Can I get vaginal infections from swimming pools?
Swimming pools are meant for swimming but we all know that some people do more than swim. Some spit, urinate, litter, fart, and even poo in a public pool. Others, especially inexperienced swimmers, swallow all that. I know… it’s disgusting. This can’t be good for you. But, how about your vagina, can it catch infections from the swimming pools?
The Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) states that children, pregnant women, and people with compromised immunity are at higher risk of swimming-related illnesses such as diarrhea, skin rashes, and pneumonia.
Well, the swimming pool water in its safest form cannot cause harm to your vagina. A safe swimming pool has clear light blue water, has a PH of between 7.2 – 7.8, and does not have a strong chemical smell. If the swimming pool water is cloudy, discolored, and has a strong smell, it may not be safe to swim in.
Your vagina may still be in trouble if you stay in your wet swimsuit for too long. You can catch fungal rashes and bacterial infections. This is because wet swimming can create a favorable environment for harmful bacteria and fungi thus increasing the risk of an infection.
Also, if the chlorine in the water is too much, it can irritate the vaginal area and while this may not lead to an infection, it may cause discomfort. You do not want to keep scratching and massaging your vagina when you’re supposed to be having fun.
Also, in case you are wondering –I bet you are, if you have unprotected sex in the pool, you still risk catching Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea. Also, if it is a public or shared pool, avoid having sex there; we do not want to swallow your discharge, including semen. Keep them to yourself!
The good news is that you cannot catch an STI from other people’s discharge in the swimming pool. It’s disgusting that it can rub against your skin but at least you’re safe.
How Can I Protect Myself?
- Rule number one is to only wear the swimsuit for a few hours and remove it soon after swimming
- Take a shower after swimming to remove chlorine and other pool chemicals from your skin and hair
- Only go to pools and other water playgrounds with proper chlorine or bromine levels – the easiest way to know is if the color of the water is clear, light blue. Ensure you can see the pool floor.
- The PH level of the eater should be between 7.2 – 7.8 – a simple way to know is to use a pH test strip or pool test kit. You can buy these in chemists for about 130 Kenyan shillings (about 1 USD).
- Get out of the swimming pool if any part of your body is irritated and take a shower soon after
Finally, the best way to know if a pool is safe is by understanding if the water PH is balanced, the poll water is clear and light blue, and if proper chlorine levels to ensure proper disinfection.