I want a bigger butt
I want a big, round, sexy ass. What are the side effects of butt enlargement pills and creams?
It only seems like yesterday that every woman’s dream was to have a small, neat butt. Then along came a few crazy celebrities, and suddenly every woman wants a big one instead!
New trend, new ways to make money
And so along came the entrepreneurs trying to make money out of the trend. You see gyms offering butt enhancing exercises, surgeons offerings ‘Brazilian butt lifts’ (where a woman’s own fat is sucked from other parts of her body and injected into the buttocks), and underwear manufacturers trying to sell you ‘bum-sculpting leggings’. These all do actually work to some extent, at eye-watering prices.
But there are also companies with weird names selling butt enlargement pills and creams. And they don’t work at all.
Horny goat weed and false unicorn
Obviously, their websites make it seem like they do, and there are even ‘endorsements’ on sites like Amazon written by delighted customers.
But there’s no science behind these products.
Just reading typical ingredients lists shows that the manufacturers don’t really know what works, so they put in a mix of anything that’s trendy.
The weirder, the better, it seems: Mexican Wild Yam Root, Mothers’s Wort, Blessed Thistle, Dong Quai Root, Saw Palmetto Berry, Bovine Ovary, Genistein, False Unicorn, Red Clover Extract, Chasteberry, Horny Goat Weed Extract…
Fake endorsements
Worse still, many of the products are actually fakes, with no ‘active ingredients’ at all. The endorsements are usually fake too – though a few might be wish fulfilment I suppose.
Everyone also assumes that because the ingredients are ‘natural’, there’ll be no side effects. But herbal products can cause kidney failure and liver damage, allergic reactions, skin sensitivity, or interact harmfully with prescription drugs.
Your body is perfect
There’s also the whole question as to why anyone should want to change their shape anyway. Kim Kardashian has a lot to answer, of course, but different social media communities are endlessly redefining what the perfect body should look like.
But actually, your body’s perfect the way it is.
It does not need to be ‘toned’, ‘defined’, or ‘filled out.’ All these #instabloggers market the same message: your body is bad and it needs to change. Stop following these accounts and just do what feels right for you.
Are you tired of being told what your body should look like? Share your frustration in the comments below or leave a comment on Facebook: Love Matters Kenya and Love Matters Naija.
Thank you love Matters. We…
Thank you love Matters. We girls need to stop trying to change our bodies to please men who may not be there tomorrow.
That’s right Angellah, we…
That’s right Angellah, we should love ourselves the way we are. Thank you for the input.
My problem is the exact…
My problem is the exact opposite I want a normal regular butt. I get unwanted attention from men & women alike and I don’t like that what people remember isn’t even my face but my butt.
Dear Clare, thank you for…
Dear Clare, thank you for sharing with us your frustrations. It can be disturbing and annoying that people don’t remember your face but remember other features of your body. It is important to know that you cannot control other people feelings and actions, however you can control how you feel and react to their opinions. Have you tried looking yourself on the mirror and appreciate who you are? Have you ever imagined how it would feel like if you looked at yourself more positively? Perhaps you may consider loving yourself more for who you are. Check out this article: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/body-poppin-all-the-time-a-look-at-body-positivity
Have you made your research?…
Have you made your research? I am sure you have not, all the ingredients you mentioned above that have “weird” names are herbs and can be taken as supplements in the right proportionsto increase the amount of estrogen that will also aid butt enhancement. I personally know this. This herbs when used in the right way have helped ladies like myself feel more confident in their skin. I am happy and I will keep making my research on herbs and their uses, those herbs you mentioned have helped reduce the amount of people going in for butt surgery and all that. You can’t just say they don’t work, most ladies don’t have the patience and misuse them.
Please make your research
Hi Esther,
Thank you for…
Hi Esther,
Thank you for your input. Love Matters seeks to provide evidence-based information and that is why we are insisting that there is no evidence that they work. As long as there is no scientific evidence to back something up, we choose not to encourage use or adoption since effects are unknown. I am glad they have worked for you but I would advise that you seek a doctor’s view of the products you are using because they may be adverse effects in the future.