Virgin on e-pills
The first time we ever did anything, I was nervous. So nervous, in fact, that we didn’t have sex. but I was a virgin, and I was freaking out about birth control!
I had been with this guy for about a month, and things were getting hot and heavy very quickly. Before long, we wanted to move what was happening in the backseat of his car to a more ‘proper’ space – something I thought would be romantic, and at least not as cramped.
Our ‘practice sessions’ often got too close to the real thing. One time, there were fluids involved – but all without penetration.
And I had read all the horror stories; you know them, too. The girl who got pregnant because there was sperm left on her thigh and it magically ended up inside her. Or the one getting pregnant from pre-cum. I didn’t want to be an urban legend! I knew I wasn’t ready to have a baby, and I was pretty sure he wasn’t either.
It was my first year of uni, and my mum would kill me if I brought home a grandchild whose father she hadn’t met. So although I was still a virgin, I went to the chemist down the road – he, the more experienced one, said I was overreacting.
I’m glad he respected my panic enough to pay for it.
This wasn’t contraception. We hadn’t had sex so we hadn’t talked about birth control. This was just the morning-after pill. An emergency knee-jerk reaction. But after all those fluids, I needed a solution asap. Because the longer you wait to take the pill, the less efficient it is; some say after 72 hours, you don’t even need to bother. Though I had read about the other measures one could take after, I wasn’t prepared, financially or mentally, to do those.
After he gave me the money, I called my best friend to take me to the store.
She was mostly in disbelief that we were walking to the chemist to buy P2 and yet I hadn’t had sex. Paranoia on a whole different level.
We were praying that we wouldn’t see anyone we knew, or meet our parents there – it was the local chemist. Anything was possible. Even worse would be someone walking in right as we made the request! Many people know what that P2 is and what it means you’ve been doing. It’s ironic: I was trying to be responsible, but I was also mortified.
It cost about 200 shillings for the two pills – one to take immediately, the other 12 hours after the first. My friend was also in charge of making sure I didn’t forget to take another one, after those 12 hours passed.
I got my period the next month and I was extremely relieved. By then he had broken my heart and we weren’t even together anymore, but that’s another story all together. I was so relieved to see my period. I even stayed celibate for a few years after that in celebration.
No pills needed!
Overreaction or a smart move – what do you think? Share your thoughts below or on Facebook. For questions on sex, contraception and P2, head to our Discussion Board.
I used p2 a month ago and av…
I used p2 a month ago and av been experiencing abdominal pain
Hi Cate, Abdominal pain or…
Hi Cate, Abdominal pain or cramping is one of the expected mild side effects. You can consider consulting a medical provider for a check up if this has been going on long.
I had sex immediately after…
I had sex immediately after my periods I used a condom but I later took p2 and had sex again the same day can I get pregnant
Hey Mollie, birth control…
Hey Mollie, birth control methods do have a failure rate however using two methods at the same time like you did help to ensure better prevention. All you can do now is wait and see if you got pregnant or not, with the two methods the chance or risk of getting pregnant was significantly reduced. Check out the following articles;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
I’m 20 and a virgin …I…
I’m 20 and a virgin …I want to have sex but I don’t know which contraceptive pill is best for me to avoid pregnancy …
Hello Victory, thank you for…
Hello Victory, thank you for reaching out and asking a brilliant question. Contraception comes in many forms dear, it all depends on what you feel is most comfortable with you. Click here to find out more on the various types of contraception and birth control that exist and which one is best suited to you: https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/contraception-saying-goodbye-to-unwanted-pregnancies 🙂 Stay safe and have a brilliant week ahead!
My girlfriend and I had a…
My girlfriend and I had a foreplay but there was no Penetration though there was body contact and no ejaculation. we were scared of the possibility precum so she took Postinor two within 24hrs. After 6days she experience light spotting throughout that day and then on the second day she had a normal flow but her period was suppose to take place a week later(she saw her period on the 7 instead of the usual dates 15th or 17th. The flow ended but she kept seeing light sporting for four 6days after the flow. on the 7th day she’s again experiencing another flow but a heavy one which makes her feel like she’s having her menses. the comes with clotted blood and cramps. Could she pregnant or its the side effect of the drugs.? Is it something to worry about because I am not happy seeing her going through this. please I hope for your quick response. Thank you.
Hi Vincent, thank you so…
Hi Vincent, thank you so much for reaching out to us. Postinor 2 works by delivering a high dose of a hormone called levonorgestrel. Side effects of this drug include headache, nausea, abdominal pain, uterine pain, delayed menstruation, heavy menstruation, and uterine bleeding. These side effects typically clear out in 48 hours. However, if they do persist please see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Hey. I just had some…
Hey. I just had some foreplay and I had precummed but i wiped it all out then i put my helmet in then i removed it i did that like twice thereafter i bought p2 and gave her but she took both pills at once. After a few days she called me and told me she was spotting having abdominal pains and a headache. I honestly don’t know what to do is she pregnant ?? please reply as soon as you can Thanks.
Hello Jordan, thank you for…
Hello Jordan, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. The most common side effects are spotting or bleeding between periods (this is more common with progestin-only pills), sore breasts, nausea, or headaches. But these usually go away after 2 or 3 months, and they don’t happen to everyone who takes the pill. She is probably feeling this way because she is on her period but otherwise Birth control shouldn’t make her feel sick or uncomfortable. If symptoms persist after her period, we highly recommend that she visits a doctor to diagnose her issue. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
I had a foreplay last night…
I had a foreplay last night with my fiance, I hand my pants on and he was rubbing his d**k on my vagina and he also rubbed his fingers inside my panties, so am afraid if this could lead to pregnancy ?though am not really sure that he released on me.
Hi Odesa, thank you for…
Hi Odesa, thank you for getting in touch and asking a good question. The likelihood of you getting pregnant is very small. Since you had your pants on and all he did was finger you, then you are fine. In order to get pregnant, there needs to be unprotected penetrative sexual intercourse whereby he inserts his penis into your vagina so do not worry too much.
Right? 🙂 We are glad you…
Right? 🙂 We are glad you find our content interesting Abigeal, we post content regularly and look forward to your feedback! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
Hi there
Please am 20yrs,I…
Hi there
Please am 20yrs,I haven’t had sex before,I need advice on the best pregnancy preventive pills to take. please reply fast, Thanks.
Hi Bella, thank you for…
Hi Bella, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. If you don’t want to get pregnant – or don’t want your partner to get pregnant – you need to use birth control, also called contraception or family planning. Click here to find out more on how to select the best form of contraception for you: https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/choosing-the-right-birth-control/how-to-choose
Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
i just wanned to tell u how…
i just wanned to tell u how your article made me feel like,if we hv more ppl like you the world will be a better place.my questions been asked and your answers are so professional and informative.thank you!love from africa
Hello N.g, thank you so much…
Hello N.g, thank you so much for your feedback We appreciate it. Please feel free to look through our website to find other articles that you may find of help. Have a great weekend!
I am learning alot
I am learning alot
Hi Crayon Ann, we are so…
Hi Crayon Ann, we are so glad to hear this. Please feel free to go through the website to find other articles that you may find of help.
Hey,he just started…
Hey,he just started romancing me and got a call from his parent.
am feeling horny and he’s not with me
now am feeling stomach pain
please what will i do?
Hello Kaosara, thank you for…
Hello Kaosara, thank you for reaching out to us and we are sorry you are going through a hard time. When you say that he started romancing you, do you mean that you both had sexual intercourse?
Hello, I am Maame Adjwoa…
Hello, I am Maame Adjwoa please I am 22years of age. I am a virgin but I want to have sex with my partner but am afraid to get pregnant so what should I do
Hello Maame, thank you for…
Hello Maame, thank you for reaching out to us. Consider having a conversation with a medical practitioner to help you decide what contraception options are best for you and your partner.
Hi…Am glad have learned…
Hi…Am glad have learned something which was disturbing my mind,Thanks alot.
Hi Pauline, we are glad to…
Hi Pauline, we are glad to hear this. Thank you for your feedback.
I was so scared when mine…
I was so scared when mine happened
Hello Morayo, thank you for…
Hello Morayo, thank you for your input, we appreciate it.
Hi i had a anal intercouse…
Hi i had a anal intercouse with my bf and he release instantly,i wiped it away but my mind is not at rest,so the following day i went to chemist around my area to get postinor2 and use the 2pills immediately,since that time have been experiencing dizziness hope am safe 4 pregnancy.
Hi Tola,
Even if chances…
Hi Tola,
Even if chances of getting pregnant through anal sex are very low, you are not 100% protected from pregnancy. First, you can still get pregnant from anal sex since semen can enter the vagina either if ejaculation happens near the vagina or through vaginal penetration by a toy or finger that has semen. Second, postinor2 is not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. On the other hand, you could be having too much anxiety that you’ve developed false pregnancy signs. It’s an uncommon condition that causes a woman to believe she’s pregnant. She’ll even have many classic symptoms of pregnancy. The best way to take a pregnancy test so that you can establish whether you’re pregnant or not.
Hi,i’m a virgin and i’m…
Hi,i’m a virgin and i’m about to have sex,is it advicable for me to take p2?
Hi Comfort,
Yes, you can…
Hi Comfort,
Yes, you can definitely take P2 and it can be effective as long as you take it as per instructions. Also, remember that P2 may prevent pregnancy but cannot protect you from HIV and other STIs.
I had sex 3days past and I…
I had sex 3days past and I was supposed to have my period a day after I had sex but I didn’t please am I pregnant and can I still take the p2 tablet?
Hi Gloria,
Yes, you can…
Hi Gloria,
Yes, you can take the P2 tablet if you had sex 3 or fewer days ago. Take the e-pill as soon as possible. In some cases, stress and anxiety can cause your periods to delay. Relax. You can take a pregnancy test about 1.5 weeks after the time you had sex.