7 facts about emergency contraception
E-pills, also called morning-after or emergency contraception pills, are drugs you can take when you have had unprotected sex but want to prevent pregnancy.
You need to take them as soon as possible after the unprotected intercourse, within 5 days (120 hours). After that, they become less effective. The e-pill is available over the counter, which means you can go directly to the pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.
It might even make sense to have an e-pill at home just in case you ever need it. Then you don’t have to stress about rushing to the chemist, in case of an emergency.
There are two types of emergency contraception pills however only one is currently available in Kenya. The available pill is progestogen-only (using the hormone levonorgestrel) generally referred to as P2. Another form of emergency contraception is the copper IUD. However, this needs to be put in by a medical provider.
There is no limit as to how many times you can use the emergency pill in a year. However, the e-pill does have short-term side effects which means it should not be used as a normal form of contraception, but only in case of emergency.
- Helps prevent pregnancy in cases of failed or forgotten contraception, or rape
- Gives peace of mind
- Easy to get
- Can change the timing of the next period (early or late)
- No Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) protection
- Needs to be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex
1) Is the e-pill the same as an abortion pill?
E-pills are not abortion pills. The e-pill works in various ways, but can’t do anything if an egg is already fertilized.
If you are already pregnant and take the e-pill, it will have no negative effects on your pregnancy.
2) How do I get e-pills?
You can get the e-pill over the counter or from your healthcare provider. Because it is most effective the sooner you take it after unprotected sex, many healthcare providers even suggest getting an emergency pill and keeping it at home just in case.
Studies have found that keeping e-pills at home doesn’t mean you are more likely to have unprotected sex.
3) What are the side effects of e-pills?
- Breast tenderness
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
- Dizziness
Emergency pills do not cause infertility or future abortion as is widely believed.
4) How safe are e-pills?
E-pills are safe to use despite the short-term side effects mentioned above. However, they should only be used only in case of emergency, and are not recommended as a normal method of birth control.
There seem to be no long-term side effects known for emergency contraception pills.
5) Who shouldn’t use e-pills?
Because ECPs are not used daily, there are no restrictions on who can use them. Additionally, even women who cannot use ongoing hormonal contraception can use ECPs safely.
6) What can stop e-pills from working properly?
If you vomit soon after taking the pill, it may be less effective. Talk to a healthcare provider as soon as possible to find out what your options are.
Either way, consider the copper-T IUD as emergency contraception.
7) How long does its effect/protection last?
Scientists are not quite sure how long the effect of the e-pill lasts. So don’t assume that, after you take an e-pill, you will be protected from unintended pregnancies for some time. You need to take an e-pill every time you’ve had unprotected sex.
Note: While Emergency contraception is effective, it is not 100% effective. If your period is over 7 days late after taking it, consider taking a pregnancy test. Talk to your healthcare providers for medical advice.
I took the E pill bt the…
I took the E pill bt the cramping is too much again i exprienced the spotting and i av not recieved my periods can i be pregnant
(No subject)
Hey Ann,
You may need to take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant or not. Remember the effectiveness of the pill reduces as time passes within the first 72 hours after sex.
I once was diagnosed with…
I once was diagnosed with PID and Cz v Neva done abortion n I WS told that p2 has that effect so now I advocate better FP than E-pill Cz it has -ve side effect to the body that will Neva b shown in those leaflet
We appreciate your…
We appreciate your contribution Wanjiru. Remember though that the E-pill is not an FP method and should only be used in the case of emergency and not as regular family planning method.
I did know weather I was…
I did know weather I was pregnant BT I was having a headache I take 3 painkillers is their any problem
There is nothing wrong with…
There is nothing wrong with taking a a painkiller to address the headache but if you think you could be pregnant you need take a pregnancy test to be certain.
I used p2 a month ago en i…
I used p2 a month ago en i still experience abdominal pain why
Hi Cate,…
Hi Cate,
Abdominal pain or cramping is one of the expected mild side effects expected. You could consult a medical provider for a check up if this has been going on long, they may just prescribe some pain killers for the moment.
Does the pill have an effect…
Does the pill have an effect on the menstrual cycle
Hi Sly, Yes the Pill can…
Hi Sly, Yes the Pill can affect once Menstrual Cycle. Periods may be lighter or one can miss a period. Check out the following article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/the-pill
it has been three years…
it has been three years since I took the two tablet of the e pill at a go would it have any side effect on me
Hey Scholly, The E-pill has…
Hey Scholly, The E-pill has some short term side effects as listed in the article above, however there seem to be no long-term side-effects known for use of the emergency-contraception pills.
hey..used one tablet of…
hey..used one tablet of lydia pill after 16 hours can be pregnant please
Hi Ndush, when the E-Pill is…
Hi Ndush, when the E-Pill is taken within the first 24 hours it is 95 per cent effective.
Hi am Maria dopostern pills…
Hi am Maria dopostern pills cause dryness in women
Hi Marie, this is not an…
Hi Marie, this is not an expected outcome. One of the major causes of vaginal dryness during sex is a lack of arousal. Spending more time in foreplay may help. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/painful-sex-and-periods
I slept with my partner but…
I slept with my partner but we used condom that night, but in the morning i took epill, now it’s one month have not seen my periodI tested for pregnant and it was negative and what could be wrong?
Hey Agy, You seem to have…
Hey Agy, You seem to have taken measures to prevent pregnancy. Periods can be delayed by a number of reasons other than pregnancy including stress, hormonal imbalances, extreme exercises, change of environment or eating habits. Taking the E-pill can also cause your periods to be delayed by a few days.
Me n my girlfrien hv…
Me n my girlfrien hv unprotected sex..she took ipills within 24 hrs..but she vomit after 3hrs of taking ipills..does she nid to take another ipills..plzz help!
Hi Lorance, Vomiting within…
Hi Lorance, Vomiting within three hours increases the risk of the pill not working. It is advisable to take another pill if one vomits within this time.
hi, took p2 the day I first…
hi, took p2 the day I first got my period on 4th Dec. I took it again this month, on my expected date on 31st Dec. Both times, he had come inside. My periods have delayed 4 days. Is it likely that I might be pregnant yet I wasn’t ovulating when he came? Please help
Risper, Taking P2 can affect…
Risper, Taking P2 can affect your cycle where it is delayed by upto a week or comes a week earlier. I suggest you give afew more days. If they don’t come consider taking a pregnancy test between the fourteenth and twenty first day from the last time you had unprotected sex. Check out the following article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
My girlfriend took the pills…
My girlfriend took the pills and vomited after about 5-6 hours can she be pregnant or is there need to take another dose of the pill
Hi Rianne,…
Hi Rianne,
She does not need to take anymore pills.5 hours is enough to get the pill in the system.
You and your partner need to consider use of long term contraceptive as an alternative. Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/contraception-top-five-facts .
we had sex using a condom bt…
we had sex using a condom bt on one round we didnt n I took epills within 24hr range bt i feel abit uncomfortable in my abdomen. i fear i might be pregnant coz i suspect i was within the ovulation period. plizz help
Hi Jane, What kind of help…
Hi Jane, What kind of help do you need? Have you taken a pregnancy to be sure? Have a look at this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
It now two weeks since I…
It now two weeks since I remove implant in my arm, Bcoz he insisted I must so we can get married. During this tym I feel lyk there is samthing wrong, I don’t have apatite the way I used too,vomiting and diarrhoea are my best friends nowadays, help me
Hi Catherine, This could be…
Hi Catherine, This could be your body responding to the removal of the Implant. Consider seeing your medical provider for management of the side effects.
Hi…my gal friend took the…
Hi…my gal friend took the e pill before having unprotected sex with her..will the epill work?
Hi Kirui, the E-Pill is…
Hi Kirui, the E-Pill is effective when taken within the first twenty four hours after having sex. You didn’t say how much time had passed between the time she took the pill and when you actually had unprotected sex. Its effectiveness will reduce as time passes.
I bought the E-pill but I…
I bought the E-pill but I have taken one and the other one fell down will it be effective I have failed to allocate it
Hi Happy, you need to take…
Hi Happy, you need to take the pill based on the directions provided. Where there are two pills you need to take both pills for them to be effective. Taking only one Pill will make it ineffective.
Hi have take E pills last…
Hi have take E pills last month and this month like 2 to 3 time since now have miss my mess is the pills effect me?
Hi Esther, Yes, the E-pill…
Hi Esther, Yes, the E-pill will affect you next period where it either comes early or late. Check the article above. Also, if you find that you need to use the E-pill often you may need to get a birth control method since the E-pill should be for emergency situations.
I had unprotected sex and…
I had unprotected sex and took 2 tablets of e pill at once ,can I get pregnant or does it have effect?
Hey Mercy, the E-Pill is…
Hey Mercy, the E-Pill is more effective when taken within 24 hours of having unprotected. The longer one waits the less effective it becomes. It depends with the dosage of the pill you took. The E-pill will have some side effects for instance periods may come early or late. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
I had sex with my partner 3…
I had sex with my partner 3 times on the 16th and I took 2 epills my period was due on the 18th or 19th but sikapata had saa hii. Am I pregnant the epill is supposed to prevent pregnancy right?
Hey Sima, there is no way to…
Hey Sima, there is no way to tell if you are pregnant or not. However the E-pill can change the timing of your next period so that the period comes early or late. There are other reasons that can cause ones period to delay including stress, change in diet and intense exercises. It maybe important for you to wait and have a pregnancy test 14 days to find out if you are pregnant. Check out the following articles for additional information;-
what if I have unprotected…
what if I have unprotected sex then take a pill out of the two then have sex again before taking the other pill will it be effective
Hi Larice, the effectiveness…
Hi Larice, the effectiveness of the pill is not compromised by how many times you have sex but by when it is taken. It is more effective when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
I had sex at yesterday 1 pm…
I had sex at yesterday 1 pm and i took the 2 tablets of e pill that evening at 5 am i safe ?
Hi Prissy, the E-Pill is 95…
Hi Prissy, the E-Pill is 95 per cent effective when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex. See the above article for more information.
Is aspirin An emergency pill?
Is aspirin An emergency pill?
Hey SHaron, Aspirin is not…
Hey SHaron, Aspirin is not an Emergency Contraception Pill. Aspirin is commonly used as a pain killer. Check out this article for more information on the Emergency Contraception Pill;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception-top-five-facts
I took the pill 3 hrs after…
I took the pill 3 hrs after sex but still got pregnant what could have been wrong
Hey Rose, are you taking…
Hey Rose, are you taking about the Emergency Contraception Pill (E-Pill)? The E-Pill, when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex, is 95 per cent effective. This means there is a 5 per cent chance of failure or one getting pregnant. It is encouraged to use a second method to prevent such chances, for instance, condoms. Check the article above for additional information.
Hi I had unprotected sex on…
Hi I had unprotected sex on the 16th day of my cycle(28)and took p2 after 48 hrs are there chances I’m pregnant?
Hi Molly, P2 works when…
Hi Molly, P2 works when taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. When taken within the first 24 hours it is 95 per cent effective. The longer you wait before taking e-pills, the less effective they are. Check out the following article for more information;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Sir…..me nd my gf had sex …
Sir…..me nd my gf had sex ..nd after 4 hour he take the pill .i want to know is only one pill can prevent the pregnancy or …can all the woman feel the side effects of the pill…please answer sir…
Hi Swagat, the Emergancy…
Hi Swagat, the Emergancy Contraception pill is 95 per cent effective when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex. Taking one pill, may or may not work in preventing pregnancy. There are side effects that come with taking the pill and they are different from person to person. They include Breast tenderness fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Have a look at this article for more information;- https://lovematters.co.ke/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
I have a problem with my…
I have a problem with my period,,I usually have it each after 4 months or more,wat could be the problem kindly help
Hi Pauline, you are…
Hi Pauline, you are experiencing irregular periods. In younger women, periods maybe irregular but are likely to be regular later. In other cases an irregular period maybe caused by excessive exercising, significant weight loss or even weight gain, physical or emotional stress, or occasionally chronic illness. You can consider consulting your health care provider to have your for treatment to regularized your period. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Hi ,after my period on the…
Hi ,after my period on the 7day I had sex and took the epill and after 4hrs I had sex again can I get pregnant and also on the 11day to 12day I experience blood pls want could be the cause
Hey Beauty, the E-Pill is 95…
Hey Beauty, the E-Pill is 95 per cent effective when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex. This means there is a high chance that you won’t get pregnant. The E-Pill is also likely to change your cycle so that it is late or comes earlier than expected, you have lighter or heavier bleeding on your next period and also bleeding or spotting before your next period. Do have a look at the article above.
I did the unprotected sex…
I did the unprotected sex with my bf at 2 pm and i took the ecp after 34 hours … would it safe me 100% from pregnency ?
Hey Yumna, the Emergency…
Hey Yumna, the Emergency Contraception Pill works more effectively when taken within the first 24 hours after having unprotected sex. It’s 95 per cent effective when taken within this time. When taken after the first 24 hours have elapsed, its effectiveness reduces though the E-pill can still provide protection upto 72 hours after having sex. There is no way to tell if you are going to get pregnant or not. The option is to wait and see. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I had the levonorgestrel on…
I had the levonorgestrel on the 72 hours. I haven’t had my cycle in over a month. Did a test 2 weeks ago that came out negative.
Should I re-do the test?
thank you
Hello Georgia, the missing…
Hello Georgia, the missing of your menses could be as a result of taking the emergency pill. The pill does affect one’s menstrual cycle and periods can either occur earlier or later than the day expected. However if you feel the need to do a pregnancy test, do it after 21 days.
I didn’t take the e-pill one…
I didn’t take the e-pill one month after intercourse and I have a missed period,can I still take the e-pill or any suggestions??
Hey Rimat, the E-Pill only…
Hey Rimat, the E-Pill only works when it is taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected. This time has expired for you and you have also missed a period. It is important that you get a pregnancy done to be certain that your pregnant or not especially because there are other reasons that can cause a missed or delayed period including; hormonal imbalance, eating disorders, weight gain or weight loss and even stress. Do get a pregnancy test, visit a medical centre for this test where they can also advice how on to proceed. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I didn’t take the e-pill one…
I didn’t take the e-pill one month after intercourse and I have a missed period,can I still take the e-pill or any suggestions??
Hey Rimat, the E-Pill only…
Hey Rimat, the E-Pill only works when it is taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected. This time has expired for you and you have also missed a period. It is important that you get a pregnancy done to be certain that your pregnant or not especially because there are other reasons that can cause a missed or delayed period including; hormonal imbalance, eating disorders, weight gain or weight loss and even stress. Do get a pregnancy test, visit a medical centre for this test where they can also advice how on to proceed. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
Which is the best method to…
Which is the best method to use to prevent pregnancy.
Hi KK, the following are…
Hi KK, the following are important questions to consider as you think about as you decide which method to choose; How important is it that you don’t get pregnant? Would it be a total disaster if you were pregnant? Or would it be okay, but just not quite the right moment? How well does the birth control method work? What’s the ‘failure rate’? Could the birth control method have side effects for you or your partner? How soon would you like to have children? Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/how-to-choose
i and my husband we had…
i and my husband we had unprotected sex on wed night Thursday and then i took P2 on Friday morning is there chances of becoming pregnant
Hi Ruth, the emergency…
Hi Ruth, the emergency contraception pill should be taken with the first 72 hours after unprotected sex. The sooner one takes the E-pill the the more effective it is. For instance, when taken within the first 24 hours, after having unprotected sex, the pill is 95 per cent effective. This also mean there is a failure of 5 per cent which also increases with time. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
We had unprotected sex on…
We had unprotected sex on Saturday night but I have taken the P2 today Monday morning will it work to prevent pregnancy?
Hey Chris, the P2 or…
Hey Chris, the P2 or Emergency Contraception pill works well taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex. The pill is however most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after sex, this also means the longer one takes to take the pill the less effective it becomes. Also, the pill will not protect one from the risk of getting infected with Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Condoms however when used correctly and consistently, they will help prevent both unplanned pregnancy and STIs. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I took P2 during the day and…
I took P2 during the day and had sex with my partner later in the night and two more times in the morning. Am i protected since i had sex three times?
Taking the E-pill as soon as…
Taking the E-pill as soon as possible after having sex increases its chances of being effective. The manufacturers of emergency contraception advises to take the pills after sex and it is important to stick to this. Its likely, the e-pill would protect you if you took it right before having sex. But, as this has not been thoroughly researched, you are better off following the manufacturer’s instructions. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/can-i-take-the-e-pill-before-sex
I took P2 and now I have…
I took P2 and now I have missed my period for 3 days now. Am I pregnant?
Hi Stella, one of the side…
Hi Stella, one of the side effects of emergency contraception is that it can change the timing of the next period making the period come earlier than expected or later than expected. If the periods do not come after 14 days it will be important you take a pregnancy to get to know if you are pregnant. Remember, while P2 can be taken anytime with the first 72 hours, it is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after sex. The longer it takes for one to take the pill the less effective it becomes.
I took only one pill, will…
I took only one pill, will it work?
Hi Mary, usually one birth…
Hi Mary, usually one birth control is enough. Such a pill will either work or it won’t. It doesn’t really matter how many times one had unprotected sex in one night. The pill is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after sex though it can be taken any time within the first 72 hours. The longer one takes to take the pill the higher the failure rate or possibility it wont work. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
I have took only one pill…
I have took only one pill after having sex will it work am I protected?
Hi Sally, usually one birth…
Hi Sally, usually one birth control is enough. Such a pill will either work or it won’t. It doesn’t really matter how many times one had unprotected sex in one night. The pill is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours after sex though it can be taken any time within the first 72 hours. The longer one takes to take the pill the higher the failure rate or possibility it wont work. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
Now that P2 is more…
Now that P2 is more effective when taken with the first 24 hrs can I take it on Friday evening if I plan to sex sex on friday night? How many times can I have sex after I have taken the pill?
Hi Aisha, No research has…
Hi Aisha, No research has been done on this, and the manufacturers don’t recommend it. Taking an e-pill before having sex could prevent an unintended pregnancy, but we don’t know for sure.
Also, if you take it beforehand, you might as well choose a better option, like a condom since P2 should be used in emergency situations only. Emergency contraception works regardless of how many times one has had sex.
Should I take one pill or…
Should I take one pill or two?
Hi Kish, one birth control…
Hi Kish, one birth control pill is enough. Such a pill will either work or it won’t. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/is-one-emergency-pill-enough
This is good information. I…
This is good information. I have learnt a lot.
Thank you Salim. We are glad.
Thank you Salim. We are glad.
Hey, So, I’ve read a comment…
Hey, So, I’ve read a comment that someone took the pill 3 hours after, n still got pregnant, is this possible?
Hey Michy Gal, this is…
Hey Michy Gal, this is actually possible. The Emergency Contraception pill is 95 percent effective when taken within the first 24 hours after sex. Which means there is a 5 per cent chance one would get pregnant. This percentage drops further as time passes. It is because of this 5 per cent chance that one is encouraged to use a second method at the same time, particularly a condom.
My girlfriend & I had…
My girlfriend & I had unprotected sex but she took E-pills within 24 hrs. She vomited after 2 or 3 hrs of taking them..does she need to take the pills again..plz help!
Hi Lenox, if she vomited…
Hi Lenox, if she vomited before 3 hours were over this will greatly affect the possibility of the E-pill working. For this reason she needs to take another E-pill to for the same purpose of preventing pregnancy. If this keeps happening you and your partner may need to consider a different method in the future like the use of condoms which help prevent both unplanned pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/condom
I had sex 7 days after…
I had sex 7 days after periods can I get pregnant, my cycle is 21days
Hey Beattie, the first seven…
Hey Beattie, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Does the pill have an effect…
Does the pill have an effect on the menstrual cycle i have not seen my period almost a week later?
Hey Kiss, yes the emergency…
Hey Kiss, yes the emergency contraception pill can change the timing of next period so that it comes early or it comes late.
I took P2 before having sex…
I took P2 before having sex with my partner and we have sex several times over the weekend. Will I get pregnant?
Hi Amy, one shouldn’t take…
Hi Amy, one shouldn’t take the P2 before sex. No research has been done on this, and the manufacturers don’t recommend it. Taking an e-pill before having sex could prevent an unintended pregnancy, but we don’t know for sure. Also, if you take it beforehand, you might as well choose a better birth control option, like a condom. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/can-i-take-the-e-pill-before-sex
If I have used emergency…
If I have used emergency pill many times can it cause problems for my fertility?
Hi, No emergency…
Hi, No emergency contraception doesn’t affect your fertility. However, if you find yourself needing to use emergency contraception, you need to consider using a birth control method since the emergency contraception should only be used in emergency situations. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraceptive-pills-myths-busted
I had sex with my boyfriend…
I had sex with my boyfriend at night and I took P2 in the morning. Now I have not seen my period am I be pregnant?
Hi Dama, the P2 is 95 per…
Hi Dama, the P2 is 95 per cent effective when taken within the first 24 hours, which also means there is a 5 per cent chance that one could get pregnant. On the other hand, the P2 will affect your next period so that it either comes early or late. To be certain, take pregnancy test ti rule it out.
I had unprotected sex with…
I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend she took P2 the next morning. She didn’t vomit out the pill and we didn’t hav sex again. She is saying now that she is pregnant. Is it possible that P2 did not work?
Hey there, all birth control…
Hey there, all birth control methods have a failure rate. If taken within 24 hours, the P2 is 95 per cent effective, which means it has a 5 per cent failure even when taken within the first 24 hours. The longer one waits before taking e-pills, the less effective they are. They are most effective if taken between 12 and 24 hours after unprotected sex. If taken later, they can still be effective for 72 hours after intercourse, but then your chances of getting pregnant are higher. If taken between 49-72 hours the pill is only 58 per cent effective. The pill will affect one next period so that it comes early or it delayed. Has your partner taken a pregnancy test? This is the best way to find out if one is pregnant.
What can make a P2 not to…
What can make a P2 not to work? If I miss my period am I pregnant?
Hi there, one of the reason…
Hi there, one of the reason that would make emergency contraception not to work is if you vomit soon after taking the pill, it may be less effective. It is important to talk to a healthcare provider as soon as possible to find out what options one has. Also, remember the pill is only likely to work when taken within the first 72 hours after sex.
There are a number of reasons that can make one miss their period including stress, extreme exercises, change in environment and diet, hormonal issues among others. Taking emergency contraception can also lead to a delayed period or make them come early. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraceptive-pills-myths-busted
Ae took both pills of p2 at…
Ae took both pills of p2 at the same tym whst should ae do
Hey Sly, it is alright to…
Hey Sly, it is alright to take both pills at the same time, and as such you don’t have to do anything. Remember the pills are likely to prevent pregnancy when taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex.
What makes someone to vomit…
What makes someone to vomit when you have taken P2?
Hey Pendo, vomiting is one…
Hey Pendo, vomiting is one of the side effects that may occur when one takes P2 pills. This may also make the pills not to work especially when the vomiting happens soon after taking the pill. See the article above for additional information.
Am I supposed to take the 2…
Am I supposed to take the 2 pills or just one?
Hi Mercedes, Emergecy…
Hi Mercedes, Emergecy Contraception pills come in two doses. You get either two doses of 750 mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart or one dose of 1.5 mg.
Hi.. I Had sex day before…
Hi.. I Had sex day before yesterday and took an i-pill within 24 hours.. But today I am suffering from diarrhea will this effect in stopping my pregnancy?
Hey Rakshitha, the pill may…
Hey Rakshitha, the pill may be less effective if you vomit soon after taking the pill. Diarrhea is however one of the expected side effects of the Emergency Contraception pill. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
So that means I do not…
So that means I do not require to take another pill ryt?
If the issue is Diarrhea you…
If the issue is Diarrhea you don’t need to take another pill. You may have to take another pill only if you vomit soon after taking it.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
You are welcome, Rakshitha.
You are welcome, Rakshitha.
Hi… I had sex with my bf…
Hi… I had sex with my bf day before yesterday.. I took my ipill within 24 hours.. But today I am suffering from diarrhea.. Will this effect in stopping my pregnancy?
Hey Rakshitha, the pill may…
Hey Rakshitha, the pill may be less effective if you vomit soon after taking the pill. Diarrhea is however one of the expected side effects of the Emergency Contraception pill. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
Hi,I had unprotected sx 3…
Hi,I had unprotected sx 3 days after my periods.but never took p2, again after 11 days of my periods but took p2 within 3 hrs.. Then 3 days to my periods but never took p2.I’ve missed my periods for 23 days.. Could I be pregnant?
Hi Veratue, I suggest you…
Hi Veratue, I suggest you have a pregnancy test done to determine if you are pregnant since this is the best way to know if you are pregnant or not. You can have this done at a health centre or buy a pregnancy test from a pharmacy and do the test at your own convenience at home. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
If p2 delays period, it can…
If p2 delays period, it can be maximum of how many days?
Hi Edowat, the delay may…
Hi Edowat, the delay may last up about a week or 7 days. If your period doesn’t come after three weeks take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant.
I dated my wife for for 3…
I dated my wife for for 3 years before we got and because we did not want to have a child then she used the injection and P2 because the inject had side effects to prevent pregnant. We have been officially married now for over one year and we have also been trying to have a baby for about 6 months but we have not been successful. Do this birth control methods interfere or cause delay when you are ready to have a child?
Hi Ernesto, Emergency…
Hi Ernesto, Emergency Contraception or P2 doesn’t affect once ability to get pregnant when they get ready to. However, the Shot or injection has one major disadvantage is that one won’t be able to immediately get pregnant when they stop using; it may take around ten months for one to get back to their normal fertility. Lastly, it may take upto 12 months for one to get pregnant, seeing that it has been 6 months for you and your partner you are still within the expected period of time. C|heck out the following articles for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/shot
is it safe to use p2 every…
is it safe to use p2 every month?
Hi Hollie, Emergency…
Hi Hollie, Emergency contraception should only be used in emergency situations only and not as a regular birth control method. If you find that you are using P2 regularly, it is important that you consider getting a birth control method. Remember, while it may help prevent unplanned pregnancies, you are still exposed to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Using condoms however will help prevent both unplanned pregnancies and STIs Have a look at the following article for options you can choose from;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control
If had sex more than 3 times…
If had sex more than 3 times alafu nikameza P2 mbili asubuhi will it prevent me not to get pregnant?
Hey Dean, the P2 should be…
Hey Dean, the P2 should be able to help prevent pregnancy regardless of how many times you had sex that night, as long as you are taking the pill within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex.
I use P2 but now I have…
I use P2 but now I have missed my period does it mean it didn’t work?
Hi, you may have to get a…
Hi, you may have to get a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy. Remember, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delayed period including stress, hormonal issues, change in environment, change in diet, extreme exercise among others. Lastly, taking emergency contraception affects your next period so that it either comes in early or late.
I had unprotected sex before…
I had unprotected sex before ovulation and ovulated a day later though I had taken the pills within the first 24 hours,,,am now experiencing some discomfort in one of my ovary,,, could if be fertilisation
Hi Tik, it’s not possible to…
Hi Tik, it’s not possible to tell for certain if it is fertilization. To get to know if it is and whether you got pregnant you will have to wait atleast fourteen days or after you miss your next period to do a pregnancy test. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I got P2 but I took both…
I got P2 but I took both pills at the same time. Is there anything wrong with that?
Hey Carole, Emergency…
Hey Carole, Emergency contraception come in either two doses of 750mg each that you have to take 12 hours apart or one dose of 1.5 mg. If you had the two doses you were supposed to take one pill and the second pill after two hours.
If i had sex unprotected sex…
If i had sex unprotected sex with my boyfriend for two nights and took epill the third day will it prevent pregnancy?
Hey Nasike, it may or may…
Hey Nasike, it may or may not work. Emergency contraception should be taken within the first 72 hours after having sex. It is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours of sex and its effectiveness decreases as time progresses. There is no way to tell if the pill you took worked or will work other than waiting until your nest period.
Can you react if you take…
Can you react if you take this drugs like rushes all over?
Hey Alfie, this is not…
Hey Alfie, this is not listed as an expected side effect, however, if one gets such a reaction each time they take the pill they may have to consider using a different birth control method.
I took the e pill an hour…
I took the e pill an hour after unprotected sex and am currently on my 10th day of the cycle which is 5 days before I ovulate. Is there a risk of pregnancy
Dear Hellen, E-pill is an…
Dear Hellen, E-pill is an effective way of preventing unplanned pregnancy. If taken within 24 hours it is 95 per cent effective. Therefore with the time you took the E-pill the risk of getting pregnant is very minimal.
If you use this method all…
If you use this method all the time can it affect you?
Hey Asenath, using emergency…
Hey Asenath, using emergency contraception has no known long term effect other the short term side effects like a delayed period. However, if you find that you are using this method frequently, you need to consider using a regular birth control method. Have a look at the following article for more information;-
I took the pill 2 weeks ago…
I took the pill 2 weeks ago but I have missed my periods does it mean I am pregnant?
Hey Purity, one of the…
Hey Purity, one of the expected effects of the emergency contraception is that it can change the timing of next period so that it comes early or late. I suggest that you give it afew more days or take a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy.
Its has been more that 40hrs…
Its has been more that 40hrs since I had unprotective
sex can p2 work if I take it now?
Hello Judy, yes the pill can…
Hello Judy, yes the pill can help prevent unplanned pregnancy.. Emergency contraception can be taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected sex. The sooner one takes the pill, the more effective it is, for instance, if taken within 24 hours it is 95 per cent effective and if taken between 49-72 hours the pill is only 58 per cent effective.
I didn’t take the e-pill…
I didn’t take the e-pill though we had sex only once one month after intercourse and I have a missed period does it mean I am pregnant??
Hi Mercie, a missed period…
Hi Mercie, a missed period is one of the early signs of being pregnant. To be certain though, it is important that you have a pregnancy test done. Consider visiting a medical centre to have the test.
Hey m aditi i took the i…
Hey m aditi i took the i pill 10 days before but periods did not came yet can i be pregnant…??
Hey, the emergency…
Hey, the emergency contraception pill when taken affects the next period so that it comes early or late. To determine if you are pregnant, do have a pregnancy test done.
I don’t like to use p2 bcz…
I don’t like to use p2 bcz it always interfere with my dates. Please tell me about safe days and how to know my safe days?
Hi Robbie, safe days are one…
Hi Robbie, safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When your safe days are really depends on the length of your cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after your period, as well as the time of your period, are relatively safe. But, if you have a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body- so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, you can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until your ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method. Lastly, as a side effect, taking emergency contraception will affect your next period so that it comes early or late. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/are-safe-days-safe
I took P2 and then vomited…
I took P2 and then vomited 30 minutes later. I had another pill which I took but this time I didn’t vomit. Should I be concerned? Will it work?
Hi Hellen, it’s not possible…
Hi Hellen, it’s not possible to tell if it will or will not work, you can only wait to see if it did work. On the other other hand you can consider speaking to a health care provider to see what other options you have. Check this article out;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception-top-five-facts
I took P2 but now I miss my…
I took P2 but now I miss my period does it mean I am pregnant now?
Hi Leah, when you take…
Hi Leah, when you take emergency contraception it affects your next periods so that it come early or late. The delayed period maybe as a result of the emergency contraception. On the other hand, one can still get pregnant even when they used emergency contraception. Remember, the sooner one takes the pill the more effective it is likely to be. Give it a few more days before taking a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy. Check out the following article for aditional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception-top-five-facts
I have found this so…
I have found this so resourceful
You are welcome Sharon. We…
You are welcome Sharon. We are so glad you found this article resourceful.
Is there a brand you as love…
Is there a brand you as love matters recommend for any reason?
Hey Dina, not really. Do…
Hey Dina, not really. Do visit a pharmacist to see what is available based on your location.
I had sex 1week after my…
I had sex 1week after my period and I took p2 2hrs after sex ever since have been feeling pain in my breast nd sometimes headache nd dizziness could it be that an pregnant… Please reply
Hello Julian, it is…
Hello Julian, it is challenging to tell if you are pregnant. You may need to take a pregnancy test to get to know if you are pregnant. You can have a test done at a health facility or get a home pregnancy test to do it yourself at home. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I had sex on the 7th day…
I had sex on the 7th day after my period I took p2 2hrs after sex i.e the first tablet I took it at 6:37pm nd the 2nd at 6:37am nd since then I have been feeling pain in my breast and sometimes headache nd dizziness does this p2 works or could it be that am pregnant please reply now…
Hello Julian, it is…
Hello Julian, it is challenging to tell if you are pregnant. You may need to take a pregnancy test to get to know if you are pregnant. You can have a test done at a health facility or get a home pregnancy test to do it yourself at home. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
I took the 2nd e-pill 3 hrs …
I took the 2nd e-pill 3 hrs after the 1st one,cld it be effective?
Hey Lilly, the second pill…
Hey Lilly, the second pill should be taken 12 hours after taking the first pill. This is the instruction that should be followed.
How many times can you use…
How many times can you use P2? What is the long term effect of using it?
Hi Agnes, there is no limit…
Hi Agnes, there is no limit as to how many times you can use emergency contraception. However, if you find that you need to use P2 regularly it is important to consider a regular birth control method since P2 should only be used in emergency cases. There are also no known long term future effects of using P2, short term effects are however listed above. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/how-to-choose
Hae guyz am new here bt I…
Hae guyz am new here bt I have learnt much already thank u
You are very welcome…
You are very welcome Josephine, and we are glad.
Hae I don’t happen to knw…
Hae I don’t happen to knw the director bt it’s my first time using morning after pill and I have had changes my ovulation stopped and l use to pass out blood bt in small amount bt in form of ovulation and nw my periods have come a week earlier is it OK pliz advise me
It is normal for Emergency…
It is normal for Emergency contraception to affect your next period. It specifically can change the timing of next period so that it comes early or late. Have a look at the above article for more information.
I took Ec but my period has…
I took Ec but my period has not come it is three days late. Can I assume the worst?
Hi Leah, one of the side…
Hi Leah, one of the side effects of EC is that it can change the timing of your next period so that it comes early or late. Give it a few more days before having a pregnancy test done to acertain if you are pregnant or not.
I took the epill before…
I took the epill before meeting my bf I am worried it may not work. I wanted to use condoms also but there was not any and we were overcome by our feelings. How soon can I know if I got pregnant?
Hi Dillys, the pill should…
Hi Dillys, the pill should be taken after sex as recommended. You can only know if it worked if you do receive your next period. Remember, your period may come early or late as a result of using the pill
What is the chance that…
What is the chance that taking EC before sex it will not work?
Hi Sallie, there has not…
Hi Sallie, there has not been any research that has gone into this and for this reason it cannot be quantified. It is for this reason that you stick to the instructions provided which includes using the pill in emergency cases and after sex not before. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception-top-five-facts
Hi ..I did sex on 5th March…
Hi ..I did sex on 5th March took the pill on 6th march in the morning on 14th March I received my period bt unfortunately on aprill till now may 5th my period are missing and I didn’t have sex again what could be the problem
Hi Anonymous, you too the…
Hi Anonymous, you too the pill in time so it is unlikely that you are pregnant. However, the morning-after pill is a high dose of hormones and it could mess a little with your cycle. If you want to be sure, you could take a urine pregnancy test.
I took p2 last month,this…
I took p2 last month,this month after my menstruation ,if I engage in unprotected sex,will I get pregnant??does the safe days still count after my period?pls
Hi Vera, thank you for…
Hi Vera, thank you for reaching out to us. The P2 tablet is only effective in preventing pregnancy within the 72 hours that it is taken after sex.
Had sex 6:00 and took the…
Had sex 6:00 and took the emergency pill on the following day at 6:20 is there any chances of gettng pregnant?
Hello Irene, thank you for…
Hello Irene, thank you for reaching out to us. As long as you take the drug within 72 hours you should be fine However, the later you take it the less effective it becomes. It is best to take it immediately after you have had the unprotected sex.
It has been 21 days since I…
It has been 21 days since I had unprotected sex with my partiner and I took p2 45 min after the act..have since not received my periods and have been having abdominal pains…what could be the problem.
Hi Jj, thank you for…
Hi Jj, thank you for reaching out to us. 45 Minutes after having sex is within the window. Studies show that the sooner you take the tablet the more effective it is. P2 is a tablet that has a high concentration of a hormone and so it can affect your cycle. Also, if taken at the same time as antibiotics it will not be as effective. At 21 days a pregnancy test is sensitive. If it turns up negative we strongly advise for you to see a medical practitioner for advice on the way forward.
I took the pill 3 hours…
I took the pill 3 hours after an intercourse and three days later I had broken my arm and got my period again.. Could I still be pregnant??
Hi Stacy, sorry to hear you…
Hi Stacy, sorry to hear you have been through such a hard time. The pill is most effective the earlier it is taken so it is very likely that you are not pregnant if you took them as prescribed. The pill delivers a high concentration of a certain hormone and it can affect your cycle. To be sure you could take the pregnancy test two weeks after you had intercourse.
How does this e pills work…
How does this e pills work coz if u do love now and take tht e pills does it mean when u do it again same month u have to take again or???
hi Known pls, thank you for…
hi Known pls, thank you for asking a fantastic question. despite taking the e-pill after having sex, unless he wears protection, you will still have to take the pill lest you risk getting pregnant. please note that the e-pill is very strong and can have side-effects if used frequently so we suggest that you use a condom. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
I had sex with my partner…
I had sex with my partner and I took p2 within 72hrs and did again.will it work or I will be pregnant
Hi Mercy, thank you for…
Hi Mercy, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Although taking the e-pill after having sexual intercourse is effective to prevent pregnancy, it is not advisable to use one as a form of contraception. As the ‘E’ in e-pill suggests, it is only for emergency use only. Having sex after 72 hours even after using the pill may still put you at risk of pregnancy. If you are looking to not get pregnant, it is advisable that you get some form of family planning or birth control lest you risk complications later on in life. If you don’t want to get pregnant – or don’t want your partner to get pregnant – you need to use birth control, also called contraception or family planning. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control
Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Is truston 2 contraceptive…
Is truston 2 contraceptive pills effective ?
Hi Vidah, thank you for…
Hi Vidah, thank you for getting in touch and asking. truston 2 pills are a form of contraception and yes, they are effective, is there a reason you do not feel this way?
Itake p2 more than twice in…
Itake p2 more than twice in a year but am trying to conceive but in vain am not using any family planning since January ,can I wait or what should I do?
Hi Cynthia, thank you so…
Hi Cynthia, thank you so much for reaching out to us and sharing your story with us we appreciate it. Sometimes it feels like getting pregnant is straight forward but it could take time and you need to take that into consideration. Try and relax and keep at it. This article has some information that could be of help. Good luck and don’t forget to have fun!
I had sex after my partner…
I had sex after my partner had taken p2 .How safe is she ?
Hi Kuevo, thank you so much…
Hi Kuevo, thank you so much for reaching out to us. If she took it immediately after sex or within 72 hours of having sex, and you did not have sex after then she is quite safe. However, P2 is not a long term method of family planning and if you two are planning on having unprotected sex consistently you should go to a medical practitioner to advise on a long-term method of contraception that is best for you.
Hi,I have used p2 but after…
Hi,I have used p2 but after two days i started experiencing White discharge, does it mean that p2 has worked or am i pregnant? Plz help
Hi Mercy, thank you for…
Hi Mercy, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. If you have used the P2 within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, then there is a very low chance of you conceiving a baby. Find out more about vaginal discharge and odours here: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
I slept with my patner on 13…
I slept with my patner on 13 without unpprotected sex and took 2 E-pills on 18 at the same time and havent seen my mensturial cycle is it possible that am pregnant
Hello Belinda, thank you for…
Hello Belinda, thank you for reaching out to us. Although the E-pill is effective for up to 5 days it is best to take it within 72 hours for best results. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.
My girl only allows me to be…
My girl only allows me to be with her once a month giving an excuse that if she takes the E-pills twice in a month the second time it won’t work hw true is this thanks
Hi KMNabaasa,
E-pills are…
Hi KMNabaasa,
E-pills are quite effective as long as they are taken within 72 hours after having sex. For higher effectiveness, they should be taken as soon as possible. On the other hand, as the name suggests, they should only be used in emergency situations e.g. in cases where the condom breaks during sex and not as a regular birth control method. If you and your partner want to have sex more often, you can choose another birth control method. It is also important that you also find out whether she is hesitant to have sex with you for other reasons other than what she says. It is important to have open communication about this since she may be afraid of using e-pills that often. in the meantime, read this article to learn more: Emergency contraceptive pills: what you should know
Hi, I took the E-pill then I…
Hi, I took the E-pill then I started bleeding a week later which was 13 days before my normal period. Bled for two days only. Now my breasts are so tender with very sore nipples. Could there be a problem please?
Hi Jk,
Some common side…
Hi Jk,
Some common side effects of e-pills include: Nausea or vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, headache, breast tenderness, bleeding between periods or heavier menstrual bleeding.
Remember! Also, using the morning-after pill may delay your period by up to one week. If you don’t get your period within three to four weeks of taking the morning-after pill, take a pregnancy test. If you are worried about your effects, contact your health care provider right away.
In the meantime, here’s all you need to know about birth control: Emergency contraception pills: all you need know
I prefer e-pill because it’s…
I prefer e-pill because it’s the one way of protecting the pregnancy
Hi Shannon,
That’s right…
Hi Shannon,
That’s right. E-pills is taken according to instructions can be effective at preventing pregnancy. On the other hand, it should not be used as a regular method of contraception. Find here a list of other birth control options: Types of birth control
i took p2 2hrs after…
i took p2 2hrs after unprotected sex.After one week am seeing white discharge.what does this mean
Hi Karymis,
Hi Karymis,
White discharge is totally normal. Healthy discharge can be thick and sticky or wet and stretchy. However, if you have concerns, visit a doctor. Read this article to learn more about what each color of discharge means: Is my discharge normal?
I had sex on Monday last…
I had sex on Monday last week and tested today to be pregnant and i was not expecting it what can i do please??
Hi Charity,
There is no…
Hi Charity,
There is no right or wrong answer to these question. You should decide what feels right for you. Unwanted pregnancies can bring so much stress and worry. Perhaps this article can give you an idea of the options you have? I am pregnant: what do I do now?. If you feel lost, talk to someone you trust, this could be your partner, friend, or counsellor. Sending you well-wishes as you make the decision.
What about if you take those pills can it have a side effect in that you cannot be pregnant in fure ?ave been using them now I need a child but am not getting pregnant.
Hi Sheillah,
Emergency contraception won’t affect your fertility and won’t stop you from getting pregnant in the future. To know what is preventing you from getting pregnant, talk to your doctor.