The miracle that is vagina
Can the vagina get back to its size after having sex? What makes the vagina become large? Are there ways to keep it smaller?
Oh wow! It’s myth-busting time! The un-aroused vagina is between 2.5 and 3 inches long. Once aroused, it stretches to about 4 inches, and any additional stretching is in response to the size of the penis. This is why we can have great sex with men who have different sized penises. So the short answer: the vagina returns to size after sex.
Let’s flex
The vagina is a muscular tube surrounded by pubococcygeal (PC) muscles that start at the tip of your spine and stretch all the way to your pelvic bone. Strengthening these muscles is done through exercises that were formulated by a doctor named Arnold Kegel. They work to strengthen the walls of your vagina and give you better control of everything that involves your pelvis: from gyrating to urination to orgasm.
There’s one simple exercise you can begin with. The next time you are urinating, stop the flow of urine. The muscles you use to do this are the PC muscles and that’s what we want to strengthen. To exercise it, simply flex for about two seconds. You should feel a tightening going from your anus down to your vagina.
Your Kegel work-out should involve a minimum of two sets of 15 repetitions three times a week. After a few weeks, you can increase the number of repetitions and the frequency of your work-out.
And during sex, you can relax these muscles as the man pulls out and flex as he pushes in – you will then both experience more friction.
No to vagina tighteners
You must stay away from those so-called ‘vagina tightening’ soaps and lotions. They affect the vaginal lining, sometimes drying it out so that you get little cuts during sex and thus making you more prone to infections. Kegels are really the best way to firm and tighten your vagina.
As most fathers will attest, there are few things more wondrous than the vagina – how it expands for childbirth and then later shrinks back for pleasure. This is why all men who’ve visited keep applying for another visit.
Do you have questions about the vagina? Our discussion board moderators can tell you more about this miraculous organ.
Pls wat is kegel work-out?
Pls wat is kegel work-out?
Hi Halimukta,
Hi Halimukta,
kegel exercises are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. You can feel what it feels like next time you urinate- just stop your urine mid-flow. That’s flexing your pelvic floor muscles. It’s the pelvic floor that stops the urine from flowing.
To exercise the pelvic floor muscles, simply flex for about two seconds. You should feel a tightening going from your anus down to your vagina.
Mine is really tight my man…
Mine is really tight my man always finds trouble to penetrante wtf it’s so painful I mean duhh am not a virgin anymore
Hi Kylie,
A vagina is…
Hi Kylie,
A vagina is capable is stretching for up to 4-8 inches when you’re aroused. Your vaginal canal also gets longer to accommodate penetration. It could be that your and your man are not investing more time for foreplay. During forepay, your partner should stimulate you so that you get wet, or what we call lubricated. This lubrication moistens the vagina and its entrance, making penetration easier. Read this article to get tips on foreplay: Top tips for foreplay. It is also possible that you are not fully relaxed during sex and this means that you experience difficulty getting aroused/wet. It is important to relax and be present during sex. Finally, consider using a lubricant to increase sexual comfort, and pleasure. A large penis can still cause discomfort when having sex. Read more about lubrication here: Things you should know about lubricants
How do you feel
How do you feel
Hi Oduar,
How do you feel…
Hi Oduar,
How do you feel when you do what? Feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to engage with you.
mine is always tight,I do the
mine is always tight,I do the kegel,it works 100%,ladies try it
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Milly!
Hi there,
thanks 🙂
Hi there,
thanks 🙂
what am understanding is the
what am understanding is the kegel and tightn of the vagina can you pliz explain 4 m thanks!!
Hi Rose ,
Hi Rose ,
Kegel exercises will help keeping your pelvic floor muscles in shape, which means your vagina will remain tight and healthy.
You exercise them flexing the pelvic floor muscles, for about two seconds. You should feel a tightening going from your anus down to your vagina. You can test if you are doing it right next time next time you urinate- just stop your urine mid-flow. That’s flexing your pelvic floor muscles.
Pls cn u xplain more. I cnt
Pls cn u xplain more. I cnt undstnd d exercse. Wots flexin?
Hi Ann,
Hi Ann,
flexing in this case means squeezing.
The next time you go to the toilet, squeeze your muscles so that your urine stops flowing- that’s what the exercise should feel like.
Does this help?
Yea tnx
Yea tnx
Hi Ann,
you are welcome!
Hi Ann,
you are welcome!
My pal tld me once he starts
My pal tld me once he starts sexing it takes hm jst 1 min 2 shot n afterwards his dick relax cant erect again.whats his problem
Hi Mas, those things are
Hi Mas, those things are quite normal. Especially men with little experience often ejaculate quickly. What can help is practicing not to ejaculate for as long as you can while masturbating. Or, while your friend is having sex, try to get close to ejaculation and then stopping all movement. Until the urge passes. Repeat that until he really ejaculates. And it’s also normal to have some time pass between two erections. The penis and the body need time to recover. Does this help?
does kegel exercise av any
does kegel exercise av any importance in men
Hi there, kegel exercises can
Hi there, kegel exercises can help prevent and treat urinary incontinence in men.
Its true,i have been doing
Its true,i have been doing this
Great! We are glad to hear it
Great! We are glad to hear it works for you!
Nyc advise..didnt knw..wanna
Nyc advise..didnt knw..wanna try it..
Hi Willy, we are glad you
Hi Willy, we are glad you liked Valentine’s article. You can also read her column every Saturday in The Star, where Love Matters has its very own page.
Nyc advise..didnt knw..wanna
Nyc advise..didnt knw..wanna try it..
thanks alot
thanks alot
You are very welcome!
You are very welcome!
Am a virgin bt am afraid i
Am a virgin bt am afraid i hav alredy broken it coz i exercise alot,how does 1 know dat she is a virgin n is it true dat small breast pruvs virginity?i hav small breast too
Hi Pamela, please don’t be
Hi Pamela, please don’t be afraid. first of all, virginity doesn’t need to be broken. Thats a common misconception, that force needs to be applied. The more gentle your partner is, the more relaxed and wet you are, the more likely it is that it won’t be all that painful. Also, because you exercise a lot, it is possible that your hymen is already stretched, which makes the chance of pain ever smaller. And here is no way of telling,seeing or feeling that someone is a virgin. Even experienced doctors cannot tell. Small breasts are genetic, and not a sign of virginity. Please check our ‘Making Love’ section, there you will find more information about first time sex. But just relax- the more you worry, the more you will cramp up and the more likely you will experience pain. Does this help?
All my dating time;Av never
All my dating time;Av never had sex with a virgin, but am so inluv with this newly found prettyAngel, luv her so much, at first wen we wanted tomake luv, It happened to be that she’s V” nd I hv lots of prbs making luv with V”z, I feel heart_down doing that, cnt stnd such pain on her, cnt imagine me watch her get hurt, nd she rili needs me soo bad, she begs me for it, like always… Wts the best way to give to her, pain_free, cos she luv’s me so much nd needs me.
I feel nothing wen aving sex
I feel nothing wen aving sex wit ma hubby
Hi Linet, what is it that you
Hi Linet, what is it that you are missing? Is he not attentive enough, or too fast? Have you ever made suggestions to him? Some men don’t really know much about women’s bodies, and are grateful for some suggestions along the lines of ‘honey, I really love it when you touch me here’. You can even show him! For this, of course, you need to know what you want. Have you ever masturbated to get to know your body? Also, be proactive. For example, touch your own clitoris when you are on top. It might take some courage, but that way, you will get what you need. But most important is communication – if he doesn’t know what you want and need, he won’t be able to give it to you. So be brave, and tell him what you want! Does this make sense?
Hi Lucy, you can do the Kegel
Hi Lucy, you can do the Kegel exercises Valentine describes in the article above. Also, is your partner paying attention to your clitoris? The majority of women doesn’t get an orgasm through the in-and-out movement of sex alone. Tell him what turns you on. Of course, for that, you really need to know your body and what you want. Men sometimes are a bit confused when it comes to what women need, so you need to tell him what you want, and help him learn how to satisfy you. And by the way, a bigger or thicker penis doesn’t mean more satisfaction- the size of the penis is not necessarily relevant for the female orgasm. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Thanks a lot, Stone!
Thanks a lot, Stone!
thanx guyz luvin da advice
thanx guyz luvin da advice
You are welcome, lynn!
You are welcome, lynn!
Hae there…i just broke my
Hae there…i just broke my virginity in apri…i dnt feel anythin wid my guy..wat cud b de problem…then wen i stay for long widout hvin sex…its alwyz painful…is it normal????
Hi Cheryl,
Hi Cheryl,
not feeling anything means that you probably don’t have your clitoris stimulated. The in-and-out movement of intercourse doesn’t make most women orgasm, they need their clitoris stimulated. Check out more about the clitoris here:
And pain is quite common, unfortunately. This article might help you:
I am afraid.hv lived a virgin
I am afraid.hv lived a virgin lady till the age of 22 years.hv never slept with a guy sinz birth n am afraid wen i had sex with mi boyfriend,as mi first time,i realized tht i was not a virgin.where could i hv lost mi virginity plix.am worried.
if you have never slept with someone before, you were a virgin.
Many people believe that women have to bleed, but that’s a myth! Check out more myths here: https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/virginity
I thought tht every bleeds.n
I thought tht every bleeds.n could i hv lost it as i was undergoin mi military course bcz the course ix soo tough n many exercises r involved.?
Hi Jackie,
Hi Jackie,
you need to distinguish between the hymen and virginity.
Being a virgin means you haven’t had sex before. That all women bleed the first time is a huge myth!
The hymen is a stretchy piece of skin at the entrance of the vagina, that is still intact in many people who haven’t had intercourse. But it can rupture during other activities, such as, indeed, exercise, or using a tampon.
Having a hymen or not is by no means an indication of someone being a virgin.
Can a virgin lady still
Can a virgin lady still engage in kegel exercise? Hope it wil nt deprived her baby frm enjoying the ride whenever they hv sex?
Hi J,
Hi J,
yep, sure, that’s no problem.
The pelvic floor muscles have nothing to do with the pelvis.
i ave a boyfred whodoes nt
i ave a boyfred whodoes nt rily satisfy me. i ave tried to talk to him bt its in vain, i lov him but i also want to enjoy sex cz when he ejaculates am left stil wanting more what do i do
Hi Rose,
Hi Rose,
We hear this a lot.
Most women have trouble having an orgasm without the clitoris being stimulated- and most men don’t know this. This has nothing to do with size, as the in-and out movement of sex alone won’t get you enough clitoral stimulation. Check out this section to learn more about the clitoris, and have your man stimulate it during foreplay and intercourse: http://lovematters.co.ke/resource/vulva
What can increase a mas dick
What can increase a mas dick size and whats the problem with me, i get tired after few minutes and stops erecting?
If I understand you correctly
If I understand you correctly, you want to increase the size of your penis. Unfortunately, that’s impossible. All products that claim to do so will not help.
In terms of lasting longer, are you ejaculating or do you just lose your erection?
My husband just loses his
My husband just loses his erection or at times he doesn’t even erects. Also my observations though, haven’t disclosed to him is I wonder if he actually ejaculates. If yes, then the quantity should be very insignificant hence not producing pregnancy.
second round is the time i
second round is the time i cum,alot of water comes out ad i feel sweet bt am i okey?ad mostly when am on top help me
that is totally fine! It’s a good thing, and shows how much you enjoy it!
I cam so soon, is there a way
I cam so soon, is there a way to prolong it?
Thanks Dot, for your input.
Thanks Dot, for your input.
what is injaculate
what is injaculate
ejaculation in men means sperm coming out of the penis
this was very helpful thank
this was very helpful thank you.
You are welcome Jan.
You are welcome Jan.
my girl vagina becomes
my girl vagina becomes extensively watery when we are having sex. what can she do?
Hi that is normal, it only
Hi that is normal, it only means she is turned on. If you do not like too much wetness you could always wipe off some of it and continue enjoying.
I love ua advise n am
I love ua advise n am enjoying
Thank you Mirriam, we
Thank you Mirriam, we appreciate your feedback.
my fellows it really works.It
my fellows it really works.It makes u fit for every sizes ov dicks.Bt whoever enters wil feel like doing it again and again.
Thank you Joan for affirming
Thank you Joan for affirming this. That is great to hear.
mi wen am n da game en once i
mi wen am n da game en once i realiz da first round, t takx mi some gud tym 2 erect again. wat cld bi da prob 4 mi en hw cn i ova com t??
Hi Morsh, that is normal for
Hi Morsh, that is normal for most men. When most men ejaculate it takes them sometime before they can regain their erection. You need not be worried about that.
Am gonna try this
Am gonna try this
Great! tell us how it goes
Great! tell us how it goes Anne.
wat meks a vagina fail to
wat meks a vagina fail to regain its tightness after a month with out sex
Sasha lack of sex does not
Sasha lack of sex does not loosen the vagina. If you want to regain tightness you can try the kegel exercise as explained in this article.
My girl frend like to be
My girl frend like to be eaten something dat is full of sugar all days,,example,evry two two day pepsi drink.and there is a buscuite call cookies she love to eat dat buscuites evry day,egg roll like four a day,am evry day complaining to her that this things she was eaten is not good for her health..pls what can i do to prevent her from eaten all dis sugar stuffs..and what can dis cause toi her health??thanks.reply.
Hi Kazeem, its a good thing
Hi Kazeem, its a good thing that you are concerned about your girlfriends health, but you still have to understand everyone makes a choice about what they want. You have done your part in telling her about it. Its uto her to decide what to do.
I havent girl frnd so tahat i
I havent girl frnd so tahat i feel more erecting what i cant do??
Hi Platnumz, i don’t
Hi Platnumz, i don’t understand your question. Can you kindly clarify.
thnks alot for d good work
thnks alot for d good work
We appreciate your feedback
We appreciate your feedback Jaky.
gud advice,keep it up
gud advice,keep it up
Thank you Cornel. We are glad
Thank you Cornel. We are glad you like it.
Pls i need ur help,,anytime i
Pls i need ur help,,anytime i had sex with my husband, i used to cry seriously because is too painful,because of this,,,i hate sex and my husbad like it seriously,,,pls what cause this? And what is d solution
HI Motunrayo, sorry for what
HI Motunrayo, sorry for what you are going through. Sex during pain could be because of different reasons including lack of enough lubrication and infections. Check out this article to learn more about it and get possible solution https://lovematters.co.ke/news/when-sex-hurts .
iam facing a vry big problem
iam facing a vry big problem whereby my vagina doesnt produce enough fluids during sex.attimes its totaly dry and my man doesn enjoy sex even me.Wat can i do to have/produce alot of fluids like any other women who wet their beds during sex?thx
Hi Jaky, dry sex can be very
Hi Jaky, dry sex can be very painful and uncomfortable.It can be cause by different reasons. Sometimes it could be something that’s natural. You can try a lot o foreplay and if does not work you can opt for use of lubricants like the KY jelly.
Mst all ladies have that kind
Mst all ladies have that kind of water like the one i see in blue movie? Is it real? I mean dat water dat flows like a tap ..?
Hi Tina, its not a must all
Hi Tina, its not a must all ladies to have it. Different women ejaculate differently. Check out this two article and learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/news/kunyaza-african-secret-female-orgasm . https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/her-orgasms .
my penis is small n short
my penis is small n short what i can make it large?
Hi Forjo, there are no known
Hi Forjo, there are no known safe remedies or medication for enlarging ones penis. But what’s the reason for wanting to enlarge your penis? Its important to know that size does not matter during sex. Check out this articles and learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/news/penis-top-five-facts .
wen i have sex ejaculation
wen i have sex ejaculation usually comes very first on my in and out bt i tighten my dick n prevent the process .n i can fuck for twenty mints before the real ejacurition .is it heathy really
Hi P, there is nothing wrong
Hi P, there is nothing wrong with that. Its a trick most men have been unable to grasp.
Thañks for advs ddnt know
Thañks for advs ddnt know much thät ave seen iñ yua page…..but plz wat is kegel
Hi Pauline, thanks for being
Hi Pauline, thanks for being part of the love matters family. Kegel is Strengthening the vaginal muscles through exercises that were formulated by a doctor named Arnold Kegel. They work to strengthen the walls of your vagina and give you better control of everything that involves your pelvis: from gyrating to urination to orgasm.
There’s one simple exercise you can begin with. The next time you are urinating, stop the flow of urine. The muscle you use to do this is the PC muscle and that’s what we want to strengthen. To exercise it, simply flex for about two seconds. You should feel a tightening going from your anus down to your vagina.
sometimes, i hate to have sex
sometimes, i hate to have sex, because when i penetrate i ejeculate first n become weak. But sometimes, i become active and i dnt get satisfied and the woman cries that am too much and i still need more. what might be the problem?
Hi Benedict, there is no
Hi Benedict, there is no problem, all that is normal. Sometimes ejaculation comes prematurely other times it might take a while.
very educating I like it
very educating I like it thanks guyz
You are welcome Anita. We are
You are welcome Anita. We are glad you like it.
I av been aving sex 4 long
I av been aving sex 4 long but i av never get te one whom i av enjoy well and 4 me i take long to relese wat can i do to enjoy
Hi Kibet, it sounds as though
Hi Kibet, it sounds as though you are concentrating on the wrong things. When you are enjoying sex it does not have to take long. You need to pay more attention on the art of love making and your partners needs as well as your own. Enjoying sex is more mental than it is physical. Check out this article and learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/ways-make-love .
I tried to hv sex with my
I tried to hv sex with my girlfriend bt I failed to enter. What could be da problem?
Hi there, why were you unable
Hi there, why were you unable to penetrate? Kindly explain a bit more.
Hi, i last for long before
Hi, i last for long before ejaculation when making love, do i have a problem?
Hi Jere, how long do you feel
Hi Jere, how long do you feel yo last using time as a frame of reference?
I don’t know why dis happens
I don’t know why dis happens to mi, i don’t com when i fil like am finishing-up da game en mi boyfriend iz alwayz questioning mi ov dat, so wat can i do?
Hi Gift, there are several
Hi Gift, there are several reasons as to why one is not is not able to climax during sex. Check this articles to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/her-orgasms
What is kegel please and did
What is kegel please and did it work?
Kegel is Strengthening the
Kegel is Strengthening the vaginal muscles through exercises that were formulated by a doctor named Arnold Kegel. They work to strengthen the walls of your vagina and give you better control of everything that involves your pelvis: from gyrating to urination to orgasm.
There’s one simple exercise you can begin with. The next time you are urinating, stop the flow of urine. The muscle you use to do this is the PC muscle and that’s what we want to strengthen. To exercise it, simply flex for about two seconds. You should feel a tightening going from your anus down to your vagina. Yes kegel exercise work.
Ae hw cn I do to increase
Ae hw cn I do to increase ijaculation,
HI Nicasio, are you referring
HI Nicasio, are you referring to getting multiple orgasms? Check out this article https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/making-love .
Pls can you explain more
Pls can you explain more about kegel work -out?
Hi Excellent, Kegel exercise
Hi Excellent, Kegel exercise consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor, now sometimes colloquially referred to as the “Kegel muscles”. Exercises are usually done to reduce urinary incontinence especially after childbirth and reduce premature ejaculatory occurrences in men, as well as to increase the size and intensity of erections
when am by ma self my
when am by ma self my erection is normally bt when i have alady sometimes i dnt erect,it’s week
Hi Brigade, sex is very
Hi Brigade, sex is very mental than it is physical, if for example you have something on your mind that is bothering you it could prevent you from gaining an erection. For example if you are tensed or have reservations it could be difficult to be turned on. You should try and relax and be easy about the whole process.
Ever Since I Circumcised Ma
Ever Since I Circumcised Ma Dick. It Demandz For Sex Alot Than Usual Bt I Hate Havin’ Sex Wiz Evry girl Coz Ar Nara Trustworthy Till I Find Ma True Luv. So Wat Can Do…..?
Hi Cool, it is good that you
Hi Cool, it is good that you are enjoying sex more but as you have suggested you can wait to find a good partner that you love whom you can enjoy sex with.
My gilfrnd dose not sastify
My gilfrnd dose not sastify me, what would be the problem?
Hi Brian, you can teach her
Hi Brian, you can teach her what you like and how to satisfy you. That will be the best way for her to learn.
Hallo ?
Hallo ?
When having sex with my girlfriend the vagina start producing bad smell .
That smell makes mi loose sex appetite…
whats that?
Hi Oliver,one can have vagina
Hi Oliver,one can have vagina odor for several reasons like bad hygiene or infections. You should talk to your partner about this and find out what the issue might be and then resolve it together.
Satisfactory 4 ol in ailments
Satisfactory 4 ol in ailments of sex madness. Really interesting.
Thank you Gideon.
Thank you Gideon.
Why Is It That I Ejaculate
Why Is It That I Ejaculate Very Fast Of Which I Think Doesn’t Make My Girl Satisfied.I Can Play As Many Rounds As I Want That Same Day But All Not So Long Enough,do I Have Any Problem?
Hi Rahid, check out this
Hi Rahid, check out this article to find the answers you seek https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts .
i have been liking lesbian
i have been liking lesbian then am i okey coz i always go 4shots per nait and still i dont get enough of it after sex!!so i masturbate
Hi there, thanks for sharing
Hi there, thanks for sharing your story with us.
av been goin 4 shots per
av been goin 4 shots per night en my lady dont want that coz of the pain..can i get another lady who will be comfortable for mah many shots?or stick to her??
Hi Richie, you should
Hi Richie, you should consider being more gentle with your partner. as opposed to popular beliefs quality sex is better than just quantity sex. When both of you enjoy sex its much better than when you are enjoying it alone. This would apply to even other partners you could be with in the future. Talk to your partner about this and find a way for both of you to enjoy sex.
do all girls cum.if yes how
do all girls cum.if yes how can i make her do it?or is it by hard fuck?she always trouble mi that she enjoyx sex only wen she cums.
Hi Antony all girls should be
Hi Antony all girls should be able to climax. you should encourage your partner to teach you how to satisfy her. She knows her body best and could tell you what she likes and what could make her climax. Talk to her about it and enjoy the exploration with her.
Thnkz, I think my chic use
Thnkz, I think my chic use trick.
Good for you Kim.
Good for you Kim.
Have realized that when
Have realized that when praying sex with my girl using codoms she does not ejoy more compared to when not using, y please?
Hi Eric, have you tried to
Hi Eric, have you tried to ask her why that is the case.
How u are saying mostly men
How u are saying mostly men ejaculate very fast due to lack of experience,whats tha solution to this
Hi Nel, check out the answer
Hi Nel, check out the answer here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts .
I always am left behind
I always am left behind unsatisfied, I mean the girls i have made love with get tired before i ejaculate, What can i do to avoid the delayed ejaculation?
Hi there, check out this
Hi there, check out this article to find out what you can do https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-work-toward-better-sex .
I found it hard ejaculate and
I found it hard ejaculate and hardly have urge, what should i do ?
Hi JJ kindly clarify what you
Hi JJ kindly clarify what you mean by not having urge. And was not being able to ejaculate a one time thing or it happens all the time?
Hi mine is always dry …
Hi mine is always dry ,especially after sex, there’s any problem with that?
(No subject)
Hi Sqalo,
It should be a concern if the dryness happens during sex since it may then make sex uncomfortable or even painful.
Check out the following article for more information.
Hi i have a problem…got an…
Hi i have a problem…got an infections n i was told it is a UTI..i have gone to several hospitals but after i finish my medication it ceases fo two or three weeks then reoccur…how can i get help…i have gone back to hospital 4times since Aug..pliiz help..thanx
Hi Ndege, perhaps you need…
Hi Ndege, perhaps you need to see a specialist for a closer look and treatment.
Is flexing applicable during…
Is flexing applicable during pregnancy.
Hi Zippy, what do you mean…
Hi Zippy, what do you mean by flexing during pregnancy?
How can you a woman had sexy…
How can you a woman had sexy with another man in previous day
Hey Fredo, there is no way…
Hey Fredo, there is no way to tell if a person has had sex other than by them telling you they did. Also, it maybe important to talk about the trust issues in the relationship. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/jealousy-and-other-problems
It’s good advice indeed,but…
It’s good advice indeed,but can regular engament increase the size of the vigina
Hey there, this is just a…
Hey there, this is just a myth. The vagina is made up of muscles which means it stretches during sex and relaxes back after sex. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vagina-shapes-and-sizes-myth-buster
who feel swet when doing sexs
who feel swet when doing sexs
Hello Maish, thank you for…
Hello Maish, thank you for reaching out to us. People feel pleasure in different ways and sex should be pleasurable for all people involved.
Here by to join the…
Here by to join the conversation
Hello John Ngata, thank you…
Hello John Ngata, thank you for your participation and you are most welcome, please feel free to contribute to our forum 🙂 It is much appreciated.
Wat do u do after having sex…
Wat do u do after having sex with a person who has a big penis & later on you bleed then have severe vaginal pains during short calls & at times even without urinating though the massive pain occurs when urinatind …….. Wat should i do to reverse this ?
H Belina, thank you so much…
H Belina, thank you so much for getting in touch and we are so sorry you are going through a hard time. It is important to note that whenever you have sex with anyone who you consider has a larger penis than you are used to, it is best to ensure that aside from indulging in foreplay, you have a lubricant with you so that during penetration, the penis does not hurt or injure you. Keep this in mind for future sexual encounters. As for your current situation, the best thing you can do is visit your gynaecologist and get a proper consultation and treatment as soon as possible. It would also be advisable or you to avoid having sexual intercourse for a while to give your vagina some time to recover and heal. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!