5 inches: the ideal penis size?
They say that a good dick should be more than 5 inches long. Is this for erect or non-erect penises? And: does longer mean better?
What is ‘normal’?
There are a whole lot of misunderstandings about penis size. Mostly that’s because what’s ‘normal’ covers a very wide spectrum, and average lengths and widths are actually quite a lot smaller than most people imagine.
Marketing scams
You also have to be careful where you go looking for information. For example, there are loads of websites out there which have an interest in convincing you that your penis is below average! After which they’ll start trying to persuade you to buy penis enlargement treatments. Everything from pills and vacuum pumps to penis extenders. Which don’t work, by the way.
In fact, reputable studies show that the average length of an erect penis is just over five inches. And a non-erect (flaccid) penis averages just over three and a half inches in length.
International averages
And those figures may, in fact, be slightly higher than they should be because maybe it’s only the bigger guys who are willing to be measured! Those averages probably also vary a little internationally, but not significantly. I can’t say for sure how much, because there haven’t been any reliable surveys that cover the whole globe.
So the simple answer to your question is that an erect penis that’s more than about 5 inches long is bigger than average.
But it’s also worth noting that over 45 per cent of men wish that their penis was larger. While only 15 per cent of women say that size matters. Which suggests that men really shouldn’t worry.
Porn makes men worry
Why are men so worried about penis size? You can mostly blame the porn industry for that. Porn movies almost always show men with abnormally large penises. They also choose camera angles to make them look even bigger. The sex in porn movies is also a lot more energetic than in real life. And gives the impression that a huge penis is necessary to give a woman pleasure.
But actually, only a small fraction of a woman’s pleasure during lovemaking comes from the feeling of having a man’s penis inside her vagina.
Making love well actually involves both partner’s entire bodies – and especially their minds.
Why am I saying all this? Because it’s important not to get hung up on size. So when the time for lovemaking approaches, relax! By all means, go online to check out sex positions that make the best of what you’ve got. But chances are that the size of your penis won’t matter at all!
Are you hung up on size? Share your concerns and thoughts below, on Facebook (LM Africa and Naija), or our discussion forum.
Dear Shangazi, why do I take…
Dear Shangazi, why do I take long(about 6 hours) to gain another erection after ejaculation?
It is completely normal for…
Dear Christopher,
It is completely normal for men to have what is called a refractory period, where it cannot get hard after ejaculation. Honestly, your body is just telling you that it needs some time. There is no real way to change it or make it happen less, so just try to work with your body. If you are really hoping to have more sex, then take the time to recharge and focus on your partner. This is a good time to focus on them and give them pleasure. You will become hard again in no time and continue. The average refractory period should be about 30 minutes. Try relaxing after an ejaculation, the pressure of wanting to get it up can get in the way of actually getting up.
Good teaching
Good teaching
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
I itch few minutes after a…
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Hi Mos, it is difficult to…
Hi Mos, it is difficult to tell what could be causing this, could it be the soap you are using? Try changing the soap to see if there will be a difference.
Wow good advice
Wow good advice
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
I have no problems with size…
I have no problems with size but I cum before my wife most of the time it takes me 2 minutes and I can feel the frustration sometimes. I have tried different things and foods but they are not working. Any ideas to a reliable solution? Thank you.
Hi Edu, what you seem to be…
Hi Edu, what you seem to be experiencing is know as Premature Ejaculation, which is caused by a number of reasons including fear, anxiety or even stress. Anxiety that one will not perform can make a person ejaculate much earlier or stress from home or work. In other cases, particularly in young men it could be the result of sexual inexperience, and so as the young man gets older he also gains more experience in controlling ejaculation. Have a loom at the following article for more tips to better control your ejaculation;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/how-to-overcome-premature-ejaculation
what if your girlfriend says…
what if your girlfriend says she feels pain every time you have sex?
Hey Teddy, there are a few…
Hey Teddy, there are a few reasons that can cause pain during sex including, having dry sex, where penetration takes place before the vagina self lubricates, the presence of an infection in the vagina, the position during sex among others.The first step toward addressing the pain is getting to know what is causing the pain. Have a look at the following article for more information on how to address the causes of the pain;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-time-to-listen-up
If this the average size…
If this the average size what is the average time that sex should last?
Hey Collins, every couple is…
Hey Collins, every couple is different when it comes to how long sex lasts for them. If sex lasts too long or it takes too short a time, it is important that you talk with your partner. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/how-long-does-sex-normally-last
Then is there a size that is…
Then is there a size that is just too large???
Hey Christopher, yes there…
Hey Christopher, yes there is what maybe too large and often may even cause pain to once partner. Have a look athe following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-time-to-listen-up
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Hey Erick, people have…
Hey Erick, people have different preferences and fr this reason, you are likely to be more successful if you spoke with your partner to get to know what they like. Talking about sex is likely to improve the experience for both partners. Talk about what you like and also have your partner share with you what they like. Check out the following article for additional information and ideas you could consider trying;-
If you have sex of yu are…
If you have sex of yu are not circumcised will you feel pain because the top of the penis is sensitive? What about STIs?
Hi Aggrey, it maybe…
Hi Aggrey, it maybe uncomfortable the first time but with time you will get used to it.. However, the head of the penis is likely to be more sensitive since it is always covered by the foreskin but not painful. On the hand, there are studies that have shown circumcision greatly reduces the chances of getting infected with HIV. It is not clear whether this also applies for all other STIs. Have a look at the following article for more information;-
why afta ejeculation vagina…
why afta ejeculation vagina bcomes slippery
Hey Tony, when a woman is…
Hey Tony, when a woman is aroused her vagina becomes wet which makes penetration easier and enjoyable for both partners. Also, when a man ejaculates inside a woman’s vagina, because of the semen is becomes even more slippery. Using a condom can help reduce this, since the semen will be collected in the condom. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/orgasms/her-orgasms
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Hi Remi, a man’s penis size…
Hi Remi, a man’s penis size doesn’t determine whether they will be better lovers. One can however talk with their partner to get to know what they want and like during sex and this makes them a better lover for their partner. Have a look at the following articles for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/penis-size-myths-busted
How do you make sure your…
How do you make sure your partner is satisfied with sex?
Hi Kevin, you could begin by…
Hi Kevin, you could begin by asking your partner whether they are satisfied after sex. Talking about sex helps to make the experience better for both partners. Find a good time for you and your partner to talk about sex, get to know what your partner like and what will get them satisfied and also share with them what you like and what will get you satisfied. Have a look at the following article for more tips;-
My wife use to complain of…
My wife use to complain of my dick that is small and is not ok with that. And I really want to do something about it. May be to increase it to 6cm.thanks
Hi Chuks, unfortunately the…
Hi Chuks, unfortunately the only way to permanently increase your penis size is through surgery and even this comes with complications just like any other surgery. Having a bigger doesn’t really make one a better lover, it is understanding what their partner likes and wants during sex that does. Do talk about what your partner does like and enjoy during sex to find new ways to improve your sex experience. Remember, the penis is just one of body parts you can use. Have a look at the following article for more information and tips;-
my penis is small and I am…
my penis is small and I am 17 years old but my age mate penis is big what can I do please help I am worried
Hello Brain, when you say…
Hello Brain, when you say that your penis is small, how small is small? Penis size ranges between 6 and 13 centimetres long when soft, while erect is usually between 7 and 7 centimetres long. So if your penis falls here then is not considered small. Then, it is important to know no one penis is like the other in terms of shapes and sizes therefore dont compare yourself with your age mate. Every growth milestone is individual. So appreciate your manhood and love it! You can also check out this article: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/penis-shapes-and-sizes
how can this website can be…
how can this website can be known
Hi Joseph, you could begin…
Hi Joseph, you could begin by sharing with your friends. We seek to provide blush-free facts and stories about love, sex, and relationships. Thank you.
Please help me give me the…
Please help me give me the reason for this I don’t longer release when I have sex
Hi Don, you maybe…
Hi Don, you maybe experiencing delayed ejaculation which is when it takes one longer than 30 minutes to ejaculate or they don’t ejaculate at all during intercourse. It can caused by anxiety, stress, fear, low libido, or sexual dissatisfaction. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/difficulties-with-sex-men
In what way can I make my…
In what way can I make my penis grow within two months
Thank you for your question…
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, the fact is penile size cannot be increased without surgery. While there are a lot of people out there trying to sell you all kinds of products – pills, pumps, patches, creams, gels, sprays and stretchers – most of it is hocus pocus. And experts say that is because the penis is made of spongy tissue which cannot be lengthened or stretched. Even surgeries offer only a small increase in size.
Wow am really learning a lot…
Wow am really learning a lot in this page
Hi Charles. we are pleased…
Hi Charles. we are pleased to hear this! Thank you for your feedback.
I have a five inch penis and…
I have a five inch penis and the girls i fuck dobt feel it ..
Hi Maxwell, thank you for…
Hi Maxwell, thank you for reaching out to us. Try out sex positions that maximise on penetration like forward-facing cowgirl and missionary. A simple Google search will also help you find positions that will work for you.
Dri have problems withe size…
Dri have problems withe size and enjakulation I can take 2mint to do that how can u help me or eny advice
When you say size, what do…
When you say size, what do you mean? According to a study by the British Institute of Urology, the average size of an erect penis is about 5.5-6.2 inches (14-15.75cm), and the average girth is about 4.7-5.1 inches (12-13cm).
At Love Matters we’re a bit more cautious – we just say an erect penis is usually somewhere between 2.7 and 6.7 inches (7-17cm). When it comes to condom sizes, ‘average’ counts as 4.7-5.9 inches (12-17cm).
In regards to quick ejaculation. This is a very good question and a very common one as well. So, do not worry, you are not alone. There are some remedies that could help you last a little longer. However, if you have premature ejaculation, you should go see a doctor.
One option is the stop-start method used to treat premature ejaculation but can also help a person last longer. This technique calls for the man to have sex or masturbate until you almost cum and then stop. When you’re about to climax, stop, and squeeze right below the head of your penis. Apply firm pressure on the tube running underneath your penis. This will push blood out of the penis and momentarily decreases sexual tension, calming your ejaculatory response. This should be repeated many times.
Another remedy is to engage in sex styles that do not stimulate the underside of the penis like spooning and reverse cowgirl. You could also masturbate before having sex.
Does big b*t affect dick…
Does big b*t affect dick penetration in anyway? if yes,how? & if no, why do most men chase big b*t ladies.
Hello Sos, thank you for…
Hello Sos, thank you for reaching out to us. You have censored the words so it is not clear. However, if you are asking if a large behind would affect penetration the answer would lie in the kinds of positions used. Sex positions that call for penetration from the back would be affected slightly bit with maneuvering it should not be an issue. but most sexual positions should remain un-affected. It is unclear why some men prefer women with big behinds, it is a preference.