Vulva and vagina: facts, parts & pictures
The vulva is the external female genitalia. The vagina is the opening that connects the internal to the external organs.
The vulva is what you can see on the outside of your body, between your legs.

Look for yourself
Do you know what your vulva looks like? Take a mirror, then you can see and feel all the different parts of it properly.
- Make sure you’re on your own, and no one can walk in on you.
- Lean back on a pillow, pull up your legs and let them fall either side of you.
- Take the mirror. Pull your labia – the lips of your vagina – open a little so you can see everything properly.
- Apart from looking carefully, you can also feel.
You may notice that your labia minora (inner lips), labia majora (outer lips), or clitoris is not visible. If this is the case, and if you remember going through a special ceremony to become a woman when you were younger, you may have been circumcised or cut.
Check out the section on female genital cutting to learn more about how this could affect the way your vulva looks.
It’s useful to get to know your own body well. Then you know what you look like. You also know what feels good, what you like, and what you don’t like. When you have sex, it’ll be easier for you to let your partner know what you want.
No two women are alike!
So your vulva may look different from these ones:

Use warm water to wash your vulva. It’s not a good idea to use soap, especially on your inner labia and inside your vagina.
Soap can upset the natural balance of bacteria and actually make you more likely to get yeast (fungal) infections. It can also be a cause of itching and irritation or pain during intercourse. If you do choose to wash your labia with soap, use a gentle one without strong perfumes.
The labia – which means lips – protect the entrance to the vagina. There are two outer labia and two inner labia.
The labia are full of glands that produce fluid so your vagina gets moist when you’re sexually aroused.
The inner and outer labia are also called the labia minora and labia majora. This means the smaller and larger labia, though, in reality, the inner labia are often larger than the outer labia.
Look for yourself
Every woman’s labia look different. Some women’s labia are large, some are small. Pubic hair grows on the outer labia. The inner labia are between the outer labia, and the skin is usually a little darker.
Size and shape
There is no normal size for your inner labia. Unfortunately, if you look in medical books or find pictures on the internet you’re likely to find white models, and people with ‘fashionably’ small labia.
The models may even have had surgery to make their labia smaller. This means young girls and women are often unaware of just how many natural variations there are in the way labia look. Labia come in many different shapes and sizes!
Most women’s inner labia grow to between 0 and 6 centimetres (2.3 inches) beyond the outer labia. Some ethnic groups such as Khoisan and San in Southern Africa have even longer inner labia – up to 10 centimetres (4 inches) beyond the outer labia.
What are labia for?
Both the outer and inner labia help to stop bacteria, viruses, or anything else that might be harmful from getting into the vagina. Unfortunately, they can’t keep all the bacteria at bay, which is why it’s so important to have safe sex and use condoms! The inner lips can also increase pleasurable feelings during masturbation and sex.
No labia?
If you don’t have labia, read more in the section on female genital cutting.
The clitoris is the sexual organ most involved with sexual pleasure – in fact, that’s all it’s there for! The tip of the clitoris is on the outside of your body, but a large part of it is actually hidden away inside you.
The outer part is a small bump between your labia, where they meet at the top. It’s often about the size of a pea, but it can be bigger or smaller. The tip can be covered by a little hood. The colour of a woman’s clitoris depends on her skin tone. It can be pink, deep red, or brown.

The clitoris goes a long way inside your body – in fact, most of it is on the inside. Like a penis, it has a shaft and a sensitive head, but with a clitoris, the shaft is inside the body and only the tip is on the outside.

The clitoris contains more than 8000 nerve endings, and it’s the most sensitive place for a woman. Sometimes it feels so sensitive it’s painful, especially if you’ve never touched it before.
If the clitoris is stroked, rubbed, or licked, it gets a bit bigger. This creates a pleasant feeling, which gets more intense the longer the stroking goes on. This is the way that many women have orgasms.
Experiment with yourself to see how you like to be touched. You might prefer to stroke or rub to the side of your clitoris or above it if you find it too sensitive to touch directly.
As you get used to the feeling of touching your clitoris and the intense feelings this gives, you become more able to feel the difference between pleasure and discomfort – for many people, it’s a fine line. That’s one reason it’s good to experiment and see what you like.
Look for yourself
The clitoris head or tip is at the top of the inner labia, just where the two lips meet.
It’s a little bump, measuring between about three and eight millimetres.
It’s made rather like a penis, and the tip is like the head of a penis because it’s very sensitive to the touch.
Clitoris FAQs
1. Is it normal that my clitoris tip is so small?
Yes, the tip of the clitoris can be as small as 2 millimetres and as large as 4.5 centimetres! Small clitoris tips are just as sensitive as big ones. Remember most of your clitoris is inside your body anyway – the tip is just the bit you can see. No two women are alike!
2. I can’t find my clitoris. Now what?
Your clitoris may be a bit hidden. Run your finger straight down over your belly, as soon as you reach your labia, you’re there. Your clitoris is right at the top of your labia. You might not be able to see it, but if you touch it with your finger, it feels nice.
If the tip of your clitoris is missing altogether, see the section on female genital cutting or FGM.
3. Does my clitoris work?
For many women, their clitoris is the most sensitive and sexually pleasurable part of their body to touch. But for some women, their clitoris may not be as sensitive or too sensitive to touch.
Try using a lubricant when you are touching your clitoris. Dab a little lubricant on your finger, and gently stroke your clitoris in a circular motion. See how it feels – is it pleasurable? If it is, as you get more comfortable apply more pressure and carry on.
You’ll begin to feel more intense feelings of pleasure. If this continues, the feeling can grow until eventually, you feel a release, an explosion of energy, which is an orgasm.
If you find your clitoris is not as sensitive even after experimenting, it is possible to get aroused by massaging other parts of the body as well, such as inside your vagina, the rim of your anus, or your nipples.
The urethra is the tube that goes from the bladder to the urethral opening – where the pee comes out.
In women, this tube is between 2.5 and 4 centimetres long.
Look for yourself
The opening of the urethra is just below the clitoris, where the labia meet at the top.

Most women are born with a hymen – a layer of stretchy skin that surrounds or partially covers the opening to the vagina.
Hymens can come in different shapes, sizes, and thickness. The differences in thickness mean that some women’s hymens may be very thin and they may not notice any tearing or bleeding during sex. Other women may have thicker hymens and may see blood the first time they have sex. Thick or thin, both are normal. What’s more, some women are actually born without a hymen – this is also normal.

Menstrual blood
For most women, menstrual blood can easily pass through their vagina without being blocked by the hymen. But a few women have a hymen that almost covers the opening of the vagina (a microperforated hymen) or even covers it completely (an imperforate hymen), blocking menstrual blood from passing through the vagina.
This can cause the menstrual blood to get stuck in the vagina or collect inside your belly. Women may have abdominal or back pain, and bowel movements and passing urine may also be painful. A simple operation can remove the extra hymen tissue and create a normal-sized opening.
A few women have a hymen that divides the vaginal opening into two small holes. While this shape allows menstrual blood to pass through, it can make it difficult to insert a tampon or have sex. Here, too, a minor operation can remove the hymen tissue to create one opening.
Bladder infections
Women get bladder infections – or urinary tract infections – more easily than men do. This is because the urethra, the tube from the bladder to the urethral opening where the pee comes out, is shorter than it is in men.
The urethra in women is closer to the openings of the anus and vagina, whereas in men there is a longer distance between the anus and urethra.
Normally, urine or pee is sterile – it doesn’t contain any bacterial or fungal infections. But an infection can be caused if bacteria or fungus come into contact with the urethra and start growing.
Tips to avoid bladder infections
- Wipe from front to back when you’ve been to the toilet – first over your vulva, and then your anus. Then bacteria from your anus won’t get inside your urethra.
- Pee after you have sex. This washes out the urethra so bacteria don’t get inside.
Where is the G-spot found…
Where is the G-spot found and do all women have this?
Hi Walter, The g-spot is…
Hi Walter, The g-spot is located on the inside of the vagina, about one to three inches from the vaginal opening on the front wall. Check out the following article for more details;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/g-spot-top-five-facts
G spot found on clitoris,…
G spot found on clitoris, not sure whether all women have this
Hello Gquibelo, all women do…
Hello Gquibelo, all women do have a clitoris and all of them can achieve an orgasm if it is stimulated correctly. In fact, women can achieve different orgasms depending on how and where you stimulate them, please click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
Let us know what you think about the information above and have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe!
After hemen
After hemen
Hello Mgcini, what about the…
Hello Mgcini, what about the hymen would you like to know about?
Thank you for your feedback…
Thank you for your feedback.
I want to see.
I want to see.
Hi Munuve, What do you want…
Hi Munuve, What do you want to see?
Real vagina
Real vagina
Hi Suleiman, thank you for…
Hi Suleiman, thank you for getting in touch, how can we help you?
Real vagina
Real vagina
Hi there,
What about a…
Hi there,
What about a real vagina? Do you have a question on a real vagina?
Why do some people discharge…
Why do some people discharge fluid which is so smelly and so consequent that its not stopng
Hi Vera, Vaginal discharge…
Hi Vera, Vaginal discharge is normal however, if one sees any drastic changes in smell, color or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection and should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-top-facts
What do Vaginas look like?
What do Vaginas look like?
Hi Jeffrey, The vagina is…
Hi Jeffrey, The vagina is the muscular canal that connects the uterus and cervix to the outside of the body, allowing for menstruation, intercourse, and childbirth.
I want see to you
I want see to you
Why most women cry during…
Why most women cry during sexy
Hey Ben, asking the woman…
Hey Ben, asking the woman you are with may help you get to know. If a woman is crying, they may doing it different reasons including pain.
Yes indeed.
Yes indeed.
During sex, incase of deep…
During sex, incase of deep penetration I feel a lot of pain, is there a point that penis should not go beyond?
Hi Mercy, it could be that…
Hi Mercy, it could be that the penis of your partner poked the Cervix as a result of the deep penetration or it might be an infection also in the Cervix. It maybe important to get a check up for proper diagnosis and possible treatment. At times just changing the sex position will help manage the depth of the penetration to address the pain. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-time-to-listen-up
Mercy do you prefer big in…
Mercy do you prefer big in size
Sexual love matters most of…
Sexual love matters most of all!.
We appreciate you…
We appreciate you contribution.
I am experiencing abdominal…
I am experiencing abdominal pain and which descharges, is it caused by lack of sex for a long time or what is the matter
How do I stop premature…
How do I stop premature ejaculation without involving my partner
Hey, if the discharge is…
Hey, if the discharge is unusual, with a foul smell including pain during urinating, it maybe an infection. Visit a medical centre for a check up and treatment;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-top-facts
Hey Spicr, Sex is usually…
Hey Spicr, Sex is usually better when partners talk about it. Consider talking to your partner for success. Check out these article for tips to overcome premature ejaculation;- https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts
whay do girls fear sex?
whay do girls fear sex?
Hey Miles, there are many…
Hey Miles, there are many reasons why a girl would be afraid of having sex or in some cases they may just not be ready to have sex. Some of these reasons include the myth that first time sex is always painful, the fact that they may not be ready to get pregnant or get infected with an STI. Some of the time it maybe a choice not have sex for personal or religious reasons or they may just not feel they have met the right person. It’s however important to talk to the person to find out whether they are afraid, why they are afraid or whether it is an issue of choice. Have a look at this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/first-time-sex-dos-and-donts
Everytime I have sex with my…
Everytime I have sex with my partner I feel pain inside my vagina. I’d this normal, what can do to reduce this pain because it’s making me fear having sex.
Hi Mweni, so sorry about…
Hi Mweni, so sorry about this, sex should be pleasurable for both partners. Pain can be caused by a number of reasons including having dry sex where sex happens before the vaginal is well lubricated, position during sex, the presence of an infection in the vagina or when one is not relaxed enough during penetration. Thre are a few things you can do to help address this, have a look at this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-time-to-listen-up
I have sores on my vulva…
I have sores on my vulva what could possibly be the reason
Stop having sex
My dear
Stop having sex
My dear
Hello elijahmatoke768@gmail…
Hello [email protected], thank you for sharing but as we mentioned, the best thing for her to do is visit a doctor and get treated for it. Stopping sex will not solve anything.
What vagina tightening…
What vagina tightening products can I use to tighten my vagina?
Hey Dolly, we don’t…
Hey Dolly, we don’t recommend the use of any vagina tightening products. They have far reaching negative effects. We recommend the use Kegel exercises instead. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/the-miracle-that-is-vagina
Is it true that fat girls…
Is it true that fat girls have tight vagina and the slender have a wide one? #Askingforafriend
Hey Goddy, this is not true…
Hey Goddy, this is not true. It is just a myth. Vaginas come in different sizes and shapes and a woman’s body size has nothing to do with this. https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vagina-shapes-and-sizes-myth-buster
Does thr vagina become…
Does thr vagina become bigger when you give birth normally? If yes what can you do to tighten it?
Hi there, Sex is different…
Hi there, Sex is different after child birth, but that doesn’t mean it will be less satisfying. You have to work with your partner to make sure that you can cope with the changes, and find new ways to satisfy each other if the old ways don’t do it for you anymore. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-after-pregnancy-myths-and-facts
i don’t produce fluid …
i don’t produce fluid during sex plz what is the cause
Hey Ryliach, both men and…
Hey Ryliach, both men and women may experience this problem and since you didn’t mention whether you are a man or a woman we are not able to give you gender specific response. However, have a look at the following articles that discuss sex related problems in both men and women;-
vagina somebody test
vagina somebody test
Hi Samson,
What about the…
Hi Samson,
What about the vagina blood test? Do you have a question that you would like answered?
I have always told my…
I have always told my boyfriend who is now my fiance that am virgin. We agreed to not have sex before marriage, we plan to get married in afew months. I am not virgin which means I will not bleed when we do it. I had sex only twice is it possible for me to bleed again before there was blood both times? I don’t want to disappoint him, help me?
Hey Faith, first, it is not…
Hey Faith, first, it is not a must that one will bleed when they have sex for the first time. If you already had sex, it means you are not a virgin. There is nothing you can do to restore virginity even though there are procedures that seek to restore the hymen. You need to think about whether you want to start your marriage this way, but also consider what the truth may do to your relationship. Lastly, it is not possible to tell if a person is a virgin considering one may not even bleed. A doctor cannot tell if a girl is a virgin. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/female-virginity-top-five-facts
Is it true that girl who are…
Is it true that girl who are fat usually have a very wet vagina during sex?
Hey Amos, during sex the…
Hey Amos, during sex the vagina becomes moist and wet when a girl is aroused. This has nothing to do with the weight of the girl. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
Is it true that big girls…
Is it true that big girls have wetter vaginas?
Hey Hose, this is just a…
Hey Hose, this is just a myth. A woman will become wet when aroused. Partners can opt to use lubricants to supplement. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
which way can I use to make…
which way can I use to make my vagina to become tighter?
Hey Sam, the vagina is…
Hey Sam, the vagina is really amazing in that it expands and contracts. This why you ought to stay away from all products that promise to tighten the vagina, because they don’t work but exposure one to infections. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/the-miracle-that-is-vagina
Thank ‘s, l have learn so…
Thank ‘s, l have learn so much today .
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
I’ve learnt a whole lot…
I’ve learnt a whole lot. Thank you.
We are glad so glad Temi and…
We are glad so glad Temi and we are always pleased to help! Please feel free to go through more of our content and let us know what you think and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
I appreciate everything…
I appreciate everything..have leant a lot
You are welcome Leila.
You are welcome Leila.
How many times should a lady…
How many times should a lady wet per day…
Hi, a lady is likely to…
Hi, a lady is likely to become wet when she is aroused. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
After the first round during…
After the first round during sex my girl is not able to wet again and it’s not possible to have sex when the vagina is dry, is that normal? And what should I do..?
Hi there, vaginal wetness…
Hi there, vaginal wetness happens when a girl is aroused. It is important to spend time in foreplay to get a girl aroused which leads to a wet vagina. Talking with the girl can help one to know what will get her aroused. One can also consider using artificial lubrication to supplement, this can be bought at a pharmacy or supermarket. Check out the following article for additional information;-
Thanks I Have really learnt…
Thanks I Have really learnt a lot. Pls I would like to ask a question I had the opportunity of looking into myself and I found out that the vulva has a hood or something like the brim of a cap.Is it also part of the lips of the virgina? Thank you
Hey Caroline, you seem to be…
Hey Caroline, you seem to be referring to the labia, which means lips. These protect the entrance to the vagina. There are two outer labia and two inner labia. The inner maybe what seems like a hood when you looked at yourself.
I am 29 years and I really…
I am 29 years and I really want to explore anal sex but my girlfriend doesn’t want it at all. I am so curious that I have considered using a butt plug on myself. Does this mean I am gay?
Hey Dasam, it is normal to…
Hey Dasam, it is normal to want to explore ones sexuality. At this point it only means you are curious, you want to explore. Being gay goes beyond sex, it is about attraction to a person of the same sex, it is about intimacy that goes beyond the physical. You want to have anal sex but with your girlfriend which means that you are still attracted to her. It is okay to explore, this way you get to know what you want and what you like. Check this article for more information: https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/anal-sex-top-five-facts
How about cleaning the V?
How about cleaning the V?
Hi, with vaginal hygiene you…
Hi, with vaginal hygiene you want to be thorough but gentle. Try not to use products including soaps that are likely to change natural balance in the vagina which will lead ti infections. Have a look at this articles for additional tips;-
Dos the vagina become loose…
Dos the vagina become loose as in its no longer tight after normal child birth?
Hi Vic, sex will be exactly…
Hi Vic, sex will be exactly the same after giving birth. However, the vagina will have changed a bit, so sex might feel different than it did before. All this is normal and nothing to be too concerned about. It helps to talk to ones partner, and work out ways that are okay for both. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-after-pregnancy-myths-and-facts
How can I mask the smell of…
How can I mask the smell of my vagina? I am planning to get married and I am not sure how my fiance will feel about it when we have sex for the first time
Vaginal odour, or smell, is…
Hi Brendah, vaginal odour, or smell, is normal. Every vagina has its own, individual scent, and you shouldn’t try to change or disguise it. Attempting disguise this odour can lead to changes in the natural balance of your vagina which is likely to lead to infections. However, changes in odour can be a sign for something that’s not right, so keep an eye, or a nose, on it. Have a look at the following article for more information;-
My girlfriend becomes very…
My girlfriend becomes very wet in the vagina and she cannot enjoy sex anymore. even the orgasm she cannot get. what can she do?
Hi Meshark, you could start …
Hi Meshark, you could start by just wiping off the excess fluid during sex. It is however, important to note the wetter a vagina the better during sex. When the vagina is not sufficiently wet or lubricated, this may cause some discomfort and even pain to your partner. Also, vaginal wetness is a sign of arousal, which is a good sign. Lastly, vaginal wetness should not get into the way of enjoying sex or orgasm, have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
Is it normal for a lady to b…
Is it normal for a lady to b aroused when she’s on her period?
Hi Vera, yes it is normal…
Hi Vera, yes it is normal. Some ladies experience an increase in sexual desire during their periods. It is important that one uses protection if they choose to use have sex, since there is a chance one can get pregnant. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
I had sex with my girlfriend…
I had sex with my girlfriend for first time but her vagina was smelling bad very much is it normal?
Hello Jude, vaginal odour,…
Hello Jude, vaginal odour, or smell, is normal. Every vagina has its own, individual scent, and one shouldn’t try to change or disguise the smell. When this smell changes it may mean that one has an infection but you wouldn’t know what is normal, only your girlfriend knows what’s normal for her. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
Can u have a sex with your…
Can u have a sex with your girlfriend whe she is almost to give birth?And if not, why?
Hey Gody, you can have sex…
Hey Gody, you can have sex with your girlfriend all through the pregnancy period if you both want to. It is important however, to use positions that are comfortable for your partner. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy-top-five-facts
Very Educating, i really…
Very Educating, i really love it thanks
You are welcome Emeka.
You are welcome Emeka.
I treated an allergy…
I treated an allergy infection last month, and this month I’m yet to see my menses. But I had all the symptoms (swollen sensitive breast, bloating, menstrual cramps, pimples etc) but I didn’t see my menses.. Pls what can I do?
Hi Ty, sometimes ones period…
Hi Ty, sometimes ones period can be delayed or missed for a number of reasons including change of environment, extreme exercising, hormonal issues, use of a contraceptive or pregnancy. If you have had unprotected sex recently, you may want to get a pregnancy test done to rule out pregnancy. Also, if this happens consistently, you may need to talk to your health care provider for further advice.
Hey am 24 and still a virgin…
Hey am 24 and still a virgin.I hate sex,noooo i mean i fear thinking about a penetration leave alone having it.This is really affecting my romance life and just helpless at it.
Hi Kada, what exactly makes…
Hi Kada, what exactly makes you fear having sex? You should only have sex if you feel you are ready, you feel you are with the right person and you feel it is the right time. Do take your time and only do it if you feel you are ready. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/first-time-sex-what-to-expect
Do girls have anal sex also?…
Do girls have anal sex also? Can a girl become pregnant if she has anal sex?
Hey Priscillah, yes girls…
Hey Priscillah, yes girls too can choose to have anal sex. There is no risk of getting pregnant from just having anal sex. However, if some of the semen slips from the anus into the vagina then one might get pregnant.
which are the best sex…
which are the best sex positions?
Hi Kim, thank you for your…
Hi Kim, thank you for your question. It really depends on the people having sex, there are positions for people who have large penises, there are those for people who have smaller ones, there are positions that maximise clitoral stimulation etc
Hello Dancan, I do not…
Hello Dancan, I do not understand what you mean, could you please elaborate?
Hello Amos, this is a great…
Hello Amos, this is a great question! You may have sex as many times as you have the energy to and as long as all people involved consent to multiple rounds. However, remember that sex takes its toll on your body so you must remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Do not over exert yourself.
I have not seen my period…
I have not seen my period for 7months,I am ok please help me.i have not had sex with any guy and before I used to take pills to see my period but am tried of taking them, and I have been feeling some pain in my abnormal some time.pls me I don’t know if it an infection or what.please me am confused
Hello Joy, thank you for…
Hello Joy, thank you for reaching out to us. Since this is a medical issue we strongly advise you see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Sometimes i feel stressed…
Sometimes i feel stressed when i look at my penis, sometimes it is so small, is there anyway to enlarge it?
Hello Festus, thank you for…
Hello Festus, thank you for your question. Unfortunately, the fact is penile size cannot be increased without surgery. While there are a lot of people out there trying to sell you all kinds of products – pills, pumps, patches, creams, gels, sprays and stretchers – most of it is hocus pocus. And experts say that is because the penis is made of spongy tissue which cannot be lengthened or stretched. Even surgeries offer only a small increase in size.
I am still virgin, may I ask…
I am still virgin, may I ask why my vaginal lips or outside of the tip of my vagina is color dark. Is there some threatment for my dark vaginal lips? Thanks.
Hello Jane, thank you for…
Hello Jane, thank you for getting in touch with us. Some people may have pink or purplish labia, while others may have reddish or brown labia. It is also completely normal for your clitoris and inner lips to become darker when you’re aroused. This is because of increased blood flow to the area. It’ll return to its usual colour after you climax or the feeling otherwise subsides. Do not be ashamed of the colour of your the tip of your vagina dear, trust me, any man would find it attractive. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
Hi Eucharia, we are pleased…
Hi Eucharia, we are pleased to hear this. Take time to go through other articles on the website, you will find much more interesting information that could be of help to you.
Is it must fr a man 2 get…
Is it must fr a man 2 get the g-sprt AF a pertiner
Hi Jhn, thank you for…
Hi Jhn, thank you for reaching out to us. It is not a must but it would be nice if he tried. Sex is so much better when both parties enjoy it.
My girl friend screams so…
My girl friend screams so much during sex.Does that mean she has a problem?
Hi Brisam, thank you so much…
Hi Brisam, thank you so much for getting in touch with us. It is possible that she is just having a really great time. However, it could also be an issue of pain. Have a conversation with her and try and find out if it is pain and try to work towards eliminating it.
This article has more information on the sounds women make during sex, we hope it helps 🙂
Thank you for the article
Thank you for the article
I actually tried to see if I can find my hymen but I don’t think I recognized it
I haven’t had sex yet but I want to be sure that I’m still intact so can you elaborate more on how d hymen really looks like and besides I also saw a small opening too…it was small does it mean my hymen is not intact?
Hello Nick, I am assuming…
Hello Nick, I am assuming that you are a woman since it is only women that have a hymen.
The hymen is a part of the vulva. It’s a thin piece of skin that surrounds parts of the outer opening of the vagina. The hymen doesn’t usually cover the entire vaginal opening. Think of it more like a horseshoe-shaped piece of tissue around it.
Most women are born with a hymen. They come in different shapes, sizes, and thicknesses. Some women have a hymen so thin that it doesn’t even look like it’s there while others have a thick hymen. And yet other women are born without a hymen. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/the-hymen-what-is-it
Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Am 17yrs plus and my penis…
Am 17yrs plus and my penis erection is stil at 4.5inches or 5inches when some of my mates with the same age have 6.0,7.5 inches what is the main cause of it,although i have low grow rate i starts my develop stuffs at 15yrs.
Hi Master, thank you for…
Hi Master, thank you for reaching out to us. Just so you know, at 17 your penis is still growing and so the size at this point should not cause you too much worry.
Every time i see my…
Every time i see my boyfriend i can’t control myself even in public i want to have sex with him pls help me
Hi Anonymous, thank you for…
Hi Anonymous, thank you for reaching out to us. Being enamoured by your lover is perfectly normal especially at the beginning of the relationship. The feeling will pass with time. However, if you feel this issue is of concern try and avoid situations where you will meet a lot.
Is it true that the size of…
Is it true that the size of lips of a lady is the same as the vagina lips?
Hello Stevens, thank you for…
Hello Stevens, thank you for reaching out and asking a great question. Although this is a popular idea, it is not true. There is no correlation between the size of a woman’s facial lips and that of her vagina.
Ive looked at my vagina and…
Ive looked at my vagina and ive been given a medicine to insert but i find it difficult to insert cus ive never had sex before.can u pls help me?
Hello Charity, putting a…
Hello Charity, putting a tablet in is like putting in a tampon. Sit on the toilet with your knees apart. Hold the tablet in one hand. Using your other hand, open the folds of skin on your vagina and slide the pill inside, remember that your vagina angles slightly so go with the direction. If you try to insert it straight up you could hurt yourself. Insert it as far as your middle finger will go
At what age do penis stop…
At what age do penis stop thier growth and is it wise for a lady to insert pills in her vagina?
Hi Golden, thank you for…
Hi Golden, thank you for your questions. Typically the penis stops growing at the end of puberty which is typically at either 18 or 19. In regards to pills, if the doctor has advised you to insert them because of an infection or something like that. However, we usually advise not to insert anything into your vagina because it could affect your pH or cause infection.
Thanks, I hv learnt alot frm…
Thanks, I hv learnt alot frm u
Thank you so much for the…
Thank you so much for the feedback Ronny, we appreciate it. Please feel free to go through the website to find other articles that you may find helpful.
Can u get aids thru anal sex
Can u get aids thru anal sex
Hi Lialpha, you have asked a…
Hi Lialpha, you have asked a really good question. You can indeed contract HIV from condomless anal sex especially if you do not use lubricant as there may be a lot of friction and tearing.
If my pussy lips are out…
If my pussy lips are out dose it mean im a virgin
Hi,,im virgin before i do…
Hi,,im virgin before i do sex with my boyfriend,,i tried but i feel pain and bleeding,thats why my bf stop he did not entering his whole penis inside my vigina,,and after 3 weeks we tried again but its same,i feel pain and its bleeding again,,for that happen im afraid to try again,,its is a normal?
Hi Marie,
I am so sorry to…
Hi Marie,
I am so sorry to hear about that! It could be that you are nervous and that means your muscles are not relaxed or that not enough foreplay was involved. It is normal to feel nervous but you should tell your boyfriend about it so that both of you can find ways to make you relax. It is also possible that he was also nervous. In terms of foreplay, it is advisable to take it slowly. Don’t rush into anything. Take time for lots and lots of foreplay. For more tips on what to expect and how to make first time sex a success, read this article: How to make first time sex a success. Also, read this on on knowing whether you are ready for sex: Are you ready for have sex?
Thank you for that,,
Thank you for that,,
Hi Marie,
You are welcome…
Hi Marie,
You are welcome. Keep visiting Love Matters for more informative content!
Have just learnt that my…
Have just learnt that my clitoris are different from labia
Hi Samuella,
Yes, the…
Hi Samuella,
Yes, the labia and clitoris are two different parts of the vagina.
How far is the hymen from…
How far is the hymen from the vulva
Hi Carol,
The hymen is…
Hi Carol,
The hymen is located at the opening of your vagina. It is actually part of the vulva. The vulva is the outer part of the female genitalia.
I have not had sex b4, but…
I have not had sex b4, but there is an opening in my vaginal why?
Hi Evelyn,
That is totally…
Hi Evelyn,
That is totally normal. The vagina is a canal that connects the uterus and the vulva. You are probably asking this because of how you understand the hymen. The hymen is located at the opening of your vagina and it is a very thin tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It does not close the vagina opening.
So my partner is saying I…
So my partner is saying I must have had to much sex cause my inner labia is alil out and honestly it’s always been that way even before I had sex . I’m trying to explain to him all women have different vaginas that doesn’t mean she had sex with a lot of men ! I’m ttying to explain something to someone who thinks he knows everything it’s annoying
Hi Monica,
This is very…
Hi Monica,
This is very sad. First, he may be making you insecure about your vagina. Please ensure that he does not make you start feeling bad. Don’t give him that power. That man needs to style up. Tell him to read this article: Myths about vagina shapes and sizes and All about the labia
If that man does not stop, you may need to walk out of that relationship. Find someone who actually listens and is opening to learning what he does not know.
Wishing you all the best.
actually i have never had…
actually i have never had sex but when i inserted my finger into my vaginal it went deep but i was damn tight. Actually not so deep but that particular finger Met an end but my finger was buried in my vaginal i mean it went inside althrough without any remnant but it was so tight y is it so ???
Hi Anna,
It could be that…
Hi Anna,
It could be that you were not well lubricated (wet enough) or you were tensed. These two situations can make the vagina feel tight.
Where can i touch in women…
Where can i touch in women body that will rise her feelings
Hi Circle,
All women are…
Hi Circle,
All women are different. Yet, The most obvious erogenous zones are the area around the penis and vagina, the mouth (including the lips and tongue), the butt, the breasts/nipples, the earlobes, the shoulders, the neck, and the navel. Since people are different, do not assume. The best thing to do is to explore her body and encourage her to be open and honest about what will turn her on. Read this article to learn more: Top 5 things to know about erogenous zones
Hey why do u cum so much I…
Hey why do u cum so much I mean i can fill a whole cup filled with cum
Oookay Zen! That sounds like…
Oookay Zen! That sounds like a generous amount. What’s the size of your cup though?!
On a serious note though, you could be experiencing Hyperspermia. This is a condition that causes a person to produce a large amount of semen, which is a fluid that contains sperm. If you’re worried about the large semen production, see a doctor for testing.
I actually don’t understand some biological terms