Help! My vagina gets too wet
What can I do or use to make my vagina stop being so wet?
The wetter, the better
First off, I am concerned about you branding yourself as ‘too wet’. Because you are paying attention to your levels of lubrication, you have already likely noticed that lubrication levels can change from one sexual encounter to the next, and can also vary at different times of the month. Women are easiest to arouse during ovulation (when they are at their most fertile) and are therefore at their most lubricated. If you change from a hormonal method of birth control such as the pill to another, or you go on the pill, the difference in hormones can also affect your level of lubrication.
Better sex with wetness
Lubrication serves the important purpose of increasing your vaginal sensitivity, while also making it easier for your partner to thrust vigorously. A lot of lubrication is also a sign of arousal and your man must be patting himself on the back – it’s a sign that he knows exactly how to get you turned on.
Dry sex results in vaginal tearing which is painful and it increases chances of infection for both partners.
If you are so wet that you cannot enjoy any friction during sex, or your man’s penis slips out, then try using textured condoms. Ribbed or spotted ones should increase the friction for you both. You could also keep a towel handy to dry you both off periodically during sex. If you lie on your stomach and close your legs once your man enters you then you will both feel more friction.
Very natural
Your question was very short, so I cannot be sure but something tells me you might simply be self-conscious about getting wet and that you think it is unnatural. God made you this way to facilitate an enjoyable sex life for both you and your partner. If the texture, odour, or colour of your lubrication has changed recently then it might be indicative of infection, and you should see a doctor about that. Otherwise, just embrace the wetness since it is there for your pleasure.
Have you ever believed the myth of lubrication being bad? Share your thoughts below or join the discussion on Love Matters Naija and Love Matters Kenya.
I love me a woman who gets
I love me a woman who gets extremely wet, who squirts etc. How I wish this site offered hookups
Hi there,
Hi there,
thanks for your comment, and sorry we can’t help you with hook-ups. But we do offer plenty of flirting tips that might help you find the hook-up you are looking for!
I don’t like having sex…
I don’t like having sex because once we start romance I got so wet, what can I do to have a dry pussy
Hello Rael, thank you so…
Hello Rael, thank you so much for reaching out to us. It is understandable that you may feel frustrated by this situation. Your body produces these fluids to reduce friction which would cause pain, tearing, and even bleeding. If you feel it is too much the best thing to do would be to wipe some of it away before you begin penetration. Do not wipe away too much though.
every time am about to fuck
every time am about to fuck my Girlfriend I notice a white fluid oozing from her vigina. is it normal or sign of infection?
HI Hotmachine, is it smelly,
HI Hotmachine, is it smelly, does she have an itch or feel pain before, during or after sex? If she has any of these other signs she could be having an infection and would need to visit a doctor. There is also normal discharge that women have. Talk to her about it and find out more.
I never have sex for more
I never have sex for more than five minutes…whatsup
Hi Justus five minutes is
Hi Justus five minutes is enough if both you and you partner are satisfied. Sex is about quality and not quantity.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts .
Hi, as much as my girl gets
Hi, as much as my girl gets aroused, everytime I entet her, she claims to feel some pain. She is/was a virgin since we started fucking but I feel it’s taking too long for me to break her virginity
Hi Kepha,
Hi Kepha,
Is she normally arousef or wet before penetration? If not you should have a lot of foreplay or use lubrication. Being gentle also helps to avoid pain.When one is dry it might be painful during penetration.
Hi love matters my boyfriend
Hi love matters my boyfriend always get aroused,realises and gets so tired quickly en he cannot fore play and yet he doesnt last long during sex What might be the problem ?
Hi Shivan,
Hi Shivan,
Have you tried to talk to him about it? It would be important for both of you to talk about it and find a way forward. Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/keep-talking-why-its-important .
Hi,,my gfrend wen wer hvng…
Hi,,my gfrend wen wer hvng xex claimx tht she iz hving pain and am woriend abt t.
Hi Moxeh, If your partner is…
Hi Moxeh, If your partner is having this pain at the same time as they are experiencing orgasm each time you have sex, she may need to seek medical attention this can be a sign of an infection.
There is whitish things…
There is whitish things thatcomes outin mi vir wat’swrong with it
Hi Victoria, Vaginal…
Hi Victoria, Vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and healthy. However, if you see any drastic changes in smell, color or quantity, especially in combination with itching, pain or redness, it could be a sign of infection. In that case, you must consult your doctor and get it checked. Check out this article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-top-facts
How come that I fear to tack…
How come that I fear to tack but every time am alone I feel I ahould
HI Nicholas, What is it you…
HI Nicholas, What is it you are afraid of?
My woman was too wet during…
My woman was too wet during sex, is normal
Hello I am Solomon, thank…
Hello I am Solomon, thank you for reaching out to us and asking a great question. It is completely normal for the vagina to be wet during sex. All this means is that your partner is adequately sexually aroused which is a good thing. Typically, the inside of the vagina feels slightly wet. Hormonal swings, fertility status, and arousal can change the amount, consistency, and color of a person’s vaginal fluids. The vagina may feel very wet during arousal. Vaginal fluids are essential for keeping the vagina healthy and for making sexual activity comfortable so you need not worry! Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.
Hi love matters
I feel too…
Hi love matters
I feel too wet when having sex, it doesn’t smell, doesn’t ich, no clour just watery it’s irrit that mi partner can’t feel any friction an he will be turned off
Hi, the article advises “If…
Hi, the article advises “If you are so wet that you cannot enjoy any friction during sex, or your man’s penis slips out, then try using textured condoms. Ribbed or spotted ones should increase the friction for you both. You could also keep a towel handy to dry you both off periodically during sex. If you lie on your stomach and close your legs once your man enters you then you will both feel more friction.”
Hi love matters
I become too…
Hi love matters
I become too wet during sex ,it doesn’t smell,no colour, no itching but colourless watery it bothers me because my partner will turn off an stops because there will be no friction. He says he can’t feel me.
Hi Anonymus, you get wet to…
Hi Anonymus, you get wet to reduce the friction during sex. Friction during sex could lead to pain which would make sex less enjoyable. So being wet is fine.
If you feel you are extremely wet, the article advises “If you are so wet that you cannot enjoy any friction during sex, or your man’s penis slips out, then try using textured condoms. Ribbed or spotted ones should increase the friction for you both. You could also keep a towel handy to dry you both off periodically during sex. If you lie on your stomach and close your legs once your man enters you then you will both feel more friction.”
Hi, I notice a white…
Hi, I notice a white discharge every time I fuck my girl from her vergina. Is this normal?
Hello Rama, thank you for…
Hello Rama, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Yes, this is completely normal, and no need to worry about it. Her body is producing this as a natural lubricant to allow for more sexual stimulation and is a sign that she is turned on by what you are doing so keep it up buddy. Click here to find out more: https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/female-body/vaginal-discharge-and-odour-top-facts
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!
Hi love matters my boyfriend…
Hi love matters my boyfriend complains of me getting too wet before sex or pentration..need help what could be the cause
Hi Babatunde Grace, thank…
Hi Babatunde Grace, thank you so much for reaching out to us. Getting wet before sex is normal. Your body does this to redce friction during sex and basically pain. There is no standard amount of wetness and so some people get more wet than others. The solution would be to wipe some of it away. However, remember why you are wet and so it is really important that you stay as wet as possible.
Hi love matters when we are…
Hi love matters when we are having sex I really get wet to some point I don’t feel the penis due to the wetness and some times I smell wat is the problem it’s really affecting me .
Hi Winnie, For women and…
Hi Winnie, For women and people with vulvas, getting wet doesn’t just happen during sexual activity. In fact, vaginas lubricate themselves pretty regularly. But, when you commence any kind of sexual activity and are feeling turned on, the Bartholin and Skene glands get to work and start producing more natural lubrication. This is a perfectly normal, biological, and physiological response to being aroused. It’s good and healthy and makes sex (in any form) more pleasurable. Do you stop feeling aroused because you cannot feel the penis? And secondly, does it smell bad? If so, we strongly advise you to see a medical professional for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Here is a list of health institutions that should be of help
Hot sex
Hot sex
Hi Eliza,
What about hot…
Hi Eliza,
What about hot sex?
Hi can you help I get so wet during sex I have tried everything eg even wiping with a towel but then it’s a put off cos you are doing that , how can I stop being so wet I don’t want to carry on like this any more
Please help
Hi Butt,
First, your concern is very valid. Yet, could it be that you are simply self-conscious about getting wet and that you think it is not normal? There are several possible reasons your wetness level increase. The first possible cause is hormonal fluctuations. Second, your degree of wetness can also be caused by the different stages of your menstrual cycle. Many women produce more discharge during ovulation. But, most likely, you’re becoming so wet because you’re very aroused, and that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, your partner is doing a good job. If this is the case, just embrace the wetness since it is there for your pleasure. Continue using a towel if it makes you comfortable.