Worried your penis is too small?
Do you worry about the size of your penis? Read on: here’s the scientific proof that it’s probably normal.
If you’ve ever wondered whether your penis was too small, you’re definitely not alone – fretting over the length or girth of their member is something a lot of guys go through. There’s even a name for it: ‘small penis anxiety’.
It can get serious when a guy becomes so unhappy and self-conscious about the size or shape of his penis that it impacts his sex life in a major way. When that happens he might be diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
The thing is, though, the vast majority of guys out there have a perfectly normal penis. They just need a little reassuring.
That’s why a team of UK researchers figured it was high time to put together proof for all of the guys who visit their doctors with concerns that their penis is too small. The team compiled studies that included penis length and girth measurements from over 15,500 men of different ages and races. All of the measurements they used were taken by a health professional, so there was no way the guys were bending the truth when it came to the size of their penis.
Related: What determines penis size?
What’s normal?
Once all the data was collected, the researchers calculated averages and created diagrams that showed the wide range of normal penis sizes. Erect penises ranges from around 9.5cm to 16cm in length. Only a couple of percent of men have smaller or larger penises than that.
The average for a flaccid penis comes in at 9.16 cm. If it’s stretched, the average becomes 13.24 cm. That’s pretty close to the average erect length of 13.12 cm.
Girth measurements revealed an average of 9.31 cm for flaccid penises and 11.66 cm for erect penises.
See where you fall on the scale from small to large for length and girth. And here you can find information on how to measure your penis.
The researchers also looked at whether penis size was linked to a guy’s other physical features. Contrary to popular belief, there wasn’t much evidence that guys with larger feet or guys who weigh more have larger penises. But there was a bit of link between height and penis length – taller guys might have longer erect penises, the study found.
Only a little more than two percent of guys have an abnormally small penis measuring less than 6 cm in length when flaccid or less than 9.5 cm when stretched, the researchers reported. This is different from a micropenis, which has a flaccid length of less than 5.2 cm and a stretched length of less than 8.5 cm. A micropenis is very rare – less than one-quarter percent of guys have one.
How important is penis size? Leave a comment below or on Facebook.
Source: Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to15 521 men, David Veale, Sarah Miles, Sally Bramley, Gordon Muir and John Hodsoll
mine becomes very small when
mine becomes very small when it slink
Nothing wrong with that!
Nothing wrong with that!
Myne when flaccid sometime it
Myne when flaccid sometime it s like a pinpal..its tuu small
Why are you worried about it
Why are you worried about it being small when flaccid?
And, what do you think?
And, what do you think?
What are the things that
What are the things that makes penis grow
Other than surgery, there are
Other than surgery, there are no effective ways to increase your pen is size.
I heard that th penis can be
I heard that th penis can be small but its can hv th same pleasure th big penis hav
Absolutely! What’s matters
Absolutely! What’s matters most is that you know what your partner likes.
This is what I hate most…
This is what I hate most about websites like this. I’m not calling anybody out but I hate that these article kick so much BULLSHIT about this doesn’t matter but at the same time the only real conclusion is “sucks to be you. Figure something out” And in the mean time all we hear is “women want a big dick” On tv and radio. I have plenty of female friends who have flat out told me “WE ARE LYING JUST TO MAKE YALL FEEL BETTER don’t nobody want a small dick.” So what is all this “find the right person” are there any REAL growth success stories because I have nothing here that doesn’t make me want to commit suicide every time I take a shower.
Hi Anonymous, thank you so…
Hi Anonymous, thank you so much for your feedback. The thing about popular culture is that a lot of times it contradicts reality. Television and porn will have you thinking that a black man with anything less than a foot long penis is lacking when in reality all those men are way above average. Another example is how models look as opposed to what an average woman looks. The magazines have women thinking they need to be stick thin when in fact it is near impossible to look like that, imposing body standards that are unattainable.
We can tell you with a lot of confidence and surety that not all women are out here looking for a big penis. Different strokes for different folks. It isn’t one size fits all.
Also, it isn’t “sucks to be you” it’s more of “be comfortable in the body you have”
some people say when someone
some people say when someone abtain from sex for a long
time the penis becomes small
That’s a myth, Jozh.
That’s a myth, Jozh.
mine is big… Girls .
mine is big… Girls ..complain .. Bt one thanked me
Size shouldn’t stand in the
Size shouldn’t stand in the way of pleasure. The vagina is a miraculous organ that can get so big that a baby can pass through.
Size dosnt matter what
Size dosnt matter what matters is the satisfacion
We couldn’t agree more!
We couldn’t agree more!
After cumming first shot my
After cumming first shot my penis refuses to get hard
This is completely normal for men to have what is called a refractory period, where it cannot get hard after ejaculation. Honestly, your body is just telling you that it needs some time. There is no real way to change it or make it happen less, so just try to work with your body. If you are really hoping to have more sex, then take the time to recharge and focus on your partner. This is a good time to focus on them and give them pleasure. You will become hard again in no time and continue.
I only last hard for ond shot
I only last hard for ond shot
It’s totally normal that your body needs time to recover after an orgasm. Make at first round count, and remember that quality is better than quantity.
Thnk you and God bless i only
Thnk you and God bless i only go 1 and it is a year now since it started
we hope our answer above helps!
A reall man should fuck in hw
A reall man should fuck in hw many minutes?
Between a few seconds and
Between a few seconds and hours. How long a man lasts doesn’t determine if he is real or not.
what causes testical pain?
what causes testical pain?
Many things could be the cause.
Please see a doctor.
mine is too small but i used
mine is too small but i used to masturbate what are the advantages and disadvantages of masturbating
Masturbation is a normal part of a healthy sex life, and you don’t need to worry about disadvantages, even if you masturbate daily.
Ihad penis less than 3.4cm
Ihad penis less than 3.4cm can it satisfy agal
That is on the very small
That is on the very small side, especially if that’s erect.
However, most women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm, and there, the penis size really doesn’t matter.
How many shot does a man
How many shot does a man remove
Some do one, others do a few.
Some do one, others do a few. It depends on many factors.
I stay with my wife, this is
I stay with my wife, this is the second year, but no kid. We have no medical problems. What do you advise?
If you have calculated when she ovulates and your have unprotected sex around this time most months and nothing has happened, it might be best to see a healthcare professional to discuss any possible problems.
gays no matter how smoll its
gays no matter how smoll its the batter it works
And remember that for a woman
And remember that for a woman’s satisfaction, knowledge of the clitoris counts for more than penis size does.
Me am satisfied with mah
Me am satisfied with mah patner, evethough sometimes he wants 2 ave sex,but da penis cant respond n he had 2 struggle 4 a long time na tangu irrespond atakuwa amechoka.
Sex can be about so much more than just penetration. Find other ways to please each other in the situations when he doesn’t erect.
I use 2 touch its penis until
I use 2 touch its penis until its ok,but when he started da bussiness still inarudi yet at tat tyme am sensitive.i was thinking tat ama amefungwa na dawa?pliz advise on tat coz i love him n i don’t want 2 loose him.
I don’t erect since my wife
I don’t erect since my wife chopped my manhood for any help reach mi 0703399699
What do you mean, she chopped
What do you mean, she chopped it off?
Why does some men have big
Why does some men have big penis and when they enjaculate the penis can not function again
That has nothing to do with the size. It’s called the refractory period and its the time a man needs to recover after having an orgasm. It can last from a few minutes to several hours.
Ilove her but am shy, what
Ilove her but am shy, what can i do to know that ilove her
Ilove her but am shy, what
Ilove her but am shy, what can i do to know that ilove her
how can u stimulate de
how can u stimulate de clitories?
am ok with my man
am ok with my man
am shy to galz wat r da best
am shy to galz wat r da best tips to approach a gal
Can sex happen wth a man who
Can sex happen wth a man who a penis bt when erect it doesn’t show foreskin? N hw can he do so that the penis should show foreskin when erect?
Can sex happen wth a man who
Can sex happen wth a man who a penis bt when erect it doesn’t show foreskin? N hw can he do so that the penis should show foreskin when erect?
do penis grow according to
do penis grow according to age……
The penis stops growing when
The penis stops growing when the rest body stops growing. Between ages of 18-21 for most people.
My penis too long n slender…
My penis too long n slender…any problem?
Hi Toby, penises come in…
Hi Toby, penises come in different shapes and sizes. You should only be concerned if your penis causes pain to your partner when having sex. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/penis-shapes-and-sizes
My penis is very small like…
My penis is very small like that of a P.1 young boy, yet am old 26 years of age, what can i do? in Uganda.
Thanks for your help
Hi Polly, thank you for…
Hi Polly, thank you for reaching out to us. At your age it is likely that you will not experience further growth. The best thing to do is to take advantage of sex positions that maximise on penetration.
I want to enlarge mine…
I want to enlarge mine because my wife is too big she needs a bigger so she can stop complain
Hello Anonymous,…
Hello Anonymous, unfortunately, the fact is penile size cannot be increased without surgery. While there are a lot of people out there trying to sell you all kinds of products – pills, pumps, patches, creams, gels, sprays and stretchers – most of it is hocus pocus. And experts say that is because the penis is made of spongy tissue which cannot be lengthened or stretched. Even surgeries offer only a small increase in size.
i cum within seconds
i cum within seconds
Hello Moses, what you are…
Hello Moses, what you are experiencing is known as Premature Ejaculation, which is caused by a number of reasons including fear, anxiety, or even stress. The anxiety that one will not perform can make him ejaculate much earlier or stress from home or work. In other cases, particularly in young men, it could be the result of sexual inexperience, and so as the young man gets older he also gains more experience in controlling ejaculation.
There are a few things you can do to improve control and last longer. In the short term, you can take short breaks during intercourse, you can also apply firm pressure underneath the penis during intercourse to push blood out of the penis hence decreasing sexual tension, distract yourself to think about other non sexual things or use penis desensitizers. Penis desensitizers come in the form of sprays and creams that can be applied on the penis minutes before intercourse and they help to delay ejaculation. Sometimes a condom can help reduce the sensitivity of the penis.
In the long term, one can ensure they eat healthily and avoid lots of processed foods, begin to exercise which improves blood flow in the body, reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol including smoking and more importantly reduce stress during intercourse. Foreplay will also play a critical role in preparing your partner and getting them closer to an orgasm.
The following articles provide more information;-
Love Matters Team.