Big buttocks back in DRC
The bigger, the better. Large posteriors are making a comeback in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To get attractive behinds, some women are going to risky extremes. Rectal suppository diets, for example…
Yes, rectal suppository diets are thought by some as one surefire method to beef up the booty, with Maggi stock cubes being one common ingredient…
After some long, flat years in the DRC, curvy women are catching men’s eyes again. Where does that leave those of a more slender stature? Pumping themselves with vitamins, ginger juice and stock cubes. Yet this popular diet in Kinshasa is not being swallowed whole. Rectal suppository diets are dangerous, say doctors.
Still, users are enthusiastic.
The power of stock cubes
One bum-enhancing mixture includes C4 syrup and tablets, Maggi stock cubes and Tangawisi, a raw ginger juice. ‘And it works!’ says Sophie who lives in Kinshasa’s Binza-Upn neighbourhood.
As for Micheline’s regimen: ‘I add 50 vitamin tablets into the vitamin syrup and then take it before going to bed. I take the mixture once a week, sometimes throughout the week.’
Meanwhile, Henriette prefers Dongo-Dongo Gombo, a soup made from a hibiscus-like flower. ‘I have noticed that C4 makes me very tired and drowsy,’ says the young businesswoman, who wants to ensure she only puts on weight in one particular spot. Her conclusion: ‘Gombo and stock cubes are the way to go for a nice-looking behind.’
But why the resurgence of an ideal equating weight with beauty?
Marco, a young mentor to teenagers in the Matete district, points to the media and the advertising industry. ‘I believe the famous Ivorian TV series Ma Famille – featuring the actress Nastou [Traoré] and her large bosom – has been a catalyst for Congolese women in Kinshasa,’ he says. ‘There’s also the ‘low-rise’ trend characterised by wearing very tight pants to highlight women’s curves. This is simply the result of fashion.’
‘When a skinny girl or woman passes by, men don’t even bother to look or show interest. But as soon as they see a chubby woman, with a round buttocks and full breasts, they turn around in a flash,’ says Prisca, a psychology student at the University of Kinshasa. She cites comments such as ‘Oyo suka na mutuka’ (‘Splendid ride’) and ‘Muasi muasi ndé nzoto’ (‘A woman, a real woman, must have curves’). ‘There are women who like it when men praise their behind,’ according to Prisca.
Side effects
Not all women seem to achieve the desired outcome of the suppository diet. Some only suffer the side effects.
‘Some girls take ten tablets of C4 with large quantities of maize porridge and then go to sleep. They sometimes do this for weeks without any effect on their buttocks,’ explains Sandrine
The human body usually rejects excess food when ingested orally. But when taken via the rectum, everything gets almost completely absorbed.
Over and above unforeseen complications, the overdose of some chemicals usually results in intoxication and infection, according to Angèle Mwenze, a military hospital doctor in the Lingwala district.
‘I had a patient who died from engaging so much in the practice that some fluid started coming out from between her legs,’ says Mwenze. ‘She had an infection and died despite the treatment attempts. The insertion of stock cube in the rectum can cause breakages. There is also a risk of infarction, arteritis and heart attack.’
In Sophie’s case, the plumping cure’s effects were more than physical. ‘My partner was becoming distant and blameful, and we were fighting a lot as a couple. So I had to do something to bring him back to me,’ she says, describing one of her motives. ‘It worked!’
What far would you go to enhance your backside? Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Facebook.
i would do anything for the
i would do anything for the same!
Hi Lorah,
Hi Lorah,
what’s important is that you feel comfortable in your own body. That is far sexier than a big butt or big breasts will ever be 🙂
Am confident with my look B-)
Am confident with my look B-)
That’s important and really
That’s important and really good to hear, Petty!
i love them even bigger…. 😀
i love them even bigger…. 😀
Hi Bobbie,
Hi Bobbie,
everybody has their own preferences 🙂
I prefer de way ma body luk
I prefer de way ma body luk lyk cz ma man lov it dat way.
Hi Sizjuu,
Hi Sizjuu,
I hope you like your body, regardless of what your partner thinks!
it makes sense to give up
it makes sense to give up bank que just for that view” verrrrrrry nice view”
Hi pliz tell me where can I
Hi pliz tell me where can I buy all that suplement here in south afrika?or do I need to buy maggi stock cube andtangawisi row ginger and vitamin C4?and after I buy how many times must I use it per day?plz I need help.I’m from DRC lubumbashi but I’m in soth afrika.
Hi pliz tell me where can I
Hi pliz tell me where can I buy all that suplement here in south afrika?or do I need to buy maggi stock cube andtangawisi row ginger and vitamin C4?and after I buy how many times must I use it per day?plz I need help.I’m from DRC lubumbashi but I’m in soth afrika.
please do not use any of the methods mentioned here, they are not safe and could be very harmful for your health.
Try doing exercises like squats and lunges that strengthen your muscles and give your buttocks a nice lift and round shape.
how spiritual?
how spiritual?
What is spiritual, Viola?
What is spiritual, Viola?
Iv been practising the
Iv been practising the methods used above for 2 years on and off and all I can say is my family can no longer remember that they once made fun of my plazma looking butt because its now juicy and heavy at times am still in shock as to how it actually worked.
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Matoyi.
what exactly did u use pls…
what exactly did u use pls advice
This is sad I am slender &
This is sad I am slender & get equal attention to people with big things I also hear so much nasty comments about fake or over enhanced assets. Ladies we are all beautiful exactly as we are uniquely & ind individual. Its not worth the risk surely if you might end up shortening yr life span. love yourselves sisters. What people say really doesn’t matter but your health does
Great! thanks so much for
Great! thanks so much for your input Cass.
As a black woman i hate being
As a black woman i hate being skinny…i hate the way i look and feel in everything….im gonna try it…its worth the risk to me
Hi Trina, thanks for sharing
Hi Trina, thanks for sharing with us. But you need to understand that everyone is different and beautiful in their own way. You don’t need to look like other people to be beautiful. We all learn to love and appreciate ourselves first so that other people can love us. It does not matter how you look like there is someone out there for everyone. So take your time with your choices and i hope all works out in the end.
Instead of this harmful stock
Instead of this harmful stock cube practice, women should just massage their bottoms with coconut oil at night and use padded underwear during the day.
Thank you for your input.
Thank you for your input.
I feel uncomfortable in my
I feel uncomfortable in my current look. I would like to take an extra step to have more butts. Please help me with what to do.
Hi Rahina, what makes you
Hi Rahina, what makes you feel uncomfortable with how you look?
This is crazy, women are so
This is crazy, women are so insecure of themselves and without knowing it enpowering men why use it négatively. Men used to do everything to please women and now its vice versa. A man who loves you does not criticise you, and of he does then he is not worth it. That is my opinion
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions with us Hanie.
I used to have a small butt
I used to have a small butt all I did to make it plumpy /muscular was by doing squats,lifting weights and exercising. It takes time and effort but exercising in a healthy way is the best way!
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Lucy.
Hi I need big buttoks I have…
Hi I need big buttoks I have a bigger uppermost.. please I’m desperate need big big butty
Hi Katty, your body…
Hi Katty, your body including the size of your buttocks has to do with genetics. One can however increase their butt size through plastic surgery.
Welcome to Love Matters…
Welcome to Love Matters Africa Raggielee.
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Hello there Heidieromy!
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Great post
Great post
Thank you, Ronni1eKem!
Thank you, Ronni1eKem!