5 more weird things ladies do with their vaginas
One can do a lot with a vagina. You can get it stuck on a penis. You can make art… These news flashes and more in Sex in the Press.
1) Trap penises
Can couples really get stuck together during sex?’ Yes they can!
‘Penis captivus’ occurs when the muscles of the woman’s pelvic floor contracts during orgasm and clamps around the penis which then swells yet more. This ‘champagne cork’ effect is extremely rare but has been documented throughout history.
In 1372, a stuck French couple was rushed to a nearby church. ‘Prayers were spoken and the couple’s prolonged intercourse came to an end (although they were obliged to return to the church on three Sundays, strip naked and beat themselves in front of the congregation).’
In 2012, a YouTube video from Nairobi, Kenya shows a crowd around a house where a cheating couple had allegedly become fused. ‘It was reported that the couple regained their liberty after prayers – and after the cheating man promised to pay the husband 20,000 Kenyan shillings. He was filmed going to an ATM to withdraw the money.’
Cold water can also be an effective antidote against ‘penis captivus’. In most cases, however, couples get unstuck naturally after a few seconds. But as a doctor noted: ‘If you’re in that position, that probably feels like an eternity.’
2) Get high
Many news stories feature women smuggling drugs in their vaginas. Very few news stories feature women applying drugs directly to their vaginas.
Until: ‘Can the first ever lube containing medical marijuana get your vagina high?’.
A lubricant called FORIA, which is a mixture of coconut oil and marijuana’s active ingredient THC, is currently undergoing testing. ‘The product works specifically for women because of the very sensitive and absorbent membrane of the vagina and entire vulva — inner and outer labia and clitoris included,’ claims the developer of the product.
Test subjects have already experienced ‘heightened sensation, warmth, tingling, or a sense of swelling or engorgement’.
But if you want to get really high from FORIA, you need to eat it – ‘making it an excellent incentive to go down on someone’.
3) Cut the flaps back
An Australian study found that one in five women had some interest in having their vaginal lips (labia) surgically pruned, according to ‘“Designer vaginas” in the media can encourage genital surgery’.
‘The study also found that women who had greater exposure to images of female genitals through a range of media sources (television, Internet, advertising, and pornography) were more likely to be dissatisfied with their own genital appearance and consider labiaplasty.’
4) Make art, not surgery
An artist has taken plaster casts of 400 women’s vaginas to create The Great Wall of Vagina, according to ‘Sculpture and art explore vagina taboos’.
‘The idea that women are cutting off parts of their genitals to conform to some notion of a popular aesthetic… that we’re in a society that make that happen, I find a bit repulsive,’ says the artist.
The artist hopes ‘that by seeing the wide range of normal vaginas, women will feel less anxious about the appearance of their own and that they will make informed decisions about modifying their pre-existing plumbing.’
And in other creative news: ‘“Vaginal Knitting” is the new thing in activist performance art’ and ‘Vagina selfie for 3D printers lands Japanese artist in trouble‘.
5) Pumping, pumping
‘Vaginal weightlifting: Kung Fu for your fanny’ sounds over-ambitious.
But how about ‘Meet the K-Goal, a FitBit for your vagina’?
‘If you’re female, you’ve probably heard that Kegel exercises – a method of strength training for the pelvic floor – are a good idea for better health and better sex.’
And now with the new K-Goal device and app, you can pop in a little silicone pillow in your vagina that will tell if you if you are doing these exercises correctly. It also includes a vibration option for extra incentive.
Perhaps after enough exercise, you will even learn how to trap penises at will!
Any other odd vagina stories out there? Please share! Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Facebook.
weird truth… Every
weird truth… Every menstral girl has the normal size vagina which is muscular and elastic capable of stretching to receive any size of the penis as well as baby heads!
Hi Isaac,
Hi Isaac,
very true. Have you also checked our top five facts on the vagina? http://lovematters.co.ke/news/vagina-top-five-facts
i like this page
i like this page
Hi there,
Hi there,
we are so glad to hear that!
let buy good idea from know
let buy good idea from know knowledge being.lovely!
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Christian!
hi there since i started
hi there since i started having sex i have never cummed is it normal?
Hi Lucy,
Hi Lucy,
unfortunately, many women never have orgasms when having sex. Often, this has nothing to do with their bodies, but with knowing what can make them have an orgasm. You see, the in-and-out movement of the penis in the vagina during intercourse is not enough for a woman to have an orgasm. At least, for many women. Some can, but most women need clitoral stimulation in order to have an orgasm. So unless your partner (or yourself)pay special attention to the clitoris, you won’t have an orgasm. Sex is all about learning and figuring out what works for both partners. Have fun experimenting! And if you want more information on the female orgasm, check our resource section, for example ‘Making love’ or ‘her body”.
How can i know i have reached
How can i know i have reached the end of vagina?
Hi there,
Hi there,
you will feel it if you have reached the end, when the penis hits the cervix, the entrance to the uterus. This can be quite uncomfortable for women, by the way.
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We are glad you like it!
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Thank you, Mwaniki!
Thank you, Mwaniki!
wow luvly
wow luvly
Thanks, Betty!
Thanks, Betty!
at least i learned smthng,
at least i learned smthng,
Hi Jay,
Hi Jay,
we hope you enjoyed the learning. There is lots more information on our page, feel free to look around and learn even more!
Every time i tap clitoris my
Every time i tap clitoris my patner crap my member n insert n start yelling y?
Hi Girlbert,
Hi Girlbert,
could you explain some more what is happening? We don’t quite understand. But definitely try to be gentle when touching the clitoris- it’s very painful and rough touch can really hurt.
i like sex & i want to join
i like sex & i want to join it
yea i think ave learned
yea i think ave learned something by the way.
that’s great!
that’s great!
Its vry painful after sex y?
Its vry painful after sex y?
Hi there,
Hi there,
the most common cause for pain during and after sex is dryness.
Have a look at this article:
Hw can one know one has
Hw can one know one has reached orgasm?
for a man or a woman?
hi this pg is just amaizing
hi this pg is just amaizing.my huz use a figr so i can have organism.how can i expirience organism with him.n why loss of lubri gel at 20s?
Hi Liz,
Hi Liz,
it’s important to know that about 75% of women won’t be able to have an orgasm from intercourse alone. They need stimulation of the clitoris in order to have an orgasm.
U rely amaizing with your
U rely amaizing with your posts.
Thanks 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Wat do i avoid wn i spent a
Wat do i avoid wn i spent a night wd ma guy so dat i dont arouse him wn we had not planned to do it???
Hi Damaris, a man will can be
Hi Damaris, a man will can be turned on for very many reasons. Sometimes even for no reason. There is nothing you can do to prevent him from being aroused. But what you can do is say no if you are not ready for sex.
what makes someone to have
what makes someone to have sores on the genitals apart from the STIs?
Hi Esther, having sore is
Hi Esther, having sore is mostly a sign of an infection even if not an STI infection.
phwaoh my Beb is really happy
phwaoh my Beb is really happy how can I make her squart and experience orgasm without inflicting pain on her pussy?
Hi Kiplangat, check out this
Hi Kiplangat, check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/news/kunyaza-african-secret-female-orgasm .
I Wnt 2 knw why l sperm
I Wnt 2 knw why l sperm early and how l cn stay lng to awomen what to do
Hi Brian,
Hi Brian,
It sounds like you are coming earlier than you would like, this often happens to young men who don’t have a lot of sexual experience because they get very aroused very easily. With more sexually experienced men, it might be due to psychological problems, like fear, stress or depression.
Generally though go slow, enjoy the buildup of touching and caressing each other. Make time for oral sex during your physical interactions. Take time focusing on your partner as well as yourself. Communicate together about what feels nice, what doesn’t and what you would like to try together. Experiment, explore and try new things!
Make sure to use lots of lube and switch up the fun. Even if you do orgasm you can take some time to have oral sex with your partner until your body is ready to go again. Change positions and mix it up.
Some people say condoms help them last longer, while others may use cock rings (just make sure it is the right size and not too tight!).
Generally just remember that sex is more than just penetration and there are lots of ways to enjoy each other.
If you are finding that you really cannot maintain an erection then it might be time to see a doctor. There are some medical conditions that can affect your performance but would need to be looked by a professional.
You can also keep masturbating, however challenge yourself to last longer. Go slow, feel the way your body changes when you are getting closer to climax. Tease yourself, find tricks that help you delay the finish.
Ifinished Ayr Without Sex Due
Ifinished Ayr Without Sex Due 2 Army Training Bat Ichanced One Tyme Bat My Rounds Were Short En Tiresome En My Partner Waz Complaining No Ihve Finished 2months Without Sex En Ihve More Aqetite Bat Ifear 2 Corn Any Gal Around B’se Am Far 4m My Lover En Am Filling Back,sides En Waist Pain Wat Could B Da Prblm.
Hi Moses
Hi Moses
It sounds like you are coming earlier than you would like, this often happens to young men who don’t have a lot of sexual experience because they get very aroused very easily. With more sexually experienced men, it might be due to psychological problems, like fear, stress or depression.
Generally though go slow, enjoy the buildup of touching and caressing each other. Make time for oral sex during your physical interactions. Take time focusing on your partner as well as yourself. Communicate together about what feels nice, what doesn’t and what you would like to try together. Experiment, explore and try new things!
Make sure to use lots of lube and switch up the fun. Even if you do orgasm you can take some time to have oral sex with your partner until your body is ready to go again. Change positions and mix it up.
Some people say condoms help them last longer, while others may use cock rings (just make sure it is the right size and not too tight!).
Generally just remember that sex is more than just penetration and there are lots of ways to enjoy each other.
If you are finding that you really cannot maintain an erection then it might be time to see a doctor. There are some medical conditions that can affect your performance but would need to be looked by a professional.
You can also keep masturbating, however challenge yourself to last longer. Go slow, feel the way your body changes when you are getting closer to climax. Tease yourself, find tricks that help you delay the finish.
i have really liked da page
i have really liked da page guyz
We are glad to hear that.
We are glad to hear that.
I have never had sex just i
I have never had sex just i get romance with my boyfriend but i see am not going in periods why
What do you mean by you are
What do you mean by you are not going in period?
Can someone gain her…
Can someone gain her virginity aftr been breaked
Hey Asha, a virgin is…
Hey Asha, a virgin is generally a lady who has not had vaginal intercourse. This is something once it has happened cannot be undone. So, no one cannot gain their virginity after loosing it. However there is a surgical procedure that can be done to restore the hymen so that it looks as though one has not had vaginal intercourse. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/virginity/female-virginity-top-five-facts