
Finding out you’re pregnant can be a joy or a nightmare, depending on your situation. If you’re pregnant by accident, or your partner is, what next? In this section, you can find out what your options are and learn what happens to the body during pregnancy.


Can poor sperm quality cause miscarriage?

Can poor sperm quality cause miscarriage?

In African cases, miscarriages are often assumed to be due to female factors. But studies show that male factors such as poor sperm quality can increase chances of miscarriages. This makes sense because sperm carry half of the genetic materials necessary for the embryo to be formed and develop.

How do I know if I am infertile?

How do I know if I am infertile?

In females, regular menses with pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms are usually an indicator that the woman is ovulating. But, what if you have normal menses but still can’t get pregnant? Determining whether you are fertile or not requires a doctor to […]

Pregnancy over 35: What to expect, risks, and self-care

Pregnancy over 35: What to expect, risks, and self-care

Advanced maternal age is commonly defined as being over 35, though there is no standardized definition. Risks of advanced maternal age Women over 35 face higher risks of pregnancy-related complications, such as gestational diabetes and hypertension. There is also a […]

Je kuosha kuma baada ya ngono je kunaeza zuia boll?

Je kuosha kuma baada ya ngono je kunaeza zuia boll?

Baadaye alianza kuathirika kizazi yake hali iliyomlazimisha kutembelea kiutembelea daktari. Kuna dhana mbovu kuwa kuiosha vagina ni njia poa ya kuzuia mimba. Mimba hutokea kama sperms za mwanamume zimegusa mayai ya dem  hayakufanyika katikati mpira wa kizazi na kusaisha kuma […]

What does it mean if I miss a period?

What does it mean if I miss a period?

Missing periods, medically termed amenorrhea, can occur due to various reasons, and predicting their return the following month can be influenced by several factors. You have hormonal imbalances One common cause of missed periods is hormonal imbalances. Fluctuations in estrogen […]

The age of consent in accessing abortion in Kenya

The age of consent in accessing abortion in Kenya

Fast forward to 2020, another nine-year-old girl from Murang’a County was impregnated. Hon Sabina Chege, the Murang’a women’s representative at the time, confirmed that this young girl hailed from Ithanga, lower Gatanga, an area marked by a disturbingly high number […]

How abortion laws impact women and girls in Kenya

How abortion laws impact women and girls in Kenya

The laws around abortion in Kenya have a big effect on the lives of women and girls, influencing their choices about having children, their ability to get healthcare, and their overall well-being.  In Kenya, the laws about abortion is not […]

What does the Kenyan law say about abortion?

What does the Kenyan law say about abortion?

Mwatha lost her life due to complications arising from a botched abortion, where a post-mortem examination revealed excessive bleeding caused by a rupture at the rear of her uterus. Caroline’s tragic fate triggered the arrest of six individuals, including the […]

At how many weeks can I get an abortion?

At how many weeks can I get an abortion?

In this article, we delve into the question, ‘How many weeks into a pregnancy can a woman legally obtain an abortion in Kenya?’ We sought the expert insights of Dr. Zebedee Nyakwara Motanya, the Secretary General of Usawa Health Foundation, […]

Safe vs. unsafe abortion: what’s the difference?

Safe vs. unsafe abortion: what’s the difference?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly half of all abortions are unsafe, with a staggering 97-percent of these occurring in developing countries. In Kenya, for instance, the number of induced abortions rose from 300,000 in 2004 to 464,490 […]

Where can I access abortion in Kenya?

Where can I access abortion in Kenya?

The high cases of unsafe abortion point to the reality of unwanted or unplanned pregnancies among women and girls. The bigger challenge is that abortion is not permitted unless under restricted circumstances, such as when a trained health professional deems […]

When am I most fertile?

When am I most fertile?

When trying to conceive, it can be helpful for you to know two things: when ovulation occurs and when you are most fertile. On the other hand, some women may wish to track their fertile window to avoid getting pregnant.

Fertility and infertility

Fertility and infertility

Fertility is a word to describe whether someone is capable of making a child. For a woman this refers to the health of your eggs and ability to get and stay pregnant.

Pregnancy week-by-week

Pregnancy week-by-week

A sperm fertilises an egg and about 40 weeks later, it’s developed into a fully-grown baby, ready to be born. But in the meantime, what exactly is going on inside the womb?