Keeping your penis and testicles healthy
Keep your players in the game by reading over these top facts for your ball sacs!
Problems with the penis or the testes can be a sign of an underlying condition. Unfortunately, many men tend to ignore these signs because they are embarrassed.
Keep it clean
It’s the simplest: while having a bath, it is important to wash the penis. Pull back the foreskin, if you have one, and clean underneath.
If this area isn’t washed properly, a substance called smegma – a natural lubricant for the penis – begins to gather in the area, and can become a breeding ground for bacteria.
Examine your testicles
Every man should check his testes regularly. The instructions are simple – roll a testicle between your fingers using both hands, and feel for any lumps.
Men need to conduct this exam regularly to notice if there are any changes. They could be a symptom of a wide range of diseases, including testicular cancer.
Every man should conduct this self-exam at least once a month.
Have safe sex
Sexually transmitted diseases can be invisible. You may not know that you have one. The most common STD is chlamydia, which can result in pain while urinating and swollen testicles. Another one is genital herpes, which can cause bumps or sores in the genital area.
The best prevention for STDs is having protected sex.
Groom carefully
Many men groom their groin.
However, it is essential to do it properly and carefully, especially along the scrotum. A small cut, apart from being painful, can also invite a host of bacteria or other microbes which can go on to result in an infection down there.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy penis. Erections and orgasms can be affected by a number of factors – obesity, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol and stress. Regular exercise and a good night’s sleep also helps keep the penis functioning properly.
Do you have questions about the penis and testicular health? Ask Love Matters on our Facebook page or please visit our discussion forum – Let’s Talk.
Welcome John.
Welcome John.
Thank you for your teachings
Thank you for your teachings
Hi Rodgers, thank you so…
Hi Rodgers, thank you so much for your feedback we appreciate it. Please feel free to look through this website to find other articles that you may find helpful.
You’re welcome, Jimmy!
You’re welcome, Jimmy!
I have a question what…
I have a question what causes urethritis and how is it treated?
Hi there,
In most cases,…
Hi there,
In most cases, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic. To know exactly which antibiotic, visit a hospital or the health care center near you.
I feel two lumps at the top…
I feel two lumps at the top of my testicles is this normal ?
Hi Mark, a lump in any part…
Hi Mark, a lump in any part of your body is not normal. I suggest you seek medical advice.
Thanx dear. I have a lump on…
Thanx dear. I have a lump on one of my testacles, pliz tell me how dangerous it is to my health. Thank you.
Hi Dixon, the right thing to…
Hi Dixon, the right thing to do is to visit a medical centre and have a health provider examine you. They will then be able to provide you with information on what steps can be taken. I am not able to tell you what it is or if it is dangerous but the medical provider who will examine you will be able to tell you. We wish you well. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/male-body/healthy-testicles-and-penis-top-facts
Thank you very much dear…
Thank you very much dear. God Bless you.
You are welcome Dixon, God…
You are welcome Dixon, God bless you too.
I come to fast within the…
I come to fast within the first two minutes, what is the problem and what can I do to delay this?
Hi Geoffrey, What you are…
Hi Geoffrey, What you are experiencing is known as Premature Ejaculation, which is caused by a number of reasons including fear, anxiety or even stress. Anxiety that one will not perform can make him ejaculate much earlier or stress from home or work. In other cases, particularly in young men it could be the result of sexual inexperience, and so as the young man gets older he also gains more experience in controlling ejaculation. Check out this artichttps://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/how-to-overcome-premature-ejaculationle for more tips;-
Welcome Prince.
Welcome Prince.
My ejaculate is watery and…
My ejaculate is watery and am worried am infertile ?
Hello Gamma, thank you for…
Hello Gamma, thank you for getting in touch and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. Click here to find out more:
I have noticed pain on my…
I have noticed pain on my left testicle ..what could be the problem
Hello Jamal, this seems to…
Hello Jamal, this seems to be a medical issue. We stringky advise that you see a medical practitioner as soon as you can.
I have a pain in one…
I have a pain in one Testicle it’s almost a year now and I have visited a doctor more than 5 times,and it’s STD
Hello Viloh, thank you for…
Hello Viloh, thank you for sharing your story with us. Have these doctors given you medication? If not, please ask to be referred to a urologist who is a specialist for the male reproductive system. There you will receive specialised care.
Sorry my erection can not…
Sorry my erection can not last for long, what might the problem?
Hello Erick, thank you for…
Hello Erick, thank you for reaching out to us. The innability to sustain an erection could be attributed to a number of things. For one, the older you get (especially older than 30), the harder it gets to sustain an erection. Second, when you say you do not last long, do you mean less than two minutes? If this is the case, then you may have erectile dysfunction for which you may need to see a doctor to get proper medical attention. Third, performance anxiety makes it hard sometimes to sustain an erection. In this case, find a way to relax during sex and focus on your partner and not on yourself and what you are doing.
What makes the penis to last…
What makes the penis to last long
Hello Anonymous, this is a…
Hello Anonymous, this is a very good question and a very common one as well. So, do not worry, you are not alone. There are some remedies that could help you last a little longer. However, if you have premature ejaculation, you should go see a doctor.
One option is the stop-start method used to treat premature ejaculation but can also help a person last longer. This technique calls for the man to have sex or masturbate until you almost cum and then stop. When you’re about to climax, stop and squeeze right below the head of your penis. Apply firm pressure on the tube running underneath your penis. This will push blood out of the penis and momentarily decreases sexual tension, calming your ejaculatory response. This should be repeated many times.
Another remedy is to engage in sex styles that do not stimulate the underside of the penis like spooning and reverse cowgirl. You could also masturbate before having sex.
What makes the penis to last…
What makes the penis to last long
Hello Henry Jimmy, this is a…
Hello Henry Jimmy, this is a very good question and a very common one as well. So, do not worry, you are not alone. There are some remedies that could help you last a little longer. However, if you have premature ejaculation, you should go see a doctor.
One option is the stop-start method used to treat premature ejaculation but can also help a person last longer. This technique calls for the man to have sex or masturbate until you almost cum and then stop. When you’re about to climax, stop and squeeze right below the head of your penis. Apply firm pressure on the tube running underneath your penis. This will push blood out of the penis and momentarily decreases sexual tension, calming your ejaculatory response. This should be repeated many times.
Another remedy is to engage in sex styles that do not stimulate the underside of the penis like spooning and reverse cowgirl. You could also masturbate before having sex.
I have been masturbating for…
I have been masturbating for a quite time but I came a up one day and I talked out with a friend,but am better since I started stopping doing the act because it’s not easy to stop it in a day,my problem is now my man hood is loose what can I do to regain it since am stopping doing the act,please help
Hi David,
Masturbation is…
Hi David,
Masturbation is a normal, pleasurable and healthy sexual activity. If you have decided to stop doing it, that okay especially if it was affecting other areas of your life. What do you mean by your manhood is loose? There are no known physical side effects to masturbation if done right. Could it be that you used to masturbate very aggressively? Aggressive masturbation can lead to various problems including breaking the penis, reduced sexual sensitivity, and skin abrasions. In the meantime, I would advise you to visit a doctor for tests and analysis. It is possible that you may have another problem that has nothing to do with masturbation.
I have some rushes around…
I have some rushes around dick circle, how can I treat them? They neither pain nor itch me
Hi Mukhtar,
While some…
Hi Mukhtar,
While some rashes are completely harmless, others are a sign of a serious problem. The best thing to do is to go to the hospital so that the doctor can determine whether your rashes are normal or not.
Hello Mukhtar!
Hello Mukhtar!
What happened when your…
What happened when your testicle is not growing or big
Hi Edward,
Normally, your…
Hi Edward,
Normally, your testicles reach their full size at puberty and they may not grow larger after this, however, they can get smaller as men age due to the low production of testosterone. Also, note that the scrotum will change in size to make sure the testicles stay at that right temperature. This is temporary as they will return to normal size when warmer. Since it is hard to establish the size of your testicles and whether they fall within the normal range, visit a doctor if you have concerns about your size.