Enjoying sex with older men
I feel good when I have sex with men older than my boyfriend. I like having experienced sugar daddies. Is this normal?
Hmmm, it sounds like you enjoy older men and might even have a preference for them, yet, have somehow ended up in a relationship with a somewhat younger man and you are wondering if his age is to blame for the poor sex?
Experience makes sex better
Well, older men have been having sex for longer than younger men have. So, with all things being equal, that is, level of attraction, affection etc…, then the older guys will win on experience alone. They have not only learned more about women’s bodies, their erogenous zones and what feels good, but they have also learned a lot about their own bodies and how to control themselves and their orgasm. That said, there are young men who are great in bed.
What can you learn from older men?
So assuming that you wrote in because you like your current boyfriend and would like to keep him and improve your shared sex life, you are going to have to educate him.
The beauty of sex is that we can always get better, and we all have to learn what works for different partners.
So, what did the older guy(s) do that you loved so much? Did they touch you a certain way? Did they speak to you a certain way? Was it longer foreplay that made the sex better for you? Can you show your boyfriend that without telling him where the information came from?
Related: I Love Older Women
Communication is key
Our sexual preferences and needs change with time and with our bodies so figuring out how to talk to your partner and communicate your needs will serve you both very well in the long run. Instead of stressing yourself out with what is normal, why don’t you just enjoy your sex life with the partner that you have?
Do you think that sex with older men and women is more satisfying than with someone your age? Tell us on Love Matters Kenya.
To some people they fell its
To some people they fell its good because older men and womem havo some experience
You are right. Thanks for
You are right. Thanks for your input.
yeah its good….
yeah its good….
Thanks Maxwel.
Thanks Maxwel.
No this is becoz the woman is
No this is becoz the woman is older than u n u cn not enjoying a satisfying coz the lady has already been used with another man
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
a feel blessed
a feel blessed
Good for you Maxwel.
Good for you Maxwel.
I would also prefer a more
I would also prefer a more experienced lady who doesn’t use sex giving or denial as leverage. Just for love is satisfying enough.
Thanks Pattman for your input
Thanks Pattman for your input.
sex is mental! you only enjoy
sex is mental! you only enjoy with the person you like.
True Ky. Thanks for that.
True Ky. Thanks for that.
yes coz some women have
yes coz some women have experience n t,en wen hav sex with her u get satisfied
Thanks Mallu for sharing your
Thanks Mallu for sharing your thoughts with us.
Yes its good as long as notes
Yes its good as long as notes in btn
Thanks Collo.
Thanks Collo.
Bt i think that u can only
Bt i think that u can only enjoy it with the one u love despite of her/him being older than each other
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Shazzy.
That’s good input Mariam
That’s good input Mariam thanks.
I think its good 4 only
I think its good 4 only girls to hv sex with older men but not boyz to hv it with older women coz older women hv bn doing it 4 so long so they will not enjoy having sex with unexperience youngman
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Mandson.
doing it with experienced guy
doing it with experienced guy or lady is the best coz u enjoy n get satisfied..sex is all about satisfaction.. for me I’ll rather go for older n experienced coz I know there everything will b solved
A big fact with no fiction I…
A big fact with no fiction I have an experience and can shout it out without fear.Old is too much sweeter and motivated compared to young!!!!!!
Yeah,am confused.
Yeah,am confused.
Thank you for sharing your…
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Hey, what’s causing the…
Hey, what’s causing the confusion?