Why do my panties look bleached or stained in the crotch area?
If you are a woman and wear underwear, you may have noticed that your panties or underwear have lighter areas or look stained or like it has been bleached around the crotch area. Why does this happen? Should you be concerned?
The stained area that may also look bleached has nothing to do with how often you’ve worn or washed your underwear. Still, we recommend that you wash your underwear after one wear -it is the right thing to do for your vagina and those around you.
The truth is that your vagina discharge causes a stained or bleached look. This is because your discharge has natural acidity that can break down the dye in the fabric and cause discoloration. This discoloration leaves lighter or stained patches.
These stains are likely more visible on dark-colored underwear because of the color contrast.
In certain cases, the bleaching may weaken the fabric and sometimes leave holes in your panties.
So, should I be concerned?
No. It is normal. The discoloration is not caused by poor health or hygiene.
Often, common causes of the acidity in the vaginal discharge are due to hormonal changes and menstrual blood.
However, if you notice unusual discharge such as changes in terms of usual amount, color, or smell, or your discharge, it could be a sign of health problems. If you also experience pain or irritation, it may be a sign of a problem. In such cases, visit a healthcare facility for medical advice.
Is there a way to prevent the bleaching/staining?
First, vaginal discharge is normal and healthy and while it causes the stained or bleached look on your panties, we are not going to interfere with this natural process.
So, the solutions have to do with the underwear. Our solutions or tips may not give a 100% result in preventing discoloration but they can help reduce the effects of your vaginal discharge on your panties. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your panties:
- Choose underwear made of natural fibers such as cotton as these may be less prone to bleaching
- Use panty liners, especially during ovulation or when the discharge is heavy
- Wash underwear soon after one wear to prevent build-up of discharge
- Choose a good quality detergent or soap because it is delicate on fabrics
- If possible, you can buy new underwear often and throw away old ones
Have you ever experienced bleached or stained underwear? What tips do you use to take care of your panties?