Sex during your period: top five facts
If you thought that sex during menstruation is off-limits, think again. Many hesitate to try it because we’re told to think it’s unclean.
From a purely medical point of view, however, sex during menstruation is totally fine. It even has a lot of benefits for both partners. To find out more, read all of the facts here.
Menstrual blood is healthy blood
There’s a pervasive myth out there that menstrual blood is dirty and full of impurities that might harm the penis. This is nonsense!
Menstrual blood is a mixture of healthy blood and the discarded tissues that line the uterus each month in preparation for pregnancy. Coming in contact with this blood won’t harm the penis in any way. In fact, menstruation blood serves as a great (and harmless) lubricant.
Also, sex during menstruation causes absolutely no harm to a woman’s uterus. Although it’s true that a tiny opening corps up in the uterus to pass menstrual blood during menstruation, this hole is too small for the penis to enter.Menstruation may increase a woman’s sex drive
Many women feel a higher sex drive during their menstrual cycle. There is a lot of conflicting and confusing information about why this happens. But one reason, according to Sara Gottfried, M.D., author of The Hormone Cure, is that a woman’s estrogen is at an all-time low at the beginning of her period. As her estrogen levels rise over the following week, her testosterone levels rise as well, helping her be turned on more easily.
Another factor may be the increased blood flow and lubrication, which could translate into arousal. The possibility of getting pregnant is also lower during this time, which might make women feel more sexually free.Pregnancy is still possible
The chances of becoming pregnant during menstruation are extremely small, but it can still happen. Though generally, it is a very safe time to have unprotected sex if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy, a man’s sperm has the ability to survive inside the woman’s body for a few days and there is a small chance that early ovulation could cause pregnancy.
If you want to avoid getting pregnant, it is best to use contraceptives, when with period sex.
Related: Can I Get Pregnant During My Period?
Sex during menstruation can relieve cramps
Reaching an orgasm during the period may give you pain relief from cramps by releasing pain-reducing endorphins into the bloodstream. Also, according to some scientists, sex during this time provides further relief by using up chemicals, which are responsible for menstrual cramps.
Sex during menstruation could also knock a few days off your period. This is because the extra contractions your uterus experiences during orgasm help get rid of menstrual blood faster, ending your cycle sooner than usual. But, you can expect a heavy flow during the initial days.It’s more often women, not men, opposed to the idea
According to a recent survey conducted on MensHealth.com, it’s women, rather than men, who choose to shut down sexual activities during menstruation. More than 75 per cent of the men who were surveyed said they had no issues about having sex during their partner’s period, though 54 per cent said they would only do it with a wife or serious girlfriend.
Do you know some more interesting facts about sex during the period? Share your knowledge with us – leave a comment below or on Facebook: Love Matters Kenya.
I luv these facts, ,
I luv these facts, ,
That’s great!
That’s great!
It’s nice fact very…
It’s nice fact very intresting
Hi Faith, thank you for your…
Hi Faith, thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it.
I luv these facts, ,
I luv these facts, ,
This is very informative…
This is very informative information. Thenks.
Thank you for the feedback…
Thank you for the feedback Leo, you are welcome.
Nice facts
Nice facts
I would really love to have
I would really love to have sex with my wife during this period.
But the bad smell of that blood is a turn off.
Is the bad smell normal?
Menstruation doesn’t really
Menstruation doesn’t really smell bad, but i guess she needs some douching to clean her walls
What is the name of a
What is the name of a medicine that clean the urine..my urine smell bad and its orange
drink a lot of water, as much
drink a lot of water, as much as u can it’ll dilute the ingridients in your system.
Probably u drink a lot of acidic drinks.
If it doesn’t help, consult a doctor he’ll give u something useful
Hi please drink a lot of
Hi please drink a lot of water to flush it out as it could be dehydration, if it persist it could be urinary tract infection you may need to see your Dr and get some antibiotics called flagyl or something stronger if infection is serious.
Na die
Na die
Moban unadie, tuambie…
Moban unadie, tuambie tukusupport.
True only being clean
True only being clean
No chief kunengkinga
No chief kunengkinga
Tell em son. No smoke without
Tell em son. No smoke without fire. That smell means a dead rat in the house. Hahahahahaha
i feel alot of pain during…
i feel alot of pain during sex in side vigine is it normal?
Hi Nankya, Pain is not…
Hi Nankya, Pain is not normal. Sex should be pleasurable for both partners. A good place to start is to find out what could be causing the pain. Have a look at this article for more information;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-and-periods
yes not bad this will depend
yes not bad this will depend with the individuals doing it others will experience a lot of pain generally it is not healthy clean so still not convinced thankyou
Maybe we need another myth
Maybe we need another myth busted: menstrual blood is not unhealthy or bad, so you have nothing to worry about health-wise.
yes not bad this will depend
yes not bad this will depend with the individuals doing it others will experience a lot of pain generally it is not healthy clean so still not convinced thankyou
Its well informed
Its well informed
which date can u extactly
which date can u extactly call safe days if your menstrial circle starts on date 1
safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all.
When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method.
i cant believe this!!!! its
i cant believe this!!!! its wrong even bibilically
Oh? Why do you think so,
Oh? Why do you think so, Janet?
sex during periods its very
sex during periods its very wrong…. read LEVITICUS 18:19
but who is to say everyone is
but who is to say everyone is a christian?
I Love Sex
I Love Sex
BT it cnt help us anything.
BT it cnt help us anything.
Why not, Dan?
Why not, Dan?
Having sex when ur in
Having sex when ur in menstration is à good game it makes aman and wom
Thanks, Hashim.
Thanks, Hashim.
Nasty!! Not biblical!!
Nasty!! Not biblical!!
Oh, why do you think so?
Oh, why do you think so?
You need to learn to read
You need to learn to read your bible properly. It doesn’t instruct one not to, it just says if a man does he is now also considered unclean. But nowhere does it say NO DON’T DO IT. Its amazing how you probably sin everyday doing what the bible says clearly not to but are quick to use the bible as an excuse when someone does something you just don’t like! Your opinion is your opinion but DO NOT bring the bible in to justify your opinion and then misuse it!
I agree with you completely,
I agree with you completely, have your own opinion but as soon as you don’t like what people say then use the bible hate it when people do that, for instance I know sex before marriage is a sin but lets be realistic these haters on the page stating sex during the period is a sin are probably having sex before marriage. I simply don’t like having sex during my period as I feel uncomfortable and I don’t want a mess. my opinion
AM STILL IN SECURE&DILLEMA TO about this matter of having sex wth ur partiner during the menstruation!?
It’s totally safe, but you
It’s totally safe, but you should always discuss it with your partner. If either one of you is not okay with it, don’t do it.
am fine
am fine
Yes it does help!! I tell him
Yes it does help!! I tell him he’s my plunger because I have a heavy flow. Sex during this time actually slows down my flow for me AND shortens the length. It really does offer that extra lubrication and we both get to feel good!! Just lay down a towel or play in the shower. Once you get past your mind’s limits…… Sure beats laying around feeling miserable and dirty!!!
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your insights.
I’ve had sex the first day of
I’ve had sex the first day of my period and by three days my period stopped when it actually go on for a week..my belly is all hard and im eating endlessly..is it possible that im pregnant?
it’s unlikely but not impossible, especially if you generally have a very short monthly cycle. If it has been more than 3-4 weeks since, the best thing would be to take a pregnancy test.
i dont think if its wrong
i dont think if its wrong because i do it when i have cramps….and it reveals my period pain
That’s absolutely possible,
That’s absolutely possible, Mary! Great that it works for you!
I think it’s not bad what if
I think it’s not bad what if your spouse had gone for a trip and when he comes back meets you having your Periods would you deny him his Conjugal Rights? Note He has been away…..Reply
what you are saying is of course right, but the thing is, sex is about pleasure for both partners. So if one partner feels uncomfortable with something (whether it’s sex during your period or something else), you shouldn’t do it. Conjugal rights or not.
blood on my dick noooo!!!
blood on my dick noooo!!!
Extremely sweet….i love it
Extremely sweet….i love it n my partner loves too…so we enjoy it altogether….
That’s great, Nick!
That’s great, Nick!
do u mean on the proces ov
do u mean on the proces ov action the blood wil come out after sometyms and stps completly then shortn pm duration
Sorry, we don’t quite
Sorry, we don’t quite understand your question.
It depends n your partner
It depends n your partner
On both, we would say!
On both, we would say!
admin..it works and one time
admin..it works and one time i did it with my partner she exactly had short period though she was bored to see her blood,,xo it just depends with the partners reaction towards it.
Thanks for sharing, Xavi.
Thanks for sharing, Xavi.
All of yall are nasty! It is
All of yall are nasty! It is common sense not to have sex while on your period, trying to find ways around it or trying to justify it is ridiculous! And it isnt biblically! Look it up!
Hi Britt,
Hi Britt,
please do share with us why you think it’s not biblical, we are curious.
It is mentioned in the bible
It is mentioned in the bible but does not say it must not be done. The thing is where it instructs us we have to do it we don’t do it but when its okay to do it, we are just considered unclean for a few days suddenly its unbiblical. Can’t stand hypocrites.
Leviticus 15:19-33 NLT
19 “Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening.
20 Anything on which the woman lies or sits during the time of her period will be unclean.
21 If any of you touch her bed, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
22 If you touch any object she has sat on, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
23 This includes her bed or any other object she has sat on; you will be unclean until evening if you touch it.
24 If a man has sexual intercourse with her and her blood touches him, her menstrual impurity will be transmitted to him. He will remain unclean for seven days, and any bed on which he lies will be unclean.
25 “If a woman has a flow of blood for many days that is unrelated to her menstrual period, or if the blood continues beyond the normal period, she is ceremonially unclean. As during her menstrual period, the woman will be unclean as long as the discharge continues.
26 Any bed she lies on and any object she sits on during that time will be unclean, just as during her normal menstrual period.
27 If any of you touch these things, you will be ceremonially unclean. You must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
28 “When the woman’s bleeding stops, she must count off seven days. Then she will be ceremonially clean.
29 On the eighth day she must bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons and present them to the priest at the entrance of the Tabernacle.
30 The priest will offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. Through this process, the priest will purify her before the LORD for the ceremonial impurity caused by her bleeding.
31 “This is how you will guard the people of Israel from ceremonial uncleanness. Otherwise they would die, for their impurity would defile my Tabernacle that stands among them.
32 These are the instructions for dealing with anyone who has a bodily discharge—a man who is unclean because of an emission of semen
33 or a woman during her menstrual period. It applies to any man or woman who has a bodily discharge, and to a man who has sexual intercourse with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.”
I knew that.
I knew that.
Good 🙂
Good 🙂
faer game
faer game
Would you do it?
Would you do it?
It’s okay,
It’s okay,
Would you do it :-)?
Would you do it :-)?
This is the tym that I feel
This is the tym that I feel it most
Good for you, Diana!
Good for you, Diana!
Its Actually fine
Its Actually fine
Its good bit i am not
Its good bit i am not comfortable with the blood smell. Have tried it nd it’s fantastic
Whatever works for you and
Whatever works for you and your partner.
can sex during menst make one
can sex during menst make one pregnant?
it is unlikely, but it can happen.
i did it and didnt
i did it and didnt experience cramps and serious pains as usuall. wil keep on doing it…
Like it
Like it
That’s great!
That’s great!
I hate and its against the
I hate and its against the bible!simple
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Grace.
Where in the bible did you find this passage?
I have had sex during my
I have had sex during my period and I love it so does my partner and we are fine with it
Great, enjoy Bernadette!
Great, enjoy Bernadette!
This does not apply to me. I
This does not apply to me. I had sex with my period on two occasions and those were the worst times I can think of. The first time for 6 to 7 months whenever I was having my period my feet were cold and I had to wear socks socks and I was in extreme pain for months. The second time was more or less the same feelings but it was about 5 months. From my experience I would advice against it
sorry it didn’t work for you.
I always have sex with my
I always have sex with my girls at that time
As long as you both don’t
As long as you both don’t mind, there is nothing wrong with it.
This is so true….there i
This is so true….there i was thinking i had a problem cuz i love having sex during my period….and it also takes 2 days out of mines…..so kool
Great it’s working for you!
Great it’s working for you!
I have tried it 2 times and
I have tried it 2 times and not bad but it leaves me with a bit of pain
If it’s painful, don’t do it.
If it’s painful, don’t do it.
I love these facts try to get
I love these facts try to get my hussy into sex during thius time
Good look?
Good look?
One time my husband was away
One time my husband was away when he came back it was that time for me. We got a roused and did it in the shower. He was up for it and it actually relives my pains
Great. Have you done it again
Great. Have you done it again since, Roslyin!
I like these fact very
I like these fact very interesting
Great, glad to hear that.
Great, glad to hear that.
The Bible state that time a
The Bible state that time a woman is unclean
Leviticus does, indeed.
Leviticus does, indeed.
But that would also mean that you can’t touch a woman, or eat what she has cooked.
Very few rules of leviticus are still observed today. Look at the fabric you are wearing- is it mixed? If so, then that’s a sin according to Leviticus.
Don’t pick things that are convenient while ignoring things that are not.
I agree! People are quick to
I agree! People are quick to use the bible when they try and justify their actions and then they justify their judgement using the bible too but when you look at their lives they are far from living a biblical life!
I think its nice
I think its nice
OK. But the odour of blood is
OK. But the odour of blood is not really pleasant. Actually I found it to be a turn-off
That’s okay, you don’t have to like or do it.
Warriors are not afraid of
Warriors are not afraid of blood
Haha 🙂
Haha 🙂
My bible says that a man
My bible says that a man should not ly with a woman. Having sickness it is unclean .read leveticus (20;18
Leviticus also says that you
Leviticus also says that you shouldn’t eat food cooked by her- are you cooking yourself while she is bleeding?
It is unislamic and therefoe
It is unislamic and therefoe should be discouraged. Besides many women feel sick during mensus. We therefore need to be carefoul
We feel it us up to everybody
We feel it us up to everybody personally to decide whether they want to do it or not.
I ejaculated insider her
I ejaculated insider her vagina during 3rd day of her period and my penis tip was full of blood
So what are the chances she may get pregnant or me getting std or hiv
God help me I’m scred
the chance of her being pregnant is low, as women aren’t generally fertile while they menstruate.
As for STDs and HIV- if she is infected, then there is a risk of infection for you. Has either of you been tested?
Once did it with my gf and
Once did it with my gf and she was not sure sure it was safe. We looked it up online and found out that it was not only safe but beneficial to her. Now we can have a romp anytime of the month, but personally I would only do it with a long term gf or wife. Biblically wrong?, don’t know about that but most of us are still fornicating. Typical log in the eye argument.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Justin!
It works am used to doing it
It works am used to doing it
gud i think tz true
gud i think tz true
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Esther!
still not convinced…..can
still not convinced…..can you make it better…#love it!
Better how?
Better how?
We always have sex whenever
We always have sex whenever she has cramps, she says it reduces the pain so I think it works!
Excellent, glad to hear that!
Excellent, glad to hear that!
I’ll try!
I’ll try!
Let us know how it goes!
Let us know how it goes!
It’s like war down there! I
It’s like war down there! I just keep stabbing it in her v and blood just keep coming out! When will the b–ch die! Maybe I need a silver condum to kill the wear wolf! Sorry that’s what goes in my mind hahaha
Sex is healthy even if there
Sex is healthy even if there’s periods or not
Glad to hear you agree with
Glad to hear you agree with us!
This facts are amazing let me
This facts are amazing let me discuss with my partner and try it out and see if it will work,but Av got a nice solution from you guys concerning crumps
Glad we could be of help!
Glad we could be of help!
it is okay,cause I did it
it is okay,cause I did it with my partiner and it was sweet and nice act ever.So it’s okay to do tht!
Thanks but it sounds crazy,
Thanks but it sounds crazy, that blood…ooooh no can’t go for it. Absolutely dirty
Menstrual blood isn’t dirty,
Menstrual blood isn’t dirty, but it’s okay that you don’t want to do it!
I hear some saying its good
I hear some saying its good to have sex during this period, coz even the lady is not comfortable when recieving this blood…! My question is:- is it enjoyable?
Why don’t you give it a try to find out?
wooow ts gud 2 knw,bt still
wooow ts gud 2 knw,bt still scary.
Is it less scary now?
Is it less scary now?
Blood on my dick..OMG!!!!!!!
Blood on my dick..OMG!!!!!!! Hell nooooo.. Thank GOD she hates it too seeing her blood….
At least you two agree 🙂
At least you two agree 🙂
Quiz how can i give my wife a
Quiz how can i give my wife a baby boy plz help
Sorry, there is no way to
Sorry, there is no way to make sure you get a baby of a certain gender.
I fully support the idea of
I fully support the idea of sex during menstruation for it’s benefits but I would never do it myself.
That said, I beg to differ with your advice on safe days.
Every woman has a fixed ovulation period of 14 days starting from the first day of their period which is the first day of bleeding.
The variation in the length of the cycle is brought about by the next phase called the luteal phase which lasts for 12 to 16 days.
Sperms and the ovum can survive for a maximum of 72 hours inside the body after being released from the ovary and after ejaculation.
Therefore on your fourteenth day subtract 3 days and add another 3 days. Sperms deposited 3 days to ovulation can fertilize an ovum when they ovulate and an ovum released three days ago during ovulation can still hang around waiting for a sperm to fertilize it.
But for absolute safety add an extra day for each. This then gives you day 10 through to 18 of your cycle as the most at-risk of getting pregnant. The other days enjoy yourself but be mindful of STDs.
Furthermore, pregnancy can only occur if there’s implantation which normally occurs in the uterus. During menstruation that can ever happen unless maybe in a off-site area e.g fallopian tube which is very rare.
Thanks for your input Malcolm
Thanks for your input Malcolm, but the time period between first day of menstruation and ovulation can vary; it’s not fixed.
this is craizy!in our country
this is craizy!in our country a man can not touch you when your are on your menses ma b the greedy one.
Changes happen. We aren’t saying all change is good, but if a couple ways to have sex during a woman’s period, medically, nothing speaks against it
Thx en nice facts
Thx en nice facts
You are welcome, Moses.
You are welcome, Moses.
I have been doing it. And i
I have been doing it. And i enjoy it with my partner. This issue about the bible: Please explain well according to the bible so that we can stop it if it is bad.
Sorry, but we don’t work according to a specific faith. We look at medical facts.
i’hv spent almost amonth in
i’hv spent almost amonth in my periods but idnt think he can accept dat sex during periods
A month-long period? You
A month-long period? You might want to see a doctor about that!
It may not apply to all women
It may not apply to all women because there are those who poar to much blood the process that no one can stand for sex with them and even the ones with compromisable physical health are not fit for menestrual sex as they can endup compromising the man’ s sex appetite for the remaining period even after menestration. so dont go for any woman without thorough preparation and strength.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your concerns. Why do you think a man needs to have more strength if a woman is on her period?
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your concerns. Why do you think a man needs to have more strength if a woman is on her period?
ts not right guyz. ts nasty
ts not right guyz. ts nasty and unhealthy…..Get ur minds right and stop misleading people……Come on
Why do you think it’s
Why do you think it’s unhealthy?
Thank you for clearing the
Thank you for clearing the air on this issue,i am a medical practitioner who has been encouraging the same…makes the woman see how much you appreciate them.
Thanks Musa!
Thanks Musa!
i used condom en was soooo…
i used condom en was soooo…. sweet than b4 oh
Enjoy, Emmy!
Enjoy, Emmy!
Interesting facts.This is an
Interesting facts.This is an eye opening article and gives the view from the other side.WOMEN read this!
Thanks! Feel free to share
Thanks! Feel free to share this as well!
Well I dnt see anything bad
Well I dnt see anything bad in dat,its solely depends on d individual involved,my opinion though
We agree, May.
We agree, May.
Having sexual intercourse
Having sexual intercourse during monthly period is enjoyable.I love it wit ma gal.
Great, Joram!
Great, Joram!
I also don’t see anything
I also don’t see anything wrong having sex while she’s on her period
Cool, Siya!
Cool, Siya!
Sooo true ,,,my patner and I
Sooo true ,,,my patner and I have sex during my periods,,,and we both find it satisfying because I reach climax and he gets turned on ..
Enjoy, Bridgette!
Enjoy, Bridgette!
Sometimes it differs n also
Sometimes it differs n also depends on u 2.otherwise it can work only da husband was away n by coincidence he finds u with it.
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Shiku!
Oh God! Me nd My Partner We
Oh God! Me nd My Partner We’ve done it Twice…. And Wanna Do It More 🙂 No Harm At All
Thanks Shelton.
Thanks Shelton.
Thanx for the facts. I have
Thanx for the facts. I have tried it a couple of times and found it good .But it requires a flexible
le attitude.
That’s a good point!
That’s a good point!
It is unclean to fuck during
It is unclean to fuck during such time. Even the bible forbid that.
menstrual blood isn’t dirty. Also, we don’t subscribe to a certain faith, we aim at providing the scientific and health side of things, and from that end, nothing speaks against having sex while on your period.
It should be personal choice.
It should be personal choice. I once had sex with my girl friend when her periods were just ending. Two days later, i was itching and got serious rashes all over my penis! Be warned also that the sight of blood may be a great turn off!
Thanks Nick, for your input.
Thanks Nick, for your input. It’s unlikely that the rash was related to the blood; anything else that could have caused it?
wow…gona show this to my
wow…gona show this to my lady…hopa she gona like it coz i love doing that thing…will give it a try…
We hope it will all go well
We hope it will all go well for you two!
Its interesting caue we have
Its interesting caue we have our beliefs when it comes to this. I wonder if I try it what will happen…. wow we learn till we die. Y34L4
It’s a good thing we never
It’s a good thing we never stop learning 🙂
Still not certain about it
Still not certain about it having sex during menstruation. The heavy bleeding makes it uncomfortable plus some get turned off seing it. I really wanna try but im not sure of the response id get from my guy
You can try to have it during
You can try to have it during the lighter days, it doesn’t have to be during the heavy flow.
I can’t stand the smell,on my
I can’t stand the smell,on my penis hell no no
You don’t have to do it!
You don’t have to do it!
i tryed it den she became
i tryed it den she became pregnant…im scared to do it again
You should always use
You should always use contraception, even during her period.
Hi am on my contraceptives bt
Hi am on my contraceptives bt I sometimes go on my period how save is it to have sex while am going on my period, will I not get pregnant?
What method do you use?
What method do you use?
Am using the needle the one
Am using the needle the one for 3months depo nd its been 4 months since I’ve been using it sholud I change
Am using the needle the one
Am using the needle the one for 3months depo nd I’ve been using it for 4months should I change it
ive been doing it for 3years
ive been doing it for 3years now,and my gf love it cause it reduces those pains/crumps..taxi drivers like me used to jump the robot even it is closed#Red_For_Danger
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Thiza.
It smells bad and the sight
It smells bad and the sight of blood dripping everywhere is just too disgusting. Did it a few times and always regretted afterwards.
It’s no problem if it’s not
It’s no problem if it’s not for you!
It does fell right at all is
It does fell right at all is like im raped
does or doesn’t??
does or doesn’t??
friction and hight
friction and hight concetration of blood, how about sti’s n hiv
If both of you haven’t been
If both of you haven’t been tested you should definitely use condoms, period or no period.
ve done it severally n i alws
ve done it severally n i alws look foward 2 it,makes me feel appreciated even with mr red down there
Good for you, Tesh!
Good for you, Tesh!
This is amazng i ddnt knw
This is amazng i ddnt knw
Glad we could help!
Glad we could help!
Thank u very much for these
Thank u very much for these useful facts.
You are very welcome!
You are very welcome!
Tried it twice n de sex was
Tried it twice n de sex was extra special
Great, Winnie!
Great, Winnie!
I do it more often and its
I do it more often and its true the sex drive is awesome,,,and you’ll be so horny and you’ll enjoy big time
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience, Christinah!
I’m gonna a screen shot this
I’m gonna a screen shot this and send it to my girlfriend she’s totally against sex when she’s on her periods
If she doesn’t want to, that
If she doesn’t want to, that’s okay. Don’t try to convince her if she is not into it.
Leviticus 18 v 19
Leviticus 18 v 19
Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly periods
And according to Leviticus,
And according to Leviticus, we also shouldn’t shave, eat fat, or sell land.
At Love Matters, we aren’t associated with a certain faith. We present scientific facts, and scientifically, there is nothing wrong with having sex during menstruation. It is up to you to decide whether you can combine this with your faith or not.
dankie for the facts ……..
dankie for the facts …………. i knw i hv been practisin it for years now n am still healthy n enjoyin ma woman more
You are welcome!
You are welcome!
damn it’s all good we have
damn it’s all good we have been doing it like forever but I never knew about the facts, thank u
You are welcome!
You are welcome!
I dnt see a problem having
I dnt see a problem having sex during my periods,infact my bf is enjoying it & my period is not smelly.. It’s true when ur period is smelly its totaly turn off!!!
Thank for sharing your
Thank for sharing your thoughts, CC
I had tried it with my
I had tried it with my partner its safe but I actually didn’t comfortable doing it because he had to see my blood and my periods were short than I expected them to be
Miss P,
Miss P,
it’s okay if you don’t feel like doing it!
Tried it, loved it! haha
Tried it, loved it! haha
i had sex with my boyfriend
i had sex with my boyfriend and i was on periods bt the blood doenst stop
It doesn’t have to!
It doesn’t have to!
Yaa maybe we have to it me
Yaa maybe we have to it me and my partner because we were so much afraid of doing it during that period,do u think it will work?
If you are both afraid and
If you are both afraid and not up for it, don’t force it!
I use contraceptive nustrait
I use contraceptive nustrait injection n i nvr hv my periods while am on dat contraceptive,so i bleeded while making luv with my partner few days ago, wht could be wrong or went wrong
Very you very dry, Dorah? Did
Very you very dry, Dorah? Did it stop afterwards?
Sex during my periods is
Sex during my periods is helping me with my period pains 1 round pain gone
Why men then get sick after
Why men then get sick after sleeping with woman during her menstruation period. I fail to believe.
clarity on that one, if it was safe then why should we men encounter problems. I can understand if you’ll use condoms during that session not without…………………
It’s a myth that menstrual
It’s a myth that menstrual blood is in any way dirty. So as long as both are healthy, there shouldn’t be any problems.
No thanks! Myth or not i won
No thanks! Myth or not i won’t do it…
That’s totally fine, Jae!
That’s totally fine, Jae!
A f***n hate ppl hu r
A f***n hate ppl hu r judgemental…n again stop using d bible s your escape goat if u dnt undrstand ish…thou a hvnt tried it bt will surely do 1day, dats if ma partner wudnt mind.
Lol. Thanks for your
Lol. Thanks for your compassionate statement, Jerry!
Can a woman menstruate while
Can a woman menstruate while using contraceptives?
Depends on the contraceptive.
Depends on the contraceptive.
This is all nonsense you are
This is all nonsense you are misleading people, having sex with woman while she is mantruating is extremely dirty and disgusting too. It is biblicaly proven.
we don’t subscribe to a certain faith but state scientifically correct information. It’s up to you to decide what works with your faith and what doesn’t.
At least we have facts
At least we have facts
At least we have facts
At least we have facts
Wow this os insightful.
Wow this os insightful. Already my man and I don’t use a condom at all”my soulmate” and iv always been curious as to if he would be keen about doing it duting my cycle cause damn I’m a freak n I’m horny wheather im on n off my period. So I’m going to ask him this weekend n if he is game. Then its on”wink”
Good facts but eish hard to
Good facts but eish hard to believe them
How come, Ronny?
How come, Ronny?
I’ve done it before but eish
I’ve done it before but eish I’m afraid
What are you afraid of?
What are you afraid of?
Hell no, fu#k that
Hell no, fu#k that
It’s okay if it’s not for you
It’s okay if it’s not for you!
Devil he’s doing everything
Devil he’s doing everything to destroy souls. God have mercy
We provide scientifically
We provide scientifically correct information and don’t subscribe to a certain faith.
Another Myth that needs to be
Another Myth that needs to be busted I see clearly is that it is unbiblical….
The bible says if a man has sexual relations with a woman who is on her period he will be considered unclean. But NOWHERE does it state it MUSTN’T be done.
Please if you are going to use the bible as a weapon to justify your opinion make sure the bible really does back you up because now you just look like fools.
Leviticus 15:19-33 NLT
19 “Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening.
20 Anything on which the woman lies or sits during the time of her period will be unclean.
21 If any of you touch her bed, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
22 If you touch any object she has sat on, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
23 This includes her bed or any other object she has sat on; you will be unclean until evening if you touch it.
24 If a man has sexual intercourse with her and her blood touches him, her menstrual impurity will be transmitted to him. He will remain unclean for seven days, and any bed on which he lies will be unclean.
25 “If a woman has a flow of blood for many days that is unrelated to her menstrual period, or if the blood continues beyond the normal period, she is ceremonially unclean. As during her menstrual period, the woman will be unclean as long as the discharge continues.
26 Any bed she lies on and any object she sits on during that time will be unclean, just as during her normal menstrual period.
27 If any of you touch these things, you will be ceremonially unclean. You must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water, and you will remain unclean until evening.
28 “When the woman’s bleeding stops, she must count off seven days. Then she will be ceremonially clean.
29 On the eighth day she must bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons and present them to the priest at the entrance of the Tabernacle.
30 The priest will offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. Through this process, the priest will purify her before the LORD for the ceremonial impurity caused by her bleeding.
31 “This is how you will guard the people of Israel from ceremonial uncleanness. Otherwise they would die, for their impurity would defile my Tabernacle that stands among them.
32 These are the instructions for dealing with anyone who has a bodily discharge—a man who is unclean because of an emission of semen
33 or a woman during her menstrual period. It applies to any man or woman who has a bodily discharge, and to a man who has sexual intercourse with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.”
And according to Leviticus,
And according to Leviticus, we also shouldn’t shave, eat fat, or sell land.
At Love Matters, we aren’t associated with a certain faith. We present scientific facts, and scientifically, there is nothing wrong with having sex during menstruation. It is up to you to decide whether you can combine this with your faith or not.
Uuuumh,not sure
Uuuumh,not sure
That’s okay!
That’s okay!
but people these are not
but people these are not facts but opinions from Drs just coz he is qualified and shit it don’t make dem smart…..imagine having sex with a girl on high blood menstro flow. These are opinions and we need to be careful of what these Drs or whoever dey are say.
I’v done it many times,and we
I’v done it many times,and we enjoyed it! I prefer doing it when am starting or about to finish my period to avoid blood mess
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience, Hazel!
These people busy telling us
These people busy telling us about the bible are really irritating… If u feel like its too much of a sin FOR YOU cool… Keep it to yourself. Stop trying to be Jesus trying to save the world… I know your type of people… forever telling people they are sinners while you have a bitter heart>> To me thats the greatest sin of all. So please get of people’s way nd let them live life… NICE TIPS BY THE WAY @LOVE MATTERS
Thank you, Anon!
Thank you, Anon!
I simply love it cos Im most
I simply love it cos Im most turned on at that time of the month! ha! 😛
My lover loves it BECAUSE of that and he has no harm-to-the-penis issues hahaha! Its very wild and animal when we do….
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Thabi.
Sex during period!! Hell NO!
Sex during period!! Hell NO! , blood on my dick NO!.
If it’s not for you, it’s
If it’s not for you, it’s okay!
My girl says she loves anal
My girl says she loves anal during her periods…
Nothing wrong with that,
Nothing wrong with that, either.
Real fact
Real fact
Is it?
Is it?
Im sterilized nd still get my
Im sterilized nd still get my periods normal, is it posible fr me to get pregnant havin sex during my periods ?
A tubal litigation only
A tubal litigation only blocks the Fallopian tubes, that’s why you still get periods. However, if don’t correctly, you should not be able to get pregnant.
Mmm you guys are helping
Mmm you guys are helping otherz in many ways keep it up
We will thank you!
We will thank you!
For me it was never about the
For me it was never about the health or anything like that but it’s just nasty bruh come on!!
That’s totally fine. You don
That’s totally fine. You don’t have to do it 🙂
Yeah its safe……..but neah
Yeah its safe……..but neah its not a okay for me
That’s fine, Valdez!
That’s fine, Valdez!
sex during the periods to me
sex during the periods to me I see it un clean and not worth!!
it’s fine that it’s not for you, but please don’t think of menstrual blood as dirty.
i can’t see my period after
i can’t see my period after using injection now m struggling to get pregnant as my doctor told me that i can’t be pregnant if i don’t see my period.what can i do mara to get my period back
after stopping with injections, it can take a while for your hormonal balance to get back to normal. Don’t stress, it will happen!
sex is my favourite
sex is my favourite especially when l am at my periods,l do it to reveal my period pains:-( cramps:-) even my days have reduced to three bt l could go for more than 7days
Well done, Ednah!
Well done, Ednah!
I’ve always known that when a
I’ve always known that when a woman menstruate it simply meang that the egg cell has bursted, how does it happen she falls pregnant?
And another thing how long does a sperm cell survive in a women’s uterus?
I’ve always known that when a
I’ve always known that when a woman menstruate it simply meang that the egg cell has bursted, how does it happen she falls pregnant?
And another thing how long does a sperm cell survive in a women’s uterus?
check out this article for more info on the menstrual cycle:
And sperm can survive for a few days in a woman’s body.
It is not bad.
It is not bad.
Have you tried?
Have you tried?
Culture and its norms is
Culture and its norms is denying us good things…i personaly dnt mind but i meet guys who r not willing….
Do you know why they aren’t
Do you know why they aren’t willing?
Culture and its norms is
Culture and its norms is denying us good things huh! well its culture over science as a motswana i go with culture thor um willing to go with science
That’s very true.
That’s very true.
My girl gave it to me while
My girl gave it to me while she’s on a period, I said “Yuck” I pumped that thing and we ain’t got NO WORRIES.
Will you still be saying
Will you still be saying ‘yuck’ next time?
sex during her period so cool
sex during her period so cool that i can tell she definitely enjoys more, tho at beginning she was hesitant, now she cant wait
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience, Kim.
I didn’t know its sweet until
I didn’t know its sweet until, when my hubby came from a safari and he humbly requested, I gave in just realize it was the best sex ever. it works.
nna I HV a question is it
nna I HV a question is it possible for a women to be in her period for a month or more
That sounds like there could
That sounds like there could be an issue. It would be best to go see a doctor.
it is possible for a women to
it is possible for a women to be in her period for a month or more
For most wrman myself
For most wrman myself included sex while bleeding is very unclean…. I say so because it smells rather not well….at time after bath it’s not so bad..
.however I have been to a point where me and my lover just couldn’t take our hands off each other and it didn’t matter how heavy I was we just wanted each other and so…. we did it..
I’m HIV+ sex with us is always protected and during this time I was afraid he will really hate the idea cost blood will be all over him around the condom and partly on his belly…. but we very informed and know the dos and don’t
We had an amazing time and I’m sure we could do it again but I’d rather not…..it’s just so not registering…. as safe…even if it…. we wait….. and on last day.. we like rabits on heat….lol
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Leviticus 18:19 Do not
Leviticus 18:19 Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleannness of her monthly period.
And according to Leviticus,
And according to Leviticus, we also shouldn’t shave, eat fat, or sell land.
At Love Matters, we aren’t associated with a certain faith. We present scientific facts, and scientifically, there is nothing wrong with having sex during menstruation. It is up to you to decide whether you can combine this with your faith or not.
I want to try this one out.
I want to try this one out.
You think your partner would
You think your partner would be up for it?
Leviticus 18:19 ‘Also you
Leviticus 18:19 ‘Also you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness during her menstrual impurity.
And according to Leviticus,
And according to Leviticus, we also shouldn’t shave, eat fat, or sell land.
At Love Matters, we aren’t associated with a certain faith. We present scientific facts, and scientifically, there is nothing wrong with having sex during menstruation. It is up to you to decide whether you can combine this with your faith or not.
hy i hv try it guyz,its kwl
hy i hv try it guyz,its kwl hvn sex durng perds m n my prtnr enjyd it…gv it a try den cmnt bck
Thanks, Mulalo!
Thanks, Mulalo!
I actually had to prove this
I actually had to prove this theory to my fiancee and he loved it. He did not get sick, i did not feel any pain rather i felt more pleasure and the fact that im not heavy flow helped a lot. Rather do it after taking a shower if you are worried about the smell. And since we started doing it, i no longer experince menstrual pains and my cycle is perfect and also did not get pregnant so id say the facts are 110% correct
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience!
I feel more Pains when I have
I feel more Pains when I have sex during my period! I want to get rid of this period pains what can I do!
Blood can cause friction.
Blood can cause friction. Have you tried using extra lubricant?
Have had my periods for more
Have had my periods for more then 7 days now,but it has ben heavy in da recent days I normally go for 5 days and this is the first time it is like this,no pains as such just minior period pains,what should I do or use to stop this?
Sometimes, hormonal changes,
Sometimes, hormonal changes, sickness or stress can cause changes in period patterns. If it doesn’t go away soon, it would be best to see a doctor.
I’m going to try this
I’m going to try this
Enjoy, Noku 🙂
Enjoy, Noku 🙂
Sounds interesting. But, I
Sounds interesting. But, I just can’t go against my religious teachings.
That’s fine!
That’s fine!
Sex during period is unclean
Sex during period is unclean nkt…go away with your poinless facts
unclean by which standards? Because menstrual blood isn’t dirty.
Fred what is unclean about
Fred what is unclean about having sex if a lady is on her period(s) ? pls don’t talk about the bible tell us what you know and have seen.
I usually do it wen m on my
I usually do it wen m on my period, n it relieves the pains I usually go through wen m on periods…..and its also healthy I dont see theres anything wrong..and I also disagree with those who hide behind de bible to be quick on judging ppl…cause u might find they got lot of sins than those who hav sex during the periods.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your input!
I love it n so is to my
I love it n so is to my partner. It helps in lubrication. After that, you take a good shower.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience, Jane!
I’m a religious man and the
I’m a religious man and the good Book says we need to stay away from women during this period, how do you negate that? It’s like buying a car and the manufacturer says use leaded petrol and as the user you say I’ll use super and still expect the car to perform optimally. Or am I missing something? Just wondering, by the way I am a man.
At Love Matters, we aren’t associated with a certain faith. We present scientific facts, and scientifically, there is nothing wrong with having sex during menstruation. It is up to you to decide whether you can combine this with your faith or not.
And just fyi, according to Leviticus, we also shouldn’t shave, eat fat, or sell land 🙂
I did sex with someone who
I did sex with someone who had period now my penis flows a thick white fluid please help me
please see a doctor about this. We aren’t able to tell you what it is without seeing it for a proper diagnosis.
U see God is punishing u how
U see God is punishing u how can u Av sex with a woman on her period its a sin and the bible says that a woman is found unclean and also everyone that lies down with her or touches her is also considered unclean……pray to God to forgive u….
Said that is a sign of an STI
Said that is a sign of an STI infection. You need to visit the hospital as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.
i have tried it. it is good
i have tried it. it is good
That interesting
That interesting
Why do you feel so Simon?
Why do you feel so Simon?
The true fact is having sex
The true fact is having sex when girl is on her period is not good atoll coz we find that many diseases are being transmitted through blood majorly,so by the time you’re lying on the real blood of your girlfriend do think u will be safe even if you wear bullet proof, you can’t come out that you’re safe. This idea with the little knowledge I had is ment for only couple who had reach at the second stage of life. BT youths I bleed with you let’s back off of this idea.
Falix, Whether one has sex
Falix, Whether one has sex during menstruation or not the chances of getting exposed to infections are there if the partner is infected and if they are not using protection. Menstruation does not increase the chances of one becoming infected. But its good to always be safe.
its feels awesome
its feels awesome
i love it more when she is
i love it more when she is having her period becoz during this period her vagina is so warm that meks sex more sweeter.
Thanks Raph for your input.
Thanks Raph for your input.
i agree…thumbs-up!
i agree…thumbs-up!
Good 🙂
Good 🙂
Woow i better try this with
Woow i better try this with my boyfriend..i have always denied him sex during my periods…
Woow i better try this with
Woow i better try this with my boyfriend..i have always denied him sex during my periods…
Woow i better try this with
Woow i better try this with my boyfriend..i have always denied him sex during my periods…
Woow i better try this with
Woow i better try this with my boyfriend..i have always denied him sex during my periods…
Woow i better try this with
Woow i better try this with my boyfriend..i have always denied him sex during my periods…
Go for it Ann. Come back and
Go for it Ann. Come back and share the experience with us.
Exactly. I do like your
Exactly. I do like your explanation of having sex during menstruation period.
Thanks Amos.
Thanks Amos.
tried,bt nting wnt bad!
tried,bt nting wnt bad!
Good 🙂 .
Good 🙂 .
My girl friend concieved
My girl friend concieved eventhough j slept with her wen she was in her period,,4me j thought it was the safe way but again it brought me that,,what was the cause
Franklyne, a woman can
Franklyne, a woman can conceive any time of her cycle. Sorry you didn’t know this sooner.
If God says no, nobody can
If God says no, nobody can say yes
Danny everyone believes in
Danny everyone believes in what they want.
Plz Follow Bible Teachings
Plz Follow Bible Teachings.Amen.
Everyone has their believes
Everyone has their believes Virgin.
once tried.embarrassing but
once tried.embarrassing but great
Thanks for sharing that Okech
Thanks for sharing that Okech.
Hv 2 Try With Ma Partner Xo
Hv 2 Try With Ma Partner Xo As To Prove, Biblical Unholy.
Go ahead and try Johnson.
Go ahead and try Johnson.
Dat sound interesting I
Dat sound interesting I thought dat blood was unclean. Pliz help mi. I work abroad bt I hv only one month to make ma wife pregnant which is best time for mi. Is it immediately after prds or towards period???? N how can I notice if hv hit da jack pot
The best time would be during
The best time would be during her ovulation. You should get ovulation kits and get to test when she’s ovulating. But having sex regularly through the month will also increase your chances. Your wife should also be relaxed and stress free to improve her chances of getting pregnant.
Av neva tried..is having sex
Av neva tried..is having sex a day or two days after menstrution periods safe from pregnancy?
No Jymo, a woman can become
No Jymo, a woman can become pregnant anytime of her cycle.
having sex with the woman who
having sex with the woman who’s in her menstrual period is not bad . but the fact is that u should all tests your blood Negatively
Yes people should test
Yes people should test regularly to keep their health in check.
why is it always womens deny
why is it always womens deny sex during mentruation coz they fear to be pregnated n then what really sure pregnancy will occur in awoman???!
Victor women can get pregnant
Victor women can get pregnant even during their period and therefore should exercise caution by using contraceptives.
ill gve a try …though
ill gve a try …though smells pu!
Go for it , its not that
Go for it , its not that pungent.
its very tru…..av tried it
its very tru…..av tried it severally..it has no problem at ol
Thanks for sharing Reetah.
Thanks for sharing Reetah.
The best moment ever its jxt
The best moment ever its jxt wow
Menstral blood is rich in
Menstral blood is rich in protein!
Zachary am not sure what you
Zachary am not sure what you are getting at?
is it harmful fr a lady to
is it harmful fr a lady to use pill fr a long period of time?can it affect.
Nancy its not harmful, even
Nancy its not harmful, even though in some cases it temporally might cause a bit of delay in return of fertility.
To me I don’t have any pblm
To me I don’t have any pblm with those who ‘re doing it by that time bt me I hate it cos my partner , during that period time, u don’t even want to extent near her cos of the very very heavy smell wch comes out of her.
Robert if the smell is too
Robert if the smell is too strong you might want to go for a check up for a possible infection. Its not supposed to be that foul.
thx so much fo this
thx so much fo this ellustration
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
is not bad I want to do it
is not bad I want to do it now she always request for more if she is raining
Go for it Abdi.
Go for it Abdi.
Tanx for the advise
Tanx for the advise
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
from experience it’s sweeter
from experience it’s sweeter during those periods.
Thank you for sharing that
Thank you for sharing that with us Mickey.
Tanx for the education
Tanx for the education
It’s not a pervasive MYTH!!!!
It’s not a pervasive MYTH!!!!!!!!!wat kind of a post is this IT IS FORBIDDEN FROM THE BIBLE having sex with a woman on ha monthly periods is considered as unclean….some ppl love doing the opposite may the Good Lord have mercy on u guyz
I mean….how do u start fckin smone who has blood down thea shit…..No wonder it’s only 144,000 ppl going to heaven as Revelation says…plz ppl don’t let other ppl mislead u….knw UA God and respect the Bible
I am now learned
I am now learned
good 🙂
good 🙂
It’s not a pervasive MYTH!!!!
It’s not a pervasive MYTH!!!!!!!!!wat kind of a post is this IT IS FORBIDDEN FROM THE BIBLE having sex with a woman on ha monthly periods is considered as unclean….some ppl love doing the opposite may the Good Lord have mercy on u guyz
I mean….how do u start fckin smone who has blood down thea shit…..No wonder it’s only 144,000 ppl going to heaven as Revelation says…plz ppl don’t let other ppl mislead u….knw UA God and respect the Bible
Everyone has their believes
Everyone has their believes Terry. Thanks for sharing yours.
My wife lost her sexual
My wife lost her sexual desire after giving birth to a second born, can her state be restored back please?
Yes it can Paul, but you need
Yes it can Paul, but you need to find out what caused that change first so that you can deal with that issue.
I usually do that to my own
I usually do that to my own,we usually enjoy!
#No big deal
Thanks for sharing that Moh.
Thanks for sharing that Moh.
will tryd t once with my
will tryd t once with my pattrn but ts cool. mind U make sure both of u YOU STATUS NEGATIVE ,NO sick ***AIDS****
Thanks Keith for the input.
Thanks Keith for the input.
When will a woman conceive?,
When will a woman conceive?, is it after her period?, or during?
Kidega a woman can conceive
Kidega a woman can conceive anytime of her cycle.
Its unclean cos 2 much
Its unclean cos 2 much lubrication is unenjoyable.& remember those blood are not naturaly made 4 those purposes u listed above.
Dews how is lubrication un
Dews how is lubrication un-enjoyable? Read our article on lubrication https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/wetter-better
These pple pretent to know
These pple pretent to know the bible…they should also know to use the new testerment…besides this is why most marriages fail…they aftraid to try new things….still copping our ancestors in love matterss….pleeeeeas spare me
Thanks for your input .
Thanks for your input .
its actually the coolest sex
its actually the coolest sex eva… was afraid before n had to use a condom, but stil it doesnt look nice
Thanks for your input Mkenya.
Thanks for your input Mkenya.
Its fine
Its fine
I contest point 3. I can
I contest point 3. I can safely say scientifically, there is no chance of getting pregnant after during and after menstruation as the sperm can hardly survive for more than 36 hours inside a woman’s reproductive system. The big question is, “When will all the hormones involved jn menstruation be secreted until the subsequent ovulation happen?” Remember on average it takes about 14 days for maturation and release of another egg
Hilary the flip side to this
Hilary the flip side to this story is, some women release two eggs and while one is being shed (menstruation) the other one is ready for fertilization. Therefore its possible to still become pregnant during those times.
Waoo….,i can’t just imagine
Waoo….,i can’t just imagine some one saying menstrual blood it aint dirty,look some one has gone for work since morning while in her mp,then her boss snacks her from there without ashower before,u call such asituation is clean? scenario 2,mp blood is acombination of worn out dead tissue/cells & blood -have started decomposing giving offensive smell,where is the cleaniliness from,ha ha ha ….sex in menses is neva clean and i can not dare do .
Menstrual blood is a mixture of healthy blood and the discarded tissues that line the uterus each month in preparation for pregnancy. There is nothing that is decomposing. One can always have a shower after a long day they don’t have to engage in sex without cleaning up. Having offensive smell is a matter of hygiene. But thanks for your input.
I have ever tried it and I
I have ever tried it and I think its fine
it helped me reduce on the cramps and it was fun too
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us..
i tried once but …..
i tried once but …..
But what Paccles?
But what Paccles?
waaah i knw nothing but i
waaah i knw nothing but i will try it one day.
Go for it Faluja!
Go for it Faluja!
its so awesome cant wait to
its so awesome cant wait to hav it once mo
Nice 🙂
Nice 🙂
I have to try this for sure
I have to try this for sure
Go for it Sam.
Go for it Sam.
4 sure it determines wth each
4 sure it determines wth each and every1 in da couple, i av heard sme pple say that women smells badly during mp, according to me tiz false, it depends on ua woman, blif me or nt there b4 i was like i cnt do it, bt now aday i normally do it like my hoppi, frankly its swt n com4table coz the time u bgins sex tht blood dries abit, n my yv cherishes me 4 having sex wth her during sex, the act shows tht u truly luv her. allow me 2 ask opositions of this motion smthing esp men, how cud u feel whn ua partner walks away coz u av a problem? 2 me i do it 2 shw my wife tht i adole her wth true luv n i luv her evn time of trouble,
Thank you Festo for your
Thank you Festo for your input and sharing with us your experience.
Its swt i enjoyed wt ma huny
Its swt i enjoyed wt ma huny.it has no harm to anyone.infact she demands it during periods more than other days an i love it too
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
I cant sleep with woman
I cant sleep with woman during her menestrual time!thatz dirty!
Ekisa thanks for sharing with
Ekisa thanks for sharing with us, but you can’t know you are missing until you try it.
This Can Lead 2 Easy Spread
This Can Lead 2 Easy Spread Of Diseases 2 A Man When A Man Has Sores On The Penis
We are talking in a scenario
We are talking in a scenario where the couple is healthy. But even if the couple has sex when its not during the period they can still pass infection if one is infected and the don’t use protection.
why do I bleed a lot wen I
why do I bleed a lot wen I hv sex while in periods
Sex might sometimes accelerate the period but its still the same period one could have had.
i wil try next wk
i wil try next wk
Go for it Ken.
Go for it Ken.
To hell with you scientist
To hell with you scientist trying to overturn God’s laws.now invent your heaven.promoting evil with God given brains.God will take away knowledge from you,trying to invent that which is opposite to God’s Holy Word
Enock, everyone is entitled
Enock, everyone is entitled to their own believes. Thanks for sharing
have nt tried bt am nt alxo
have nt tried bt am nt alxo nearly 2do coz ma partner cnnt axcpt it flng 2 hve prgnnce.
You can use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy if its the reason holding you back from trying it.
It was really crazy wen we
It was really crazy wen we did it with ma GF but its really cool in de dark… lolz
Thanks Kats for sharing your
Thanks Kats for sharing your experience.
Sounds interesting but my
Sounds interesting but my religion don’t allow this
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
i oftenly feel pain wenever i
i oftenly feel pain wenever i hav sex…i never enjoy at all.wat cud b the problem? plz help
Hi Lilian kindly visit the
Hi Lilian kindly visit the hospital for check up and further assistance.
can a woman have,sex,when she
can a woman have,sex,when she is in her period nd will she get pregnant
Ada yes a woman can have sex
Ada yes a woman can have sex on her period if she wants to and yes she can become pregnant. Its always important to think about pregnancy before sex.
it not good in a who culture
it not good in a who culture it a taboos
People have different
People have different believes Kangani but thanks for sharing yours.
i experience alot of pain
i experience alot of pain during my period…wouldnt it hurt more if i were to do sex during my periods?
Jay sex does not increase
Jay sex does not increase pain during menstruation.
i have tried having sex on my
i have tried having sex on my period,
sometimes its painful and uncomfortable,
so i kinda shy away nowdays.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience Bee.
I have never try it for the
I have never try it for the first time
Go ahead and try it if you
Go ahead and try it if you want to.
Guys, having sex during
Guys, having sex during mestrual periods is safe n healthy. The act itself is wow because the lady’s hormones are at its top. I’ve been doing it oftenly and I must say its fantastic and more pleasurable.
Thank you Renee for sharing
Thank you Renee for sharing your experience with us 🙂 .
i think its the high time we
i think its the high time we stop behaving such…how can u go against Biblical teachings
Every one has their believes
Every one has their believes Basi. You choose what you want as we are accountable for ourselves.
plz make me to know this,
plz make me to know this, when does a woman can get pregnant, before or after his menstrual?
A woman can become pregnant
A woman can become pregnant any time of her cycle.
I had sex with ma wife to be
I had sex with ma wife to be en it was fantastic, but after two days, she felt serious pain while urinating en de pain increased leading me to take her for medical check up finding that she’d broke some passages…. so according to ma experience, i argue u not to have it till de mps end. NYC tym members!!
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience Bashir. Its the first time we have heard of that hope she is well now.
Me have not tried but am
Me have not tried but am going to give a chance and feel for myself
Go for it Kevin. Come back
Go for it Kevin. Come back and share the experience with us.
I do it and enjoy it. Don’t
I do it and enjoy it. Don’t see anything bad or dirty in it.
Thanks Isaac for sharing your
Thanks Isaac for sharing your experience.
Menstruation blood stench,u
Menstruation blood stench,u will never enjoy because even the lubrication from blood “cracks” . To put the Bible aside and all those scientific findings, people should use there common sense and nostrils…
Alfey have you tried it yet?
Alfey have you tried it yet?
its even more sweet when you
its even more sweet when you have it during periods but some ladies wouldn’t try because they become afraid of how guys would take them..There’s no worry .You just have to enquire from your partner and see how she or he feels about it…its not something strange and sorry to say that for those who bring bible issues to love matters,it doesn’t work .
Thank you Paul for your
Thank you Paul for your insightful input.
My gal fren dsnt allow me to
My gal fren dsnt allow me to ,during ha piriodz she says its uncom4tble thou i dnt bliv in tht she cnt allow me to do it
LLahm for some women its
LLahm for some women its uncomfortable for different reasons, like they don’t feel clean which is still fine.
Sex during menses is soo nyc
Sex during menses is soo nyc when u do it with a virgin or a lady who still have a “tght” pussy av tested. If u do it with a mother to ua kids, then regrets will come your way becoz extra lubrication also hurts.
Thanks Ken, but how does
Thanks Ken, but how does extra lubricants hurt?
I always didn’t give a damn
I always didn’t give a damn wich day it was 2 have sex only that i thought it harmed my partner.If It truly has no harm,am going 2 enjoy this.sex 365/24/7.
Go ahead and enjoy Ronald.
Go ahead and enjoy Ronald.
we tried it with my woman cz
we tried it with my woman cz she was living n would take long before we meet again …it was amazingly wow! she appreciated it n after that had shower together..
wow thanks Bahati for sharing
wow thanks Bahati for sharing your experience with us.
Is it possible for a gal to
Is it possible for a gal to have her periods after every 2 weeks?
Yes the cycle can change
Yes the cycle can change because of different reasons and can come twice in one month.
I hve tried to my one and i
I hve tried to my one and i cldnt see any problem but wht i actully not hppy wth it ok thnks u’ve updated me
You are welcome Prosper.
You are welcome Prosper.
can exercise halter women’s
can exercise halter women’s cycle becz i hv a fred who told m dat wen. thy were being traing 4 nys d ladies who were there lost there menses s there any scientific fact behind dat????
the menstruation cycle can change for different reasons like change in diet, change in climate and change is stress levels but not exercise. So it could have been because of one of those reasons.
wow av learnt quite alot!!
wow av learnt quite alot!!
Good 🙂
Good 🙂
i’ll just try&c
i’ll just try&c
Come back and share the
Come back and share the experience with us.
you know what? no body would
you know what? no body would like to play a menstrating pussy and please if u two are not in a deep love relationship, trust me u stand chances of not playing sex again coz the pussy is ever extra moist that makes t too loose to hold the penis and smelley,,,xo please please and please do it with someone reliable whom u knw better and trust! thanks nway! buh the act has no negative impact on human life.
Thanks for your input Joshua.
Thanks for your input Joshua.
sex during period is unclean
sex during period is unclean and please don’t mislead the public
Al-Haji everyone has their
Al-Haji everyone has their believes, thanks for sharing yours.
We do it all th time. …In
We do it all th time. …In fact I m going to do it now….its is wrong according to th Bible. ..buhh one more sin mks no difference. ..
Thanks for your input Mired.
Thanks for your input Mired.
biblically its not allowed so
biblically its not allowed so science comes after God
Prince every one has their
Prince every one has their beliefs. Thanks for your input.
Aobakwe I can give you the
Aobakwe I can give you the experience. Are you willing? I hate seeing people missing out
Sorry we can’t help you with
Sorry we can’t help you with that..
Its just breaking age long
Its just breaking age long myths on sex. But we welcome your opinion.
What do you think?
What do you think?
no problem at ol av tried
no problem at ol av tried once,swit as usual..
Thanks Lubz for sharing that
Thanks Lubz for sharing that with us.
i will go to try tat lesson
i will go to try tat lesson
Come back and share our
Come back and share our experience with us Davido.
I’m on my period now nd I’m
I’m on my period now nd I’m dying for sex should I confront my bf?
Go for it Dwayne.
Go for it Dwayne.
Go for it ! I recommend a
Go for it ! I recommend a towel under you. If he’s really up tight use a condom. If you can’t get him to have sex, have mutual masturbation. It might get him horny enough to do it. Also let him know cunnilingus is okay.
i have tried t n ges wht,,,
i have tried t n ges wht,,,,tx nt bad or anythng lyk tht ,,,infact t felt gr8 n we both loved t,,
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Jeff.
Hi, can a coil b misplaced by
Hi, can a coil b misplaced by having some styles? i usualy fear during sex bcs i got a coil
Hi Sue, sex styles cannot
Hi Sue, sex styles cannot affect the coil so don’t hold back have fun.
hv a question is it advisable
hv a question is it advisable 4 a woman having sex with her chick during her last day in periods n knt that she doesnt have any protection or family planing.
Sophie, a woman can become
Sophie, a woman can become pregnant any time of her cycle and that’s why its always important to think about protection first..
Sex during this tym was
Sex during this tym was always lke a story to me until I tried iit ….my outcome was best sex Eva coz my partner enjoyed it more nd culdnt wait for the next shot ….hahahahahaha………guys u are tryna go against it should because of the norms shud try it frst
Thanks Davy for sharing your
Thanks Davy for sharing your experience with us.
is it harmful for a guy to
is it harmful for a guy to have sex without condom during period.
Diana, as long as both of you
Diana, as long as both of you are healthy its not harmful.
Av once tried &it left me
Av once tried &it left me wanting more n more
Thanks for sharing George.
Thanks for sharing George. Hope you get more and more.
Its too sweet when u do sex
Its too sweet when u do sex during period
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing.
I do spend with my girl
I do spend with my girl during this time coz she is always horny and i can’t let her unsatified. . .i do use contraceptives yeah bt i’ll one day try unprotectd one if i’ll be ready to take the responsibilties of the outcome,
Thanks for sharing that
Thanks for sharing that Wesonga.
your topic is just making me
your topic is just making me eager for sex,am a 27yrs man and i have never tested a woman,s nakedness.someone may doubt this
Hi Oliver there is nothing
Hi Oliver there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Hold on for as long as you want to. When you are ready you will enjoy as much as you want.
The pussy is sure much juicer
The pussy is sure much juicer and we both enjoyed it the first time and couldn’t resist a repeat performance it’s really worth it.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Adeola.
ummmh, i had with my g.f BT
ummmh, i had with my g.f BT she cried after seeing blood, knowing dat i will chuck her.
Hi Mark, what do you mean by
Hi Mark, what do you mean by you will chuck her?
I always enjoy it
I always enjoy it
That’s great Lynet!
That’s great Lynet!
am longing 2 concieve bt i hv
am longing 2 concieve bt i hv never got dat chance, which days n de cycle are more fertile please..!
Hi Juliet,
Hi Juliet,
The most fertile time to get pregnant is during ovulation. Ovulation takes place about 14 days after the first day of your period.
sex during that time is
sex during that time is sweeter ,the vagina become more hotter and slippery
Thanks for sharing Arms.
Thanks for sharing Arms.
Have done dat many times and
Have done dat many times and it is always cool though most girls always think it is only a dirty guys dat does dat. I mean having sex wen they are seeing their period.
Thanks for sharing that with
Thanks for sharing that with us Freedom.
is it true that use of pills
is it true that use of pills can bring problems when u want to get pregnant, e.g miscarring?
Improper use of pills is
Improper use of pills is discouraged but pills are generally safe if used correctly.
many people will nt go to
many people will nt go to heave bcz of lust…..thats going against bble teachings….may God help uh
Everyone has a right to
Everyone has a right to believe what they feel and think is their truth. We are not supposed to judge or condemn anyone.
I did sex having my period,
I did sex having my period, since then I started experiencing much of pain & releasing thick dark blood could it b its because of managing sex during my period please???
Hi Terrie, having thick blood
Hi Terrie, having thick blood has nothing to do with sex, that is normal for some girls to have clots during their menstrual cycle.
I had a couple of this
I had a couple of this experiences, unresistable as everytime on this time she get easily aroused n enjy each other.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Hey guys it is possible to
Hey guys it is possible to get pregnant after 1day of period?
Hi Tumie, one can become
Hi Tumie, one can become pregnant during anytime of the cycle. That is why its important to consider use of contraceptives before engaging in sex to prevent unintended pregnancy.
Is it possible for a woman to
Is it possible for a woman to still get pregnant on her free period?
Yes Smart. A woman can become
Yes Smart. A woman can become pregnant anytime of her cycle.
our community beleives that
our community beleives that whenever you have sex during this time, you are always having bad luck in whatever you go thrue.
does it realy happen?
Hello Asiaya,
Hello Asiaya,
We can only give factual information but we cannot verify community beliefs.
Its may bCulturally
Its may bCulturally Unaccptble bt i thnk we kn try 4 own wow!
Thanks for your input Julie.
Thanks for your input Julie.
HW safe is it having sex when
HW safe is it having sex when yu stl have periods?
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with having sex during the period. Its safe .
me en mi wife dont care we do
me en mi wife dont care we do it any tym we feel lyk wether shez in period or not, en weve never got any prob, thx
Thanks for sharing your story
Thanks for sharing your story with us SF.
Simply the best discussion I
Simply the best discussion I ave heard of
Thank you Robert.
Thank you Robert.
I normally fine hard to use
I normally fine hard to use contraceptives with my girlfriend, which other way is much safe to avoid pregnancy?
Which contraceptive are you using, and why do you find it difficult to use it?
Read more about contraceptives here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/birth-control-methods .
how many weeks will it take 4
how many weeks will it take 4 a lady 2 become pregnant after menstration
Ovulation takes place 14 days
Ovulation takes place 14 days from the time one starts menstruation. This is the time one is most likely to get pregnant.
It is however worth noting that one can still become pregnant at any point in the menstrual cycle.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/getting-pregnant .
me i use contraceptives bt it
me i use contraceptives bt it makes ma breasts painful and whenever i go into ma period i bleed alot and take long to finish en even i dnt get less appetite of sex
so i dnt knw if dat one z safe
Hi Lyra,
Hi Lyra,
Which contraceptive method are you using?
I feel so in love with her…
I feel so in love with her during this period….besides its just a fluid like my sperms…why should i feel wierd when i get into contact with it.I
Hello Wincy, …
Hello Wincy,
I like your attitude. Thank you for sharing.
what couse pain during period
what couse pain during period
Hey Githua, Period pain is…
Hey Githua, Period pain is unfortunately normal, most women will experience it. Check out this article on what causes it and how you can lessen the pain. https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/dealing-with-period-pain
Thanks for the facts but…
Thanks for the facts but what does the Bible say about this, besides it what you as human think do you feel sweet, good, nice to swim into that blood? i wd not advise any one to do it please if you love your partner wait until she is back to the normal ways.
Hey Samuel, we appreciate…
Hey Samuel, we appreciate your contribution.
is it true a gal feels much…
is it true a gal feels much pain during sex when she’s in period than normal days???
Hi Ken, this may not be true…
Hi Ken, this may not be true especially because everybody has a different experience. However, sex can help relieve the pain during periods. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Really…Interesting. I didn…
Really…Interesting. I didn’t know all this.
Hey, you are welcome.
Hey, you are welcome.
Can some1 av sex during…
Can some1 av sex during menstruation
nd she wont get pregnant
Hey Elisabeth, one can have…
Hey Elisabeth, one can have sex during menstruation. There is however a small chance that one could get pregnant especially if they have a short menstrual period. If one wants to avoid getting pregnant, it is best to use contraceptives even during their periods. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
I experience alot of pain…
I experience alot of pain during my period time can sex help relieve my pain?
Hey Rose, Reaching an orgasm…
Hey Rose, Reaching an orgasm during your period may give you pain relief from cramps by releasing pain-reducing endorphins into the bloodstream. Also, sex during this time provides further relief by using up chemicals, which are responsible for menstrual cramps. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
this is the real fact
this is the real fact
Hi Everlyne, we appreciate…
Hi Everlyne, we appreciate the feedback.
If u have a gf 4 4y how you…
If u have a gf 4 4y how you ask if she I virgin
Hey ggii, if you are…
Hey ggii, if you are planning to have sex, it is important that you talk about it. There are a number of issues you need to talk about including how you plan to prevent unplanned pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infection. You can also talk about whether you have had sex in the past or whether you are both virgins. Have a look at the following articles for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/is-my-partner-a-virgin
If u have a gf 4 4y then HV…
If u have a gf 4 4y then HV sex with her how would u now if she is virgin
Hey GG, there is no way to…
Hey GG, there is no way to know if she is a virgin other than by asking and taking her word for it. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/is-my-partner-a-virgin
hi my perod is giving me…
hi my perod is giving me waist p ain please what will i do.?
Hi Jane, Many women…
Hi Jane, Many women experience pain which occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back. It usually begins 1 to 2 days before menstruation and lasts from 2 to 4 days. The pain can range from slight to severe. Luckily, there are a few things one can do to try and manage the pain including the use of over the counter pain management medicines. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/dealing-with-period-pain
I have been trying to become…
I have been trying to become pregnant for 8 months but we never have sex immediately before my period, during my period or immediately after. Might this be the reason why I am not pregnant yet?
Dear Carole,
There are…
Dear Carole,
There are many reasons that makes a person not to get pregnant, it is therefore important that you see a doctor for more information and advice. In the meantime, read this article for more information: https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-when-you-cant-seem-to-have-a-baby
I still think it’s too messy…
I still think it’s too messy for me to even think about.
Hey Nick, we appreciate your…
Hey Nick, we appreciate your concern. You should only have sex during periods if both partners are comfortable with this. Do have a look at this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/ways-to-make-love/period-sex-yay-or-nay
those women with painful…
those women with painful menstruation are they advised to have sex during their menstruation
Yes Blessing they can choose…
Yes Blessing they can choose to have sex during their period if they are both comfortable with it. It can be a great way to relieve some of that period pain. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/dealing-with-period-pain
my self esteem is very much…
my self esteem is very much down and turns me off when i want to have sex with my girlfried…please help
Dear Collins, do you what is…
Dear Collins, do you what is causing this to happen to your self esteem? It is important that you begin by addressing the issues that are affecting your self esteem for you to have a fulfilling relationship with your partner. Talking about this with your partner can be helpful, you can also consider seeking counselling support from either of the following places listed in the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/get-help/helpline-and-counseling
There is this girl I am…
There is this girl I am dating but she doesn’t like using condoms when we are having sex but we don’t want the reaponsibility of a baby right now. What method can we use that will affect her in future? Thank you for the advice.
Hey David, I presume you are…
Hey David, I presume you are asking about a method that will not affect her in future. Birth control methods are safe in that when one needs to have a baby all they need to do is to stop using the method and they should get pregnant. Since there are multiple methods, partners need to consider which method will be appropriate considering how important it is for them to prevent pregnancy, when do they want to have a baby, what’s the cost of the method, what are the side effects of the method among other reasons. Have a look at the following method to help guide you as you choose a method;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/how-to-choose
Additionally the following articles provide various options you can choose from, do have a look;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control
This is interesting but I…
This is interesting but I think most guys may find this abit disgusting if anything it is just a few days of waiting. Some religions consider the woman unclean at this and for this reason sex is out of the question.
Hey Brian, partners should…
Hey Brian, partners should only have sex during periods if both are comfortable with it. If one of them is not, then waiting maybe the option. Also, yes some religious practices discourage having sex during periods and if one subscribes to such religious beliefs it is important to respect their choice. From a medical stand point however, there is nothing wrong with her sex during periods. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Oooh cul
Oooh cul
You are welcome Precious.
You are welcome Precious.
I think you can get a UTI if…
I think you can get a UTI if you have sex during periods. Please clarify?
Hey Stellah, not really. Sex…
Hey Stellah, not really. Sex is completely safe during once period. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
One time my husband was away…
One time my husband was away for work and when he came back it was that time of the month. We got aroused and had sex and it actually relived my pains. Now wee are happy doing it if we want to during this time of the month.
Thank you for sharing Elcy.
Thank you for sharing Elcy.
It is unclean you shouldn’t…
It is unclean you shouldn’t have sex during your periods. Read your bible it forbids it.
Hey Nina, we respect you…
Hey Nina, we respect you beliefs. However, this article is purely from a scientific stand point and this is why it is okay to have sex during periods.
This interesting we argued…
This interesting we argued all night with my girlfriends now I have proof that its okey.
We are glad you found this…
We are glad you found this article useful.
my cycle is 21 days when are…
my cycle is 21 days when are my safe days?
Hi, safe days are one of…
Hi, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method.
I love these facts I’ll try…
I love these facts I’ll try to get my hubby into sex during this time to see if we like it…
All the best Hannah, hope it…
All the best Hannah, hope it works out well for you both.
But if you have heavy…
But if you have heavy periods this will be be very messy plus the smell. Not cool y’all!!!
Hi, it is okay to have sex…
Hi, it is okay to have sex during periods but it comes down to what the partners want.
How do you know your girl is…
How do you know your girl is satisfied during sex?
Hi Jemo, you could ask her…
Hi Jemo, you could ask her if she is satisfied after sex. On the other hand, you could find out what she likes or enjoys before sex. This way you will know exactly what she wants and this will increase the chances of her enjoying and being satisfied. Have a look at the following articles for more tips;-
What is the Best time to…
What is the Best time to meet with a woman to achieve pregnancy
Hey Austin, the best time is…
Hey Austin, the best time is when she is about to ovulate or when she is ovulating. During this time a woman is most fertile hence more likely to get pregnant. Have a look at this article for additional tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
Thx so much ,and I really…
Thx so much ,and I really agree with you , they’re live facts.
And those ones saying bad smell they should go for a medical checkup.
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your input.
At normal circumstances your…
At normal circumstances your urine should be clear with no colour,you will have a coloured urine when ill or something wrong to do with your immune system.
Hi Elius, thank you for your…
Hi Elius, thank you for your input. Also darker coloured urine could mean that you are not drinking enough water.