How to count safe days
How many days before and after period are safe? How safe are safe days, really?
Safe days, or the calendar method, as some call it, is a form of contraceptive method women use around the world. This method of contraception relies on women tracking their menstrual cycle and counting days in which she can have sex and avoid conception. But how exactly does it work? Love Matters spoke to Dr Adongo- Meme, a resident gynaecologist at Kenyatta National Hospital to understand how it works.
How exactly do you calculate safe days?
If your cycle length is anywhere between 26 and 32 days, (a cycle being from day 1 of the menses until the day just before the next period), then the fertile days are from day 8 – 19. This is called the standard days’ method and should not be used by people with irregular menses, or cycles longer than 32 days or shorter than 26 days.
How can you be extremely accurate on your calculations when you have irregular periods?
This method requires one to record their menstrual cycle length for a minimum of 12 cycles. The length of the shortest cycle and the longest cycle is used to calculate the fertile window. To estimate the first fertile day, 20 days are subtracted from the shortest cycle length. The last fertile day is calculated by subtracting 10 days from the longest cervical length. For example, if your shortest cycle is 26 days and the longest cycle is 32 days, it means the fertile days would be from day 6 to day 22. That’s a pretty long period to abstain so additional precaution would be needed e.g. barrier methods like the condom.
Is it really a reliable long-term measure for contraception?
Yes, it can be used on a long term basis but requires an immense amount of discipline to execute. It also has a high failure rate of 20% largely due to miscalculations and indiscipline.
Is it possible to still conceive while menstruating?
Anything is possible. But largely no because during your menses the hormones that are responsible for egg maturation and ovulation are largely reduced.
Is it possible to conceive the day after the end of your period?
If it falls within your fertile days, yes.
Are there any easier ways of tracking one’s fertility calendar aside from manually calculating it on an actual chronological calendar?
There are the good old cycle beads. They look like a traditional necklace. Those are tailored for the people with a cycle length of 26-32 days. Phone apps are also an option but only after you have recorded a minimum of 12 cycles.
In your medical opinion, what would you recommend are better long-term birth control measures women can use?
There are several and recommending one over another is not quite possible. Contraceptive choice is based on several factors: the desire for children, how many, how far apart, any other medical conditions, weight, allergies, and so on and so forth. There is no ‘one size fits all’. It requires evaluation by your doctor and a comprehensive discussion on benefits and risks.
What do you use to count your days? Does it work for you?
Has if your periods started…
Has if your periods started on 3ad ends on7… When are you safe now
Hi, thank you for your…
Hi, thank you for your question. First, you need to determine how long your cycle is. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and lasts until the first day of your next period. To notice patterns it is best to track your cycle for a few months. Your ovulation date is usually in the middle, for example, if your cycle is 28 days long your ovulation date is the 14th day. However, if your cycle is longer than 30 days or shorter than 20 days, your ovulation date may be a little harder to calculate.
For a typical 28 to 30 day cycle, day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
What if ma periods ends then…
What if ma periods ends then After u again see ur menses then are u fit to have sex
Hi Moe, thanks for getting…
Hi Moe, thanks for getting in touch and asking a great question. Firstly, it is completely normal to have your menses more than once in one month so you need not worry. Having sex while on your period is also completely normal given that you and your partner are okay with it. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/period-sex-no-big-deal
It is important to note though that although the chances of getting pregnant while on your period are very small, it is still possible. Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
My periods appeared on 17th…
My periods appeared on 17th and ended on 20,,when are my safe days
Hello Njeri, thank you for…
Hello Njeri, thank you for coming to us with this. To understand your safe days you need to learn when your cycle. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.
To know how long your cycle is, you will need to track it closely for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile (safe). Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days (safe days).
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
My period comes at date 26 …
My period comes at date 26 -30 and its ends . then comes back at date 7-9 is it normal . canI attend to guiner to seek for advice
Hi Lillian, thank you for…
Hi Lillian, thank you for reaching out to us and asking a great question. It’s often normal during the teen years to have irregular periods. When a girl’s period is irregular, it might come more than once a month or only come every few months. Some girls find they get their period more than once some months, then they might not have another for several months.
My period start on 14 nd end…
My period start on 14 nd end on 17 wen is my next period and wen is my save period
Hello hernyche, please read…
Hello hernyche, please read the article it will guide you on how to count your safe days. The information you have provided is not enough for us to estimate your safe days. If you go through the article you will find the guidance you seek.
Hii am Milcah my period…
Hii am Milcah my period start from date7-11 and I had unprotected sex 18 is that safe?
Hello Milcah, thank you for…
Hello Milcah, thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry, I do not understand your question. Could you please explain?
How to count irregular cycle
How to count irregular cycle
Hi Shaania,
An irregular…
Hi Shaania,
An irregular menstrual cycle is considered one that is shorter than 21 days or longer than 35. Counting safe days when you have an irregular period is tricky because you’re not sure about the length of your cycle from month to month. This means that it can be difficult to know when you’re ovulating. An irregular menstrual cycle may also be a sign of irregular ovulation. You may not ovulate every month or you may ovulate at different times from month to month. Thus, it is hard to count safe days if your periods are irregular.
My periods start at 18th end 21st when is my fertile day
Hi there,
That depends. Do you have a 21, 28, or 35 days cycle? If you have a 21-days cycle, your most fertile days are days 5,6and 7 after the start of your period. For the 28-days cycle, your fertile window is days highest at 13,14, and 15 days after the start of your period. While if you have a 35 days cycle, your period happens your most fertile days are days 20,21, and 22.
Mine is 25 days so how can I calculate my safe days because I don’t understand
Hi there,
For a 25 days cycle, your safe days are days 10,11 and 12.