Is one emergency pill enough?
Will one emergency contraceptive pill be enough if we had unprotected sex multiple times the night before?
Safe sex is one of my favourite topics. No, it’s not my favourite in that way, silly – it’s just that I like talking about this issue.
Though many people love the act, too! Some do it in the name of pleasure; others call it ‘getting swept away in the moment’; and yet others blame the rain or even Bollywood movie songs.
One pill is enough but…
But to answer your question… The thing is, usually one birth control method is enough. An e-pill will either work or it won’t. It doesn’t really matter how many times you had unprotected sex in one night.
Emergency contraceptive pills – also known as ‘morning-after’ pills, and not to be confused with the abortion pill or the regular birth control pill– work the same as regular birth control pills in that they prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation. The only difference is the dosage and the shorter time period in which it works.
But since these pills can also have additional side effects, let’s be very clear: these pills should only be used in emergencies.
So you can have a sigh of relief now. But you need to understand that an emergency contraceptive pill should not be used as a regular form of birth control. I may be very liberal and open-minded, but unprotected sex really doesn’t go well with me. Just don’t do it.
Just for emergencies
You might feel as if I am overreacting. But according to my logic, having unprotected sex multiple times in a single night can obviously not be an emergency – at least most of the time. It actually sounds much more like unplanned, or irresponsible, sex
I know, I know, you don’t like using condoms because they de-sensitise sex and make it less intimate. Some might even claim that you and your partner are too drunk to have a conversation about contraception when in the throes of passion. But there is a reason why they’re called ‘emergency contraceptives’.
Future risks
Using these pills regularly can risk your chances at motherhood later in life. Many studies have shown that prolonged use of the drug can affect a pregnancy. These emergency pills mess with the body’s menstrual cycle. It’s not for nothing that these days more and more young women are facing fertility problems. Few realise how one’s irresponsible sexual behaviour in youth can have such harsh consequences in the future.
I think you’re a very smart girl. For now, you’re just fine because one emergency pill is enough to prevent pregnancy. And from now on, I hope you will avoid unprotected sex as much as possible.
How would you define an ’emergency’? Comment here or join in the discussions on our forum and on Facebook: Love Matters Kenya and Love Matters Naija.
can fear,shock make your…
can fear,shock make your mensuration irregular
Hi Vivian, Yes emotional…
Hi Vivian, Yes emotional distress can lead to a delayed period including weight issues or travel. When one misses a period all together it could be important to get a pregnancy test if they have had unprotected sex recently.
mee and my pheoncee will get…
mee and my pheoncee will get intimate it was my first time i hv losse my virginty he while doing he had out flow then istantly he back away and i had also bleeding.. i had take an i pill after one hour is there chances for me to get pregnent or did one pill would be enough.. plz tell mee we have a tym in getting married
Hi Arshi, When you get the E…
Hi Arshi, You took the pill within the first 24 hours which makes it very effective in preventing pregnancy. When you get the E-pill you get either two doses of 750mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart, or one dose of 1.5mg. It then depends on whether you got the 750 mg (2 pills) or the 1.5 mg (1 pill). Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Me and my boyfriend had…
Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex but I took the tablet after 6 hours and as far as we know it got released on the bed but we not sure and my periods are one week away will there be problem with my periods? What are the chances of getting pregnant?
Hi Vasha, Emergency…
Hi Vasha, Emergency Conception Pill will have an effect on your next period. Your period may come earlier or late by upto a week. When the pill is taken within 24 hours it is 95% effective in preventing pregnancy. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Is one I pill enough after…
Is one I pill enough after having unprotected sex if consumed within 24 hrs?
Hi Arthika, The E-pill comes…
Hi Arthika, The E-pill comes in either two doses (pills) of 750mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart, or one dose (pill) of 1.5mg. It then depends on whether you got the 750 mg (2 pills) or the 1.5 mg (1 pill). The one pill is as effective as the two pills, the sooner one takes it after having unprotected sex the more effective it is likely to be. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
After having unprotected sex…
After having unprotected sex if I take one pill then is it enough or I have to take pill life long until I want to pregnant
Hey Sona, The pill in this…
Hey Sona, The pill in this article is taken when a woman has had sex and she feels she could get pregnant yet she is not ready to have a child. If you want to prevent pregnancy you will have to pick a different method since this method – Emergency contraception pill is only for emergency situations. Check out this article for birth control methods you can choose from;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control
I and my boyfriend had sex…
I and my boyfriend had sex without condom but I had taken one tablet and how my periods had not yet came pls tell what to do now
Hi Laveen, the Emergency…
Hi Laveen, the Emergency Pill is likely to change the timing of your next period so that the period comes early or late. I suggest you wait alittle longer before making a conclusion or even taking a pregnancy test.
I have a question I used…
I have a question I used the pills between 12hr and 24hr after unprotected sex then later in the day had unprotected sex but never took any dose of P2 am I at risk of getting pregnant or once taken it can prevent any unprotected sex that comes after
Hi Verah, the E-pill is most…
Hi Verah, the E-pill is most effective when taken within 12 – 24 hours of having unprotected sex. Later in the day is not very clear as to how long after you took the pill and had sex again. Check out this article on more information on Emergency Contraception;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
What if unwanted 72 taken on…
What if unwanted 72 taken on 26th hour after intercourse
Hi Beven, The sooner one…
Hi Beven, The sooner one takes the Pill the after unprotected sex the more effective it is likely to be. It is more effective within the first twenty four hours. Have a look at this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I took one and the other got…
I took one and the other got lost wat can I do
Hey Happy, for the pill to…
Hey Happy, for the pill to be effective, take it as directed and also as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Taking one pill may or may not work in preventing pregnancy.
After having I pill how many…
After having I pill how many times can I have sex with my wife in the same day . Is it safe to have 1 I pill and have sex more than 6 times night . Is there any chance of getting pregnant by this. Waiting for ur response
Hi Calvin, one birth control…
Hi Calvin, one birth control pill is enough. The pill will either work or it won’t. It doesn’t really matter how many times you had unprotected sex in one night. Remember though that the E-pill is not a regular Birth control method and should be used only in the case of an emergency. If you find you need to use the E-pill very regularly, you need to consider using a birth control method. Check out this article for more information on Emergency Contraception;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I had unprotected sex with…
I had unprotected sex with before taking the first pill of postinor 2 and also forget to take the second pill on time. Because I was afraid to get pregnant,I then took the second pill right there which was 9hrs passed the normal time for the intake of the second pill. please can I get pregnant?
Hi Janet, the Emergency…
Hi Janet, the Emergency Contraceptive pill is 95% effective when taken within 24 hours of having unprotected sex. This means there is a small chance that you could still get pregnant but the pill greatly reduces this chance. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Hi,I used to take E pills…
Hi,I used to take E pills after intercourse ,now I have tried to conceive three times unsuccessful can it be reason for this?
Hi Elen, this is not an…
Hi Elen, this is not an effect of the E-pill. Trying three times is not sufficient to determine that there is a problem. However if one has tried to get pregnant for longer than one year, it is important to visit a specialist for further advice. Check out the following article for more tips that will help increase your chances of getting pregnant;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/before-pregnancy/getting-pregnant-dos-and-donts
taking one pill to prevent…
taking one pill to prevent for only one night and ignore the other 27 pills can it cause pregnancy
Hi Diety, the Pill has to be…
Hi Diety, the Pill has to be taken daily for it to be effective. The pill doesn’t work like the Emergency Contraception Pill. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/the-pill
what if I take 1 pill then…
what if I take 1 pill then have sex again then take the other pill will it be effective?
Hi Vivian, the Emergency…
Hi Vivian, the Emergency Contraception Pill is more effective when taken within the first twenty four hours after having unprotected sex. Remember this is an emergency pill to be taken after unprotected sex has happened and not really before. If you are planning to have sex, then you need to choose a different birth control method that you can use on a regular basis. Also, the E-Pill will not prevent Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs). Using condoms correctly and consistently will however offer protection for both unwanted pregnancies and STIs. The E-Pill is effective regardless of how many times one has sex per time. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
If we did not have sex but…
If we did not have sex but just foreplay , still are there chances of getting pregnant ? I took I pill within 24 hours . So is there any more need to take precaution ?
Hey P, if there was just…
Hey P, if there was just foreplay meaning your partner’s penis didn’t come close to the vagina opening then there is no risk. But if there was any contact or if your partner ejaculated around your vagina, there could be a risk. The Emergency Contraception Pill is 95 per cent effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy when taken within the first 24 hours after sex. However this won’t prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Condoms when used correctly and all the time will prevent both unplanned pregnancies and STIs. Check out the following articles;-
Is the pill still effective…
Is the pill still effective if I take it on the 5th day after having sex? How many pill should I take?
Hey Justine, The Emergency…
Hey Justine, The Emergency Contraception Pill is effective when taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex. 5 days is outside the 72 hours which means the pill will not work. Taking one pill with the 72 hours may or may not work. It is encouraged to take pill as soon as possible which makes it more effective. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
if i took the emergency…
if i took the emergency pills within intervals of eight hours,,would there be a problem
Hi Faith, there is no…
Hi Faith, there is no problem. The E-Pill is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex. However, it will not protect against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Condom when used correctly and all the time will help prevent both unplanned pregnancies and STIs. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/safe-sex/safe-sex-dos-and-donts
Can I have your what’s app…
Can I have your what’s app number so I can talk easily with you
Sorry Ayesha, we do not have…
Sorry Ayesha, we do not have a Whatsapp number but you can like our FB page Love Matters Africa.
What’s is the pill name for…
What’s is the pill name for stopping pregnancy ..?
It’s an emergency…
It’s an emergency contraceptive pill, it goes by different brand names, but the popular one is Postinor 2 or P2. It should be taken within 72 hours, the sooner you take the pill the higher the effective rate.
Check this article for more https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception-top-five-facts
need help
need help
Hello Nikk, how can we be of…
Hello Nikk, how can we be of assistance to you?
I have unprotected sex with…
I have unprotected sex with my bf at 19 of April 2018 and I have periods at 21 of April and It was not normal as before it was only for 2 mints in whole day and it was heavy bleeding continuously and it happens same at the next day and finished . The next of Monday 23 I squeez my breast and milk cames out . Y this is happening to me.? I’m i pregnant ? Or I have hormonic problem ? And y I am producing milk doctor recommend that milk is produce when a woman is pregnant or she is in 6 th month of pregnancy . Y this happens to me .? What should I do to stop this? I am feeling very weak . What is the medicine name .? Can I have chance to get pregnant or I am pregnant.? If I am pregnant then how it’s only 10th day of having sex ? This is my first time sex. Is it any cancer?
I am 19 years old and he is 29 years old
Dear Ayesha,
Sorry for the…
Dear Ayesha,
Sorry for the late response, hope it will be useful. There is likelihood of getting pregnant at every stage of your cycle, this is determined by when your experience ovulation. This is the process when an egg are released from the ovaries to fallopian tube. Check this article for more https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation.
On the nipple discharge; it’s normal to have it. Breasts can produce fluid in different amounts throughout a young girl’s and woman’s life. You should only be concerned if the fluid is red, pink or brown; comes out all the time (unless you’re pregnant), or appears only in one breast. If one of these is the case, contact your health care professional for more information.
The emergency contraceptive pills only works within seventy two hours of having sex (3 days). Since it more than three days, it will not work.
Ayesha, sometimes we experience symptoms because of our thoughts and what we feed our minds with. Perhaps you may want to relax, then take a pregnancy test between fourteen to twenty days after the time you had unprotected sex.
You may also consider using contraceptives if you decide to be sexually active. and if you are not pregnant.
No my breast milk is not…
No my breast milk is not coming all the time and it is in white and transparent sometimes in colour . And it is on both sides of my breast. When I squeez them the milk cames out . When I ask different doctors about it they says it happens only when you are pregnant or you are 6month of pregnancy. But I am not pregnant y do I am producing milk with in 2 days after sec? Is it possible .? Or do I have any problem in ne because I have mentioned in above that I ahve periods for two days only for 2 mint and it was heavy bleeding and stop.
Periods after sex can I get…
Periods after sex can I get pregnant .?
Hey Ayesha, there is a…
Hey Ayesha, there is a really small chance that you could get pregnant if you have sex during your periods. This greatly depends on how long your cycle takes. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Actually I have sex at 19 of…
Actually I have sex at 19 of date and I have periods at 20-21 of date only for 2-3 mints and heavy bleeding and finished after that I no periods . Like in a day only one time at morning and the next same only for one time. I am asking that y do I have periods like that only for one time for 2-3 mints heavy bleeding. And do I have chance to get pregnant because I have sex at 19 and periods at 20-21 of date .? Can I be pregnant
Hello Ayesha,
There is a…
Hello Ayesha,
There is a chance of getting pregnant. For some people their cycle have few days such that the time they are having periods, they also experience ovulation- the process by which an egg is released from the ovaries to fallopian tubes. If it meets a sperm fertilization happens. Read this article for more information: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
i had sex witg my girl…
i had sex witg my girl friend then after i realise the CD broke.then after 13hrs she took the emergency pill. can this prevent pregnancy?
Hey Chris, the Emergency…
Hey Chris, the Emergency Contraception Pill (E-Pill) is 95 per cent effective when taken within the first 24 after having sex. Your girlfriend took the pill 13 hours later which is within the first 24 hours when the pill is highly effective. There is a high chance that the pill will help prevent pregnancy, there is however the 5 per cent chance that she could get pregnant. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
me and my girl friend has…
me and my girl friend has sex yesterday four times and she has taken e pill after 2 hours from that time and my semen is no injected in to her will she get pregnant
reply please iam so tensed
Hello Ramdin, the Emergency…
Hello Ramdin, the Emergency Contraception Pill or E-Pill is 95 per cent effective when taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex. If you didn’t ejaculate inside her because you used a condom or because you used the withdrawal method then this will also may have helped reduce the chances of her getting pregnant. All methods, however, have a failure rate meaning that even after using a birth control method, one can still get pregnant. This is why it is recommended that you consider using more than one method at a time. As far as the E-Pill is concerned, your partner took it within good time when it is most effective. We wish you well. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
my boyfriend and I had…
my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on 15th then my ovulation took place on 16th but I had taken emergency contraceptive pill.am I likely to get pregnant? kindly answer me
Hi Daphen, if you took the…
Hi Daphen, if you took the Emergency Contraception Pill within the first 24 hours, it will reduce the chance of getting pregnant by 95 per cent. There is, for this reason, a 5 per cent that you could get pregnant. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception Remember that the E-Pill will only prevent unplanned pregnancies but you will still be at a risk of getting infected with Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Condoms, however, will prevent both unplanned pregnancies and STIs when used correctly and consistently. https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/condom
I wanted to know that after…
I wanted to know that after sex i take an i pill with in 15 hrs and then had a unprotected sex again after 36 hrs..will the i pill that i had taken earlier work or not..or i supposed to take the i pill one more time.
Hi, the manufacturer of the…
Hi, the manufacturer of the E-pill recommends that you take the pill after sex and not before. The pill maybe effective with preventing the sex that you had before but it may not be effective in preventing the sex you had after. Remember the pill is most effective when taken within the first 24 hour after unprotected sex but can still work when taken with the first 72 hours after sex. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/can-i-take-the-e-pill-before-sex
I have taken 1pill before…
I have taken 1pill before sex nd after two hours acidently we had sex does one pill works or i have to take the another one doctor
Hi Smiriti, I believe you…
Hi Smiriti, I believe you are talking about the Emergency Contraception Pill (P2). This pill is to be taken after sex and not really before following the instructions of the manufacturer. The pill you took may or may not work. It is important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Also, the P2 pill should be used in cases of emergency, if you are planning to have sex it is important to also plan to use another birth control method like condoms. Have a look at this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/can-i-take-the-e-pill-before-sex
Can one emergency pill be…
Can one emergency pill be taken after having unprotected sex twice?
Hi Bea, the pill can work…
Hi Bea, the pill can work regardless of how many times had sex. Remember though, that the pill is most effective when taken with the first 24 hours. The longer it takes to take pill the more likely its not going to work. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
if I had unprotected sex and…
if I had unprotected sex and I had already ovulated but immediately I took the Pills the two of them will I get pregnant?
Hey Brendah, the Emergency…
Hey Brendah, the Emergency Contraception Pill is most effective (95 per cent) when taken withing the first 24 hours after have hiving unprotected sex. Its effectiveness decreases the longer one takes to before they take the pill. The pill has to be taken before 72 hours are over. There is no way to tell if the pill will work, but there is still a high chance it will work. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
but according to what have…
but according to what have read they say that when I have already ovulated that means am fertile the pills don’t work is it true?
Hi Brendah, the pill works…
Hi Brendah, the pill works by making the mucus around the cervix thicker so that the sperm can’t get through. It can also stop ovulation while also releasing a hormone that makes it harder for sperm to travel up towards the egg. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
and after taking the pills …
and after taking the pills ,then after 4 days my breast pain does it mean am pregnant or that’s aside effect?
Hi Brendah, breasts during…
Hi Brendah, breasts during early pregnancy may feel sore, sensitive, or tender to the touch. They may also feel fuller and heavier. Also, one of the side effects of the E-Pill is breast tenderness. There are other reasons that may cause pain in your pregnancy, for this reason it is important you take a pregnancy test to be certain about whether or not you are pregnant.
if I took the pills and…
if I took the pills and people say they work to pple who have not ovulated if I had already ovulated will I get pregnant?
Brenda, the pill works by…
Brenda, the pill works by making the mucus around the cervix thicker so that the sperm can’t get through. It can also stop ovulation while also releasing a hormone that makes it harder for sperm to travel up towards the egg. Remember the pill has to be taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex, and they are most effective when taken within the first 24 hours. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I wrote anote but have note…
I wrote anote but have note received any answers wat does that mean …please answer me am really scared
Hi Brendah, we have…
Hi Brendah, we have responded to all your concerns. We wish you well.
I had taken unwanted 72…
I had taken unwanted 72 pills next day after is it effective?
Hello Sam, Emergency…
Hello Sam, Emergency contraception should be taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex. However, the sooner one takes the pill the more effective it is likely to be. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Thank God I found someone…
Thank God I found someone who could help my friend.
Actually she took one Ipill, so is it really enough?
Will it stop her from becoming pregnant?
Hey Baby, whether you take…
Hey Baby, whether you take one pill or two is depended on the dose one receives. You get either two doses (pills) of 750 mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart or one dose of 1.5 mg. The one pill may or may not work. Check out the following article for additional information on Emergency Contraception;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
If had sex on friday and…
If had sex on friday and Saturday and took epill on Sunday morning will it work?
Hi Shiqo, the E-Pill can…
Hi Shiqo, the E-Pill can help prevent pregnancy when taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex. The Pill is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex, this also means that the longer one waits to take the pill the less effective it’s likely to be. The pill you took may or may not work, you will have to wait atleast 14 days to get a pregnancy test done. Whether or not you get your next period may also indicate if you are pregnant or not. Check out this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I had unprotected sex and…
I had unprotected sex and too the emergency pills after about five hours,,after two days one of my ovary started twinging,,, a certain pain in one ovary,,,can I be pregnant
Hey Tik, pain is always a…
Hey Tik, pain is always a sign there is something wrong and it is important to seek medical attention if it persists. On the other hand, emergency contraception pills are most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after sex. To get to know if you are pregnant wait atleast fourteen days and then get a pregnancy test or after you miss your next period. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Good makes me learn more
Good makes me learn more
We are glad Poni.
We are glad Poni.
So I took only 1 tablet of e…
So I took only 1 tablet of e pill , can I still get pregnant
Hello Sarah, it depends on…
Hello Sarah, it depends on which does you get. You get either two doses of 750 mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart or one dose of 1.5 mg. If you got the two dose but only took one, it may or may not work. Also, the E-pill is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
i took postinor 2 first…
i took postinor 2 first tablet right after sex but second postinor2 tablet after 17 hours. is there chances to pregnant
Hey Umesha, it is important…
Hey Umesha, it is important that you follow the directions as provided by the manufacturer to increasing the chances of the pill being effective. If you only took the pill 5 hours after the time you mean to take it it may or may not work. You can only wait to see if the pill did work. Check out this article for information about the emergency contraception;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
i took a single tablet of…
i took a single tablet of postinor 2, after like 8 hours later i had sex again would i still be safe if i took the other tablet immediately or should i get another pack
Hi Princess, emergency…
Hi Princess, emergency contraception comes either in two doses of 750 mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart or one dose of 1.5 mg. It is important to take the pill as directed and remember to take the pill when you have unprotected sex. Have a look at the following article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Is it necessary to take the…
Is it necessary to take the pill for 21days
Hello Hamsa, emergency…
Hello Hamsa, emergency contraception pill is taken after one has had unprotected sex. It should be take within the first 72 hours for the pill to work. Have a look at the following article for more information on emergency contraception;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
What if someone fail to see…
What if someone fail to see any side effect after use of emcon does it mean you are pregnant
Hi Eucah, side effects are…
Hi Eucah, side effects are the body’s response to drugs including emergency contraception. Since every one is different, different people will respond differently to emergency contraception. Not experiencing side effects after taking emergency contraception doesn’t mean that one is pregnant. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
hey when i do sex i gave her…
hey when i do sex i gave her an i pill suddenly does it work or not and next day i had given one more pill
Hello Nikk, I’m sorry but I…
Hello Nikk, I’m sorry but I do not understand what you mean. What pill?
It was my first time having…
It was my first time having sex with my boyfriend but he did protect himself,but after I had taken the I pill at that moment that was 2,so I want to know if there’s a possibility of me getting pregnant.
Hi Ann, thank you for…
Hi Ann, thank you for getting in touch. Could you please clarify your statement? Do you mean you took 2 e-pills? At the same time? Or did you take the e-pill 2 days after you had unprotected sex?
Taking e pills frequently has short-term side-effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, lower abdominal pain or cramps, tender breasts, spotting between periods, irregular or heavy menstruation but can also in some cases reduce its effectiveness, making the chances of your pregnancy higher. In this case, though, you should be fine but if you still feel anxious, go ahead and take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Lastly, e-pills are effective for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex so if you took it 2 days after, then you should still be fine.
I and my boyfriend had…
I and my boyfriend had unprotected sex I I need to take Epill before 120hrs will it prevent pregnancy
Hi Marion, thank you for…
Hi Marion, thank you for reaching out to us. You need to take the pill before 72 hours are up for it to be effective.
Is one pill enough to avoid…
Is one pill enough to avoid pregnancy after 2 days
Hi Neha, thank you for…
Hi Neha, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Yes, if you are using emergency contraception, one pill after 2 days is still effective. The E pill is effective for up to 72 hours but it is important to note that its effectiveness reduces the longer you wait to take it between the moment you had unprotected sex and 72 hours after.
Me and my boyfriend had…
Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex today. I took e-pill after 7hrs so, taking one e-pill is ok or should go for futher and when did I get periods?
Hello Priya, kindly take the…
Hello Priya, kindly take the pills as described on the box.
when will I start my…
when will I start my ovulation after taking one pill of postinor 1
Hi Bola,
That’s hard to…
Hi Bola,
That’s hard to tell. Emergency contraceptives tend to affect the normal cycle of periods and ovulation. Emergency contraceptive pills primarily work by temporarily stopping your ovary from releasing an egg.