Does age difference matter?
My boyfriend is nine months younger. At first, it wasn’t serious; now he wants to meet my family. I’m starting to love him. But I’m worried the age difference will ruin the relationship.
So full disclosure: I am 36 and my last boyfriend was 30 – and age was not the reason why we broke up. I believe that age means nothing.
All societal
The only rules that state men should be older are societal and even then, I think economics has more to do with it than anything else. It takes years to build the kind of business or career that can support a family, so most men aren’t ready to settle down until they know that they can take care of a wife and kids. Women are at their most fertile when young and so typically marriages are formed between a slightly older man with money and a younger woman who can produce a bunch of kids.
That said, age gaps of 10 years or more can create particular challenges regardless of whether the man or woman is older. Each person in that relationship has different cultural references and was influenced by different things as they were growing up.
I joke that I date younger men because I am immature. But the truth is, I am more liberal than my age group and my perspectives are very different from those of most men who are older than me.
I find younger men are as liberal as I am, willing to try new things and generally easier to get along with.
Barely an age gap
Nine months barely qualifies as an age gap in my mind. You may know Carol Radull, the TV and radio personality? Her husband is nine years younger than her and they have been together for years. I know several other couples with the man being younger than the woman (one by 15 years) and they are happy.
Ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference but don’t let such a small thing dissuade you from a relationship in which you are happy.
Do you think age differences matter when it comes to love? Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Facebook, where you can find us at Love Matters Naija and Love Matters Kenya.
age doesnt matter but love
age doesnt matter but love btn the two that counts.
We agree, Shakur!
We agree, Shakur!
age dosen matter.if u 2love
age dosen matter.if u 2love each other
We fully agree, thanks Anne!
We fully agree, thanks Anne!
Ireal want 254718849287
Ireal want
Hi Kennedy, what do you want?
Hi Kennedy, what do you want?
yer even faling lv with u…
yer even faling lv with u does not contain a problem
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Edward.
I can say this again n again
I can say this again n again age doesn’t matter
We will say it with you, Rose
We will say it with you, Rose!
yes can i fal lv with u
yes can i fal lv with u
Hey Edward, what can we do…
Hey Edward, what can we do for you?
Yea true i agree with you
Yea true i agree with you
Thank you Pinchez.
Thank you Pinchez.
I like order female’s
I like order female’s
Thank you for sharing Erick.
Thank you for sharing Erick.
age is a number,more so love
age is a number,more so love dont ask why.
Very true, destiny!
Very true, destiny!
age does not matter wat it
age does not matter wat it the love their r having
wait a minute folks do u wnt
wait a minute folks do u wnt to tell me its ok to mary afifty plus man n am at my early 20s can it work guys tht cnt hapen pipo who say live hapilycyes they do do u wnt them to kip teling you tht they face chalenges do you….age matters alot in a rejationshp stop asuming thngs in the name of civilisatuon my foot!!! cut that crap n lets face reality
It can work, but, if you have
It can work, but, if you have read the article, it also says that an age gap of more than 10 years can cause problems.
ma drln iz 4yrs younger dan
ma drln iz 4yrs younger dan mi en our relationship is waking en xo serious
That’s great to hear, Agie!
That’s great to hear, Agie!
Mine is two years younger
Mine is two years younger than me but we are happy.
That’s great Sharon, keep it
That’s great Sharon, keep it up!
Age is jst a number and has
Age is jst a number and has nothing to do with love
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Albert!
Age is just a number, what
Age is just a number, what matters is what the two of you feel about the other. Am dating and my fiancee is older than me by 4years. We want to wed in the next few years from now. Maturity is a major thing and understanding each other.
Those are good points, thanks
Those are good points, thanks for sharing Moses!
Have a look here, this should
Have a look here, this should answer most of your questions:
Age does not matter so long
Age does not matter so long u understand each other
That’s a great point, Ken!
That’s a great point, Ken!
I agree with you age is just
I agree with you age is just a number,love is what matters
Thanks, Philip
Thanks, Philip
We tend to fail wen it kams
We tend to fail wen it kams to rezoning. theres no day on earth wea aman o alady wil fal inlav with age. wat i mean is,,, age has nthng to do ur rlshp. we go 4 true lav…..
Very true!
Very true!
I am 23 and my man is 38, we
I am 23 and my man is 38, we are doing normal. Just like every other normal relationship, nothing out of the ordinary. So age does not matter, maturity does.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
age doesn”t matter i am older
age doesn”t matter i am older than ma lv wth 3yrs n we r truly in love
That’s great, Anitah!
That’s great, Anitah!
Age matters alot.if a lady is
Age matters alot.if a lady is far old from a man Will affect the Relationship when she becomes old
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Do you think it matters the other way around as well?
mi man is older than me with
mi man is older than me with a difference of two years n we live happy
That’s fantastic!
That’s fantastic!
Hey We Go For True Lov Nt Age
Hey We Go For True Lov Nt Age Bwana Aslong As The Age Gap Is Nt Wide
Thanks, Doty.
Thanks, Doty.
mine is 25yrs older than me I
mine is 25yrs older than me I don’t think I’ll s
urvive we rarely fuck
25 years is a large age difference, and it can take quite a lot of work to make it work, and you both need to invest in it to make it a good relationship.
Hi, age doesn’t matter at all
Hi, age doesn’t matter at all, as long as your interests matches each it will always work out. My girlfriend is older than me but we doing so well.
Thanks for your input Felix.
Thanks for your input Felix.
I’m turning 22 but I have a
I’m turning 22 but I have a girlfriend who’s turning 30 and I feel like I love her so much and she loves me too. Could things work out between us or I’m just still too naive(without worldly experience) to decide yet?
Because I’m quite certain my family won’t be supportive of out relationship if I revealed her to them so they would probably suggest that I get someone my age or younger.
Help please, need some advice.
Dating is about the mutual
Dating is about the mutual feelings that you have for each other. Age becomes an issue if any or both of you have an issue with it. But if you are both comfortable with the age difference you can pursue your relationship.
For me am23yrs en my wife is
For me am23yrs en my wife is of 25yrs in love age doesn’t matter wt matter is “love”
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Faagah.
Thank you Daniel.
Thank you Daniel.
I need Sugar mummy my phone…
I need Sugar mummy my phone number
Hi Alexander, unfortunately…
Hi Alexander, unfortunately we are not a dating service and cannot help you meet someone.
I cn say age is nothing if u…
I cn say age is nothing if u love each other
Thank you Joel, we agree.
Thank you Joel, we agree.
Age does not matter at all
Age does not matter at all
..am older than mine with 11yrs and we love each other
We are happy for you Penina,…
We are happy for you Penina, thank you for sharing.
I need a single mummy my…
I need a single mummy
Hey Jairo, unfortunately we…
Hey Jairo, unfortunately we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone. Wish you well though.
More sex without money
More sex without money
I have big penis
Hey Douglass, that for your…
Hey Douglass, that for your contribution.
Love matters
Age das not…
Love matters
Age das not matters
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Rober.
Let me keep going straight…
Let me keep going straight to the point age is just number and only number care about is number one sugarmama .so get me good one
Hey Amos, unfortunately, we…
Hey Amos, unfortunately, we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you met someone. We however do wish you well.
i want rich sugrmom
i want rich sugrmom
Hey Bolton, unfortunately we…
Hey Bolton, unfortunately we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone. We wish you well.
Age doest matter
Age doest matter
Thank you Abdul.
Thank you Abdul.
I need true love
I need true love
Hey Frank, keep looking…
Hey Frank, keep looking. Start by getting into situations that will afford you the opportunity to meet new people and when you see or meet someone you like approach them and perhaps they will be willing to get into a relationship with you. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
Age does not matter they…
Age does not matter they sweetness does
Thank you Fabro for your…
Thank you Fabro for your contribution.
am looking for a sugar mammy…
am looking for a sugar mammy who is loving and caring
Hey Dennis, we are not a…
Hey Dennis, we are not a dating service and for this reason we are not able to help you meet someone.
Age bracket doesn’t matter…
Age bracket doesn’t matter if you really love and respect each other
We agree Brian,age is just a…
We agree Brian,age is just a number if the partners are in love, mature and want to be together.
Age doesn’t matter, I myself…
Age doesn’t matter, I myself find older women more attractive and self discipline, I better follow my heart
Thank you for your…
Thank you for your contribution Bdally 🙂
Age is just a number