Ladies, how well do you know your body?
You’ve got sexual organs on the inside as well as the outside. The word ‘vagina’ is often used to describe the genitals, but actually, it’s just one part of them.
The vagina is the opening that connects the inner and outer sexual organs.
The external sexual organs are what you see on the outside of your body – between your legs. In women and girls, this is called the vulva:

The vagina is the passage between the vulva (the sexual organs on the outside) and the womb (uterus).
It’s where menstrual blood leaves the body, where the penis goes in during intercourse, and where a baby comes out when it’s born.

The vagina is a muscular passageway lined with mucous membranes – skin which produces moisture, like the inside of your mouth. This moisture acts as a lubricant for sex, making it more comfortable and pleasurable, and it protects against infections.
When you get sexually aroused, your vagina becomes wetter and relaxes. This allows you to fit a finger or penis into the vagina. Because the vagina is a muscle, it can tense up or relax, and you can have some control over it.

Feel for yourself
- Squeeze and release your muscles when you are urinating. You can have some control over the speed and amount of urine. These muscles are the same ones used to tighten the vagina. You can also use them during sex.
- Take a mirror and look at the opening of your vagina. Use your fingers to feel what your vagina is like.
- Put a finger inside your vagina. The inside feels soft like the inside of your cheeks, and also feels a bit bumpy like the top of your mouth.
- Stroke your vagina and clitoris. See what feels nice and makes you feel aroused. This is how you can have an orgasm. Female masturbation – sex on your own – is a good way to find out what you like. The better you know what turns you on, the easier you will find it to enjoy sex with another person.
Pelvic floor
The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles around your anus, vagina, and urethral opening, between your pubic bone and coccyx.

The pubic bone is the bone below your belly, just above your vagina. The coccyx, or tailbone, is the bottom of your backbone, just above your anus.
Feel for yourself
- Tense and relax your pelvic floor muscles. One way to see what this feels like is to stop your urine in mid-flow. You do that by tensing your pelvic floor muscles.
- You can feel the muscles around your vagina tense and relax with a finger. Put a finger inside your vagina, then squeeze the muscles around your vagina.
The womb, or uterus, is where a baby can grow in your belly. It’s like a bag made of strong muscle, quite low down in your belly.
When you’re not pregnant it varies between 7.5 and 10cm (3 and 4 inches) in length. It’s shaped like an upside-down pear.
The inner lining of the womb is where a fertilised egg can develop into a baby. To be able to hold the baby, the uterus can stretch to become as big as 31cm (12 inches) in length.
The womb is also where blood comes from when you have your period. If no fertilized egg fixes itself to the lining of the womb, the uterus sheds its lining and it comes out of the vagina as blood.
Cervix – feel for yourself
The cervix is the entrance to the womb. You can feel it yourself by putting a finger right inside your vagina. Your cervix is all the way at the end. It’s smooth and firm, like the tip of your nose.
You might have trouble reaching it if you’re aroused because then it moves up to make the vagina longer.

The ovaries are on either side of the womb. They produce egg cells and hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Oestrogen is the hormone that tells your body to change during puberty, so you develop breasts and become sexually mature.
Along with estrogen, progesterone makes the lining of the womb get thicker during menstruation and pregnancy.

Fallopian tubes
The fallopian tubes, one on each side of the womb, join the ovaries to the womb. They carry unfertilised eggs from the ovaries to the womb.

Egg cells
All girls are born with around 250,000 unfertilised eggs in their ovaries. That means the egg that might one day grow to become your son or daughter is already somewhere inside your ovaries when you are born! The eggs are the size of a very small pinhead.
When you reach puberty, hormones start signalling to the ovaries to release one unfertilised egg cell every month – roughly 28 days. This is called ovulation. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube.
If a sperm cell gets to the egg to fertilize it, it will fasten itself to the lining of the womb and start growing into a baby. If it isn’t fertilized, it will just come out of your vagina with the blood when you have your period.
Around the time of ovulation, you are at your most ‘fertile’ – able to get pregnant. This means five days before or one day after your ovulation.
The anus is the opening of your bowel – where the stool comes out. There are little hairs around the anus, often spreading between the buttocks.
The anus is a sensitive area, which is why some people include it in their lovemaking. You can stroke your partner’s anus when you make love, or your own when you masturbate. It can also feel nice if your anus is licked. Some people like having a penis or finger inside their anus. This is called anal sex.

If you’re a woman, make sure you don’t touch your anus and then your vagina. If your partner is performing anal sex, make sure he knows not to take his penis out of your anus and put it straight into your vagina.
Bacteria from the bowel region can get into the vagina, causing a bladder infection or worse – a sexually transmitted infection.
Things are better than ever …
Things are better than ever b4
(No subject)
Happy for you.
Have more knowledge now abt…
Have more knowledge now abt my part than before
Hello Anonymous, we are…
Hello Anonymous, we are happy to hear this! Thank you for your feedback. Please feel free to go through this website to find other articles you may find helpful.
I like reading so that I can…
I like reading so that I can know
We are glad you are learning…
We are glad you are learning here Philip.
What’s makes one to have…
What’s makes one to have larger hips than another
This is genetic, one may not…
This is genetic, one may not have control on how their hips widen at puberty.
what to do prolongo the time…
what to do prolongo the time of sex? i warder this its less than 10 minutos. why.?
Hi Nathan, Intercourse that…
Hi Nathan, Intercourse that lasts under 10 minutes but longer than two minutes is within the average. If one however ejaculates sooner than you wish or sooner than your partner wishes you maybe experiencing premature ejaculation. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/how-to-overcome-premature-ejaculation
Im reading so that i can…
Im reading so that i can learn something
We hope you found the…
We hope you found the information useful.
Jane my man do sex more 30…
Jane my man do sex more 30 min and I really gt tired he do say he is not done I feel pain he doesn’t stop till he is done is that normal coz am about to quit
Hi Jane, Your partner may be…
Hi Jane, Your partner may be experiencing what is know as delayed ejaculation which maybe caused by a number of issues like fear, stress or anxiety. It may also be a physical or medical issue. If it happens all the time. It is important to find out why this is happening so he can find a solution. You also need to talk about sex, sex should be pleasurable for both partners. Find a good time and talk about this so that together you can find a solution. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
I luv licking her pussy and…
I luv licking her pussy and sucking her clitoris during foreplay. Is it gud
Hi Dan,…
Hi Dan,
There is nothing wrong with oral sex as long as you are both safe. Keep enjoying it.
Love matters Team.
my girl is virgin bt thrice…
my girl is virgin bt thrice I have fingered her can that lead to breakage of her virginity?, bcz I have not yet sex with her.
Hi Ken, fingering your…
Hi Ken, fingering your partner can stretch the hymen however breaking virginity has to do with having intercourse or penetrating the vagina with a penis. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/virginity/female-virginity-top-five-facts
My garl friend is still…
My garl friend is still vargin bt he fears to sleep with me becouse of pein what should i do
Hi Freddie, First time sex…
Hi Freddie, First time sex can be painful for women because of the stretching of the Hymen during intercourse. If your partner is however well prepared by taking time in foreplay, the vagina will self lubricate which makes penetration easier, pleasurable and reduces the discomfort or pain. Do talk to your partner and let her know that it is possible for her to enjoy her first time with minimal pain.
Have a look at the following articles;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/virginity/female-virginity-top-five-facts
How can I remover body hair…
How can I remover body hair permanently?
Hey, I suggest you speak to…
Hey, I suggest you speak to a skin specialist who will guide on what options there are depending with where you are located. All the best.
what are the side effects of…
what are the side effects of using man power during sex ,can it make some one not to produce if you continue using for a long time?
Hi Walter, usually such…
Hi Walter, usually such products will come with a write that provide this information. You can also talk your health provider so they can advice on the use of the product.
I have seen a lot of…
I have seen a lot of products in the market for breast firming and enlargement, butt enlargement and vagina tightening do they work? If they do, are there any product you can recommend for this? Thank you.
Hey Alice, there is no proof…
Hey Alice, there is no proof that these products work and for this reason there are no products for us to recommend for your use. The only way, for instance, to increase your breast size is to get plastic surgery. There maybe changes especially after delivery but partners can still enjoy sex even after a normal delivery. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-after-pregnancy-myths-and-facts
which body part can I caress…
which body part can I caress to arousal my gal to get her in good mood for sex?
Hey Salim, there are a…
Hey Salim, there are a number of body parts you can caress but what will lead to arousal for one person may be a turn off for another. It helps to talk to your partner to get to know what arouses them. Sex is better when you talk about it with your partner. Check out the following;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
Your penis
Your penis
Am looking for a Lady who…
Am looking for a Lady who can enjoy sex with me,,am 28yrs from western but currently in Nairobi,,, if interested holla me thank you members
Hey Joachim, unfortunately…
Hey Joachim, unfortunately we are not a dating service for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone. We wish you all the best.
Thank you Purity.
Thank you Purity.
Hae you am here
Hae you am here
Hello Annonymous, how can we…
Hello Annonymous, how can we help you?
my man romance me well and i…
my man romance me well and i rumblucate well ready for sex,,but wen her penis come intorch with my virgina i jump nd lead for no sex,,i have never ejoyed sex wuth him even asingle day ,,he finger fuck me nd i ejoyed but th problem is her penis entrying my virgin,,wat can b the cause?
hi Jayne, sorry about this…
Hi Jayne, sorry about this. One of the causes of pain during sex dry sex. This doesn’t seem to be the problem with you. The other reason maybe the presence of an infection in the vagina. Another reason is the position during sex. Often when you change the position and try different things it may help address the pain. The size of your partner’s penis can also cause pain. It is important that you communicate during sex and also ensure that you are relaxed before penetration happens. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-time-to-listen-up
What does it mean when a…
What does it mean when a mature woman has small breast?
Hello Claude, the size and…
Hello Claude, the size and even shape of breast are as a results of the persons genes. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
What cream can I use to get…
What cream can I use to get big butt?
Hey, butt enhancing creams…
Hey, butt enhancing creams do not work and come with serious side effects. For this reason there are no creams we can recommend. Check this out;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/big-buttocks-back-in-drc
which parts are more…
which parts are more sensitive to sexual arouse a lady? which parts can i careress so that she is in sexual moods?
Hey Tom, there are different…
Hey Tom, there are different activities you can do with your partner to get her in the mood. This is called foreplay and different people enjoy different things, and this is why it is important to talk about sex and get to know what your partner likes or enjoy. Do talk with your partner about this to get to know as you share your own preferences. Check out the following articles for more tips;-
I have started a new…
I have started a new relationship with a girl who has big breast but she says she is a virgin. Some people say big breast come if someone has been having sex or when a girl has given birth how true is this?
Hi Dan, a person’s breasts…
Hi Dan, a person’s breasts in terms of their shape and size are determined by their genes and not whether they have had sex or not or whether they have given birth. The shape is also influenced by the surrounding muscles. The breast may also get bigger or smaller if you put on or lose weight. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
my girlfriend vagina is…
my girlfriend vagina is always dry during sex why?
Hey Tony, dry sex can lead…
Hey Tony, dry sex can lead to discomfort and even pain particularly for your partner. It is arousal that causes the vagina to become wet or moist. Foreplay can help to get your girlfriend aroused. It is important that you spend sufficient time in foreplay to get your partner arouse and ready for intercourse. Talk with your girlfriend and get to know what get’s her aroused and spend more time on foreplay. You can also consider using lubricants to supplement this so you can both enjoy sex. Check out the following article for more tips;-
What are the effects of…
What are the effects of staying for long without engaging in sexual intercouse?
Hi Erick, there is no…
Hi Erick, there is no negative effect associated with abstaining from sex for a long time. Infact there are benefits including no risk of getting infected with Sexually Transmitted Infections.
My girlfriend nipple is big…
My girlfriend nipple is big that it mean she has given birth before
Hello Taira, it is not…
Hello Taira, it is not possible to conclude if she has given birth by just looking at her breast or nipples. The size and shape of breast are dependent on a person’s genes. On the other hand, pregnancy does affect the size and shape of breasts. For these reasons the best way to address your concerns is to talk with your girlfriend about your concerns. It is important that she doesn’t feel judged, so think carefully about how to bring this up and also when to bring it up. Check out the following articles for additional information;-
What causes cuts on the vulva
What causes cuts on the vulva
Hi Racheal, this can be a…
Hi Racheal, this can be a sign of an infection. I suggest you seek medical advice as soon as possible.
I must commend you Ma. For…
I must commend you Ma. For your patience and vast knowledge.. I read somewhere that when an expectant egg in the womb was not fertilized its becommes disappointed and starts to shed blood. It is true? Thank you
Hi Caroline, when you…
Hi Caroline, when you ovulate or when there is a release of eggs from the ovaries, if there are no sperm cells in your fallopian tube – either because you haven’t had sex or you used a contraceptive – then the egg won’t be fertilised. Your body then gets rid of the lining of the womb, so mucus and blood comes out of your vagina. This is called menstruation, or having your period. Check out the following article for more information on the menstruation process;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
I feel very informed now…
I feel very informed now. Thnks.
You are very welcome.
You are very welcome.
pls help me yo makes my…
pls help me yo makes my ovulation works
Hi Favour, is it that you…
Hi Favour, is it that you feel your ovulation isn’t working or you want to know how ovulation works? Have a look at the following article for information on Menstruation and Ovulation;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Is it true that if your…
Is it true that if your breast are caressed they become bigger and bigger?
Hi Natalie, this is not true…
Hi Natalie, this is not true. The size of your breast is influenced by your genes. Your size can also changes at certain times of the month or when one adds or looses weight. Have a look at this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
I thank you
I thank you
You are welcome Terry.
You are welcome Terry.
Of a boy touch your breasts…
If a boy touch your breasts will it become big?
Hi Stella, no, touching…
Hi Stella, no, touching breast does not make them bigger. The size and shape of breasts is determined by once genes. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
How can I make my breast big…
How can I make my breast big without surgery?
Hey Pat, unfortunately,…
Hey Pat, unfortunately, surgery is the only you can increased your breast size. The size and shape of your breast have to do with your genes. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/breasts
thanks for the good…
thanks for the good information I have learned something
We are always pleased to…
We are always pleased to help.
Good hits
Good hits
Hi Moses, sorry?
Hi Moses, sorry?
Please anytime i have sex…
Please anytime i have sex with my wife I feel this pain and there will be a wound on my testis
Hello Henry, thank you for…
Hello Henry, thank you for reaching out and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. How frequently do you have sex with your wife? And did this wound exist prior to you having sex with her or is it a result of it? Sometimes friction burns can occur during rigorous sexual intercourse. If this happens, give your genitals a break from sexual stimulation (be it intercourse or masturbation) so that the wound may heal properly and you can return to having sex. If the wound still persists, then maybe that is an indicator that you may need to visit a doctor for further consultation. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe.
What are the effects of…
What are the effects of musterbation?
Hi Frank, thank you for your…
Hi Frank, thank you for your question. Well, one of the greatest effects is the release of Dopamine, Endorphins, and Oxytocin which are the feel-good molecules. Which means it is great or relieving stress and also just feeling good. Another effect is the release of Testosterone which contributes to a man’s sexual stamina. One downside is that our brains develop a template for what sex is and what enjoyable sex is and so that template may begin to include masturbation which would mean stopping could be a little difficult.
How can i that my girl…
How can i that my girl friend is ready for sex physically ?
Hi Kevin, the best way to…
Hi Kevin, the best way to understand this is by asking her. Checking in with your partner is really great at gauging their physical and mental preparedness for sex.
Hello, I have longer labia…
Hello, I have longer labia minora than my clit. Am nit comfortable at all!
Hello Dianah, thank you for…
Hello Dianah, thank you for sharing. Not all vaginas look the same and what you are describing is rather common and you are not alone. Don’t obsess over it, love your body for what it is 🙂
I. Have sex with agirlfriend…
I. Have sex with agirlfriend then she cried alot.? why.?
Hi g. Jesus,
It is…
Hi g. Jesus,
It is important to talk to your girlfriend to find out why she cried after sex. Start the conversation with an open mind and make her comfortable enough to tell you anything.
I don’t have someone to…
I don’t have someone to enjoy sex with am lonely
Hi Cynthia,
It is okay to…
Hi Cynthia,
It is okay to be alone sometimes. You get to think about your life and what you want out of it. Take this time to become a better version of yourself. Take this time to explore new things, find new hobbies, and meet new people.
Love Matters is not a dating or hook-up site but luckily, we can give you tips on how to get with a partner you like: 9 helpful tips for talking to someone you like. Read this article. Also, read about how to know she’s the right one for you: 8 signs you’re with the right partner and this one: What healthy love looks like. Good luck with your search!
Nice stuff have enjoyed reading
I learned more