Should I feel guilty after an abortion?
‘My girlfriend and I opted for an abortion. We weren’t ready to have a child. But now we feel guilty about the whole thing. Was our decision wrong?’
I’m so sorry to hear about your state of mind… your’s and your girlfriend’s… Ok, come on, now let’s talk… about many things!
How is your gf? Is she recuperating ok? I hope you chose a safe, registered centre for the abortion. I am well aware of how difficult this can be… And by the way, you are not the only ones experiencing this difficult situation. There are many young people like you.
So to begin with, you are so young, of course you are not ready to have a baby. You would have to manage a lot before that – get married for example, if you want to have the baby and be socially accepted. Moreover, there are other people involved – mummy and daddy, for example. So what you did was perhaps the most sensible thing to do. So please, just relax, both of you.
Double trouble
What always intrigues me is why exactly we feel the guilt, who or what makes us feel that? Why do we ought to be feeling bad about what we have done?
Actually, perhaps it works at two levels. One, ‘Hell, I had pre-marital sex!’ Is it such a big crime? Then: ‘I got pregnant and went for an abortion!’ A crime and even a sin, many would say.
Of course, yes, perhaps you ought to have been much more careful. Whatever happened to contraception, how did it land here? OK? You never expected it, it happened, and now you have learnt a lesson for life – don’t be casual about sex! Sex is serious, adult business!
But society has hyped up sex, intimacy and partnerships with so much pressure, guilt and so many taboos that especially young people just get weighed under the guilt and remorse of it all.
Ready when steady
No one gets an abortion merrily, gladly. It is always a very tough choice and even a more difficult action. Often it involves young women facing some sort of intrusive medical procedure. No doubt, they are petrified.
To add to all these negative feelings will be even worse at this stage, right? The point is, when should we bring a baby into the world? When we are settled and happy, with a loving and secure partner, in a strong relationship with a solid support system?
Or should we do it just because it happened by mistake or because society expects women to be popping out babies in some stipulated time period? What should we be aiming at?! Planning and looking forward to one or just going ahead with some pre-set program?
In Kenya, abortion is illegal unless a trained healthcare professional decides that the life and health of the mother are in danger. But because this law is still fairly new, many healthcare providers are reluctant to performing abortions because they fear the legal consequences.
But who should have the final say? The person whose body it is, whose life is impacted most, who is the expert on her life, including anyone else she chooses to involve in her decision. So now ease out the guilt, be aware and better informed and be safe. Take care, both of you, all of you!
Have you felt guilty because of an abortion? Share your feelings by leaving a comment below or via Facebook or discussion forum.
I and my boyfriend had…
I and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and I ended up being pregnant but we are not yet ready for a child now so we went ahead and decided about abortion of which it has worked successfully.. Now am feeling like have done a big mistake of terminating the baby and am always crying each and every time am alone… Am soo much guilt about what I did
Hello Floridah, the feelings…
Hello Floridah, the feelings you are having are very normal, feelings of regret, guilt and you may even be mourning the loss. I suggest you talk to someone who can help you to deal with these feelings. Call Marie Stopes on the following number toll-free on 0800720005 or WhatsApp them on 0709819000 for further support. We wish you well.
I have a che
I have a che
ater as a boyfriend we planned to settle down to each other but whenever I thought of his cheating habit,his temperamental behaviours and at times none challant attitude I always feel like letting him go for my future purpose but at
Hey Wealth, your question…
Hey Wealth, your question appears incomplete. You however, need to think about what you want in a partner and then make a decision as to whether you are going to be with him or you will break up. Have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/breaking-up/knowing-when-to-break-up