All you need to know about Tubal Ligation
What is tubal ligation? What are its’ pros and cons?
A tubal ligation or female sterilization is a simple permanent medical procedure that closes the tubes which carries eggs to a woman’s womb making it nearly impossible for her to get pregnant in the future.
During tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy. The procedure usually last between 20 to 30 minutes. It doesn’t require you to sleep.
Women who have had a tubal ligation will be able to walk out of the clinic on their own but might feel a bit of discomfort for a few days afterwards,
With the tubal ligation, there are no long-term side effects either and nothing to worry about afterwards.
Normal work can be resumed after 2 days of rest and harder labor can be resumed after 1 week just to be safe.
What about sex? Well, it’s best to wait at least one week after the procedure, but you can start again whenever you feel comfortable, and ready, Tubal ligation will not make a woman weaker or cause any pain in the body.
It is important to note that, tubal ligation does not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. So, if you’re worried about this, you need to use a condom when having sex.
Is tubal ligation right for me?
A tubal ligation is a big step for a woman or a couple to take. It is perfect for those who are certain they don’t want any more children and who want a simple and permanent way to avoid all future pregnancies.
Almost any woman can be sterilized. Once you’re sterilized it’s very difficult to reverse it, so consider all options before making your decision.
What are the advantages?
- It lasts forever
- Highly effective
- It doesn’t interrupt sex
- It isn’t affected by other medications
- Suitable for everyone who never wants to have a child (or does not want any more children) and wants a permanent contraceptive option
- Hormone free
What are the disadvantages?
- Tubal ligation is sometimes reversible, although the procedure is complicated and rarely successful
- It requires a healthcare provider to do it
- Doesn’t protect you from STIs and STDs
Will sterilization change a woman’s monthly bleeding or make monthly bleeding stop?
Most research finds no major changes in bleeding patterns after female sterilization. After the procedure, you will still have your periods normally.
A tubal ligation is an important decision and not one to be made lightly. So, if you are not sure, you can use another method of your choice like an IUD or Implant for long term protection for up to 3 to 10 years without risking your future of having children.
If you or your partner are interested in finding out more, you can call Marie Stopes Kenya today for free on 0800 720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819001 for comprehensive information and personalized advice on which contraception option might best fit your lifestyle and body.
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Me nilifungwa moja 2019,naweza fungwa hio ingine?
i did TL in yr2009,the best ever!
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Sasa Nancy, tumeshukuru umetuongelesha habari ya situation yako. Wacha tukuulize. Kwanini unifunga hio ya kwanza na haukufunga hio ingine?
To me I have got a problem…
To me I have got a problem when it’s comes to family planning I have tried coil and femiplan and they have not been good to me. I also react with hormonal contraceptives sometimes pleasure inaeza panda, kindly help me
Hello Puritym this is a…
Hello Puritym this is a medical issue and I is best that a medical practitioner give you proper and tailor-made advice. Kindly use our S.O.S button to the right of your screen to find a facility near you
Hi,There is a small chance…
Hi,There is a small chance of pregnancy after having tubes tied,isn’t it better to remove them?If I convieved ,id have to abort and I hate that.wouldn’t want to be pushed to it.I need 100% guarantee without removing my uterus ?
Hi Silvia,
Yes, there is a…
Hi Silvia,
Yes, there is a very small chance. But this is quite rare. It can happen if the tubal ligation was done incorrectly or if the fallopian tube has grown back together after the procedure. That said tubal ligation is an extremely reliable way to prevent pregnancy. However, the only birth control method that can guarantee that you won’t get pregnant is abstinence. Learn more about abstinence here: All you need to know about abstinence
Hi. Am done with babies. I…
Hi. Am done with babies. I don’t do well with hormonal . I want it . How much is it. Asap
Hi Emily,
Great to hear!…
Hi Emily,
Great to hear! Visit your nearest hospital or clinic for consultation and price.