How would write your wedding vows?
Gone are the days when wedding vows used to be too serious. Today, people are a bit relaxed and don’t mind adding funny phrases.
Marriage vows are promises and commitments people make to each other during a wedding ceremony. Sometimes, people can make promises to each other during other types of weddings or marriages.
While some people prefer to go the traditional way of reciting their vows, others choose to go easy but make it a bit more sentimental and add some humor to it.
Here’s a sample traditional wedding vow:
‘I, Janet, take you Musa to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part’
Phew! These were pretty serious vows!
Should you wish to write your own vows, the assumption is that you are marrying a friend and partner for life thus you know them well. If you know that adding funny and/or romantic phrases will not be received well by your partner then don’t. However, if this is something that’s acceptable and fun to both of you, then go ahead!
The trick is to add some interesting statements into the vows not to make all the vows funny. This is not Churchill Show, it is your wedding day.
Some interesting phrases you can add:
‘I promise to love you for richer and richer’
‘I promise not to do as many dishes as possible. So help me God!‘
‘I promise to always put dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket’
‘I promise never to hog on or hide the remote’
‘I vow to actively listen to you when you’re talking about MAN U, video games, and whatever it is that you love even if I know nothing about’
‘I vow to always notice your new hairstyle/cut’
‘When I say I promise to be there for you, this excludes the dishes’
‘I promise to laugh at your jokes, no matter how lame or unfunny they are’
‘You should know that you made the right choice, I am totally worth it!’
‘I promise to never suffer from my bad cooking’
How would you write your wedding vows? What interesting sentences would you add?