Male Body

There’s no such thing as a ‘typical man’ – everyone’s body looks a bit different. But in this section we look at the things men have in common, like the changes that occur during puberty and the personal care that a healthy body needs.


Does sperm quality change with age?

Does sperm quality change with age?

In recent years, more people have been having children later in life due to various reasons, such as late marriage and increased use of contraceptives. Changing roles for women have also contributed to older age at first pregnancy. But, how […]

Why should men visit a urologist?

Why should men visit a urologist?

What do Urologists do? Men typically seek the expertise of a urologist for issues related to urinary or sexual dysfunction, and infertility concerns. Common complaints include premature ejaculation, impaired orgasm, erectile dysfunction, or decreased libido. Additionally, urologists address pelvic injuries […]

Nini husababisha mbegu kidogo za kiume?

Nini husababisha mbegu kidogo za kiume?

Hebu tuangalie kwa makini maana ya idadi ndogo ya mbegu za kiume, nini kinachosababisha nguvu kidogo za kiume na ni kitu gani unaweza kufanya. Je inamaanisha nini kuwa na mbegu chache za kiume? Kuwa na nguvu chache za kiume inamanisha […]

Je, ni kawaida kwa uume kuninginia pembeni?

Je, ni kawaida kwa uume kuninginia pembeni?

Tukio hili laweza  kumpa mtu masimango ambapo yafaa tusiwe na wasiwasi sababu maumbile yetu ni tofauti. Si kawaida ya uume wa mtu kulalia upande mmoja isipokuwa umesinyaa au ukianza kuamka/kuzukwa.Ukawaida wa vile ubinadamu yafaa kuwa,hii inamanisha  mwili wa binadamu unaeza […]

Je, rangi ya shawawa/shahawa ni gani?

Je, rangi ya shawawa/shahawa ni gani?

Utaalamu umedhibitisha kuwa rangi ya kawaida na iliyo ya sawa kwa SHAHAWA ni nyeupe nyepesi, hadi ya kijivu ambayo haijapasha,si kwa sana pia huwa na umanjano kwa mbali.Huu mchipuko inakadiriwa kuwa sawa na uchangizwa sana na; uzito za uzalishaji wa […]

Je wanaume wanapaswa kukojoa baada ya ngono?

Je wanaume wanapaswa kukojoa baada ya ngono?

Je wao pia yafaa wakojoe baada ya tendo la ngono? Na hayo yote yana faida yeyote  kwao? Hebu tulizungumzie hili jambo. Ukweli halisi ni kwamba, wanaume hawahitaji kukojoa baada ya tendo la ngono. Sababu kuu ni kuwa wanaume wana urethra/mrija […]

Is it normal for the penis to hang sideways?

Is it normal for the penis to hang sideways?

It’s not unusual for a penis to hang slightly to one side rather than perfectly straight when flaccid and slightly when erect. The extent of this positioning can vary from person to person. Factors such as genetics, natural asymmetry in […]

Are erections in little boys normal?

Are erections in little boys normal?

A small boy can experience his first erection as early as when he is a newborn. Yes, you heard me right! There’s no need to fear, even though what you see can initially seem a little frightening. That’s quite normal […]

Can penis shrinkage be reversed?

Can penis shrinkage be reversed?

Penis shrinkage is a major cause for concern for individuals experiencing it. The shrinkage can be temporary or permanent. Temporary shrinkage can be due to cold weather, certain medications, and lifestyle choices. Permanent shrinkage may occur due to various factors […]

Why do I get random erections?

Why do I get random erections?

The first assumption is that one is sexually aroused but this is not always the case. These erections can happen without any sexual arousal or stimulation and often occur during adolescence and adulthood. Random erections, also known as spontaneous erections […]

Should men urinate after sex?

Should men urinate after sex?

Well, the truth is that men do not need to urinate after sex. This is because, unlike women, men’s urethras are longer and this means that there’s little chance for bacteria from the genital area to reach the bladder. During […]

Why can’t I get an erection?

Why can’t I get an erection?

While seeking individualized medical advice from a physician was necessary and recommended, having a general understanding of the causes of his problem was helpful. There’s hope for Chris and others who wish to get a solution for their problem. But […]

What is the normal color of semen?

What is the normal color of semen?

The normal and healthy color of semen typically falls within a range of white to light gray, occasionally with a slightly yellowish shade. This variation is considered normal and is influenced by several factors, including the composition of semen, frequency […]

What do morning erections say about my health?

What do morning erections say about my health?

So, what message is your body sending you through morning erections? Here’s what morning erections may signify: 1. Healthy erectile function: Morning erections are a sign that blood flow and nerve function to the penis are intact and functioning well. […]

What does it mean if I don’t get morning erections?

What does it mean if I don’t get morning erections?

Morning erections, also known as morning wood or nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), are erections that happen in your sleep. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily a result of sexual arousal or dreams. They are a normal and healthy […]

Maumbo na ukubwa wa mboro au mjulusi

Maumbo na ukubwa wa mboro au mjulusi

Ukiwa haujasimika, uume huwa na urefu wa kati ya sentimita 6 na 13. Iliyosimama kwa kawaida iko mahali Fulani urefu wa kati ya 7 na 17. Uume uliosimama wastani ni kama sentimita 12. Mjulusi mdogo hukua zaidi kwa saizi pindi […]

Why do balls shrink in cold weather?

Why do balls shrink in cold weather?

If you have balls, also known as testicles or testes, you may have noticed that they tend to shrink – or ‘get smaller,’ during cold weather. Well, you are not alone, other testes owners experience it too. But why does this happen? Is it normal?

What happens when men stop having sex?

What happens when men stop having sex?

We all know that normal hormone levels ensure the penis stays healthy; not having sex for too long could have opposite effects. If you’re a man going through a dry spell or practicing abstinence, you could damage your sex life […]

Groin Hernia: all you need to know

Groin Hernia: all you need to know

Inguinal hernia occurs when muscles weaken in the lower abdomen over time. There are three layers that protect the human intestines in the lower area of the abdomen. The peritoneum is the first membrane followed by the abdominal muscles. The […]

At what age does the penis stop growing?

At what age does the penis stop growing?

If you are a penis owner, penis lover, penis admirer, or penis researcher, chances are that the topic of penis size has crossed your mind. But have you ever asked yourself at what point the penis stops growing?

9 interesting facts about the male G-Spot

9 interesting facts about the male G-Spot

For many men though, the thought of touching or inserting a finger in their rectum is quite appalling but to others, it is among the best ways to achieve optimum sexual pleasure. Men, are you in the first or second […]

5 hygiene tips for men

5 hygiene tips for men

When you kiss or have sex, it’s nice if you’re clean and smell fresh. Brush your teeth, shower regularly, and wear clean clothes.



If you get really aroused, you have an orgasm or ‘come’.
When you have an orgasm, you ejaculate – semen comes out of your penis.

Penis shapes and sizes

Penis shapes and sizes

Penises come in all shapes and sizes. And they all look different: straight, curved, long, thick, thin, circumcised, uncircumcised. One is no better than the other.