My girlfriend is never in the mood
‘When I ask for sex from my girlfriend, she keeps saying she doesn’t have the feeling. What will I do? I really want to do it!’
Hi my brother, I am aware how high Mombasa Raha is rated in a relationship for most guys. This is one of those things that make some people to conclude that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on one’s perspective – we are all on earth.
For men, the ultimate display of affection is Mombasa Raha. Meanwhile women often see Mombasa Raha as a byproduct of love. In other words, if everything is working very well in the relationship, women then tend to give Mombasa Raha freely and willingly.
Also, women usually need to feel more than just physical attraction. They must feel loved, appreciated and respected before they can consent to Mombasa Raha. The future should also be well defined and not just ambiguous – otherwise they might feel that you are just using them and then dumping them.
Even when a woman feels secure and loved, most don’t get turned on in an instance like a man. Women are not visual creatures like men, thus your naked body might not have the same effect as some parts of her anatomy might have on you.
In some Asian cultures, a man’s arousal is equated with fire where with a strike of a match they are ready to go. And then, once the fuel is exhausted, the extinguishing is just as immediate. Meanwhile, the woman’s sex drive is equated to water – under fire it takes a while to boil, and when the fire is put out, the water then takes a while to cool down. In Africa, it’s like lighting a charcoal stove (jiko) for women and a gas stove for men.
So remember this general rule: most women need around 20 minutes of foreplay before they are ready for Mombasa Raha.
I can tell that your relationship is suffering from a communication breakdown. Otherwise she would have expressed her specific concerns. Therefore you need to find ways to communicate better if this relationship is to prosper.
Finally, I hope you are not a sprinter as far as Mombasa Raha goes. Keeping her high and dry each time may also explain her reluctance. I also hope you are not too rough during Mombasa Raha. For women lovemaking should mostly be very gentle – although some vigor may be required at times.
Bottom line: please take care of the relationship, communicate better and be considerate while going for Mombasa Raha.
How do you get in the mood? Share it with us in the comments or write them on Facebook. If you have any question, visit our discussion forum Let’s Talk.
Right place to be
Right place to be
Its great to hear that Jessy.
Its great to hear that Jessy.
Can a lady get pregnant
Can a lady get pregnant during her first sexual intercourse,,, that is, when breaking her virginity???
Yes Mich, a lay can become
Yes Mich, a lay can become pregnant even during first time sex. Its important to consider use of contraceptives before engaging in sex.
Yes thus if she Observe
Yes thus if she Observe menstrual period and she is not in her free period then she can get pregnant at her first sex
Hi Mich,
Hi Mich,
es a lad ca get pregnant even during first time sex. It is therefore important to always use protection to avoid unintended pregnancies.
Yes it is so much possible…
Yes it is so much possible and i can tell you it almost got me into trouble, the best is abstain from it or use contraceptive.
Thank you Johnny for your…
Thank you Johnny for your contribution.
I really pike your articles,…
I really pike your articles, they help me alot
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