Long-distance relationships: do’s and don’ts
‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder.’ But is that really true? Long-distance relationships are hard work and take lots of commitment. But don’t worry. Stick to some do’s and don’ts and you will see where love takes you.
Communicate right
Communication is the most important factor to making a relationship work. And it is even more important when you can’t see each other on a regular basis. Not being able to talk face-to-face means things get lost in translation.
Body language and facial expressions are really important when it comes to understanding your partner. But those aspects can get lost when you only talk on the phone. So you both need to be aware of that and make sure you understand each other.
It can be really difficult, but the more openly you talk, the easier it will get. And in fact, being in a long-distance relationship can make you a better communicator altogether.Plan some time together
Planning to spend some time together will make being in a long-distance relationship easier. Time and money can make this difficult, but you should try to see each other regularly. Having something to look forward to will make it easier to stay committed.
But be careful: too many expectations during your time together can cause friction and frustration. So try to just enjoy your time together.Use all channels available to you
Being in a long-distance relationship today is much easier than it was, let’s say, 30 years ago. So do make use of all that technology available to you to get the best out of your relationship. Use Facebook chat, Skype regularly and send each other text messages. It makes a big difference to know someone somewhere is thinking of you, even if you can’t see them all that often.
Related: How to Keep Long Distance Love Burning
Go too long without talking
Have you heard the saying ‘Out of sight, out of mind’? It may be true to a certain extent, but not if you talk regularly and don’t let too much time pass without talking to each other. It’s difficult to say how long ‘too long’ is. But it’s really important that you stay in touch.
And don’t be afraid to reach out. If you are having a bad day and just want someone to say something nice to you, pick up the phone. Just hearing someone say ‘I love you’ can make a huge difference.Be unrealistic
Don’t expect love to be enough to carry you through a long-distance relationship. Every relationship is hard work, and long-distance relationship even more so. Both of you need to be fully committed to the relationship and to making it work. Don’t expect a fairy tale.
And be honest: it’s normal to feel jealous every once in a while. And your partner will have his or her concerns too. Don’t get angry and clam up when this happens. Once again, good and open communication is the way to go.Focus on the negatives
A long-distance relationship can be difficult, especially if there is no end in sight. But there are lots of positives to them too. You get lots of ‘me’ time and time with your friends and family. And you will get to travel and get to know your partner’s environment.
There are many more upsides to long-distance relationships, but the most important one is that if you can make it work, your relationship will grow stronger and better. So hang in there!Are you in a long-distance relationship? Have you got any more tips to share? How can one keep a long-distance relationship fresh and strong? Do leave your suggestions by commenting below or join the discussion on Facebook.
Yeah am in a distance
Yeah am in a distance relationship with a lady who works in nairobi and am in Embu..
And, is it working?
And, is it working?
Am in along distance…
Am in along distance relationship my guy works in Uganda and I work in Nairobi
Hey Maureen, we hope this…
Hey Maureen, we hope this article gives you tips to keep your relationship alive.
Hi Cosmas, we are not a…
Hi Cosmas, we are not a dating service and people have no way to inbox you either.
Yes am in long distance…
Yes am in long distance relationship with my painter ?? he stays In Akwa Ibom, am in Lagos
Hi Helen, thank you for…
Hi Helen, thank you for sharing this with us. How has it been so far?
Yes am in long distance r
Yes am in long distance r/ship….and i love it….it Works out very nyc…..only trust Is needed and communication…love him so much.,..wid no doubts
That’s great, Alicia!
That’s great, Alicia!
Am also in a long distance r…
Am also in a long distance r/ship but it is really working out for me cos my gf is my friend en we communicate regularly but most importantly we trust en believe in each other
am in bt my bf neva texts mi
am in bt my bf neva texts mi unless i do ……..
have you ever asked her why? What does she say?
So sorry unless he might be…
So sorry unless he might be seeing someone else.. That’ why he cnt call offen
Thank you Lucidking, we…
Thank you Lucidking, we appreciate your contribution.
Me too but he doesn’t reply
Me too but he doesn’t reply
Hi there, communication is…
Hi there, communication is an important part of any relationship especially when partners are physically apart. Without communication partners begin to grow apart. It is important that you find out from him if he is still interested in a relationship with you, this way you can both decide how to proceed. If he is interested, it will be important that you talk about the need and importance of regular communication, the need to plan and spend time together as resources will allow including the future of your relationship now that you can’t be in a long distance relationship forever. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts
Have been in a dating a man…
Have been in a dating a man in Mombasa and I’m in Kitui. At first things were so difficult for us. Communication was so weak and that gave me so many reasons to doubt him. I felt so broken up but when we talked out our issues, he turned out to be a real friend that I wouldn’twant to lose.
Hey Lucie, we are glad that…
Hey Lucie, we are glad that things worked out between the two of you. Good communication is an essential part of any relationship, it goes along way toward addressing issues before and when they come up. We wish you all the best.
To me why is that men don’t
To me why is that men don’t value long distance relationships. En they end cheating compered to women
Sounds like you have a few
Sounds like you have a few bad experiences. Pole!
Its true am in one and its
Its true am in one and its working.just understand your partner and talk regularly
Thanks for your input, Alexis
Thanks for your input, Alexis.
Does kind of relationship…
Does kind of relationship work? I tried and failed.
Hey Sophia, we are sorry…
Hey Sophia, we are sorry about your relationship that didn’t. A long distance relationship can work if the partners in the relationship commit to each other and the relationship. There are a few things that may help to make it work including frequent communication, planning to and spending quality time together from time to time as resources allow, talking about and planning for the future since the partners will not be in a long distance relationship forever. It is however important for partners to think about how their relationship will change when they go long distance before making the decision recognizing the long periods of time apart before making the decision to proceed this way. Check out the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-love-keep-it-hot-with-this-proven-technique
am in a long distance
am in a long distance relationship bt my guy is seeing as if it wount work i love him pliz help me
have you talked to him and asked him why he thinks it won’t work? You need to work on it together, if both of you want to make it work.
I am in long distance
I am in long distance relationship but we don’t often communicate she don’t call and text me and when ever I call her she normally tells me she is busy. nowadays I stopped calling her I am waiting her call but she is so rigid and I am always thinking about her .Please help what should I do to call her or to leave and wait ?
you will need to have a talk with her. Ask her what’s going on, and see how the two of you can make it work better.
But its not easy shame. . .
But its not easy shame. . .
That’s true, unfortunately.
That’s true, unfortunately.
i was in it smtimes back but
i was in it smtimes back but my trust in her got lost wen i heard some rumours abt her from her friends.
Pole sana.
Pole sana.
But you know, it’s best never to trust rumours. Always make sure to talk to your partner about it.
Am in much love with this
Am in much love with this baibe but we’re still in a long distance relationship i luv her n she luvs me sometimes i feel like am i really doing enough to keep it going we do chat on fb, even on phone , hope it happens and we get to meet one day because i really want to see her
We will keep our fingers
We will keep our fingers crossed for you!
how can i help my partner cum
how can i help my partner cum after a very long sex and he didnt cum please i need an urgent reply
make sure you have a lot of foreplay, so that he is very, very aroused already by the time you start having intercourse. That should speed things up.
am in a long distance
am in a long distance relationship and i love ma beb so much atleast we communicate once in a while and to me is really working just trust ur partner n everything will be fine
That’s great, keep it up!
That’s great, keep it up!
I was in a long distance
I was in a long distance relationship twice..The first one worked and i left cz he had urgent issues to cover yer i was being an obstacle..And de second one has not been working bcz de guy z immature…Em sorry to say…He always thinks of only sex and dats it..
Sorry, Asha…
Sorry, Asha…
Am also the victim of along
Am also the victim of along distance relatnshp bt we do talk,chat on fb dat keeps strong in mind,my baibe loves so much and ilove him too,iknow one we wil meet.
Good luck, Mercy!
Good luck, Mercy!
Am in one…We do talk each
Am in one…We do talk each ad everytime,i love him so much
Let’s hope you will love each
Let’s hope you will love each other for a long time, Lucy!
am also a victim.i lv the guy
am also a victim.i lv the guy n the guy loves me 2 bt each of us is insecure,hw i pray t waks.
Good communication is the
Good communication is the first step to building trust and a successful relationship, so start there!
Am in one bt i wont truxt her
Am in one bt i wont truxt her at all
And why is that?
And why is that?
Am also a victim i luv these
Am also a victim i luv these guy so much but we hardly communicate i trust him nd i knw he also do bt his silence hurts so much wot can i do?
you need to tell him that his silence hurts you. Communication is crucial for a successful relationship, and you both need to work on it.
Am in one my bae is in
Am in one my bae is in somalia hes an army n am in kenya!we rarely talk because he says hes very busy but when get a chance he calls we talk for long till we find ourselves crying on the phone!I pray that one day he will come back n be together like before…I love him so much
that’s a particularly difficult situation.
We wish you all the best, and pray for his healthy return.
am in one and I miss him so
am in one and I miss him so much but I suspect he doesn’t care, he never communicates, can go up to four days without him saying hi unless I do,but he is always online. …. I have talked to him several times but he doesn’t seem to change . am worried
talk to him again, and make sure he understands that something needs to change if he wants to stay in a relationship with you. Make sure you have some possible soilutions that could work for both of you, that you can present to him.
I Agree
I Agree
Great, Brigid.
Great, Brigid.
am also in longdstnce resthnp
am also in longdstnce resthnp the first one broke coz she xaid dat she lack ma company alot ad nw am in another ad its workng wel bt my fear is i lve her too much even i cnt do without her
We’ll keep our fingers
We’ll keep our fingers crossed for you so this one will work out!
Communicate well, be honest and trust each other, those are the best starts!
My does not call at all i
My does not call at all i always do bt wen i ask hm if he love he say dat he do
have you tried asking him why he never calls you, and have you explained to him what it does to you, how you feel? Try again, and maybe even suggest some solutions!
Am Also A Victim Of Long
Am Also A Victim Of Long Distance Relationship And Ours Works Very Well Koz For Us We Are All God-fearing P’ple And We Do Communicate Regularly!Swt Julius,i Lv U Dia N I Know Dat U Also Lv Me, God Bless U Daddy!
ya am in long distance love
ya am in long distance love bt da z no reacting help me
i have one but the problem is
i have one but the problem is sunday i went to see him and she was not aware imagine she was with another man what will i do now. the fact is that i still love love him
you need to talk to your partner. Find out what is going on, and see if there is still a future for your relationship!
Am expiriecng ths kind of a
Am expiriecng ths kind of a rltnshp,i av too much of my girl in my heart,i realy love her bt i constantly feel the pain of missing her coz i realy lyk her being close to me…am jast hoping it will work..
We will be crossing our
We will be crossing our fingers for you!
ave tried it and it worked..
ave tried it and it worked…thats great.
That’s great!
That’s great!
It all lies on the
It all lies on the individuals.I was once in one and I used to cmmunicate almost 4 times daily but she still cheated on me.
Pole sana, Opondo. But you
Pole sana, Opondo. But you are right, for some people it will work, for others, it won’t.
I waz in a long distance r
I waz in a long distance r/ship bt it ddnt work…the guy neither call nor text mi..i decided to quit
Sorry, Juddy! We hope your
Sorry, Juddy! We hope your next relationship will be better.
I have never been in such a
I have never been in such a long distance r.ship before as i am proudly today, but it really works so perfectly. what matters most is your level of trust for your darling, followed by regular communication. by regular i mean, if possible every day let your partner feel your environment even if it means for a few minutes, understanding should be absolute…it is of much relevant significance and lastly be great positive thinkers. the greatest dont’s we can’t afford in long distance is hurt your partners feelings. Dangerous!
Thanks for your input!
Thanks for your input!
im in a long distance r/ship
im in a long distance r/ship bt she doesn’t care about me even saying hi unless i do so at times i normally feel like giving up on her please help me
so sorry to hear that this is what you are going through. I would suggest you have another conversation with her, put all your cards on the table, and tell her that if she values you and the relationship, something needs to change.
Good luck!
am in one bt worried coz she
am in one bt worried coz she doesn’t kol me yet wen we mit, her fon is always having a debt of more than 100 so i wonder who she always kol
have you tried talking to her about this, and asked her about it?
it works. understanding and
it works. understanding and communication r 2 major keys!
Thank you for your comment,
Thank you for your comment, Ronnix.
Am also in a long distance
Am also in a long distance relationship and i love my sweetheart very much we chat and text each other every day on phone and fb i believe we love each other very much and pray that we never break i know its all about trust and loyalty and it will make it
Well done, Addy, keep it up!
Well done, Addy, keep it up!
am a victim ed smtime back it
am a victim ed smtime back it was workg so well bt recently we had communication misunderstardg ed since then i can see much changes bcoz he rarely sms nor cal lik he used to i love him so much n i know he lv me too
talk to him!
Have a conversation about what happened and how you can get back on track.
yes l have been bt my gf is
yes l have been bt my gf is not comfortable bcoz we are of the same age and feel like if she will be late for marriage bcoz we will graduate at the same time and want to be married as she will b in 4th year bt l know she loves me very much and also l do love her even most
that is a tricky situation.
Talk to her. Ask her how important her ideals of marriage age are, and if she might be willing to change that seeing that you love each other.
i’m a victim of this long
i’m a victim of this long distance relationship,i lv this guy alot bt he never calls or txt me,alwys online.However,this attitude came over after i went fora sleepover to his place.Even if i talk to him abt his attitude , he says that he will get over it soon…,….does it mean he was only intending to have s*x with me…..i lv him very much,bt i feel betrayed
ask him what you asked us and see what he has to say for himself!
I’m in long distance r/shp bt
I’m in long distance r/shp bt its not working well cz she doesn’t call or text me not unless i do it, sasa hadi ameanza kunibore, pliz help
have you talked to her about this? What does she have to say about it?
I am in one,we do communicate
I am in one,we do communicate bt wenever i run out of airtime,or have financial problem,he cant help,..n he is always after sex wenever we meet
Hi Kebhoz, have you tried to
Hi Kebhoz, have you tried to talk bout your displeasure on this behavior?
am a victim n myn is workin n
am a victim n myn is workin n we love each atha alot
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your story.
Am in a long distance
Am in a long distance relationship whenever i ask him ffor us to meet up he is not into the idea av confronted him about but we always end up not well he says he loves me but i feel he does not want to see me
Hi Nicole,
Hi Nicole,
Sorry that your relationship is not going as you want it to.
This could be difficult to hear but a person who loves would want to be with you all the time as that is what love does.
You need to take time to think if this is the kind of relationship you will want to be in for the rest of your life.
All the best to you.
I met a guy online..we are in
I met a guy online..we are in a longdistance rltnshp bt its past one year nd half nd we have not met yet …is it healthy??bt we communicate …
Hi Fridah,
Hi Fridah,
Have you asked him if you could meet? what was his response?
I am in one and I thank god
I am in one and I thank god we love each other and we keep the communication as u said….he do called everyday that’s in the morning,afternoon and evening .hehehehe
Thanks for sharing your story
Thanks for sharing your story with us. We appreciate.
am in long distance love,we
am in long distance love,we communicate everyday,sends me money every month and am fine with him being far because he gives some time
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Gloria.
I have this guy who is my
I have this guy who is my best friend i love him a lot and he loves me too i am not really sure about it sometimes,he has a lot of ladies who he actually tells me they are just friends i love him as my friend but he always asks me to be his girlfriend we have been good friends for one year now dont know what to do i value our friendship a lot but each and every secone,minute and hour he is always there he calls texts but we have never met please help me.
Hi Treda,
Hi Treda,
thanks for sharing your story with us. what exactly would you like to be assisted with.
Me En My Girlfrend Hv Been In
Me En My Girlfrend Hv Been In A Long Distance Relationship For 2 yrz nw.. We meet at an inter school seminar en thats wn our relationship started en we hvnt met since then.. Shez still in high skul en me i finished last yr bt we facebook en phone during holidays … However am nt sure whether it wl take long despite us being truly in love
Hi Frayer,
Hi Frayer,
What is it that will take long? Kindly clarify.
Yes iam but she doesnt speak…
Yes iam but she doesnt speak to me everytime i have to start the conversation which she ends up cutting it at the midist of our talkin,,,,,,does she really love me am afraid
Sam, Have you raised this…
Sam, Have you raised this concern with her? Communication is essential for any relationship, especially when you are in a long distance relationship. You don’t get to spend time together, communication then becomes your ways of getting to know each other. Do share with her your concerns along with your fears, you both need to agree on how to proceed to keep your relationship alive. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/how-do-i-know-if-she-loves-me
yes am n one but i try to…
yes am n one but i try to keep da conversation bt da prob is the lady she doesnt text me evn flashing me i feel am fade up wz t
Samuel, It maybe challenging…
Samuel, It maybe challenging for you to have a relationship if you are not communicating frequently. If she is also unwilling to work on this it maybe time to break up. Think about it and make an informed choice. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
Yeah am in a long distance…
Yeah am in a long distance relationship. We use to communicate with everyday. But now he has moved to a place and the network isn’t favouring him.so now we communicate once a while
Hi Rachael, Sorry about this…
Hi Rachael, Sorry about this communication is essential for any relationship and more importantly for a long distance relationship. You need to agree when you get the chance how to make it work based on this challenge. All the best.
add me on hangout …
add me on hangout
Hello Leon, you are welcome…
Hello Leon, you are welcome to Love Matters. You can interact with us on Facebook either LOve Matters Kenya or Love Matters Naija.
Hi there,im in a long…
Hi there,im in a long distance relationship and it works if both are dedicated to it.Trusting each oother i would say is key.
Thank you for sharing with…
Thank you for sharing with us your experience Edu.
Tips have it all! Am in a…
Tips have it all! Am in a long distance relationship with my lady living in Nairobi as I study in Kakamega.
We are glad this is useful…
We are glad this is useful to you Martine.
If you have negative mind in…
If you have negative mind in such relationship it can’t work.Also it needs alot of desipline that will create trust to your parter.
We appreciate your…
We appreciate your contribution Silas.
I love mi man but he takes…
I love mi man but he takes long to reply mi messages
Lillian, Have you talked to…
Lillian, Have you talked to him about this? Let him know what you would like perhaps when he knows how important this is to you he may change.
Am in one,but it is working,
Am in one,but it is working,
Thanks for sharing that with…
Thanks for sharing that with us Princess.
We are happy for you. What do you feel is the secret?
Great information.
Great information.
We appreciate the feedback…
We appreciate the feedback Sam.
It is very difficult to…
It is very difficult to maintain I had to give up the relationship but you can try & see.
Hey Mswit, sorry about your…
Hey Mswit, sorry about your relationship. A long distance relationship can work if both partner commit to it and apply the tips above.
I am in a long distance…
I am in a long distance relationship it’s working and it’s good to now your partner and understand her feelings ?.
Hey Doulgas, thank you for…
Hey Doulgas, thank you for sharing your experience with us. We wish you all the best.
Mine worked for sometime but…
Mine worked for sometime but afterwards it failed.
Hi Max, sos orry about this…
Hi Max, sos orry about this. Making a long distance relationship work can be a challenge because of the distance and long periods partners spend apart. However, if partners are committed to each other they can make the relationship work. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-love-keep-it-hot-with-this-proven-technique
Yaaa am in it n trust n…
Yaaa am in it n trust n endurance is needed
Hi Charity, thank you for…
Hi Charity, thank you for sharing with us Charity.
I’m in a long distance…
I’m in a long distance relationship my lady doesn’t text back when I call she does not want us to talk about our relationship claiming she is living with her elder brother
Hi, communication is at the…
Hi, communication is at the heart of any relationship. Without communication, partners are likely to begin to grow apart. Have you talked about meeting from time to time talk about your relationship? It is important you talk about how to make communication work, talk about what times are likely to work and lastly let her know that it maybe difficult to make a relationship work if there’s little or no communication. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts
Iam in one but it gets…
Iam in one but it gets frustrating sometimes, 5 years down the road and not seeing him even once in all that time. And it gets challenging with all the temptations and all the things I would love to do as other people who are in love do.
Dear Racheal, the long…
Dear Racheal, the long periods apart can especially be challenging. It is for this reason important to plan from time to time and as resources and other issues allow to spend time together. In the long term, you need to think about and plan for the future of your relationship. This is because you are not going to be a long distance relationship forever. Talk with your partner about your concerns and agree together on how to make it work. We wish you all the best. Have a look at the following article for tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts
My boyfriend is in London…
My boyfriend is in London and me Kampala, it’s been a year and a half since we last saw each but we communicate every day, this has kept our relationship strong. We still love each other as much as we did when he left
Hey Dannielah, thank you for…
Hey Dannielah, thank you for sharing with us you story. We appreciate.
It does mkielewana like for…
It does mkielewana like for me he is out of the country n inawork poa for us.
Thank you for sharing your…
Thank you for sharing your experience Wanja.
am a long distance…
am a long distance relationship.my fiance is in maseno university and am in nairobi bt it is easier when u both communicate regularly and commited to each other and pray always so that God can give u faithfulnes
Thank you Mary for sharing…
Thank you Mary for sharing what has worked for you. We wish you all the best.
I’m in a distance…
I’m in a distance relationship, but don’t truly know whether he isn’t cheating on me.So, pls how do o know?
Hey Confidence, is there any…
Hey Confidence, is there any reason that makes you feel he could be cheating on you? There is no way to know for sure if your partner is cheating on you. If you however have any concerns you should talk about it to address the issues. This is a difficult conversation to have and it is important that as you talk about it you try not to accuse your partner a cheater but rather, raise your concerns with him to get to know what could be going on. Have a look at the following article for more information;-
Yes I am in a long distance…
Yes I am in a long distance relationship and everything was working out well until now,I don’t know what to do here has changed so much
Hey Azeezat, have you talked…
Hey Azeezat, have you talked with your partner about what you have observed? This is a good place to start, do talk with your partner. Let them know the different changes you have observed. It is important to note that a long distance relationship can work but both partners have to be committed to make it work. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts
Yes I have a long distance…
Yes I have a long distance relationship and it really works
Hey Francis, that you for…
Hey Francis, that you for the encouragement.
Am in a long distance…
Am in a long distance relationship we both stays n the same country but we hardly communicate even when I called he s busy to pick up my calls
Hi there, making a long…
Hi there, making a long distance relationship can be challenging especially when there is little or no communication. Communication is one of the essentials of a good relationship. A long distance relationship can work when partners are committed to each other and their relationship, communication should be frequent because without it, partners begin to draw apart and the relationship may fail. It is important that you try to talk with your partner to get to know what is going on and then agree on how to move forward. We wish you all the best. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-relationships-dos-and-donts
I’m in the fourth month of a…
I’m in the fourth month of a long distance relationship and it’s his wonderful how fast and strong it’s growing. My girl works in Nairobi while have been working in kericho but recently moved to kisii, the Magic here is communication, trust and commitment.we communicate frequently and I thank God she doesn’t wait for me to text or call first, every time we remind each other about where we want to be and what it takes for us to reach there, we talk of the fears and redress them, we both have very tight work schedules but we try to meet at least once a month and at times if possible twice…. Long distance relationship can work if you both mature and are committed towards the same goal
Wow, Kevin. Sounds like you…
Wow, Kevin. Sounds like you guys are in a really good place in your relationship. We are happy for you, you are doing everything right. We wish you all the best.
In a quite longer one cz am…
In a quite longer one cz am in kenya and he is in central Africa ..but we communicate most of the time every day..Though at times we miss each other in person but we hold it in there waiting for that day that we meet never to part again.
Thank you for sharing with…
Thank you for sharing with us Peyton.
Long-distance love can make…
Long-distance love can make the relationship to last & on the other hand it can make one to fall into temptations i.e it encourages double dealing
Hey Raahjahb, making a long…
Hey Raahjahb, making a long distance relationship work can be challenging but when partners are committed they can make it work. Additionally, have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-love-keep-it-hot-with-this-proven-technique
Am in one but my gf doubt me…
Am in one but my gf doubt me na venye nampenda
Hi Solomon, trust is…
Hi Solomon, trust is essential for any relationship to work. If your partner has trust issues, it is important to find sometime and talk about this to get to know where the trust issues are coming from and agree on how to address the issues you will identify. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/jealousy-and-other-problems
I have a guy. We met online…
I have a guy. We met online and he calls all the time. My worry is after we chat, he wants sex… online sex all the time. I be naked for him but he’s all covered up. He said he will never show his manhood to me via camera but want me to do it. I love him but I don’t like that.
Hey Joyce, it is important…
Hey Joyce, it is important that you only do or show what you are comfortable with. If you are not comfortable getting naked in front of a camera for him, then let him know and be firm about your choice. Do talk about what you are comfortable and what you are not comfortable with to set some boundaries for things you are willing and unwilling to do. Have a look at this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/online-dating-dos-and-donts
Yes, am in a distance r/ship…
Yes, am in a distance r/ship, and we talk daily.
Thank you David for sharing…
Thank you David for sharing. Frequent communication is an important part of making a long distance relationship work.
I was in a long distance…
I was in a long distance relationship for almost four years, I come from Europe and my hubby is Kenyan. We saw each other only once a year but now we’re even married and live together finally. So if you really want it and you have goods blessings, you can do it for sure and it makes you so strong, individually and as a couple.
Thank you Hellen for showing…
Thank you Hellen for showing us that long distance relationship do work. We wish you all the best.
They don’t work… Long…
They don’t work… Long distance relationship is just a Hoax in current generation… I have been in. One where I was the only one committed in communication… decided to leave it like that… it never works….
Hey Njuguna, it is…
Hey Njuguna, it is unfortunate that your relationship didn’t work out. Like you mention you were the only one committed, if both of you were committed it could have worked. It does take effort but if you are committed it will work. We wish you all the best. Check out this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-love-keep-it-hot-with-this-proven-technique
Yes I am in a very long…
Yes I am in a very long distance relationship and it has been more fulfilling than the previous shirt distance ones…it is easy to give each other the benefit of doubt especially when there is sudden break down in communication…I can always assume his phone died or a meeting came up…and its always the truth
Hi there, we are glad that…
Hi there, we are glad that your long distance relationship is working out well for you. Have a look at the following article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/long-distance-love-keep-it-hot-with-this-proven-technique
Let me tell you guys… long…
Let me tell you guys… long distance relationship is bullshit!!loyalty and faithfulness vanishes just after your partner goes away…out of sight out of mind.I have done a meaningful research and i have been with ten ladies who tell me that their men are far and that can’t prevent them from sleeping around, ladies can’t stay 4 months without being fucked for real…a lady talks on phone with her guy and she tell him that she’s in the house and she has some headache and she wanna sleep…she opens my drawer takes out tablets and takes a picture send it to ‘her man’ saying babe hata nimenunua painkillers nadai kumeza nilale kiasi?.. there after the man sympathetically sends a thousand Bob saying utanunua soda ile ya 3 liters sweety..the girl lives next door she has come to my house claiming that she is boredom and wanna watch a movie in my laptop..her mode of dressing alone shows she’s off to something else.
She jumps on my bed and lays there still looking at me as i wash my dishes at the sink.I decided to ask her why she’s lieing to the man that she got headache yet not,what she answered even astonished me the most…niko dryspell na ananiongelesha ufala..I never saw that coming,i now knew that here there is a problem.
After my dishes were clean i decided to let her sleep as i watch my movie on the coach, suddenly she was up to me saying she also needed to watch… resting her head on my shoulder getting her hands on me made me realize that a lady is only yours when you are with her.Long distance relationship is a scam!!I ate her there raw and infact the guy called in the process she never picked it she just kept shouting my name as i ate her mercilessly,,so ladies and gentlemen never date on a long distance relationship.. it’s fuckin bullshit..you can be talking to her on phone and she’s just lying on a dudes chest caressing him and sweet talking you after saying good night she is screwed like nobody’s business tomorrow she never even walks..Babe there is a black out today and my phone is 23% that’s a scam
Babe,am going to the gym I’ll talk to you later
Babe i have a cat at 2 let me go to the library I’ll beep you later
The moment you call and she doesn’t pick it’s either she’s having fun somewhere or she’s really not reachable
She goes to a party and no pictures are taken but beginning she was like bebe it’s Mercy’s birthday and we going out on lady’s night out…
These are scam..they go partying with other men,have fun till late in the night,get drunk,they are taken by the guys each as per the equation as you just sleep there like a cabbage thinking that my girl is with her girl
Hey Collins, thank you for…
Hey Collins, thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and experience. Long distance relationships can be challenging to make work, however if the partners are committed can make it work. Remember, even when people live in the same house, one or even both can make the choice to cheat on the other. It is however important to think carefully about what it will mean for partners to be in a long distance relationship before getting into so that one can can make an informed decision.
Am in long r/ship now for 3…
Am in long r/ship now for 3 years and its working perfectly, …its only need communication, trust, faithfulness, honesty and true love
Hi Collins, thank you for…
Hi Collins, thank you for sharing your experience with us. We wish you all the best.
I have been in long distance…
I have been in long distance rlshp for past two and half years with my girlfriend,she is western part of Kenya while am in Nairobi. At first everything was nice btn us, but last year September she was involved with another guy I only came to learn of this year. I noticed how she had she recently changed, she cld not reply my text message on time .I decided to ask her abt the affair but she denied saying that that those who told me wanted to separate us.I actually believed her since I loved her very much then last month I discovered that everything I was told was true I tried to talk to her but she did not take me seriously I didn’t know what to do since she does not want to speak .Am still in love with her and I don’t know what to do, I don’t know if I can win her back again…
Hey Sammy, so sorry about…
Hey Sammy, so sorry about this. You can only resolve the issues between if she is willing to talk with you about this. If she has chosen not to talk to you, it may also mean that she doesn’t want to work things out with you. If she cheated on you and refuses to be remorseful about this, you may have to let her go. Remember, you can’t make be with you if she doesn’t want. We wish you all the best, have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/guide-to-recovery-for-the-cheated
Iam in a long distance…
Iam in a long distance relationship,my guy always request for sex yet l’m and l don’t want to go since that’s is not what l want from him.He’s learning in Kitale l’m in Mombasa.It only sex that brings misunderstanding within us.
Hey Rhodah, it is a good…
Hey Rhodah, it is a good thing that you have told him how you feel about this issue. You should not be pressured into sex, you should only have it if and when you feel you are ready for it, you feel it is the right time for you and you feel you are with the right partner. Check out the following article for more information;-
Yes am in a long distance…
Yes am in a long distance relationship my man is in Holland and am in Uganda it works though at times you feel like giving up
Communication and understanding really help alot plus prayers.
Thank you so much for…
Thank you so much for sharing Joy, know that you both are an inspiration to many other long distance relationships doing the same to keep their amazing love alive! Sending you both unconditional love!
Love Matters Team.
Thanks for the article.
Thanks for the article.
I’m in a very long distance relationship. My bae is in Saudi Arabia and am in Uganda. Our love only is enjoyed online. Bravo team love matters.
Muhwezi thank you so much…
Muhwezi thank you so much for your input! We are so happy for you and your partner and are glad that you can be a shining becon to so many others who’s love shines brighter than the sun that shines across the earth they live in while apart. Kudos to you both!
Yes my bf works in qatar and…
Yes my bf works in qatar and am in kenya.it works perfectly through communication
Hi June, thank you so much…
Hi June, thank you so much for your input! We are so happy for you and your partner and are glad that you can be a shining becon to so many others who’s love shines brighter than the sun that shines across the earth they live in while apart. Kudos to you!
Mine isn’t working
Am only…
Mine isn’t working
Am only the one forcing communication in my long distant relationship and its killing me?
Hello Ann, thank you for…
Hello Ann, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry you are going through such a hard time.
Communication is an important part of any relationship and is especially important in a Long Distant Relationship so we understand your frustration. When next you see your partner, have an open and honest conversation. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well.
Am in long distance…
Am in long distance relationship but is not working.wat can I do
Hi Chris, not working in…
Hi Chris, not working in what way?
Am in a long distance…
Am in a long distance relationship, my girl is a student in kericho while i live in Nairobi
Hello Calvince, thank you…
Hello Calvince, thank you for getting in touch and sharing. How is your relationship going at the moment? Is everything going well despite your long-distance relationship?
Yes,am also in a long…
Yes,am also in a long distance relationship and it’s really working for us the only thing needed is trust and how committed you are to your partner
Thank you for your kind…
Thank you for your kind words Favour, we agree with your sentiment and wish you all the best in your relationship! Have a wonderful week ahead and happy 2021! Stay safe!
I’m in a long distance…
I’m in a long distance relationship, but not finding it easy at all…I’m in Benue state and my partner is in Jigawa state
Hello Dorcas, thank you for…
Hello Dorcas, thank you for reaching out to us and we are so sorry you are going through a hard time. You have finally found the one, but how do you keep the love burning when there is distance between you? How do you make a long-distance relationship work? Click here to find out more:
Furthermore, long distance relationships can be difficult during times of a pandemic but do not despair, we have got what you need, click here to find out more:
We hope the information helps and do not hesitate to get in touch with us in case you have any questions. have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe! Happy 2021!
Hi I’m Rashid im in a long…
Hi I’m Rashid im in a long-distance relationship..my partner doesn’t use social media often so sometimes it’s hard to communicate.. The only means of communication is face to face .. And I’m so busy with work often it’s been like 4wks since we last met ……. My friends suggest that because she lives far i should find a new girl …. What should i do. …
Hi Rashid, thank you for…
Hi Rashid, thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time.
Communication is an important part of any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Explain how their actions are affecting you and the relationship. Try not to be confrontational because that would put them on the defensive and the resulting conversation would not be productive. Be ready to listen to their fears and feelings and respond to them as well.
This article has some pointers that could help you learn how to better communicate.
I am in a long distance…
I am in a long distance relationship am in kenya he is zibambwe tho thinhs seem to be abit confusing to me. Tho we do chat regularly
Hi Irene,
Exactly what is…
Hi Irene,
Exactly what is confusing you?
Am in long distance…
Am in long distance relationship bt it really nyc and love ma boo so much
Hi Shifa,
Great! That is…
Hi Shifa,
Great! That is really heartwarming! It is very refreshing to hear of a positive love story. Would you mind sharing with us how you make the relationship work? We’d love to hear from you!