Little blue pills
What’s your advice for a man who takes the blue pills (Viagra) and he is married?
Hmmm let me see…. *Throws hands up* Enjoy????
Not immoral
Kenyans, being predominantly Christian, want to attach moral values to acts or events that do not necessarily have one. Taking a pill is not a moral issue; it is neither right nor wrong. It is simply an act. It might be medically ill-advised, but it’s just that, an act. Like walking into a bar or making a phone call.
A little help
Viagra helps a man to achieve and maintain an erection, and thus hopefully enhances his sexual performance. For a man to get an erection, the blood vessels in his penis have to fill up with blood. As men age, this process becomes slower and the erections last a shorter time. Viagra was designed to open blood vessels up so that blood could flow easily through them, and thus decreasing blood pressure in people with hypertension. Enhanced erections were a welcome side-effect, and what the drug has become famous for.
Related: All You Need To Know About Viagra
My opinion’s not the one that matters
Now because the man in question happens to be married, the reasonable assumption is that the person on the receiving end of his sexual performance is his wife. Her’s is, therefore, the opinion that matters the most, not mine. Is she happy with the result? Is she unimpressed? What does she think of her man taking self-prescribed medication? The two of you should talk.
Ask a doctor first
But since you asked, I say congratulations to the man who cares so much about his sex life and enhancing his and his partner’s experience that he went in pursuit of medication.
I would urge you to seek the opinion of a doctor, just to make sure that your body can handle any side-effects because these pills were not invented to induce erections.
Would you encourage your partner to take Viagra? Why or why not? Share your opinions with us below or write to us on Love Matters Naija or Love Matters Kenya.
Kindly clarify your question
Kindly clarify your question or comment.
I Love U
I Love U
We Love you right back Mark!
We Love you right back Mark!
we love you for all what you
we love you for all what you are doing for us our dear ones!
Thanks alot ALLI, we love you
Thanks alot ALLI, we love you right back 🙂 .
Can viagra cause any effect
Can viagra cause any effect to the user once one abandon them??
Hi Moses,
Hi Moses,
if they are used as they are supposed to they dont have any effect. But over use may cause dependancy on them.
What are the effects fter
What are the effects fter taking Viagra
HI Koriom,
HI Koriom,
If abused they might cause dependacy and for mostly people in old age they might increase the chance of a heart attack.
i have a lady i love alot and
i have a lady i love alot and she has my child,last year she slept with her ex so he could leave her in peace but since i found out what happened i cant seem to move on from it,we are still together coz i had decided to forgive her bt everytime it crosses my mind it pains me n i dont want my daughter to grow without a complete family please give me some advice on what to do…
Hi Alexy,
Hi Alexy,
Sorry that you are going through that. It never easy when you are cheated on. It hurts and it might take time to get over it.
If you decided to forgive her and move on, then you need to stop lingering in the past.
The more you continue to linger there the harder it will be for you to move on from it.
Talk to her about it and express how you feel about it. She might help you move on and get over it.
The same situation right now
The same situation right now is happening to me and am more confused than what I thought am even thinking of sending her packing by my son is what I don’t want to loose. So try.
Thanks for your input Wekesa.
Thanks for your input Wekesa.
my wife can stay to. a month
my wife can stay to. a month without having sex.what can i do improve it.
Hey Mundumbu,
Hey Mundumbu,
have you tried talking to her and find out why she prefers to stay that long without sex?
Read this article it might also help with some sex secrets https://lovematters.co.ke/news/deepest-sex-secrets .
Thanks much keep on updating
Thanks much keep on updating us #lol!
You are most welcome Robson.
You are most welcome Robson.
Viagra should be taken once
Viagra should be taken once after every six months. Taking it frequently after every and sexual
Hi Benard,
Hi Benard,
Seeking a doctors advice before using it would be the best way to go. Thanks for your input.
Where can someone get those
Where can someone get those pills, and how do u say when ask 4 them?
Hi Eridad.
Hi Eridad.
they are available in most local pharmacies. They are commonly referred to as Viagra.
How can I stop premature
How can I stop premature release of sperms during sex
Hi Jeff,
Hi Jeff,
Kindly read this article on premature ejaculation you will find the answer that you seek https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts .