9 signs someone’s in love with you
It’s easy to know when you’re in love with someone. But, how do you know if they are in love with you?
Love is a powerful, positive emotion. Like all emotions, you may experience it differently depending on your age, the relationship you’re in, and the kind of person you are.
Being in love is the intense feeling at the start of a relationship, when you only see the positive things about the other person and walk around with your head in the clouds. This feeling can be so intense it actually hurts – especially if the person doesn’t feel the same way about you.
How do you know if someone is in love with you?
They think about you a lot
When someone is in love with you, they think about you a lot and they will call or text you more. They want to talk to you. They will want to make plans to see you and spend time with you. You may find that they call you for no apparent reason but really all they needed to hear is your voice. Some may travel across town to just come and see you.
Their body language
How they look at you says a lot about how they feel about you. It’s not only about how often they look at you, it is equally about how they look at you. You will notice that they will look into your eyes for longer as you talk.
Even the most confident person can get nervous so you may notice that they are fidgety.
It may also be that they can’t help smiling. They don’t know what to say when you meet – or may talk too much because you’re trying to impress you.
No mixed signals
You’re not confused. It is very clear that the person likes you enough to want to be with you. They will want you to do things that couples do, including making plans together, checking on each other, caring for each other, etc.
Showing interest in your interests/hobbies
They have fun with you even if what you are doing is not that fun. Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘it’s not what you do, it’s who you do it with?’ This is exactly what is implied here. When you’re involved with someone, you can watch paint dry and think it is magical. If you’ve never enjoyed watching the stars or moon at night but suddenly that becomes interesting with someone, you may be in love.
They may also be open to assist you to do things they don’t normally enjoy or care for. This shows that they want to be near you and spend time with you. Chances are that they wouldn’t do this for everyone else.
You get attention…lots of it
They give you more attention. People make time for things or people that are important to them. If someone is giving you a lot of attention, they could be in love with you. Likely.
They care deeply about you
There is a difference between someone showing sympathy and another showing empathy. Someone who is in love with you will show empathy. They will care about your feelings and well-being deeply. They will want to be with you when you are going through hard times and are likely to help you find solutions. They are willing to sacrifice to help you.
They remember little details
If someone remembers little details such as that you prefer dark to white chocolate, love chips mwitu, your birthday, or your favorite color is yellow, or that your sink was leaking, it’s likely that they are in love with you.
They want others to know about you
How they introduce you matters. Well, I know this is contested since some people will even introduce you to their grandmother yet they are not in love. They exist. Forget those ones for now. Someone who’s in love with you will want others to know that you are an important part of their lives. They will want to connect more to your world and you to theirs.
Read also: 5 signs of healthy love
You are in their future
Listen to people when they speak. If their future plans involve you, it means that they want you by their side and the implication is that they are likely in love with you. They will use ‘us’ and ‘we’ when talking about the future as opposed to ‘me.’
If all this sounds familiar, they’re probably in love with you!
Bonus: Scientists have tried to find out what makes us feel this way, and what happens to our brains when we’re in love. They found that really does go to our heads: our bodies produce more of certain hormones like oxytocin, commonly known as the ‘love hormone.’
Read also: 9 useful tips to talk to someone you like
I am not in love because love
I am not in love because love is not fear to me.
Hi there,
Hi there,
do you mean you are afraid of love?
Am afraid of my lover
Am afraid of my lover
Hi Wyc, what makes you…
Hi Wyc, what makes you afraid of your lover?
I will like to talk to you…
I will like to talk to you privately
Hello Bobby, like our…
Hello Bobby, like our Facebook page Love Matters Kenya then DM us and will respond.
Thats true story
Thats true story
Thanks 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Can one love and hate a
Can one love and hate a person at the same time?
Hi Sharon,
Hi Sharon,
yes, I think you can… What’s your situation like?
hi i hav understood frm your
hi i hav understood frm your teaching,nw my stuation is lik this am in lov and nw my parter she is a bit far frm me i somtimes go and vist her but if a weak pass without seeng her or talk to her i keep on thinking about her what does this mean?
Hi Luckson,
Hi Luckson,
our expert recently answered a question about distance relationship. Check it out: http://lovematters.co.ke/news/can-long-distance-relationships-work
Love come in many dfferent
Love come in many dfferent form.the people you love are usually. The people you feel most hppy to be with. Whom you lyk to spent most tym with. The people who couldn’t bear to lose. And the people you care about the most
I beleve in love yes but
I beleve in love yes but those i love never knew how i feel
Hi Kelvo,
Hi Kelvo,
well, then you need to make sure that you make your feelings clear to them! You can’t expect people to magically know it. Be brave, tell someone you like that your are interested in them! Good luck!
My husband cheating on me…
My husband cheating on me i hate him what can i do.
Hello Grace,…
Hello Grace,
I can imagine how frustrating and heartbreaking this is for you. Have you talked with him about this? Has he asked for forgiveness? Is he willing to change? Think about whether your relationship can go back to what it used to be, whether you forgive him and trust him and love him again. If not you will have a decision to make including walking away from this relationship. Check out the following article for more information.
Ilove Mariam and Olivia with…
Ilove Mariam and Olivia with all my heart I don’t want any body disturb us
We wish you well.
We wish you well.
kelvo thats the same thing…
kelvo thats the same thing am feeling. And the thing is that i cant even approach a girl. If i want to i will be afriad like am going to die if start saying somthing how can i overcome that?
Hey Ebi, it is normal to…
Hey Ebi, it is normal to feel the way you are because you like this person and perhaps because you don’t know if they feel the same way. However, the only way to get to know how she feels and if a girl is interested in a relationship is to be confident and tell her how you feel. Girls find confidence attractive, so be brave and tell the girl you like how you feel. You can also consider asking a mutual friend to introduce you if one does exist. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
realy ture
realy ture
Thank you for the feedback…
Thank you for the feedback Muhammad.
Can I prove that I love rahab
Can I prove that I love rahab
look into her eye tell you…
look into her eye tell you feeling
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Swizzn.
how can i identify an honest
how can i identify an honest girl to love have tried but i dont succed
Hi Kelvoh,
Hi Kelvoh,
Love is elusive. It is hard to describe but you know it when you feel it. The same goes for your partner, there is no way to know for sure but it’s a feeling. Trust your gut, you know more than you think. Just remember that everyone expresses and feels love a bit differently
Hi,am in love with these lady
Hi,am in love with these lady whom i have dated 4 more than one year.we have sex several times but each time she demands goods from me.What can be the problem?
Hi Vinnie,
Hi Vinnie,
it seems that sex for her is a transaction. You get her body but she gets something in return. You need to talk to her about this, if this is not what you want. In a consensual relationship, this shouldn’t happen. So talk to her- what’s going on, and what does the relationship mean to her?
Yes, wat you said is very…
Yes, wat you said is very true, he should ask her to know her intention
Thank you Mercy for your…
Thank you Mercy for your contribution.
What do u expect me to
What do u expect me to comment after dat maveraus explanation!!thanx.
We are glad you like Bonney.
We are glad you like Bonney.
What do u expect me to
What do u expect me to comment after dat maveraus explanation!!thanx.
What do u expect me to
What do u expect me to comment after dat maveraus explanation!!thanx.
do we fall in luv or grow in
do we fall in luv or grow in luv?
That’s a great question,
That’s a great question, Winnie!
I think either is possible- you can fall hard, but sometimes, love can also take a long time to develop.
What do you think?
love is outomatic
love is outomatic
Thanks for your comment!
Thanks for your comment!
Mwaaaa good or bad?
Mwaaaa good or bad?
I realy love my bf bt he has
I realy love my bf bt he has drifted away n wen i askd him if he is tired of me,he said that i shuld undrstand that he is in grief and give him time(he lost his uncle over a mnth n a half ago)could dat b da rsn or jus an excuse?
It could be the reason. Give
It could be the reason. Give him some space to let out his grief!
Am so inlove with some1 but
Am so inlove with some1 but am sacred of meeting him every time he asks me out i turn him down……i dono what to call what am feeling is it love or something els?
Hi Shukri,
Hi Shukri,
do you know why you are afraid? Is there any specific reason?
can you love somebody yet
can you love somebody yet there is no feelings ?plz help me
Hi Sophy,
Hi Sophy,
do you mean can you love someone but not be in love with them? Yes, that’s possible. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to change that.
Hy am Reagan I stay near a…
Hy am Reagan I stay near a hostel and there is a girl I like but I don’t know how to approach her whenever I see her I just feel like talking to her but I fail what can I do?
Approaching someone that you…
Hey Reagan, Approaching someone that you are attracted to can be difficult but you have to be brave and approach her. She will never to get to know how you feel unless you talk to her, you can consider having someone known to you both introduce you. Be brave. Have a look at this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
am in love but when u missed
am in love but when u missed aperson u loved
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
am in lve with a guy,we hve
am in lve with a guy,we hve mved on for eight months nd we have gone ahead nd have sex,so ma worry z,we r nt communcatin as much as we used tew before nd he doesnt kip his promises as he used tew am word plz hlp
have you tried talking to him about it? Takes some time to explain what it makes you feel like when he behaves like it?
Relationships are about good communication, and it sounds like this is something you can work on.
i think i love it yu pple
i think i love it yu pple have taught me alot concerning love am blessed xana thenks to you all
You are welcome, Joshua!
You are welcome, Joshua!
lovs filn towads anothr pasn
lovs filn towads anothr pasn.its anatural filn.
Thanks, JP.
Thanks, JP.
i met a guy a month ago,we
i met a guy a month ago,we bcame very close en good friends after some tyme he expressed his feelings… he explained tht he has fallen inlov wth mi en that he wants mi 2 b his lady.. at first i rejected him bt as days went by he showed much love en care 2 mi.. i thnk i lov him 2 bt tha problem is he has not ended his relationship wth tha previous gal… what shal i do?
Have you talked to him about
Have you talked to him about this? Has he given you an explanation as to why he hasn’t broken up with the other girl yet?
corecly love comes before
corecly love comes before afall
Do you think a fall always
Do you think a fall always comes with love?
Hi….I hvnt bin d8ng 4 mnths
Hi….I hvnt bin d8ng 4 mnths so i joined a sight called Badoo in dat sight i made it clear dat m looking 4 frndshp so it hppnd i chat 2 dis guy so we kept on chatting evridae so we started being frnds 1st so i hppnd 2 lyk hm bcs he hs da kind of personality i luvd frm a guy n he’s exactly evrithng dat i wntd frm a guy.As da days went passd so he confessed dat he lyks me rememba i ddnt tel hm dat i lykd hm too so i playd hard 2 get cz i ddnt wnt hm 2 thnk negative abt me as da tym went by i confessd 2 so he wud col me evridae n chat 4 hours n then we finaly decided we wud meet each atha n d8,so we met,d8d so my luv 4 hm strtd 2 grow n gt stronger.We d8 2 b honest he treated me lyk a queen,appreciated me,wen i ws wit hm i wud fil safe n secured,he wud make me 4gt abt evrithng n he wud tel me he fils da same.So as da tym went by we hd a small misunderstanding so he said i hd drama whch i ddnt cz i askd hm questions soo he decided 2 end da relationshp so i said 2 hm fine ivn though twsnt cz i ws gyving hm wat he wntd bt i wud fil lonelyness n sent hm sms apologising n telling hw i fil ivn though i wsnt da 1 hu ws wrng n he wud nt reply on dem. I decided 2 stop sending hm cz i wud c dat he’s nt interested.so da ws dis atha day i wud thnk of hm an smile 2 myslf,thnk of his jokes,da thngs he wud say 2 me,hw he wlks n his smile,etc,i dnt wanna lie he also played a big ”impact” in my life in only these past few mnths we were 2geda. So i sent hm an sms telling hm hw i truly mis hm so he replied 2 dat he also misses me he also said he guesses dat i also played a big impact in his lyf so he said he wnts us 2 start fresh bt nw m in doubts abt him cz i kept on thnkng if he’s nt gna do da samethng again cz wen we broke up he neva gave me any reason y he broke up wit me n nw wen i sent hm smses he wud nt reply on dem or he wud reply wen he fils lyk replying. I dnt knw wat 2 do plz give me an advice n i stil luv hm n so mch bt m in doubts.
pole sana! Have you tried to talk to him about all this at all?
He dasnt let me n i thnk hs
He dasnt let me n i thnk hs avoiding me in sum case cz i’ve askd hm 2 cum 2 my place or ndiye kwakhe bt he’s alwys making an excuse… Du u thnk he’s d8ng sum1 else?
have you talked to him about this at all?
Hi Love matters,I have been
Hi Love matters,I have been in love with someone for 5 years but it’s a long distance relationship.in the beginning it was tough but we have managed to overcome the obstacles.i think am ready for Marriage.
Well done, Martin,
Well done, Martin, congratulations!
Yes love is trong,I don’t
Yes love is trong,I don’t know what’s wrong with me.bcos I have the blood of love and every time when I look a lady I fear and I thin’k this I not my right person.pls wat can I do?
Peter, Reaching out to people
Peter, Reaching out to people that you are attracted to can be difficult because of the fear of being rejected. However, they are no different than how would approach a friend, family or other person. The initial hello and coming up with small talk is the same idea except the person is front of you is attractive.
The best way to do this when you are nervous is to talk to people who share interest. Do they go to school with you? Are they working? Did you meet them at the movies? This way there is already a commonality between you an it gives you the first conversation topic. Find other people who like what you like and try to mingle from there.
Otherwise, just be honest. Tell them who you are, why you approached the (they said something smart, they like the same team, you find them beautiful etc) and then build the conversation from there. Tell them about yourself, and ask questions about them. You are attracted to them and ideally as you learn more about them you will become interested in them.
Everyone has nerves and the girls know that. They will be flattered that you even tried to reach out and talk.
There is a girl I love so
There is a girl I love so much but I never had time with her to express my feelings towards her and sometimes when I get little time with her, I lack words to say. What can I do?
make a plan for the next time you get time with her. Write down what you want to say and practice it.
Or: get her phone number and see if you can start talking some more over text, whatsapp, or by calling her.
You will be just fine!
Good luck!
am in love with a guy
am in love with a guy and we’ve neva met only see him wen i go to church.i don know if he feels the same, wat are the indicators i should luk for to know if the feeling is mutual?
Hi Sally,
Hi Sally,
have you talked to him? Do you sometimes catch his eye? Does he say ‘hi’ to you all the time?
People show their interests in different ways. Observe him and see if you can find out!
I was blindly inlove that I
I was blindly inlove that I didn’t see all the lies infront of me. I hate the fact that I went through so much hardship just for a man.its like duh
So sorry to hear that,
So sorry to hear that, Patricia!
Nobody should have to go through that.
Am in love with my bf xo much
Am in love with my bf xo much bt he is still going out with his Xe’s n at tym he even post their pics with him in his profl pic either in fb or whtsup what should I do cz I love him alot?
Am in love with my bf xo much
Am in love with my bf xo much bt he is still going out with his Xe’s n at tym he even post their pics with him in his profl pic either in fb or whtsup what should I do cz I love him alot?
Ouch! So sorry honey, but he
Ouch! So sorry honey, but he is playing games.
You may love him a lot, but to you think you deserve to be in a relationship with a guy who doesn’t respect you?
am in love wid a guy at
am in love wid a guy at chach but i don even know hiz name, we’v neva met, av tried to make eye contact wid him bt its lyk he avoids it . being a girl i don av da guts to approach him coz every tym i see him my hrt beats fast n i feel happiness in me, how shud i know if he feels the same?
be brave and approach him!
What have you got to loose? Even if it doesn’t work out, you have done something brave, and you know what’s going on.
but i dont think african
but i dont think african men take the idea of being approached by a lady too kindly,it lowers their ego,any other alternative pliz?
Male him thinks it’s his idea
Male him thinks it’s his idea Sally :-).
Say something like ‘I’ve noticed that you seem to be interested in me…’
Stroke his ego, tell him how amazing you think he he.
Am real in a true love
Am real in a true love
That’s great!
That’s great!
I feel so great whenever i
I feel so great whenever i chat with my guy… And i feel soo empty when he’s bzz in a meeting because we can’t chat… When he calls me i feel my heart is jumping up…
That’s so sweet 🙂
That’s so sweet 🙂
ave bin dating a guy for 2
ave bin dating a guy for 2 years now,despite the long distance we manage to keep ourself intouch,
That’s great, Daisy!
That’s great, Daisy!
av been in love with a gal
av been in love with a gal now 1yr we’ve been living a happy life bt all of a sudden she decides not to communicate now 2months and any time i try talking about it with her she say she want us to break that she nolonger have time to love ..plz help
try to talk to her one more time, and have her explain to you why she wants to break up.Tell her you need this to understand what’s going on!
hi there,am 23 and have never
hi there,am 23 and have never fallen in love,i guess its high time i think it over but then i fear men and falling for them
take your time and don’t pressure yourself. It will happen, there is no need to force it! Don’t worry, my dear.
Thanks for your advice.I need
Thanks for your advice.I need a lady who know how to love true love
true love takes time, and trust, and honesty and commitment from both partners. Good luck!
love..according to me is a
love..according to me is a strong feelings that you have towards somebody.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
I ws in luv bt i disappoint
I ws in luv bt i disappoint my partner bt nw i wnt us 2 back together & i really mean it bt she’s refusing & say that let us be frnds plz help me wat can i do 4 us 2 be together again plz i still loves her help me plz.
Give her time, Leonard.
Give her time, Leonard.
You have hurt her, and if she offers you a friendship, take it. Gain back her trust as a friend, and take it from there. Don’t pressure her, give her all the time she needs.
i like this site 98%
i like this site 98%
That’s great! What are the 2%
That’s great! What are the 2% that we can improve on?
hi love matter how can I
hi love matter how can I forget bad ting my wife did on me; she was hurt me so badly but now she is not with me; she ia with my famly
rebuilding trust takes time. Keep talking to her, have conversations, talk about what happened and how you can get back on track with your relationship.
Iam not in luv coz i’ve not
Iam not in luv coz i’ve not yet found my true luv—!
You will!
You will!
Martin can you give the
Martin can you give the strategies you used
That Is Good 9Ice
That Is Good 9Ice
Thank you!
Thank you!
wow. . there iz a gal wu
wow. . there iz a gal wu keeps on sending her friendz to come greet but never got the courage to let her know that i lav her how can i make it to win her??
honesty usually works best! Try it gently, though, try to first get a general idea of if she might like you as well.
Good luck!
its a true story
its a true story
My bf hv bin actin streng he
My bf hv bin actin streng he does nt call me any more wen I call him he alwayz tel m dast he z bizzy wat cud be de problem
have you tried talking to him about this? He needs to know that he hurts you, and what it makes you feel like when he acts like that.
her i am inlve with a lady bt
her i am inlve with a lady bt she look uncare to my feelingz wht shld i do?
Have you told her how you
Have you told her how you feel about her?
Am in luv with my galfrnd bt
Am in luv with my galfrnd bt my bext frnd took awy frm me plz help
Oh no! Pole sana, Mos!
Oh no! Pole sana, Mos!
It will be difficult to deal with this. Have you talked to either of them about it? What do they say?
hi mi n my gf broke up n its
hi mi n my gf broke up n its hard for me to let her go although am the one on the guilty side so what should i do??
Have a look at this article
Have a look at this article and see if it helps!
Good luck!
love is not evry thing in
love is not evry thing in this life.bt ushuld b love en love.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for your comment.
hi,I write becos I need u to
hi,I write becos I need u to advice me ..I read an article on this site an got information abt myself.I hvnt had sex for so long. and do notice discharge fro. ma pennis wen ever I am in d bathroom. You called one name I cnt remember now..however’ I’m in a relationship now.And ma gf dnt want sex.she said until we get married.she is her 2nd yr @university.I
ended up masturbating..which I dnt like doing.. of course I prefer sex
.but dnt wnt to cheat on ma gf..what do I do..I am seriously burning.. dnt wnt to loose her cos I feel cheatingb might make me go for d oda who offer sex…I dnt like to masturbate but find myself doing it when. ever I feel urge for sex…pls what do I do?
Hello there,
Hello there,
have you talked to her about this? Maybe the two of you can find a solution together, like mutual masturbation, or outercourse, or oral sex.
Talk to her about your concerns. Don’t pressure her. But maybe you can find a way together that works for both of you.
hey love matters am in love
hey love matters am in love with a guy.we have date for long time.but he have a kid wid her ex gf.it annoy me coz he keep on meantioning name of her ex does it mean he still love her
he has a child with her. So he will always have a connection with her, because of the child. Which is great, because it means he cares for his kid.
But it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you.
Am i love ds guy bt i feel
Am i love ds guy bt i feel lyk hes slf-fish cz hes alwys lyng and he nvr keep his promises. Whn i ask hm y he jst say lets leave it
that doesn’t sound too good, to be honest. It sounds like you are more invested in the relationship than he is.
i am 21 nd in a big mess in
i am 21 nd in a big mess in terms of love….am in luv with a 26 yr old lady who is engaged bt she doesnt have kids …..its been 5 months now nd still seeing each other…am a universty student nd i keep on falling for her despite her marital status…we have had sex a couple of times gone out clubbing spent valentines together…..i cherish her so much…i dnt know wat to do pliz help me
have you talked to her about this? What does she?
Am 20yrs thea is dis 16yr old
Am 20yrs thea is dis 16yr old gal whom am madly inlove with bt a feel guilty abt it, i feel lyk comtn a crime. i see her very yung, advice me pliz
having sex with a 16 year old would indeed be a crime, and she is still a minor, while you are not.
How does she feel about you?
If you are talked your idea
If you are talked your idea if i talking my idea every night i feellling sad when my wife is absent but when she is present i feeling happy
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing!
Relationship is therelation
Relationship is therelation bw two person these are ane future
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
Hi Love matters, i met a lady
Hi Love matters, i met a lady in one of ma working places. we had a friendship for abt 2months .as we were mingling together ,I was felt in love for her.openly i expressed and revealed ma luv to her.unfortunately she told me that not ready for anyrlship.what can i do know and i really fell strong love to her surelly Liz help???
give her time. Don’t pressure her. If she is not ready yet, there is no point in forcing her, or the relationship has no chance of lasting.
i’m n lov wit tiz lady bt it
i’m n lov wit tiz lady bt it seem he dsnt hv no flng 2wrd mh yt i fall n lov wit hr wat shld i do..
you can’t make someone fall in love with you, sorry, dear.
Have you talked to your partner about this?
Pliz help me.i only feel love
Pliz help me.i only feel love only when a near my lady n i do give up easily even if the mess is equal to an ant.whats wrong with me?
we don’t really understand your question. You only love her when you are with her, but not when she is not around, is that it?
am married for 7 years, i
am married for 7 years, i think am in lv with someone else.what will i do?
sorry dear, we can’t tell you what to do. You need to figure out what you want.
Take some time to think about what your marriage needs to work again. And if you are willing to risk everything for someone else. Don’t make a quick decision. All the best!
hi, am in love with a certain
hi, am in love with a certain lady that much.. she told me she love me too bt already she has someone. she told me she cnt leave that guy too.. what can i do?? help me..
if she is already with someone, you might be best off leaving her alone.
You will be getting in a very messy situation if you don’t.
How do a guy know if a girl
How do a guy know if a girl truly loves him?
you don’t. But you can look for signs that indicate it. Does she make future plans with you? Does she do what she promises? Have you met her family? Then things do look promising!
great excerpts.nice n
great excerpts.nice n detailed analysis giving a reliable orientation on love,love matters n love making.kudos
Thanks John!
Thanks John!
Which is the right age to be
Which is the right age to be in a r/ship?
that really depends on the person. How old are you, and do you feel ready?
how do you know someone
how do you know someone really loves you? there is this chic who tells me she loves me but I have only known her for a month
take your time to make that decision. Don’t rush anything. Spend time with her, get to know her, and see how you feel about it!
i HV understood BT how can i
i HV understood BT how can i know if a girl can deep in my hrt coz this is my first time to lk for mg first girlfrnd and the LST word from her is that she what me to describe 20eaning of love
Sorry, we don’t seem to
Sorry, we don’t seem to understand your question
Nice one
Nice one
Thank you!
Thank you!
Iam So Complicated I Have
Iam So Complicated I Have Been Relationship 4 3months Bt The Way She Is Nowdaiz Is Not Like The Beginning.If I Started Talk 2 Her He Keep Silent Without Talking 2 Me N It Spend Most Of His Time 2 Chat With Other People N Delete The Inbox My Que Is This Is There Matumaini Ya Kuoa Hyu Ama Nidivorse
Have you talked to her about this and asked her what she wants and if anything changed that made her behave like that?
My boo is in Bm.4 we are Ok!
My boo is in Bm.4 we are Ok! that We love one another. But I kind of feeling uncomfortable because am not sure whether it’s real love or it’s just a by the way thing?
I usually call sometimes my call becomes dropped down or busy. Every man wants a woman for himself a woman who’s suprisingly even if I understand She’s in form four I could have expecting her to pick the call and tell me She’s busy with her studies I should chill out for a moment.
Help guys is this fair?
My boo is in Bm.4 we are Ok!
My boo is in Bm.4 we are Ok! that We love one another. But I kind of feeling uncomfortable because am not sure whether it’s real love or it’s just a by the way thing?
I usually call sometimes my call becomes dropped down or busy. Every man wants a woman for himself a woman who’s suprisingly even if I understand She’s in form four I could have expecting her to pick the call and tell me She’s busy with her studies I should chill out for a moment.
Help guys is this fair?
have you ever talked to her about this? What does she say?
Hey.. I’ve been married for
Hey.. I’ve been married for more than 15 years but I’ve never feel impressed by him. I’ve never enjoyed love for He’s a very harsh guy and hot tempered. He’s my first man and I’ve never hurt his feelings. In bed he even sometimes elect before penetration. Thou I’ve no experience of how far or how people feel in sex, he leave me hanging all the time. What do I do? Is this real love? And what is sex and how do I reach to organism?
that’s a lot of issues you are bringing up… How do you feel about your relationship? Is this something you are struggling with to the extent that you are not sure if you want to continue?
What if i fall in love with a
What if i fall in love with a wrong person?
How would you define a the
How would you define a the wrong person?
Like someone who is in love
Like someone who is in love with another person.
That’s a really tricky one,
That’s a really tricky one, and chances are it won’t work out well.
Hi..we’ve been dating for now
Hi..we’ve been dating for now 3 years..last week my man found some suggestive texts on my phone…he’s now mad and calling off the realionship…I love him what can I do..pliz help
did you talk to him? Because you will need to explain how those texts got there…
I love agirl since we were in
I love agirl since we were in high school two years to complete the KCSE.I loved him so much and promised to marry me, but for now she stays in Eldoret and i in Nairobi bt through phone communications she tells me to keep the promise.
Since 2012 to date, is she realy in love with me?
If you have been doing long
If you have been doing long-distance since 2012 and you are still in love, wow! Good for you! Why would you question her love?
I am inlove with lady whom I
I am inlove with lady whom I later fiund out that she is a widow with two kids and I am a mmarried man and we started our relationship without telling ourselves the truth. She has found out that I am married man and still dating me and I also found out that she is a mother of two children and I love her so much because am not happy with marriage. What do I do.
Hi Ben, that’s a complex
Hi Ben, that’s a complex situation to be in. You say you are unhappy in your Marriage whats cousing the unhappiness? You need to evaluate your relationship and find out the problem. If its something that can be solved and you are still interested in the relationship that will be good. If you still feel your marriage is still not worth being in then you will have to decide on what you want and the way forward. All The best.
I’m in love with this lady
I’m in love with this lady (21 years old) for two years know when I tell her about dating, she says that her mother can’t allow her to leave the house plz advice me on what to do.
Hi Jared, are you saying you
Hi Jared, are you saying you want her to move in or her mother won’t allow her to go out for dates?
hi’ i felt in lav wid a guy’
hi’ i felt in lav wid a guy’ then we parted 4 some reasons wich made me suffered soo much’ last yr i met the same guy’ en he iz asking 2 marry me’ ‘ do i gramb the oppotunity or do i let it go?
Hi Tabbie thanks for writing
Hi Tabbie thanks for writing to us. Sorry for going through that pain. People break up and some times make up, that is normal. The decision always rests with them. You will have to decide what you want first and then do it. If you decide that you want to be back with him it would be wise to take you time and get to learn him afresh. Its wise to deal with the past issues and rekindle the love first before going into marriage. If you feel that he’s not the person for you all you need to do is move on with your life. All the best.
I am in love. I lots of love
I am in love. I lots of love her I don’t know how can I talk to her…. plz help me
Hi Jigi, have you read our
Hi Jigi, have you read our article on painfully shy? it will help you with your issue. https://lovematters.co.ke/news/painfully-shy
am in love with a girl and we
am in love with a girl and we are not same religion her fmly told me to become christian and am muslim what should i do?
Hi Abdi,
Hi Abdi,
you need to discuss it with her. Any decision you make about your religion should be yours and not from anyone else. There are many relationships of people in different religions and they work. Talk with her and decide what you want to do.
Yes Indeed love is a feeling.
Yes Indeed love is a feeling….wenever I come accross my boylover ma desiney characters change,ma soulmate…..and am left wit nothing but loving him back
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Lavino.
I have a fiance that we have
I have a fiance that we have been passing through difficulties time in our relationship but we always manage to solve! But now a days a see like he dont appriciate anything i do to him i asked him he said nothing! My question is what should i do to make him do like past days??
Hi Posh you could try find
Hi Posh you could try find out what has changed. Encourage him to be open and honest with you. Here is how you can communicate https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/communication .
I have a girl who we have
I have a girl who we have been dating for 2 years,we had an unprotected sex and she got pregnant,she intended to abort the pregnancy buh I said no she did that without my knowledge which got me bored.She took that to be an excuse and broke up with me buh I really love her and want to be with her the rest of my life buh she always tell me she is dating .what should I do cuz I really love her
Hi Pat,
Hi Pat,
Sorry for what you are going through. But it sounds like she has moved on.
You need to take time and think about what you want to do and then take action.
I hope you are able to make an informed decision. All the best to you.
I’m married for two yrs,BT my
I’m married for two yrs,BT my husband is pushing with another chick I do love my husband so very much and am now pregnant….they have been in relationship for 8 months now…am desperate because I love him with all my hrt…..now I really don’t know what to do… Plzzzz help me
Hi Jane,
Hi Jane,
Sorry that you are in that position.
Have you confronted your partner about his affair?
there is this man I love from
there is this man I love from inside but he is not submissive and there is one again who loves me he can to anything to be with me but I don’t love him although we see each other.. am confused pls help..should I continue with the caring one or the other one that i love
Hi Mildred,
Hi Mildred,
Take time to think about what you want for yourself. Weigh the pros and cons of being with each partner and then decide who you feel is right for you.
Am faith.am in love with
Am faith.am in love with someone but i always feel that he didnt feel dsame way for me
Hi Faith,
Hi Faith,
That is a common happening in many relationships. Check out this article to learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/love-and-relationships .
Hi, I proposed to this lady
Hi, I proposed to this lady two years ago but she said she wasn’t ready. Now we are close and am afraid of asking her again but I love her. Any advice?
Hi code,
Hi code,
Did she explain what she meant by not being ready then?
If she did do you think anything has changed?
If so do not let fear keep you from asking her again. If you don’t ask you will never find out.
Am in love with someone but I
Am in love with someone but I don’t know what to do coz everyday we’ve got problems
Hi Rammah,
Hi Rammah,
having issues in a relationship is a normal thing. But what’s important is how to deal with them and become better as a couple. Here are tips on how to deal with relationship issues https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/relationship-problems .
https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/fights-relationships .
am in lov with my gf BT the
am in lov with my gf BT the problem is she says that she lov me BT when I asked her to hve sex she refused,, and say we can stay an till we get married,,is there a true lov??
Hi Antony,
Hi Antony,
Love is not defined by sex. You can be in a loving relationship even if you do not have sex.
Check out this article to find out more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/love-and-relationships .
there is one girl I love but
there is one girl I love but I don’t know how to tell her
Hi Prince,
Hi Prince,
Check out this article it might help you with your issue https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
how do you know if someone
how do you know if someone love’s you?
Loving someone isn’t the same
Loving someone isn’t the same as being in love with them.
Being in love is the intense feeling at the start of a relationship, when you only see the positive things about the other person and walk around with your head in the clouds. This feeling can be so intense it actually hurts – especially if the person doesn’t feel the same way about you.
The feeling of being in love develops over time, and becomes a deeper, steadier, tender feeling for the other person – you love them.
Love develops in stages, and doesn’t always follow the same pattern. But in most cases love begins with the passion of sexual attraction, then the dreamy, overwhelming ‘in love’ stage, and finally the deeper attachment that develops over time and can last for years – sometimes for a lifetime.
I hve been in love for 5 yrs
I hve been in love for 5 yrs ..bt my fiancé have been wit another man wen I ask she tell he is his x n love yke kwake n 50/50..question is doehs she love or his x
Hi Kaba,
Hi Kaba,
I do not understand your question do you care to clarify?
Am in love wit ma gf for 5
Am in love wit ma gf for 5 yrs bt ma gf told me there is another man who is his x n he wants her again and my gf still loves him bt she claim she love me more then him..ma quiz is does she love me or do I leave her..bt I love her soo much
I’m dating a lady who has one
I’m dating a lady who has one more year to complete college. All along, she has been so nice to me until recently when she started changing. She has become hard to deal with. She comes home late (at times we stay together) and gets annoyed when I ask. I had promised her marriage. Could it mean that her abrupt change is an alarm that I may be left soon? Is she not mine any more now that she’s about to complete college? Is she eyeing somebody out there?
Hi Ano,
Hi Ano,
All those are valid questions and you are right to ask them.
Take time to talk to her and try to find out as much as you can.
Here is an article that can help https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/relationship-problems .
Am in love with a certain
Am in love with a certain lady Ave been with her for almost an year but things have changed. She graduated a week ago and she doesn’t even want to see me or even look at me, she saying thing like I can’t handle her, we’ve been cool but since her graduation she’s been just cold.. Wats the reason for that?
Hi Bing,
Hi Bing,
Sorry that your relationship is not working out. Its difficult to say why she changed but one this she’s made clear is that she’s not interested in the relationship.
You should start thinking about how you can move on from this. Here’s an article that can help https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
I and my bf are in a serious
I and my bf are in a serious relationship…we both are inlove with each oda deeply….he is a christian and i am a muslim..he loves me so much and wishes to marry me…i normally dnt give a reply weneva he talks abt marriage or kids cos i wish to marry a muslim like myself…i dnt like a 2-religioned marriage….anoda problem is dat i do wish to see him often bt i wouldn’t be allowed at home…i hope his love for me won’t fade away cos my actions are as if i dnt care abt him bt i truly care nd love him so much wit all of my hrt…
Hi TIwa,
Hi TIwa,
You need to make time and think about what you want. If you feel that the relationship is not viable you need to break up with him to avoid dragging it for long as difficult as it may be.
If you feel that religion will not stop you hen you need to think about how you will go about it together with him.
All the best to both of you.
we’ve bin in lav wit ha 4two
we’ve bin in lav wit ha 4two yrs nw bt wen she join campus i went to an intitute i kept on txtin n calin we had fun n hapi bt recently i kept on txtin no reply i posted samtin on fb “fa silence ov aloved one hurts” dat pist ha off i said even on fb u dnt reply wen i txt she stil dnt get i decided to come down to earth n apologised nt to coz any mo wrangles btn us bt luked nt acceptin t coz wen i kol bac shez xo brief no reply txt n nt even ahi wen askef weather she stil loves mi no reply.Nw dnt wat to do?
This might be difficult to hear but it looks like she’s no longer interested in the relationship.
Take time and think about the turn of events and what is happening currently then decide what you would like to do about it.
Am in love wiz a lady now two
Am in love wiz a lady now two years. Bt every time when I talk of visiting her relatives she says not now. Yet she says she want marriage with me. She ever busy with her work having no time for me to meet and talk face to face we mostly talk through phone. I do almost whatever she want but it seems am fed up with her cause am ready to marrialy her. Should i give her more time or quit het? Brcause am in mi due time.
Hi Davie, that is a very good
Hi Davie, that is a very good question. Marriage is a serious commitment and needs one to be ready. Just because you are ready does not mean she is to.
Think about it and make a decision. Get some more insight here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/marriage .
Divorce that bitch, she is
Divorce that bitch, she is not with you alone that’s why she is always havung no time for u
am have been dating dis man
am have been dating dis man for 2yrs. we’ve always had issues but reconciles but recently he started showing me signs of negligence and d worst is DAT he doesn’t call even wen I call he doesn’t pick. Before dis, i’v been telling him to come to my house so DAT my parents will know who am dating not for him to pay anytin. I told him DAT cu’s I hate hidden relationships cu’s it has cost me a lot in d past…. but he sends me messages..i’v tried to make him open up to me if he still wants d relationship so that I can move on if he dont yet he didn’t reply. pls I want to know d fate of my relationship cu’s i’v sacrificed a lot for it. I don’t really want it to crumble cu’s I love him. tanks.
You need to talk to him about
You need to talk to him about it and find out what he thinks and what his expectations are of your relationship.
All the best to both of you.
am in luv wit a guy 4 over
am in luv wit a guy 4 over 3years and we luv each other to d xtend dat my mum said he not a type of man i can marry but i refuse bt nw i have feeling dat he nt d guy i no be4 becuse he has change he alway ignore my cal and sometime someone dat alwas pick is cal and d sound is a girl voice so i want u to help me is he datin someone or he just want to text my feelin becuse i dont understand
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/news/signs-cheating-boyfriend .
i have being dating a man
i have being dating a man for3year naw he has 4kinds and i live with him d prplem i have with him he loves his children more than d marriage if d children do rung if i tell him he will stert
suporting them my familly has tulk to him but still he dosnot listen am serously feedup
Hi Nicky,
Hi Nicky,
How do you feel that he has neglected the marriage? What is it that He doesn’t do?
About a couple of months ago
About a couple of months ago,my old time junior school friend messaged me after a long while,like 3-4 years ago we talked. she tried to convince me that we can start dating again,because we liked each other back in school. I tried to make her understand that I have moved on and I really don’t know her deeply to say I want to date her. she literally choked me with questions until I gave up and tried to convince my self that it could probably work. After a month,my phone got spoilt and was unable to communicate with her,it seems all the week 1 loving and falling just disappeared and I think I really don’t love her and I was forced to date her,I don’t have those vibes to talk to her or text her again. she called my sisters phone once and we talked where I explained to her that my phone is faulty. I don’t think I loved this girl,I think I just took pity on her and tried to take advantage of the situation that she is kinda cute and single. I don’t want to break her heart because am a good guy and I don’t want to continue a fake relationship. help me!
Hi Dan,
Hi Dan,
It sounds as though you need to make a hard choice. If you do not want t be in a fake relationship you need to end it. Pain and hurt is part of it and it cannot be avoided.
Here is an article that can give you more insight https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/breaking-up .
A lady says she has fallen in
A lady says she has fallen in love with me, these was my classmate back then in school but now she is telling me she has fallen in love with me and I have my own girl friend who I live so imuch and don’t want to ever cheat on her, same time these other girl keep calling everyday, iIcan’t tell her iIdon’t want her cause don’t wants to break her heart, don’t want her to feel bad,please what should do
Eze unless you having motives
Eze unless you having motives of considering giving her a chance,you should really make her see reasons with you,that you are seeing someone else should even be enough reason
Thanks for giving your input.
Thanks for giving your input.
Hi Eze,
Hi Eze,
This maybe difficult to hear but you cannot do both things. you cannot expect her to stop pestering you if you don’t tell her the truth.
Being a good person means doing the right things even if they are not pleasant. Take time and think about your choices and then make a move.
can you get married to your
can you get married to your agemate or classmate for that matter?
As long as both of you want
As long as both of you want the same thing there is nothing wrong about it.
Hi, I’m in complex
Hi, I’m in complex relationships. 6yrs a go I fell in love with a man nd he felt the same about mi, after 3yrs relationship, my parents found out and rejected me to b with that man, my dad told him the truth nd mi too then we broke. He love mi and mi too but we cldn’t do anything. After then he married cz he couldn’t do anything he was a graduate and I was class 8 . after a year I started anew relationship and we aparted, he s in Somalia nd I’m in Kenya. Then my love fr him faded away yet he loves mi and tells mi to keep the promise. The worst of all is that my first bf who’s now married is telling me to back up and start a new relationship yet he’s married nd telling me tht he Love’s me cz marriage doesn’t matter cz we r Muslims. A gain I fell in love with another, he tells me that he do love mi yet I doubt cz he doesn’t give mi time fr most of the times. Plz help I’m abt to go mad
Hi Hamdish,
Hi Hamdish,
Its very easy to still fall back in love with your ex. But its important to always think about your current situation and how that relationship can complicate your life.
If you are currently married and you are contented with your relationship its better for you to stay in what works rather than try to live in the past. Take time to think about it and make your informed choice.
Hi Hamdish,
Hi Hamdish,
Its very easy to still fall back in love with your ex. But its important to always think about your current situation and how that relationship can complicate your life.
If you are currently married and you are contented with your relationship its better for you to stay in what works rather than try to live in the past. Take time to think about it and make an informed choice.
I don’t know if am in love
I don’t know if am in love with this particular guy but I think so. We met when I was in Part 2 and he in part 3 by coincide and then we would chat with each other for long periods of time and then we loosed contact. By sheer luck again after like 6 months we got in contact through Facebook and ever since then I can virtually say my WhatsApp chat is most with him. We have gotten so so close but because we have both been very very busy we aren’t able to meet up but a few times. There is nothing we can’t discuss with each other and in addition to that he respects me (not ma/sir kind of respect) cos our chats doesn’t feature dirty, naughty or even sex talks and of cos I love that about him, I can sense it from our chats that he also likes me am not sure. I don’t know what to do
Hi Blessing,
Hi Blessing,
If you like him as much as he likes you its up to you to decide whether you want to be in a relationship.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/love-and-relationships .
Hi, am Mimi I ve kn this guy
Hi, am Mimi I ve kn this guy for sometime now we started as good friends and now something more than that is going on. Am in luv wit him but the thing is that I don’t know if he luv me the way I do. He ask me to come visit him but am confused about it. Please should I visit him?
You can be able to tell if
You can be able to tell if someone loves you. Ask him what his definition of love is and then check f he has any of those signs towards you. You can also check this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/love-and-relationships .
i have a boyfrnd who is very
i have a boyfrnd who is very strick he dont want me to answer anybodys cal not even ma frnds nd he dont to cal me nd hear me waiting he just fight nd somtimes very angry
It sounds as though you are in an abusive relationship. Check out this article to find out more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/abusive-relationships .
Am in luv wit this guy but
Am in luv wit this guy but deep inside me am not sure if he do cus he always claim not to have money to call I have being the pillar of the relationship I always call make time for us to see pay 4 d drink nd hotels whenever we see I don’t if he luv me or just want to play around he hadly spend on me.
Sincerely speaking,he doesn’t
Sincerely speaking,he doesn’t love u,coz wen a guy loves u he makes sure he does everything possible to make u happy and feel important which ofcourse includes spending for u….besides its a guy thing to do all dese things uv mentioned and not d ladies,u could go to that length wen u r sure dat he truly loves u and he really means it with u….buh once u r d one trying to make things work mst esp.by doing all dat uv mentioned its crystal clear dat he is just using u and he is wasting ur time.
Thanks for your input and
Thanks for your input and support Fatima.
Tat true
Tat true
Hi Victoria,
Hi Victoria,
If you feel that the relationship is one sided then it probably is. You should talk to him about it and inform him how you feel about it. The best way is to always express yourself truthfully and honestly. If he is genuine about his intentions with you and the relationship he will put some effort for both of you if not then it means he’s not invested in the relationship and you will need to think about the way forward.
I love my bf. He claims he
I love my bf. He claims he loves me too ..but we usually have issues/fight…mainly about having time and attention for me….secondly what do u think about dating a married man..is that in anyway a good idea..provided u both are in love..pls reply
Hi Toba,
Hi Toba,
Its normal to have fights in a relationship but what important is talking about it and resolving the issues. Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/fights-relationships .
About dating a married man, it’s up to you to put yourself in that other woman’s shoe, if you were married would you want your husband to have a girlfriend on the side?
Of cause I won’t be happy..
Of cause I won’t be happy…but I belive the man ought to knw what exactly he wants…the girlfriend outside got no fault if the man keeps coming….is the girl in d position to end the relationship even wen she loves the man ?…love can so be insane sometimes..love can direct u to anybody at anytime..
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
There was a guy I dated
There was a guy I dated 3years ago,we were so in love with each other before I gained admission, we broke up few months after I resumed school, two years later after I have moved on ND dated for a while, he wanted us back but things weren’t the way they were b4.We sepererated again then I met another who loves me more than I do that I myself can even vouch for. This guy I was dating before came back talking about commitment and I couldn’t say no to him but am confused now I don’t think I love either of them Co’s I don’t want to lose them both for reasons that is not of the heart…. Am confused
It sounds as though you are
It sounds as though you are not sure about what you want. You need to take time and really think about what you want and what is important for you in your life. It’s not easy but it’s a decision only you can make. Think about it and make a decision on the way forward.
I Have Been I Luv With This
I Have Been I Luv With This Girl For Over Six Years. I Luv Her So Much And She Luvs Me To But The Problem Is She Cant Allow Us To Have Sex Yet She Says She Luvs Me So Much. The Only Thing On Her Her Mind Is Marriage And She Has Rejected Very Many Men Coz She Wants Me To Marry Her.She Has Always Visited Me But No Sex. Last Time I Told Her To End Our Relationship Coz Am Not Ready To Marry At A Time Shes Suggesting Coz Am Still Doing My Bachelors Degree And Continous Refusal To Have Sex For All These Years But She Cried,came To Visit Me But Insisted She Has To Get Married To Me But No Sex Before Marriage.She Also Wants Me To Take Her To My Home. What Should I Do? Should I Remain In Luv With Her Or We Part Our Ways? Does She Really Love Me Like She Claims? Could She Have Done Some Witchcraft On Me Coz I Also Find It Hard To Get Another Lover?
choose what you want, sex or
choose what you want, sex or love. if you have been in that relationship for 6 yrs as you said without sex, why don’t you wait until marriage as she has said.
Thanks for the input.
Thanks for the input.
Hi Justus,
Hi Justus,
Love is not measured by sex. The fact that she wants to wait till until she is married shows that she has principles and is focused about what she wants. This a good quality.
You need to talk to her and evaluate what your expectations of each other are.
Yes I think she does love you
Yes I think she does love you.refusing to have sex with is just enough to show you just how much she loves nd respects you don’t make a mistake of giving her up
Am in luv with this guy and i
Am in luv with this guy and i love him very much,he cheated on me once but we solved the issue with even his ex,but he does not give me time he is always buzy ihav tried talking to him but he gives me the same excuse one time we had an argument and he started comparing me to his ex,i cant say he doep not love me coz he introduced me to the church that am his wife to be but am still confused and i lost trust in him.help me pliz
It sounds as though you have not been able to define your relationship fully.
Take time and talk to your partner, and define your relationship. Talk about your expectations of each other .
Defining your relationship is important in defining the direction of where you want to be.
Hi,av been in love with this
Hi,av been in love with this guy for 2 years now,i love him so very much but he has changed his love azn the way he loved me wen we met is not the same as now.i love him truely no lie but wen i want to break with him he accepts to break but the problem with me i can’t sleep,eat-stressed.wen i tell him he welcomes me back to his life.does he love me please help me.
dont always mention break ups
dont always mention break ups coz it lowers men’s attraction to ladies,if u find tht his love has changed to u kindly let him know thro a productive talk and not thro phone or chats.
Thanks for your input
Thanks for your input Galistus.
Hi Pauline,
Hi Pauline,
Love does not remain the same through time.
You need to take time to talk to you partner more to share how you feel about each other.
Check out this article to learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/relationship-problems .
I don’t know much about love,
I don’t know much about love, but if it’s this kind of feeling that can’t let u sleep without talking to a particular person or see him, then i guess am in love with this Eric guy. The problem is that am not sure if he feels the same about me. He knows i love him coz i tell him everyday, he claims he loves me too but i don’t believe him. He doesn’t seem to care, unless men have a different kind of a way to show their love. What i know is i love him
Hi Laura,
Hi Laura,
This might be difficult to hear but if someone shows you that they do not care its probably is because they do not care.
You need to take time and think about the kind of relationship you want to be in. If your current relationship is not what you want, then you need to take time to decide what you want for yourself.
we are in love but our
we are in love but our parents are complicating it with issues that are of less importance like they think she’s still young even though shes already past 25yrs and she’s even embloyed by the government. is that even a reason to refuse our marriage?
Hi Tobby,
Hi Tobby,
Marriage is a serious commitment and one needs to be sure about it. The decision need s to be made by the two people in the relationship.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/marriage .
iam experiencing tiz my
iam experiencing tiz my fellow frdz av been in love for te last one year bt ma ldy was taken a month ago woi!!!!pliz guide
Sorry that that happened to
Sorry that that happened to you Ngetich.
Sounds like you still need to move on. Check out this article to find out more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
How will uknw thatyou
How will uknw thatyou aregeuniely in love with someone
Check out this article to
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/what-love .
hw do i knw wen a guy luv me
hw do i knw wen a guy luv me or nt.
When you’re in love, you tend
When you’re in love, you tend to turn a blind eye to the flaws in your partner’s personality. Make sure you are basing your decision to get married on a deeper understanding of your lover or partner.
Being in love is the intense feeling at the start of a relationship, when you only see the positive things about the other person and walk around with your head in the clouds. This feeling can be so intense it actually hurts – especially if the person doesn’t feel the same way about you.
The feeling of being in love develops over time, and becomes a deeper, steadier, tender feeling for the other person – you love them.
Love develops in stages, and doesn’t always follow the same pattern. But in most cases love begins with the passion of sexual attraction, then the dreamy, overwhelming ‘in love’ stage, and finally the deeper attachment that develops over time and can last for years – sometimes for a lifetime.
I have a boyfriend who claims
I have a boyfriend who claims he loves me though he was dating my girlfriend now he left me just because i got pregnant for him now i have no choice bt to abort the child. Now he want me back wat do i do because i still love him.
This is one of those
This is one of those questions that do not have a straight answer. Whether its good or bad depends with an individual own opinion.
Getting back with your ex depends on a few things like, do you both still want the same thing? Do you feel you can be able to resolve the issues that le to the break up in the first place?
After you’ve ended your relationship, one big question is whether you can remain friends with your ex. There’s no clear answer to that question. It depends on you, your ex and how the relationship ended.
But be picky, too. If you know that the differences between you while dating were too big, the same might happen in the new relationship. It’s not worth getting hurt twice!
Its always important to take care and your feelings first before you make a step towards mending the relationship. Having a sober mind while making such a decision is very important.
Here is an article about being friends with an ex https://lovematters.co.ke/news/friends-ex-dos-and-donts .
Am inlove with this guy joshu
Am inlove with this guy joshu but i found out he has another gal wen i asked him he denied it bt i had evidence of them together shuld i break up with him then his bro claims to be in love with me what will i do help plz
Hi Lech,
Hi Lech,
It sounds like you are in a complicated situation.
It would be wise to deal with your current relationship before you can start thinking about your next relationship.
Here is an article that will give you more insight https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/cheating .
Hi….I wood like to ask if
Hi….I wood like to ask if its OK for one to go to a dating agency for a link up.I do feel like I need to have a man in my life.my past relationship was a wreck.the guy am having feelings for atilzsays that he doesn’t know what we are.he is always busy…..and,am afraid of being heartbroken again.I want to .EET someone I will love and who loves me back.. And if all goes well…we can start a family together.please advise on the way forward… Should I wait for this other guy or should I start seeing someone else?plus when we are alone together he wants us to get intimate but am uncomfy since am not his girlfriend yet.
Hi Brenda,
Hi Brenda,
Find your answers here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/online-dating-dos-and-donts .
I am in wit a guy and he is d
I am in wit a guy and he is d first boy I am introducing to my family and I am d first girl he introduce to his family.we HV dated for 2 year since d beginning of our relationship he has always been cheating,and I don’t reason other guys outside,always faithful to him.I always forgive wen ever I see him wit another girl even on bed I will over look,now I met him wit a girl eating in his room nd in my present he was trying to feed d girl,I left dem and went home,yesterday d grsndma called me I went to deir hux he was on call wit d other call I collect d phone from him and ask d girl to come and see d bf,dat was becos he said he was expecting d girl nd I call to d hux so he became angry dat I am around.after calling d girl he pushed me down becos I called d girl wit his phone.now him and d family re begging me.pls wat do u called dat
That sounds like a complicated situation.
You need to take time and evaluate the relationship and what It means to you. Are you happy in it? Are you getting what you need? is this the kind of relationship you want to be in?
Think about this questions and reflect on the answers and then decide on what you want to do.
am duncolama’z,,,i have been
am duncolama’z,,,i have been in relationship with my gf for an year,,,,,,when we are together there are guyz who calls her and request her to go but she tells them that she is busy home,,,but note that we are together,,,,i feel like am forcing her to love me,,,,,she even tells me that she is not capable for love and saying that she is mine,,,,,,so should i leave her?
Hi ,
Hi ,
It seems you are not sure whether your partner is faithful to you and what you should do.
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/news/cheating-top-five-facts .
I’ve bin in a relationship wt
I’ve bin in a relationship wt a gul 4 almost a year now nd i ave tried diff.way to proof my true luv to him stil he did not believe me.pl. help me out
What do you feel is the reason that she does not believe you?
I have been engaged for
I have been engaged for months, but to greatest surprise for the my fiance to wake up one morning and told me that i don’t have what he needed from a woman. I was confused because we never quarrel for day. That the girls that he have been going out with, that he valued them more than i. And because of that, I have to return his ring back to him. Finally, he is now begging for me to forgive him, due to his parents and friends shouted at him, his now telling me that he is only playing. But the fact is that, after telling me that for several times, all the feelings that i have for him disappear. Please advise me, if you are in my shoes will you go ahead and marry the man that doesn’t see you as something.
Getting back with your ex
Getting back with your ex depends on a few things like, do you both still want the same thing? Do you feel you can be able to resolve the issues that le to the break up in the first place?
After you’ve ended your relationship, one big question is whether you can remain friends with your ex. There’s no clear answer to that question. It depends on you, your ex and how the relationship ended.
But be picky, too. If you know that the differences between you while dating were too big, the same might happen in the new relationship. It’s not worth getting hurt twice!
Its always important to take care and your feelings first before you make a step towards mending the relationship. Having a sober mind while making such a decision is very important.
My bf and i have a bby,he has
My bf and i have a bby,he has nt been helping me ever since i gt pregnant and nw the baby is almost a year.hes working,he dnt cal neither sends a txt.he sends an sms once in a while claiming he love both me n the baby bt i dnt blv hm..ma question should continue wit him or what should i do?advice plz
It looks like you already
It looks like you already know the answer to your question and you are only looking for confirmation.
The truth is you already know what you want and you only need to put it into action. No one can be able to tell you what is right or wrong for you except yourself.
love is smthng tht u mai nt
love is smthng tht u mai nt control bt cmex naurally after dating for xme timex
Thanks for your input Evans.
Thanks for your input Evans.
Hv been heart broken by da
Hv been heart broken by da guy I loved so much but now so much in love with another guy but am afraid to commit to him for he may disappoint me just like da first, advise me pliz
Hi Angel,
Hi Angel,
You need to get over the fear of your past relationship. You can only do that if you are bale to move on.
Check this out to learn how to https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
I am I love with this guy
I am I love with this guy that is uneducated he has no much money but I really love him I met when he didn’t have even a phone.I bought him one and start to teach him one by one but he cannot text sof the only thing we can use is a call or record a audio because am out of the country right now but before I came I did lots of things for this guy that even people used to ask me if I was blind loving that kind of a man and the way I was a bit classy but I just didn’t care because I really loved him so my problem is one he is not romantic can someone be teached how to be romantic? I LOVE him and not want to loose him because he is not romantic and I don’t know where to start some times that makes me think he doesn’t love me. But he always tell me he always tell me he does.please help me save this relationship and not to find myself cheating on him because maybe if I find another one who texts me and charming with romance I can get easily swayed but I don’t want that to happen.
It sounds good that you are
It sounds good that you are in a loving relationship.
Just like you thought him how to do certain things you can also teach him how you like to be treated or be romantic as you say.
There is nothing that cannot be taught. You just need to have a conversation about it with him.
All the best to both of you.
no one was born perfect …..
no one was born perfect ……Train him even messi played many games to be the best footballer in the world
i hve been madly in luv wid a
i hve been madly in luv wid a gul since i we were in sec skul but i did not tell her coz i had no chnce of xpressing ma feelngs to her till now i feel its high tym to tell her but the gul does not undstnd me en she keep on insistng me that am late yet i know very well that she does not date anyone…wat should i do en i realy want her to be ma gf..??
Hi Ficky,
Hi Ficky,
Sorry that things are not going as you would want them to.
Check out this article to et some insight https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/dealing-with-rejection .
That true dat a true love z
That true dat a true love z not all ways on playing @ not even spending money but it z jst de trust both of have in ur reletionship.
Thanks for your input Samson.
Thanks for your input Samson.
i myself has got an issue
i myself has got an issue
What’s your issue Moffat?
What’s your issue Moffat?
when i was dating my husband
when i was dating my husband i love him and wil get married but now i did’not love he bcus my mind is tell me dat my husband have a girlfriend bcus of d way he is doing, he come home at 9it, and i have two baby for he i d’not kwn what to do,
If you know your partner well
If you know your partner well and have had a close, long-term relationship, you can often tell when something’s not right. You might notice that they’ve begun spending a lot more time at work, they have less time for you and your family, start taking calls in private, and seem less committed to doing things with you. Maybe they’re paying attention to their looks, and they appear confused and detached. When you ask them if anything’s wrong, they shrug off your question.
Finding out that your partner’s been cheating on you can be a traumatic experience. It can seriously damange the trust between the two of you and could even lead to a break-up, separation or divorce. You might spend days, weeks or months wondering what you did wrong and why this happened.
But don’t blame yourself – take some time to calm down and think about your relationship.
Whether you want to stay with your partner depends on a number of things. Is your partner willing to go on? If they are, what will it take for them to regain your trust? Will your trust in them ever be restored? How can you start rebuilding your relationship? The answers may not be simple, but give these questions some thought and it might help you decide on the right path to take.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/cheating-top-five-facts .
Hi i am wayne and i have been
Hi i am wayne and i have been dating this girl that i love most, but now the problem come when we meet we must quarrel over something.. Are we ment to be
Hi Wayne,
Hi Wayne,
Arguments are a symptom of brewing discontent. If resolved at the right time they can bring you closer together, but brushing them under the carpet could be harmful to your relationship.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/fights-relationships .
I have been inlove with a
I have been inlove with a girl for 2years all my trust was in her, one day i tried to access her watsapp using my fon but i got that she had been dating other to men wen i was still with her….spending overnite with them to without me knowing…..my question is that how can i handle that.
Finding out that your partner
Finding out that your partner’s been cheating on you can be a traumatic experience. It can seriously damange the trust between the two of you and could even lead to a break-up, separation or divorce. You might spend days, weeks or months wondering what you did wrong and why this happened.
But don’t blame yourself – take some time to calm down and think about your relationship.
Whether you want to stay with your partner depends on a number of things. Is your partner willing to go on? If they are, what will it take for them to regain your trust? Will your trust in them ever be restored? How can you start rebuilding your relationship? The answers may not be simple, but give these questions some thought and it might help you decide on the right path to take.
Somehow I got myself into a
Somehow I got myself into a very complicated situation. I’ve been dating two guys for like two years now though I never knew the relationships were gonna last till now ’cause my intention initially was just to flirt. But now I want to be serious and I don’t know what to do ’cause none of them is ready to let me go. I really don’t know what to do. Please help me
Hi Gloria,
Hi Gloria,
This is one of those decision only you can make. Its not upto them but what you decide.
You need to take time to think about who you feel is most ideal for you and then make a choice. All the best to you.
Hi i hav been dating a gal
Hi i hav been dating a gal for 3 yrs now actually we started our r/ship when she was in form three since then we hav had sex only once after her kcse wen she was abt to join campus since then we hav bn talking on 4ne when i proposed to visit her in the campus she told me she is busy with exams she told me to wait n pass by house wen they close 4 dec holday but she neva did dat wen i kol her now she is at hme she tells me she is busy she will kol me back but she neva do that she is at hme but we hav neva met now ma big question is she really in lv with me or am just wasting ma time on her
The people you love are
The people you love are usually the ones you feel happiest with. They’re the people you want to spend time with, who you couldn’t bear to lose – the ones you really care about.
If that is not your experience then its clear to see they are not really interested in the relationship.
You need to take time to decide what steps you would want to take.
Iam in deeply in luv with a
Iam in deeply in luv with a guy Bt De guy doesn’t luv me.He knows I luv him Bt he had a gf en has never told me he doesn’t luv me, he just says we can’t be together. Bt he still keeps me close. He broke with his gf cz she wz cheating. I then thought I might get a chance to hav him Bt still he ignores me en tells me to be friends. It really hurts me so much dat he doesn’t luv me. And whenever I let go he brings me bac by texting me Wc gives me hope. I really dnt knw wat to do cz I luv dis guy crazily. Plz help me, wat shud I do.
Hi Shakirah,
Hi Shakirah,
Genuine relationships are about honesty and openness. If he is already in another relationship its a clear indication of where his interests are.
This maybe difficult to hear but if he ha genuine feelings for you and not his partner he would be in a relationship with you.
Take time and think about it and then make an informed decision.
I’m in love with a man but he
I’m in love with a man but he always turned me me down after 2years and go after another lady. I go to any length to b attracted but he doesn’t appreciate that.
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Sorry that your relationship did not work.
hi am in a rltshp bt the guy
hi am in a rltshp bt the guy he seems he don’t luv me, i do luv him bt i av chnge my mind too leave him ad move on wth life ad i wil gt smeone whu wil give mre attntn morethn him I nid advice plz
Hi Linda,
Hi Linda,
It sounds like you have already made up you mind on what you want . What would you like advice on?
am 18 and am worried because
am 18 and am worried because i am in love with a 26 woman and she also admit it to me that she love’s me and she also tells me she will give me everythink i want if i agree to be in a relationship with her..give me an advise pliz
Hi Marley,
Hi Marley,
Its always nice when someone fins a partner.
Its even better when you finds one that loves them back.
What would you like advice on?
Am in love wit dis guy
Am in love wit dis guy,although he do say he love me bt I don’t knw if he really does.I can’t bear to loose him.hw do I knw if he really love me
HI Esther,
HI Esther,
Check out this article to find out all about love https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/what-love .
I met a guy 7mnth after he
I met a guy 7mnth after he engage thou i didnt knw until i go tru hz fb profile n i wanted to let go bt he hold on 2me n we av been datin 4 two yrs nw n he want us to marry bt am worried cox he already has a wife n am nt willing to b a 2nd wife thou i lov him n i get hurt anytym he talks abt hz wife n child
pls advice me mayb i shuld marry him or nt
It sounds like you are not sure about what you want. You should take time to think and decide what it is you want for yourself. If you feel yo will not be comfortable as a second wife then you have to think about ending the relationship. If you feel you love him enough and do not mind being a second wife then you should take up his proposal. All the best to you.
i have this guy and i love
i have this guy and i love him so much and he loves me to and promising to marry me bt his ex keeps on calling and this ex loves him so much and when i ask him abwt the gal he tells me that they are just passing time,have tried my best to leave them continue with there relationship coz it hurts so much bt the guy is not ready to leave me and at the same time he wants to be with the other gal,,,,wat can i do to solve this coz want to remain alone with him
Hi Nada,
Hi Nada,
It sounds like your partner is in a relationship with two people which is actually considered cheating.
The choice is ultimately yours on whether you want to be in that kind of relationship or not.
Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/cheating-top-five-facts .
love or infatuation!!! am in
love or infatuation!!! am in love with lady but she tells me am only wasting my time…it hurts but cannot let her go…my love for her is so strong but she only wants friendship…what should i do???? is she worth it
Hi John,
Hi John,
Sorry that the person you are in love with does not feel the same about you.
Check out this article to learn how to deal with that situation https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/dealing-with-rejection .
Am in love with a girl of my
Am in love with a girl of my age…but dnt know how i will openly tell her that am in love with her,though she feels it sometimes about how i felt.
Advise me on how to tell her,pls
Hi Bon,
Hi Bon,
Being in love is such a great feeling.
Check out this article to find out how you can deal with that issue https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/expressing-emotion .
I like this matters last love
I like this matters last love africa,I hope we’ll share together these love issues anytime.thank u a lot.
You are most welcome
You are most welcome Sebastian.
love is a beautiful thing
love is a beautiful thing when you both understands each other
so guys look well and think twice before you decide whom to date or marry.. thanks
Thank you very much for
Thank you very much for sharing that with us Sunny.
Plz i need ur advise is it
Plz i need ur advise is it bad 4 some 1 2 be use 2 masturbation?
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with it. Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/masturbation-myths-busted .
i am in luv wit a guy nd i
i am in luv wit a guy nd i want to know maybe he luv me pls help me out
Hi Ranti,
Hi Ranti,
Do you knw what his definition of love is? Talk to him about it and get to know if his actions reflect the same.
is now 5 month into our
is now 5 month into our relationship everything is just OK but I told my boyfriend I would like us to stay totally away from sexual activities like kissing so that we can bring up our communication and he agreed . we have not had sex and we don’t plan too until marriage. are we doing the right thing? ….is wrong to caution our relationship?
Hi Josephine, the right thing
Hi Josephine, the right thing in a relationship is what the partners in he relationship agree on.
No one is an expert on how relationship should be. So whatever you and your partner agree to do is what is the right thing for both of you.
How can i finally win my
How can i finally win my boylover’s heart,pls help me
Hi Nikky,
Hi Nikky,
He is already your boyfriend how else do you intent to win him?
I have a girlfriend whom i
I have a girlfriend whom i love very much and i promised to marry her,she is at university completing soon but me i completed only A’LEVEL she said she loves me but she can’t marry me becoz her relatives may not accept becoz am less educated compared to her.we are all born again and father is a pastor we cant hav sex before marriage. what can i do?
Hi Tadeo,
Hi Tadeo,
Is your question about marriage or the fact that you can’t have sex?
am in a relationship,i luv
am in a relationship,i luv dis guy n he luvs me too but secretly he is cheating,one day he dropped his phone without quiting his chat,so wen i opened the phone i was shock,but i pretend seeing nothing, after so tym i asked him watsup,he told me dat he is nt cheating. pls advice me
Finding out that your partner
Finding out that your partner’s been cheating on you can be a traumatic experience. It can seriously damange the trust between the two of you and could even lead to a break-up, separation or divorce. You might spend days, weeks or months wondering what you did wrong and why this happened.
But don’t blame yourself – take some time to calm down and think about your relationship.
Whether you want to stay with your partner depends on a number of things. Is your partner willing to go on? If they are, what will it take for them to regain your trust? Will your trust in them ever be restored? How can you start rebuilding your relationship? The answers may not be simple, but give these questions some thought and it might help you decide on the right path to take.
Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/cheating-top-five-facts .
I have been Heart broken by
I have been Heart broken by girl I loved so much I found her in guys house and they and they will break up and for the day I found her up to now I am still single it has been passed like 5 month now she is back begging me to 4 give her what will I do? Plz help
Hi Gody,
Hi Gody,
Whether you want to get back with your partner depends on a number of things. Are you willing to go on? If you are, what will it take for her to regain your trust? Will your trust in them ever be restored? How can you start rebuilding your relationship? The answers may not be simple, but give these questions some thought and it might help you decide on the right path to take.
My bf n i have a bby gal.bt
My bf n i have a bby gal.bt since i gt pregnant he has nt bn helping me.nw the baby is almost a yr..he claim to lov both of us.bt he dsnt cal nor sms.he do sms once in a while telling me hd loves ur.i dnt blv him.what should i do..to leav him n forget cz he gives alot of excuse..advice please.i dnt knw what to do
Hi Alice,
Hi Alice,
This maybe difficult to hear but it sounds as though he’s not interested in that relationship.
You can choose to have a talk with him about it and if you feel like its not working you always have the option of leaving the relationship. Take time and think about it.
My question was, what can i
My question was, what can i do to marry her yet her relatives refused that iam uneducated?
A relationship is between two
A relationship is between two people, if both of you love each other and want to get married then that’s all that matters.
I love my guy,but I always
I love my guy,but I always find txts from ladies on his phone and even calls.when I try to ask,he almost kill mih ,telling me to stop following him on such matters.pliz tell me whether am wrong to do tat,or wat I should do
Hi Flo,
Hi Flo,
Sorry that you going through this. NO one deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
If you’re married to your abusive partner and/or live in the same house as them, then you’ll have to plan your exit strategy. Here is a possible guide to help you:
1. Plan, plan, plan.
Making the final move is very difficult, and this is one of the reasons many people never do it.
It very much depends on your individual situation. Plan which day is the best to leave – it could be when your partner is away on a business trip or is going to be out all evening with friends. Find a good time to make the exit. It might even be a good idea to practice or rehearse leaving before you actually do it.
If you have children, explain them what you’re planning and gain their confidence. This in itself is a long-term conversation you ought to have been having with your children. If you’re planning to take them along, think about where you’re going to stay. It’s easy to to accommodate one guest, but more than one can be difficult for anyone.
Think about school schedules and how your kids will get back to normal life.
If you’re not taking your kids along because you think it’s better for them and for you, you need to spend some time explaining this to them. You also need to plan how they will be taken care of.
As you can see, it’s very hard to do this all on your own. That’s exactly why many people stay in abusive relationships.
2. Call in someone you trust to help.
You need someone to back you up in case something fails. Tell them your plan. This could be your neighbour, a trusted colleague, or an old friend or relative you’re still in touch with.
3. Find a safe hiding place.
Don’t leave any clues for your partner to find. If you’re working, you need to consider whether the place you work is a safe. Will your partner go there in search of you? You may need to take some time off or leave your job for the sake of your safety.
4. Save some money.
Look at the savings you have. How many days, weeks or months can you survive with it? If you don’t have any access to money, it’s time to ask for help. Perhaps you could borrow from a friend who understands your situation and won’t add pressure to your already tense life.
5. Take your time to recover.
Break the habit of being abused. Get back into a normal life and be around people who don’t have an abusive past. You can reach out to counselling centres and helplines to seek help too.
I got married to six years
I got married to six years ago, she loved me and also love her so much. One day she was told by friend that i was cheating on her,, she took time to proof it unaware so one day she asked me but i denied and to make the matter worse she claimed to been infected with a certain std or uti. She left, it’s so painful that i regret. I’ve tried so much to ask her to come back but she always tells me to give her time, it’s eight months now am worried to lose her what do i do?
Sorry for the break up.
Sorry for the break up. Healing from the wounds of a broken relationship is difficult.
Learn more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
Am In Love With A Gal Bt We
Am In Love With A Gal Bt We Afar Away 4rm Each Other And I Over Think Abt Ha,any Help
Long-distance relationships
Long-distance relationships mean that the two of you aren’t living together because you have to be in different places. This means you can’t see each other so often. If you live in Nairobi and your partner lives in Kisumu, for example, you’re in a long-distance relationship.
Relationships can go long distance for many reasons. It could be because your partner has found a new job in a different city or country or because you’ve started studying at a university far from home.
Today, long-distance relationships are becoming more common because of modern forms of communication. Emails, chats, video chats and social media make it much easier for people to stay in touch. You can even have cybersex with your partner to keep the spark alive while you’re apart.
Before you go long-distance, it might be a good idea to think about how your relationship will change. For one thing, there’ll be long stretches with no kissing or holding hands or sex. You won’t get to see and talk to each other in person for long periods of time.
Learn more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts .
hi love matters…My
hi love matters…My boyfriend and i had a baby seven months ago.Ever since the baby was born he has never been supportive and has never been there for us he neither calls nor texts but not until recently he started texting saying he is sory for the way he has been treating us…He says that all that happened because he did not have a stable job and now he is stable and wants to come back…Should such a person be trusted again????
HI Montez,
HI Montez,
That’s a difficult question to answer but a very necessary one to ask.
You need to take time and think about it. Do you think you can be able to trust him again? Do you think you can be able to resolve the past issues? If you are able to answer this questions and more it will give you a clear sight of what to do.
I believe I have fallen out
I believe I have fallen out off love with my hubby,back then I used to get hurt whenever he wronged me but now I feel nothing,even if he fails to call me I don’t care anymore plz help me what to do coz we already have two kids
HI Angie,
HI Angie,
It sounds as though you are sure of your feelings and now you only need to decide what to do about it. Take time to think about what you want. Its not easy but is necessary if you need to make a change in your life.
Hi…..am in love with with
Hi…..am in love with with my boyfriend and he claims he loves me to…but sometimes he tends to be distant and ….to make it worse am like his sister’s shadow because every time the sister is around you might think they are the one dating but not me
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Eve. Have you tried talking to him about this?
Well i luv diz guy xoo much
Well i luv diz guy xoo much,bt am nt sure of hiz luv…
we had a little mizundastnding nd he said he z nt de best guy 4 mi xo i quit 4rm him,nt up 2 a week he came pleading dat he didn’t mean it xo i accepted him bk…..i dnt knw if i did de right pleaze
please i need more advice on hw 2 go abt relationship tanx!
Hi Ify, if you took him back
Hi Ify, if you took him back it sounds like you have made a decision about what you want. You just need t work towards making your relationship better.
Hi thea,i have a little
Hi thea,i have a little problem,currently i just concluded my secondary education but there is a girl currently in second year but i have been eying her,is it possible to start a relationship
Yes it is Bashir. Read more
Yes it is Bashir. Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
i have bf whom put me into
i have bf whom put me into skul of nurse ,pay my bull and he luv me and i luv he too but his jealous all de time i sleep in my hux he will said dat i went to do bad tin .and he what me to been staying wit he. pls is dat luv?
Deep down, we’re all a little
Deep down, we’re all a little jealous of the people we’re with.
Learn more on jealousy here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/jealousy-turning-destruction-construction .
l love this guy we have know
l love this guy we have know each other for ayear now, we communicate with her mum but l dont see how serious he is. aHeaC
Thanks for sharing Joyce.
Thanks for sharing Joyce. What makes you feel he is not serious?
I Love This Girl Bu She Is
I Love This Girl Bu She Is Kind Of Hard Because She Grew Up In Boys So She Thinks Every Boy Is Just A Friend
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us.
we’ve been in love with this
we’ve been in love with this guy one year now. he unfortunately travelled abroad early last year but communication never stopped. when he came back Dec holiday, we had sex for the 1st time and I got pregnant for him. he went back abroad, we still communicate. though he’s advising me to keep the bby and even providing support, am still in doubt of his love coz how we used to communicate has changed and whenever I go to his fb timeline I find pics of different girls being called baibe, swthrt etc. furthermore I don’t know even a single of his relatives. what can I do?
Hi Lopez,
Hi Lopez,
You need to start by deciding what you want for yourself without him telling you what he wants. When you know what you want its easy to make decisions.
Talk to him about how you feel and the changes you have observed. Hopefully you will be able to work through your issues with him.
Hi thea, av bin in lov with
Hi thea, av bin in lov with thz guy 4 almost 2yrs nao,,,we used to luv each atha,bt he never askd 4 s*x till i completed my highschool,,,4rm thea after,we could date until that taim wen I joined campus, since I had to shift away 4rm hme,he was not for he jus wanted mie to be nia him ol the taim burl I had to go,,, after i left he went muting for almost two manths en i was laiq main he has found a new catch and dcdd to do away with me,,,, so I dcdd to throw mah self on my bukz,,a week leita he called me back trying to say tharl he has bin busy,he claimed tat he wanted mie 6rxly buh I told him I can’t meq coz am in school,,once again he went muting,,,,I dhn askd myself wat does he really want from mie ka nakataa kuenda home ananinyamazia,,,i used to contact him burl he was nowea to be found,some weeks later as I was going thru my fb i saw his post of a girl and he had commented”man wife” and more worse he had tugged me,i immediately untagged he then called me and started tellin me how he had missd mie wen i askd abt that post he started long narratives of which i had no taim to listen to. ,Wen the holidays came,, he was always at my home trying to convince my parents that he lovs mie while i don love him back,,,,, i love buh I no longer feel for him,,,, i av come back to my senses tat tha only thing he wants from mie is sex and to ruin my life,,,I feel laiq I shld quit him he no longer deserves me,,,,advo plz
Hi Lilian,
Hi Lilian,
Its a good thing that you have realized what you want. All you need to do is action it. Here is an article that can help https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/breaking-up .
Hi love matters. l have been
Hi love matters. l have been datrting my boyfriend for 9yrz and we even have a kid but he is too jealousy ; he doesn’t allow mi to interact wiz male friendz & he even controls mi facebook account cz he hz da password. pliz wat should l do so dat he understands dat l cannot cheat on him?
Jealousy can be plain envy –
Jealousy can be plain envy – a feeling deep down inside of you that you badly want something that someone else has.
It can also be the fear of losing somebody you care about – an angry, possessive feeling. A feeling of rejection. Like a child feels jealous if their parent gets a new partner. In love, jealousy is the fear of losing your partner. Or the anger you feel about your ex having a new partner.
Read more here to know how to deal with it https://lovematters.co.ke/news/jealousy-turning-destruction-construction .
av been dating for 7 yrs now
av been dating for 7 yrs now wt my guy and I love him so much the problem is that he always thinks am cheating on him since am educated and he is not..hr always tells me he cant trust me…he always gets angry and fights over nothing and small issues what will I do to change him and his actions plz hrlp
This maybe difficult to hear but the truth is you cannot change him unless he wants to change himself.
You need to take time and think if this is the kind of relationship you want. It sounds like its an abusive relationship, read more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/abusive-relationships .
hi jane; u can still change
hi jane; u can still change him wit ur actions mabi dere are things he has been seeing dat make him feel like u ar cheating on him mean while u are nt,just sit him down and talk to him give him reason that you ar not cheating on him and that you love him so much,always talk to him with time he will change okey change is constant
Thanks for the input Prince.
Thanks for the input Prince.
i have been dating my bf for
i have been dating my bf for 10 months now but this days he is like going thru my texts to see who am talking with he even goes to my facebook account to see who am talking with if he is a man he thinks am playing him wich is not true he jxt a friend wat shld i do???? kindly i need advice
It sounds as though your
It sounds as though your boyfriend is jealous.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/jealousy-turning-destruction-construction .
I started dating when i was
I started dating when i was in jss3, i love this guy so mush that we even promise to spend our life together, so we date for 4years without sex, it got to a time where by he started having another girl so i ask him refuse it. Now i quit the relationship for one year now. he is beging to come back. Advice.
Getting back with your ex
Getting back with your ex depends on a few things like, do you both still want the same thing? Do you feel you can be able to resolve the issues that le to the break up in the first place?
After you’ve ended your relationship, one big question is whether you can remain friends with your ex. There’s no clear answer to that question. It depends on you, your ex and how the relationship ended.
But be picky, too. If you know that the differences between you while dating were too big, the same might happen in the new relationship. It’s not worth getting hurt twice!
Its always important to take care and your feelings first before you make a step towards mending the relationship. Having a sober mind while making such a decision is very important.
Here is an article about being friends with an ex https://lovematters.co.ke/news/friends-ex-dos-and-donts .
I love this lady by the name
I love this lady by the name Stacy Twizer so much……….Though we come 4rm different tribes,,i feel dat she iz de bext
Thanks for sharing that
Thanks for sharing that Vibtor.
Every time I go the first
Every time I go the first turn in sex … my penis does not erect again. What can be the problem and what can I do??
It is normally called the refractory period. In human sexuality, the refractory period is usually the recovery phase after orgasm during which it is physiologically impossible for a man to have additional orgasms due to increase in the penile sensory threshold.
Find out more here http://greatist.com/play/male-refractory-period .
love is like a tin of
love is like a tin of saddines and we are all looking for the key
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
i hrd a boyfrnd for 3yrz en
i hrd a boyfrnd for 3yrz en one day iwent to abirthday of mi frnd bt i ddnt tel da guy bt someone tld hm dat i lov da frnd we a in love,en he told me to separate wiz hm wat shd i do cz i love hm
HI Nats,
HI Nats,
Sorry to hear about the break up. This maybe difficult to accept but Unless you feel there is something you can do to stop the break up the only other option you have is to move on with your life https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
Nice lesson go ahead
Nice lesson go ahead
Thanks Ben.
Thanks Ben.
Am in love with two guys and
Am in love with two guys and i love them both, wat do i do about it, pls help
Hi Justine,
Hi Justine,
It all depends, what is it that you want to do about it.
Are you comfortable with that arrangement or you want be with one only? Think about it and make a choice.
Go on wth dat one wth ur love
Go on wth dat one wth ur love, , i mean him who gves u tym attention en care,,,,,,”not money”
Thanks for the input Kiira.
Thanks for the input Kiira.
i had a boyfrnd whom i loved
i had a boyfrnd whom i loved very much nd i know he luvs me too atlist a little,bt there’s one of my frnd i know 2 him,my frnd said they’ve dated b4 but i askd him,he said there’s notin like dat.but somtims when i go thru his phone i saw his conversation wit her saying,i’ve missd u,i nid kiss 4rm u,advice please,wat shud i do?
Cheating of any form can
Cheating of any form can cause a lot of sorrow in relationships and can even lead to break-up.
Finding out that your partner’s been cheating on you can be a traumatic experience. It can seriously damange the trust between the two of you and could even lead to a break-up, separation or divorce. You might spend days, weeks or months wondering what you did wrong and why this happened.
But don’t blame yourself – take some time to calm down and think about your relationship.
Whether you want to stay with your partner depends on a number of things. Is your partner willing to go on? If they are, what will it take for them to regain your trust? Will your trust in them ever be restored? How can you start rebuilding your relationship? The answers may not be simple, but give these questions some thought and it might help you decide on the right path to take.
I am 20 years and still not
I am 20 years and still not been in a relationship… Is it normal,,,?
Yes it is normal Jane. Being
Yes it is normal Jane. Being in a relationship is a matter of choice.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
yea its nrmal,its ur choice 2
yea its nrmal,its ur choice 2 be in a relationship or not but it depends mabi u have not seen anyone that gives u happiness or show u dat love
Thanks for giving your
Thanks for giving your thoughts on this prince.
I ve one guy dat am datin i
I ve one guy dat am datin i use everytin i ve so as nt 2 lose dis guy bt he didnt make me hapi dere is notin i ask frm him dat he ll do 4 me @ wen ever i lodge complains he ll say he is gng 2 change bt am fed up of him givin me flimsy excuse @ i dont want 2 lose him coz he is all in thousand 2 me pls wot should i do
Hi Temmy,
Hi Temmy,
Sorry that things are not working out well. You need to take time and really think about what you want. It sounds as though you are not sure of what to do.
Make a decision on what you want to do about the relationship and then action it.
am by names julienne i was in
am by names julienne i was in arelationship with my so called now bf buh when we reached in the middle of the relatnship(after takng away my virginity) he started dating another girl secretly..buh as time moves i got to know of it and i just pretended of knowing anythng and it continued hurtng me.it passed like 2months and i decided to ask him of the girl he was dating earlier..its when he lost his temper and i too did that we ended up sending each other rude bad words that even our relationship stopped thea.we decided to seperate to move on with lyf buh as time went by its like am feelng am in still in love with him..very highly yet we decided to take different directions. what should i do now please i need your help
Moving on after a break up
Moving on after a break up can be very difficult.
Here is n article that can help https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
if he trully loves you he
if he trully loves you he shouldn’t have cheated on u,u did de right thing asking him about the girl he was dating but dat was his plan 2 break up wit u,so just let him be if he loves u the way u do 4 him he will surely realise and come back for u
Thanks for the input Prince.
Thanks for the input Prince.
I need a serious guy for
I need a serious guy for marriage…. a loving . caring ..responsible one
Hi Stacy, this is how you can
Hi Stacy, this is how you can find one https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
hav bn in rlationship for
hav bn in rlationship for 7years with a guy who tells me he never love me .wht shoud i do.nned help
Hi Beth, unfortunately this
Hi Beth, unfortunately this is one of those questions where it does not have a straight answer.
Seven years is a very long time to be in a loveless relationship. Has he stopped loving you or he never did?
You need to take time to think about it. It would be a good idea to talk about it with him to find out why he has the change of heart.
You might also want to think of the possibility of a break up because it sounds as though that is what he’s insinuating.
Am 25year old nt in a
Am 25year old nt in a relationship is it normal
That is normal Mikcy, being
That is normal Mikcy, being in a relationship is a matter of choice.
Check out this article to find out what you can do about it https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
Pls i love dis guy and we
Pls i love dis guy and we have dated for a year and 2months now, though without seeing each other bcos of far distance . He has the money, but whenver am sick or in need, he dnt asist me rather, he will tell me to hope for the future and also to see me first, now he is back and we meet each other, he said am the material he wants to live with, but he is requesting for sex b4 marriage. I dnt know his family house. I reject the offer and it seems he is withdrawing from me. And i luv him. Pls what do i do?
Its a good thing that you turned down the sex. If sex is all he was after he never truly loved you. If he genuinely loved you he would respect your decision and be patient.
Take time and think about that then make a decision about what you want to do.
I Hav Been Dating A Guy For
I Hav Been Dating A Guy For Years,luv Him,but There Is Anoder Guy Disturbing Me But Later Accept And Seriously In Luv Wit Him,but Dey Are Both Loving Nd Caring,pls Wat Shouid I Do
That’s a really good question Moren, but to answer it you would have to decide what it is you want.
Do you want a relationship with one person or two people? Take time and think about it.
If you want to be in a monogamous relationship you will have to decide who you like best and break up with the other one.
All the best to you.
hi i had been with a girl for
hi i had been with a girl for 3 years but she travelled and when she came back she told me she doesnt love me and she wants a break up ..i ask her her reasons she says i made mistakes of which she had forgotten but when i remind her she had forgotten she keeps o saying she cant..it really hurts..help
Sorry about the break up
Sorry about the break up Gilbert.
Break ups can be difficult to deal with. Here is an article that can assist https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
I have a man wo z weak n bed
I have a man wo z weak n bed . But i feel suspecious some tymz coz wen hez off duty he wakes up early n da mng & goes 2 town upto the late evening. On kamg bak he comes quarrelg.wen i give him food he tels me dat he doesnt want to eat. And wen i feel lyk havg s*x, he tels me mbu hez tired! Wat kan i do?
Hi Joezlyn,
Hi Joezlyn,
It sounds like you are in an abusive relationship. Abuse comes in many forms and not just physical abuse.
Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/abusive-relationships .
Am in love wit a guy jst met
Am in love wit a guy jst met 9 months ago n the relationship is so strong bt this particular guy have a baby mama which he used to tell me that there is no tendecy of marrying each other where i hv serious relationship b4 meeting him. Pls, wat should i do
Hi Yetty,
Hi Yetty,
Kindly be specific with your question. What do you want to be assisted with?
my broda brght dix frnd of
my broda brght dix frnd of his in our huz n i bcam frnd wit him als we alws chat, make calls n send txt 4 each oda, my parnt n my broda r suspctn us, am als suspctn him bt he has nvr 4 onc said i luv u, bt d way he chat n behav shws me n i startd devlpn sumtn 4 him bt as a lady i cnt opn up 2 him,, d way we act shws us bt stl we r bt ashm of sayn it out 2 each odas, i lyk d way he z bt i cnt jst say it out pls am in ned of hlp.
Hi Kasham,
Hi Kasham,
Expressing emotions is never easy. Here is an article that can help https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/expressing-emotion .
Hello, i met a guy while at
Hello, i met a guy while at university, abd we extremely strong feelings for each other but we could not be together since we were in relarionships. After we broke up with our partners, we decided to get into a relationship and start dating. But I feel empty because this guy never creates time for me and he does not know how to keep his woman. We hardly ever meet or talk on phome. The only thing we do is text. Should I leave him because i need a serious man right now. Please help.
Hi Kemmy,
Hi Kemmy,
Communication is a very vital part of any relationship.
Have you talked to him about this and how you feel about it? If not you should do that first.
Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/relationship-problems .
Love is good when you respect
Love is good when you respect it and you respect your partner,
Thanks for that Silva.
Thanks for that Silva.
am in love with kwagala
am in love with kwagala
Good for you Was.
Good for you Was.
My 21 Y I Need Sumone To Love
My 21 Y I Need Sumone To Love
Hi Dickson,
Hi Dickson,
Check out this article to find out how you can find one https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
I have a bohfriend who we
I have a bohfriend who we have been dating for five years know, that is from high school till know am in university third year, he didn’t go to uni and this makes me to see him less educated though I love him so much and he loves me even more. I want to more educated guys coz I think he is below my class, but the won’t let me go in either way, pliz I need your advice
Hi Kezzy,
Hi Kezzy,
If you have decided you want to break up with him check out this article https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/breaking-up.
But its good to note that education is not a measure of success. If you love each other enough you can still make it work.
Plz Hlp Me Istay With My Boss
Plz Hlp Me Istay With My Boss Where I drive His Wife,am In Strong R’lationshp With His Daugther She Loves Me So Much Bt De Prblem Is Dt My Boss’s Wife Also Loves Me Whre I Hv Sex Wiz Ha& Ystday She Tld Me Dt I Impregnanted Ha Yet My Boss Wnt 2 U.K Since 2015 Wat Can Ido
Hi Ashiraf,
Hi Ashiraf,
Are you asking what to do about your relationship with your bosses daughter or the pregnancy?
am with a guy,we’ve been
am with a guy,we’ve been dating nt really long since last year august,i rilli love him,and our relationship is going more stronger because he disvirgined me,and there is this other guy who loves and cares for,so we went out one day,and on our way back i went to his place,he then ask for sex but i lied to him that am on my menstral cycle,that. because i made a promise to my boyfriend,that no one else will come on me except it,did i make the right decision by not giving the other guy sex,despite his love n affection with his care towards me
Hi Janet,
Hi Janet,
What you are asking is if you made the right decision by not cheating on your partner and the answer is yes.
Cheating means breaking the rules you have agreed on in a committed relationship. Usually cheating refers to sexual infidelity or adultery. If you’re making out or having sex with someone outside of your committed relationship, it means you’re cheating on your partner.
When in an exclusive relationship you cannot have sex with another person just because they tell you they love you.
how long does love develop..
how long does love develop.. and is there something like “falling out of love”?
vQxwVhow long does love develop.. and is there something like
The feeling of being in love
The feeling of being in love develops over time, and becomes a deeper, steadier, tender feeling for the other person – you love them.
Love develops in stages, and doesn’t always follow the same pattern. But in most cases love begins with the passion of sexual attraction, then the dreamy, overwhelming ‘in love’ stage, and finally the deeper attachment that develops over time and can last for years – sometimes for a lifetime.
One can also fall out of love.
My story is so difficult and
My story is so difficult and hard to understand myself
I started being friends with my bf and I was the first to start loving him even as friends months later I told him about my feelings and he didn’t say anything on it then after some months again there’s this day I visited him and we made love it just happened and he said he loves me and after he started acting like a normal bf but he’s a busy type and doesn’t have time…my point here is that I don’t know if he truly loves me bcos he doesn’t call nor text he always said its his job bcos he’s a Lt soldier not always in Lagos but I believe that’s doesn’t stop him from communicating wit me sometimes I call him and he doesn’t answer my calls either does he call back just recent I sent hi to him on Facebook and to my surprised he blocked me and the next day he called to say hello and promised to call later but he didn’t, then the next day I asked him on whatsapp why he called me after blocking me and he said he’s outta social network for now that its bcos its me that why he replied on WhatsApp he also said if I was blocked from his alc that it isn’t him and it will be his ex gf I was surprised and shocked about it bcs he neva told me his ex gf has his Facebook alc details so I asked him why he didn’t tell me before and he kept quiet..we’ve been dating for nine months now and he Neva act like a proper bf no call nor text, he ignore calls and text too without replying …I’m so much in love with him I just wanna be free and happy
Thanks for sharing your story
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Check out his article to get an idea f what you can do https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/relationship-problems .
Love is crucial but if the
Love is crucial but if the first love would have lasted forever, love could have been the best thing in the world.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
Helo, iam i fell ln luv with
Helo, iam i fell ln luv with aguy whom I luv so much! But one day I came to realise that this guy had just separated with a woman who is having his kid and also pregnant. The guy says they separated totally because the woman had stolen all his things from the house(yamwera).my in-laws say I should get married to their brother. What should I do? What of the other woman’s pregnancy?
Hi Lisa was he dating both of
Hi Lisa was he dating both of you at the same time? If so it means he was cheating on both of you.
You should not rush into making any decision. Marriage is a serious commitment and one wants to be sure about what they want.
Take time to think about what you want and then make a decision.
I have dis guy who I suppose
I have dis guy who I suppose to marry but cos his parents he said he can’t marry me now I’m married to one else n he is also married to anoda girl but he still love me but I now take him as friend but he said he did d greatest mistake by leaving me but me I don’t feel lyk I love him pls help me how can I push him away
After you’ve ended your
After you’ve ended your relationship, one big question is whether you can remain friends with your ex. There’s no clear answer to that question. It depends on you, your ex and how the relationship ended. What worked for your best friend might not work for you, so trust your instincts.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
I M Married B4 With 2 Kids
I M Married B4 With 2 Kids But We Divorce, Since Den I Find It Very Difficult 2 Fall In Love Again, But Any Time I Give It Trial It Wont Reach 3months B4 D Relation Collapse, Bcos The Guy We Tired Me, Nd My Parent are Asking Me 2 Bring Another Husband Home I Dnt Knw Wat 2 Do Pls I Need Ur Advise
Hi Adex,
Hi Adex,
Dating requires a lot of patience. you might have to kiss a few frogs before you get your prince charming. So do not be under pressure just take as much time as you need to find the right partner.
All the best to you.
I have alady I have been in
I have alady I have been in love with since my 1st year at University,in Yr2 we separated bse I found her cheating on me with one of my friends whom I even used to support financially.. .after graduation ayear later we got back together but she then went to Kuwait’s,we communicated so often not until of recent she barely answered my texts,received not my whsp calls…at one point I gave up on her and decided to date one of her friends but when her sister called her and told her about my new relationship that’s when she called me with tears and lamenting trying to tell me not to love another person and that I should wait for her….Does she really Love me
The truth is this is one of those questions that do not have a straight answer.
It would be difficult for anyone else to tell you if she loves you or not. You know her better than anyone. Take time and think about your situation and with your knowledge of her make a decision about how you feel about it.
i was in love 3yrs ago.i got
i was in love 3yrs ago.i got a lover who loves me!ii was her first man and she was my first girlfriend.he breaks me & i did it to her.after 1yr i forced her to make love with me and after we did it she lives me become i forced her.for know its 2yrs she got another man & they are dating.but i still love her wen we are still comminicating on Fb & whattsup.what can i do to get my lover back?!
Hi Francis,
Hi Francis,
the truth is you have not been able to move on after the break up. This maybe difficult to come to terms with but it sounds like she has already moved on.
Here is an article that can help https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/after-the-break-up .
Pls I need ur advice I’m
Pls I need ur advice I’m dating a guy who’s ex was pregnant but didn’t tell him not until after three months of our relationship she came wit d pregnancy issue .. I ask him to go back to his ex if d pregnancy is his but he let me go cleming he love me and what to spend the rest life with me that I should be be patent wit him tell she deliver the baby. I’m so confused don’t know what to do ..
Hi Nanna,
Hi Nanna,
That sounds like a difficult position to be in. Take time to think and decide what you want for yourself and then take action. It might not be easy but you have the ability to do it. All the best.
Av bn in luv wt ds guy since
Av bn in luv wt ds guy since 2011 wen I was at campus.Not until end ov 2012 after had finished my 3rd yr o school, dat I realised he has a wife n a child who was 10mths e time we started dating.I wanted to walk out o e rship bt he neva allowed.I really luv him so much bt since then he has neva introduced m to any o his people, neitha does he want to settle m or av a kid wt m bt he kips saying he’s planning.Now I av ds other guy I dumped wt out any quarrel for this one bt he hs always told me he will patiently wait for m.He’s nice,lov ing n caring n he’s willing to honor my conditions bt I don’t feel for him any more.Help me wat do I do,I need to settle?
Hi Steicy,
Hi Steicy,
This might be difficult to hear but it sounds like he has been cheating on you. The truth is most of the time married men do not leave their partner for their side lovers. That is the reason he won’t commit or let you meet his family.
It would be best for you to take time and think about this and then make a decision about what you want. The choice to be in that relationship or not is yours and not his. All the best.
am 19 year in love wid a guy
am 19 year in love wid a guy!bt he is very far i love him so much we r in a relation 4 4 yaers ma dad realy disagree about it what can i du??
Long-distance relationships
Long-distance relationships mean that the two of you aren’t living together because you have to be in different places. This means you can’t see each other so often.
Before you go long-distance, it might be a good idea to think about how your relationship will change. For one thing, there’ll be long stretches with no kissing or holding hands or sex. You won’t get to see and talk to each other in person for long periods of time.
If you can, try it for a while and see how it works out before you make a serious commitment.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts .
Hello.. Ma name is Victor.. I
Hello.. Ma name is Victor.. I fell in love with gal A 4 years bak… She is beautiful, Caring an I love her so much.. Recently I fell in love with ma frnds best friend who I call gal B.. She’s beautiful and caring an I wanna settle with one bt I gat no way out.. Coz I love them both help me out
Hi Victor,
Hi Victor,
Is easy to get caught up in a love triangle if you indulge in two relationships.
It all comes down to what and who you want. You might feel you love them both but there is one who you will feel suits you best. Chose her and stay faithful to her. All the best.
Hi, there is dis girl my
Hi, there is dis girl my friend first got close to nd then i later came in. She’s been in luv wit me than my friend from d way she’s been acting towards me even in our presence. But my friend still loves her. Am i betraying my friend bcos my conscience keeps telling me so. Pls help…
Hi Sijo,
Hi Sijo,
If they are already in a relationship with your friend then you would be betraying him. Its o to be attracted by your friends lover but its best to keep away if you value your friendship.
hae…..there is this guy we
hae…..there is this guy we’ve dating for a year now…….but the neighbours and some of his friends keep telling me abt him cheating on me but have neva find him with any gal…..his sister has also comfirmed to me the same thing but wen you ask him he denies everything and to make the matter worse….he has been sleeping around with these ladies in his apartment and am the one who wash the same beɗings again…….am very confused and dont knw wat to do… but I Love him…..please help
If you know your partner well
If you know your partner well and have had a close, long-term relationship, you can often tell when something’s not right. You might notice that they’ve begun spending a lot more time at work, they have less time for you and your family, start taking calls in private, and seem less committed to doing things with you. Maybe they’re paying attention to their looks, and they appear confused and detached. When you ask them if anything’s wrong, they shrug off your question.
Finding out that your partner’s been cheating on you can be a traumatic experience. It can seriously damange the trust between the two of you and could even lead to a break-up, separation or divorce. You might spend days, weeks or months wondering what you did wrong and why this happened.
But don’t blame yourself – take some time to calm down and think about your relationship.
Whether you want to stay with your partner depends on a number of things. Is your partner willing to go on? If they are, what will it take for them to regain your trust? Will your trust in them ever be restored? How can you start rebuilding your relationship? The answers may not be simple, but give these questions some thought and it might help you decide on the right path to take.
Am kingsley by name, there is
Am kingsley by name, there is this girl I love so much and she use to come close to me at times but when I talk about being in a relationshiP with her, she will tell me to forget about it but am still inlove with. Please advise on what to do.
Hi Kingsley,
Hi Kingsley,
It sounds as though you are facing rejection. Check out this article to find out how to deal with it https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/dealing-with-rejection .
am 20 years old and never
am 20 years old and never been in a relationship am i wrong.
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with that Douglas. Being in a relationship is a matter of choice.
Check out this article to get more insight https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/how-approach-and-talk-new-people .
Hi…There’s a girl I love so
Hi…There’s a girl I love so much and she once said she loves me too.The problem is that she has never given this love an opportunity.She always have some excuses.Imagine we have never sat down and talk about our love since the begining.What do you advice me?
Hi Salim,
Hi Salim,
It sounds like you need to create an environment where the two of you can talk about what you want. Having a conversation will help move things forward. All the best.
Am Elizabeth and my story is
Am Elizabeth and my story is that ,two brothers are in love with me .I met them both the same day but one noticed me before the other then the other one also noticed and confessed it.right now am really confused I don’t know how to go about it.
Hi Elizabeth,
Hi Elizabeth,
It sounds as though you need time to think and decide who you want. Just think about the one you like most and why and then make a choice.
Just understand things might get a little awkward after choosing one but hopefully things will work out eventually. All the best.
Hi ,there is this guy I fell
Hi ,there is this guy I fell in love with early this year we knew each other before now buh just started the relationship buh am not really sure of his love for me though its a long distance relationship.I have been calling him throughout today n he is not taking my calls .
Hi Gloria,
Hi Gloria,
You need to give him time. When you are able to reach him find out why he was unavailable before you can start making decisions about how you feel about it.
My ex and i broke up and his
My ex and i broke up and his best friend is persuing me now what shld i do
Hi Joan,
Hi Joan,
Do you feel you are ready to start dating again? If so do you feel dating someone so close to your ex is something you want. Answer this and some other questions and then decide what you feel is the right thing to do.
I broke up with my ex 3years
I broke up with my ex 3years ago because he was cheating on me with many girls bt we are still in contacts. His best friend is now on to me saying he has loved me since i was young, my ex now wants me back saying he has changed i dont want him back im confused if he sent his friend to persue me or he truly loves me. What shld i do
Hi Esther ,
Hi Esther ,
That sounds like a difficult position to be in.
You need to take a step back and really think about what you want for yourself. Would you want to be entangled between your ex and his best friend or would you rather start over a fresh with a clean slate with someone else. Take time and think about it.
Hi my name is desreta and i
Hi my name is desreta and i been with this guy name jody almost 3 years and we are truly happy we are together and I’m happy that I’m with him and he happy that he with me but he drinks to much beer and I’m try to tell him to stop drinking but he don’t listen to me at all what should i do
Hi Desreta,
Hi Desreta,
Is your boyfriend an alcoholic? Des he depend on alcohol to function? If not its totally up to him to decide whether he wants t stop or not. you can continue to encourage and support him to stop if he’s willing.
Am in a relationship for past
Am in a relationship for past 5years the starting was so lovely and great but after child come in there has been lack of communication , no attentions l HV try so many times to find out what is going on in his mind but no chance, pls what shall I do.
(No subject)
Hello Abigirl,
A child will at times affect the dynamics of a relationship. It is upon both partner to recognize these changes and be deliberate about making time for each other. open and honest communication about this changes will help resolve the different conflicts. A baby can also take up all the time so that you do not have time for each other or cause you to be to exhausted for your partner. Think about how your lives have changed after the baby and the talk about how you restore things to what they used to be. Open and honest communication will go along way to helping this process. Do find a good time to have this conversion. Check out the following articles for more tips:-
Pray for your relationship…
Pray for your relationship and God will restore all that was lost.its well darling
Thank you Patricia for your…
Thank you Patricia for your advice. We appreciate your contribution.
i think prayer is the best…
i think prayer is the best way and make sure your you show your love and flet same way but i dont known how to express if
Thank you Ayomikun for your…
Thank you Ayomikun for your contribution. What exactly are you unable to express?
Is she keeps laughing at me…
Is she keeps laughing at me when I look at her or when I chat her
Hi Star, thank you for…
Hi Star, thank you for reaching out to us. We understand that it would cause you discomfort for someone you love to laugh at you. Have a conversation with her and ask why she is doing it and let her know how you feel. Try not to accuse her so she does not go on the defensive.
U give ur child so much…
U give ur child so much attention than ur husband so he feels that child has taken his place
Hi Carell, thank you for…
Hi Carell, thank you for your input.
how old are u nw and hw old…
how old are u nw and hw old are u den
do you hv child nw a boy or a girl of wat age
Hello Peter, thank you for…
Hello Peter, thank you for getting in touch. To whom are you addressing these questions?
Love is what keeps u…
Love is what keeps u together. I think you reduced it please make it like before
Hi Lewin, thank you for your…
Hi Lewin, thank you for your input.
Concentrate more on your baby
Concentrate more on your baby
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you so much for your input! Yes we agree that concentrating and focusing on your significant other is important! Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Dlamond love Kingsley
Dlamond love Kingsley
I know what you have been…
I know what you have been doing before he meet you, and I don’t know how you luck like den. So try and set up your self again, luck good always he will come back to you, so from there he will tell you what the problem is and you will Len from there. Thank
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your feedback and encouraging words.
Just give him time
Just give him time
Hi Sharon,
Thank you for…
Hi Sharon,
Thank you for your input.
Are you in a relationship or…
Are you in a relationship or you’re married?please check yourself
Hi there,
This is mostly…
Hi there,
This is mostly for unmarried people. I believe that by the time you’re married, the focus is more on the commitment to stay in love and sustain the love. Either way, some of these tips can still apply to married people. For instance, someone who’s in love with you cares deeply and is always there for you, married or not.
Did he change ? ?
Did he change ? ?
Hi Lex,
Hi Lex,
Hi my name is Esther I have
Hi my name is Esther I have been dating Guy’s but I don’t love when I pay a visit and see another girl I will be very angry please I need help
(No subject)
Hi Esther,
You mean you find another girl at his place when you visit? Have you asked what the relationship between him and girl is?
How you feel when this happens is completely normal but it maybe important for you talk to your partner and get to know what could be going with the girls you find at his place. Holding on to assumption may lead to make a decision that is misinformed. Talk to him so you can get to know. We wish you well.
nice contribution dear
nice contribution dear
We appreciate your…
We appreciate your contribution Elizabeth.
Well that is not nics
Well that is not nics
Thank you Tony.
Thank you Tony.
Do u know the girl. Have u…
Do u know the girl. Have u asked him who the girl is.if yes and you realize she is his girlfriend. Ask the guy to one of you. Or he chooses her ,don’t cry,although it pains alot . he is not the3 only guy in the3 world…
Thank you Clara, we…
Thank you Clara, we appreciate your contribution.
Have control
Have control
Hey, thank you for your…
Hey, thank you for your contribution. But what about control?
Just try and keep that angry…
Just try and keep that angry inside you anything you see a woman with you boo so the relationship can stay safe
Hello Hammed, thank you for…
Hello Hammed, thank you for your contribution. But does she need to keep her anger inside or she need to address so that she can be able to move on?
please i beg stop taken boy…
please i beg stop taken boy make sure you choose the one you have feeling for
Hey Esther, great advice!
Hey Esther, great advice!
Esther how are you please…
Esther how are you please can we chat privately dear
Hey Prince, there is no way…
Hey Prince, there is no way for you to connect on this website with Esther. Also Esther has no way of knowing that you are trying to reach out.
That is true my dear sister
That is true my dear sister
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for your positive feedback and we are glad you agree with us! Have a wonderful Sunday and an even more brilliant week ahead! Stay safe!
I really in love with one of
I really in love with one of my best friend and cant tell him how much love him what should l do please?
(No subject)
Hi Paloma,
The only way they will get to know how you feel is if you become brave and tell exactly how you feel. It maybe tough to do it one on one but you can also do it over a call or any other way you feel will work for you. Remember, they maybe feeling the same way or not and you’d have to respect their feelings even if they don’t feel the same as you.
I totally agree with you
I totally agree with you
Tells the person that u are…
Tells the person that u are in love with then
tall him u love him
tall him u love him
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Kameme.
Well you can let him know…
Well you can let him know about it and also know that you love him so much
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Tony.
Try to tell him
Try to tell him
Thank you Janet.
Thank you Janet.
Tell him how much you love…
Tell him how much you love him cause he loves
you too
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Usman.
I am Sheniqua Denis my lover broke up with me,just because he saw me with my ex lover talking and then he think that we were dating so he broke up with me without let me to explain,try all my best to make him come back but when i came in contact with Dr Ogogodu who help me to get him back and today we are happy this man is a great man of God he can bring back people lover back to then and cure the sick and do some many other things you can email him [email protected] or call +2348078999655
Am single.Can I land a…
Am single.Can I land a perfect hunt here?
(No subject)
Unfortunately Godfrey, we are not a dating service and so wa are not able to help you get a partner. We wish you well.
Y is that both of u first…
Y is that both of u first siren and vita
Can one be in love with two…
Can one be in love with two people at the same time?
(No subject)
Hey Njeri,
this is something that can happen that you feel strongly attracted even in love with two different people. The challenge is that you may not be able to have them both at the same time. For this reason you would have to choose. You may need to take sometime from both relationship and think clearly about what you want who best represents who and what you want and choose that person. There is really not formula to this it would all depend on you, your gut feeling and what you want now & in the future.
Hi am benzaro…
Hi am benzaro.
I really have problems in my relationship.. I can’t stay in a relation with one person , you see a week pass another girl I attracted her and I just found myself that I told her that I love her. Simply it means any girl that I sawthat is attractive so beautiful I just involve her love..
Hi Benzaro,…
Hi Benzaro,
What you could be experiencing is attraction and not really love. When you are attracted to a person, this could be short lived until you meet another person you feel attracted to. Love however will last for a much longer period. You need to think about the kind of a person you want to be with in a relationship and then as you meet different persons you can then decide who fits what you are looking for. Remember appearance and physical attraction may just be one aspect. We wish you well. Check out the following article for more information.
Am Sally am in love with two guys what shld i do
Plz help
Hi Sally,…
Hi Sally,
You need to take sometime and think about the kind of partner you want for a relationship, then choose whoever best represents what you want and then break up with the person you did not choose. The sooner you do it, the better since you can’t have them both. We wish you well.
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution.
Yes ,i am in love. But how…
Yes ,i am in love. But how can u explain love? Is it natural or there is connection with ur brain. Is there any relationship between fear and love bcz fear is a result of ur brain
Hi Abubakar, Love is an…
Hi Abubakar, Love is an intense feeling of deep affection towards another person. Love is am emotion, you don’t think love you feel love and so is fear. They are both emotions and that’s the relationship.
I love a guy who is staying…
I love a guy who is staying with his brother n it has been 6 months now he says nothing concerng us is there future?
Hi Anne, You may need to…
Hi Anne, You may need to talk to him and express your expectations and also have him tell you what plans he may have for the relationship.
hey,I have a question that’s…
hey,I have a question that’s driving me crazy,I had a girl whom we were in love from upcountry then I went for further studies in a far town,it started being nasty after that because she thought I was cheating on her whereas I was not and she started cheating and I became aware of it,after sometimes we broke up,I tried to get her back n that was the worst mistake I did,it took me one year to heal and trying to get my mind together for what I really want about love and life…at the end of the year I came across this girl from my hood whom I saw attractive, disciplined and God fearing whom I know was attracted to me since she knew me for more than three years,after we exchanged the numbers we kept fond of talking and one day she opened up and told me she loves me n misses me,I wanted her to be the first one coz I wanted to be sure that I had not made the mistake,we started hanging out but I could not feel the feeling for her like I thought…then this question started popping up,yes she has good qualities but is she the one I want or because I needed a partner that I quickly gave in to her? she has most of what I want for a wife but my heart n mind have no full conception to her,then the day we had a date,that afternoon I met another hot girl,I have known her for quite sometime but we are not so close but recently she has been so good to me,I can lead her body language, she smiles often when she sees me,she can’t hide it and she can’t really concentrate…myself despite being hurt I still believe in love and for this one I can feel she is the one I want,I also feel happy and the affection can be felt in the air,our bodies speak for us,the problem is that the two girls are classmates but the good thing is I’m 100% the first one does not know about the second and the second knows nothing about the first….I don’t want to make the first feel betrayed and I don’t want to let go the second though the second we have not even started dating or told each other what we feel,I went back to campus and we have not spoke with any,but my mind whenever I think of a girl,the second always win the list and I feel confident about her with no fear about her….one thing about me which makes me have problems with multiple girls,I don’t love cheating,I usually go for wat my heart wants and for her she is worth it,I wanna risk for her,now my questions are,1.between the two whom should I really go for?…2 what should I do coz having both means they will know and I lose both..if I get any of them I would spend the rest of my life with her,but I feel safe and achieved my life goals with the second despite being in a relationship with the first, I’m confused on which way to go,please advise accordingly I don’t want to make a mistake
Hello Jeff, first thank you…
Hello Jeff, first thank you for trusting us with such a personal issue. Relationships sometimes can be tough but how you navigate through the season is what is important. I am glad that you were able to heal from the relationship and were able to love again. When considering a life long partner, you need to think critically what you really want, this helps you to choose a partner that compliments you. Between the two girls whom do you share common goals, views and principles? Do you have a common value system? How well do you know each other? How well do you communicate? These are just some of the things you may want to consider. Now that you are far from both of them, it is a good time to reflect and make a wise decision. Check out this article: https://lovematters.co.ke/marriage/thinking-about-marriage/the-big-decision-how-do-i-know. Wish you the best.
I have dated this gyal for…
I have dated this gyal for 1½ years now I suspected she was still talking to her ex but she claimed that he is already married until one day I found on her fb inbox their chartngs on how they still mic each other and exchanging contacts whenever I try to to tok about it with her she goes off what should I do?
Hey Marcus, open and honest…
Hey Marcus, open and honest communication is essential for any relationship. This kind of communication ensures that you can talk about anything including those difficult topics. How you partner chooses to deal with their ex can have an effect on your relationship. It is important that your partner understands what this is doing to you and your relationship. If she insists on keeping the relationship then you will have a decision to make. To either accept this or break up. Check out the following this article;-
I like her but I fear she…
I like her but I fear she may reject me if I ask her to be my girlfriend. what can I do to ndio anikbali?
Hi There, unfortunately the…
Hi There, unfortunately the only way to know what her response will be is to ask her or tell her how you feel. Find a good time, be confident and be honest, these are qualities that people find attractive. You also just might find that she feels the same way. If she doesn’t, you will get to know and this will also allow you to move on and perhaps meet someone new. We wish you well. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
Hello am Kenneth am in love…
Hello am Kenneth am in love with a a rich girl en she loves me so much en she’s so beautiful bt sometimes i don’t wnt to see her why? I need ur advice
Hey There, even when in a…
Hey There, even when in a relationship you are still an individual and one may need personal and alone time. It is important to have this time and also allow your partner to have their own time. It’s important to agree with your partner about this so that they don’t misunderstand your actions.
hi, please i would like to…
hi, please i would like to ask about wat you really think i should do.. i met this guy and we started dating, his mood changes when other guys call me even though i ask them how they got my number and i tell them in his presence that i have someone and they should not call me again. eventually after a month a gal keeps calling him late in the night and you should see his face lit up wen she does. he even told her he loved her too in my presence and when he hung up the phone he said he only said he loved her too because she kept repeating ‘i love you’ and also because i wont tell him i love him and he wanted to make me feel jealous. i told him to call her again and tell her he is taken but he couldn’t do that. of course, i broke up with him on the spot and i started my life over again. i gave up so much for him that it was really difficult to get my life back to normal-ish. it is 7 months now and he’z called me again for the third time and he was really persistent again this time[and trust me, i wasted his airtime he would never use to call me when we were dating..] that he wants his bestgirlfriend back, giving me the ‘he wasn’t thinking straight and the ego’ excuse. i was really happy with him when we were together, really happy and if i should put my anger and bitterness aside, i want that feeling of home and happiness when i’m with him again that’s why i have stayed single since we broke up. but deep down i keep feeling he is not the one for me because i always chose him first even before myself and the one time i needed him to trust me and choose me, he couldn’t. Please do you think someone like that deserve another chance? please would you advice me to try again with someone new in the future and keep telling him to piss off and if he wont do it, i should motivate him to piss off, my way [#wicked grin]?
Hi Glory, thank you for…
Hi Glory, thank you for sharing with us. When in a relationship you want to know that your partner will choose you without thinking about it. This, it appears, has not been the case in your relationship. I can’t really tell you whether you should give him another chance or not, this is a decision only you can make. You need to take sometime and think about what you want, not just today but also in the future. Does he represent the person you want for the long term? If he does and he is the kind of person you want, then you get back. If not, then you need to be clear about the fact that you are done and no longer interested in the relationship. Should you choose to get back, it will be important that you start by addressing the issues that led to break up before getting back together. It is always important to share one’s expectations early in the relationship so both partners are clear about where the relationship is headed and what is should be. We wish you well. Check out the following articles;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
thank you
thank you
You are welcome Glory.
You are welcome Glory.
Their is a girl I like so…
Their is a girl I like so much but I am fear telling her what Can i do now?
Hey Edd, the only way you…
Hey Edd, the only way you will get to know what she thinks is to be brave and let her know how you feel toward her. Be brave and let her know how you feel. If you are not confident to tell her face to face, you could talk to her on phone or even send a text message. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date We wish you the best.
I have been along for 3…
I have been along for 3 years now my last relationship ended badlt. The girl i was dating dumped me and said some very nasty things because some lies she was told. I have been able to date someone from then. There is this girl I met recently in a social even she seems very nice but I feear approaching even though i feel an atraction she may reject me. How can I tell if she also has feelings for me?
Hi Pete, We are sorry about…
Hi Pete, We are sorry about what happened to your relationship. The unfortunate reality about relationship is that not all of them will last forever, even when you do the right thing sometimes the relationship may not work. When a relationship fails all you can do is move and hopefully when you get over the heart break you will meet a new person. There is really no way to tell if the new girl you have met has feelings for you, the only way to do this is to tell her how you feel toward her and hope that she feels the same toward you. It is possible she may not feel the same and if this is the case all you can do is move on. However, just because one relationship or even two didn’t work does not mean the next one you get into will also not work, you just have to keep trying. We wish you all the best. Have a look at this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
hi….my long term…
hi….my long term girlfriend had an disagreement and she left and she blocked me…I have been texting her for a week she doesn’t reply calling her but she is rejecting my calls eventually blocked me…now she has unfriended me….I dont know the reason but its eating me inside….I love this lady and I have invested myself to this one lady who I truelly love her….I treated her well but now I see am being left without no reason…please help
Hi Mike, it appears that the…
Hi Mike, it appears that the reason this is happening is because you and your girlfriend had a disagreement. It may help to go back and address the disagreement. Think about what happened and begin by apologizing. All couples do have disagreements, how partners choose to address these disagreements is what makes the difference. While it is tough not being able to talk to her, sometimes giving the other person alittle time helps them cool off and get things into perspective. Find a way to communicate with her now that she has blocked you on all platforms, after you have given her sometime. The intention is to resolve the issue that led to this, however you need to be prepared to accept the fact that things might be over between you and she may not be willing to get back together. The sad reality about relationships is that not all of them will last forever. We do with you the best though. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/jealousy-and-other-problems
Long for a partner for a…
Long for a partner for a long term relationship, if interested hit me up
Hey Maggie, unfortunately we…
Hey Maggie, unfortunately we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone. We wish you well.
How can know if a guy is…
How can know if a guy is with another lady?
Hi Ndakala,you could begin…
Hi Ndakala,you could begin by asking him especially if you have noticed anything that makes you suspicious. There is really no sure way to tell but it is important to raise any issues that you may have observed that are suspicious. There certain that can tell that he may be with another person, it is however important to raise any concerns you may have observed. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/signs-of-a-cheating-boyfriend
I have been dating a girl I…
I have been dating a girl I met at campus. But I feel are now drifting apart she joined a new group of friends who are roudy, she is always out late I have tried to talk to her but she has refused to turn back to what she used to be. I am now giving up on our relation. I still love her that I am finding it difficult to let her go, how can I just forget about her?
Hi There, so sorry about…
Hi There, so sorry about this. Your girlfriend has changed alot from what she used to be perhaps because of the new friends she now has. If you have talked to her and expressed your concerns to her about what is going on and how it is affecting your relationship and she refuses to acknowledge this and change, it maybe time for you to make the difficult decision of breaking up with her. You need to think about whether she is still the person you want to be with now and in future. Breaking up will be a tough decision since you still have feeling for her. Take some time to think through this and make an informed decision moving forward. We do wish you all the best. Check out the following articles for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
Am dating a guy who is not…
Am dating a guy who is not expressive I really don’t know how he feels for me. There was time his ex was trying to get him back and I was not happy for sometime he entertained the idea. From then I am not really sure how he feels about me. How do I know that he truly loves me?
Hey Agnes, it is important…
Hey Agnes, it is important that you do talk with your partner about this incidence that happened that left you with doubts about your partner. It appears this is the only way you will be at ease with him. Also, often times one has to tell, teach even show their partner how to show then love. Find a good time and talk to your partner about what you like and want from the relationship. You will find that perhaps what your partner needed was to just know what you like. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/tips-for-talking-to-your-partner
I love my partner but how…
I love my partner but how can i be sure he loves me too?
Hi Cherry, you could begin…
Hi Cherry, you could begin by asking your boyfriend how they feel toward you. Also, when you spend time together, does he show genuine concern toward you, is it always had to part ways after spending time together, and lastly, when he talks about the future does he include you in that future. If, however, his actions are unclear to you, find a good time and talk to your boyfriend to find out how he feels toward.
what can i do when someone…
what can i do when someone ilov most is avoiding m after he has realised that i lov him?
Hi Naomi, so sorry for this…
Hi Naomi, so sorry for this. You could try and find out from him if he interested in you or not. If he is interested, it is important you talk about the fact that you have noticed he has been avoiding and find out what this means. If he is not interested you will have to respect his choice even though this can be difficult. Reach out to find out since this will help you make an informed choice. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
How do u know that a girl is…
How do u know that a girl is in love with you?
Hey Charlie, It comes down…
Hey Charlie, It comes down to how she behaves around you. For instance she may want to spend alot of time alone with you, she is always eager to talk to you and finds reasons to do so and laughs at all your jokes even the bad ones. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/how-do-i-know-if-she-loves-me
my long distance…
my long distance relationship bf broke with me becos he has anoda gf and i dnt offend him wat shld i do to get him back cos i love him
Dear Jummy, so sorry about…
Dear Jummy, so sorry about this. Long distance relationships can be challenging to make work and this is why it is important to carefully think about how the relationship will change before going long distance. You may want to begin by finding out what led to him breaking up with you to see if the issues can be addressed and resolved. However, if he has already moved on and he is someone else it maybe challenging to get back together. It is important that you also allow yourself to move on. On the other hand, if you think there is chance reach out to him and see if the issues can be resolved and whether getting back together is an option for you. Be prepared since he may not be willing to get back with and if this is the case you will have to respect his choice and move on as well. Check out the following articles;-
I think I am in love with…
I think I am in love with this girl in school. I don’t know how to approach her because I fear rejection. Give me tips to succeed in this.
Hey Sila, if you love her,…
Hey Sila, if you love her, you will have to be brave and tell her how you feel. There is no way to tell what her response will be, and the only way to get to know this is to tell her how you feel. The truth she may not be interested and if this is the case you will have to respect her choice. We wish you all the best. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
Am in love with a married…
Am in love with a married man and I think he also loves me so much what should I do?
Hey Pretty, have you talked…
Hey Pretty, have you talked about what the future of your relationship with is? Do you wish to be a second wife? If things remain the way they are, you remain the woman he is cheating on his wife with. Is this the relationship you wanted to be in? Only you can make this decision, take sometime and think about what you want for a partner and which relationship kind of relationship you want now and in the future and then make a decision on how to proceed.
Hi am purity am in love with…
Hi am purity am in love with this guy we dated for one month.after some time he changed alot and wen I ask him what’s wrong he said ishould give him tym bcoz he is NT ready to love…what could be the problem
Dear Purity, it seems this…
Dear Purity, it seems this person is not ready to be in a relationship with you. It appears he is breaking up with you. This is tough but it is important that you accept this and allow yourself to move on. This was not your fault and you have no control over the choice he makes. We wish you well. Check out this article for tips on how to copes with a break up;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
I’m dating a lady this lady…
I’m dating a lady this lady for the 2 years. Our relationship has been good all along, she has been so nice to me until recently when she started changing. We are currently staying together and Sha come home late. When I ask what is going on it become a big fight. We had began to talk about marriage but now I am worried she could eyeing somebody out there or worse cheating on me?
Dear Alex, there is no way…
Dear Alex, there is no way to tell if your partner is cheating on you. It is however important that you talk to you partner about the changes you have observed and what this is doing to you and to your relationship. Find a good time to talk about this so that you can agree on how to proceed. You need to know if she is still interested in the relationship or not. Check out the following articles;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/how-can-i-know-my-partner-is-cheating-on-me
How do I know if she love me…
How do I know if she love me before I approach her?
Joshua, it may not be clear…
Joshua, it may not be clear cut the feeling that the girl have towards you. However, you can know if the person have an interest- does she like spending time with you? Does she enjoy your conversation? Does she check on your often? These are just pointers, the best way to know how she feels towards you is by talking to her. Check out this article- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
How long should I wait…
How long should I wait before getting into a new relationship after a breakup?
Dear Moraa, it is important…
Dear Moraa, it is important you only get into a new relationship if you have healed from the previous breakup. For instance if you can think about your ex without having negative feelings you maybe ready for a new relationship. Take time to think about whether you have moved past the negative feelings from the from the past relationship and whether you have also met the kind of person you want to be with. It is also important that you do not compare your ex to your current or prospective partner. If you constantly do this, you are probably not ready. https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/mistakes-to-avoid-with-a-new-relationship
Hi Love matters, I have been…
Hi Love matters, I have been dating this chick for the past year and things have actually been going on very well. We really love each other and we have lots of fun together. I recently met this new girl at a friends party and we hit it off like immediately. She is funny, we talked for endless hours at the party we were not even part of the party. I like her alot and I think she does too, we have not spoken from that time. I am confused, should I go after her? Am I in love with or whats going on with me?
Hi there, I am not able to…
Hi there, I am not able to tell you if you should go after her or not. You however need to take sometime and think about what it is you want from a partner and a relationship. Then think about who best represents what it is you want in a partner. There is no way to know if the new girl you met will be interested or is even available. Going after her while still with your current girlfriend will be cheating. Take time and think about these things before making a decision, if you are in-love the feeling you have will not go away but if you are just infatuated or just attracted to the person, this feeling will fade with time. Have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/is-it-love
Looking for LOVE ?
Looking for LOVE ?
Hi Johnstone, unfortunately…
Hi Johnstone, unfortunately we are no a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone. We wish you all the best.
There is this friend to one…
There is this friend to one of my girlfriends who I think is attracted to me but he is afraid of telling me. Should I approach him because I am also attracted to him and my friend says he doesn’t have a galfriend.
Hey Chero, if you are…
Hey Chero, if you are attracted to him, do let him know. Find an appropriate way to reach out to him and let him know how you feel to see if he feels the same way for you to go on and start a relationship. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
How do I know if a man…
How do I know if a man really loves me or he wants to use me?
Hey Christie, you caould be…
Hey Christie, you caould be gin by asking him exactly how he feels toward you. You also check out his actions when you spend quality time together, for instance does he talk about a future with you? Does he share his deepest feelings with you? And does he seek to spend lots of quality time with you? These maybe pointers to how he really feels toward you. However, do still talk about this to find exactly what his actions mean.
is a good beutfyboy and…
is a good beutfyboy and ihave a problem for love
Hello John, what’s your…
Hello John, what’s your problem? You can post your question here and it will be responded to https://letstalk.lovemattersafrica.com/admin/rnw_discussionboard
how can I get someone to…
how can I get someone to marry coz have never find someone to love in my life
Hello Phillip, unfortunately…
Hello Phillip, unfortunately we are not a dating service and we are not able to help you meet someone. You can however, try and get into situations that will give you a chance to meet new people. These could be social events, and when you see someone you like, be brave and approach them. You could also have a mutual friend introduce you to a person you are interested in. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
I had sex with this guy who…
I had sex with this guy who i can’t stop thinking about. It was only my second time to have sex, am I in love?
Hey, it is possible that you…
Hey, it is possible that you are strongly attracted to him or you could indeed be inlove with him. If you are just attracted to them, with time this will go away soon but if you are inlove this feeling will not go away. You may want to give it abit more time before making a conclusion. Remember, he may feel the same as you or not. You will have to respect his choice. We wish you all the best.
how do you know someone…
how do you know someone really loves you? there is this chic who tells me she loves me but I have only known her for a month
Hey Victor, spending time…
Hey Victor, spending time together can help reveal how a person feels toward you. There are actions that can help tell how she feels toward you, does she always want to spend alot of alone time with you, is saying good bye always a challenge, does she talk about a future with you? These maybe a few things you can observe to get to know how a person feels towards you. However, it is important to hear it directly from the person. All the best. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/how-do-i-know-if-she-loves-me
Can I get one
Can I get one
Hey, what would you like to…
Hey, what would you like to get?
I am only attracted to older…
I am only attracted to older women. Am I normal?
Hello Raynolds, there is…
Hello Raynolds, there is nothing wrong with liking or being attracted to women older than yourself. When it comes to relationships, age is just a number. As long as you are in love, you want to be together and you are mature to be in a relationship, there is nothing wrong with being together. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/does-age-difference-matter
I met a guy online over a…
I met a guy online over a year now he is so far frm me we talk very often n express our feelings frm eachoda i really love him alot i dont jst know why i cant do without him nd we ar always having issues n m always very hurt with the love please
Hi Benita, long distance…
Hi Benita, long distance relationships can be challenging to make work. However, if partners are committed to each other and the relationship, they can make it work. It is important you get to the bottom of the issues that are in your relationship, find a good time and talk about the issues, let your partner know exactly what is hurting or hurts you. This will help you and your partner resolve the issues and agree on how to proceed. Have a look at the following article;-
Pls the love is too powerful…
Pls the love is too powerful its killing me i need hlp pls hlp me
Hey Benita, so sorry about…
Hey Benita, so sorry about this. What exactly is going on that we can help?
I love dis guy i have tried…
I love dis guy i have tried to get rid of im its nt workin at all life has been so painful to me i dont even knw hw to start wif oda guys al my efforts to leave im to no avail i m fraustrated nd ashamed cuz i haven seen im in ma life bt feels dx way
Hey Benita, so sorry about…
Hey Benita, so sorry about this. What exactly has made it difficult for you to leave him? It is important for you to take sometime and think about what is making it difficult for you to leave before you can come u with a plan to leave the relationship. Have a look at the following article for more tips on breaking up;-
I once wrote it on my…
I once wrote it on my WhatsApp status that i am on the assignment of searching for someone who really loves me unconditionally and he viewed it and told me am gonna find one someday,i still don’t understand the message he was trying to pass on to me,pls tell me
Hi Esther, it seems he was…
Hi Esther, it seems he was just encouraging you that will indeed meet the kind of person you are hoping to someday in the future. But if you think he meant different, you can still reach out to him for clarification.
am looking a guy which can…
am looking a guy which can stay in love with him
Hey Charles, unfortunately…
Hey Charles, unfortunately we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone. We wish you well.
Am in relationship dated for…
Am in relationship dated for 2yrs 2months,my gay doesn’t like kisses or hugs his he normal. Koz I do wonder
Hey Winny, have you talked…
Hey Winny, have you talked with him about this? Have you asked exactly why he doesn’t like hugging and kissing? Communication is an essential part of any relationship, you will find that sometimes you have tell, show or even teach your partner how to love you or show you love. Find a good time and talk about this with your partner, let him know what you like and have him also tell you what they like. Together you can then agree on how to proceed. Have a look at hte following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/tips-for-talking-to-your-partner
a guy tells me he loves me…
a guy tells me he loves me and i also like him bt am not ready for any relationship bt he wants a relationship i dont no what to do bcos i dont want to make him feel bad so what do u suggest i should do.
Hey Adriana, you have to…
Hey Adriana, you have to decide what you want right now. If you do not wish to get into a relationship, let him know. There is no other way to do this other than being honest with him. The decision to get into a relationship and when to get into a relationship is your personal decision, you should only get into a relationship if you are ready and want to.
this is so nice i have…
this is so nice i have already found my answer without even asking
We are so glad Adriana. We…
We are so glad Adriana. We wish you well.
I met a guy at college,and…
I met a guy at college,and he seems interested in but don’t wants to say it out,he behaves like he is avioding me
Hey Favour, are you…
Hey Favour, are you interested in him? If you are, you can consider asking him out. Traditionally the woman should wait to be asked out, but today, even a lady can as a guy out. If you are interested find a good time and ask him out. Remember, if he is not interested, you will have to respect his choice. All the best. Have a look at this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/asking-someone-out-dos-and-donts
I met a guy at college and…
I met a guy at college and he seems interested in me but he don’t wants to say it out,he is avioding me pls help me what should I do to make him speak out his mind
Hey Lovely, are you…
Hey Lovely, are you interested in him? If you are, you can consider asking him out. Traditionally the woman should wait to be asked out, but today, even a lady can as a guy out. If you are interested, find a good time and ask him out. Remember, if he is not interested, you will have to respect his choice. All the best. Have a look at this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/asking-someone-out-dos-and-donts
Onlly chart in hausa
Onlly chart in hausa
Hey Muhammad, you comment is…
Hey Muhammad, you comment is nor clear. You could rephrase if you need any help.
i love my gf she love me too…
i love my gf she love me too than i ask her out she said no so what can i do?
Hey Jude, you asked to go on…
Hey Jude, you asked to go on a date and she said no? Did you ask her why she said no? If you do love each other, talk about this. Get to know why she didn’t want to go out with you when you asked. This will help you agree on future dates. All the best.
How can one differentiate…
How can one differentiate between. Love and. Lust
Hey Maggy, lust is to have a…
Hey Maggy, lust is to have a strong sexual desire for someone but Love is an intense feeling of deep affection towards another person. Love is warm, it is kind and patient. Love is forgiving. Love is a feel of a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone.
Check this article for more information on what love is;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/a-simple-question-with-infinite-answers
Ur help
Ur help
Hey, what help would like?
Hey, what help would like?
I am in love with someone bt…
I am in love with someone bt d guy did not love mr
Hi Mhiz, if the guy doesn’t…
Hi Mhiz, if the guy doesn’t love you all you can do is respect their choice and move on even though this maybe challenging. But just because he didn’t love you back it doesn’t mean that you can’t meet someone who will. Take time and in due course you feel better and be ready to meet someone new. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
If u love a Guy and the Guy…
If u love a Guy and the Guy love too what will for the Guy and what will u do
Hey Christine, you question…
Hey Christine, you question doesn’t seem very clear. However, if you are both in love talk about your feelings and also talk about your expectations in the relationship and what you expect from each other as partners. This will help ensure that you are both clear about what your partner expects from you including whether to continue in the relationship. We wish you well. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/being-in-a-relationship
I don’t love my husband any…
I don’t love my husband any more what should I do
Hello Miriam, if you no…
Hello Miriam, if you no longer love your husband it maybe time to break up with him especially if there is no way to address the issues. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
Hi Blessing, if you like…
Hi Blessing, if you like someone the next to do is to reach out to them and tell the person how you feel. What you need is confidence, remember girls finds confidence attractive. You can also have a mutual friend introduce you to the girl. It is also important to note that she maybe interested in a relationship with you and if this is the case you will have to respect her choice. We wish you the best. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
There’s this guy,I kinda…
There’s this guy,I kinda like him,but am not sure’he asked me to be his gf what should I do?
Hi Precious, maybe you could…
Hi Precious, maybe you could say yes and then see how it goes especially if you like him as well. Take sometime and think about what you want in a partner and in a relationship before making your decision. We wish you all the best.
Yes I’m in love
Yes I’m in love
We are happy for you…
We are happy for you Amarachi.
Am about to loss d woman i…
Am about to loss d woman i luv so much but i get to find out hu is taking her away 4rm n i v made up my mind to let go but she told dat she need my hlp nw dat she can’t live witout me al she ask is tim to make tinz right but am scared wht should i do?
Hi John, you need to make a…
Hi John, you need to make a decision of either to wait for her to make things right or to let her go. Take sometime and consider your options and make the decision that you are willing to leave with.
I told I love her and she…
I told I love her and she she loves me too as a friend. Does this mean she is dating someone else, do I have a chance with this chic?
Hi Patrick, I am not able to…
Hi Patrick, I am not able to tell you if you have a chance with her, however it seems clear from her that she doesn’t want to get into a relationship with you and it is important that you respect her choice even though it is not what you wanted. Have a look at the following article for additional tips on coping with this;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
How do you know if you are…
How do you know if you are in love with someone,
And if d person love you back
Hey Prince, have a look at…
Hey Prince, have a look at the article to see if you are in love. To get to know if someone is inlove with you, you could ask them to get to know how they feel toward you. Also, by spending quality time and observing them may tell you how they feel toward you. For instance, do they share with you their most intimate thoughts and feelings, do they always want to spend lots of alone time with you, do they find it difficult to say good bye, when they talk about the future do they include you in their future among others. It is however important to find out from them what their actions mean. Additionally, have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/how-do-i-know-if-she-loves-me
Love is good but i want to…
Love is good but i want to know more.
Hey Destiny, what would you…
Hey Destiny, what would you like to know?
I am dating a for 6 years…
I am dating a for 6 years and we have never kissed or have sex what the problem
Hello Timilehin, you are…
Hello Timilehin, you are better placed to deduce what the issue could be. Have you talked about sex in your relationship? People who are dating can choose to have or not have sex for a period of time for various reasons including religious beliefs. If you feel the lack of sex is affecting your relationship, talk with your partner so that you can agree how to address the issues. Have a look at the following articles;-
I think I am inlove base on…
I think I am inlove base on this article. How do I know I know if a guy loves me? We spend alot of time together I have been waiting for him to make a move but nothing?
Hello Nice, have you…
Hello Nice, have you considered making a move? The best way to get to know if he loves you is to ask him. Consider making a move to see if is interested in a relationship with you.Remember he may not want more that what you currently have and if this is the case you will have to respect his choice. Also, remember, whatever his response is going to be, it will change your current relationship. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/asking-your-crush-out-dos-and-donts
I dated a guy we really love…
I dated a guy we really love each others Like seriously but suddenly dis guy started asking for sex and am not ready for dat we later break up and he begged me back again he break up with me again more dan 8times but now I still love dis and I want to forget him but I tried all I could to forget but not please wat can I do
Dear Yetunde, first, the…
Dear Yetunde, first, the decision to have sex is your personal decision and even when you are dating you should only have sex when you feel ready for it. If a partner truly cares about you they will wait till you are ready. Healing from a break can at times take time, but time is a healer. Take each day at a time, try and get rid of all negative feelings, try fill your leisure time with activities like hobbies and take care of yourself. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/getting-over-a-break-up
Hi I fall in love with this…
Hi I fall in love with this guy but I feel that he don’t love me back we have sex but I always feel that his mind is not they I try to talk to him but he will only act some how but I have mead up my mind to quit the relationship.
Hi Gift, so sorry about this…
Hi Gift, so sorry about this. If the relationship is not meeting your expectations and you have talked about it and there has been no change it maybe time to break up. It is important to talk about expectations early in the relationship, this way partners can make a decision on whether to proceed and how to proceed. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
Pls does someone need to…
Pls does someone need to reach a certain age before he or she can fall in love or enter into a relationship
Hey Ann, there is really no…
Hey Ann, there is really no right or wrong age however it is important for one to be mature enough to handle the emotional and even physical issues and responsibility that comes with being in a relationship. Since relationship can be emotionally straining, a person in school may want to focus on their education as an example before committing to a relationship. Also, falling inlove does happen a particular age, it can happen at any time.
true love is de best
true love is de best
Thank you Doris for your…
Thank you Doris for your contribution.
Do you throughly fall in love
Do you throughly fall in love
Hey Patience, yes one can…
Hey Patience, yes one can completely fall in love.
How can i know that he is…
How can i know that he is the right man for me
Hey Odunayo, a good place to…
Hey Odunayo, a good place to begin is to think about what it is you want in a man. Take sometime and think about what you want in a partner and in a relationship. This way when you meet a person and get to know them you will be able to tell if they are what you want. It is also important that you talk about and make clear your expectations early in the relationship. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/the-8-signs-youre-with-the-right-partner
I fear rejection, how do you…
I fear rejection, how do you know that a girl likes you? Kuna dem nalike sana I think I’m falling for her though I am not sure she can accept to date me. Help me out.
Hi Lenny, what makes you…
Hi Lenny, what makes you feel that she may not accept you? If you like someone, the next step is to tell them, this is the only way she will get to know how you feel and you will also get to know how she feels. Go on, be brave and let her know how you feel. Remember, confidence is a quality girls like. If she is not interested, all you can do is to move on, it may hurt but you will get better with time should this happen. All the best. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
If a guy keeps calling you…
If a guy keeps calling you but he says nothing he doesn’t dlsay he likes you what should you do? Is it right for me to tell him I have feelings for him?
Hello Valarie, if you do…
Hello Valarie, if you do like him, there is nothing wrong with you telling him how you feel. Find a good time and tell him how you feel. Remember, he may feel the same way or not and you will have to respect how he feels. All the best.
I am inlove with 2 beautiful…
I am inlove with 2 beautiful girls and I don’t know who to choose. How should I choose?
Hi Luther, are they both…
Hi Luther, are they both interested in a relationship with you? If they are you will need to think about what kind of a person you want to be in a relationship with and then choose the one that best represents the kind of person you would like for a partner. Take sometime and think about this before making a final decision, remember you can’t have them both. All the best.
You are welcome Purity.
You are welcome Purity.
I love Lady we share a class…
I love Lady we share a class in uni. My heart really pumps when I see her but I fear she will reject me if I approach her. How do I overcome this fear?
Hi Simon, you will never…
Hi Simon, you will never know how she feels until you ask her. Be brave and tell her how you feel, you just might find that she eels the same. If she doesn’t, all you can do is to accept this, respect her choice and move on even though it maybe tough. Have a look at the following articles for additional tips;-
Is it good to fall in love…
Is it good to fall in love with a student
Hi, sometimes you don’t get…
Hi, sometimes you don’t get to choose whom you fall in love with. However, you may or may not choose to get into an intimate relationship with a student depending some issues like what the person’s age is. Remember, a relationship can be emotionally intense and this can way down on a student which may end up affecting their studies and performance. Lastly, this is a decision only the people involved can make.
Now I know that I love this…
Now I know that I love this girl but how do I know she loves me?
Hey Ray, you can begin by…
Hey Ray, you can begin by asking her how she feels toward you. You can also observe her when you spend time together, for instance, is it always difficult to say goodbye or part ways, does she always want to spend alot of alone time with you, when you talk about the future does she include you in her future and is she free to talk about her deepest feelings? These could be signs of how she really feels about you, however, for clarity it is important to find out from her what the actions you may have observed really mean and how she really feels about you. We wish you well. Check out the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/how-do-i-know-if-she-loves-me
Hi. Please help me meet a…
Hi. Please help me meet a guy to date.
Hi Bettie, sorry to say, we…
Hi Bettie, sorry to say, we are not a dating service and cannot assist you in finding a partner. Best thing to do is take some time with yourself, find hobbies, practice things that you love and try to learn how to be happy with yourself. Happiness and confidence is attractive in a person and when you find yourself in a good place people will find you. As always, feel free to ask us any questions about love, sex or relationships if they come up. Best of luck.
is love enough? How do you…
is love enough? How do you know if a guy is the right person for marriage? mr right?
Hi, love is important for a…
Hi, love is important for a relationship. Additionally, it is important to take time and think about what exactly you want or what you are looking for in a partner. This way as you get into a relationship you look at out for those things you are looking. Have a look at the following article for additional things to look out for;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/marriage/thinking-about-marriage/the-big-decision-how-do-i-know
alway in love
alway in love
We wish you all the best…
We wish you all the best Alex.
It move me
It move me
We are glad Fabulous. We…
We are glad Fabulous. We hope you found the information useful as well.
Am in love with a girl but…
Am in love with a girl but its really hard for me to tell her,,what can i do?
Hi Tiger, Reaching out to…
Hi Tiger, Reaching out to people that you are attracted to can be difficult because of the fear of being rejected. However, they are no different than how would approach a friend, family or other person. The initial hello and coming up with small talk is the same idea except the person is front of you is attractive. The best way to do this when you are nervous is to talk to people who share interest. Do they go to school with you? Are they working? Did you meet them at the movies? This way there is already a commonality between you an it gives you the first conversation topic. Find other people who like what you like and try to mingle from there. Otherwise, just be honest. Tell them who you are, why you approached the (they said something smart, they like the same team, you find them beautiful etc) and then build the conversation from there. Tell them about yourself, and ask questions about them. You are attracted to them and ideally as you learn more about them you will become interested in them. Everyone has nerves and the girls know that. They will be flattered that you even tried to reach out and talk. Additionally, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
hae i have three men in my…
hae i have three men in my life the first one we met at high school and iam older than him by a month the second has a five year old son from another woman and we met as neighbours when i was baby seating and the third is older than me by eight years he is good to me but never spends time with me i dontknow who i love between them am confused and i just cant give myself to any of them idont no which of them truly loves me i need help cause i dont want to make the worst mistake of my life
Hi Sandra, the more…
Hi Sandra, the more important question whom do you love and want to be with? You need to take sometime and think about whom among them represents the kind of person you are looking for in a partner. This is a decision only you can make, so take sometime to think about what you are looking for in a partner. All the best.
Nice kip it up??♀️??♀️??…
Nice kip it up??♀️??♀️??♀️ love
Thank you for the feedback…
Thank you for the feedback Rita.
Am in love with a girl
Am in love with a girl
But I don’t know how to tell her
Hi there, if you are inlove…
Hi there, if you are inlove with someone the next thing to do is to tell the girl that you like them to see if they are interested. Remember, girls find confidence attractive. It is best to do this face to face but if you are too shy to do it this way you can do it over the phone or have a mutual friend introduce you. All the best, have a look at this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
i love a girl but i found it…
i love a girl but i found it hard to tell her . but one day i decided to tell her but i later found out that she had another man but i dont believe her what should i do to make her know that i love her with all my heart
Hello Ryan, the girl you…
Hello Ryan, the girl you love is unfortunately not available for a relationship with you. This is difficult but it is important that you respect her choice since you really can’t make someone love you back if they don’t. Now that she is not available, all you can do now is to move on and hopefully and soon enough you will meet someone who will lobe you back. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/asking-someone-out-dos-and-donts
Am in love
Am in love
We are happy for you Black…
We are happy for you Black beauty.
I love someone but he dnt…
I love someone but he dnt care about me at all I dnt understands and I can’t do without him he’s all i get
Hey there, so sorry about…
Hey there, so sorry about this. Unfortunate, if he doesn’t love you back there is not much you can do to make him love you. Sadly, even though you love him, you will have to accept this and move on. Waiting for him to love you will only hurt and he may never come around. This is tough, but time is a healer and you will feel better with time. Have a look at this article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
When you are in a…
When you are in a relationship and you and your partner begins to kiss ? at the early stage of the relationship and the both begin to romance and touch yourself is it love ❤️ or lust and the guy ? always tell you how much he love you is that normal in relationship
Hey Mercy, this maybe love…
Hey Mercy, this maybe love or lust. It is normal to kiss and make out with a partner even in early in a relationship if this is what partners want. Love will outlast lust, lust is short term and sex driven. Once one achieves the sex they may no longer be interested in a relationship. You need to think about whether you are ready for the relationship to go there this soon, let your partner know. Only kiss, make out or even have sex when you feel ready, feel it is the right time and when you feel it is the right time. Have a look at the following article for additional information;-
Hi, am Esther.Thanks for…
Hi, am Esther.Thanks for this. I have really gain from this. I just want to confirm if u can love two guys at once and if double dating is adviseable
Hi Esther, one can be…
Hi Esther, one can be attracted to tow or even more different people, however, keeping all the relationships going at the same time can be challenging. It amounts to cheating when you are seeing different people at the same time unless this is something you have agreed among yourselves. It maybe useful to think about what you are looking for in a partner and the choose the one who best represents what you what. Lastly, you may think you are inlove with two different people on to find out that you are probably just attracted to one of them and really in love with the other. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/is-it-love
There is a girl I have…
There is a girl I have fallen in love with lakini I fear she will reject me when I approach her. How should I give her to avoid rejection?
Hey Boaz, you can only know…
Hey Boaz, you can only know how a person feels about you when your express yourself. If you do not express yourself then you will not know if the girl truly loves you or not. It is normal to have some feelings of anxiety but that should not stop you from reaching out to the girl. Perhaps you can start by establishing friendship. Remember the girl can respond either way positively or negatively. Whatever the answer will be, be prepared. Check out this article: https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/saying-no-and-dealing-with-rejection
There is a girl I like but I…
There is a girl I like but I don’t know how to vibe her to accept me. What can I do?
Hey Shawn, if you like a…
Hey Shawn, if you like a girl, the next thing to do is to tell them how you feel. Girls find confidence in a guy attractive, so go on be brave and tell her how you feel. If you are not as confident to tell her face to face, which is the best option, you can do it over a phone call. You can also have a mutual friend introduce you. We wish you all the best, check this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/dont-sweat-over-asking-someone-out
Hey Bella, what about Love?
Hey Bella, what about Love?
Clearly, I am in love with…
Clearly, I am in love with this guy. I just wonder how he feels about me…
Hey Annex, have you…
Hey Annex, have you considered telling him how you feel? If you are in love with him, let him know how you feel to see if he feels the same way as you. You just may find he feels the same way. If he doesn’t feel the same way, you will have to respect their choice. Check out the following article for more information for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
How can i control my lover…
How can i control my lover not to love someone again apart from me
Hey khadija, unfortunately…
Hey khadija, unfortunately you may not be able to do this. You can’t control what who a person can or cannot love. All you can do is to try and make your relationship good enough for both of you to the point that none of you will feel the need to look outside of your relationship. Talk to your partner and get to know what they want in a relationship and in a partner, also share what you want, this way it will be clear to both of you what you should expect from each other. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/keeping-a-relationship-strong-dos-donts
I’m in love but i don’t…
I’m in love but i don’t trust my parter, what should i do friends?
Hey, is there a reason why…
Hey, is there a reason why you don’t trust your partner? Talking about your concerns can help address the trust issues you have. Find a convenient time to talk about this with your partner. All the best, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/jealousy-and-other-problems
Have been in a relationship…
Have been in a relationship for two years now, and we both love each other… we have been together for long now even his family is awhile of it, but now he left the country to founder his education.. and his doing well now but his family are now asking me to leave him alone that am a distraction to him… what will I do because he also his not aware of it.
Hi Joy, what does he want?…
Hi Joy, what does he want? Does he also feel you are a distraction to him? Talk to him and get to know what he wants and then together you can agree on how proceed with your relationship. We wish you all the best.
Hello….I feel so scared of…
Hello….I feel so scared of loosing my lover but I don’t think he feels the same,he barely calls and always busy
What should I do?
Hello Kyrine, have you…
Hello Kyrine, have you talked with him about this? Communication and spending time together is important toward making a relationship strong. Find a good time and talk with your partner about this, lt them know how you feel about this and together agree on how to proceed. If he really does care about you he will also create time for you. Have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/tips-for-talking-to-your-partner
How do I surt out things…
How do I surt out things with the guy i love so much ,have tried all my possible best but he still insist we can’t date any more ….
Hey Flourich, so sorry about…
Hey Flourich, so sorry about this. You may have to accept and respect his choice. You can’t force him to be with you. This can be a difficult choice to make including moving on but with time one is able to move on after a break up. Have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
I hv been dating dis cute…
I hv been dating dis cute guy online ND i met him once since den i haven’t seen him.but, we keep dating online so now e is asking me to cum visit him at his place I don’t no y but m scared ? because if I could remember how first meeting did not go well e wanted to have sex with me on d first date I don’t no wat to do
Hi Jane, if you are not…
Hi Jane, if you are not ready to have sex with him let him know. The decision to have sex is your personal decision, you should only do it if you feel ready, you feel you are with the right person and that for you it is the right time. Let him know how you feel about this and if he truly cares about you he will wait till you are ready. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/how-soon-is-too-soon
I have dated a guy 4 some…
I have dated a guy 4 some time nw am also 18 bt my dad says am nt ready to date,and am also ready to disobey him cos i seriously love him…guys pls i need help
Hey Ashley, the choice to…
Hey Ashley, the choice to date or not to is ultimately your choice, however, you may want to get to know from your dad why he feels you are not ready. Perhaps he wants you to focus on your education at this time especially because relationships can be exhausting and this may lead one to not focus on their studies. You need to think about what you want now and even in the future as you make a decision on how to proceed with this. Also, what will this mean to your dad if you choose to go against he and date him?
I love my date
bt don’t know…
I love my date
bt don’t know hw to show
pls help me
Ashley, Everyone has their…
Ashley, Everyone has their own love language, sometimes it takes time to get to know what your partner likes and they may have to tell you how they like it. There is nothing wrong with asking, so go on and ask. After all your relationship gets better as you get to know each other better. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/tips-for-talking-to-your-partner
I started dating this…
I started dating this particular guy then all of a sudden he stopped showing care and affection towards me so I talked to him about it but no response.Later on I started dating another guy not knowing that they both know each other…I felt like I needed a break so I broke up with this second guy.. later on my first boyfriend started coming right back but I still have intense feelings for him but I don’t want to get involved into any of them again
What will I do??
Hi Ghennie, if you do not…
Hi Ghennie, if you do not wish to get back together with him, let him know. Be clear and be firm about your decision. You however, do not have to be cruel toward him, find a good time and break up with him for you both to move on. We wish you all the best. Have a look at this article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/how-to-break-up
There is this girl… We…
There is this girl… We started out as friends got too know each other for a while although she’s far from where I am. Buh right now I’m beginning to fall in love I don’t if that’s what’s happening because we text all day, talk for long on the phone, she give me this feeling of acceptance and joy…
Hi Fortune, you are falling…
Hi Fortune, you are falling in love. Have you share with her how you feel? We wish you all the best. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
woe i need
woe i need
Hey Phoeba, we hope you meet…
Hey Phoeba, we hope you meet someone soon. We wish you all the best.
am Abdi,first day try to…
am Abdi,first day try to talk to her and see the way she carry herself and replies then you can know her from that attempt.so from there talk to her continiously and tell the feeling you have for her the love and the relationship.thanks
Thank you Abdi for you…
Thank you Abdi for you contribution.
Hi I have been dating a guy…
Hi I have been dating a guy for the past five years we claim to be in love but along the line I realised it to be that I loved him more than he thought of me and there is no commitment whatsoever,few weeks ago I found a picture of him and a girl which got me upset due to the position of the picture so I asked him and he said she was just a friend but I was still upset that it lead to an argument about the picture and that made me to say am ending the relationship now this guy in question claimed he doesn’t want to end the relationship due to the fact that he was joking about the picture and all our arguments and all bcoz he wanted to see my reaction now he says he isn’t ready to let go of me but I had always had my suspicions of him cheating and I got some informations from some of his close friends about him cheating but when I asked him he said he wasn’t cheating,now after I left him just few days later a long time friend of mine resurfaced after I told him I left my previous relationship so this friend claims he has been deeply in love with me and willing to be there for me in all circumstances but am yet to be in love with him rather my thoughts are always on the fact if my ex was saying the truth or not.I really need advice bcoz my ex was without commitment but I was in love with him but this other guy is offering me commitment of a life time but am yet to be in love with him.I also feel am still in love with my ex but am scared of going back to him bcoz our love life wasn’t like the love vibes were there and this present guy am trying to accept him but am not in love with him
Thank you for reaching out…
Thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry you are going through such a hard time.
You seem to be at a crossroads. You might want to close one chapter before you open another. Or ignore both chapters and open a whole new book! Think about what you want for yourself and what you want for your future. What you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it. That way you may have an easier time coming to your decision.
My bf never have my time
My bf never have my time
I don’t call me
I was even the one that will call
Sometimes he won’t
At times if he pick my call he will said am busy
Even WhatsApp he don’t chat with me long
Just good morning
I don’t know what I can do.
Please help me.
Hello Rebecca, thank you for…
Hello Rebecca, thank you for your message. We understand how your boyfriend’s actions may be confusing and may cause you distress. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well.
yes i am in love
yes i am in love
We wish you all the best…
We wish you all the best Muhammad.
in love diply
in love diply
Happy for you Maina, we wish…
Happy for you Maina, we wish you the very best.
Am in Love I also hope to…
Am in Love I also hope to be love by
We wish you the very best,…
We wish you the very best, Maina.
I have a friend that i have…
I have a friend that i have known for years but only for me to discover recently that I am in love with her. I approach her about this and her reply was a ‘NO’. Prior to the time i approached her, she has been telling me about a guy she loves but don’t know how she would tell him and the guy in question isn’t saying anything too. What should I do? because I don’t just wanna let go like that.
Hey MAyor, sorry about this…
Hey MAyor, sorry about this. Unfortunately, you have to respect her choice. If she doesn’t feel the same way as you, you can only respect her choice and allow yourself to move on. Have a look at this article on tips for moving on;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
what is love really about, …
what is love really about, a friend of mine text me saying that he miss me very much, and he felt like seeing me,is it love or not,me am afraid of love.
Hello Florence, you have…
Hello Florence, you have asked a really great question. Love is an intense feeling of deep affection towards another person. Love is warm, it is kind and patient. Love is forgiving. Love is a feeling of a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. Do you feel this way towards himand vice versa?
Check this article for more information on what love is;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/a-simple-question-with-infinite-answers
Love Matters team 🙂
love is a treasure every one…
love is a treasure every one have to find becoz without luv u are nothing
Yes Hafsah! Love makes the…
Yes Hafsah! Love makes the world go round!
I am in a relationship with…
I am in a relationship with someone I love but I have a big problem with her now i need a way i can go off this issue now she said at first she should me love and I did not give her in return now she has changed and is hurting me in a way what will I do to make her come back to the way she is befor?
Hi Kelvin, if you feel…
Hi Kelvin, if you feel something has changed then have a conversation with your partner about it. Be open and honest and let them know how you feel. Try not to confront them because that will put them on the defensive. As you speak about your worries, listen to hers as well and try and respond to her emotions.
My boyfriend still have his…
My boyfriend still have his ex pictures of both of them together and I told to delete it and he delete some,,now I feel uncomfortable in the relationship,and I feel like she is a threat,one day he posted her picture on his status and I was angry then he apologize then I revenge by posting my ex pictures also to make him feel jealous and he broke up with me,what does it mean
Hello Lola, thank you for…
Hello Lola, thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry that you are having such a hard time. It is understandable that your partners actions may give you distress. Have a conversation with your partner about how their actions are affecting you. Let them know how you feel but also be ready to listen to them and respond to their feelings. Communication is a very important part of any relationship and can solve very many problems
I think I love him, but he’s…
I think I love him, but he’s really giving me though time. I got him upset 2 days ago and I’ve been begging him since then but till now he still doesn’t want to talk to me. If really he feels the same way I do, isn’t he suppose to have calm down at least for the fact that I’ve said sorry. I’m planning on letting him be.
Hello Maddie, thnk you for…
Hello Maddie, thnk you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. People process anger in different ways, it does not mean that they have stopped loving us. He may need a little time to process the situation. If that is the case, allow them the time to calm down. Do not make assumptions about the feelings they have for you. Also, if you did something to make them angry, consider making an apology. When they are ready, have a conversation about how their silence made you feel and how you might like to have problems resolved going forward.
Am in a relationship… And…
Am in a relationship… And I also have a male best friend now my partner is angry dat I should choose either my bestie or my relationship
Hello Anonymous, we are…
Hello Anonymous, we are sorry your partner has put you in a tough position. It seems that he/she simply misses you and feels that the both of you do not spend as much quality time as they feel you should. Do not take offence to it but have a discussion with them. Communication is an important part of any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well. Stay safe and have a great week ahead!
We are glad you agree…
We are glad you agree Anonymous. Cheers!
Am in love with a guy, I…
Am in love with a guy, I love him so much but he doesn’t like calling me I do call him but I don’t want to be the only only one calling because it makes me looks like am desperate plss advice please
Hello Zinny, you have asked…
Hello Zinny, you have asked a really good question. Have you tried identiying each others love languages? Love presents in different ways. We all have love Languages. These are ways in which we express love for our loved ones. These love languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
This article has more information on these love languaes and how they present.
i have a suitor and we have…
i have a suitor and we have undergo test and we have know our parents but i am having some problems concerning him traveling without doing anything on my head.
my question now is, is the guys serious about me because when i confronted him he says that he is confused whether to marry or to travel that i should leave him for now, since a week now we are having some issues.
Hello Goodness, so sorry to…
Hello Goodness, so sorry to hear you are going through such a hard time. It is understandable that you would be a little frustrated with the situation. If he is having second thoughts, that is okay. It is even best for him to have them now before the two of you commit to marriage. Give him the time he needs to think through this. Take the time to also think about what you want, your future, and if you are also ready to take this step. This is a great opportunity to take stock of things in your relationship and prepare for your futire.
Please guy am in love with a…
Please guy am in love with a friend she is far distance what should I do
Hello Khan, thank you for…
Hello Khan, thank you for reaching out to us. Here are some tips to help you:
Am in love
Am in love
Yay King! Good for you!
Yay King! Good for you!
I have three guy’s in my…
I have three guy’s in my life asking me out
but the one who I love does not have my time even if he claims he loves me I just can’t feel the chemistry
while the rest are amazing and are patiently waiting for me to say yes but my heart belongs to the one who doesn’t care.please what can I do,cause am in pain
Hi Faith, thank you for…
Hi Faith, thank you for reaching out to us and we are so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Love presents in different ways. We all have love Languages. These are ways in which we express love for our loved ones. These love languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Find out what his love language is and take it from there.
This article has more information on these love languages and how they present.
I belief in love but who i…
I belief in love but who i love don’t belief me
Hi Ifeoluwa, do you soeak…
Hi Ifeoluwa, do you soeak the right love language? Here are the 5 languages you can explore to understand yourself and your potential partner https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/do-you-speak-the-right-language-when-it-comes-to-love
Why at times u are trying in…
Why at times u are trying in relationship to move on the way u want but not still working the way u want
Hi Friday, thank you for…
Hi Friday, thank you for reaching out to us. You might have a vision of how you want your relationship to go. However, you need to remember that there is more than one person in that relationship and so there is a need for all parties to come together, express their wants and needs and try and find a compromise. That way you will find you are both working towards the same goal.
I meant this girls are I can…
I meant this girls are I can see that she really love me and I make my and she said yes. She always start the talking, calls, chat. 2 month after she stop and I always be the one to call, when I text her, her response is so short. What meant be wrong?.
Hi Michael, thank you for…
Hi Michael, thank you for reaching out to us. Different people could go silent for various reasons. The best thing to do is to have an open and honest conversation with her. Try and find out what the problem could be. Explain to her what her actions are doing to you and how they affect the relationship as well.
Hello it’s my first time…
Hello it’s my first time here would be glad if my question is been addressed ok.
Theirs this guy asking me out actually he wants me to be his girlfriend and I love him but I said no to him because am scared of getting hurt have never been in any relationship because of fear though the fear of being used and dumped what do u think I need to do
Hello Nexcy, thank you for…
Hello Nexcy, thank you for reaching out to us. It is understandable that you would be scared since this is something new. Your fear is valid and to protect yourself and your feelings it would be best to take things slow. Trust your instincts and always try to talk things out. Do not ignore your gut feelings and question things that happen in the relationship. Do not let anyone pressure you into doing things you are not comfortable with, especially with your body. At the end of the day, we miss 100% of the shots we do not take.
Hi Diadem, what is?
Hi Diadem, what is?
its a serious matter when we…
its a serious matter when we talk about love
Love is a serious matter 🙂
Love is a serious matter 🙂
Hello Zainab, yes?
Hello Zainab, yes?
I’m interested in falling in…
I’m interested in falling in love with someone who’s so dear to me
Hi Benjamin, go for it!
Hi Benjamin, go for it!
Have been in love but when…
Have been in love but when it get to some stages the character of my partner changes ,please what causes it cause I tries asking but he will say nothing
Hi Favour, thank you for…
Hi Favour, thank you for reaching out to us. It is understandable that you may be a little frustrated by your partner’s changing mood.
Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well.
I have been dating this guy…
I have been dating this guy knowing fully well he has serious relationship and am in love with him and I really don’t want to come between him and his girlfriend, but I can’t help but get sad when I think about, am trying to cut off from him but I just can’t
What can I do
Hi Markay, thank you for…
Hi Markay, thank you for reaching out to us. I understand that you might be feeling a little frustrated with the whole situation right now. You really need to make the decision for yourself. What do you want for yourself? What do you want for your future? Do you think this person will be able to deliver this future or help you build it?
I love someone but I don’t…
I love someone but I don’t no if he love me back so please I will I no that he truly love me
Hello Love, love presents in…
Hello Love, love presents in different ways. We all have love Languages. These are ways in which we express love for our loved ones. These love languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
This article has more information on these love languages and how they present. Go through it and find out if you understand your partner’s Love Language
If u like someone and that…
If u like someone and that person did not like u. If u ar doing for her. She will be doing for another person
H Victor, thank you for your…
H Victor, thank you for your feedback.
Nice to be here
Nice to be here
tnx you
tnx you
We are very pleased to help
We are very pleased to help
I love my wife azeezat
I love my wife azeezat
Seeing your lovely message…
Seeing your lovely message warms our heart Imuran, Azeezat is very lucky to have a husband like you. We hope you are having a wonderful ramadhan and are keeping safe. Have a wonderful week ahead and keep being an inspiration to all the husbands out there.
How can I no that am in love…
How can I no that am in love with someone or someone is in love with me please am confused
Hi Prisca, thank you for…
Hi Prisca, thank you for reaching out to us. The article says ” Love develops in stages, and doesn’t always follow the same pattern. But in most cases love begins with the passion of sexual attraction, then the dreamy, overwhelming ‘in love’ stage, and finally the deeper attachment that develops over time and can last for years – sometimes for a lifetime”
This article also speaks of Love Languages which is how love presents.
I have a felling for someone
I have a felling for someone
I am so much in love but I…
I am so much in love but I am confused
Hi Anurika, thank you for…
Hi Anurika, thank you for reaching out to us. What is confusing you?
It really good for our young…
It really good for our young ones
Hi Amaka, thank you for your…
Hi Amaka, thank you for your feedback.
My lover want us to keep…
My lover want us to keep long distance relationship
Hello Lois, thank you for…
Hello Lois, thank you for getting in touch and sharing. How does this make you feel?
Hmmm you are right
But am…
Hmmm you are right
But am in love with someone who doesn’t even care about me like he didn’t know that i love him pls what can i do
Hi Peculiar, thank you so…
Hi Peculiar, thank you so much for reaching out to us. So sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard time. If you feel that he does not care for you or love you, then have a conversation with him about it. Talk to your partner about how you feel and how you feel the relationship is affected as well.
Hi 🙂
Hi 🙂
how to know Same body loves
how to know Same body loves
Hello Chelimo, you have…
Hello Chelimo, you have asked a really good question. Love presents in different ways. We all have love Languages. These are ways in which we express love for our loved ones. These love languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
This article has more information on these love languages and how they present. Go through it and let us know if you still have any questions.
Hi am Dennis and i have been…
Hi am Dennis and i have been in luv with a married girl.The first day i met her i told her she confuses me and she asked me if i am in luv with her and i told her yes she was happy and she told her friends am her bf later i learnt she was married. Now we eat with one spoon cares 4 me if i have not washed my face she tells me 2 wash it.When she cooks food she gives me and i can touch every part of her and she never complains if am sick she feels sad i need help plz
Hi Dennis, thank you for…
Hi Dennis, thank you for reaching out to us. You are really in a conundrum You need to assess the situation and look at the possible risks involved, what you want for yourself and for your future, and make a decision based on that.
may be he feels the same.try…
may be he feels the same.try to tell him how you feel.cause love its like magnet.
Hi Mamuska, thank you for…
Hi Mamuska, thank you for sharing your perspective! Communication is key in any relationship!
Love comes from ur heart
Love comes from ur heart
Thank you Jewel for your…
Thank you Jewel for your wonderful sentiment. Please feel free to go through more of our content to help you make more informed decisions and do not hesitate to get in touch with us in case you have any questions. Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
I have a girlfriend whom i…
I have a girlfriend whom i want to marry and she’s a campus student we’ve been staying with her for seven months i cheated on her and she knew it but didn’t tell me anything until when she went back to school and told me everything then she cheated me too once.. When she return have her behavior has changed tottaly …she dont want to kiss me any more but fucking her is not problem but im insecure of her bt i really loves her what should i do to bring back our first am confused
Nothing tu worry about…
Nothing tu worry about forget it end try tu capture her mood once again creating a 2nd chance
Hi Kelly,
Thank you for…
Hi Kelly,
Thank you for your contribution! Keep engaging with Love Matters
Hello Vinnie, thank you for…
Hello Vinnie, thank you for getting in touch with us and we are so sorry you are going through a hard time. When a partner discovers that you are cheating on them, especially when they were fully committed and in love with you, this can destroy the trust you once both shared, and more importantly, you can understand why they would not want to be kissed by you, let alone have sex with you. If your partner has cheated on you or you have cheated on them, or both, it’s normal that you suffer from trust issues. But there are ways to recover and have a healthy relationship yet again. Here’s how…
i have problem with the man…
i have problem with the man am dating anytime i call he is saying i will call you later and he does not i try to call back and he is saying that he forgot to call back,,,but when you tell that you want to leave him he is there begging
Hi Saelentoh,
Have you…
Hi Saelentoh,
Have you told him about how you feel about his communication skills. It could be that you have never expressed how you feel about it and that is why he continues to behave the same way. You could also be calling him when he is busy at work? Have a conversation with him and tell him that you don’t like it when he doesn’t call and then see if he will change, if he doesn’t it may be wise to breakup because it may be that he does not respect your wishes.
I Just want to thank u guys…
I Just want to thank u guys for ur good advices
Hi Rania,
You are welcome…
Hi Rania,
You are welcome. We are glad you learn from our content. Keep visiting Love Matters for more informative content.
how do you know a guy loves…
how do you know a guy loves you
Hi Shantel,
People have…
Hi Shantel,
People have different ways of expressing love. However, healthy love is shown through trust, respect, compromise, and others. Read this article to learn more: What healthy love looks like and this one also: What is love
Hello,how would you know…
Hello,how would you know someone is taking love
Hi Nyce,
What do you mean…
Hi Nyce,
What do you mean by ‘taking love?’ Please explain so that we can answer your question.
I have been dating a guy for…
I have been dating a guy for 5 months but it’s like am the one who is always forcing issues,he can’t even go for a walk with me not introduce me to his friends, saved me by name on his phone, doesn’t spend evn when we’re staying together we have to split the bill otherwise he won’t buy anything. I just don’t understand. whether he has money or not the answer is always no he won’t buy me anything unless I chip in or if he buys anything it’s for himself..he likes commenting on other ladies pics beautiful or evn calling them dear, while on my side is a different story
I love him.. been trying to hope for the best but…
Should I be worried or move on??
Hi Nyce,
You seem to have…
Hi Nyce,
There seem to be unspoken expectations in your relationship.
First, have you considered that he asks you to chip in because he does not have enough money? Why is it that he cannot go for a walk with you? Maybe he’s busy? or he does not like walking? or he prefers another activity?
Also, it is not fair to expect a man you’re dating to buy you stuff every time. It’s good if he can afford to pay every time, yet it is unfair to expect him to buy because he could have other responsibilities or goals that don’t allow him to spend much money on you. Plus, you two are only dating meaning you are still getting to know each other. It is advisable to have your own money such that you are able to pay for what you want if he cannot pay for it.
On the issue of him flirting with other women, if you have agreed that you are exclusive, meaning that you are not seeing other people, his flirting with other girls is breaking that promise. On the other hand, it could be that you two have not had an open and honest discussion about what kind of a relationship you are in and what your expectations are. It could be that he is not that into you or not ready to commit. The best thing to do is to ask him where you two stand (who you are to him) and where he sees the relationship going.
The first thing you should do is talk to him about these issues. Get to understand why he does the things he does. Be open and honest about your expectations and see whether you two can reach a compromise.
I’m dating a guy of 7yrs we…
I’m dating a guy of 7yrs we had a two years break and came back together but he wasn’t clear that he was already in a serious relationship till I found out on his birthday. Since then I have tried so many times to end the relationship between us because I love him so much and can’t stand sharing him with another woman but he will try by all means to fix things with me and we keep getting so into each other after every make up. He spends like 90% of his free time with me we see each other everyday but I just feel like that’s not enough for me and still want to put an end to the relationship. What exactly should be the way forward?
Hi there,
Your boyfriend…
Hi there,
Your boyfriend is doing the things he’s doing because you’ve shown him that there are no consequencies. He has not fully committed to you and the reason he keeps coming back to you is that he knows that you will take him back. He knows that you love him and willing to do anything to make the relationship work. To be honest, this is a major red flag that you cannot ignore. It will likely follow you as long as you are with him. If this man loved you as much, he would commit to you only. He would not put you through this stress.
Decide if you want to be in a polygamous relationship or monogamous. In the end, choose what you can comfortably live with. No one should convince you to be in a relationship that does not fulfill you. The choice is all yours.
When you have sex with a…
When you have sex with a lady two or three days before her periods can she get pregnant?
Hi Dømie,
That is unlikely…
Hi Dømie,
That is unlikely though not impossible.
Even God knows I love him…
Even God knows I love him. Being around him was the best feeling ever for me and I had him in my future plans. I loved him so much. Our relationship was good but all of a sudden he went silent on me and later left without giving me a reason. I still want to talk to him. I don’t want to love anyone else.
Hi Jane,
It is totally…
Hi Jane,
It is totally normal to feel strongly about someone you love. Having your whole life planned out is alright too. However, it is important to remember that this can only work if both partners are invested in the relationship. If not, it is an unhealthy situation. You cannot build a life with someone with your own effort. In your case, it is evident that he was not committed to building a life with you. It is important that you accept this outcome and move on. It is alright to be rejected, we reject people too, and that’s alright too. Read this to learn more about healthy relationships: What healthy love looks like
Start by accepting that he was not interested in a long-term commitment with you. I am sure there are other things that he did to prove this. Do not force things, if he wants to talk to you he will find you. In the meantime, work on your acceptance and healing. Do not let him have that much power over you. Read this article to learn how to heal: How to move on after a breakup
Show them love
Show them love
Absolutely, Ann!
Absolutely, Ann!
Hello am lysh have been in a…
Hello am lysh have been in a relationship 1year, at fast the boy was Soo caring and loving but reaches a time he started cheating with other girls behind my back,,and we end up breaking ??the problem is that I love this man from the bottom of my heart
Hi Lysh,
I am so sorry for…
Hi Lysh,
I am so sorry for the hurt you’ve gone through. The man is clearly not committed as he has made a decision to cheat on you. The fact that you broke up means that he did not have a problem losing you. The best thing to do is to move on from this relationship as it will cause you more pain and suffering. Read this article to learn more: How to cope with a breakup
Nobody smells nice like the person you’re in love with.. But sijui harufi ya kondoo hutokea wapi mkikosana 😂
Lol…you are spitting facts! Thank you for making my day.
This article is a wonderful source. Well done!