3 natural contraceptives and their efficacy
You are stuck on an island without access to modern-day necessities, including contraceptives. What do you do? Remain celibate until you get back to civilization?
Okay, that was an extreme thought. But you might have considered natural family planning at some point. Either for personal reasons or spiritual beliefs.
We are sharing some natural family planning methods to help you.
1. Pull-out method
With the pull-out or withdrawal method, the man removes his penis from the woman’s vagina just before he ejaculates so no sperm can get into her vagina and to her eggs.
While this method could work, if you are having more than one round of sex, some sperm could be left in the man’s urethra from the first ejaculation. Then there is a high risk of pregnancy. If you really want to try this method, make sure as a man, that you pee between rounds to clear out any sperm.
It can also be tricky to know when exactly you will ejaculate and pull out in time.
2. Rhythm method
This method is a formula-based method. If you are anything like me, the mere mention of a formula scares me. But in this day and age, there are amazing apps that help you calculate for you and simply tell you when it might be safe to have sex. Most of these apps have a high accuracy rate so you are in good hands.
If you like manual calculation and would prefer to do it yourself, the calculation is explained below:
- Record the length of 6 to 12 of your menstrual cycles.
- Determine the length of your shortest menstrual cycle and subtract 18 from the total number of days in your shortest cycle. This number is the first fertile day of your cycle.
- Determine the length of your longest menstrual cycle and subtract 11 from the total number of days in your longest cycle. The number you get is the last fertile day of your cycle.
Then, avoid sex on fertile days.
3. Mucus method
With this method, you pay attention to what your vaginal discharge looks like, as well as the amount released.
Usually, there is no discharge for the first few days after your period but as the days pass, you might see a cloudy discharge. When your vaginal discharge becomes clear/stringy, this means ovulation is near. You shouldn’t be having sex at this time if you don’t intend to get pregnant.
Once ovulation is over, it returns to either cloudy or no discharge. It is a good choice for women with regular cycles. If you have irregular periods or constant vaginal infections, this will not be effective for you.
Whatever method you decide on, be aware that most natural methods do not prevent STDs, and none of them are as reliable at preventing pregnancies than non-natural methods.
Remember, there are numerous other reliable contraceptive methods. Also, don’t forget to have safe sex to protect yourself from pregnancy.
Do you have questions about any form of birth control? You can ask our in our comments section.
Nice learning
Nice learning
How many safe days are there…
How many safe days are there in 21 days circle
Hello Esther, thank you for…
Hello Esther, thank you for reaching out to us. Because a 21 day cycle is a little short there is usually a bit of an overlap between your period and your fertile days. However, typically your infertile days should be the last 13 days of your cycle. Remember that Your cycle length is the number of days between the first day of bleeding of one period, and the first day of bleeding of the next.
We are glad and always…
We are glad and always pleased to help Bronzy. Anything in particular that caught your attention? Let us know.
Love Matters Team.
Nice learning
Nice learning
Hello Cate, thank you for…
Hello Cate, thank you for sharing your positive feedback and we are glad to provide information for you! Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe.
In fact you are the reading…
In fact you are the reading team that has saved many
Thank you for your feedback…
Thank you for your feedback David, we appreciate it.
My wife finished her…
My wife finished her monthley period last Sunday,when is her safe day now?It’s already a week now
Hello Jim, thank you for…
Hello Jim, thank you for your question. The answer really depends on how long your wife’s cycle is. Her cycle lasts from the first day of her period to the first day of her next period. To determine the length she should observe her cycle for a few months to see if there are any irregularities.
For most women the cycle is about 28 days long in which case they ovulate on the 14th day and are considered fertile from 5 days before the ovulation date.
Hey..I need to know my safe…
Hey..I need to know my safe days .but I only have record of my menstrual cycle ..from this year Jan to June..is it possible to know my exact safe days?
Avoiding pregnancy with…
Avoiding pregnancy with unprotected sex needs you to track your period. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.
To know how long your cycle is, you will need to track it closely for a few months. Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. However, yours may be longer or shorter. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile (meaning safe). Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days (meaning safe).
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
Hi can I get pregnant after…
Hi can I get pregnant after having sex 3days later after my period
Hi Anonymous, thank you so…
Hi Anonymous, thank you so much for your question. The short answer to your question is yes. You can fall pregnant at any point in your cycle. It is just that the likelihood on some days is higher than others.
First, you need to determine how long your cycle is. Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and lasts until the first day of your next period. To notice patterns it is best to track your cycle for a few months. Your ovulation date is usually in the middle, for example, if your cycle is 28 days long your ovulation date is the 14th day. However, if your cycle is longer than 30 days or shorter than 20 days, your ovulation date may be a little harder to calculate.
At what age is considered…
At what age is considered for a girl to start having sex??
Hi Joyce, this is a great…
Hi Joyce, this is a great question. Each country has a specific age of consent which is the age at which having consensual sex is allowed with no legal repercussions. This is the age at which the government has recognised that the majority of people are adults and are able to make informed decisions about their sexual health. However, individually a woman may decide to wait longer, and so to answer your question, it depends on the individual. Whenever they feel they are ready is the best time for them as long as they are legal adults.
What if ur on the last day…
What if ur on the last day of ur periods is it safe to have sex
Hi Moe, thank you for…
Hi Moe, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Pregnancy is still possible, the chances of becoming pregnant during mensuration are extremely small, but it can still happen. Though generally, it is a very safe time to have unprotected sex if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy, a man’s sperm has the ability to survive inside the woman’s body for a few days and there is a small chance that early ovulation could cause pregnancy. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/sex-during-your-period-top-five-facts
Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
Which day is safe on circle…
Which day is safe on circle of 15. And other quiz how could you know that you are.safe
Hello Dr Wekesa, thank you…
Hello Dr Wekesa, thank you for reaching out to us. You have asked a really good question. A 15 day cycle is rather short and so determining safe days is a little difficult.
Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
How many days are safe and…
How many days are safe and when After period
Most women’s cycle’s last…
Most women’s cycle’s last between 28 and 30 days. Day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to the day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
Mi wife has irregar periods…
Mi wife has irregar periods which comes after 1 or 2 or 3 months and needs to conceive which is the best day to have sex. kindly need ur assistance
Hello Dun, thank you so much…
Hello Dun, thank you so much for reaching out to us. We are so sorry to hear that you and your partner are having issues. The causes for irregular periods may vary and may make getting pregnant a little difficult. We strongly suggest that you and your partner see a medical practitioner at your earliest convenience for a proper diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
which are the safest days …
which are the safest days .is it after period or b4 period
HI Dehniz, thank you for…
HI Dehniz, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Although we highly recommend that you use some form of contraception or birth control if you would like to avoid getting pregnant (Click here to find out more: lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/contraception-saying-goodbye-to-unwanted-pregnancies) please follow this link to find out how you can calculate your safe days: lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Please go through both articles and let us know if they help. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe!
My circle is 28days long,my…
My circle is 28days long,my menestral started today,when are my chances of conceiving high
Hi Chris, thank you for…
Hi Chris, thank you for reaching out to us and asking a great question! Please click on the following link to find out more about when the best time to conceive is and how to calculate your ovulation cycle: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
We hope the information above helps and have a wonderful week ahead! Stay safe!
If i have sex with periods…
If i have sex with periods can i get pregnant.
Hi Blessing the yes you can…
Hi Blessing the yes you can. If your period is shorter than 21 days, longer than 30 days, or irregular it day one through seven are considered to be infertile. Day eight through to day 19 are considered to be your most fertile. From day 20 to day 26 to 30 are considered to be your infertile days.
This article should provide more information. Please remember, that using this method can prevent pregnancy but you will still be exposed to STI’s. This method is not full proof and pregnancy could still occur.
This article has pointers that could help you in the future
At which days after period…
At which days after period can i have sex with my pattner to prevent pregnancy
Hello geff, thank you for…
Hello geff, thank you for reaching out to us. This article has information that should help you calculate your safe days and make informed decisions.
Which are safe days to have…
Which are safe days to have sex after period of 21 cycle
Hi Muimi, thank you for…
Hi Muimi, thank you for reaching out to us. This article has information that should help you calculate your safe days and make informed decisions.
I have a 28days cycle now…
I have a 28days cycle now how do I count my safe days given that my blood only takes three days and its over
My cycle is 27 days last…
My cycle is 27 days last period was 4 march i had sex 17 and 18 am i pregnant plz help i want a baby
Hello Winfred and Naomie,…
Hello Winfred and Naomie, thank you for getting in touch and asking great questions. Click here to find out more:
Please feel free to go through more of our awesome content. Doing so will help you make more informed decisions on love, sex and relationships within your life and help you become your most loving, positive self.
Do not hesitate to reach out in case you have any questions, feedback or criticisms.
Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
My period comes every 28…
My period comes every 28 days which day is my safe day to have sex
Hi there,
Yours is a…
Hi there,
Yours is a regular cycle thus it is easy to calculate safe says. For your 28 days cycle, your first unsafe day is 11 and the last is 21 – counted from the first day of your cycle. This is because your your ovulation typically occurs between Day 11 and Day 21. Remember that you can only use this method if your menstrual cycle is incredibly regular. If not, combine it with other methods to stay safe. For more information, read this article: How to count safe days. Also read this one: Are safe days safe?.
if you count four days for…
if you count four days for your patner after menstruation,she is Virginia and then have sex can she get pregnant?
Hi Peter,
First, note that…
Hi Peter,
First, note that even if she was a virgin, she could still get pregnant the first time she has sex. Second, whether she is pregnant or not depends on her menstrual cycle. If she has a 28 or 35 days cycle, chances that she got pregnant are low. However, if she has a 21 days cycle, it is possible that she got pregnant since fertile days are 5,6 and 7 after the first day of the period. Remember that even if you has sex four days after her period started, sperm can survive inside a woman’s system for up-to 5 days. Read this article to learn more about safe days: How to count safe days?
Can you conceive after 3…
Can you conceive after 3 days of removal of contraceptives coz someone told me that it contain some powers
Hi Loveness,
Hi Loveness,
What contraceptive were you on? Either way, whether one can get pregnant immediately after coming off contraceptives differs on woman to woman. Some women get pregnant soon after but others have to wait for months, or years. Also, remember that getting pregnant getting off various contraceptives depends on the absence of other fertility issues not related to the contraceptive you were using.