Keeping your vagina clean: what works (and doesn’t)
Drink natural yoghurt at least once a week to help clean your vajayjay naturally. No, actually, just put the yoghurt in there directly for best results. Really?!
We’ve probably heard these remedies for cleaning our vaginas and ensuring the highest standards of hygiene; but what works and what doesn’t?
The Kenyan market is flooded with products that claim to contain mild ingredients that help clean the vagina and while many doctors recommend keeping it natural and avoiding douching, different Kenyan women say different methods and products work for them.
We talked to some women to get a picture.
Good health = happy vagina
I used to douche, but I started getting infections every so often and when I visited a gynaecologist, I was told to keep it natural, take care of my diet, and my vagina will take care of itself. And that works. I used to get a funny smell down there whenever I ate badly, not to mention the stink bomb farts, and when I started eating clean – little junk food and a balanced diet with my fruits and vegetables – my vagina started treating me well. Also, pineapples are good for your lady part – it’s not a myth. It will smell sweet and eatable which will make your man keep licking…
Lisa, 28Awful spots from ‘mild cleaner’
I don’t use any soap or non-soap products to clean down there. I’m pretty sensitive and I’ve found truth in the advice that it cleans itself and there is, therefore, no need to do anything extra. All I do is clean my outer lips and the rest takes care of itself.
I once used a ‘mild cleaner’ and I got dry, itchy, and weird spots. It was worse when my man insisted on going down on me. He freaked out when he saw the spots and asked me if I had an STI.
Needless to say, there was no action that night and I ditched the vagina cleaner and decided to keep it natural.
Tina, 26Keep it clean at all times
One thing you’ve got to do when you are sexually active is to keep clean. Take a shower after having sex, no matter how tired you are. Yes. There was once I didn’t and I got a urinary tract infection! I don’t douche, I just clean my outer lips, but it makes all the difference. Even if you are using a condom, that rubber can cause an infection, so you better wash up.
Nancy, 35Deep clean
Call me old school, but I don’t think anybody part is clean unless soap is used. I mean, before you eat your food, you are supposed to clean your hands thoroughly using soap. If you don’t wash your face with some kind of soap or non-soap (whatever that is) product, it will start getting pimples and look bad. That’s the same policy I have with my vagina. I got to use soap and douche. The product I use is mild and I haven’t had any reaction.
Wendy, 30
So the majority of the ladies we talked to seems to prefer keeping it ‘au naturel’. What works for you? Leave us a comment below or share your experiences with us on Facebook: Love Matters Africa and Love Matters Naija.
It’s also cool to take a…
It’s also cool to take a bath b4 taking down on it
This is true Favour, thank…
This is true Favour, thank you for your contribution.
I use detol sometimes is…
I use detol sometimes is that fine?
Hey Clara, Using warm water…
Hey Clara, Using warm water to wash your vagina is sufficient. It’s not a good idea to use detol or soap inside your vagina. Such products will upset the natural balance of bacteria and actually make you more likely to get yeast (fungal) infections. If you do choose to use soap, use a gentle one without strong perfumes. Check out the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/genital-hygiene-dos-and-donts
I used detail to wash my…
I used detail to wash my Virgina and it started releasing this yellowish and creamy fluid together I have been scared what do you think I can use to stop the yellowish fluid
Hello Favour, thank you for…
Hello Favour, thank you for reaching out to us. A difference in colour, consistency, and/or smell is usually a sign that there is a problem and you would need to see a medical professional to give you a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward
Yes my dear sister am…
Yes my dear sister am amidwife by progessio just some two weeks ago i had the same issue but i got treatment with 5 days iv injection of 2g ceftriaxone,5dys 500mg tablet of Azithromycin once in a day and metronidazole 2tabs three times a day for 5days and nos am so fresh and clean
Hello Margret, thank you for…
Hello Margret, thank you for your input. We still advocate for people to visit a medical practitioner and get a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Is it healthy to have sex…
Is it healthy to have sex during periods?
Hi, it is completely okay to…
Hi, it is completely okay to have sex during periods. In fact it can be a great way to relieve period pain. There is however a small chance that one could get pregnant and for this reason It is important to use protection to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
This is good information I…
This is good information I now know why I have been suffering.
We are glad that this…
We are glad that this article was useful to you Gladys.
I was told that occasionally…
I was told that occasionally I can use salty as in sit in a bath of warm salty water is this OK?
Hey Cherry, it is important…
Hey Cherry, it is important to be thorough when cleaning the vagina however using soap or even salty water can upset the natural balance of the vagina which can expose one to infections. Have a look at the following article for additional information on the Do’s and Don’ts of vaginal hygiene;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/genital-hygiene-dos-and-donts
Is it okay to use aloevera
Is it okay to use aloevera
Hi Clara, this is likely to…
Hi Clara, this is likely to affect the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina and this will cause infections. Water is usually sufficient and if you must use soap, use non scent types like baby soap. Have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/genital-hygiene-dos-and-donts
I have seen products that…
I have seen products that can tighten vagina especially after a lady gives birth? Which ones are safe, which are not and what negative effect can it have when using it?
Hey, vagina tighteners do…
Hey, vagina tighteners do not work and for this reason there are no products we can recommend to you. Introducing a foreign product into your vagina can result to infections. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/8-more-things-women-should-not-put-in-their-vaginas
I used to do alot of crazy…
I used to do alot of crazy things to keep it clean and I had infections all the time then. I know better now.
Hi Betty, we are glad that…
Hi Betty, we are glad that you found the articles here useful. Keep exploring the website for even more informative articles on Love, Sex and Relationships.
I always keep it natural but…
I always keep it natural but I get bumps occasionally on the pubic area but they disappear after a while, should I be worried?
Hey DO, since they come and…
Hey DO, since they come and clear out on their own, it appears they are caused by minor irritation and for this reason you don’t have to be worried. It may help however, to wear cotton underwear which help to absorb excess moisture keeping you pubic area dry. They also help to reduce possible irritation.
I don’t use any soap for my…
I don’t use any soap for my V but I itchy alot sometimes. It get so uncomfortable I have to step out of class and such. What causes such to happen?
Hello Raya, have you in…
Hello Raya, have you in addition observed a change in your vaginal discharge, odour including pain when urinating. This could be a sign of an infection and it is important you speak to a health care provider for possible tests and treatment. On the other hand, it could be the under wear, try wear cotton under wear which absorb moisture better as compared to other synthetic material.
I have never had bad Virgina…
I have never had bad Virgina odour before…
But of recent I don’t like the smell of my Virgina and it persisted for almost 3weeks now…, What should I do?
Hi Testy, if the smell has…
Hi Testy, if the smell has changed, then it is likely that there is a cause for the change. Kindly see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
How do I do to stop uti en…
How do I do to stop uti en dryness wen having sex
Hello Nimo, thank you for…
Hello Nimo, thank you for your questions. A UTI after sex, is usually caused when you have rough sex which then rams bacteria into the woman’s urethra. The best remedy for this is to make sure you urinate after sex. To avoid dryness make sure that the lady is properly stimulated. Sexual stimulation helps produce the lubrication needed for painless and pleasurable sex.
Well,I try as much to keep…
Well,I try as much to keep the V clean naturally but I struggle with my labia? especially after ps..it usually gets an inflammation abit of swelling and itching that’s really uncomfortable. However this isn’t accompanied by any discharge and it’s only the lab that itches…what can I do
Hello Leti, thank you for…
Hello Leti, thank you for reaching out to us. It is normal to get itchy during or after your period. The itching is caused by a change in your vaginal pH. However, it could also be caused by the pads or tampons you are using. Try and change them your next period and see if that makes a change.
Am having some pimples when…
Am having some pimples when pubic hair is growing and after shaving it makes me uncomfortable during sex what can I do??
Hi Maria, what you are…
Hi Maria, what you are experiencing is likely razor bumps. Next time when you shave, try shaving in the direction in which your hair grows. Although the shave will not be as close, there will not be as many bumps. To help with the itching ad bums, try to exfoliate and moisturize which should expose the ingrown hairs and make things better.