Using spermicide is a birth control method with a high failure rate. Spermicides are chemicals that kill sperm in the vagina.
They come as creams, films, foams, gels, or suppositories, which you insert deep inside your vagina.
They work by stopping the sperm from moving, so they can’t swim up through the cervix to fertilize an egg.
Spermicides don’t work very well on their own. They’re usually used to back up another birth control method, like a cap, diaphragm, or condom.
Condoms with spermicide
Spermicide-lubricated condoms contain a chemical called nonoxynol-9. This kills sperm – or at least, it stops them from moving.
Some people who use condoms lubricated with spermicide find they cause redness, itching, or irritation. Women are more likely to get side effects from spermicide. It can also make them more likely to get urinary tract infections.
If your only option is to use a lubricated condom or not to use a condom at all, it’s still much safer to use the condom. Most condoms are pre-lubricated not with spermicides, but with simple water-based lubricants
Thanks for the caution
Thanks for the caution
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
Which are the side effects
Which are the side effects
Hi Mary, Some people who use…
Hi Mary, Some people who use condoms lubricated with spermicide find they cause redness, itching, or irritation. Women are more likely to get side effects from spermicide. It can also make them more likely to get urinary tract infections. Some of the side effects maybe unique to each person.
How easily available are…
How easily available are these especially the condoms?
Hey, do talk to your health…
Hey, do talk to your health provider to see where you can get these depending with where you are located.
How do I know my sperm is…
How do I know my sperm is healthy?
Hi Elly, the way to get to…
Hi Elly, the way to get to know if your sperm is healthy, is to get a fertility test done since sperm are microscopic and can’t been with the naked eye. There are however a number of things one can do to keep their sperm healthy. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/eight-tips-to-keep-your-sperm-healthy
What advise can you give to…
What advise can you give to us who use the condoms
Hi Njeru,
Condoms are cool!…
Hi Njeru,
Condoms are cool! They are very effective at preventing unwanted pregnancy and STIs when used as per instructions. Also, always ensure that your condoms are not expired since they will not be as effective. You can use flavored condoms for oral sex just to protect yourself from STIs.
Do these spermicides have an…
Do these spermicides have an effect on the man? what about long term use for the woman? Last qns, how available and where are they found? #JustCurious
Hi Constance, spermicides…
Hi Constance, spermicides kills sperm – or at least, stops them from moving toward fertilizing an egg. There are no cited effects to either them man or the woman. Depending on where you are, spermicides maybe available, I suggest your speak to your health care provider to see if they can refer you.