If a woman becomes pregnant unintentionally, one option she may consider is having a safe abortion.
The law in a nutshell
Before deciding to have an abortion, it’s important to be aware of what’s legal and what’s not – when it comes to abortion, there are huge legal variations from country to country.
Even when abortion is legal, that doesn’t mean you can decide to have one at any stage of pregnancy. The limit varies, so in some countries, you can have an abortion until you’re 28 weeks pregnant. In others, the limit can be as low as 12 weeks.
In some countries, the law only lets you have an abortion in certain circumstances, for example, if you have physical or mental health problems, or if you’ve been raped or can’t afford to look after the baby adequately, or there’s something wrong with the foetus.
Kenyan law
In Kenya, abortion is not permitted unless, in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is a need for emergency treatment or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.
If someone performs an illegal abortion on a woman, they risk 14 years in prison. If you get caught trying to perform an illegal abortion on yourself, you can face up to seven years in prison. Anyone who gives a pregnant woman the means to perform an illegal abortion may be imprisoned for three years.
Nigerian law
In Nigeria, abortions are only legal if the life of the mother-to-be is in danger. But because one in four pregnancies is unintended, a lot of abortions still happen, and many of them are unsafe. In 2012, 1.25 million abortions took place in Nigeria.
According to the Criminal Code (Southern States), it’s a felony to provide abortions, and that’s punishable with 14 years in prison. Getting an abortion, on the other hand, could mean you face seven years in prison. Those supplying anything to get a woman to have a miscarriage could be punished with three years in prison. The Criminal Code also explicitly allows abortions for physical and mental health reasons.
The Northern States follow the Penal Code, is similar, except for wording and interpretation. The punishments are also harsher, especially in case of a woman’s death.
Two doctors need to confirm that an abortion is indeed needed.
Regardless of where you live and the local laws, you can still get pills for a medical abortion from Women on Waves or sometimes the chemist. You can also get in touch with Women Help Women.
Types of abortion: medical and surgical
Every year, 34.000 African women die as a result of unsafe abortions.
In many cases they would be entitled to legal abortions, so why not go to a registered doctor? Some don’t realise that abortion can be legal and don’t know what the options are. Other women just don’t have access to health care, particularly in rural areas. Or they may want to keep it secret and worry about the lack of anonymity at public health centres.
Whatever you choose, make sure you’re speaking to a certified medical practitioner to avoid the risks of unsafe abortions. Unsafe abortions account for around 13 per cent of maternal deaths globally.
It’s important to have a safe and legal abortion.
There are two types of safe abortion:
- Medical
- Surgical
The most suitable option for you depends on how many weeks pregnant you are (calculated from the first day of your last period).
Medical abortion
With a medical abortion, you first take a pill that stops the pregnancy – it blocks the hormone that keeps you pregnant.
If you choose to have a medical abortion, you have several options, depending on how far along in the pregnancy you are:
Early medical abortion (up to week nine of pregnancy)
You take two different pills, Mifepristone and Misoprostol. This can happen with a medical professional or at home. You take these two pills 36 – 48 hours apart. You can take 200 mg of the first pill at a clinic or at your doctor’s office, and the second you can safely take at home. The first pill makes sure the fertilised egg can’t settle in the womb, and the second pushes it out. After taking the second pill it takes about 4 – 6 hours for everything to leave the body.
Generally, this is painless, although the pills may cause some bleeding, cramping, diarrhoea, and sickness. It may feel like really bad period pains. You are unlikely to notice the embryo among the blood clots – it’s still no bigger than a small grape at eight weeks, and even smaller earlier in the pregnancy.
If the bleeding and pain feel too severe, you should go to the nearest clinic or hospital.
Safe abortions at home
There are some safe ways to have an abortion at home. If you plan to do this, please make sure you are not alone in this process. If there are complications, you’ll need to be able to get to a hospital within an hour. At the hospital you can say you had a spontaneous miscarriage – the doctor won’t be able to tell the difference.
If you’re less than 12 weeks pregnant, all you need to do is take a pill called Misoprostol, often taken with Mifepristone. This kind of medical abortion is safe, but it’s illegal to terminate a pregnancy this way in Kenya and Nigeria. For more information, visit Women on Web, where you can also get advice on how a safe medical abortion works.
It’s best to get help from Women on Web and their local partner organisations and use both Mifepristone and Misoprostol, as the success rate is 96 per cent compared to 90 per cent with Misoprostol alone.
Also, medical abortions with just Mifepristone should not be done if you have been pregnant for more than 12 weeks.
Late medical abortion (from week nine of pregnancy)
If you’ve been pregnant for more than nine weeks, you can still have a medical abortion. The procedure is the same as for an early medical abortion, but you’ll need more than one dose of Misoprostol. You have to wait a short time in between doses, so it takes a little longer than an early medical abortion. Sometimes the placenta or afterbirth does not pass and needs to be removed surgically under general anaesthesia.
If you need a late medical abortion, you should go to a health clinic – don’t try it at home!
You can have a medical abortion up until you’re 24 weeks pregnant. However, after week 20 of pregnancy, you’ll have to go to a hospital and stay overnight. In these cases, Prostaglandin is injected into the womb, creating contractions similar to labour lasting 6 – 12 hours. This happens while you’re awake, but doctors can give you pain relief. Dilation and curettage may be used afterwards to ensure the womb is empty.
Keep reading for more detailed information about this procedure.
Surgical abortion
For a surgical abortion, you have an operation. There are two main types of operation, depending on how long you’ve been pregnant:
- Vacuum aspiration
- Dilation and curettage
For both operations, you’ll be given an anaesthetic. This could be a general anaesthetic, so you’re asleep during the operation. You can also just have a local anaesthetic: an injection that makes your cervix numb so you don’t feel anything, and stay awake during the operation.
After a surgical abortion, you can feel sick and faint and have painful stomach cramps.
Vacuum aspiration (up to week 15 of pregnancy)
With this method, the foetus is sucked out of the womb through a tube.
The procedure takes 3 to 10 minutes and you may have either a local or general anaesthetic, depending on how many weeks you’ve been pregnant. The cervix is widened and may be softened a few hours before the abortion. You will be able to go home the same day. Some bleeding may occur for up to 21 days after the operation but usually lasts from nine to ten days, with quite heavy bleeding for the first two to three days.
This method is considered to be very safe.
Dilation and curettage (D&C)
With this method, the cervix is dilated and then the foetus and placenta are scraped out of the womb. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the vacuum aspiration method (above), which is considered much safer.
A D&C should only be performed by a skilled doctor under the appropriate supervision.
Late surgical abortion
A late surgical abortion (after week 24 of pregnancy) is a complicated procedure and generally happens over two days. This needs to be discussed with and performed by a medical professional.
How do you feel emotionally after an abortion?
How you feel after an abortion depends on why you chose to have one. Most women don’t need psychological help after an abortion; in fact, they often feel relieved. There is absolutely no shame in feeling relief. You made the best decision under the circumstances. And you’re not alone – 42 million women have abortions every year.
Of course, nobody can dictate how you feel. Feelings of sadness or grief are also common, but like most emotions, they don’t last forever.
Some service providers offer abortion ‘after-care’ where you can speak with a counsellor or therapist. In cases where the service provider does not offer this care, it is still recommended to find someone you can talk to about the feelings and emotions you are going through. You do not have to process this alone.
After an abortion, your hormones are returning to the way they were before your pregnancy, which may also leave you feeling sad. Or maybe you feel sad because the man who got you pregnant didn’t want to have the child with you. The abortion might reopen old wounds; and like most wounds, they need time to heal.
If any of this is the case, talk to a close friend or family member who can comfort and support you.
And don’t worry: if you had a safe abortion there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get pregnant again.
In very rare cases, women fall into depression after making a choice on ending an unintended pregnancy. Depression is serious, and if you think you are depressed or know someone who may be, you might consider talking to a professional about it.
Educational keep it up
Educational keep it up
(No subject)
Hi Ibrahi,
We are glad you found the information useful.
Hi how can I those medicine?
Hi how can I those medicine?
Hi Florence, Do visit any…
Hi Florence, Do visit any Marie Stopes Centre close to you for more information and advice.
Iam soo scared bt am sure…
Iam soo scared bt am sure this information will help
Hey Sonia, We are glad this…
Hey Sonia, We are glad this information has helped address some of your fears. Do feel free to ask any specific questions you may have.
Am 4weeks pregnant and am…
Am 4weeks pregnant and am still at school i got pregnancy mistakely and i need your help to do abortion
Hi Salima, Have you…
Hi Salima, Have you considered other options like carrying the pregnancy to term and then giving up the baby for adoption? Visit a Marie Stopes centre for more information and support. We wish you well.
Hey i wouldike to get more…
Hey i wouldike to get more information about how to give up a child for adoption like where to go to or who to contact pls.
Hi Ray,
The law has to be…
Hi Ray,
The law has to be followed to protect the child and ensure that they are placed in a well-intended loving family. There are some organizations that can help you place your child in a good and loving home. We currently don’t have these organizations in our directory but you can search for assistance with child welfare departments near you. Wishing you well on this journey!
Hi how can I do abortion to…
Hi how can I do abortion to a pregnant of 12or 15 weeks
Hi Veronica, Do visit a…
Hi Veronica, Do visit a Marie Stopes Centre near you or one that you are comfortable visiting for more information and support. You can also call them toll free on this number 0800 720005.
I was pregnant the first…
I was pregnant the first time and I aborted then the next month I again aborted so will I give birth in future or
Hi Jane, If the abortion was…
Hi Jane, If the abortion was safe then you should be able to get pregnant in future. You may want to however consider using a birth control method of your choice to avoid the need for abortion. Also, there is the risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) when having unprotected sex. Condoms when used correctly and consistently will help prevent both unplanned pregnancies and STIs. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control
How did you do it,azn what…
How did you do it,azn what did you use pills or the surgical way,and what type of pills were they
Hi there, we appreciate your…
Hi there, we appreciate your contribution. You can read the above article.
Do malaria tablets really…
Do malaria tablets really lead to an abortion?
Hi Daisy, Malaria tablets…
Hi Daisy, Malaria tablets are for treating Malaria. One can however get a safe abortion provided by a medical officer at a health facility. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/abortion
Am missing my periods,they…
Am missing my periods,they suppose to come date 8 and now its date 11,,am I pregnant???? Coz am even starting to be wet
Hi Euny, One of the causes…
Hi Euny, One of the causes of a delayed period is pregnancy so if you have have had unprotected sex recently it could be that you are pregnant. Other reasons may include stress, illness, change in your regular schedule, medication you may be taking, changes in body weight among other reasons. You may want to wait about two weeks then take a pregnancy test if the periods do not come so you can rule out pregnancy.
Do you offer abortion…
Do you offer abortion services at your eldoret clinic? Am 12weeks pregnant
Hello Valma, We do not have…
Hello Valma, We do not have a clinic in Eldoret as we are online based providing information on Love, Sex, and Relationships. You can however contact the Marie Stopes Clinic nearest to you for further support. You can also call them toll free on this number 800720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819000.
I had intercourse after one…
I had intercourse after one day of my ovulation now its one week was expecting to be pregnant buy today am bleeding little help me
Hi Joanah, Bleeding that is…
Hi Joanah, Bleeding that is not normal should be a concern. Consider visiting a doctor for check up.
I want your help I want to…
I want your help I want to do away with my pregnancy but I don’t have any cash to do it,,,,help me please
Hi Evah, Have you considered…
Hi Evah, Have you considered other options including carrying the pregnancy to term and then giving up the child for adoption? Visit any Marie Stopes centre that is closest to you, you can call them toll free on this number 0800720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819000 for more information and support.
Am not ready to have a baby…
Am not ready to have a baby and am pregnant too for 5 wks help.me pliz
Hey Kate, I know this can be…
Hey Kate, I know this can be distressing but have you thought about other options like carrying the baby to term and then giving the child up for adoption? Do visit a Marie Stopes clinic near you for further support. You cal also call them toll free on this number for more information. 0800720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819000.
I can’t count how many times…
I can’t count how many times i have used postinor 2…I deeply regreat and i just mean to ask,what are my chances?Can it cause my infertility?
Hey Laura, Postinor 2 doesn…
Hey Laura, Postinor 2 doesn’t cause infertility but it may alter your periods. This doesn’t affect your fertility. However, regularly taking P2 means you need to take up a birth control method since P2 should be used for emergency situation and not as a regular birth control method. Also while you may not get pregnant P2 will not protect you from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), only condoms when used always and correctly can prevent both STIs and unplanned pregnancies. lastly P2 taking P2 is not the same as getting an abortion. P2 stops conception from happening. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraceptive-pills-myths-busted
hi had unprotected sex on…
hi had unprotected sex on Fri nite tool p2 on Sunday at noon don’t want to get pregnant are there chances that am safe did p2 work please advise me am desperate
Hi Kate, the effectiveness…
Hi Kate, the effectiveness of P2 as time passes but it can still prevent pregnancy when taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sex. You may not be able to tell if you got pregnant now but you can taken a pregnancy test after 14 days just to be certain. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
hey m pregnant n i dont want…
hey m pregnant n i dont want to have an abortion however my boyfriend wants me to do it what do i do.
Hey Mary Ann, You have the…
Hey Mary Ann, You have the right to choose what happens to your body. If you don’t wish to have an abortion, let him know that you don’t wish to have an abortion. He has to respect your choice even if he doesn’t agree with that choice.
My girlfriend is pregnant…
My girlfriend is pregnant and she wants to abort because her parents will make her quiet school and this is her final year,what can she do to abort and how can it cost
Hey Wilson, have you…
Hey Wilson, have you considered other options alongside the options of an abortion including giving up the baby for adoption after birth? You girlfriend can visit a Marie Stopes centre where she will get additional information and support.
Hey do have branches in…
Hey do have branches in kiambu?
Hello Gladys, Love Matters…
Hello Gladys, Love Matters is an online platform and therefore we do not have physical premises. However, our partners Marie Stopes Kenya do operate clinics all over the country. Please call this toll free number 0800 720005 to get information on where to get the service you require. Feel free to give us feedback of the services.
Had medical abortion it…
Had medical abortion it failed but i opt for surgical abortion is there a possibility of it failing too
Hi Blair, Sorry about that…
Hi Blair, Sorry about that. It is not possible for me to tell what your experience will be. I suggest you visit your medical provider and discuss this with them for more concrete advice.
Hi everyone, I recently came…
Hi everyone, I recently came across the website http://www.pinkshoes.org. It provides comprehensive information on how to safely use misoprostol and mifepristone for abortion for 10 weeks and below. I found it very helpful as here in Zambia pharmacists dont know how to give proper directions and guidance for using these pills and doctors are full of stigma and shaming and don’t respect your privacy.
Hello Sonia, thank you for…
Hello Sonia, thank you for sharing the link. It is also important that you have access to medical and psychological support.
Hae guys my girlfriend…
Hae guys my girlfriend thinks she is pregnant though she had pg test and results were negative after two weeks, she used the pills. On 28 Feb 2018,then tested on 15th March 2018. Does her concern make any sense given the time frame and dates?
Hello Jasper, one can know…
Hello Jasper, one can know through a pregnancy test if they are are pregnant within 14-21 days. Therefore if 21 days have elapsed and the test is still negative, that is her result. Perhaps, to avoid the panicky situation in future you may consider using long term contraceptive method. You can visit a medical facility for more information and advice.
hi I missed my periods for…
hi I missed my periods for 3months now. wht should I do?
Hi there, could you be…
Hi there, could you be pregnant? If you have had unprotected sex in this period, it maybe important to get a pregnancy test to get to know if you are pregnant. If not, visit a medical centre for a check up. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
For surgical one,,,,that of…
For surgical one,,,,that of sucking foetus through a tube,,,is anaesthetic compulsory?
Hey Peninah, I suggest you…
Hey Peninah, I suggest you speak to your Doctor for details of the procedure including the options you have.
Hello i have unprotected sex…
Hello i have unprotected sex but he pulls out before ejaculation.
However i have missed my periods for 3 days now.am kinda scared
Hello there, Withdrawal is…
Hello there, Withdrawal is one of the methods with a high failure rate. There is no way to tell now if any semen got in. You may have to wait for fourteen days before you take a pregnancy test if the periods don’t come. Also, there are other reasons that may lead to a delayed period including, a change in diet, change of environment, extreme exercises and stress. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/withdrawal
How can i get the abortion…
How can i get the abortion pills? 4 week pregnant.
Where can I get abortion…
Where can I get abortion pills? 4 week pregnant.
Hi Jane, It depends with…
Hi Jane, It depends with whether the country you are in abortion is legal. A good place you may consider is visiting a Marie Stopes centre if these are located in your country.
Hi .I did 4 abortions like…
Hi .I did 4 abortions like 3yrs ago and now am married trying to get pregnant but I can’t. .is there any help
Hi Mercy, if you have been…
Hi Mercy, if you have been trying for longer than one year, it is important that you and your partner visit a Gynecologist for a check up and further advice. We wish you well.
Hi,what does it mean after…
Hi,what does it mean after testing for pregnancy and the lower line seems to be very light while the upper one is just as dark as it is on the pt kit?
Hi Selly, if there is a…
Hi Selly, if there is a visible line on that lower part of the test, it means one is pregnant. The faint line maybe as a result to low levels of the pregnancy hormone being tested in the urine.
if you dont want get…
if you dont want get pregnant why do u engage in unprotected sex
Hi Tom, we appreciate your…
Hi Tom, we appreciate your contribution. Indeed, using of birth control is important if one doesn’t wish to get pregnant.
Hi,am pregnant and not ready…
Hi,am pregnant and not ready to carry the baby since am still a student,could you please help me have a safe abortion
Hi Imma, Do you know of a…
Hi Imma, Do you know of a Maries Stopes centre in your location? Consider visiting them and they will be able to support and guide you to explore your different options. We wish you well.
Hey I am suspicious though I…
Hey I am suspicious though I took pills and then I had sex again atfawards I started to bleed for 2days am I pregna
Hey Susan, slight bleeding…
Hey Susan, slight bleeding is one of the early signs of pregnancy and you could be pregnant if the pills you took failed. To rule out pregnancy, take a pregnancy test and based on the result you can decide how to proceed. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
ls Lt possible to abort a…
ls Lt possible to abort a pregnancy of one week
Hi lshabella, one first…
Hi lshabella, one first needs to get to know if they are indeed pregnant. Also, before making this decision it maybe important to consider other options including carrying the pregnancy to term and then giving up the child for adoption as you make your final decision. Lastly, it also depends on what laws exist in your country with regard to abortion services. Visit a Marie Stopes clinic for further advice.
Okay as for me, abortion is…
Okay as for me, abortion is a crime .it is wrong,unacceptable,and murder…why wouldn’t you rather use BC and e-pills…the baby is innocent…people need to be responsible for crying out loud. Abortion doesn’t make you less a parent. You’re a mum to a dead baby.you’re a murderer. You killed. Don’t say twas an accident. You know what you were doing. You’re old enough…but if you’re justified.. May God see you through.
Hi Layve, we appreciate you…
Hi Layve, we appreciate you thoughts and respect your belief. Certainly, preventing unplanned pregnancies maybe an easier option as opposed to getting an abortion. However, all birth control methods including E-pills have a failure rate aside from abstainance from sex. For this reason, depending with the circumstance of an individual, they may not see another way. Often times they will be helped to explore other options including adoption before making up their mind and making an informed choice. In some countries abortion is outlawed while in some countries women have the power of choice. Having said that, we do respect your opinion and appreciate you contribution.
hey there…my cycle is…
hey there…my cycle is always between 28-30 days….i had unprotected sex on 26th day of my cycle n my periods are now missing for 19 days now……could i be pregnant
Hey, you may want to take a…
Hey, you may want to take a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy considering there are other issues that can lead to a missed period including hormonal imbalance, excessive exercising, weight gain or weight loss and even stress. Get a pregnancy test, you can get a do it yourself home urine test or get one from a medical centre. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
had several abortions…
had several abortions through a surgical way,can get a baby in the future? pls help
Hi Milly, if the procedures…
Hi Milly, if the procedures were done by a health worker and they were safe then you should be able to get pregnant when you decide to. There is also no harm with visiting a Specialist Gynecologist when you get ready to get pregnant. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Pregnant n HIV positive need…
Pregnant n HIV positive need abortion help
Hi Carl, it is possible for…
Hi Carl, it is possible for a HIV positive mother to give birth to a HIV negative baby. Infact well over 90 per cent of HIV positive mothers giver birth to HIV negative babies. It is important you speak to your health provider so that they further explain the options you have with regard to keeping the pregnancy and reducing the chances of the unborn baby getting infected. You can also visit a Marie Stopes Centre where they will help you further explore your options. Check out the following articles for additional information;-
I used Abortions pills just…
I used Abortions pills just one day ….. Got serious diarrhea and only had a bleeding for hours. It has stopped since …..iam okay or I need another dosage please I need your help
Hi Nina, did get the pills…
Hi Nina, did get the pills from trained professional health worker? If you did, it is important that seek the health worker’s advice so they can advice you on what steps take an what to expect during this time. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/abortion
hello,am 4months pregnant…
hello,am 4months pregnant and i need to terminate it coz my boyfriend is not supportive how can you help me please,and how much does it cost ib your clinics
Hello Rhoda, So sorry about…
Hello Rhoda, So sorry about this. Indeed, raising a child on your own can be challenging. However, aside from terminating the pregnancy, have you considered other options like carrying the pregnancy to term and then give up the baby to adoption? Take time and think about other options you may have, you can even consider talking to a close friend to help you think about your options. We do not have any clinics run by Love Matters, but, you could visit a Marie Stopes clinic and they will be able to provide you with further information and guidance. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/abortion
Am 2month pregnant and I…
Am 2month pregnant and I have been given injection and drug but still the pregnancy is still there Wat can be the cause of it
Dear Chriastina, since I am…
Dear Chriastina, since I am not sure which medication you were given, I suggest you go back to your medical provide or visit a Marie Stopes clinic where they will be able to further support you. If you are in Kenya you call the following number toll free on 0800720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819000 and they will be able to assist you.
I have 3month pregnant and I…
I have 3month pregnant and I am seeing a blood
Hey Adenike, bleeding during…
Hey Adenike, bleeding during pregnancy is common, especially during the first trimester, and usually it’s no cause for alarm. But because bleeding can sometimes be a sign of something serious, it’s important to get checked out by your doctor to make sure you and your baby are healthy.
I have overused postinor 2…
I have overused postinor 2 in the past. I am not proud of this because of the risks I took Does over using it cause infertility?
Hey Flo, emergency…
Hey Flo, emergency contraception doesn’t cause infertility. It however, should not be used as a regular birth control method as it should only be used during emergency situations. Also, it doesn’t protect one from the risk of getting infected with Sexually Transmitted Infections. There is no number of times that one should use P2 and it also doesn’t cause infertility. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraceptive-pills-myths-busted
i have had an abortion,, but…
i have had an abortion,, but the kit reads positive.. is it possible that i may have a part stil in me… i need help please…
Hi Amerlia, If you take the…
Hi Amerlia, If you take the test too early after an abortion, it may show a positive result which is a false positive. This is because the pregnancy hormone may still be present in your body. It is adviseable you take the test four weeks after the treatment. I suggest you reach out to Marie Stopes for more information. You can reach them privately by calling toll-free on 0800720005 or WhatsApp us on 0709819000, this is if you are Nairobi. You could also consider visiting a Marie Stopes Centre.
Where is your clinic located…
Where is your clinic located in Nairobi? I am in need of some services. Thank you.
Hey Zubeda, what specific…
Hey Zubeda, what specific services are you looking for? Have a look at the following article with details of some clinics that maybe able to help if your are in Kenya;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/get-help/clinics
Hello Loice, aside from…
Hello Loice, aside from abortion have you considered other options including carrying the pregnancy to term and then giving up the baby adoption? You can receive further support including counseling from Marie Stopes, find a Marie Stopes clinic and they will be able to give you further support. You can reach them by calling 0800 120 333 or 0800 220 333 or sending them a WhatsApp message on +256 754 001 503. We wish you all the best.
Where can I get abortion…
Where can I get abortion services in Nairobi?
Hello Winnie, with the…
Hello Winnie, with the Kenyan law, it’s not easy to get abortion services unless it’s a medical emergency. However you can still get pills for a medical abortion from Women on Waves. Check them out and see if there are providing the service. Feel free to get back.
I had an abortion 6day ago…
I had an abortion 6day ago but since Thursday tonight I got this heavy bleeding with large clots and painful abdominal and back pain also fever and unpleasant smell what’s wrong please help
Hello Hildah, you didn’t say…
Hello Hildah, you didn’t say which procedure you had for the abortion but when one experiences the following signs and symptoms they require medical attention after a medical abortion; heavy bleeding (soaking two or more pads an hour for two hours), severe abdominal or back pain, fever lasting more than 24 hours and foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Since you experiencing these signs, I suggest that you seek medical advice as soon as possible. Depending with your location (including the country you are in) consider seeking medical advice from a Marie Stope Centre.
Can an abortion make it…
Can an abortion make it difficult for you to have a child in future?
Hi Yola, when an abortion is…
Hi Yola, when an abortion is safe and the service is provided by a professional health worker, then one should be able to get pregnant and have their baby in future when they choose to.
Can an abortion cause a…
Can an abortion cause a miscarriage later in life?
Hello Chemos, No, especially…
Hello Chemos, No, especially when abortion is done in a safe manner and it’s not complicated, it does not affect a woman’s ability to have children in the future. So, unless there are significant complications, such as a damaged cervix, a woman’s fertility is not affected by abortion. Check out this article: https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/accessing-a-safe-abortion-dos-and-donts
can a 4months pregnancy be…
can a 4months pregnancy be aborted?
Hi Esther, yes. A late…
Hi Esther, yes. A late surgical abortion which would happen after week 24 of pregnancy, is a complicated procedure and generally happens over two days. This needs to be discussed with and performed by a medical professional. It also depends on which country one lives in since different countries have different with some countries having outlawed abortion.
I had sex with my boyfriend…
I had sex with my boyfriend and we both were very careful so that he dnt release in me…..he only release outside me by calling it out himself
My questions are….can he know when he wants to release? And could I be pregnant?…cos I am not on drugs
Hey TB, yes he can tell when…
Hey TB, yes he can tell when he is about to release or ejaculate and therefore pull. However, he needs to pull out and ejaculate away from the vagina so that no semen is near or goes into the vagina. Secondly, yes there is a risk that you could get pregnant using this method like most birth control methods. This is why it is recommended to use atleast two methods at a time to reduce the chances of failure. Have a look at the following article for more information on the withdrawal method as a birth control option;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/withdrawal
Hello?iam 2weeks pregnant…
Hello?iam 2weeks pregnant and i don’t want the baby.do u sell abortion pill
Hi Sarah, we do not provide…
Hi Sarah, we do not provide abortion services. You can however contact any Marie Stopes clinic near you. You will be able to receive counselling and information to enable you make an informed decision. We wish you well.
Can someone do Pregnancy…
Can someone do Pregnancy test even when bleeding but the bleeding is not coming out much
Hey Wizzy, yes you can. If…
Hey Wizzy, yes you can. If you suspect you are pregnant and you are also bleeding, do speak to your health care provider as soon as possible.
Pls send me your official…
Pls send me your official site so I can be visiting more often please
Wizzy, this is Love Matters…
Wizzy, this is Love Matters Africa official website. Keep exploring it for more informative articles.
What do you do when your…
What do you do when your husband wants a baby but you are not ready? He feels I am not committed and he says I am playing him. I want to wait atleast 2 year but this is putting a strain on our relationship.
Hi Esther, have you shared…
Hi Esther, have you shared this with your husband? It is important that you talk about this and agree to avoid the strain in your relationship. If the two years are to long to wait, you can agree on a compromise which may include reducing the time by half. Wish you all the best.
My girlfriend just called me…
My girlfriend just called me to say she is pregnant. I have no job right now and I can’t take care of her and the baby. Please I need your advice on what to do. Thank you.
Hello Hesborn, have you…
Hello Hesborn, have you talked to your girlfriend to find out what she wants? While the pregnancy affects you, she bears a greater burden of the pregnancy and for this reason it is important to talk to her and get to know what she wants and then decide how to proceed together. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I had a medical abortion…
I had a medical abortion about 4 years ago. I have tried and failed to get pregnant for the last 2 years. Did the abortion affect me?
Dear Pamelah, one is able to…
Dear Pamelah, one is able to get pregnant after an abortion especially if there were complications. It is important that you seek a specialist to who will further advice now that you have trying for two years. Have a look at the following articles for more information;-
If you have an abortion will…
If you have an abortion will you have a baby in future?
Hey Dorian, yes. one can…
Hey Dorian, yes. one can still get pregnant after a safe abortion. If you have however, been trying to get pregnant for longer that twelve months, it is important to seek the advice of a specialist. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Am 5 weeks pregnant and i…
Am 5 weeks pregnant and i have been having Series of abdominal pains is it normal?
Hi Gina, sorry about this…
Hi Gina, sorry about this. Some women experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps. It maybe useful to discuss this with your midwife or doctor, they may prescribe some drugs if they find it necessary to address the pain or any other underlying issues. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/your-body-and-pregnancy
After using Mifepristone and…
After using Mifepristone and Misoprosto what are chances that the abortion will not be successful
Hello Dan, there is about…
Hello Dan, there is about ten percent that it will not be successful
Hi I have s son and an…
Hi I have s son and an pregnant again how do I abort.
Hi Cindy, thank you for…
Hi Cindy, thank you for reaching out to us and we are glad you asked a great question. Before considering abortion, we assume you have read the article above and have thought about the decision you want to make. Why is it that you are opting for this decision? Marie Stopes foundation is a globally accredited organization that you can reach out for abortion services should you consider going ahead with it but consider your options before taking the necessary steps dear. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe.
How do these pain often last…
How do these pain often last when you had applied that mifepristoneand misoprostol tablets plz help me,
Hello Kenin, thank you for…
Hello Kenin, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. The medicine you are referring to is commonly used in the medical management of miscarriage to induce myometrial contractions to aid the expulsion of pregnancy tissue. Has your partner recently gone through a miscarriage and used this treatment? Please let us know and if she has and is experiencing pain, we strongly advise that she visit a doctor as soon as possible for assistance. Please keep us posted and let us know how it goes. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
How can get the pills
How can get the pills
Hi Salamat, kindly visit a…
Hi Salamat, kindly visit a medical practitioner for help and advice on the way forward.
Do you offer abortion pills
Do you offer abortion pills
Hi Me,
No we do not.
Hi Me,
No we do not.
I am 2months pregnant I have…
I am 2months pregnant I have been taken misoprostol orally n vaginally I only feel pains in my stomach n no bleeding pls I need ur help I dnt want to keep d baby
Hi Sally,
Visit a doctor…
Hi Sally,
Visit a doctor immediately! You need immediate medical attention. Do not self-medicate since this could put your health at risk.