I had unsafe sex, do I have HIV?
‘I had unprotected sex. It just happened somehow. How can I find out if I have contracted HIV? I am very worried. Please help me out.’
Are you literate? Are you also hard of hearing? Because if you can read and you can hear, and you are above 15 years of age, you must have heard about unsafe sex. And you must have also read or heard what it can lead to.
Wait it out
No gain in fear! What you have to do is a test. The only hitch is you have to wait three months at least: six weeks until your first test, and another one, to be sure, after 12 weeks. That will tell you where you stand. The issue is, with such fear, will you even be able to stand it?
The virus takes a few weeks to show up on an antibody test; the most common ones are ELISA and rapid test. You can get this done for free at a clinic or VCT (see the top righthand corner of our website to find one near you).
You must get some counselling alongside of course! You can go in for an immediate test called an antigen test, which only select clinics may offer. There you can rule out window period, but you will still be advised to do one more after three or six months, understood?
Risky propositions
But let me ask you a few questions. In fact, I ask all of you, is it worth taking such a risk? If you are ready and prepared, sure, go ahead. But being ready also means being safe. If you are not safe, you risk getting a disease or an unplanned pregnancy.
Of course gentlemen often have their excuses: ‘No fun with a condom,’ ‘It’s like a raincoat,’ ‘Can’t get the feel,’ and the final one, ‘What kind of a man does it with a condom?’ I’m sick of these excuses! Be a lover, don’t cower! The cool kinda lover, keeps the cover on!
Is it really worth the terrible stuff that could follow? I swear not! I know you agree with me now, and yet… you still go ahead and dump the condom, ‘Man! It can’t happen to me!’ Ya right!
What next, what now?
So what are you going to do? Gather all the testing information, choose a centre. You can even quietly go check it out and go seek counselling. Go meet the VCTC counsellor, see if you get along and plan for your test.
Once you are past the window period, you will get the result of a rapid test within 15 minutes. The three-month period is the tough one, I can understand. Read up a bit, but don’t overdo it, don’t make yourself sick over it and then like innumerable people, convince yourself you already have HIV, no less! Just wait it out, go to a clinic and get the real info!
But there’s no point in berating yourself or hitting your head on a wall, ‘Why did I do it, why did I not pull up my socks and my condom?’ Now you know a lot about yourself and you know that there is a real threat of HIV, that unprotected sex can be very risky, that you are experiencing real fear… All I can say is, all the best, hang in there!
Did you have unprotected sex with a stranger? Not sure what to do? Get in touch with via our forum or via Facebook.
you need to visit the nearest
you need to visit the nearest government hospital and ask for prep.they prevent HIV before 72hrs . not all private hospitals give out prep
Thank you for your input
Thank you for your input Chelsea.
Since they probably exposed
Since they probably exposed themselves to the risk of HIV ,PEP Is what should be administered. .
Thanks for the input Zippy.
Thanks for the input Zippy.
Euuuhm am worried
Euuuhm am worried
Why so Leticia?
Why so Leticia?
pep is advisable to be used
pep is advisable to be used before 24hrs…and also it’s good having unprotected sex..saying that after roll i will use pep..we must say NO to STI
Thanks for the input Usha.
Thanks for the input Usha.
Ooh no
Ooh no
What are your thoughts on it?
What are your thoughts on it?
But remember pep has its side
But remember pep has its side effects which aren’t good, so best think that you should talk to that person whom you had sex with,and go visit VCT together
I was somewhere and someone…
I was somewhere and someone talked a out prep. I didn’t get what they were saying clearly. Please give me more information.
Hi Lenah, the following…
Hi Lenah, the following article provides key information on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. Should you need any other information do let us know;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/sti-prevention/pre-exposure-prophylaxis-top-facts
I feel pain in my vagina…
I feel pain in my vagina when I have sex yet I am not a virgin. Is it a sign of STD?
Hi Winnie, pain when having…
Hi Winnie, pain when having sex can be caused by a number of things including an infection in the vagina, the position during sex, dry sex or the penis size. Getting to know what is causing the pain is the first step toward addressing the pain. Have a look at the following article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/sex-hurts-help
Dear shangazi my penis size…
Dear shangazi my penis size is an embarrassment. Please tell me how to make it bigger?
Hi Don, first, most men are…
Hi Don, first, most men are not proud of their penis size. Secondly, having a bigger penis doesn’t make one a better lover. It is getting to know what your partner likes and wants during sex that makes you a better lover. Girls, you will discover, appreciates an extended session of foreplay. There is little you can do to make your penis bigger with permanent results. Only surgery is likely to give you permanent results and even that comes with the risk of many complications. Check out the following articles;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/our-bodies/male-body/can-i-make-my-penis-bigger
We were having sex and then…
We were having sex and then the condom broke. Frankly, my new boyfriend appeared more shocked and scared than I was. I recently tested for HIV at a clinic my results were negative and I told him. But now I am concerned about how he reacted. How long should I wait to get tested again?
Hey Faith, the right thing…
Hey Faith, the right thing to do now is to get an HIV test to determine your status. You can get a test from as early as 14 fourteen days from the day you feel you were exposed.
Dear Shangazi, where can I…
Dear Shangazi, where can I get PEP in Nairobi?
Hey Donal, you can check any…
Hey Donal, you can check any government facility you prefer. Have a look at this article for additional information;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/sti-prevention/preventing-hivaids-with-pep
love is life it can lead to…
love is life it can lead to unprotected sex
Hi Ben, it is important to…
Hi Ben, it is important to use protection because using protection like condoms helps to keep one safe and prevent unplanned pregnancies. Even when partners a re inlove they may not be ready for unplanned pregnancies. Check out the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/safe-sex/sti-prevention/staying-safe