Why are men so obsessed with penis size?
And: what exactly is a big penis? Does big translate to good in bed? Is it wrong to want it to be bigger? Let’s see if we can answer these questions!
Nigeria is generally a conservative country. And most young people have been taught to not question things too closely. The idea is just to accept most things and move on, especially when it related to sex.
A lot of Nigerian women are in sexually frustrating marriages and instead look to their children for fulfilment. Some have never even experienced an orgasm.
Not talking about sex is bad. This mindset is gradually changing with the younger generation. They are more curious, ask more questions, demand more answers.
One of these deep questions is how the size of a guy’s penis affects the way he performs in bed and what chics tend to prefer. For young people who grew up in a conservative environment, the mere thought of talking about something this… personal is weird, but it doesn’t stop them from wondering about it anyway.
Let us hear what some young folks have to say about this issue.
Big D, big O
A lot of girls find it difficult to reach the ‘promised land’ during sex through penetrative sex alone, which makes them want to go for the big dick guy who supposedly has a better shot at getting them to the big O.
On the part of the guys, this female preference makes them scramble to get bigger. Like, what guy doesn’t like it when a female screams ‘zaddy’ in bed? It does a lot for the male ego.
MiriamIt’s how you use it
Big D, big O? Nah. This school of thought is erroneous and has messed up the things that should be prioritized when it comes to satisfying sex.
According to me, it is not about the size, but more about how good the guy is with what he has.
But alas! Some ladies believe otherwise and men tend to act based on what the fairer sex believes.
Size isn’t revelant
I think size is not relevant in sex, at least not as relevant as the skill with which the penis is wielded. I think Nigerian guys are obsessed with size because it is believed to be a slight on their manhood if a girl comments unfavorably about the size of their penis.
On the other hand, this issue is relative: girls tend to judge these things by past experiences. Penises are compared to what they have seen before, not necessarily by any medical standard.
Related: Why Is My Penis is Shrinking?
Big penis can hurt
I’m a medical doctor. Men are obsessed with bigger dicks the same way women want tighter vaginas. They are just psychological fears of being not good enough, passed down over the years.
But the same way a guy with huge muscles or deep pockets is seen as an alpha male is the same way guys with bigger dicks are seen as alpha males. Porn videos are not helping matters either.In reality, big dicks are usually uncomfortable for women.
So, it seems that the size of a guy’s penis does not matter so much as how he uses it during sex. I believe a lot of people know this, but it does not stop girls from shaming guys with supposedly small dicks. And it doesn’t stop guys from going to extremes, some quite unhealthy and dangerous, to get their members to increase in size.
This seems to be an issue of the mind, the way we have been conditioned to think.
It starts inside and if we can change that, we could affect changes outwardly. Ladies, give that shy guy with the supposedly tiny penis a chance, he might surprise you. And guys, do not harm yourself just so you can impress a girl with the size of your package, be proud of what you have and learn to use it well instead.
Do you have questions about penis size? Head to our discussion board and get advice.
Size does matter especially…
Size does matter especially your woman has met a well endow one before u
Hey Olu, he may have been…
Hey Olu, he may have been well endowed but may not have know what the other person liked and enjoyed. It is getting to know what your partner likes and enjoys that makes you a better lover and bot the size of your penis. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/penis-size-myths-busted
This daughters of Eve…
This daughters of Eve knowdays what they like most is the size of men’s pokets
Hello @alexyl, thank you for…
Hello @alexyl, thank you for reaching out and sharing your opinion with us, would you mind telling us why you feel this way?
You know any lady that wants…
You know any lady that wants big,long dick always suffer they cry when the smaller one is at work so they would never smile when the clash with the huge one like mine
Hi Mike, I don’t know any…
Hi Mike, I don’t know any. Having a long, big penis doesn’t necessarily make one a better lover. Also, just because a girl may be crying doesn’t me they are enjoying or not. It helps to talk to ones partner to get to know what they want and what they like. Have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/big-penis-is-that-what-women-want
That also depends on the…
That also depends on the dick she’s used to coz once I am used to the larger ones then the smaller dick will be like playing with a toy
Haha thank you so much for…
Haha thank you so much for sharing your opinion with us Monica.
Most ladies judge dick with…
Most ladies judge dick with the previous they met forgetting men are different,too ladies are fighting to have tight pussy while men are fighting to have long dick, the most important thing is knowing where her G spot is located, thats all
Thank you for sharing your…
Thank you for sharing your feedback with is Hinter, we appreciate your contribution. As you said, every person’s body is different but there are some basic parts that are the same. Click here to find out more about how your body and other peoples bodies work and feel free to share this information with your peers and friends so that they do not fall into a similar misunderstanding as you illustrated above: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies
Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
Hi Vinny,
Do you think…
Hi Vinny,
Do you think that men are obsessed with the size of their penis?
It’s true sometimes our…
It’s true sometimes our ladies want us to insert our penis beyond our exact size …being a man in action you will wish you had longer dick to dig it harder
Thank you Reland for sharing…
Thank you Reland for sharing with us your experience.
Not necessary what matters…
Not necessary what matters is the performance in that game
We completely agree with you…
We completely agree with you Elias, thank you for sharing your perspective and we hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe!
A big pennis is a win for a…
A big pennis is a win for a man .You feel superior
Hello Cornelius, thank you…
Hello Cornelius, thank you for your input.
What is the average size for…
What is the average size for a satisfying dick
Hi Kim, thank you for this…
Hi Kim, thank you for this question it is a really good one. It is a matter of preference. Different people like different things and so there is really no ideal size.
Size of guitar ? doesn’t…
Size of guitar ? doesn’t matter it’s the skill of a guitarist that matters…….and you will dance to nice music till you squat and cum
Hello Kigani, thank you for…
Hello Kigani, thank you for your input.