Does God care when it comes to love?
Sophie is confused. She is a Christian and is dating Hakim who is a Muslim. She loves him. He loves her. How can loving someone from a different religion be wrong?
Just some guy
‘My brother and Hakim used to go to the same high school. I didn’t think much of him. And they weren’t that close; they just played rugby together. I would see him on occasion when I would watch my brother play. But I never really thought much of it. Life went on. I went to college. My brother graduated from university and he moved away from competitive rugby. And with that I stopped seeing Hakim.
‘That was up until a year ago. I was leaving a coffee house in town heading home, when I heard my name being called and to my surprise it was Hakim. He was more handsome than I remembered him. We hugged and spoke for some time. He tried to convince me to stay longer, saying he would drop me home. But I declined. I was worn out from a long day. We exchanged numbers and that’s when it all began.’
Love sick
‘When I sat in the matatu on the way home, I began to blush and my heart started to race. I felt hot; I thought I was sick. I guess I was: love sick. He was all I could think about all of a sudden. That night I slept like a baby.
‘I woke up the next day so full of life and refreshed. I remember it was 6.30am because I grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm and there was a text message:
‘Good morning Sunshine, was great to see you yesterday, I hope I can see you today to warm up my day. Hakim.’
‘No revolting text language. It was articulate and adorable. I was dying. I texted back with a smiley and “Yes, see you at 6pm…”‘
He is an amazing man and more decent than the Bible thumpers I go to church with…
Talking about the future
‘Can I say that was the best day of my life? And it has only grown from there. Hakim and I are officially a couple and talking about our careers and our dreams. About marriage and raising a family. But there’s something that keeps nagging at me. I am ‘saved’. You know, the Christian belief of dedicating your life to God and living like Christ did. And Hakim is a Muslim.
‘We respect each other’s faith, but a scripture says I shouldn’t be “unequally yoked with an unbeliever” – anyone who is not “saved”. But he is an amazing man and more decent than the Bible thumpers I go to church with. I don’t know what to do.’
Related: Catholicism And Sexuality
What’s wrong with love?
‘Hakim is the man for me. In a sense, he is also a believer. And does God really care about who I date? Does it really change anything? He is a good person. Doesn’t that count for something? He is spiritual. He loves me. He treats me like a queen and with so much respect. I love him with my whole being. What could be wrong with that?
Doesn’t love count for something over religious belief? I am so confused. I don’t want to lose Hakim.
How would you deal with this situation? Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Facebook.
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Samking.
we have same story (plz if u
we have same story (plz if u love him go on wh
at matter most it what u fill about him and after time I hope everything thing will be okay)
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Is he worthy more than God…
Is he worthy more than God.If not love God first and all the desires of your heart He will take care of them.
Hey Nancy, we appreciate…
Hey Nancy, we appreciate your contribution.