Trying new sex positions: do’s and don’ts
Trying out new positions will surely add some zing to your sex life. But it’s not all about novel contortions and arousing new perspectives of your partner’s body.
… Make sure you and your partner are on the same page
It’s never a good idea to undertake sexual experiments without first making sure your partner is along for the ride. Though your partner is unlikely to turn down the offer to try out some new positions, it’s still a good idea to first let them know of your intentions, perhaps saying something like, ‘I’ve been reading about some different positions – do you want to try some?’ This will open the arena for experimentation and is essential if you’re going to be trying particularly acrobatic positions, as you’ll need to work together, perhaps looking at diagrams beforehand, to pull them off.
… Start small
After you’ve decided to spice up your sex life with new positions, it’s wise to begin with less complicated ones before you go testing out your flexibility and endurance. A quick Google search will introduce you to more than 100 positions you’ve probably never heard of, but not all of them will be right for you and your partner. Pick a few simple ones to experiment with and try them out. If you don’t like them, go back to more familiar positions and try out a few different ones next time. The point is not to wear yourself out trying too many in one session.
… Keep in mind bodily differences
Though most sex positions can be done by most people, there are a few that require considerable flexibility, strength, or equal height. For example, making love while standing will be extremely difficult if one partner is considerably taller than the other, nor would it be possible for a woman to wrap her legs around a man while he is standing if she is too heavy or the man isn’t strong enough to hold. Bodily differences should be taken into account when choosing which positions to experiment with, as some can lead to injury or embarrassment.
Related: Why do men love doggy style?
… Read around for information on different positions
Ever heard of the Superhero’s Delight or the Merry Mandolin? How about the Reverse Frog Squat or the One-Legged Stork? There’s no shortage of books and magazine articles that offer tips and provide illustrations of different positions you can try out. In fact, a quick Google search should bring up enough results to keep you busy for years. Search around and find a few that seem right for you and your partner.
… Try those that benefit both partners
Although most positions are great for both partners, there are some that privilege the man while others privilege the woman. Some place the woman in control, some place the man in control. Some allow one partner’s hand to be free for added manual stimulation of his or her partner, and vice versa. And some positions may simply be enjoyable for one partner and not the other. So communicate. As you’re experimenting, communicate to find out what your partner likes most and try to find a position that pleases both of you, or take turns in positions that focus on one or the other.
… Be afraid to experiment
Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, you and your partner’s favorite position may still be out there waiting, undiscovered. If a particular position looks appealing, and you and your partners’ bodies seem able to pull it off, then try it out! Discovering new sensations during sex is part of the fun. And don’t hesitate to move beyond any reading you’ve done and create your own novel positions!
… Jump too quickly between positions
Experimenting with sex positions is exciting. The new levels of interaction and novel sensations can be intoxicating, but one shouldn’t get too carried away and try every newly learned position as soon as you can. Give yourself a little time to fully absorb the sensations and possibilities of each position before moving on and trying another. Above all, communicate with your partner! It’s not a race – it’s lovemaking. The idea is not to try out as many positions as possible in one go, but to create a sensational experience for everyone involved.
… Feel obligated to like or repeat certain positions
Not all positions are for everyone. Some may be too exhausting or uncomfortable for some, while others may be thrilling for one partner and not the other. Just because a position sounds like fun doesn’t mean you have to like it, nor do you have to try it if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Once again, it’s a process of experimentation and communication to find out what’s right for you and your partner.
What’s your favourite position? And which one do you want to try out next? Share your ideas with us by leaving a comment below or starting a discussion on Facebook.
I would like to view
I would like to view
How about trying it out
How about trying it out yourself?
Its good we to what we want.
Its good we to what we want.
Hi there,
Hi there,
that’s right. You need to figure out what you like and do it!
pls some of us are lesbians
pls some of us are lesbians any advice…
Hi Shaly,
Hi Shaly,
would you like advice on sex positions, or is there something else you would like to know?
Change the way u think and…
Change the way u think and abandon that old perspective. You will be alright
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Joshua. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Hi! There’s this partern of
Hi! There’s this partern of dog fucking that my fiancee abhor, what can i do to make her enjoy?
Hi there,
Hi there,
if she doesn’t enjoy it, don’t do it. Sex needs to be fun for both. So try to find positions that you both enjoy.
My patner lyks oral sex bt i
My patner lyks oral sex bt i dnt av rum 4 tht either..cn thz ruin our rltnshp/lve mkng adventure..?
My patner lyks oral sex bt i
My patner lyks oral sex bt i dnt av rum 4 tht either..cn thz ruin our rltnshp/lve mkng adventure..?
Hi Stan,
Hi Stan,
if you don’t like it, don’t do it. But don’t expect her to do it, then.
Sex is about what you both enjoy. And if one partner doesn’t enjoy something, you need to find other things you both enjoy that you can do instead!
hw abwt having sex wit a
hw abwt having sex wit a sugarmummy n tha style doez nt work?,,plz advise
Hi Raphael,
Hi Raphael,
sugarmummy or not, every woman is different, and every woman enjoys different things. So ask- what does she like, what doesn’t she like?
What are the best position
What are the best position for Guys with smaller manhood?
Hi Kuzz,
Hi Kuzz,
things like doggie-style or the woman on top might work for you. But experiment with your partner- what feels best, what doesn’t work? Enjoy, have fun, and figure out what you both like!
Plz mr editor next tym show
Plz mr editor next tym show us those positions so dat we cn try sum
Hello boy next door,
Hello boy next door,
sex is all about trying things. And following some pictures takes all the creativity out of it. Have fun in bed, go crazy- don’t look at a few pictures and copy!
Good sex positions are good
Good sex positions are good,mostly in cases where your partner is bored in only one position that you started in beggining of the year,yet ending with the same…..
You don’t have to change
You don’t have to change every few minutes, but changing things up occasionally is indeed a good idea, to stop boredom from creeping into the bedroom!
she only like the misionary
she only like the misionary position
Hi there,
Hi there,
why don’t you try a few variations of missionary then? For example, getting her knees up to her chest, or wrapping her legs around your back. Or, slowly start other positions. Spooning could work, for example.
l want to view
l want to view
Hi Lenard,
Hi Lenard,
sex is all about trying things. And following some pictures takes all the creativity out of it. Have fun in bed, go crazy- don’t look at a few pictures and copy!
What sex positionrg work best
What sex positionrg work best with abig booty gyal.??
Hi Oscar,
Hi Oscar,
you will need to try what both of you enjoy most. There is no positions that will work well for everybody, it really depends on what both of you want. So try different things!
Hi Admin, great Article!
Hi Admin, great Article!
Whenever i & ma gf normally have sex. She doesn’t love positions, she’s saying its painful for her… So how can i try new positions when she’s scared of pains? We’ve have only been doing the face2face lying-down-style, and its becoming boring
Try positions where she is in
Try positions where she is in charge, like her on top.
Av never made love before so
Av never made love before so am afraid of embarrasing myself…wat moves can i start with….
Don’t be embarrassed! Sex is about experimenting, and talking about it, and laughing If something hoes wrong. You don’t need to be the perfect lover, just be yourself, and you will be fine.
my lover uses one style which
my lover uses one style which made me tired what can i do?
Talk to him. Tell him you
Talk to him. Tell him you want to try new things, because what you have been doing makes you tired. Sex is about communication and honesty,
I love Masturbating n
I love Masturbating n whenever I do I have very strong orgasms..n real sex with my partner I Dont get any enjoyment.. What are the styles I can use to have my orgasms with my partner??
You probably have gotten so
You probably have gotten so used to the way you stimulate yourself during masturbation that your body isn’t used to actual intercourse.
Focus on your partner, and tell him or her what you like- and see if that changes anything.
i need a tough fuck,wat is
i need a tough fuck,wat is the best position for it?? missionary is not assisting
Not sure what you mean by
Not sure what you mean by tough fuck…
my partiner likes only
my partiner likes only missionary style and i don’t enjoy thus i end up masturbating. Is masturbating heathy?
Masturbation is a normal part
Masturbation is a normal part of a healthy sex life.
But, you and your partner do need to find a way of having sex that is satisfying for both of you.
hi.my dick is abve average
hi.my dick is abve average but when am in the sex game with my girl I do feel lyk she has a large pussy that makes me unsatsfied.what can I do pliz
You can ask her to tense her pelvic floor muscles while having sex. And try different positions, some way feel tighter and deeper than others.
I fucked a fat lady in the
I fucked a fat lady in the normal style using condom i.e lying down raising her legs up..now am experiencing frequent faeces(kuhara) which is watery what do u thing is the cause..
I fucked a fat lady in the
I fucked a fat lady in the normal style using condom i.e lying down raising her legs up..now am experiencing frequent faeces(kuhara) which is watery what do u thing is the cause..
Diarrhea and safe sex are
Diarrhea and safe sex are most likely not related. If this has been going on for more than a few days, you should see a doctor.
changing positions has
changing positions has really worked thanks for that article
pls what if most position Mk
pls what if most position Mk my guy to quickly release. I luv him though so wat can I do to assist him so dat we can both enjoy our sex life.
Have you had a look here?
Have you had a look here?
Now I know. What would you
Now I know. What would you consider the most enjoyable position for men, if any?…i have heard that men love doggy style more…is this true?
Different people/men enjoy…
Different people/men enjoy different positions. It is helpful for one to talk to their partner to get to know what they really like or enjoy. Sex is better when partners talk about it.
Hi, does eating a lot of…
Hi, does eating a lot of ground nuts helps in lasting longer in bed, or tell me the importance of eating them through [email protected]
Hi Bebeto, Peanuts are…
Hi Bebeto, Peanuts are definitely full or health benefits packed with many beneficial nutrients. There is however no evidence that they enhance sexual performance. Have a look at this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/aphrodisiacs-top-five-facts
Thanks admin. This is really…
Thanks admin. This is really helpful.
You are welcome Hebro.
You are welcome Hebro.
I know only 5 positions
I know only 5 positions
Hi Leo, thank you for…
Hi Leo, thank you for reaching out to us. Here are a few more to add to what you know.