Permanent birth control for men and women
Linda and Vincent have six children. They do not desire to have more children and are exploring what birth control method is best for them. They come across the option of permanent birth control and are curious to learn more.
There are short-acting, long-acting, and permanent options of contraception one can consider. The choice of birth control option largely determines when to have children, when not to have children or if never to have any biological children.
Permanent birth control methods are the best option if you’re done having children or don’t want biological children in the future.
Female sterilization for women and vasectomy for men are two common permanent methods of birth control.
Female sterilization, also known as tubal sterilization or tubal ligation, involves the removal or closing of the fallopian tubes. This method prevents the egg from moving down the oviduct and keeps the sperm from reaching the egg.
In a vasectomy, the tube that carries the sperm from the testicles, called the vas deferens, is cut or blocked such that the release of sperm into the semen is not possible.
Side effects of Tubal Sterilization
- Damage to the bowel, bladder, or major blood vessels
- Reaction to the anesthesia used during the procedure
- Improper wound healing or infection
- Pelvic or abdominal pain
- Failure of the procedure, resulting in a future unwanted pregnancy
Side effects of Vasectomy
- Bleeding or a blood clot inside the scrotum
- Blood in your semen
- Bruising of your scrotum
- Infection where the procedure was done
- Mild pain or discomfort
- Swelling
Before opting for any of the two options, you should know that reversal of permanent methods of birth control is extremely difficult. In rare circumstances when the reversal is possible with special surgical procedures, there is no guarantee of success.
How effective are they?
Female sterilization is one of the most effective methods of birth control. It is said to be more than 99% effective for pregnancy prevention. This method has a small failure rate because it is considered irreversible and final.
Vasectomy is nearly 100 percent effective if done correctly by a qualified medical professional. While failures are very uncommon, the main reasons it happens include having sex too soon after surgery, reconnection of cut tubes, or surgical errors.
Would you consider a permanent birth control method?