How important is sex in a relationship?
I barely have any sex with my partner, and, if we have sex, it’s an in-out-two-minute kind of thing. How important is sex for our relationship?
It can be fixed
Hahaha! Just how bad is your sex life that you are asking this question? It sounds like you might be thinking of giving up on sex all together. Please don’t! Trust me, whatever is happening can be fixed.
Sex is what makes relationships special
Let’s put it this way: friends love each other but they do not have sex; roommates live together but they do not have sex; business partners can share bank accounts and other financial arrangements but they do not have sex; brothers and sisters love each other for life but they do not have sex. What makes a romantic relationship special is making love. We can live with, share money with and even love other people. What marks a romantic relationship as special and separate is sex. Frankly, we can hold hands with anyone.
Sex is so much more than intercourse
Sex is communication, play, connection, vulnerability, acceptance, joy, laughter, tears, comfort, tenderness, openness, intimacy, anger, naughtiness, generosity, dominance, submission, fun, food…
I could go on and on and on. Sex matters. Sex is vital and if you don’t believe me, just ask the advertising industry. They have been using sex to sell everything from cars to homes, deodorant, and even household cleaners.
So sit down with your partner and have an honest and open conversation what’s happening with your sex life, and if and how you can get things back on track. Good luck!
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how important is sex to the success of a relationship? Let us know on Love Matters Naija or Kenya, or drop us a note below.
Datz very true sex important
Datz very true sex important
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
I think this should only
I think this should only apply to married couples
Why do you feel so?
Why do you feel so?
I like it.Without sex that’s
I like it.Without sex that’s not a relationship,unless you are just friends
Hi Agono, its true sex is
Hi Agono, its true sex is important in a relationship but its not the only thing that makes a relationship.
sex is the first prioty in r
sex is the first prioty in r/shp kos sex add more values in love
Its true Fred, sex does
Its true Fred, sex does compliment love in a relationship.
Sex is nt the only way 2 make
Sex is nt the only way 2 make ua r.shp strng…make ua partnr ua best friend,communication is the key,talk,cuddle,love n undrstnd each other.this simble thngs is wat u need 2 make that r.ship work…
Thanks Paul for sharing your
Thanks Paul for sharing your thoughts.
its gd to have sex
its gd to have sex
Yes it is 🙂 .
Yes it is 🙂 .
My partner once told me that
My partner once told me that sex is important but i have aworrying issue my friend used to make love with her partner she got preggers & the partner left her with preggers and married someone that was the red flag i would love to make love with my partner but am scared what should i do
Hi Sofia, there is nothing
Hi Sofia, there is nothing wrong with making love with your partner. If it pregnancy you are not ready for you could always take precaution like using contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancy. You could talk to your partner about this and make a decision together about the contraceptive that you feel would suit both of you. Here is an article on contraceptives to give you more information https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/birth-control-methods .
Thanks for the info i really
Thanks for the info i really appreciate
You are welcome Sofia.
You are welcome Sofia.