My vagina always smells weird
What does it mean if your vagina always smells? It’s making me feel self-conscious.
Well, first of all, forget all those deodorant ads. Women are not supposed to be odourless.
Smell is normal
Every vagina has a faint musky or slightly sour smell, perhaps slightly stronger, perhaps less, and it will vary a little during different parts of your menstrual cycle.
So get familiar with the smell of yours, so that you have a good idea of what’s normal for you. After a long day, you’ll also smell sweat. You might notice a slight odour from unnoticed urine leakage. Or a metallic scent right after your period or unprotected sex.
Watch your hygiene
Your vaginal odour will be affected by dehydration, strongly flavoured foods, menopause, and medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines, herbal remedies and essential oils, birth control pills, and vaginal creams. You might notice an ammonia-like smell early in pregnancy.
So if you’re concerned about your odour, but have no other symptoms, try drinking more water and avoiding smelly foods. Think also about how you wash – you might simply be using too much soap. Don’t laugh – soap disrupts the normal bacteria of the vagina, which allows other yeasts and bacteria to grow. Don’t be tempted to douche (put liquids into the vagina): no essential oils, no soap, no Listerine. Your vagina is self-cleaning.
What can cause smell?
You might also be sweating a lot, or wearing tight pants. Avoid using panty liners too often, change out of your skinny jeans, go commando for a while and maybe trim your pubic hair. Think about your weight, because sweat in skin folds can cause odour. Just showering and changing clothes should do the trick for urine smells.
A change in the smell that signals something’s wrong generally comes with other symptoms, like itching, swelling, discharge, or pain while urinating. So an intense fishy smell, especially with a white or grey discharge, can be a sign of a bacterial infection. A yeasty or bread scent, together with a thick white discharge and itchiness can suggest a yeast infection. One of the symptoms of cervical cancer is a foul-smelling blood stained discharge.
If your vagina suddenly takes on an intense rotten smell, it could be a sign of a forgotten tampon, which happens way more often than you’d think. If you can’t remove it yourself, quickly see your gynaecologist or nearest sexual health clinic to have it removed. They’ve definitely dealt with a forgotten tampon before, so don’t be shy about making an appointment.
Do you have questions about your vaginal health? Head to our discussion board, where our moderators can help you out.
What there is a bad smell…
What there is a bad smell after sex?
Hey Joice, during exercise…
Hey Joice, during exercise sex, it is normal for the genitals to get sweaty and this may contribute to the unusual vaginal odour. If you notice a strong vaginal odour after sex that is more than can be attributed to sweaty genitals, it’s possible you could have a Bacterial infection. The infection causes a thin, grey discharge with a fishy odour that is more pungent when in contact with semen. Your health provider can help diagnose this and prescribe the right treatment. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
Hi, i have been having the…
Hi, i have been having the brownish discharge and odour too wat can be the cause plz
Hi Faith,
Brown discharge…
Hi Faith,
Brown discharge is totally normal as it often occurs at the beginning or end of your period. You may also get brown discharge if you just started taking contraceptive that affects your hormones such as the pill. However, it is important to note of any other symptoms you experience. If you have concerns about it, it is advisable to visit a doctor. To learn more about discharge, read this article: What each discharge color and smell means
No I don’t
No I don’t
Hi Mary, thank you for your…
Hi Mary, thank you for your feedback. What is it that you don’t?
some one told me if i watch…
some one told me if i watch my viginal putting my hands to watch it can curse infection.how true pls
Hey Faith, just make sure…
Hey Faith, just make sure your hands are clean, this will help prevent the possibility of any infection.
what’s the cause of foul…
what’s the cause of foul Smell with cheesy discharge
Hey Love, vaginal odour, or…
Hey Love, vaginal odour, or smell, is normal. Every vagina has its own, individual scent, and you shouldn’t try to change or disguise it. Changes in odour can be a sign for something that’s not right, especially when the odour is a accompanied with a change in ones normal discharge. Change in discharge may include amount, color and texture. Also when these changes include pain during urinating and itchiness it is important that one seeks medical attention. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
I had sex and I started to…
I had sex and I started to bleed. I want for pregnancy test and it was negative, I also went for some infection test which turned out negative. Am not having any pain or any abnormalities as a result of this bleeding only that the inside of my vagina has foul smell of which I told the doctor. Do you have an idea of what the problem might be?
Hello Mimi, thank you for…
Hello Mimi, thank you for your question. This is a medical condition that needs a comprehensive diagnosis. Kindly see another doctor for a second opinion.
I really don’t understand it…
I really don’t understand it at when I sleep at night I feel under me, and comes with some smell. What could be the cause?
Hello Bernice, what do you…
Hello Bernice, what do you feel? Please elaborate.
I went through fgm,they…
I went through fgm,they removed upper part of critoria but still am sexually active but I feel bad about it
Thank you for sharing this…
Thank you for sharing this with us. We are so sorry to hear that you went through such a harrowing experience. We are glad to hear that despite what you went through you are still able to have an active sex life.
What’s the cause of excess…
What’s the cause of excess smells and odour under and even on the other parts of the body like armpits although they are thoroughly cleaned
Hello Shella, thank you for…
Hello Shella, thank you for reaching out to us. Odour is caused by bacteria breaking down the protein in your sweat. There are parts of your body that produce sweat that is high in protein more than other parts, these are: the armpits, groin, feet, genitals, anus, and behind the ears. This protein is then broken down by bacteria producing a smell. Some people like diabetics are more likely to have body odour. If a person feels like they have oduor, they should try a more careful and precise method of cleaning their bodies to avoid the build up of bacteria.
When I have sex with my…
When I have sex with my boyfriend a bad smell somes out of my vag…. But other times I don’t feel the smell at all… Till at times I don’t wanna have sex because the smell turns me off… What should I do
Hello Liz, thank you for…
Hello Liz, thank you for reaching out to us. A smell that is out of the ordinary is usually a sign that something may not be right. Kindly see a medical practitioner for a full diagnosis.
Hey my vagina becomes itchy…
Hey my vagina becomes itchy at times and at times it’s just OK then I do have a discharge, creamy greyish in color but doesn’t smell that much and an abnormal menstrual flow that comes today and skips the following day or the next two days and the blood is dilute,not thick!!
What could be the problem?!
Hello Whitney Bruce, thank…
Hello Whitney Bruce, thank you for reaching out to us. Itching and unusual discharge is a sign that something out of the ordinary may be happening. Kindly see a medical practitioner to get a comprehensive diagnosis.
I just finished treating…
I just finished treating infection but I’m still having a fishy smell
Hello Sugar, thank you for…
Hello Sugar, thank you for reaching out to us. Kindly see a medical practitioner for a proper diagnosis.
What smell can I perceive…
What smell can I perceive from my vagina to verify that I am pregnant. And please I need guidelines on what and what not to eat since am trying to conceive. Thanks
Hello Uche, thank you for…
Hello Uche, thank you for reachig out to us. When you are ovulating, your discharge is usually egg, sticky and stretchy. This is a great way to tell if you are ovulating. Please go through this article for more information on the do’s and don’ts to get pregnant.
Plz, what causes smelling…
Plz, what causes smelling discharge during pregnancy
Hello Viky, if you feel that…
Hello Viky, if you feel that you or a person you know has discharge with a smell, kindly see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
What is the best medicine…
What is the best medicine for yeast infection and strong fishy smell of the Virgina???
Hello Olu, thank you so much…
Hello Olu, thank you so much for reaching out to us. Since this is clearly a medical issue, we strongly advise that you see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
What of before periods and…
What of before periods and you experience the smelly discharge
Hi Lisa sandra, thank you…
Hi Lisa sandra, thank you for getting in touch and asking a very good question. A very pale, yellow discharge is also common and usually normal, especially right before your period. It’s only a cause for concern if the discharge is also an abnormal texture or smells bad. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
I have that problem of…
I have that problem of having bad smelling of my vaginal even before having sex,can someone help me please?
Hi Betty, thank you for…
Hi Betty, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. Having a bad smell even before sex might be a sign of a couple of things. Consider wearing breathable cotton-based underwear and avoid wearing polyester and tight underwear, drinking plenty of water. When washing your vagina, avoid using soaps, clean warm water is enough. Lastly, if despite these changes, the smell persists, you may need to visit your doctor for a consultation and get proper treatment as this may be a sign of infection. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe.
Hi…have been having odour…
Hi…have been having odour smell with ma discharge and i noted it even in ma periods am not comfortable with this because its something that came and i don’t know what to do
Hi Rays,
I would advise…
Hi Rays,
I would advise that you visit a doctor for tests and treatment. There are many factors that could cause this and only a doctor can confirm the issue through medical tests. Sending well wishes to you!
I have a colourless…
I have a colourless discharge which is smelly,what could be the cause of this?
Hi Judy,
Clear discharge…
Hi Judy,
Clear discharge that has a certain smell is normal. However, I advise you to visit a healthcare provider if you have concerns or feel that your discharge is unusual. In the meantime, read this article to find out what various discharge colors mean: Is my vaginal discharge normal?
Hi…am having a bad smell…
Hi…am having a bad smell coming from my private parts…which makes me uncomfortable while am at work…..and I try to observe cleanness
Hi Jennifer,
Wah, that…
Hi Jennifer,
Wah, that must be hard especially since you worry that others may smell it. The best thing to do is to visit the hospital. The doctor will do tests and recommend treatment. All vagina has a natural smell but when the smell is bad, it is a sign of a problem.
Hi I’ve been having whitish…
Hi I’ve been having whitish discharge.how can i go about it.
Hi Melisha,
Clear, cream,…
Hi Melisha,
Clear, cream, or white discharge is totally normal. Healthy discharge can be thick and sticky or wet and stretchy. This may look and feel different depending on the person, time of the month, and situations such as arousal, birth control, breastfeeding, menopause, and pregnancy. If you have noticed an increase in the amount of your discharge, it could be a sign of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test to confirm. Does the discharge have a strong smell? If you have a strong smell, it could be a sign of an infection.
What’s is the cause of…
What’s is the cause of gental rushes
Hi Mary,
Rushes can be…
Hi Mary,
Rushes can be caused by several factors for example infections that are treatable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), allergies, and autoimmune disorders. If you are concerned, visit the nearest health facility.