9 common pregnancy ‘side effects’
A woman’s body is beautifully adapted for having babies. What’s more, the same goes for your mind.
At first, it can feel unreal when you’re pregnant. But as your pregnancy goes on you start feeling more and more attached to the growing life inside you. Nine months usually feels just the right length of time to get used to the idea of having a baby and get ready mentally for giving birth.
When you’re pregnant, your body changes in lots of ways that help the baby grow and get you ready for giving birth. The only thing is, unfortunately, some of these changes can have less than pleasant ‘side effects’!
Of course, you want to give your baby the best chance to grow well and have a healthy start in life. And you need to look after yourself, too!
Pregnancy ‘side effect’
First of all, let’s be clear: you’re not ill, you’re pregnant! But as your body changes and gets ready for the birth, there can be some ‘side effects’ you’d rather do without.
You might experience all of these ‘side effects’ or maybe even none at all. But what are some of the things you have to put up with when you’re pregnant?
‘Morning’ sickness
One of the first things you might notice when you’re pregnant is ‘morning sickness’. In fact, this common name isn’t totally accurate, as you can feel nauseous at any time of the day, especially when your stomach is empty.
The nausea is caused by the pregnancy hormone HGC – the one that shows up in a pregnancy test. This does a really important job in stopping your pregnancy from ending prematurely. The unfortunate ‘side effect’ is that it can make you want to throw up.
For most women who have morning sickness, the symptoms start around six weeks after their last period.
From around week 12 the sick feeling usually starts to ease off, and by week 16 it’s over because the HGC hormone has done its job and your body stops producing it.
Some women have little or no nausea in the first weeks of pregnancy. Other women hardly feel able to do anything because they feel so queasy all the time. It can help to eat little and often, and avoid having an empty stomach.
Related: 10 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy
During the first months of pregnancy, you may be feeling a jumble of emotions for a lot of different reasons anyway. But just like in the run-up to your period, the hormones during the first months of pregnancy can make you feel moody and irritable. At the drop of a hat, you can fly into a fury or burst into tears.
Having a baby growing inside you takes a lot of energy, and you might find you feel much more tired than usual. When you’re pregnant you need more rest and sleep than you usually do. On the other hand, some women feel bursting with energy when they’re pregnant. If that’s you, enjoy it – there’s no point in resting if you don’t need to. Go with your own energy level.
Especially during the first months of pregnancy you can have a huge appetite – yes, as well as feeling nauseous some of the time. The old saying ‘you need to eat for two’ isn’t really true, you just need a normal, healthy diet.
Don’t worry if you put on a bit of weight – many women do. Later, when the baby starts growing faster, you’ll put on less weight yourself.
Needing the toilet
At the start of your pregnancy, the womb grows fast and starts pressing on your bladder. This makes you need to pee more often. Eventually, the womb starts growing upwards so it doesn’t push down on your bladder as much. Only at the end, the baby’s head can start pressing on your bladder again.
As your womb gets bigger, it pulls down on the ligaments that hold it in place in your pelvis. This can cause cramp-like and stabbing pains in the abdomen.
Bigger breasts
Your boobs are getting ready to produce milk for your baby. Right from the start, your breasts grow bigger and can feel tight and tender. The stretching skin can also be itchy.
The veins in your breasts get bigger, so if you’ve got pale skin they can show through. This goes away after you stop breastfeeding – though when the whole experience is over your breasts will be a different shape. You’ll need a good, supportive bra when you’re pregnant to keep your breasts comfortable and stop them sagging.
Especially if it’s your first baby, your nipples get a bit bigger so the baby can latch on more easily. They can also be more tender. The areolae – the area around the nipples – also widen and the skin gets darker. They can also develop little bumps – these are glands which produce a grease to help keep the skin of your nipples supple.
When you’re pregnant, everything needs to relax and stretch – first to make room for the growing baby, and eventually so your cervix and vagina can open up for the baby to come out. The hormone that makes this happen is called progesterone. Unfortunately, it also has some side effects.
The muscles in your bowels also relax. This means they can’t push the food through your intestines as quickly as they normally do. Your stool gets harder, and you can get constipated.
Piles and varicose veins
Another side effect of progesterone: it makes your veins relax too. At the same time, you’ve got more blood circulating in your body when you’re pregnant. This can give you varicose veins in your legs – the extra pressure on your softened veins makes them stretch and they can work their way to the surface of your skin. They can give an itchy and uncomfortable feeling.
Another nasty place you can get varicose veins is in your anus. Then they’re known as haemorrhoids or piles. These are itchy, sore bobbles on the inside or outside of your anus. And if you’ve got constipation, the pushing and straining can make them worse.
All in all, progesterone does a great job making you stretchy so your stomach can grow and you can push out the baby. But the side effects are a pain in the backside – literally!
Related: How The Baby Develops Week by Week
Visit the Marie Stopes clinic near you for your maternity services. Click here to find a clinic near you. You can also visit your nearest government hospital or registered private facilities.
It his good gift
It his good gift
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Thank you for your contribution.
What if you are not sure…
What if you are not sure being pregnant you are just worried about your period
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for reaching out to us and we appreciate your concern. With an unintended pregnancy, you need to way your options. One option is having a safe abortion. Whatever the situation, it’s good to talk about it with loved ones and see what makes the most sense for you and your circumstances. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant
Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
The article was a lot of…
The article was a lot of help to me thank you so much
Thank you Tess, we…
Thank you Tess, we appreciate your feedback.
Iwant to learn more about…
Iwant to learn more about eary pregnancy because of the assinment plese healp me
Hi Dianah,
Welcome to Love…
Hi Dianah,
Welcome to Love Matters. Do you have a question you’d like to ask? Feel free to ask. Meanwhile, you can click on this link to find more pregnancy articles: All about pregnancy
Thanks but I have a question…
Thanks but I have a question is it normal to have pinkish redish brownish discharge while pregnant
Hi Jecinta,
This is…
Hi Jecinta,
This is totally common in pregnant women. Yes, it may be normal to have pink and brown discharge and it happens because of a sudden increase in hormones causing irritation to the cervix. Factors that can lead to this are increased blood flow throughout the body, sex, and pelvic exam can increase chances of irritation. However, red vaginal discharge during pregnancy requires the immediate attention of a doctor, especially if the bleeding is heavy, contains clots, or occurs alongside cramping and abdominal pain. Also, while pink and brownish discharge may not be a cause for concern, it is important to talk to your doctor during your next clinic visit to confirm that the discharge is normal.
I nid an answer
I nid an answer
Hi Sharon, what is the…
Hi Sharon, what is the question?
I have used p2 for three…
I have used p2 for three times then I didn’t get my period what’s could be the problem
Hi Carolyne, thank you for…
Hi Carolyne, thank you for reaching out to us we appreciate it. P2 is made up of a high concentration of a certain hormone. When taken more than once in once cycle It can affect your internal hormonal environment and eventually your cycle. Your period could be a little late however if the situation persists see a medical practitioner for advice on the best way forward.
I was thinking about the…
I was thinking about the same thing.
Hi Me,
Great to know! Like…
Hi Me,
Great to know! Like minds think alike!
Not yet seen my periods
Not yet seen my periods
Hi Hope,
There are many…
Hi Hope,
There are many things that could cause your period to delay. They include stress, contraceptives, and certain diseases. Read this article to learn more: 8 Reasons Your Period Is Late. If you have had sex around the time of ovulation, it could be that you are pregnant. It is important to take a pregnancy test to confirm.
I did learn a lot from…
I did learn a lot from reading the article.
Always pleased to help!
Always pleased to help!
Since i make love its now…
Since i make love its now almost 2weeks n i feel an easy in my stomach,i also get alot of gas n i feel like vomiting ,can i b pregnant? N if so which tablets can i use coz am nt ready to have another baby? Pliss help
Hello Veronicah , thank you…
Hello Veronicah , thank you for reaching out to us. Since this is a medical issue we strongly advise you see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
You can call Marie Stopes Kenya today for free on 0800 720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819001 for help and to book an appoiintment with them.
I want to ask that I…
I want to ask that I completed periods then I had sex with my Bea next day after periods then I’m feeling stomach and some fluid like blood are coming out of my Virgina so I don’t know if I’m pregnant plz help
Hello Esther wekulo, thank…
Hello Esther wekulo, thank you for reaching out to us. You’re most fertile at the time of ovulation (when an egg is released from your ovaries), which usually occurs 12 to 14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you’re most likely to get pregnant. It’s unlikely that you’ll get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen. First visit the nearest available pharmacy as soon as possible and get yourself a pregnancy test to find out whether or not you are pregnant. Once you have confirmed your pregnancy status and if the blood like fluid is still coming out, we strongly advise you see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
I learned a lot from this…
I learned a lot from this article
We are glad to hear this.
We are glad to hear this.
Thank u so much for this…
Thank u so much for this beautiful information.bless u all
We are pleased to help Chika…
We are pleased to help Chika rosita
Please why I am seeing my…
Please why I am seeing my period 3 day after
Having sex and I am only just 15 day of my cycle
Please I need help and I am trying to get pregnant
Hi Edward, thank you for…
Hi Edward, thank you for reaching out to us. We understand that something like this would be frustrating and a little scary. It is normal to have a little spotting during your cycle. However, if this has never happened before and you are on no medication you could see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Thank you very much. The…
Thank you very much. The information was useful
Hello Glorie, thank you for…
Hello Glorie, thank you for your positive feedback and we are glad that our content is able to provide a positive educational platform for you to benefit. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe! Forever grateful,
Love matters team!
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your feedback, please feel free to look through our website to find other articles you could find helpful.
How can a man know if he’s…
How can a man know if he’s fertility
Hi Anonymous, thank you so…
Hi Anonymous, thank you so much for reaching out to us. Male fertility can be ascertained through a series of tests. If you are sure you want to get this information visit your nearest healthcare facility to get the tests done. However, please note that they are a little pricey.
I wanted to enquire some…
I wanted to enquire some thing form you
Hi Edah,
Feel free to ask…
Hi Edah,
Feel free to ask. We are here to answer.
I saw my period on 23last…
I saw my period on 23last month,am 28cycle and on 4th August I met my husband and now my breast is so big and my nipple it’s itchy,and breathing is soo high,what might be the problem
Hi Charity,
I am assuming…
Hi Charity,
I am assuming that by ‘seeing your husband’ you mean you had sex? First, if you have sex on the 4th, it was within your most fertile days since you have a regular 28-day cycle. Your most fertile days were the 3rd,4th, and 5th. You are likely to get pregnant during your most fertile days. The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test. This can help eliminate your fears.
Have learned
Have learned
Hi Tess,
Great! Keep it…
Hi Tess,
Great! Keep it here for more informative content.
Yes, i find it helped..am a…
Yes, i find it helped..am a mum of two n inever had a roblem of pooping its only now., but now i understand..thanks to you
Hi Jane,
I am glad you…
Hi Jane,
I am glad you learnt something new. Keep it here for more educative content on pregnancy and other topics.
Can you have periods like…
Can you have periods like twice and still be pregnant
Hi Ann,
If it is light…
Hi Ann,
If it is light bleeding or spotting, that is normal in early pregnancy. However, if it is heavy bleeding, visit the doctor immediately!
Wow?? ¿
Wow?? ¿
Hey, we hope found the…
Hey, we hope found the information here useful.
Yeah..this is so much…
Yeah..this is so much educative
You are welcome Dominique.
You are welcome Dominique.
I to have pregance
I to have pregance
Congratulations on your…
Congratulations on your pregnancy Funmilayo, please feel free to reach out to us in case you need any advice during this period! Stay safe and Happy Easter!
I need to know if there is…
I need to know if there is any way I can help myself have a small bump because am getting wedded in the next two months, and am already 12weeks pregnant. How about I reduce the food amout I take in. Would it be of help?
Others have advised me to do sit ups more often, wondering whether it works.
Badly need help
Congratulations Pretty D on…
Congratulations Pretty D on your up coming wedding. Losing weight or cutting a pot belly may require a combination of things including checking what you eat and exercising. It maybe helpful for you to contact a Dietitian so that they can recommend what approach you can use to achieve the results you want with the time you have left. We wish you well.
my wife has reached at…
my wife has reached at apoint where by she has no appetite,,,she is always bored and sometimes of the day she sleeps,,fatique always and she have started not to give my right…
Hey Peter, with pregnancy…
Hey Peter, with pregnancy comes alot of changes in the body of a woman that include both physical and psychological changes that end up affecting among other the sex life of partners. It helps to be part of your partners pregnancy pregnancy journey and to talk openly what is going on and how the various changes are affecting your relationship. Talking about these, help you to get ahead of them and address them. Your wife’s sex drive will keep changing throughout her pregnancy. It is also important to note that it is safe to have sex during the entire pregnancy period unless otherwise advised by a health provider. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
Thanks alot
Thanks alot
You are welcome Robert.
You are welcome Robert.
If my periods ends on day 3…
If my periods ends on day 3 and then have sex on between12th, 13th and 14th can you become pregnant?
Hi Joice, thank you for…
Hi Joice, thank you for reaching out to us. The answer to this lies in how long your cycle is. Most cycles last 28 days and in that case you would ovulate on the 14th day but starting from the 9th day you are considered fertile because sperm can stay alive and viable in the female body for up to 15 days.
The ovulation date is usually in the middle of the cycle however for shorter cycles like less than 21 days or longer ones like 32 days and over, it could be a little difficult to lock down the ovulation date.
i need to know whether milk…
i need to know whether milk like yougate ( bettered milk ) good for pregnant mother
Hi Robert, A pregnant woman…
Hi Robert, A pregnant woman needs to eat a balanced diet to aid in the growth of the baby. Yogurt or milk in general is very nutritious, so yes it is good for her to take this.
Wonderfull lesson indeed all…
Wonderfull lesson indeed all female wether young or old hv to knw infact even da male
We appreciate the feedback…
We appreciate the feedback Jasmine.
Useful info here, it…
Useful info here, it communicates to me directly. Keep posting useful info as such. Perhaps I should know your name and gender to give it to my baby in the near future.thanks
Veechemchom, we appreciate…
Veechemchom, we appreciate your feedback and we will. Keep exploring the website for more blush-free facts and stories about Love, Sex, and Relationships.
I agree
I agree
We are glad you like the…
We are glad you like the article.
I’m currently 4 months…
I’m currently 4 months pregnant and I experience sharp pains on my stomach when I move abruptly, the pains are too much that they make me numb for sometime.
Normally when pregnant I experience extreme toothaches what is the relationship between teeth and pregnancy???
Hello, congratulations on…
Hello, congratulations on your pregnancy. For sharp pains it is important that you talk to your doctor- where you usually go for clinics for advice on what to do. Remember the baby gets nourished from you,so if you are not taking some nutrients in large quantities you may experience some problems with your health. For the toothaches most of the time is due to lack of enough minerals/vitamins in your body. It is therefore important that you get advice from your doctor on how to address the issues. Wish you all the best.
At 4months pregnant, how can…
At 4months pregnant, how can I tell the gender of my baby?? So curious
Most pregnant women find out…
Most pregnant women find out their baby’s sex between sixteen to twenty weeks into pregnancy. It’s usually through an ultrasound scan. You can talk to your doctor for more information.
Does sex affect the baby if…
Does sex affect the baby if we do it when I am 6 months pregnant?
Hey Nina, sex will not…
Hey Nina, sex will not affect the baby in any way. As long as you both comfortable having sex being pregnant should not stop you. As you however progress in the pregnancy it may be a challenge to have sex in certain positions especially those that put pressure on your tummy. For this reason you will need to use positions where you feel comfortable and the little or no pressure on your tummy. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
Is it normal for a pregnant…
Is it normal for a pregnant woman to be depressed during pregnancy? I think my partner maybe depressed she is four months pregnant.
Hi Boaz, the physical,…
Hi Boaz, the physical, emotional, hormonal and psychological changes that come with the development of a pregnancy can be stressful. It is important to recognize these changes and the fact that they are happening. Your partner needs your support and understanding during this time as things may not be as they used to be. If you however, have reason to believe that she could be overly stressed, try find a good time to bring this up, though it may be a difficult conversation. Find a good time and talk about it and together agree on best way to address the issues identified. We wish you well in the rest of the pregnancy journey with your partner. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
My partner seems to be very…
My partner seems to be very careful and distant when it comes to sex. I am 6 months pregnant. Is it okay for us to have sex or is it that he is unattracted to me because of the body changes? Please advice.
Hey Joy, congratulations on…
Hey Joy, congratulations on your pregnancy. Couples can still have sex even during sex. It is not only safe for the baby but also good for you. You only need to use positions that will not put pressure on your tummy. It is important you talk with your partner and get to know what could have led to him being distant during this time. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
whoah this blog is wonderful…
whoah this blog is wonderful i love studying your posts.
Keep up the great work! You recognize, lots of people are looking round for this information, you could help them greatly.
Thank you Ute.
Thank you Ute.
I have put on a lot of…
I have put on a lot of weight since I got pregnant. Will this give me trouble when I am delivering my baby? I have done everything I thought could work to try and manage it but nothing is working. Help.
Hey Diana, first…
Hey Diana, first congratulations on your pregnancy. Adding weight is one of the expected side effects of pregnancy. You may find you are eating more as a result of the cravings which can explain the weight gain. Excessive weight gain may also lead complications and this is why checking your weight is important. There are a few things you can do to try manage this including eating moderately and often, drink lots of water, try manage your cravings, do some exercise like walking and talk to your health provider regularly about your weight as part of monitoring your pregnancy. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
why is it that I find myself…
why is it that I find myself feeling more horny than when i was not pregnant?
Hi, this is completely…
Hi, this is completely normal. Some women will have an increased desire like you are experiencing while others won’t even feel like having sex for various reasons. In other women these changes will happen all through their pregnancy, where some of the time they will have a intense desire for sex and some other time this feeling will not be there. It maybe important to talk to ones partner so that they understand when these changes are happening. Have a look at this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
can you have sex when you…
can you have sex when you are pregnant?
Hi There, sex is generally…
Hi There, sex is generally safe during all stages of pregnancy. It is important to use positions that do not put pressure on the stomach especially in the later stages of the pregnancy. The baby is well protected in the womb and sex will not harm them. Sex is in fact, good for you and your baby during pregnancy. It’s a pleasurable, full body workout that releases endorphins into the bloodstream, helping you to feel more relaxed and happy – feelings that are passed on to the little one growing within. Have a look at this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
I am pregnant yet I am…
I am pregnant yet I am bleeding, why?
Hey Christine, have you…
Hey Christine, have you begun your prenatal clinics? I suggest you speak to your health provider about this soon as possible to find out what could be causing this and a way forward. We wish you well.
What is the first sign of…
What is the first sign of pregnancy and how soon can I get test to confirm pregnancy?
Hi there, most of the early…
Hi there, most of the early signs of pregnancy can appear similar to regular pre-menstrual discomforts. They include tender, swollen breasts, fatigue, slight bleeding or cramping, nausea with or without vomiting, food aversions or cravings, headaches, constipation, mood swings among other. It is however important that you get a pregnancy test done to be certain. https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Does the symptoms include…
Does the symptoms include shock in the nipple?
Hello Chary, nipple…
Hello Chary, nipple sensitivity and pain are also possible during pregnancy.
My body has changed so much…
My body has changed so much after getting pregnant, the stretch marks and the added weight is really a concern to me. I am really insecure right now I am not comfortable to be naked in front of my partner. What can I do?
Hey Sharon, almost all women…
Hey Sharon, almost all women gain significant weight during and after pregnancy. It is possible to shed some of the weight by carefully selecting what you eat and including regular exercising in your routine. You can also consider talking to a nutritionist who can help you tailor a diet toward this goal. Set a realistic goal and then work toward it. Talk to your partner about this changes and how they make you feel, you just might find they are not as bother as you may think. Lastly, do this first for yourself, it should make you feel better about yourself before your partner does. We wish you the best. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/baby-weight-losing-the-baby-belly
Week 16 and loving it!
Week 16 and loving it!
Hey Ess, we are happy for…
Hey Ess, we are happy for you and wish you the very best in the rest of your journey.
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice
You are welcome Dora.
You are welcome Dora.
When should I stop having…
When should I stop having sex when pregnant?
Hey Hellen, sex is generally…
Hey Hellen, sex is generally safe during all stages of a normal pregnancy, but you should always check with your doctor to make sure there will be no problems. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
Pls can early pregnancy…
Pls can early pregnancy cause sleepless
Hello Abiola, thank you for…
Hello Abiola, thank you for reaching out to us. Pregnancy can in fact cause differences in your sleep pattern. It could cause you to be more sleepy because of exhaustion , or it could cause insomnia. We are so sorry if you are experiencing this. The good news is that your pattern should be back to normal after you have had your bundle of joy.
Pregnant and concerned about…
Pregnant and concerned about post delivery baby weight…
Hey Joan, you are bound to…
Hey Joan, you are bound to gain some weight during this time but the way to address it, is to adopt a health lifestyle after the birth of your child. Check out the following for some tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/baby-weight-losing-the-baby-belly
I am in my final trimester…
I am in my final trimester of my first pregnancy my breast are producing a clear fluid fluid. Should this be a cause of worry?
Hey Peris, it is normal…
Hey Peris, it is normal during pregnancy to start producing milk weeks or even months before one is due. This clear fluid is a precursor to the real milk to be produced after delivery. You should be concerned if the fluid, is red, pink, or brown in colour, comes out all the time (unless you’re pregnant), or appears only in one breast. We wish you all the best in the rest of your pregnancy journey. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
How do I manage my weight…
How do I manage my weight when I am pregnant since I am 2 months pregnant and already obese?
Dear Joan, it maybe helpful…
Dear Joan, it maybe helpful to speak to your healthcare provider. However the following tips may be useful;-
Talk with your health care provider who maybe able to further advice. All the best.
I have large breast already…
I have large breast already. now I am concerned they will become much more larger from breast feeding since I am currently pregnant with my first baby. Tell me about non-medical ways of reducing their size. Thank you.
Hey Flo, breast will…
Hey Flo, breast will increase in size during pregnancy to help the child with breastfeeding after its birth, they also tend to keep getting slightly bigger after the delivery. The increase could be as a result of hormonal issues or weight gain. To be comfortable you could start by getting the right fit of bras to support the larger breast. In the long run, try and keep you weight in check by eating healthy since a decrease in weight is also likely to lead to a decrease in breast size. Check out the following artile;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts-top-five-facts
How do I get rid of stretch…
How do I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth?
Hi Noel, there are products…
Hi Noel, there are products that may help alongside eating healthy and exercising regularly. Talk to your health provider who will guide on which products you can use.
Hello! Would you mind if I…
Hello! Would you mind if I share your blog with my zynga group?
There’s a lot of folks that I think would really appreciate your content.
Thank you Basil for the…
Thank you Basil for the feedback and yes do share with your colleagues.
It’s really a cool and…
It’s really a cool and helpful piece of info. I am glad that you
shared this helpful info with us.
You are welcome Velda.
You are welcome Velda.
When should you start my…
When should you start my antenatal clinics when you discover you are pregnant?
Hey Purity, one should start…
Hey Purity, one should start as soon as they get to know they are pregnant. This helps to monitor the growth of the baby as well as the health of the mother. We wish you well.
Hey. question I was on day 3…
Hey. question I was on day 3 period when we had unprotected sex then my periods disappeared the next day and ever since my nipples are really painful when I touch followed by expensive eating and a hugeee constipation.im I pregnant?
Hi, there is a chance one…
Hi, there is a chance one can get pregnant if they have sex during periods. You may want to have a pregnancy test especially if it has been 14 days or longer since you had unprotected sex. Have a look at the following article for more information;-
Yaani this article is about…
Yaani this article is about my life right now. Thank you Love Matters atleast I now know what is normal.
Hey Grace, we are glad that…
Hey Grace, we are glad that you found this article useful.
I got wedded last year…
I got wedded last year December, 2018. I saw my period normally last in January, 2019 but since then, it happened only two days in a month instead of four days until this month, May 2019, that I didn’t experience my period at all.
Meanwhile, I had been seeing signs of pregnancy since February but I conducted a test by Pregnancy Test Script (PTS) and also a laboratory blood test but both showed negative.
I did an ultrasound scan in April but result didn’t reveal that I was pregnant though everything in my body’s reproductive system appeared normal as shown by the scan.
Now, in May, after missing my period, I decided to try both tests again. They both showed positive but the scan still didn’t show it.
Please, I need clarification on the possible cause of ALL these facts.
Thanks so much for your prompt and detailed response to every part of my question.
Hey Promise, the earliest…
Hey Promise, the earliest you can have an ultrasound is 12 weeks from when you conceive. If you took a pregnancy test and had a scan done and they both showed that you are not pregnant that was the true status. There are a number of reasons that can cause a delayed or missed periods other than pregnancy including hormonal issues, change in environment, change in diet, extreme exercising among others. You have taken tests which have shown that you are pregnant. I suggest you begin your prenatal visit for purposes of monitoring you health and the development of your baby. We wish you all the best. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
Hi…I was two months…
Hi…I was two months pregnant when I realized it..after few days I started bleeding and having sharp pains below the abdomen..and when I went to the hospital I was told that I had a complete miscarriage… Please assist me on what caused it.
Dear Winnie, we are so sorry…
Dear Winnie, we are so sorry about this. Most miscarriages occur for reasons one has no control over. In fact, it’s often difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/miscarriage
Pls am a month n i want to…
Pls am a month n i want to know the right stages i should take in the hospital. N is antinental nesscery
Hello Zita, prenatal clinic…
Hello Zita, prenatal clinic visits are very important for monitoring the health of the mother and the development of the baby. I suggest you begin as soon as possible. We wish you well in your pregnancy journey.
What kind of exercise should…
What kind of exercise should I do when I am pregnant?
Congratulations Hellen. I…
Congratulations Hellen. I suggest you speak to you health care provider or mid wife for specific information on this. We wish you all the best. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
Am having a smelly vaginal…
Am having a smelly vaginal discharge and cramps..but no menstruation its been a month now,i no longer appreciate myself to an extent of missing classes coz am worried my friends may notice it,could you help me understand what this is?
Hey Jay, this sounds unusual…
Hey Jay, this sounds unusual for you. If this is the case and you have noticed a drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of an infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked. In the mean time, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
Also mine going to almost a…
Also mine going to almost a month with severe cramps
Hi there, do you mean you…
Hi there, do you mean you have also observed a drastic changes in smell, colour or quantity, of your discharge especially in combination with itching, pain or redness? This could be a sign of an infection. If this is the case, you must consult your doctor and get checked. In the mean time, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
Are you allowed to have sex…
Are you allowed to have sex in your last trimester of pregnancy? Can it lead to premature birth?
Hey, sex is generally safe…
Hey, sex is generally safe during all stages of a normal pregnancy, but you should always check with your doctor to make sure there will be no problems. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
I’m a newly married man of…
I’m a newly married man of 11 days of marriage. We were just able to break the hymn about 8 days ago and my wife has started being disturbed by urge to spit or eject saliva always. She told me she has not been so before, and that she is guessing it is pregnancy. In fact, yesterday’s night, she rushed up to spit and vomit when we were playing, and this made her to become weak and with no appetites to eat anything even though she was still shouting hunger. Please, my question is that can that be pregnancy? Can pregnancy reaction be as early as that? Thank you.
Hi there, it is possible…
Hi there, it is possible that your wife could be pregnant. It is however important to have a pregnancy test done to be certain that what she is experiencing are early signs of pregnancy. You can consider visiting a medical centre to have a pregnancy test done or buy a home pregnancy test and do the urine test at home. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Can I get to know that am…
Can I get to know that am pregnant within a week ?
Hey Lynn, the earliest one…
Hey Lynn, the earliest one can tell if they are pregnant is about 8 days and the best way would be to get a pregnancy test done at a health centre.
Is it normal to bleed when…
Is it normal to bleed when you are pragnant?
Hi Jael, it is not normal. I…
Hi Jael, it is not normal. I suggest you consult your health care provider for a check and further advice.
I am light skin but now I…
I am light skin but now I have become very dark why?
Hey Silvya, it is normal to…
Hey Silvya, it is normal to develop dark splotches during pregnancy but they usually fade within a few months of delivery. These skin changes, often start to fade as your hormone levels return to normal.
Is it normal to see some…
Is it normal to see some blood spots during pregnacy?
Hi Jayne, bleeding during…
Hi Jayne, bleeding during pregnancy is nor normal. If you see any bleeding do consult your midwife or doctor.
I am 18 weeks pregnant and I…
I am 18 weeks pregnant and I have been having a pain on and off on the right side of my lower abdomen? Is this expected and can I use over the counter pain meds?
Hi Doris, congratulations…
Hi Doris, congratulations. This is expected in the second trimester of pregnancy that as your womb gets bigger, it pulls down on the ligaments that hold it in place in your pelvis. This is what causes the cramp-like and stabbing pains in the lower abdomen. About using over the counter pain killers, I suggest you speak to your health care provider or mid-wife who will advice on what medication you can use.
Waaa my wife has become so…
Waaa my wife has become so irritable. She shouts at everyone at the slightest thing. I hope this doesn’t last for the entire period of this pregnancy?!! Our first was not like this, I am happy I understand now because I was feeling she was unhappy. Thanks.
Hey DavisDaudi,…
Hey DavisDaudi, congratulations. We are glad you found this article useful.
Is it possible to be…
Is it possible to be pregnant for more tan 3 months without these signs?
Hey Debbie, since everyone…
Hey Debbie, since everyone is different their bodies respond to being pregnant in different ways. If you suspect you could be pregnant, the best way is to get a pregnancy test done. Consider visiting a health centre to get a pregnancy test done to be certain. Additionally, once one confirms they are pregnant it is important to begin antenatal visits for purposes of monitoring the baby’s and mothers health. In the meantime have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Will My pee be white in…
Will My pee be white in colour
Hi Joy, the color of your…
Hi Joy, the color of your pee is determined by the among of fluid or water you take. when it is clear it means you are taking enough water. This is what you should aim at. We wish you well.
What are the simple things…
What are the simple things you most
Joy, your question appears…
Joy, your question appears incomplete…
Hi am in my third trimester…
Hi am in my third trimester and nausea is back
I vomit everyday in the evening and sometimes i wake up very tired and sometimes i feel lazy
Hey Kee, first…
Hey Kee, first congratulations. These, as you know, are side effects of pregnancy. Talk to your health care provider so they can prescribe something to manage the nausea and vomiting. We wish you all the best for the rest of your journey.
Is it true that after giving…
Is it true that after giving birth a lady’s vagina becomes very big and you cannot enjoy sex anymore?
Hi Tommy, No, this is just a…
Hi Tommy, No, this is just a myth! Sex will be different, but that doesn’t mean it will be less satisfying. You and your partner have to work together to make sure that you can cope with the changes, and find new ways to satisfy each other if the old ways don’t do it for you anymore. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-after-pregnancy-myths-and-facts
How can you manage swollen…
How can you manage swollen feet during pregnancy? When should you stop having sex during pregnancy?
Hey Risper, it is important…
Hey Risper, it is important that you discuss this with your health care provider. There are a few things you can do as remedies to this including, keeping your feet raised, trying not to be sitting for long hours, ensuring you sufficiently hydrate, reduce your caffeine intake among others. More importantly, do talk to your doctor for further advice. On having sex, you can have sex all through your pregnancy period unless you have been otherwise advised by your doctor. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
My wife dislikes sex from…
My wife dislikes sex from the time she got pregnant. She says it is not safe for the baby this early months. Is there any truth to this matter?
Hi Jared, sex drive fro a…
Hi Jared, sex drive fro a woman when she is pregnant keeps changing. Sometimes the drive maybe high other times it maybe low. It is important to talk with your partner during this time to understand what is going on with her. On the other hand, sex is safe during the entire pregnancy period unless otherwise advised by you healthcare provider. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
I am six weeks. Nausea ain…
I am six weeks. Nausea ain’t fun at all, i vomit a little and can’t look at any food. Saliva in my mouth tastes like medicine, constant heartburn. Please help
Hey Amanda, first,…
Hey Amanda, first, congratulations. While these feelings are normal, your doctor maybe able to prescribe something to try and manage. Do talk to your doctor and they will be able to advice you. We wish you all the best in the rest of your journey.
14 weeks and the headache is…
14 weeks and the headache is severe what may be the cause
Hello Cynthia, during the…
Hello Cynthia, during the first trimester, your body experiences an increase in hormones and also in blood volume. These two changes can cause more frequent headaches. Do speak to your doctor or midwife who can prescribe a pain killer. We wish you all the best in the rest of your journey.
The information has helped…
The information has helped me.am one month pregnant and 15days.not married living with parents and broke up with the father.so stressed about the mess up.
Hey Christine, we are glad…
Hey Christine, we are glad that you found this article useful to you. It is also good to that you start your pre-natal clinic for purposes of monitoring your health and that of your baby during pregnancy period. You can find these services in most health centres.
Dear Love matters, I have…
Dear Love matters, I have noticed that I have an increase in vaginal discharge now that I am pregnant, is this normal? I am also very horny. This is my first pregnancy please help educate me. Thank you.
Hello Loreen, because of the…
Hello Loreen, because of the hormonal changes during pregnancy, it is normal to experience and increase in your vaginal discharge. It is also normal to have an increased desire of sex or sometimes a low sex drive. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts We wish you all the best in the rest of your pregnancy journey,
Am 2 month pregnant,but i…
Am 2 month pregnant,but i didn’t experience implantation bleeding? could be their a problem to my unborn baby?
Hey Faith, first of all…
Hey Faith, first of all congratulations. Now, some women experience mild implantation cramping several days after ovulation, while others do not. With this cramping, one may experience implantation bleeding or spotting. Since everyone is different some will experience these signs some won’t. Some may only have the cramping and no spotting and they may not associate the cramping to pregnancy at the time. If one doesn’t experience cramping and/or spotting during implantation, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with their baby. It’s however, important to start your prenatal clinic visits as soon as possible for purposes of monitoring the health of both the mother and baby during pregnancy. We wish you all the best in your pregnancy journey.
I have a sharp pain in my…
I have a sharp pain in my abdomen that comes and goes. I am in my second trimester. Please let me know what is causing pain and how to address it. I am careful about taking any meds. Thanks.
Hi Luseneka, the pain is…
Hi Luseneka, the pain is caused by the stretching of the uterus as your baby grows. Talk to your doctor or midwife who may prescribe a pain killer manage the pain. We wish you all the best in the rest of the journey.
When should you stop having…
When should you stop having sex during your pregnancy?
Hey Kimmie, sex during the…
Hey Kimmie, sex during the entire pregnancy period is generally okay unless otherwise advised by your doctor. It is important to use position that do put pressure on the stomach, positions that are comfortable. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
I feel moodless and dizzy…
I feel moodless and dizzy all the time,and I’m not sure if I’m pregnant or not
Hey Damah, have considered…
Hey Damah, have considered taking a pregnancy test? If you think you could be pregnant, do take a pregnancy to be certain if you are pregnant or not. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Hey I am supposed to receive…
Hey I am supposed to receive my periods today but I haven’t, I have had slight cramping since Thursday night upto today. But the cramps come for a while and then disappear. Could it be a sign of pregnancy? Plz advice
Hey Joy, the best way to…
Hey Joy, the best way to know whether you are pregnant or not is to get a pregnancy test done. You can buy a home pregnancy test from your local pharmacy or visit a health facility to get the pregnancy test done there. This way you can be certain of whether you are pregnant or not. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Very educative article. Keep…
Very educative article. Keep it up. I’m in my first trimester & dizziness, fatigue, headache, nausea, fever are the issues I have & it makes me feel so uncomfortable. What can I do please
Hi Ehna, have you begun your…
Hi Ehna, have you begun your prenatal clinic visits? If you have, do discuss with your midwife or doctor and they will prescribe what you take or do to manage this. We wish you all the best.
I got a question am young…
I got a question am young and I really don’t. Know whether am pregnant or not..my breast are not enlarging en my stomach is growing big….and my abdomen is paining then have not received for about four months and I once used pregnancy test to know whether am pregnant and the results were negative ….am I pregnant
Hey Abbie, I suggest you…
Hey Abbie, I suggest you visit a medical centre for a check and a test to determine if you could be pregnant. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
What causes pain in the…
What causes pain in the lower abdomen and at the same time no appetite please???
Dear Pascal, the lower…
Dear Pascal, the lower abdomen is as a result of the stretching of the uterus to accommodate the growing baby. The appetite issues could be as a result of the hormonal changes. You can however speak to your health care provider, midwife or doctor who will advice on how to manage the pain and also improve your appetite. We wish you all the best.
I am 20weeks pregnant today…
I am 20weeks pregnant today and I am worried because of the coartem malaria drugs I took wen I was 4week pregnant,although no bleeding or any abnormal feeling but will the coartem drugs cause birth defect?
Hi Vicky, did you know you…
Hi Vicky, did you know you were pregnant at the time? Were drugs prescribed to you by your doctor? It is not possible to talk about effects if any of the drugs on your unborn baby. I suggest you speak with your doctor or midwife for further advice as they monitor both your health and that of your baby. We wish you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy journey.
Hi am pregnant but I don’t…
Hi am pregnant but I don’t have appetit for food why is it so?
Hi Princesss, first…
Hi Princesss, first congratulations. It is normal to feel this way. I suggest you speak to your doctor or midwife who can prescribe medicines to manage this. We wish you all the best.
My wife has been vomiting at…
My wife has been vomiting at morning lunch and night what’s that is she pregnant can you explain me earlier signs of being pregnant
Hello David, some of the…
Hello David, some of the early sighs of pregnancy include, tender, swollen breasts, fatigue, slight bleeding or cramping, nausea with or without vomiting, food aversions or cravings, headaches, constipation, mood swings among others. If you suspect that she could be pregnant, have your wife get a pregnancy test done to acertain if she is indeed pregnant.
Am pregnant says the doctor…
Am pregnant says the doctor after a blood test but when i use urine it shows negative how come
Hello Ashley, Blood…
Hello Ashley, Blood pregnancy tests are 99% accurate and can detect a much lower amount of HCG, which is a hormone produced when one get pregnant, than urine pregnancy tests and it is for this reason that your doctor recommended a blood test to be done as opposed to a pregnancy test.
I love what am reading,…
I love what am reading, thanks.but still have question to ask
Fell free to ask it
Fell free to ask it
for the first time being…
for the first time being pregnant.Am the fifth month i cant fill the baby moving,is it normol or at what,time can i fill it moving
Hello Mercy, congratulations…
Hello Mercy, congratulations on your baby! It is very normal for you to feel the baby moving. A mother may feel the baby moving as early as 13 weeks.
Am only 13weeks pregnant and…
Am only 13weeks pregnant and belly is already out, is it normal?
Hi Dorice, congratulations…
Hi Dorice, congratulations. I suggest you speak to your midwife or doctor for a check up. What is normal to one person may not be normal to another.
Hi,I was to have my period…
Hi,I was to have my period around 18th n 19th,and on that 19th i had sex with my partner,since then i”ve had my periods yet.Am feeling cramps with some white discharge ,headache also.Can it be that am pregnant or what ?Am very much worried and still i dont wan to test.Please help.
Hello Phila, thank you for…
Hello Phila, thank you for reaching out to us. Are your periods regular?
Thanks for the advice am…
Thanks for the advice am this pregnancy thing ain’t easy especially if it’s your first baby my wife I think she is pregnant and it’s such an amazing journey so she woke me up from bed and told me we should sleep on the carpet in the sitting room haha anyways thanks for the advice
Hello Josphat, lol! It is an…
Hello Josphat, lol! It is an interestig time for all involved but in the end, if you stay the course, it will all be worth it!
Hi,when the breast is tender…
Hi,when the breast is tender and also feeling pain(it shocks) on the nipple,is it also a sign of being pregnant?
Hello Chary, breast…
Hello Chary, breast tenderness is indeed a sign of pregnancy and may also be present during your period. However, if this is a new phenomenon and is not accompanied by these two events kindly see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Am 6 months pregnant and i…
Am 6 months pregnant and i have not started Prenatal..is it bad?
Hello Daiz, prenatal clinics…
Hello Daiz, prenatal clinics are especially useful in asuring that your health and that of the foetus is good. Kindly go to the clinic as soon as you can.
I had a miscarriage early…
I had a miscarriage early last year,pls what can i use for conception?thanks
Hello Ajoke, thank you for…
Hello Ajoke, thank you for reaching out to us. After a miscarriage, it is best to visit a medical practitioner for medical advice on the way forward.
I have been taking folic…
I have been taking folic acid getting one months now I don’t know my body just dey somehow I don’t may been is mensuration is coming or pregnant everyday I feel inside my body warm,am not too eating again,stomach pain,body weak,headache what should do
Hello Mariam, this sounds…
Hello Mariam, this sounds like a medical issue. Kindly see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Very educative, at how long…
Very educative, at how long r u supposed to take folic acid to get pregnant
Thank you for your positive…
Thank you for your positive feedback Teresia.
You should take a 400 micrograms folic acid tablet every day before you’re pregnant and until you’re 12 weeks pregnant. Folic acid can help prevent birth defects known as neural tube defects, including spina bifida.
Will a girl be pregnant when…
Will a girl be pregnant when she had unprotected sex at date 3 February, when she started her last period date 22 January
Hello Moses. Thank you for…
Hello Moses. Thank you for reaching out to us and asking a great question. Many women typically ovulate around 12 to 14 days after the first day of their last period, but some have a naturally short cycle. They may ovulate as soon as six days or so after the first day of their last period so to answer your question, yes a a girl could definitely get pregnant if she had unprotected sex on the 3rd of February when her last period was on the 22nd of January.
So educating.
So educating.
Thank you for the positive…
Thank you for the positive feedback Albert!
Very educative. Big up guys
Very educative. Big up guys
Cheers Murunga, glad to help…
Cheers Murunga, glad to help! Happy Easter and stay safe!
How can somebody counts the…
How can somebody counts the week of pregnancy
Hello bolaji, thank you for…
Hello bolaji, thank you for asking a great question. The best way to calculate weeks of pregnancy is to get the Last menstrual period (LMP): Pregnancy normally lasts about 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. Accordingly, the number of weeks that have passed since indicate what week of pregnancy you’re in. To work out your likely due date, count 280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of your last period.
After how many days or weeks…
After how many days or weeks after having sex can i get a pregnancy test
Hi Petronila, a pregnancy…
Hi Petronila, a pregnancy test would give accurate after two weeks.
After how long will the…
After how long will the pregnancy kit show that one is pregnant
Hello sly, thank you for…
Hello sly, thank you for reaching out to us and asking a great question. Instructions on most pregnancy tests will tell you to read the results in a certain amount of time, usually from a couple of minutes up until 10 minutes later. So you may take a pregnancy test and read it within the time period as indicated on the instructions that come with the pregnancy kit you have purchased.
nina mimba bt mate yangu ni…
nina mimba bt mate yangu ni kali kwa mdomo na sitaki sex.ni kawaida kweli
Sasa Mary. Asante kwa…
Sasa Mary. Asante kwa kutufikia na tunasikitika kusikia juu ya kile unapitia lakini huna haja ya kujisumbua. Kile unachokiona ni kawaida kabisa. Matokeo ya Utafutaji Vipodozi vilivyoangaziwa kutoka kwa wavuti Wanawake wengi wanaotarajia wanaripoti kuwa na ladha ya metali au sour katika vinywa vyao kama moja ya dalili zao za uja uzito. Mabadiliko katika maana yao ya ladha, inayojulikana kama dysgeusia kwa hali ya matibabu, yanaweza kuendelea hata wakati hayala lakini tena, usiwe na wasiwasi kwani hii ni kawaida kabisa wakati wa trimester ya kwanza. Dysgeusia husababishwa na mabadiliko katika viwango vya homoni yako wakati wa uja uzito. Homoni za ujauzito, hasa estrogeni, zinaonekana kuchukua jukumu la kudhibiti na kudhibiti hisia zetu za ladha. Na unapokuwa mjamzito, viwango vya estrogeni – na kwa hivyo ladha zako za ladha – zinaweza kubadilika sana. Jaribu kuondoa ladha hiyo ya madini na asidi. Zingatia ladha ladha kama vile juisi za machungwa, limau na – kudhani tummy yako inaweza kuzishughulikia – vyakula vilivyojaa katika siki Vyakula hivi vyote sio tu na nguvu ya kuvunja ladha ya metali kinywani mwako wakati wa ujauzito, pia huongeza uzalishaji wa mshono, ambayo itasaidia kuiosha. Jaribu pia kusugua ulimi wako kila wakati unapotapaka meno yako, au suuza kinywa chako na suluhisho laini la chumvi (kijiko cha chumvi ndani ya 250 ml ya maji) mara chache kwa siku ili kusawazisha viwango vya pH kinywani mwako na uondoe ladha hiyo maridadi. Pia, kutotaka kufanya ngono wakati wa ujauzito pia ni jambo la kawaida kabisa.Wakati wa trimester ya kwanza, kichefuchefu, uchovu na huruma ya matiti yenye kuumiza inaweza kuweka damper juu ya ngono. Baadaye, unaweza kuwa na hisia mchanganyiko juu ya muundo wako unaokua, unaobadilika, ambao unaweza kufanya uchumba wa jadi kuhisi shida. Wakati kujifungua kunakaribia, wanawake wengi wanasema ngono ni jambo la mwisho kwenye akili zao, ambazo zinalenga laser kwa mtoto anayesubiriwa sana. Kwa muda mrefu wakati mwonekano wako wa kupendeza uko sawa na mwenzi wako, hakuna sababu ya kuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu gari lako la ngono. Lakini ikiwa anahisi kukataliwa au kufadhaika, hakikisha unajadili kinachoendelea, na jaribu kutafuta njia za kuendelea kushikamana. Ikiwa hiyo haifanyi kazi, muombe mtaalamu wako kupendekeza mshauri ambaye anaweza kukusaidia na mwenzi wako. Tunatumahi kuwa habari hii inasaidia na bora kwa mtoto na hongera. Kwa habari zaidi juu ya ujauzito, nenda kwenye ukurasa huu:https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
Hello…am two months…
Hello…am two months pregnant and do not desire sex.my hubby is getting affected. What do I do since I am still a wife and have to fulfill my duties
Hi Sharon, thank you for…
Hi Sharon, thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry that you and your husband are going through such a difficult time. It is quite common for pregnant women to lose their sexual desire. You cannot force yourself to have sex and nobody can force you either. However, the good news is that your body is constantly changing under this pregnancy and your low libido might not last the whole time. Have a conversation with your partner and try and come to a compromise. c
Calcium had been my problem…
Calcium had been my problem which legs pains, foot ,sometimes I can’t work because of the body pains and I am pregnant that makes the pains to increase, I need your help with anything that can help me improve my health
Hi Joy, thank you for…
Hi Joy, thank you for reaching out to us. What you are describing sounds like a medical issue. Kindly see a medical practitioner as soon as you can for a complete diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Am 5 months pregnancy,during…
Am 5 months pregnancy,during the evening hours am getting tired,during the early months,I was social to everybody,but now am just feeling to have my husband around,sometimes almost to follow him at his working place .how can I control these please?
Hello Purity, thank you for…
Hello Purity, thank you for reaching out to us. Congratulations on your child! Truth is, pregnancy is a little difficult on the female body and as time goes on you will notice yourself getting more tired than usual. Also, because of hormonal changes, you will notice a change in mood. All these things are perfectly fine and normal. However, if you feel that you get abnormally tired, see a medical practitioner for advice on the way forward.
How can I confirm if I’m one…
How can I confirm if I’m one week pregnant and does heart beat faster if some one is pregnant???
Hi Ayomide, thank you for…
Hi Ayomide, thank you for reaching out to us. One week in is a little too early for symptoms to show up. Wait another week and take a urine pregnancy test to confirm.
I learnt a lot from this.I…
I learnt a lot from this.I had unprotected sex yesterday but he didn’t release in me can I still get pregnant
hello Mari, thank you for…
hello Mari, thank you for your question. If he did not ejaculate inside you then it is highly unlikely that he got you pregnant.
I feel hungry during the day…
I feel hungry during the day but vomiting is too hard on me.
Hi Carolyn, thank you for…
Hi Carolyn, thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry you are going through such a hard time. Vomiting is really common, especially in the first trimester. If it goes on past the first trimester and becomes quite unbearable, see a medical practitioner for advice on the way forward.
I abort pregnancy last month…
I abort pregnancy last month 6 and I saw my period 14 and I have sex on the 24 now this month I don’t see my period on the 14 again
Please help me out
Hello Delight, thank you for…
Hello Delight, thank you for reaching out to us. To know what days you are fertile, you should know the length of your cycle. Your cycle starts on the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. To know how long your cycle is, you will need to track it closely for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
Thanks for your information,…
Thanks for your information, I have learned a lot. I have some questions to ask :I had sex with my husband few weeks before my period in daily basis and when the period finally arrived we also had sex, and my period only stayed for two days instead of four or five days, could it be am pregnant?
Hi Joy, thank you for…
Hi Joy, thank you for reaching out to us. The answer to your question technically lies in how long your cycle is. Your cycle lasts from the first day of one period to the first day of your next period. To know how long your cycle is or to understand if it is irregular, you should watch it for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter which is perfectly normal. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
We hope this helps.
Am 3months pregnant and ave…
Am 3months pregnant and ave been experiencing abdominal pain and at times walking becomes a problem.so what is the cause of this. Again am asking what is the best time to start going for clinic check up? Plz help
Hello Lilian, since this is…
Hello Lilian, since this is a medical issue, we strongly advise that you see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward. Also, start your antenatal clinics as soon as you can.
This article is really…
This article is really really nice
I’m glad I read it as it will be of help to me soon
Thanks for the nice article
Hello Ekeh Reginald, thank…
Hello Ekeh Reginald, thank you for your positive feedback and we are so glad that our content is able to bring a positive impact into your life 🙂 We hope you have a lovey weekend and that you are staying safe during these crazy times!
Love Matters Team <3
Am now four month pregrent i…
Am now four month pregrent i have not gone for cli.clinic isn’t save
Hi Salome, please start…
Hi Salome, please start going to your clinics as soon as possible.
Good morning, pls I need…
Good morning, pls I need your advise. Myself and hubby love in my ovulation period, 2 weeks after I started feeling the symptoms of spitting, fatigue, movement round my belly, excessive pee, abdominal pain, tender breast and so on. And then I saw a slight blood on the first day of my menstrual period and a bit of heavy flow on the second day, can I still say am pregnant? Pls help out
The best way to know if you…
The best way to know if you are pregnant is to take the urine pregnancy test.
Not sure if the urine test…
Not sure if the urine test will reflect the true result at 2 weeks pregnancy
Hi Oke, the urine test is…
Hi Oke, the urine test is sensitive from as early as 2 weeks.
Thank u
Thank u
Hell enitan, thank you so…
Hell enitan, thank you so much for your positive feedback and we are so glad to help! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe 🙂
Thanks, the information is…
Thanks, the information is very useful, i want to ask a question, i’m just 17yrs, and i’m still a virgin, i’m i too small to have sex with my boyfriend.
Hi Favour, thank you for…
Hi Favour, thank you for reaching out to us. 17 is definitely too young to be having sex. The age of consent in most countries is 18 and so if you have sex with someone now, that person could get arrested for rape even if you both consented. 17 is also a little too young to be making decisions like this. Wait a couple of years at least.
Please I was suppose to see…
Please I was suppose to see my period on 5th of May 2020,but uptil nw have nt seen it ,I used pregnancy strip to check it ,but the result came out negative and uptil nw have nt seen it,am worried pls help me
Hi Amaka, the pregnancy…
Hi Amaka, the pregnancy strip is sensitive from two weeks after conception. Maybe give it a little more time and then take the test again? However, it is also normal for your period to be a little late sometimes.
Please I drank wine that…
Please I drank wine that contained about 11% acohol twice during the second and third weeks of my pregnancy,I hope it won’t affect my baby?
Hi Sekeenat, thank you for…
Hi Sekeenat, thank you for reaching out to us. It is understandable that you would feel a little nervous about this slip-up. Alcohol during pregnancy is not a good idea. Although some people claim to have had alcohol and been okay, a lot of things could go wrong. If you did not have a large amount you should be fine. Just do not have anymore.
pls have been feeling that m…
pls have been feeling that m pregnant,have carried out pregnancy test both blood and urine but both says negative,and m srull seeing my period,and now i feel cramps and pain in the left side of my stomach pls i need answwrs thanks
Hello busola, thank you for…
Hello busola, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry you are going through a tough time at the moment but considering that this may be a serious medical issue we strongly advise you to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!
Hello busola, thank you for…
Hello busola, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry you are going through a tough time at the moment but considering that this may be a serious medical issue we strongly advise you to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!
Thanks for the advice I don…
Thanks for the advice I don’t know how to thank you for your help
Hi Chinecherem, we are so…
Hi Chinecherem, we are so glad to hear this! Feel free to go through the website and find other articles that could be of help to you.
I just got wedded not long…
I just got wedded not long… So is it possible for someone to have symptoms of pregnancy when two weeks pregnant?
Hi Mrs. Abraham,…
Hi Mrs. Abraham, congratulations on your marriage. Typically pregnancy symptoms begin to show around 4 years after conception. However, some people do show early pregnancy signs like breast soreness, nausea, and fatigue. You could take a urine pregnancy test which is sensitive beginning two weeks after conception.
Thanks for this information…
Thanks for this information. I’m 2 weeks pregnant but I don’t want to keep the baby, what do I do?
Hey Laura, thank you for…
Hey Laura, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time. Take time to consider making this decision and map out the various options in front of you dear. One option to consider can be found on this link, click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/abortion
Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe.
I have never enjoyed sex …
I have never enjoyed sex .. When I am having sex with my partner I never release so I just do it to satisfy my partner .. My virginal is ever dry .. Am so stressed ..so my question is,, is it possible for me to conceive with that problem coz am feeling like am pregnant. i have not yet received my period for this month and last month my period started on 20th. kindly help.
Hello Natasha, thank you for…
Hello Natasha, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a difficult time at the moment. Since this is a medical issue we strongly advise you to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Doctors, my woman is…
Doctors, my woman is pregnant,and she keep vomitt vomitting on everything she eat or drink.i want to know d solution please.
Hi Innocent, than you for…
Hi Innocent, than you for your question. Vomiting and nausea are very common in the first three months of pregnancy. At the end of 3 months, the vomiting should stop. However, some women have really extreme cases and may need medical attention. If you feel that the issue is serious please see a medical practitioner for advice on the way forward.
Had sex during my period,and…
Had sex during my period,and with protection. Haven’t seen my period since then.its irregular so its happened before. Should I be worried?
Hello Anonymous, depending…
Hello Anonymous, depending on the length of your cycle, you can indeed get oregnant during your period. Wait for two weeks after your expected exposure and take a pregnancy test to confirm.
I really like this page
I really like this page
Hi Fabian, thank you so much…
Hi Fabian, thank you so much for your feedback. Feel free to go through the website to find more articles that you could find helpful to you.
Please I had my period may…
Please I had my period may 19,please when us the right time to have sex,to enable me get pregnant,TtC pls.
Hello Gift, thank you so…
Hello Gift, thank you so much for reaching out to us and asking a great question. For more information on the best time to conceive, click here: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Wow great advise…n can u…
Wow great advise…n can u know whether you are pregnant jus in one week?
Hi Turquoise, thank you for…
Hi Turquoise, thank you for your feedback. We are very pleased to help. The soonest you can know whether you are pregnant or not is at two weeks. At this time you will typically miss your period and this is when the urine pregnancy test will work
My problem is that any tyme…
My problem is that any tyme we had a sex with my ma husband i had a very serious abdominal pain that sometimes lead’s to bleeding am 2 months pregnant plz help
Hello Hellen, thank you for…
Hello Hellen, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. Based on what you have said, it is of the utmost importance that you visit your doctor as soon as possible lest you risk yours and your child’s health.
My Girlfriend and i had…
My Girlfriend and i had unprotected sex, she took P2 the next day…after around 10 days, she had spotting or light periods for like 3 days…now her periods have not started and its been around 4 weeks. WE are worried
Hello Nic, thank you for…
Hello Nic, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. She should see your doctor within 3 weeks of taking Postinor-2. She may experience spotting or vaginal bleeding earlier than expected. If she has not gotten her period within 3 weeks of taking the tablets she must see her doctor, as she may be pregnant. If Postinor-2 does not work, she could be pregnant. Her doctor will order a pregnancy test. If stomach pain is severe she should see her doctor immediately as on rare occasions a tubal pregnancy could occur.
Postinor-2 is only intended as an emergency measure. If you have not already done so you should discuss with your doctor other methods of long term contraception.
Is it normal to see strains…
Is it normal to see strains of blood when pregnant in the first month of pregnancy, as in kind of initial flow of normal periods?
Hi Eunice, thank you for…
Hi Eunice, thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, you may spot during your pregnancy but if it persists or seems heavy please see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
I have stopped using family…
I have stopped using family planning fora month now I have not seen period could I be pregnant; my periods were regular through out even when I was using family plan
Hi Eunice, most family…
Hi Eunice, most family planning methods that women take are hormonal and may take up to three months to clear out of your system. However, in some cases they could clear faster and you could indeed be pregnant. To be sure, take a urine pregnancy test.
can you test positive for…
can you test positive for pregnancy then later test negative for pregnancy …and why
Hi Anonymous, thank you so…
Hi Anonymous, thank you so much for reaching out to us. It is possible to get a positive pregnancy test when something called a “chemical pregnancy” occurs. This is when the egg is indeed fertilised but it does not implant.
It is embarrassing seeing…
It is embarrassing seeing girls pregnant. We need to be careful where we go to.
Mercy, do you mean underage…
Mercy, do you mean underage girls?
I have learned alot
I have learned alot
Hi Grace, we are so glad to…
Hi Grace, we are so glad to hear this. Please feel free to go through the website to find other articles that you may find of interest.
Mh i have now finishing…
Mh i have now finishing 1month after sex and my next cycle started but my cycle has some spots please advice
Hi Mesh, thank you for…
Hi Mesh, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Your menstrual cycle runs from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. This takes about 28 days (four weeks), but different people’s cycles vary between 21 and 42 days (3–6 weeks). Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
thanks veru much
i have…
thanks veru much
i have learn alot
We are so glad that we are…
We are so glad that we are able to provide content to help you make informed decisions Winnie! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
I gave birth my firstborn…
I gave birth my firstborn normal but the second born i got him thru CS Now can i give birth normally again
Hi Lucy, thank you for…
Hi Lucy, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. If you already had a CS, you may be able to have your next baby vaginally but you would need to consult your doctor first as you go through your pregnancy.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Most people says dat to get…
Most people says dat to get a gal child have sex imidietly after periods and a boy is b4 period is it true
Hi Lucy, thank you for…
Hi Lucy, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Couples have a 50/50 percent chance of conceiving either a boy or a girl. It is important to note that health experts worry that some parents will place unrealistic hopes on a sex-determination technique and become disappointed whether or not they succeed. The method could either fail to produce a child of the desired sex or the right gendered kid could grow up with traits that contradict with parental expectations. In addition, there is no scientific evidence to prove that any method that you come across or try will actually work. The best thing you can do is leave it to fate because, at the end of the day, the child you bring to this world will be special, irrespective of sex or gender.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
I had sex 4 days after my…
I had sex 4 days after my periods then took morning after pills immediately one week later am having heartburn and headache does it mean am pregnant?
Hi Carol, thank you for…
Hi Carol, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. Emergency contraception, or the morning after pill, is effective if started within 120 hours, or five days. The sooner emergency contraception is started, the better it works. 7 days is unfortunately too long a time to wait so if you are currently experiencing these symptoms, get a pregnancy test to find out whether or not you are in fact pregnant and seek medical advice.
Its the 32th day and my wife…
Its the 32th day and my wife has not had her periods could that also be likely a sign of pregnancy
A delay in periods could be…
A delay in periods could be caused by a whole lot of things. It would be best for her to take a pregnancy test to determine whether not she is pregnant.
I want to ask i just vomit…
I want to ask i just vomit twice per week and i feel moodless can i be pregnant?
Hi Anita tash, thank you for…
Hi Anita tash, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. There is a possibility that what you are experiencing is morning sickness which is a side effect of getting pregnant. The best way to know for sure is to get a pregnancy test and check for yourself if this is the case. They are readily available and affordable at any pharmacy. Do let us know what the test results are and let us know how we can assist you. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
My girl is having some…
My girl is having some spotting a week after we have had sex. It is almost a week for the date of her normal periods. Is it a reason to be worried?
Hi John, although there are…
Hi John, although there are a variety of reasons why she may be late on her periods e.g. use of birth control pills, stress, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, there is also a chance that she could also be pregnant. Vaginal bleeding or spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is relatively common. Some amount of light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy occurs in about 20% of pregnancies, and most of these women go on to have a healthy pregnancy. If you are worried, the best thing to do is get a doctor’s consultation and also have a pregnancy test done to help identify the cause of the symptoms you have described. Have a wonderful weekend and all the best! Stay safe!
What can I do to reduce the…
What can I do to reduce the morning sickness I’m 2 months preg.
Kindly note that have gone to hospital and no change
Hi Maureen, thank you for…
Hi Maureen, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Congratulations on your pregnancy and we are sorry about the morning sickness. If you would like to elliviate these feelings, look at the following:
There is more information available on google so feel free to conduct a search and find a solution that fits with you.
I’ve learnt alot….i need…
I’ve learnt alot….i need to know if it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage cuz i had a miscarriage about 2 months ago and now i can feel as if im pregnant again
Hi Judy, thank you so much…
Hi Judy, thank you so much for reaching out to us and for the feedback, we appreciate it. You can get pregnant after a miscarriage. However it is adviseable that you see a medical practitioner at your earliest convenience to help you through this period.
Hey ,,, using emergency…
Hey ,,, using emergency contraceptive after unprotected sex will it help to prevent early pregnancy
Thank you Aliya for your…
Thank you Aliya for your contribution and advise to the community, we appreciate your support! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
I had sex one day…
I had sex one day after my periods but felt suspicious and took P2 before 72hours elapsed. 8 days I experienced vaginal bleeding like periods but lasted only 2 days.. what could be the problem? Is it possible a pregnancy?.. kindly assist
Thank you
Hello Staicy, thank you for…
Hello Staicy, thank you for getting in touch asking a great question. Light spotting may show up after using p2. If you are still uncertain or doubt your status then why not go purchase another pregnancy test and confirm. If the results come back positive, then it would be best to visit your doctor and get proper consultation on the same. Please keep us posted and have a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe!
I saw my last period on…
I saw my last period on 17th,and on 23th i make sex with ma man by that time i notice their some blood,after some days i started feel icould do sex any time i saw ma ma.
Hi Rozy, thank you for…
Hi Rozy, thank you for reaching out to us. What exactly is your question?
hi I have miss my mp for one…
hi I have miss my mp for one week and my nipple is seriously itching me and things like mucus are coming out in large quantity what might be problem?
Hi Rosemary, thank you for…
Hi Rosemary, thank you for getting in touch with us and we are so sorry you are going through a hard time. It seems like you may be experiencing the side effects of pregnancy. Have you gotten yourself a pregnancy test to confirm? If not, we highly recommend that you do so, then we can take it up from there. Have a wonderful week ahead and please keep us posted. Stay safe!
thats wow
thats wow
Am 2mnths pg but am stressed…
Am 2mnths pg but am stressed, my husband don’t have time for me,anatek alcohol and he wants sex,inaweza affect mtoi ama infection?
Hi Faith, thank you for…
Hi Faith, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry you are going through such a hard time.
Communication is an important part of any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well.
This article has some pointers that could help you learn how to better communicate.
With regard to having sex while pregnant, it is completely fine as long as you are both free of infection and are clean.
Am pregnant. I don’t want to…
Am pregnant. I don’t want to do help me????
The pregnancy hormone is HCG…
The pregnancy hormone is HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 🙂
I had contiwoow ave learnt a…
I had contiwoow ave learnt a lot
Hi Chole, thank you so much…
Hi Chole, thank you so much and we are so glad to be of help. Please feel free to go through more content on our website and feel free to ask any questions regarding love, sex and relationships and we will be more than willing to help! have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe.
I compited my periods and…
I compited my periods and had sex the next day though I was on deppo that remained ten days to expire I didn’t go for another injection after it expired can I get pregnant
Hi Grace, thank you for…
Hi Grace, thank you for reaching out to us. In this case you would be covered by the Depo. However, please remember to get back to your medical practitioner for advice on the best way forward.
My wife sometimes can’t talk…
My wife sometimes can’t talk to me what can i do and she is pregnant
Hi David, thank you for…
Hi David, thank you for getting in touch with us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time.
Being pregnant can be a great joy but it can also come as a shock if she didn’t expect it. In this section, you will all the information you need to keep her and her body healthy throughout the pregnancy, how the baby develops, and what to do in case you don’t want to be pregnant. Click on the link to find out more:
Also remember that communication is an important part of any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Go through this article together. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well.
This article has some pointers that could help you learn how to better communicate.
spotting and pain when…
spotting and pain when urinating and vomiting can they indicate pregnancy??
Hi Flo, this sounds like a…
Hi Flo, this sounds like a medical issue, kindly see a medical practitioner as soon as you can. You can call Marie Stopes Kenya today for free on 0800 720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819001 for comprehensive medical information and personalized advice.
Hi…i just missed my…
Hi…i just missed my periods by one week…how old will i know my pregnancy is?
Hello Dotty, if you have…
Hello Dotty, if you have missed it by a week it is likely that you got pregnant within the past two weeks, depending on the length of your cycle. You could take a pregnancy test to ascertain whether you are indeed pregnant. A doctor could also help you better understand when you fell pregnant.
I av bloittering ,gas in…
I av bloittering ,gas in almost a week after my bf fingered me and yet he said he had clean had and also back pain what can b the cause of these problem plz help
Hi Penina, these symptoms…
Hi Penina, these symptoms could be caused by any number of things. See a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
I have been married for one…
I have been married for one year five months and am not getting pregnant and i dont do family planing plz help me what can i do
Hello Maryanne, thank you…
Hello Maryanne, thank you for getting in touch with us and we are so sorry you are going through a hard time. Fertility is a word to describe whether someone is capable of making a child. For a woman this refers to the health of your eggs and ability to get and stay pregnant. Click here to find out more about fertility and go through it with your partner so that you are able to make more informed decisions on getting pregnant. Hang in there, all will be well 🙂
mine is not a comment but a…
mine is not a comment but a question.first of all I thank u guys for the information.it has made me be informed.now to my question what makes some women throw salivar like every time through out the pregnancy period
Hello Esther Odera. Thank…
Hello Esther Odera. Thank you for getting in touch with us. To answer your question, Is it normal to have excessive saliva during pregnancy? Yes, it’s normal to have more saliva when you’re pregnant. Excessive salivation is called Ptyalism, or Sialorrhea, and the condition won’t affect your baby.
You might salivate more during pregnancy from:
Hormonal changes. Experts don’t know why some women have excessive saliva in early pregnancy, but hormonal changes may be one cause.
Nausea. Feeling nauseated can make some women try to swallow less, and this can cause saliva to build up in the mouth. Ptyalism is more common among women suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness.
Heartburn. Producing more saliva can also be related to heartburn, which is common during pregnancy. The contents of your stomach are acidic and can irritate your esophagus when they back up. The acid sensors in your esophagus then trigger your salivary glands to produce saliva with a higher concentration of bicarbonate, which is alkaline. Each time you swallow, your saliva bathes the walls of your esophagus and helps neutralize the stomach acid. (This may also explain why women who are vomiting tend to salivate more.)
Irritants. Certain irritants, like smoke, may also cause increased saliva as can tooth decay and other oral infections, some medications, exposure to toxins (such as mercury and pesticides), and some medical conditions.
We are so glad and always pleased to help.
Please feel free to go through more of our awesome content. Doing so will help you make more informed decisions on love, sex and relationships within your life and help you become your most loving, positive self.
Do not hesitate to reach out in case you have any questions, feedback or criticisms.
Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
This being my first…
This being my first pregnancy, I’ve learnt alot.Thanks.
Hi Christine,
Hi Christine,
Congratulations on your first pregnancy! We are glad we provided you with important information that can help you with your 9-month journey. Wishing you a blissful and healthy pregnancy! As a bonus, here are 10 tips for a healthy pregnancy: 10 tips for a healthy pregnancy
My fellow women let’s be…
My fellow women let’s be more careful at times like this
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for…
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for engaging with us. Are you encouraging women to be careful about getting pregnant? I would love to hear from you.
Hi I suspect I’m pregnant…
Hi I suspect I’m pregnant due to the signs I’m experiencing but I was using a family planning method that expired months ago though not yet removed. Can this bring side effect on the pregnancy b4 its removed?
Hi Bery,
First, it is…
Hi Bery,
First, it is important to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether you are pregnant. Second, what family planning method were you using? It is important to note that there is no evidence that taking birth control will have an effect on fetal development. However, it is important to stop taking birth control, or have it removed immediately you confirm you’re ready to get pregnant or want to get pregnant.
Have missed my period since…
Have missed my period since March yet am nt pregnant ,three days ago I noticed I have lower back bl pain n also tried n my legs to get swollen if I sit for long or travel wat is the problem
Hi Grace,
I would advise…
Hi Grace,
I would advise you to visit a doctor for tests and treatment.
Thanks for the infomation…
Thanks for the infomation was much helpfull
Hi Tess,
I am glad you…
Hi Tess,
I am glad you found the article helpful. Keep it here for more informative content!
I have being going though a…
I have being going though a lot lately, when l went through the messages and response that you give trust me I have learnt alot from you.thanks ?
Hi Rosemary,
I am so glad…
Hi Rosemary,
I am so glad that you have learnt a lot from Love Matters. I am also happy that you feel so much better! Keep it here for more engagement on anything love, sex, and relationships!
Hello,I had sex with my man…
Hello,I had sex with my man two weeks ago and used p2,after a week again we had sex and again used p2,it’s four weeks now I’ve not seen my periods and in very much worried,what might be the problem?
Hi there,
If taken…
Hi there,
If taken correctly, P2 is an effective option for preventing pregnancy. One of the main effects of P2 is delayed periods. However, if you don’t get your period within three to four weeks of taking the P2 or morning-after pill, take a pregnancy test.
Remember that the morning-after pill is intended for backup contraception only, not as a primary method of birth control.
Hi.i have a question,can i…
Hi.i have a question,can i ask?
Yes, sure Caroline. Feel…
Yes, sure Caroline. Feel free to ask any question and I’ll be here to anwer!
I had sex after a few days…
I had sex after a few days of my last day of periods,after two weeks,i saw unusual thing,my periods were little,and marloon in colour which prolonged for about 1 week,after 3 days i had sex again and am suspecting i might be pregnant bcouse of itching of breast and my abdominal have started to stretch.please help
Hi Carol,
The best thing…
Hi Carol,
The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test. From the test, you can determine whether you are, indeed, pregnant. The test result should, in turn, help you establish your choices.
am having a lot of white…
am having a lot of white clear vaginal discharge frequently, what could be the problem please
Hi Nikita,
White clear…
Hi Nikita,
White clear vaginal discharge is totally normal during pregnancy. In case you have concerns, talk to your doctor during your next clinic visit. You should be okay though,
Does bleeding while pregnant…
Does bleeding while pregnant mean u r having a miscarriage
Hi Gladys,
Light bleeding…
Hi Gladys,
Light bleeding and spotting are normal especially in early pregnancy but bleeding that is a bit heavier is not normal. Seek immediate medical attention if you’re bleeding.
Does blood coming out once…
Does blood coming out once shows u r pregnant?
Hi Evah,
In the first…
Hi Evah,
In the first trimester of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding or spotting is relatively common and totally normal. However, if the bleeding is a bit heavy, seek medical attention immediately!
my problem is paining…
my problem is paining boobs and i have not seen my period for 3 months what could be the reason?
Hi Purity,
There are…
Hi Purity,
There are several reasons that can cause your periods to delay. These include a sudden increase in weight, certain medications, contraceptives, and pregnancy. Read this article to learn more: 8 Reasons Your Period Is late. One of the main causes of painful breasts is hormonal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. That said, kindly see a doctor for medical attention.
Good doctor
Good doctor
Thank you Mike! I am glad…
Thank you Mike! I am glad you were informed!
Iam 41yrs old,my husband is…
Iam 41yrs old,my husband is 47yrs,we are trying to get a third born child,is it possible?my working as a teacher and lives far frm home how can i improve the chances of getting pregnant?
Hi Md emy,
Yes, there is…
Hi Md emy,
Yes, there is still a chance that you could get pregnant at your age. Of course the chances of getting pregnant reduce with age but this does not mean that it’s not possible. On the issue of living away from your husband, the best thing is to know when you ovulate since that is the best time to conceive. Make arrangements to have sex during your most fertile days as this will increase chances of getting pregnant other than having sex at random times. Other factors that can help increase your chances are listed in this article: Tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant
I get my periods thrice a…
I get my periods thrice a year. however, i get cramp pains monthly. what does that mean?
Hi Ivy,
You’re not alone…
Hi Ivy,
You’re not alone. Some women have the exact same concern. However, if this has been happening for several years since you started your periods, it is not normal at all. It’s best to see a gynecologist so a proper assessment can be done and a correct diagnosis can be made. Your doctor should conduct tests and recommend the best solution.
We had sex with my boyfriend…
We had sex with my boyfriend and then took p2…can that affect my periods
Hi Agnes,
Yes, P2 tends to…
Hi Agnes,
Yes, P2 tends to disrupt your normal cycle thus they may come earlier or later than usual. However, your period should return to usual timing by the next two cycles.
My period started on date 24…
My period started on date 24 last month and I had sex on date 9 this month.could I be pregnant now
Hi Charity,
That depends…
Hi Charity,
That depends on your menstrual cycle. If you have an irregular period, there’s a chance you are pregnant because it’s hard to predict whether or when you ovulated. If you have a regular 28 days cycle there’s a very small chance you’re pregnant since your most fertile days fall were between date 3 and 5 which is not within the period when you had sex. If you have a 35 days cycle, your most fertile days were between 10th and 14th and this is very close to when you has sex on the 9th. So there’s a chnace you could be pregnant. If you have a 21 days cycle, your fertile days are not within 24th and 9th thus there’s little chance you’re pregnant. Read this article to learn how to count safe days: How to count safe days. The best way to find out if you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.
Am always going for…
Am always going for shortcall severals Times during night,what can be the cause
Hi Helen,
If you are…
Hi Helen,
If you are pregnant, that is totally normal. If you are not pregnant, it could be that your fluid intake, especially water, is a bit too high. Or it could also be that you take water right before going to bed.
Got itching and a lot…
Got itching and a lot ofwatery white discharge and missed periods
Hi Diana,
While watery…
Hi Diana,
While watery discharge is often normal, the fact that it is itchy may be a sign of an infection. Go to the hospital for tests and treatment. For the missed periods, there are many reasons that can lead to this. Read this article to learn more about the common causes of missed period: 8 reasons why your period is late
What if you had sex then you…
What if you had sex then you get your menstrual flow can you get pregnant after having your flow
Hi there,
No, you are very…
Hi there,
No, you are very unlikely to get pregnant since there is no egg to be fertilized. Unless ovulation happens within 5 days since sperm can survive inside a woman’s vagina for up to 5 days, then you are safe.
I saw my periods on 9th…
I saw my periods on 9th August, am 30cycle. I have been having sex with hubby on 15,16,19,22,23,25,28, we’re trying to get pregnant. Which was my H.F day? It’s been a week since he traveled. Do you think we managed?
Hi Canab,
Yes, it is…
Hi Canab,
Yes, it is possible that you got pregnant. Your most fertile days were around day 16 from the first day of your period. This means that you were very fertile around 23, 24, and 25. To confirm, take a pregnancy test.
What does it mean having…
What does it mean having safe abotion
Hi there,
It means that…
Hi there,
It means that the procedure is conducted by a trained health care provider, in a registered and well-equiped health facility, and as per the guidelines provided by the health body.
Can you be experiencing…
Can you be experiencing pregnancy symptoms but still have a regular periods?
Hi Ann,
No. If it is…
Hi Ann,
No. If it is spotting or light bleeding, that is alright but if the bleeding is heavier then that is not normal. Visit a doctor immediately if the bleeding is heavier.
My periods are late 10 days…
My periods are late 10 days and I’m not pregnant but I’m feeling all the above pregnant symptoms, what might be the cause
Hi Atieno,
I am assuming…
Hi Atieno,
I am assuming you’ve taken a pregnancy test? If you already have, it means that you are not pregnant. There are many causes of delayed periods, these include stress, certain contraceptives, a big change in body weight. Read this article to learn more: 8 reasons your period is late. On the other hand, it is possible that you are suffering from false pregnancy where a woman believes she is pregnant when she is not. Read more about false pregnancy: What is a false pregnancy?
My urine is yellowish could…
My urine is yellowish could b pregnant?
Hi Hanny,
Normally, urine…
Hi Hanny,
Normally, urine is a pale yellow to deep amber in colour. In pregnancy, you may notice a change in the colour of your urine, instead of seeing the usual light-yellow colour, you might see a darker shade of yellow. The best way to find out if you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.
I had my last periods on 29…
I had my last periods on 29 September, had sex on 13 Oct but used p2 on 15.I then had sex again on22 and until now have not had my periods, could I be pregnant?
Hi Christi,
First, what is…
Hi Christi,
First, what is your period cycle? 21days? 28 days? 35 days? Second, the P2 tends to, in some cases, disrupt the period cycle thus even if we check your normal ovulation dates (assuming you have a regular period), it is possible that your normal cycle was interfered with thus ovulation either came earlier or later than usual. The best thing to do at this point is to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether you are pregnant or not.
Not sure if I am pregnant…
Not sure if I am pregnant but is due to skip monthly period last month no signs of pregnancy I have really changed my environment can u advise me please please
Hi Lucy,
There are many…
Hi Lucy,
There are many causes of delayed periods. Often, the first suspect is pregnancy. You say you are not pregnant, I hope you’ve taken your pregnancy test? If yes, then let’s consider other factors such as certain medications, stress, certain contraceptives, etc. Read this article to learn more: 8 reasons your period is late. If you have any concerns, go to the hospital.
Hello, thank you for your…
Hello, thank you for your lessons. But I have a question here. I had sex last month before my periods. Had a P2 twice. Again had unprotected sex and didn’t use any contraceptives. After less than a week, had a pregnancy test and got a faded line. Was adviced to take another test after a week. I did it and again still got a visible faded line. This week I did another test and tested negative. Am becoming very restless. Please help me know my problem
Hi Tee,
It could be that…
Hi Tee,
It could be that you are quite anxious. Visit the doctor for a proper blood test as it is more conclusive. This will eliminate any fears you may have and will guide you on next steps.
hello, i missed my periods…
hello, i missed my periods like for 3 weeks now, yesterday I had two drops of blood I thought I was having my mp. bt today there is no blood.. kindly help
Hi there,
There are…
Hi there,
There are several factors that can lead to delayed periods. Of course, the first suspect is usually pregnancy so you can start by taking a pregnancy test if suspect you could be pregnant. Other factors that can cause delayed periods are stress, certain medications, etc. Read this article to learn about why your periods could be late: 8 reasons your period is late
Hi, I last saw my period on…
Hi, I last saw my period on 4th last month and I slept with my hubby on 15th then on 17th I took p2, again we had another sex but I didn’t take p2, I have been feeling bloating in my stomach and heartburn, wat could be the problem, please answer, thank you
Hi Lilian,
First, P2 often…
Hi Lilian,
First, P2 often affects menstrual cycle, this means that your period can come earlier or later than usual. Also, depending on your cycle, it is possible that you had sex during your fertile days. The first thing you can do is take a pregnancy test. Second, it could be that you are too worried about getting pregnant that your body is mimicking pregnancy signs; this is called a false pregnancy. Read this article to learn more: What is a false pregnancy? The first thing is to test for pregnancy to establish whether you’re pregnancy or not.
hello am abit worried my…
hello am abit worried my cycle is always exactly 28 days and my period lasts 5 days I last had my period start on 30th october and on 8 th I had sex but until today I havent had my period yet its 5days now I fell the cramps but nothing is coming out and my breast are swollen
Hi Ki,
It could be that…
Hi Ki,
It could be that you’re pregnant. The surest way to know is to take a pregnancy test.
The information is very…
The information is very helpful, thank you!
You’re welcome, Eva!
You’re welcome, Eva!
my period come once in…
my period come once in 2month in Small amount BT now come for 3days ,my breast are tender am i pregnact
Hi Martha,
If you recently…
Hi Martha,
If you recently had your period, that means you are not pregnant unless you’ve had unprotected sex after the period. Tender breasts are common before and after periods. At this point, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test especially if you suspect you could be pregnant.
It’s my first time am one…
It’s my first time am one month pregnant but I happen to feel lots of pain in my stomach what can I do
Hi Hilda,
Some abdominal…
Hi Hilda,
Some abdominal pain during pregnancy is normal. This is because pregnancy causes a lot of changes taking place, If the pain is a bit much, visit your doctor immediately.
Have learnt alot.
Have learnt alot.
For me I tried to impregnate my bt it failed now am in years