How long should periods last?
My girlfriend has her period for two days only. Please, I need a solution to this problem. It wasn’t like that in the beginning.
Hi my brother, first and foremost let me commend you for looking out for your girl. Many men and women shy away from the topic of a woman’s cycle. Yet it has a huge impact on a relationship; even more so in a sexually active couple.
Most guys don’t want to know about or be associated with anything to do with the period; in fact, they would do anything to get out of a situation where it is mentioned.
Some people are also brought up to think about periods as an unclean, unhygienic, and gross affair. So men get depressed, embarrassed, and ashamed during this time and wouldn’t discuss or share the issues or challenges that may come with menstruation.
Before I attempt to answer your question, I think it would be good to explain what the period is and why it happens.
What is a menstrual cycle?
Simply put, the menstrual cycle is the process in which the female body prepares for pregnancy every 28 days or so. Some women have longer or shorter cycles. Through hormonal changes, the uterus grows a thin lining in anticipation that an egg could be released, fertilized by sperm, and attached to this lining to start a new life. When fertilization doesn’t occur, the lining is shed and this is what is known as menstrual bleeding.
How long should the period last?
Most women bleed between three to five days. However, two to as many as seven days are also considered normal; so your girl is within the normal range. The number of days doesn’t really matter; unless she bleeds for more than seven days. There are, however, certain parameters that should prompt a
woman to seek medical attention.
Second, if your girlfriend is taking Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP) they could make the periods short and light.
When to see a gynecologist
• Periods stop suddenly and you are not near menopause
• Bleeding for more than 7 days
• Severe pain and cramps during the period
• Very heavy periods; large clots soaking pads or tampons every hour for two or more hours
• Bleeding between periods
Having said that, your girl is probably okay. I think she should still consult her gynecologist given the fact that her period was longer than two days previously. You both will feel much better with a clean bill of health from the doctor.
Once more, on behalf of women, thank you very much for taking care of a sister. I hope many other men will follow you.
Do you think men need to know more about women’s periods? Join the discussion below or on Facebook. For all your menstruation questions, head to our forum.
Very interesting
Very interesting
(No subject)
We hope this is useful information Rose.
Thanks am informed now
Thanks am informed now
You are welcome Brevian.
You are welcome Brevian.
Thanks for that information…
Thanks for that information I’ve learn alot from you
Thanks for that information…
Thanks for that information I’ve learn alot from you
Hi Khadilupez Jenny, thank…
Hi Khadilupez Jenny, thank you for getting in touch and we are so glad that we are able to provide an informed decision. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay safe!
Its my 11th day ofmy periof…
Its my 11th day ofmy periof after taking p2 can it be stoped in any way
Hi Irene, Do you mean you…
Hi Irene, Do you mean you have been bleeding for 11 days? If this is the case you need to visit a medical centre for a check up.
I receive mp for 10-14daiz…
I receive mp for 10-14daiz..could I b sick or ? Bt I think its bcoz of family planing wich I use
Hi Tesh, Periods lasting…
Hi Tesh, Periods lasting longer than seven (7) days should be a concern. Do visit your medical provider for further advice.
all in all, God is our…
all in all, God is our creator,worrying about ur body ur stressing urself, kip praying to ur creator.
We appreciate your…
We appreciate your contribution Macha.
I see my period for seven…
I see my period for seven days sometimes heavy sometimes not …and after 10-20 days is back ..any problem
Hi Mary, thank you for…
Hi Mary, thank you for reaching out to us. Irregular periods are rather common so do not worry what you are going through is normal. However, variations like that could be a sign of a medical issue like a hormonal imbalance. kindly see a medical practitioner for a comprehensive diagnosis and advice on the way forward.
Thanks for the information
Thanks for the information
Hi Ian, we are very pleased…
Hi Ian, we are very pleased to help.
Hi My name is Abby and I…
Hi My name is Abby and I tried aborting while I was pregnant ever since then my menstration has been two days and have been worrried
Hi Abby,
Kindly visit a…
Hi Abby,
After an abortion, it is not uncommon for your first few periods to be lighter, heavier and last longer than usual. If you have concerns, visit a doctor for medical tests and treatment. Read more about post-abortion care here? What is post-abortion care?
There is tym I bleed for two…
There is tym I bleed for two weeks ,what could have been the problem?
Hi Bernice. Most women will…
Hi Bernice. Most women will experience periods between 3 to 7 days. Kindly go to the hospital for tests so that this can be investigated by a doctor.
My period normally comes…
My period normally comes around 25 of every month and finish on 30 or 31,i want you to tell me ovuluation date,i will be very grate if u do it for me,i don’t normally know my ovuluation date.
Hi Brigit,
Your ovulation…
Hi Brigit,
Your ovulation date is around day 11 and this means you are most fertile days are between days 10 and 12 after the start of your periods.