Many partners
We tend to think that there are only two people involved when it comes to relationships. But that’s not always the case.
While many people think of marriage as a union between two people, there are parts of the world where more than two partners can be involved. Having more than one spouse is called ‘polygamy’. In Kenya, this usually means a man has more than one wife, which is called ‘polygyny’. There are a few communities in the world where ‘polyandry’ – a woman having more than one husband – is common.
In Kenya, polygyny is legal and accepted among some tribes and/or religious groups. If you’re considering a polygamous relationship, make sure you understand the regional laws and customs around the practice first. For instance, legally speaking, men do not have to inform their current wife/wives if they decide to marry another woman.
In many cultures, having more than one wife is a status symbol, and shows wealth and power. Men who have many wives can get more work done – there are more hands to work on the fields, bring up the children and do the housework, giving them an economic advantage. And men can have more children if they’re married to more than one woman. Large families are considered a blessing in many African cultures.
But living in a polygamous marriage can also mean jealousy, envy, hatred, and rivalry between the partners – sharing a husband isn’t easy! Marriage is always difficult sometimes, and things become even more complicated when more than two people are involved. And it’s not just difficult for the wives: the husband will have to deal with the problems of more than one family and make sure that everyone involved is content with the situation. In addition to emotional and practical difficulties, polygamous relationships can sometimes cause economic hardship if not well managed. Providing for a large family can be a challenge.
This type of relationship is not for everyone and there are no sure-fire ways to make it work. It all depends on the people involved and what their expectations and arrangements are.
Whether or not you agree with polygamous relationships, it should be up to those involved to decide. What’s important is that everyone knows what they’re agreeing to, and that they do so out of their free will.
For men
You may be a man who likes the idea of being with multiple women. However, you’ll also need to take care of multiple families and divide your time fairly between all your wives and children.
It’s important to make sure your attention is equally divided and that you don’t favour one wife over another. This will help reduce jealousy and rivalry. Patience, understanding, and fairness are crucial – and of course good communication between you and all your wives.
Some men choose to keep their families in separate locations, whether that means opposite ends of the village or even different towns. This may help avoid confrontations, but you need to make sure you’re being honest with each wife. It’s very important that they know about the other(s). If you keep one family a secret and live a life of lies and dishonesty, things are bound to get complicated sooner rather than later.
You also need to appreciate that each family will have its own dynamics, so things will differ between the two families. You can’t expect things to always be a certain way. Flexibility is a must. You also need to understand that a second marriage won’t solve any problems if you’re not happy with your first wife.
When a man marries a new wife he often neglects the first, which can lead to a lot of bad feelings. On the other hand, the first wife might have a stronger bond with the husband, as they’ve spent time together without another wife around.
A second marriage can only be successful if the first is stable.
For women
Whether or not you agree with polygamous relationships, it should be up to the people involved to decide.
If your husband wants to marry another wife, you need to talk about it. Find out why he want to take this step, and spend some time thinking about what you want. Sit down and go through the pros and the cons of adding more people to your marriage. Try to find something that works for both of you.
No one can be forced to accept a co-wife, but there’s often a lot of pressure from the husband. Having open and honest conversations will help you and your partner understand the situation and, ideally, make a decision that addresses everyone’s needs.
The most important thing is that you both agree on the ‘rules’ of the relationship, and that you make the decision of your own free will.
If you choose to let other wives join the marriage, then make an effort to work together and get along. This might be very difficult at first, but in the long run having an amicable relationship will make it easier to share a husband. Things tend to be a bit easier if the women don’t have to share a house – it’s easier to have your own space.
There can be advantages to being part of such an arrangement. It means the women get some uninterrupted time with their children while the husband is with another family. And it can be reassuring to know that there’s another family to take care of the children in case anything happens to you or your husband.
two guys athink you are siso…
two guys athink you are siso strong waaaah
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Shantel. The photo is for illustration purposes though.
Hw can i get pregnant…
Hw can i get pregnant…
Hi Njeri,…
Hi Njeri,
Have you been trying to get pregnant? Having intercourse when you are fertile will enhance your chances of getting pregnant. Check out the following article for more tips:-
I have sumac medicine
I have sumac medicine
Hi Sceva, what sumac…
Hi Sceva, what sumac medicine?
Guys is let nomual Alan to…
Guys is let nomual Alan to have sex with 4 ladies at day
Hey Alisaba,…
Hey Alisaba,
You are question is not very clear but it is normal to have sex during the day. Different people have different preferences and can choose to have sex at any time of the day. Sometimes it is just about what is convenient for the couple.
He keeps cheating and I keep…
He keeps cheating and I keep forgiving him…please help
Hi Kyle, Perhaps you need to…
Hi Kyle, Perhaps you need to make a decision as to whether this is the kind of relationship you want to have and whether this is the kind of a partner you want to have. You seem to be in a cycle which only you can stop. Take abit of time and think k about your relationship and what you want now and in the future and then make a decision. This article may help;-
You should not forgive…
You should not forgive someone who keeps cheating you. Walk away and save your life you deserve more better.
Thank you Diana for your…
Thank you Diana for your contribution.
He is not loyal.. I know but…
He is not loyal.. I know but I just leave him I love him too much
Hey Tyla, You may need to…
Hey Tyla, You may need to think about whether you want to be with a person who is not loyal to you. While breaking up maybe tough since you still love him but is this what you want? Do you want to be with a person who consistently cheats on you? Think about it and make a decision. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
You are right but what about…
You are right but what about the love you have for him is not allowing you to move on with youlife
Hi Presh, moving on after a …
Hi Presh, moving on after a break up can be challenging especially if you are still in love with the person. It is however important to come to terms with the fact that a relationship has come to an end and allow yourself to move on. Have a look at the following article for some tips on coping with a break up;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
My man has his first wife we…
My man has his first wife we’ve dated for one and half years.he’s proposed marriage, I love him intensely. Now he tells me he wants to have third wife.he’s 55,his wife is 40,am 38,the gal he’s brought on board is 26?I feel I want out I’ve told him the same he’s bitter.if I walk out he’s vowed to look for a third wife.
Hi Jewel, You have to think…
Hi Jewel, You have to think and make a decision about the kind of relationship you want to be in. If this is not want you want then walking out like you have said may be the option. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
u can be in any kind of…
u can be in any kind of relationship it all depends on what you really want. its all about you
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution ES.
You are welcome Daan.
You are welcome Daan.
Hello Esther, hope you…
Hello Esther, hope you enjoyed reading this article. Keep reading.
Is it good to have sex with…
Is it good to have sex with your boyfriend before marriage???
Hello Tina, this is a…
Hello Tina, this is a decision only you can make together with your partner. Sometimes partners can choose not to have sex before marriage for various reasons including, religious beliefs or personal principles. Others will choose to have sex before marriage with reasons as well. This being your personal decision, only have sex if you feel ready, feel it is the right time and that you are with the right person. If you don’t feel ready let your partner know.
how should i do coz my…
how should i do coz my husband use to chat and call girls late at night
Hi Shantel, have you talked…
Hi Shantel, have you talked to your husband about this? A good place to start is to share with him what you have observed and what this means to you. Let him know your concerns and fears so that together you agree on how to proceed with your relationship. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/happy-relationships/tips-for-talking-to-your-partner
He is acting wiered I think…
He is acting wiered I think he ios cheating on me. what do I do?
Hey Shiqo, there is no way…
Hey Shiqo, there is no way to know for sure if someone is cheating on you. The best thing you can do is try to communicate with your partner. Be honest with them about your suspicions and your feelings along with your fears. I know this can be scary to bring it up but try to just tell them why you suspect something is wrong and not just accuse them a cheater. Generally if we hold on to our thoughts you might take things the wrong way believe something without knowing if it is real or not. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/love-relationships/relationship-problems/how-can-i-know-my-partner-is-cheating-on-me
How can I know that my…
How can I know that my boyfie really loves me, as in true love?
Hi Newleen, you could begin…
Hi Newleen, you could begin by asking him how he feels toward you. You can also look at how he treats you when you spend time together, does he show genuine concern toward you, does he always want to spend lots of alone time with you, does he make sacrifices for you, does he talk about the future and include you in that future? All these can be signs of how he feels toward you, if you are not certain of how he feels toward you ask him to clarify his actions so you are certain.
Does boyfriend love me if he…
Does boyfriend love me if he still talks and meets his ex girlfriend?
Hey Chess, I am not able to…
Hey Chess, I am not able to tell you whether he still loves you. You however, need to find out why it is important for him to keep communicating with his ex. Let him know that this is concerning to you and let him know what you would like to see. Many times of a person chooses to keep a relationship with an ex, it is possible to slip back into a romantic relationship and if this were to happen in your case it will affect your relationship. https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/dealing-with-your-ex
I am 24yrs seeking for a…
I am 24yrs seeking for a soulmate can you help me find one
Hey Crickxus, sorry we are…
Hey Crickxus, sorry we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet anyone. We, however, wish you well.
I think my partner is…
I think my partner is cheating should I quite?
Hello, there is no way to…
Hello, there is no way to know for sure if your partner is cheating on you. The best thing you can do is try to communicate with your partner. Be honest with them about your suspicions and your feelings along with your fears. I know this can be scary to bring it up but try to just tell them why you suspect something is wrong and not just accuse them a cheater. Generally if we hold on to our thoughts you might take things the wrong way believe something without knowing if it is real or not. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/cheating
But how can you build trust…
But how can you build trust back 8n a relationship if your husband has a habit of cheating?
This is a tough Betty…
This is a tough Betty. Cheating causes a lot of distress in a relationship. If you’re the one who’s been cheated on, it’s only natural that you feel angry, hurt, disappointed and depressed after hearing the news. When it’s done regularly it damages the relationship even deeper. Perhaps you can consider expressing your feelings to your partner. You can also talk to a trusted friend or a therapist. But at the end of the day you are the one to make a decision on what you really want. Check out this article https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/tips-to-recover-from-cheating-in-marriage
I am in love with two ladies…
I am in love with two ladies and I don’t know which one to choose.
Hey Masengeli, first you can…
Hey Masengeli, first you can have them both, you need to choose one. Take time and think about what you want from a partner and the choose the one who fit what you are looking for. We wish you all the best.
hey, am in love with my…
hey, am in love with my boyfriend but not yet married with him, but he only reacts once so he doesn’t satisfy my feelings and i love you so much. so what should I do
Hi Jackie, have you talked…
Hi Jackie, have you talked with your boyfriend about this? Sex is better when partners talk about what they like and enjoy during sex. Find a good time to talk with your boyfriend about what you want and also let him tell you what he enjoys and likes, this way the experience will be better for you and your boyfriend. Check out this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/talking-about-sex
I still love my ex… He…
I still love my ex… He confessed that he too is still so madly in love with me.. But thing is I have a new guy and he too moved on… I feel so confused .. Don’t know what to do with all these feelings.. Any word of advice??
Hi Princess, it is normal to…
Hi Princess, it is normal to have such feelings especially soon after you break and also depending on the reason and how you broke up. You have both moved on and perhaps you should keep things as they are. Try focus on your current relationship, with time the feelings will fade away as your current relationship grows. We wish you well. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/dealing-with-your-ex
I have that same problem…
I have that same problem,thank u for the advise I really learn a lot.
Hi Blessing, we are so glad…
Hi Blessing, we are so glad to have been of help. Feel free to browse the website and find other articles that could be of help to you
She asks for time i dont…
She asks for time i dont know why can someone help me through this i am so hurted allvthrough
Hey Tom, so sorry about this…
Hey Tom, so sorry about this. Did she say why she needed time? This is a good place to start, sometimes partners can take sometime away from each and then get back together and go on to have a great relationship. The break should however be agreed upon with certain ground rules during this period including how long it should take. Sometimes however a break can lead to a break up and it is important that you are prepared for this outcome as well.
I walked in on my boyfriend…
I walked in on my boyfriend having sex with another person at his house. I ran outside of the house and left, he has not tried to call me or even text me to explain he saw me and was even trying to cover up lakini it was too late. Does he really want to be with me?
Hey Lennah, there are…
Hey Lennah, there are various reasons that could have made him to not call. Maybe he thinks he doesn’t stand a chance with you after you walked in on him, he maybe too embarrassed to call you or he has simply moved on. However, for your own closure and if you think you want try make things between the two of you, you can consider calling him to find out what he wants moving forward. It is important you think about what you want and prepare for an outcome where he is still interested and apologetic for what happened or he is no longer interested. You can also choose to move on by choosing not to contact him. Are you willing to forgive him should he choose to come back to you? Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up
There is a girl i like so…
There is a girl i like so much but I see her with many guys I dont think she will be faithful if I start dating her yet I like her so much I want her to be may girlfriend.
Hi Leo, first if you want…
Hi Leo, first if you want her to be your girlfriend you need to ask her. Secondly, that you see her with many guys doesn’t mean she will not be faithful should you get into a relationship with her, since you don’t know the nature of her relationship with the other guys. Find a good time and let her know how you feel to see if she will be interested in getting into a relationship with you. All the best. https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
That 6th sense is telling me…
That 6th sense is telling me my boyfriend is cheating on me I dnt know what to do…….
Dear Noleen, while there are…
Dear Noleen, while there are signs that may indicate a boyfriend could be cheating, there is no way to tell for sure if your boyfriend is cheating on you. If you feel there is something wrong, you need to be honest with your partner and talk about it. Remember, to not accuse him a cheat but rather try and find out what could be happening based on what you have observed. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/relationship-problems/signs-of-a-cheating-boyfriend
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Zaccheaus.
how should i get a girlfriend
how should i get a girlfriend
Hey Tyler, you can begin by…
Hey Tyler, you can begin by getting into situations that will give you a chance to meet new people including social event. Once you see someone you like approach them, tell them how you feel to see if they are interested in a relationship. You can also consider having a mutual friend introduce you. All the best.
i really love this girl but…
i really love this girl but am not sure if she loves me what should i do pls help
Hey Tyler, to know how she…
Hey Tyler, to know how she feels toward you or if she would be willing to get into a relationship with you, you will need to tell her how you feel and get to know how she feels. Girls find confidence attractive, so go on and be brave and tell her how you feel. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
He is married we have been…
He is married we have been dating for 9 months now. He says he wants to marry me as a second wife. should i trust him?
Hi Joy, I am not able to…
Hi Joy, I am not able to tell if you should trust him. It is however important that you talk about any concerns and fears you have about the relationship. Talk about your expectations and agree on what will happen when so that you are clear about what the future should be. We wish you all the best. Have a look at the following articles for more information;-
My boyfriend told me that he…
My boyfriend told me that he has a wife with one kid but she is not in Nigeria and that he has not done anything on her head and also that he married her because of what he needed from her but he did not not love him and that he love me with all his heart but I always see ring in his hand and he is always disturbing me for sex and when I refuse he will say that he will not force me but he will be angry so am confused because he don’t use to talk anything about future with me all please I really need ur advice am confused
Hello Mary, you are a dating…
Hello Mary, you are a dating another woman’s husband and for as long as you are with him he is cheating on his wife with you. Do you wish to be a second wife? You need to think about what you want in a relationship and in a partner. It is important that you make a decision on what you want and communicate this to him. This is a decision on you can make, so take your time and make an informed decision.
nice word
nice word
You are welcome Ebi.
You are welcome Ebi.
I cheated on my boyfriend. I…
I cheated on my boyfriend. I didn’t have sex with this other guy we just made out at a party. I feel sooo guilty I can’t face him I want to tell him to get rid of how I am feeling but I don’t know how he is going to react what should I do?
Hey Andy, it maybe…
Hey Andy, it maybe challenging to predict how your boyfriend will react to this information. You need to think about this and remember he may not be happy or willing to continue with your relationship. On the other hand,he may be willing to forgive you and keep the relationship. This about these options and the consequences of each choice. Think about which choice you are willing to live with as you make your choice. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/guide-to-recovery-for-the-cheated
I am in a relation but…
I am in a relation but another girl has also told me she likes me and she want me to be her boyfriend. I am consusedni don’t know what to do. How do I choose the right gal for me?
Hey Chris, you need to ask…
Hey Chris, you need to ask yourself what kind of a girl you are looking for? Of the two, which one do you like and best fits the kind of person you want to be with. This is a choice and decision only you can make, so take your time to think about it before you make a decision. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/the-8-signs-youre-with-the-right-partner
A catering partner will…
A catering partner will always cheat. I know this from experience run while you can.
Hi Selby, we appreciate your…
Hi Selby, we appreciate your contribution.
please help,my guy broke up…
please help,my guy broke up with me because he loves my friend and I still love him,like seriously
Hey Anu, it appears he after…
Hey Anu, it appears he after breaking up with you he moved on. There is nothing you can do if he is in love with someone else, all you can do is to move on as well. This can be tough but with time one is able to get over the break up and move on. Give yourself time, take each day at a time and eventually you get over this hurt and move on. Have a look at the following article for more tips to cope with a break up;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/coping-with-a-break-up
is it right of a girl to…
is it right of a girl to date more than a guy
Hey Tosin, it all depends on…
Hey Tosin, it all depends on the partners. In some cases it is not right since partners have agreed to be committed to each other and if one chooses ti date another person it amounts to cheating. In some cases, people maybe in what is known as an open relationship in which case they are allowed to see other people. It is important to be clear about what you want and the kind of relationship you want. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/types-of-relationships
Have always been a boring…
Have always been a boring person to anyone am dating, what can I do whereas to my friend am super free especially guys,help out.
Hi Flora, if you are super…
Hi Flora, if you are super free with your friend but boring or reserved with the person you are dating, take sometime and think about why this happens. What is usually your expectation when dating? Some people will usually be reserved in the early stages of the relationship but open up later as they get to know each other. Talk about what you want and what you like early in the relationship and also have your partner share with you what they expect and want. This way you both will be clear about what to expect. Lastly, there are people who are happy with a person who is reserved. We wish you all the best.
Why would a happily married…
Why would a happily married man cheat? Can a cheater change???
Hi, people will cheat for…
Hi, people will cheat for many reason including the fact that they may not be as happy as they seem. Other times it is just that they got an opportunity to cheat and they took it. A person who has cheated in the past can change, they can make a decision to not do it again and stick to it. It is important for one to also consider whether they can a trust a person who has cheated in marriage. Have a look at the following articles for more information;-
Hi I want a sugar mummy
Hi I want a sugar mummy
Hello Lopez, Sorry to say,…
Hello Lopez, Sorry to say, we are not a dating service and cannot assist you in finding a partner but do not despair, here is a guide to how to meet people online: https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/meeting-online
Am in love with two guys at…
Am in love with two guys at the same time plz help one is married what should i do
Hi Fazilet,
It depends…
Hi Fazilet,
It depends. What do you want from a relationship? Once you answer that question, you will be able to make the decision on whom to choose. If it’s a lifetime commitment, you may not expect the married man to give you that as long as he’s married, unless you are okay with being the second woman in hid life. Also, will the second man be the best option for your expectations? In the end, one of these men will be the best lover for you.