Ass from the past
Practised throughout the ages, anal sex remains a sensitive subject. Some believe it’s a ‘gay’ thing or a ‘Western disease’. And some young women are convinced it can maintain their ‘virginity’.
Sex is a rainbow
‘Different cultures have had different views on anal sex throughout human history, with some cultures more positive about the activity than others,’ states Wikipedia. ‘While anal sex is commonly associated with male homosexuality, research shows that not all gay males engage in anal sex and that it’s not uncommon in heterosexual relationships.’
So at least that’s clear.
Meanwhile, anal sex has been documented throughout the animal world, with sheep and ducks being particularly hot for it. Last month even saw the debut of ‘The Homosexual Necrophiliac Duck Opera’ based on a 2013 TED-talk by Dutch biologist Kees Moeliker who documented the first, and perhaps only, such case.
‘Believe me, if there’s an animal misbehaving on this planet, I know about it,’ says Moeliker. He has pictures of a moose trying to hump a bronze statue of a bison, a frog trying to get frisky with a goldfish and ‘a cane toad trying to have sex with a victim of road kill (notably in the missionary position — a rarity in the animal kingdom).’
It’s a sexually diverse world out there. Perhaps it’s best for everyone if we just accept it.
Putting the ass back into Africa
In response to recent anti-gay legislation in Uganda and Nigeria, scholars are digging up historical examples showing how ‘homosexuality has been a consistent and logical feature of African societies and belief systems,’ according to ‘Gay Ugandan King proves that homosexuality is African’.
King Mwanga II was a notorious ass-man. Bushmen have been known to express themselves through homoerotic paintings. Countless tribes across the continent were socially-accepting of same-sex partnerships. And the list goes on…
So why are there still politicians calling homosexuality a Western ‘disease’ or ‘perversion’?
They are likely just tapping into existing homophobia to ‘divert from more pressing issues’ such as corruption, according to ‘From colonialism to “kill the gays”: The surprisingly recent roots of homophobia in Africa’.
The ‘Western disease’: homophobia
As some African politicians decry homosexuality as ‘un-African’, they are imposing anti-gay laws directly based on those imposed during British and French colonial rule.
And there’s more irony: ‘In order to understand the anti-gay and anti-feminist legislation that is developing across the continent (Burundi, Cameroon, Tanzania are on the paths taken by Uganda and Nigeria), we must also understand the ways in which the American Christian Right, and its neo-liberal supporters, are shaping and nurturing the anti-gay laws,’ according to ‘The bigger picture: understanding anti-gay laws in Africa’
American evangelist Scott Lively, author of the absurd The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party which blames the Holocaust on gays, is largely thought of as a crackpot in the US. But by pumping huge sums of money into countries such as Uganda, Nigeria, Russia and Belize to spread myths about gays actively recruiting children, Lively has been instrumental in pushing through anti-gay laws.
Evangelist Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church in California does similar anti-gay work around the world. His church also promotes an abstinence-only programme for youth. Unfortunately, these programmes don’t work, according to recent studies. In fact, they result in teenagers engaging in more high-risk sexual behaviour such as anal sex – a phenomenon now known as ‘saddlebacking’.
‘Saddlebacking’ is also known to occur in other places where sex education is repressed, such as in regions of the Middle East.
Meanwhile in the ‘West’…
Heterosexual anal play is getting increased coverage in US magazines, according to ‘Warning: A column on butt play’. Not only has Cosmo published a “how-to” guide, but some Americans claim that ‘oral is the new sex, and rim jobs are the new oral.’
‘That’s not to say that any of this is normalized, exactly. For a variety of reasons, people just get skittish when the subject comes up.’
But just a few years ago, few Americans dared to speak openly about oral sex. ‘It took a presidential impeachment to bring frank discussion of oral sex into American living rooms.’
Meanwhile, anal sex remains a taboo waiting for its ‘Lewinsky moment’.
Do you think anal sex will ever get its ‘breakthrough role’? Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Facebook.
Read the rest of the ‘Sex and History’ mini-series: ‘The Penis in history’ and ‘Vaginas of yesterday’.
Now I can confirm that the
Now I can confirm that the ends are here with people trying to justify every wrong
Hi there,
Hi there,
thank you for your comment. It would have been nice if you had elaborated a bit more.
i have nothng against anal
i have nothng against anal sex or those who do it bt 4 me hell no i wld even go 2 an extend of leaving ma bf if he suggested it
Hi there,
Hi there,
That’s perfectly alright, and that’s the way we see it. If you want to do it, and your partner also, great. If not- don’t do it!
its not godly
its not godly
Hi there,
Hi there,
We would love to hear more- why do you think so?
it is normal when you have
it is normal when you have agreed.
Is what normal?
Is what normal?
Feel its okay,love it
Feel its okay,love it
I find it sad when people are
I find it sad when people are quick to run to scripture just to condemn…if it ain’t godly why is it pleasurable? Why did God put so many nerve endings at the ass? If it is not godly why does the stimulation of the prostrate gland via the rectum lead to intense climaxing in men? Don’t be quick to say something is wrong if you do not understand all the facts. If it ain’t your cup of tea wachia wenyewe
I find it sad when people are
I find it sad when people are quick to run to scripture just to condemn…if it ain’t godly why is it pleasurable? Why did God put so many nerve endings at the ass? If it is not godly why does the stimulation of the prostrate gland via the rectum lead to intense climaxing in men? Don’t be quick to say something is wrong if you do not understand all the facts. If it ain’t your cup of tea wachia wenyewe
I find it sad when people are
I find it sad when people are quick to run to scripture just to condemn…if it ain’t godly why is it pleasurable? Why did God put so many nerve endings at the ass? If it is not godly why does the stimulation of the prostrate gland via the rectum lead to intense climaxing in men? Don’t be quick to say something is wrong if you do not understand all the facts. If it ain’t your cup of tea wachia wenyewe
Well said, Kimmy.
Well said, Kimmy.
Plus, what we find odd is the random picking from the Old Testament… And, let’s face it, even if there is something you don’t like, it’s not your place to judge.
Are you based in Kenya? We would love to get in touch, send us an email [email protected]
I think it is high time to
I think it is high time to leave this page forever..how can you be advocating for anal sex every now and then??the ass was made for defecation!period and the genitals for sexual pleasure n procreation.. I wish you all the best with your anal sex or whatever
Hi Myk,
Hi Myk,
Sorry it seems we have offended you.
We aim at being as inclusive as possible. And, as some people enjoy anal sex, that also means providing them with information on how to do it safely.
Whether or not you do it is up to you.
Sometimes we dont have 2
Sometimes we dont have 2 suport or give facts of somthng we shud ve use conmon sense, What is da purpose of Vagina if u go 2 anal, anal is 4 biological excrete of feaces why tamper and Modify what God has created, it means U want 2 tell God U dint knw wat u were doing? Rem Sodom n Gomorah,? thn very soon world is going 2 its last breath. Use ua knowledge 2 understnd why you were given 5 common sense.
Hi Rengo,
Hi Rengo,
Thanks for your input.
We don’t believe in judging people, but providing them with information on how to be safe. If you do it is up to you.
The name of this group is
The name of this group is Love matters’ and i find it absurd that you are tryin to justify evil. how does evil n love relate? saddlebacking, ass fu**ing, annal sex or whatever name given does not change it from bieng an ungodky act. The bible says those who practice it are of ‘depraved minds’ thus they have exchanged what is godly with ungodly to feed their unnatural lusts. Again this is a continuation of Carl max’ anti Christ theory of natural selection versus creation. To answer the question above, ‘ why did God put so many nerve endings in anus?’ I want to ask Kimmy, ‘ why did God put blood in our system knowing that shedding of blood would cause death and sin?’ Answer is simple. God never intended for people to invent ways and methods of sin but intended for us to do what is right and lovely for His glory.
“[email protected]”
Hi John,
Hi John,
We shouldn’t judge- it’s not our place to do so.
what I am understanding now
what I am understanding now is that love matters has gone anal. if I say its not the correct thing, u will criticize me. but if I say I love it, u will be thumbs up. there comes the periods our Almighty talks about. for the youths, just remember. wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepeth. and arise from the dead, amd Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.
We have not gone anal, but we
We have not gone anal, but we acknowledge that some people like anal sex. And we think it’s important to provide them with information on how to do it safely.
It’s not our place to judge.
Im jane ,naona mwapoteza watu
Im jane ,naona mwapoteza watu ,kama jambo ni mbaya semeni ni mbaya ,mungu akaunganisha mume na muke hii mambo ya mume kwa mume yatoka wapi ,u are spreading emorarity
Anal sex doesn;t have to be
Anal sex doesn;t have to be between two men, Jane.
It s wrong!!very wrong and u
It s wrong!!very wrong and u know it.
If your opinion is that it’s
If your opinion is that it’s wrong, that’s fine. But some people like it, and we think it’s our responsibility to make sure they can do it safely.