six and twelve weeks and the tests look for the virus. It maybe important to discuss this with your health care provider.
Hi ifeel pain after sex,,and…
Hi ifeel pain after sex,,and loss of shooting power, sometimes I feel pain in my testclels what is the problem plz help me
Hello Alphonse, pain is…
Hello Alphonse, pain is always a sign that something is wrong. If you feel pain in you testicles on a regular basis, you may want to get checked. Also after you ejaculate, you will loose your erection and it will take sometime before you can get another erection. There is no real way to reduce this time, but you can take this time to focus on your partner soon you will get hard again and you can have sex. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/healthy-testicles-and-penis-top-facts
For me it keeps reoccurring…
For me it keeps reoccurring I dont know why?
Sorry about this, but have…
Sorry about this, but have spoken to your healthcare provider, including seeking a second opinion?
good explanation to our…
good explanation to our bodies.. thank you
Thank you Winnie for your…
Thank you Winnie for your positive feedback! We are always pleased to help! Happy Easter!